human rights

Post on 14-Nov-2014






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Everyone is equal in front of the law, there shall be no discrimination.

This sentence is quoted in the 14th article of our constitution of 1981.

It is based on the very first article of human rights, that it relates freedom, equality and dignity.

It’s the most important article in all the declariation, without this one, the others would be meanless.

This article says all spanish are equal in front of the law, without the prevail of discriminacion of race, religion, sex, or any opinion or other conditions.

This article is directly linked with the article nº7 of the Declaration of Human Rights.

The phrase “Death penalty is abolished” is stated on the 15º article of the Spanish Constitution.

Which this corresponds to the 3ºrd article of the declaration of human rights:

The right to:

It is based on right of private property, individual and colective.

No one would be randomly taken its properties away. This sentence is stated on the 16th article of the declaration of the human rights.

“Freedom of speech” How many lives did this article cost?

It is based on the article 19 of the declarations of human rights.

It says that everyone has the right of education. Liberty of teaching is recognized . It also speaks of basic education, which ought to be mandatory and free.

This article is directly linked with the article nº26 of the Declaration of Human Right.

This article speaks of the right of private property and heritage. It also states that property cannot be taken away by an unjustified reason.

This article is directly linked with the article nº17 which speaks of the very same.

The preambulo says that Spain is a State of right (estado de derecho) and the first articles of the declaration of human rights are based on this idea.

The freedom of speach, cathedra and liberty of production.

Such sentence can be seen in the 19th article of the declaration of human rights.

Made by: Carlos Hérnandez Pérez 4ºA Benjamín Ferro Bello 4ºA Javier Míguez Fonticoba 4ºA Daniel Hérnandez Pérez 4ºB

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