humans and adaptation

Post on 25-Feb-2016






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Humans and Adaptation. For 4 th Grade By Alec Clark. Table of contents. Humans and Adaptation Glossary Assessment Works Cited. There are many different habitats on the Earth. Humans are able to adapt and change their behavior in order to better live in the different habitats. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Humans and Adaptation

Humans and AdaptationFor 4th GradeBy Alec Clark

Table of contentsHumans and AdaptationGlossaryAssessmentWorks Cited

There are many different habitats on the Earth. Humans are able to adapt and change their behavior in order to better live in the different habitats.

Think about what you wear when you are really cold. You might wear a jacket and long pants to stay warm. If you are warm, you might wear shorts and a short sleeve shirt.Examples:Cold region

Warm Region

Some people live in really cold areas and live in homes that are comfortable for that climate. Others live in really warm climates and their homes are designed to be cool.

Some places have problems with heavy rain which can cause erosion.

Humans plant trees and shrubs to help prevent erosion. The roots of the plants help protect the soil by anchoring it into place.

In the cities, there a lot of covered surfaces so that rain cannot easily be absorbed into the ground. Flooding can occur if the water is not allowed to soak in.

Example: Flood

ShrubA bush or woody stemmed plant used in landscaping.Glossary

In some habitats, water is scarce. Human conserve water in order to have it through the dry times. To conserve water, they may not wash their cars or water their yards.

Water conservation games

ErosionThe natural removal of soil by water or wind .Glossary

ConserveTo save for later or to restrict useGlossary

AssessmentDirections: Answer these questions on your paper to turn into your teacher.

You see a video of a grass hut. It has a fire built in a pit outside its open entry way(no door). What do you think the climate is like? How do you think the people will dress on a normal day? Why?

In another video, you see a well constructed house with a fireplace(smoke is coming out of the chimney). It has a pool in the backyard with a cover over it. What do you think the climate is like? How do you think the people will dress on a normal day? Why?

GlossaryWorks CitedErosion from agricultural fields(3). 2010. Soil Science @ NC Web. 18 Nov. 2013. .Gully erosion. 2000. Soil Science @ NC Web. 18 Nov. 2013. . Rain garden in parking lot 2. 2010. Chesapeake Bay Web. 18 Nov. 2013. . Clipart from Micorsoft Office 2010Glossary

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