human eye class - x

Post on 01-Jun-2015






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Presentation Made By:- KARAN SAXENA X - A

This presentation is about human

respiratory system, an essential function of

human body

The Respiratory System Respiration is the

process in which oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is released from the body. Energy is also released which is utilized to carry out various living processes. The respiratory system consists of the following organs:-

This is how the lungs expand itself when the air enters or exits from it.

Respiration in Human Body

When you breathe in,

• Air enters into the your body through your nose or your mouth.

• Air is cleaned, warmed and moistened.

Respiration in Human Body

When you breathe in,

• Air then moves into the windpipe.

• The windpipe has tiny hair that traps dust particles found in the air.

Respiration in Human Body

When you breathe in,

• Air enters the left and right into 2 smaller tubes.

• Tubes branch further into tiny tubes that end in balloon-like air sacs.

An Alveoli – Air Sac

When the air you breathe in reaches your air sacs, oxygen passes through the walls of the sacs into the blood vessels.

Air Sac

Blood Vessel

The blood then carries the oxygen to all parts of your body.

An Alveoli – Air Sac

Air Sac

Blood Vessel

At the same time, carbon dioxide from the blood passes through your blood vessel into the air sacs. Carbon dioxide mixes with the air in your air sacs.

The Nasal Cavity

Air enters the nose through two nostrils and reaches the nasal cavity. Here the air is warmed and filtered. The hair present in the nostrils stop the dust or germs from entering the human respiratory system.

Pharynx and Larynx The nasal cavity leads

into an organ called pharynx. From the pharynx, the air passes into a chamber called larynx. The larynx produces sound and is also called the voice box. The opening of pharynx into larynx is guarded by a valve called epiglottis. This closes the opening while we swallow food and keeps it open during breathing.

Wind Pipe

The wind pipe is a delicate muscular tube situated in the front of oesophagus or the wind pipe. It is also called trachea. It is 12 cm in length and 2.5 cm in diameter. The wind pipe is divided into two parts called Bronchi as it enters the lungs.

Bronchi and Bronchioles

When a person takes in a breath of air, the air travels through the nose or mouth, into the larynx, and then into the trachea, which is the main passageway into the lungs. The trachea divides into a right and left main bronchus. Each major bronchus then subdivides into smaller airway passages referred to as bronchi. As the airway passages make their way out to the lung tissue, the passages become smaller and are referred to as bronchioles.


The bronchi leads into the lungs which are situated on either side of the chest cavity. Lungs contain a number of air sacks and blood vessels.

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