hues legacy chapter 1

Post on 12-May-2015






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Welcome to a new joint legacy, written by me (Taube/Roxanne) and meadowthayer/Haleigh. Our founder is Neon Hues, pictured above. She has rainbow eyes that we’ll be trying to pass down throughout the family. Neon is an Aries with a personality of 6/8/5/0/6, so she takes everything deadly serious but she’s pretty outgoing and kind of average everywhere else. She’s a pleasure/knowledge sim with the lifetime want to have 50 dream dates. Joy. Her turn-ons are red hair and good cooks.

I’m starting Neon in college. As you can see, she’s a natural blonde, but she prefers hair that matches her name. She claimed her room in the dormitory. The first order of business is finding someone to have some dream dates with.

We’re using the matchmaker ball to choose a spouse. It gives you five top chemistry matches and then teleports the one you choose to your lot. What I didn’t realize is it teleports the chosen sim right near your sim, so this dude wound up in the women’s bathroom with Neon. Whoops. He was a Kennedy face so I had Neon say goodbye to this guy that she had like 5 relationship points with, so they make out. Sure.

Neon’s next date, Sinjin Couderc, is in the know on how he got there, probably in no small part because he didn’t end up in the women’s bathroom. That is a little confusing.

Sinjin’s not bad. I’ve always thought this face template was kind of cute, and certainly not as bad as some of the puffy-faced fugly ones that we all know and love. After a little chatting and establishing that they had two bolts, Neon asks Sinjin on a date and he happily accepts.

Of course, since they couldn’t get to romantic socials yet, they had to deal with Neon’s stupid pleasure sim wants. Sinjin got to follow Neon around as she watched TV and lit fires in various places. They went to a college store and of course Neon wants to light a fire and do other things that have nothing to do with her date. And yet she wants 50 of these. Great.

By the end of their first date, they’re ready to kiss and they had a dream date. One down, forty-nine to go. *headdesk* You may be wondering why I started with a pleasure sim when they drive me so nuts. Well, it’s like this. When I made Neon, I thought up a backstory in my mind that she’s a genius student who everyone urges to go on to grad school, but instead she decides to impetuously go live on the lawn and pop out babies. Haleigh and I agreed that pleasure/knowledge matched the story, so pleasure it is. Plus I do like the challenge, no matter how much I may complain. ;)

Just for kicks, I had her check out the other three potential suitors. One of them was the grand vampire, and he wasn’t bad though a little pointy. I was feeling shy of those kinds of faces after the McManias, so I decided to stick with Sinjin. He may have a large nose, but how bad could it be?

Since she has no skill points and does need to actually graduate college in between dates, Neon spends some time studying up on various skills and doing college work.

Once that bar is full, however, she spends all her time dating Sinjin. They finally get their relationship high enough to woohoo, and making them have dream dates gets much easier.

Hey, Sinjin! Come back with those flowers!

I was going to see how many bouquets Neon could collect, but Sinjin took the bouquet with him when he left the lot, instead of leaving it by the door, three different times. How rude.

After a freshman year’s worth of grants, working in the cafeteria, and a few gifts from Sinjin, Neon earns enough money to move out of the dorm and onto her own little lot. She’s got an extremely cheap one-room house.

Life in her new home means changes for Neon. She starts work on getting her gold flower-arranging badge so we can get some snapdragons. She also spends a fair amount of time cleaning up after Sinjin, who likes to catch butterflies and then leave them all over the house to die.

Sinjin is a romance sim, and he sometimes got the fear to get engaged to Neon, and she never rolled any wants for it at all, so I had Neon propose when Sinjin didn’t fear it. Not the most romantic proposal, but you’ve got to do what’s convenient, I guess.

After their engagement, Sinjin gets a new hairstyle. He looks pretty okay. He’s got lots of dominant genetics so we definitely won’t be seeing any blond babies this generation.

Vooooo Gerbits!

That’s another date.

Neon actually gets a fair bit done in between dates. She keeps up with all of her skills for classes and even reaches top culinary enthusiasm just by skilling. She also reaches the zone in arts and crafts while making snapdragons.

Finally Neon graduates and the time has come to head back to Desiderata. She had a 4.0 of course, and had completed 30 dates, making her more than halfway done with her LTW.

Back at the new lawn house, Neon gets dressed in some new duds, fixes her hair, and starts birdwatching in a desperate attempt to pretend she did not just move out into the middle of nowhere, on an empty lot, with only $1500 to her name, plus one snapdragon that I let her keep from college. She also kept a piano that Sinjin gave her as a gift in her inventory, but I’m not letting her use it until the first week is up so that we get the full extreme start effect.

When the newspaper finally comes, Neon finds a job in Education. I’m not sure her future kids will appreciate being stuck at the bookcase, but I’m looking forward to it.

Although she couldn’t invite him to move in for a week, Neon kept going on dates with Sinjin to keep her mood up and to work inexorably towards her goal. He kept leaving expensive presents, which soon allowed her to build an unpainted, unfloored shelter.

After only a few dates, Neon has a better bed and a desk for Mr. Humble’s computer. Before long, the house is built – with two rooms this time! – and is even able to be painted and floored inside. Neon can even afford lights and a second chair for her chess table. Things are looking up!

And yet, there is trouble. Why the pained look, Neon?

“Why is this house so orange?”

I was going for, you know, the neon look. But instead it just looks garish. I guess I’m not as good at decorating with bright colors as I thought.

Neon’s last night alone before she can invite Sinjin to move in is an eventful one. A burglar comes but luckily Neon had thought to buy a burglar alarm and the police officer catches her and wins the fight. It didn’t help that the insurance money wasn’t enough to buy back the stolen chess table, though.

Still fuming over the previous evening, Neon invites Sinjin over exactly one week after she moved onto the lawn. Time to get hitched! Sinjin regularly rolls a fear of marriage on dates, so I decided not to let them have a date while they get married. Surprisingly, although Neon never rolled any wants for engagement or marriage, Sinjin once rolled a want to marry Neon and I’ve kept it locked ever since. At least one of them will get some points out of the wedding!

In view of the Desiderata coast, Neon and Sinjin say their vows.

Neon was so busy in college that she only made one friend besides Sinjin, and that person didn’t get invited, so it was a very private little wedding. Still, the petals fell, they kissed, and became Mr. and Mrs. Neon Hues.

There’s that romance sim! So Sinjin is romance with a secondary aspiration of popularity. His personality is 5/5/3/8/4 and his turn-ons are blondes and hard workers. Interestingly, when asked “Do you like what you see?” he seems to think (and approve of) that Neon is blonde. Anyway, his turn-off is formal wear, so I guess Neon was least attractive to him during their wedding.

Sinjin’s lifetime want is to become a Professional Party Guest. I was most relieved it wasn’t something hard. Unfortunately, the job never seems to come up in the newspaper or the computer.

Also, notice Neon there has gotten in the zone in games. I don’t know what it is, but she really is good at getting into hobbies.

I thought about having Neon finish her lifetime want before they started having kids, but she had spent a week of her life unmarried and childless already. I can only handle so many dates in a day (because they get sooooo boring after about the 20 mark) and it would take too long to finish before they could start having kids.

All that date woohoo takes effect and Neon is soon expecting their first child.

What’s wrong, Sinjin?

“Why is this house so orange?! Also, I stuck my hand through this hideous wall.”

Oh, shut it.

“Seriously, though. I have the flu. I got it from work. Maybe I should stay home.”

Too bad. You’re going to work anyway since you’re still only a drive-thru clerk.

Thankfully, Sinjin doesn’t seem to fear the imminent arrival of his spawn, which is good, as Neon is heavily pregnant. Once he got over the flu, he was even willing to pat Neon’s belly, only once I told him to, of course. Otherwise he just wants to kiss and flirt with her.

The birth comes in the middle of the night. Like many a smitten sim before him, Sinjin wakes up just in time to observe that he is attracted to his wife before groaning and clenching in terror.

Despite his fears, everything goes as planned and Neon successfully delivers their first baby.

What’s this? The baby is blond. Sinjin must be dyeing his hair and secretly be blond too, or possibly a redhead, I suppose.

Anyway, meet baby boy Cerulean. He’s blond, S2, and has Neon’s rainbow eyes. All the kids in this legacy will be named after colors. Cerulean is my favorite Crayola crayon, so I had to use it first.

In Cerulean’s early days, his parents pay him plenty of attention.

Shortly after his birth, all three members of the family went outside and I built them a new, larger house so that Ceru could have his own nursery instead of being stuck in the single main room. However, I tried again with the colorful walls thing, each room a different color, and the house turned out frightfully ugly, so I never took any pictures of it. You’ll just have to guess how it looked from the backgrounds of pictures. ;)

In their new bedroom, which now has a horrid pink safari print wall instead of a horrid orange paint, Neon and Sinjin get started on baby number two.

As you can see, the orange paint has been relegated to the bathroom, which Neon has made filthy with her relentless puking. I don’t remember what she’s getting aspiration points for in this picture, but it was probably date related. On that note, did you know that throwing up significantly decreases date score? Note to self: no more dates while Neon’s in the first trimester.

Sinjin didn’t arrive with an abundance of skills so he studies to do better in the culinary career while waiting for the slacker career to appear on the computer. Neon, who dated or arranged flowers 90% of her waking time in college, also needs lots of skilling to advance in the education track.

Soon enough, it’s Ceru’s birthday and his happy parents gather for a small party in their cramped kitchen.

Hmm. Someone definitely got his Daddy’s nose. It doesn’t look that great on his face, but maybe he’ll grow into it.

Ceru is active, mean, and playful, with a personality of 5/5/9/8/1. Even Sinjin has a few nice points so it’s a little surprising to see such a mean little toddler.

Ceru begins learning all his toddler skills from his parents, one by one.

Meanwhile, Neon is pregnant again, just as planned. This pregnancy went a lot smoother, and no dates were attempted while she was in the pukey stage.

“Why?! Why is this room so pink?! What is wrong with you?”

Sorry, Sinjin. Just pay attention for a moment, will you?

Baby number two is named Cobalt, another boy. He has S1 skin but otherwise has the same genetics as his older brother.

Although she doesn’t look too pleased about it, Neon just topped the education career for a cool 15,000 points.

Out the window you can see Samantha Ottomas, a playable. Apparently she’s pregnant. She comes home with Neon all the time and waddles around the house. It’s quite amusing.

Shortly thereafter, Neon finishes maxing her skills. Now if we could just get those dates finished too.

It’s not that they’re not trying. It’s just that dates take so much micro-management, and besides the regular distractions of work and sleep, there’s also Ceru to take care of. Still, they get in a date on most days and Neon creeps closer to her goal.

Ceru gets plenty of attention from his parents and it isn’t long before he’s making best friends with them.

With a toddler and a baby already in the house, the final child of the generation is on the way.

Neon and Sinjin painted portraits of each other, but this is the last you’ll see of them. When I later rebuilt their ugly house, I accidently tore down the wall they were on without removing them first and didn’t realize until much later. Whoops.

Ceru and Cobalt’s birthdays fall on the same day and once again their parents have a small celebration in the kitchen. There’s only one free counter so they have to take turns.

Here’s Cerulean. He’s . . . still got a big nose. I don’t understand why exactly, but it looks so much worse on him than on his father.

And here’s Cobalt. He’s also got the big nose but he got Neon’s lips instead of Sinjin’s. Cobalt’s personality is 5/5/3/8/4. Nicer than his brother, Cobalt also is much lazier.

Neon and Sinjin continue their dates. In between telling dirty jokes and woohooing, they talk about their upcoming baby. Will they finally get a girl?

Cobalt and Ceru need their parents’ teaching, but it isn’t long before Cobalt’s talking and Ceru is doing his homework efficiently. Unfortunately for the children’s psyches, most of the education happens while their parents are traipsing around in their underwear.

Days at this point were kind of boring with not much to report. Neon and Sinjin went on dates, Neon gestated, and the boys played and skilled.

Finally, with the birth of her third child imminent, Neon completes her lifetime want of having 50 dream dates. By this point, Sinjin had finally found a job in the slacker career so maybe he’ll be permaplat too before too long.

The Hues spend plenty of time interacting with each other. Despite being mean, Ceru frequently wants to play with his little brother. For his part, Cobalt is very good at pulling adults away from their tasks to read to him. Not sure a story about a toilet is the best idea, but Cobalt seems into it.

This poorly-framed picture shows you two thing: how terrible the color scheme of the house is, and that Sinjin decided to watch the final birth from another room entirely. Ceru and the mechanical hobby guy actually witnessed it though. If you look closely, you’ll see there’s already a baby lying on the ground (since Sinjin wasn’t there to receive it) and Neon is still pushing. That’s because . . .

Neon decided to go and have triplets! Yay? There are two boys, S1 Sky and S2 Indigo, plus an S2 girl, Azure. Finally they got their little girl, but there’s two more brothers, too! All three babies have blond hair and rainbow eyes.

Where in the world will we put three babies in their ugly little house? Tune in next time to watch the triplets, Cobalt, and Ceru grow up, to see if I can get Sinjin to his LTW before I ship them off to Haleigh, and whether they’ll ever get a color-coordinated house. As always, please stop by SiMania to visit! <3 Thank you for reading!

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