humanorigins 140309074812-phpapp01.ppt

Post on 01-Jun-2015






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2. PRIMATE TO HOMINID Hominids are a group of arboreal primates whose origins are in Africa, for at least seven million years. Humans are hominids, but not all hominids are human beings, only belonging to the genus Homo. 3. Characteristic of Hominids They move in a vertical position bipedal. Their palate is U- shaped Their skull have a large brain 4. The first hominids The appearance of the first hominids appear to coincide with a cooling and aridity that forced the withdrawal of tropical forests and their replacement by woody formations, rinsed and savannas. 5. Main pre-human species Ardipithecus ramidus, is the oldest hominid known better. It is 45 millions old. Australopithecus anamensis, it has hominids characteristics such as bipedalism and thick tooth enamel, which allowed them to eat hard foods. Australopithecus afarensis, their brain was slightly higher than that of chimpanzees. The pelvis and lower extremities and have human aspect, which means available to bipedal gait. Later hominids A. afarensis, they presented the axis of the skull tour of a sagittal crest. 6. The humanization: the first humans It is assumed that the first species of the genus homo had a bigger brain and complex, with higher intellectual abilities. Its appearance coincided with climatic changes that caused a second phase of cooling and aridity in Africa why are our first ancestors who are no longer tied to a forest habitat and occupy open spaces in Savannah. 7. HOMO HABILIS It is the first homo remains have been found. His skull was clearly higher than that of Australopithecus. Its teeth were similar to humans. It is assumed that homo habilis began to lose body hair. Predominant in their diet hard foods of plant origin, were not meat eaters Systematic 8. HOMO ERGASTER His skull bigger and wider than that of Homo habilis had a well developed supraorbital arch and small teeth adapted to a diet based on meat and other animal fats soft foods. The skeleton was very similar to modern humans. His hand axes were worked in tears. In his yacimienos bones have been found with marks of stone tools. Meat-eaters were common. 9. HOMO ERECTUS This species arose 1 million years ago and disappeared about 100,000 years ago in Java 400000 years ago and used the fire, as evidenced by the straight ash found near his remains. His skull was more elongated and thicker walls than that of modern humans. Presented a supraorbital rim and a very marked depression postorbital. His face was prominent, with massive jaws and chin lacked. 10. HOMO ANTECESSOR In addition to being hunter-gatherers, practiced cannibalism. Emerged in Africa. From there he emigrated, via Asia, to Europe and arrived in the Iberian Peninsula, where it evolved to give rise to Homo heidelbergensis. 11. NEANDERTALES Y SAPIENS El hombre neandertal: Appeared in Europe for over 300000 years ago and disappeared 28000. Had an average height of 1'65 and musculature more developed than any current athlete. Although his skull was a primitive, prints of his brain lobes indicate that carrying a modern brain. 12. DISCUSSED THE ORIGIN OF MODERN HUMANS It is considered that the antepasadoafricano rodhesiensis omo of our species. Appears in Africa 200,000 years ago, and is a modern human who still has archaic features. The modern Homo sapiens appears also in Africa about 160,000 years. While European Homo heidelbergensis gave rise to Neanderthals in Africa showed up . In Europe appears H. sapiens during the last Ice Age, between 40000 and 35000 years. 13. The top ones are female and male modern humans. The bottom one is a chimpanzee pelvis. 14. Man, gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan, gibbon 15. As time went on, hominid skulls and brains got bigger. Good thing because humans are pretty pitiful physically. Its our brains that make us dominant. The brain size of Australopithecus was about 500 cubic cm. We have about 1,400 cubic cm. 16. The study of human origins 17. Primates Prosimians: Three dwelling. Resemble early primates. Mostly nocturnal. Anthropoids. Opposable thumb. Well developed collarbone. Rotating shoulder joint. 18. References _title=human-origins-natalia- rosala&user_login=grupoanimoto _title=11-human-origins-in-africa&user_login=dewert _title=human-evolution- 10439133&user_login=monica_agamez

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