human resource management by deepak j

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  • 7/31/2019 Human Resource Management by Deepak J...


  • 7/31/2019 Human Resource Management by Deepak J...




    -------INDEX @ GLANCE-------

    Sr. No. PARTICULARS Page No.

    01. What is HR? 4

    02. What is HRM? 5

    03. Functions of HRM. 7-8

    04. Sources of Recruitment. 9-10

    05. Selection Procedure 11-14

    06. Role of HR manager 15

    07. What is HRD? 16

    08. Importance of HRD. 17-18

    09. Methods of Performance Appraisal. 19-21

    10. Introduction to ONIDA Pvt. Ltd. 22-24

    11. Infrastructure ofONIDA Pvt. Ltd. 25

    12. Vision & Mission 26-27

    13. Milestones 28-29

    14. Hierarchy of HR @ ONIDA Pvt. Ltd. 30-33

    15. Questionnaires. 34

  • 7/31/2019 Human Resource Management by Deepak J...




    We are grateful to Prof. HitashaRohrawho had given valuable

    suggestion in the preparation of our project on HUMAN RESOURCE


    Although due care has been taken while preparing the

    project, it is possible the mistake are over looked by us. We are thankful to

    our tutors for helping us to complete this project successfully.

    And, last but not least, we convey our sincere gratefully

    Thanks to Prof. HitashaRohra once again of profoundly giving us this


    Thank you maam.

  • 7/31/2019 Human Resource Management by Deepak J...




    Introduction to Human Resource

    Human resource is a term used to describe the individuals whocomprise the workforce of an organization; although it is also applied inlabour economics, for example, business sectors or even to whole nations.Human resources is also the name of the function within an organizationcharged with theoverall responsibility for implementing strategies andpolicies relating to the management of individuals (i.e. the humanresources).

    Human resource is a relatively modern management term, coined as

    early as the 1960s - when humanity took a shift as human rights came to abrighter light during the Vietnam Era.

    Human resources progressively became the more usual

    name for this function.

    HUMAN RESOURCES- PURPOSE AND ROLEIn simple terms, an organization's human resource management

    strategy should maximize return on investment in the organization'shuman capital and minimize financial risk. Human resources seeks toachieve this by aligning the supply of skilled and qualified individualsand the capabilities of the current workforce, with the organization's

    ongoing and future business plans and requirements to maximize

    return on investment and secure future survival and success.

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    Human Resource Management (HRM)

    INTRODUCTION TO HRMIt is the term used to describe formal systems devised for the

    management of people within an organization. These human resourcesresponsibilities are generally divided into three major areas ofmanagementStaffingEmployee compensationDefining/designing work

    Essentially, the purpose ofHRM is to maximize the productivity of an

    organization by optimizing the effectiveness of its employees. This mandateis unlikely to change in any fundamental way, despite the ever-increasingpace of change in the business world. As Edward L. Gubman observed inthe Journal ofBusiness Strategy, "the basic mission of human resourceswill always be to acquire, develop, and retain talent; align the workforcewith the business; and be an excellent contributor to the business. Thosethree challenges will never change."

    Objectives of HRMThe general objective of HRM is to contribute towards the realization

    of the organizational goals. The specific objectives of HRM may be listed asfollows:-To achieve and maintain good human relationship within an


    To enable each person to make his maximum personal contribution tothe effective working of the organization.

    To ensure respect for human personality and the well being of eachindividual.

    To ensure maximum individual development of personnel.To ensure satisfaction various needs of individuals for achieving the

    maximum contribution towards organizational goals.
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    In order to achieve the above objectives, human resources

    management undertakes the following activities:-

    (1)HUMAN RESOURCE OR MAN POWER PLANNINGThis function includes various activities like job analysis, manpower

    demand analysis, recruitment, selection, and placement. Before hiring thepeople man power requirement are estimated both in terms of number andquality. HRP determines as to how many and what type of personnel will bedetermined by the jobs which need to be staffed. Job-related information is,therefore necessary for HRP.


    1. Organizational objectives and policies:The objective of HRP is dependant on the oragnisational objectives theoverall objectives of the oragnisational is defined by top management andthe HR department ensures the availability and proper utilisation of workforce.

    2. HR demand forecast:In this step the demand is forecasted, by estimating the quality andquantity of work force. A number of forecasting techniques are used toestimate the manpower requirement namely:

    a. Managerial judgmentb. Ratio trend analysisc. Work study techniqued. Delphi techniquee. Flow models etc.3. HR supply forecast:

    In this step the HR department estimates the sources of recruiting themanpower. The supply forecasting technique measure the number thepeople likely to be available from within and outside the organization. Thisstep takes into account both internal and external sources of recruiting thework force.

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    4. HR Programming:In this step both the personnel demand forecast and supply forecast areanalysed in order to estimate the work force requirements.

    5. HR plan implementation:Depending upon the analysis of human resources, demand forecasting andsupply forecasting is done. The surplus or short stage as the case may be isascertained and corrective action is initiated.

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    (2)RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND PLACEMENT OF PERSONNEL:Different sources of manpower supply are tapped. The application of

    various applicants is screened and the selected applicants are required totake certain employment tests. Those successful are asked to appear in the

    final interview. The employment function is completed when the workersjoin the organization and are placed on right jobs Thus; the followingactivities are included under the staffing and employment function.


    INTERNAL RECRUITMENT:Internal recruitment seeks applicants for position from those who

    are currently employed. Internal sources include present employees,

    employees referrals, former employees, and former applicants.

    There are two important internal sources of recruitment namely: transfersand promotions:

    i. PromotionsA promotion is the transfer of employees to a job that pays more

    money or one that enjoys some preferred status. A promotion involvesreassignment of an employee to a position having higher pay, increasedresponsibilities, more privileges, increased benefits and greater potential.

    Promotion leads to shifting employees to a higher position carrying higherresponsibilities, facilities, status and pay. The employees can be informedof such a vacancy by internal advertisement.

    ii. TransfersAnother way to recruit from present employees is transfer without

    transfer. Transfers are often important in providing employees with abroad based view of the organization, necessary for future promotion.

    Transfer involves the shifting of employees from one job to another. At thetime of transfer it is ensured that the employees to be transferred to thenew job are capable of performing it. In fact transfer does not involve anydrastic change in the responsibilities and status of employees.

    iii. Family and Friends of employeesThis can be a good source of internal recruitment. This source is

    usually one of the most effective methods of recruiting because many

    qualified people are recruited at a very low cost to the company.

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    i. Advertisement:These constitute a popular method of seeking recruits as many

    recruiters prefer advertisement because of their wide reach. Advertisementis local or national newspapers and trade and professional journals isgenerally used when qualified or experienced personnel are not availablefrom other sources .Most of the senior position in industry are filled by thismethod when they cannot be filled from within.

    ii. Educational Institutional:Direct recruitment from educational institution for jobs which

    require technical or professional qualification has become a commonpractice a close liaison between the company and educational institutionalhelps in getting suitable candidates to man various positions.

    iii. Management consultants:Management consultancy firms help the organizations to recruit

    technical, professionals and managerial personnel. They specialize inmiddle-level and top-level executive placement.

    iv. 4. Write-ins:Write-ins are those who send written enquires. These job seekers are

    asked to complete application forms for further processing.

    v. Radio and Television:Radio and television are used generally by government department

    only. Radio and television can be used to reach certain type of jobapplications such as skilled workers.

    vi. Competitors:Rival firms can be sources of recruitment. This is called poaching

    this method involves identifying the right people in rival companies,offering them better terms and luring them away. For instance, severalexecutives of HMT left to join Titan Watch Company.

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    (3)TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF EMPLOYEES:It is the duty of management to train each employee properly to

    develop technical skills for the job for which he has been employed andalso to develop him for the higher jobs in organization. For this purpose,

    the personnel department will devise appropriate training programmers.There are several on the job and off the job methods available for trainingpurposes. Training and development programmers can be designeddepending on the job requirement.

    (4)APPRAISAL OF PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES:Performance appraisal involves assessment of the actual

    performance of an employee against what is expected of him/her. Such

    assessment is the basis for awarding promotion, effecting transfers orassessing training needs.

    (5)REMUNERATION OF EMPLOYEES:This function is concerned with the determination of adequate and

    equitable remuneration of the employee in the enterprise. The sub-functionconcerned with the determination of equitable wages includes thefollowing:Job evaluating to determine worth of various jobs in terms of money

    Comparing wages of the enterprise with those in the industry and removesinconsistencies, if any.

    Formulation of policies regarding pension plans, profit sharing plans, nonmonetary benefits, etc.

    (6)GOOD WORKING ENVIRONMENT:It is the responsibility of personnel department to provide good

    working conditions to the employees. These includes drinking water

    facilities, bath room facilities, hygienic environment, good lighting, safety ofemployees, etc. mere appointment and training of employees is notsufficient, they must be provided with good working condition so that theymay like their work and work place and maintain their efficiency. Workingcondition certainly influence the motivation and morale of the employees.

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    (7)WELFARE ACTIVITIES:These activities related to physical and social well being of the

    employees and their families they include provision for medical facilitiesand first aid box provision of rest room, crche, recreation education of

    children, canteen, employees counseling, housing, group insurance, etc.

    (8)HUMAN RELATION:In most of big organization, the HR manager help in collecting

    bargaining, joint consultation and settlement of disputes, whenever theyarise. The personnel manager in possession of full information relating topersonnel and also has the working knowledge of various labourenactments. It is important to point out that he responsibility of fulfillingthe requirements of various labour laws like factories Act, Industrial

    Dispute Act, etc., also rest with rhea personnel department.

    (9)GRIEVANCES HANDLING:He helps in laying down the grievance procedure to redress the

    grievance of the employees. the personnel manager can do a great deal inmaintaining industrial peace in the organization as he is responsible forseating various committees on discipline, labour welfare, safety, grievance,etc. he helps in laying down the authentic information to the trade unionleaders and tries to convey them the personnel policies and programmers

    of the enterprise.

    (10) RECORD AND STATISTICS:The record and statistic about the workforce are important for

    various reasons. Firstly, they help in taking, decision related to transfer andpromotion. Secondly they help in performance appraisal of the employees.Thirdly, they reveal the human resources talent available with theorganization. Finally, they help in identifying the weaknesses in the

    employees and the arrears in which they need training.It is the duty of personnel department to maintain the records of the

    employee working in the enterprise. It keeps full record about training,achievements, transfer, promotion, etc. It also preserves many otherrecords relating to the behavior of the personnel like absenteeism and thelabour turnover and the personnel programmes and policies of theorganization.

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    (11) REVIEWING AND AUDITING MANPOWER MANAGEMENT:The HR audit the organization determines the organisation gaps and

    needs of manpower.

    (12) MISCELLANEOUS: Role analysis for job occupants Job rotation Quality circle, organisation development and quality of working life Potential appraisal Feed back counseling.

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    Reminding moral and obligation to employees.


    Consultation to employees about material, health mental, physical andcareer problems.


    Playing the role of a peace maker during disputes, conflicts betweenindividuals and group or management.


    To represent the company in media and other forums because he has betteroverall pictures of his companys organization.


    Solving problem of over all human resources management and long termorganizational planning.

    CHANGE AGENTIntroduction and implementing institutional changes and installingoragnisational programs.


    Broadly concerned with leadership both in group and individual relationand labour management relations.

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    What Is Human Resource Development (HRD)?

    Human Resource Development (HRD) is the framework for helpingemployees to develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge,and abilities. Human Resource Development includes such opportunities asemployee training, employee career development, performancemanagementand development, coaching, mentoring, succession planning,key employee identification, tuition assistance, and organizationdevelopment.

    The focus of all aspects of Human Resource Development is on

    developing the most superior workforce so that the organization andindividual employees can accomplish their work goals in service tocustomers.

    Human Resource Development can be formal such as in classroomtraining, a college course, or an organizational planned change effort. Or,Human Resource Development can be informal as in employee coaching bya manager. Healthy organizations believe in Human Resource Developmentand cover all of these bases.
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    Human Resource is the most Important and vital Factor of EconomicDevelopment or it can be said that humans are the agents of development.Some of the importance of Human Resource or Human Capital is:

    1)Country Develops if The Human Resource is Developed:To enhance economic development the state constructs roads, buildingsbridges, dams, power houses, hospitals, etc. to run these units doctors,engineers, scientist, teachers, are required. So if the state invests in ahuman resource it pays dividend in response.

    2) Increase in Productivity:

    The batter education, improved skills, and provision of healthy atmospherewill result in proper and most efficient use of resources (non-natural &natural) which will result in increase in economic production.

    2)Eradication of Social and Economic Backwardness:Human Resource development has an ample effect on the backwardnesseconomy and society. The provision of education will increase literacywhich will produce skilled Human Resource. Similarly, provision of healthfacilities will result in healthy Human Resource which will contribute to the

    national economic development.

    3)Entrepreneurship Increase:Education, clean environment, good health, investment on the humanresource, will all have its positive effects. Job opportunities would becreated in the country. And even business environment will flourish in thestate which creates many job opportunities.

    4)Social Revolution:Because of Human Resource development the socio economic life of thepeoples of a country changes drastically. Over all look changes thinkingphenomena changes, progressive thoughts are endorsed in to the minds ofpeoples.

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    SCOPE OF HRD/ HRD INSTRUMENTS:Performance appraisalPotential appraisalCareer planningTraining and employee developmentOrganisation developmentRewardsEmployee welfare and quality of work lifeHuman resource informationLet us study PERFORMANCE APPRAISALin detail..


    Performance is synonymous with behaviour; it is what peopleactually do. Performance includes those actions that are relevant to theorganizational growth and can be measured in terms of each individuals

    proficiency (level of contribution). Effectiveness Performance refers to theevaluation of results of performance that is beyond the influence or controlof the individual.

    In simple terms performance appraisal may be understood as theassessment of an individuals performance in a systematic way, theperformance being measured against such factors as job knowledge,quality, and quantity of output, initiative, leadership ability, supervision,dependability, co-operation, judgment, versatility, health and likeassessment should not confined to past performance alone. Potential of theemployee for future performance must also be assessed.


    Performance appraisal is the process of obtaining, analyzing andrecording information about the relative worth of an employee. The focusof the performance appraisal is measuring and improving the actualperformance of the employee and also the future potential of the employee.Its aim is to measure what an employee does.

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    Essay Appraisal Method Straight Ranking Method Paired Comparison Method Critical Incidents Methods Field Review Method Checklist Method Graphic Ratings Scale Method Forced Distribution Method

    Management By Objectives (Mbo) 360 Degree Appraisal Assessment Centers Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales Human Resource Accounting

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    ESSAY APPRAISAL METHODThis traditional form of appraisal, also known as "Free Form method"

    involves a description of the performance of an employee by his superior.

    STRAIGHT RANKING METHODThis is one of the oldest and simplest techniques of performance

    appraisal. In this method, the appraiser ranks the employees from the bestto the poorest on the basis of their overall performance.

    PAIRED COMPARISONA better technique of comparison than the straight ranking method, this

    method compares each employee with all others in the group, one at a time.

    CRITICAL INCIDENTS METHODSIn this method of Performance appraisal, the evaluator rates the

    employee on the basis of critical events and how the employee behavedduring those incidents. It includes both negative and positive points.

    FIELD REVIEWIn this method, a senior member of the HR department or a training

    officer discusses and interviews the supervisors to evaluate and rate theirrespective subordinates.

    CHECKLIST METHODThe rater is given a checklist of the descriptions of the behaviour of the

    employees on job. The checklist contains a list of statements on the basis ofwhich the rater describes the on the job performance of the employees.
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    ASSESSMENT CENTRESAn assessment centre typically involves the use of methods like

    social/informal events, tests and exercises, assignments being given to agroup of employees to assess their competencies to take higherresponsibilities in the future.

    BEHAVIORALLY ANCHORED RATING SCALE(BARS)BARS is a relatively new technique which combines the graphic

    rating scale and critical incidents method. It consists of predeterminedcritical areas of job performance or sets of behavioral statementsdescribing important job performance qualities as good or bad

    HUMAN RESOURCE ACCOUNTING METHODHuman resources are valuable assets for every organization. Human

    resource accounting method tries to find the relative worth of these assetsin the terms of money. In this method the Performance appraisal of theemployees is judged in terms of cost and contribution of the employees.

    360 DEGREE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL360 degree feedback, also known as 'multi-rater feedback', is the

    most comprehensive appraisal where the feedback about the employeesperformance comes from all the sources that come in contact with theemployee on his job.
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    The conception of ONIDA was done in NOIDA. The thinkersinterchanged the position of first two alphabets (i.e. O and N) of the wordNOIDA and thus, the word ONIDA was formed..!!!

    Meet the thinkers:

    Mr. GuluMirchandani (Chairman & Managing Director)Mr. Vijay Mansukhani (Managing Director)Mr. G. Sundar (Chief Executive Officer)Mr. C. R Talati (Vice President - Operations)Mr. Sriram Krishnamurthy (Vice President - Marketing, Sales &Service)

    Onida was started by Mr. G. L. Mirchandani and Mr. Vijay Mansukhani in1981 in Mumbai. In 1982, Onida started assembling television sets at theirfactory in Andheri, Mumbai. Superior products and the combination of a

    distinctive voice, a cutting-edge advertising strategy, and purposefulmarketing ensured that Onida became a household name. Over the years,Onida has strengthened its reputation for the intelligent and pioneeringapplication of technologies.

    Onida today enjoys a strong equity among consumers making it oneof the leading brands in India. Our constant endeavour to introduceproducts of substance that offer the very best in technology and the finestdesign have made Onida a leading player in the electronics and

    entertainment business today.

    Onida has recently made a foray in other household appliancesincluding air-conditioners, washing machines, DVDs, plasma & LCDtelevisions and home theatre systems. For offices, Onida has alsointroduced state-of-the-art multi-media presentation products.

    Onida has a network of 34 branch offices, 208 Customer Relation Centres

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    Onida's principal assembly operations are conducted in a state-of-the-art plant at Wada, 80 kms from Mumbai, which is the biggest one. Theplant in Delhi caters to the production requirements for the Northernregion. The network of 33 branch offices, 208 Customer Relation Centres

    and 41 depots across India ensures that Onida products are available onretail shelves.

    At Onida, it recognizes that it can strengthen the competitive edge ifwe produce as much as possible from a given capacity at the lowestpossible cost. It reduced the time it takes for a single colour television to beproduced from 20 seconds to 12 seconds and increased the capacity from0.5 million to 1.2 million sets during the year under review.

    In 2002-03, using the existing infrastructure, a decisive step forwardwas taken by entering into the manufacture of washing machines and airconditioners at the Wada factory. A team of 75 Engineers are at work at theOnida R&D centres in Mumbai and Delhi developing products at theforefront of technology meeting customer expectations.

    Onida brand has following range of products:- LCD TVs Plasma TVs Televisions DVD and Home Theater Systems Air Conditioners Washing machines Microwave Ovens Presentation Products Inverters Mobile phones LED TV LED lights

    Vision and Mission(The core of the thought)
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    Our Vision

    To build a brand around substance. To communicate simple truths thatcustomers understand. To become a leader in our chosen field and become

    a globally recognized, prestigious company through synergistic businessesinvestment, differentiation through innovation, passion throughempowerment, cost through economies of scale and world class systemsand procedures that bring in a sense of delight to our stakeholders.

    Our MissionTo benefit society at large through Innovation, Quality, Productivity,Human Development and Growth, and to generate sustained surpluses,always striving for excellence, within the framework of law and in nothing

    but the truth in which we base our every action.

    Corporate PhilosophyTo think about you, we first think about everything.

    Commitment to society/nationWe respect the society and the environment to which we belong and willcontribute to its progress and welfare.

    Passion for qualityStrive to create products with substance that are the best in class. Nevercompromise on quality. Give our customer better value-for-money, always.

    FairnessWe stand for truth, fairness and justice in all our business and individualdealing - without this spirit, no man can win respect no matter how capablehe may be.

    People - our greatest assetsWe value good people. It is our responsibility to create actively andconstantly an environment that supports them to grow and flourish.

    Harmony and co-operation

    Alone we are weak. Together we are strong. Work together as a family inmutual trust and responsibility.

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    Courtesy and HumilityRespect the right of others. Be cordial, modest and humble. Praise andencourage freely.

    Strive for continuous improvement (KAIZEN)Seek and find in every action a way to do things better, always better.

    GrowthGrowth is vital. Increasingly seek out ways and means to constantly moveforward.


    Progress by adjusting to ever-changing environment around us. As theworld moves forward, we must keep-in-step.GratitudeAlways repay the kindness of our customers, associates, community, nationand friends worldwide with gratitude.


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    1981: MIRC Electronics Pvt. Ltd. was established

    1982: CTV production started at NandBhavan, Mumbai

    1983: Technical collaboration with JVC, Japan for CTV

    1985: Established in-house R&D wing

    1986: Production expanded and moved to a new factory at Kalina

    1987: Moved to our own factory building "ONIDA HOUSE Iwai, Speaker plant commences its operation1990: Tuner plant commences operation

    1991: Akasaka, PCB plant commences its operation New CTV manufacturing plant at Vasai commences operations1992: Crossed 1 million CTV sales

    1994: Moved to a fully automated Plant of 600K CTV per year at Wada

    1995: ISO 9001 certification obtained from BVQI

    1998: Award for excellence in electronics by ministry of IT

    1999: First in India to develop Internet enabled CTV

    2000: Launched the KY Thunder, Profile Series

    2001: AV Max award for best CTV Launched Onida Black, flat CTV range Multimedia projectors launched Commenced project to expand CTV capacity to 1 million2002:

    Completed plant expansion project to increase capacity from 600K CTVsto 1.2 million CTV's per year

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    Launched 'KY Theatre' with circle surround sound, the first completeHome Theatre package

    Launch of 'Ego'- the economy brand Launched VCD player2003: Launched world's first LCD remote 'i-Control Launched Air-conditioners Launched Rear Projection TV, Plasma TV & DVD Players Launched Fully Automatic front loading Washing Machines A MIRC product is getting sold every 27 seconds Operations started in Russia2004: Launch of the 'Oxygen Series' CTV Crossed Sale of 250,000 CTV's in October month Launch of Microwave Owens Mr.GuluMirchandani, CMD awarded 'Man of Electronics for the year' by


    2004- 05: Achieved 1.20 million CTV sales

    2005: Launch of 'POISON' range of CTV's

    2009: ONIDA's Brand relaunch campaign 'TumkoDekhaTohYeh DesignAaya' to communicate its philosophy of thoughtful product features thatare designed keeping customers in mind.

    Let us look at the hierarchy of HR at ONIDA:

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    In it, first is Recruitment

    Recruitment is done is these 4 different departments. For recruitingpeople, they prefer references of people or even take help from pay a lumpsum amount of 5-6 lakhs a year for as many people asrequired. They have recently started campus recruitment.

    While recruiting people, ONIDA prefers experienced people ratherthan newcomres. The ratio is 95:5 between these two groups.

    Then comes Training



    R & D







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    There are 4 people in this department. In corporate language, thisfunction is called as Learning and Development.

    In talent management, there is a different cadre of people. They are thosewho are managing above the training level. It includes trainees, manager,senior manager, etc.

    Sales training takes care of development of all sales employees.

    Non-sales training looks after all people at the factory plants, R&Ddepartment and service dept.

    Employee engagement organizes all festivals, celebrations, events and suchsmall activities for mental satisfaction of employees.

    Then Performance Management System








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    1) Who is the HR manager of your company?2) How do you select the employees i.e. whether through experience or through

    education qualification?

    3) Whether you have welfare activities for employees?4) Which is your source of recruitment- internal or external source?5) Does your employees enjoy promotion and transfer facilities?6) Would you prefer campus recruitment as a source of recruitment?7) Would you adopt health and safety measures for employees?8) Steps adopted by you for selection of an employees or which is the selection

    procedure you follow?

    9) Whether you organise seminars and workshops for employees?10)According to you today which factor plays an important role- is it pay factor or

    job quality factor?

    11)Does you provide rewards to your employees for better performance?12)Do you adopt any methods for career planning of the employees?

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    Thank You Folks


    Deepak J

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