human body - nervous system

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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NERVOUS SYSTEMKieran, Carley, and Dawson.


The basic structures and functions of the nervous system are brain,spinal cord, sensory organs, and all of the nerves that connect these organs with the rest of the body. Together, these organs are responsible for the control of the body and communication among its parts.

Neurons contain organelles common to many other cells, such as a nucleus and mitochondria. They also have more specialized structures, including dendrites and axons. Dendrites bring electrical signals to the cell body and axons take information away from the cell body.

Vocabulary words

Reflex- occurring in reaction; responsive.

Response- an answer or reply, as in words or in some action.

Resting Potential- the potential difference between the two sides of the membrane of a nerve cell when the cell is not conducting an impulse.

Sensory nerve- Not all living flesh is painful; nor is all nerve, not even all sensory nerve.

Spinal Cord- the cord of nerve tissue extending through the spinal canal of the spinal column.

Stimulus- something that causes something else to happen, develop, or become more active.

Synapse-In the nervous system, a synapse is a structure that permits a neuron.

Epilepsy, which is sometimes called a seizure disorder, is a disorder of the brain. A person is diagnosed with epilepsy when they have had two or more seizures. A seizure is a short change in normal brain activity.

In t

Disease- Epilepsy


The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system is the system that controls all parts of the body, including the neck, legs, the hips and the torso.

The central nervous system (CNS) controls most functions of the body and mind. It consists of two parts: the brain and the spinal cord. The brain is what thinks and sends impulses for your nervous system to follow.

Medulla oblongata- the continuation of the spinal cord within the skull, forming the lowest part of the brainstem and containing control centers for the heart and lungs.

Neuron a specialized, impulse-conducting cell that is the functional unit of the nervous system, consisting of the cell body and its processes, the axon and dendrites.

Mixed nerve a nerve composed of both sensory and motor fibers.

Motor nerve a nerve carrying impulses from the brain to a nerve.


Dendrite the branching process of a neuron that conducts impulses toward the cell.

Nerve impulse a progressive wave of electric and chemical activity along a nerve fiber that simulates the action of a muscle, gland, or other nerve cell.

Neurotransmitter any of several chemical substances, as epinephrine or acetylcholine, that transmit nerve impulses across a synapse to a postsynaptic element, as another nerve, muscle, or gland.


Dawson's disease- stroke

A stroke is when your blood vessels get blocked so the cells won't get their nutrients so they die and your whole side of your body most of the times is paralyzed or very hard to move or your whole body is paralyzed if it happens on both sides of your body.

Kieran's part

VOCABULARY• autonomic- occurring involuntarily or spontaneously.• axon- the long thread-like extension of a nerve impulse from the cell body.• brain- a part of the nervous system more or less corresponding to the brain of vertebrates.• cell body- the compact area of a nerve cell that contributes the nucleus and surrounding cytoplasm.• central nervous system- the part of the nervous system comprising the brain and spinal cord.• cerebellum- a large portion of the brain, serving to coordinate voluntary movements and posture.• cerebrum- the principal and most anterior part of the brain.

5) A nerve impulse travels by using chemicals called


6) The reflex arc is when sensory neurons are sent to

the spine instead of the brain.


My disease is Parkinson's disease. This disease affects

movement, and loss of balance. More than

200,000 u.s cases occur each year. This disease does not have a cure

there for it can be fatal if you lose balance.

Humans only use one half of their whole brain (the central nervous



Hope you enjoyed.

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