humidity effects in mobile air-conditioning systems€¦ · air conditioning and refrigeration...

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Humidity Effects in Mobile Air-Conditioning Systems

M. R. Whitchurch, W. E. Dunn, and N. R. Miller


For additional information:

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center University of Illinois Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Dept. 1206 West Green Street Urbana, IL 61801

(217) 333-3115

August 1997

Prepared as part of ACRC Project 78 Modeling, Diagnostics, and Control

for Mobile Air-Conditioning Systems w. E. Dunn and N. R. Miller, Principal Investigators

The Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center was founded in 1988 with a grant from the estate of Richard W. Kritzer, the founder of Peerless of America Inc. A State of Illinois Technology Challenge Grant helped build the laboratory facilities. The ACRC receives continuing supportfrom the Richard W. Kritzer Endowment and the National Science Foundation. The following organizations have also become sponsors of the Center.

Amana Refrigeration, Inc. Brazeway, Inc. Carrier Corporation Caterpillar, Inc. Copeland Corporation Dayton Thermal Products Delphi Harrison Thermal Systems Eaton Corporation Ford Motor Company Frigidaire Company General Electric Company Hydro Aluminum Adrian, Inc. Indiana Tube Corporation Lennox International, Inc. Modine Manufacturing Co. Peerless of America, Inc. Redwood Microsystems, Inc. The Trane Company Whirlpool Corporation York International, Inc.

For additional information:

Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Center Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Dept. University of Illinois 1206 West Green Street Urbana IL 61801




Michael Robert Whitchurch, M.S. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997 W.E. Dunn and N.R. Miller, Advisors

A humidity addition system was installed in the mobile air-conditioning test facility. The

system is able to produce relative humidities at the evaporator inlet in excess of 95% RH. The

system is able to control the humidity to with ± 2% RH of a setpoint. Regulation of the flow rate

of water sprayed into the air provides the necessary humidity control. An analysis is developed to

predict the ratio of latent heat transfer to total heat transfer from the air flowing over the evaporator.

A large number of tests were conducted in the test facility to determine the actual latent heat transfer

ratio. The latent heat transfer ratios predicted by the analysis are consistently lower than those

measured in the test facility. A discussion of causes of the discrepancy is included in this paper.





LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................... viii

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................. ix

NOMENCLATURE ................................................................................. xi

1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................ 1

1.1 Objectives................................................................................ 1

1.2 Scope of Work.......................................................................... 1

1.3 Description of Existing Test Facility .............. .... ................. .............. 2

2. HUMIDITY ADDmON SySTEM......................................................... 5

2.1 System Requirements .................................................................. 5

2.2 System Construction ................................................................... 5

2.2.1 System Overview............................................................ 5

2.2.2 Humidity Chamber and Air Ducts ....................................... ,. 7

2.2.3 Water Circulation Subsystem .............................................. 9

2.3 System Control Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.3.1 Control Scheme Overview ................................................. 16

2.3.2 Air Duct Heater ... ....... .... ... ......... ..... ............................... 16

2.3.3 Water Temperature.......................................................... 18

2.3.4 Water Flow Rate .... ................ ......................................... 19

3. SYSTEM TEST RESULTS. ......................... ... ................ .................. ... 21

3.1 Humidity Addition System Validation Tests ............................. ........... 21

3.1.1 Steady State Tests ........................................................... 21 General Test Description........................................ 21 Steady State Test Series 1 Results: Effects ofHCV Position and Water Temperature on Humidity Addition System Operation ................................................ 22 Steady State Test Series 2 Results: Effects of Ball Valve Positions on Humidity Addition System Operation .......... 28 Steady State Test Series 3 Results: Effects of HCV Position on Humidity Addition System Operation for Positions Between 0 and 35% Open ........................... 31

3.1.2 Transient Tests............................................................... 33 General Test Description ........................................ 33 Dynamic Response and Control Test Results.. .... ....... .... 34

v Cabin Pulldown Test Results ................................... 37 Constant Relative Humidity Test Results .......... ........... 38 ,~'.

3.2 WetEvaporatorTests .................................................................. 40

3.2.1 Wet Evaporator Analysis ................................................... 40

3.2.2 Wet Evaporator Test Results............................................... 43 Comparison of Data to Analysis................................ 43 Experimental Errors .............................................. 47

4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................ 49

4.1 Conclusions... .. . ... . .. .. .. ... . . .... .. . ....... ... . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . ... . .. . .. .... 49

4.2 Recommendations..... ...... . ... . .. .... . ... ... . . .. .... . ... . .. . ...... . . ..... ..... . ...... 49

APPENDIX A ........................................................................................ 51

A.l Humidity Addition System Operation Procedures .................................. 52

A.l.l Preparing for Runs with the Humidity Addition System ............... 52

A.l.2 Setting Evaporator Air Inlet Relative Humidity During a Run ......... 52

A.1.3 Shutting Down Humidity System ......................................... 53

A.l.4 Shutting Down Test Facility After the Last Run of the Day ............ 53

A.l.5 Important Notes ............................................................. 53

APPENDIX B ........................................................................................ 54

B.l Humidity Sensor Calibration.......................................................... 55

APPENDIX C ........................................................................................ 61

C.l Wiring Diagrams. .. . .......... ....... .. ............. . ............. . ... .... . .. .. ......... 62

APPENDIX D ........................................................................................ 69

D.1 Converting Measured Voltages to Reduced Data ................................... 70

D .1.1 Temperature Instrumentation ............................................... 70

D.l.l.l Thermistor ........................................................ 70

D.l.l.2 Thermocouples ................................................... 70

D.1.1.3 Resistance Temperature Detectors (RIDs) .................... 72

D.1.2 Pressure Instrumentation ................................................... 73

D.l.2.1 Barometer ......................................................... 73

D.1.2.2 Pressure Transducers ............................................ 73

D.l.3 Other Instrumentation ....................................................... 74

D.1.3.1 MicroMotion® Mass Flow Sensor .............................. 74

D.1.3.2 Compressor Speed Sensor...................................... 75

D.1.3.3 Compressor Torque Sensor ..................................... 75

vi Relative Humidity Sensors ...................................... 75 PID Controller Retransmission................................. 75 .i.

0.2 Calculating Refrigerant-Side Gauge Pressure Transducer Zero Offsets .... ..... 77

APPENDIX E ........................................................................................ 79

E.l EES Code to Implement Wet Evaporator Analysis With Constant dro/dh ....... 80

E.2 EES Code to Implement Wet Evaporator Analysis With Integration of dro/dh .. 83

REFERENCES ....................................................................................... 86


Table 1.1

Table 2.1

Table 3.1

Table 3.2

Table 3.3

Table 3.4

Table 3.5

Table 3.6

Table 3.7

Table B.l

Table B.2

Table B.3








Mobile NC system test parameters. ........................................... 4

HCV PID parameters. ........................................................... 20

Steady-state test conditions, Series 1. ......................................... 22

Constant system parameter values for steady-state humidity addition system tests. ...................................................................... 24

Steady-state test conditions, Series 2. ......................................... 29

Ball valve configurations. ....................................................... 30

Steady-state test conditions, Series 3. ......................................... 32

Dynamic characteristics of relative humidity responses. .................... 34

Comparison of latent heat transfer ratios. ..................................... 46

Relative humidity vs. temperature (Wexler and Hasegawa, 1954). . ... ... 55

125% of mass of salt required to saturate 60 mL of water. ................. 56

Results of humidity sensor calibration. ....................................... 58

Coefficients for Equation D .2a. ................................................ 71

Coefficients for Equation D.2c. ................................................ 72

Set and shunt resistance values. ................................................ 73

Pressure transducer slopes. ..................................................... 74

Signals measured by the HP DAS. ............ ....... ..... .................... 76


Figure 1.1

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2

Figure 2.3

Figure 2.4

Figure 2.5

Figure 2.6

Figure 2.7

Figure 2.8

Figure 3.1

Figure 3.2

Figure 3.3

Figure 3.4

Figure 3.5

Figure 3.6

Figure 3.7

Figure 3.8

Figure 3.9

Figure 3.10

Figure 3.11

Figure 3.12

Figure 3.13

Figure 3.14

Figure 3.15



Test facility schematic. .......................................................... 3

Evaporator air loop with humidity chamber (Modified from Rubio-Quero, 1995). .................................................................... 6

Interior view of humidity chamber. ............................................ 8

Water circulation subsystem. ................. .................................. 10

Schematic of water holding tank. .............................................. 11

Detail of connection between water tank and circulation pump. ............ 12

Detail of nozzle assemblies. .................................................... 14

Detail of humidity chamber tank drains. ...................................... 15

Schematic of humidity addition system control loops. ...................... 17

RHeai vs. HeV position for T eai = 70°F. ....................................... 24

RHeai vs. HCV position for Teai = 90°F. ....................................... 25

RHeai vs. HeV position for T eai = 100°F. ..................................... 25

Maximum mai vs. Teai. ........................................................ 27

Water temperature range vs. air temperature. ................................. 28

RHeai vs. HeV position for various ball valve configurations. ............. 31

RHeai vs. HeV position for various bypass valve positions. ............... 33

Time response of RHeai for step from 25% to 50% RH. .................... 35

Time response of RHeai for step from 50% to 55% RH. .................... 36

Time response of RHeai for step from 55% to 25% RH. .................... 37

Time histories of T eai and RHeai for cabin pulldown. ......................... 38

Time histories of T eai and RHeai for temperature ramp up. .................. 39

Time histories of T eai and RHeai for temperature ramp down. ............... 39

Wet evaporator model diagram. ................................................ 40

Control volume around air side of evaporator. ............................... 44


Figure 3.16

Figure 3.17

Figure 3.18

Figure 4.1

Figure B.1

Figure B.2

Figure B.3

Figure B.4

Figure C.1

Figure C.2

Figure C.3

Figure C.4

Figure C.5

Figure C.6

Figure C.7

Measured latent heat transfer ratio. . .......................................... .

Predicted vs. measured latent ratio .................................... ;;\ ...... .

Exit dew point vs. surface temperature ....................................... .

Evaporator outlet reconfiguration. . ........................................... .

Humidity sensor calibration apparatus. . ..................................... .

Condenser outlet relative humidity sensor calibration results .............. .

Evaporator inlet relative humidity sensor calibration results. . ............. .

Evaporator outlet relative humidity sensor calibration results. . ........... .

Condenser loop zone box diagram ............................................ .

Refrigerant loop zone box diagram. . ......................................... .

Evaporator loop zone box diagram. . ......................................... .

Other refrigerant loop zone box connections. . .............................. .

Other evaporator loop zone box connections. . .............................. .

Humidity addition system PID chassis wiring diagram. . .................. .

Humidity addition system wiring diagrams .................................. .


















English Symbols

A Area

C Concentration

cp Specific heat

D Mass diffusivity

dP Differential pressure

h Enthalpy

HCV Humidity control valve

~ Convective mass transfer coefficient

hu: Convective heat transfer coefficient

1 Electric current

10 Zero-offset current

k Thermal conductivity

Le Dimensionless Lewis Number, aID

m Slope

m Mass flow rate

~ Transient overshoot

Illw Mass of water

Ncomp Compressor speed

P Gauge or absolute pressure

p.1II1 Atmospheric or system pressure


PID Proportional-integral-derivative ',5-.

q Heat transfer per unit mass

q Heat transfer rate

R Electrical resistance

RH Relarive humidity

Rp Compressor pulley ratio

RID Resistance temperature detector

T Temperature

tcomp Compressor torque

td Transport delay

~ Rise time

t. Settling time

V Voltage

V Volumetric flow rate

Vo Zero-offset voltage

Greek Symbols

a Thermal diffusivity

p Mass density

co Humidity ratio


0 Inlet or initial state

1 Exit or fmal state


cai Condenser air inlet '~'t-.

cao Condenser air outlet

cav Condenser air venturi

comp Compressor

cond Condenser

conv Convection

cri Condenser refrigerant inlet

DP Dew point

dv Discharge venturi

eai Evaporator air inlet

eao Evaporator air outlet

eav Evaporator air venturi

eqv Equivalent

eri Evaporator refrigerant inlet

ero Evaporator refrigerant outlet

evap Evaporator

g Saturated vapor

junc Thennocouple measurement junction

kri Compressor refrigerant inlet

kro Compressor refrigerant outlet

!at Latent

Iv Liquid venturi


m Mean (average)


meas Measured

pred Predicted

sat Saturation

sens Sensible

tcpl Thennocouple

tmstr Thennistor



1.1 Objectives

Mobile air-conditioning (NC) systems are installed in vehicles that must operate in a wide

range of climates. In the southwestern United States, for instance, temperatures of 100 OP coupled

with relative humidities of 10 to 20% are not uncommon. In the Midwest, however, summer

temperatures can regularly exceed 90 of with relative humidities over 70%.

A test facility capable of simulating the operating environment of a mobile NC system was

developed in previous projects. The facility is incomplete, however, in that it lacks the ability to

control the relative humidity of the air at the evaporator inlet. Thus, one of the main objectives of

this project is to modify the test facility to include a system for controlling the relative humidity at

the evaporator inlet. The other primary objective of the project is to use the humidity control

system to investigate how varying levels of humidity at the evaporator inlet affect the operation of

the NC system. Specifically, we are interested in how the ratio of latent heat transfer to total heat

transfer from the air varies with evaporator inlet temperature and humidity conditions.

1.2 Scope of Work

The design of the humidity addition system is based largely on principles employed in

cooling towers. Cooling towers are used in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems to remove

heat from water by direct contact with air. In the process, some of the water is evaporated into the

air (Stoecker and Jones, 1982). The evaporation, rather than the cooling, of the water is the focus

of the humidity addition system.

Other humidity addition system designs that were considered include those described by

Rugg (1994) and Nygaard (1995). The system described by Rugg is a barrel humidifier that

utilizes immersion heaters in a large stainless steel drum to heat water and produce vapor. The

system described by Nygaard is similar, but it uses a smaller boiler to produce the steam. The

drawback to both systems is that too much sensible heat can be transferred from the vapor to the

air, thereby limiting the latent to sensible ratios that can be achieved.

During this project, the humidity addition system was designed and installed in the existing

test facility. Extensive testing was then conducted to determine the performance capabilities and

limitations of the humidity addition system.

An analysis was developed to predict the ratio of latent heat transfer to total heat transfer from

moist air flowing over a cold surface covered by a film of water. A large number of tests

encompassing a wide range of evaporator inlet humidity and temperature conditions were

conducted in the test facility. The latent heat transfer ratio measured for each test was then

compared to the ratio predicted by the analysis for the same inlet conditions.


1.3 Description of Existing Test Facility

The research conducted in this project is a continuation of work performed in the Air

Conditioning and Refrigeration Center (ACRC) at the University of lllinois. The test facility where

the work is perfonned was designed and constructed under the auspices of ACRC Projects 32 and

51. The design, construction, and modification of the test facility have been thoroughly

documented by Weston (1996), Rubio-Quero (1995), Collins (1996), and Wandell (1997). A

brief overview of the facility and its major features is included here, however, for completeness.

From its inception, the test facility was designed and built to be able to replicate a wide range

of steady-state and transient operating conditions of a mobile air-conditioning system. It was also

designed to accommodate components from many different types of mobile NC systems. The NC system used for testing in this project is from a 1994 Ford Crown Victoria. The refrigerant used in

the facility is R134a with a PAG compressor oil.

The Crown Victoria NC system employs a compressor clutch-cycling control scheme with

an orifice tube. A transducer senses the refrigerant pressure at the outlet of the evaporator. When

the pressure falls below a setpoint (25 psig for this system), the clutch is disengaged. When the

pressure rises above a second setpoint (45 psig for this system), the clutch is engaged. The time of

each cycle varies with operating conditions but is usually between 30 and 60 s. Because of the

cycling action, the system never reaches a true steady-state condition. After the system has been

running for a long time, however, a quasi-steady condition is reached. In this condition, the cycle

period is constant and the upper and lower bounds of the system variables do not change.

A schematic of the test facility is shown in Figure 1.1. The facility contains four major

subsystems: (a) a condenser air loop, (b) an evaporator air loop, (c) a refrigerant loop, and (d) an

evaporator loop humidity addition system. Subsystems (a), (b), and (c) were constructed during

the previous projects, and subsystem (d) was constructed as a part of this project.

The environment under which the air-conditioning system is tested is controlled by regulating

a number of test parameters, with each parameter using a different mechanism in the test facility.

These parameters and mechanisms are summarized in Table 1.1.


Condenser Plenum


s-..... .··u······u .. T '-


8 00

~ w ~

00 z ~ Q Z 0 U

I • I RcoIn:aIdo ID ........

...... ar~IDHaod


Drawn by: WeltOn (1195) Revised by:WhitdBuoh (2f97)

Wandell (6197)

Reliorv..... Rc&ipnntJOll Mixtura Somplina ANembly

BI_Spoed SeIpoIiIl


Humidil)' ConIlOl v~ '"' ..

W ..... Temp. SeIpoint

Humidil)' a.mber

Wale!: HoidinS Tank

Y1J----! ;~ Or;r"",Tube

Evaporator Plenum


-._----- -- .... _- .

01 ~poed ---l

• B ........... ~ v~P1ow

Tube II-

'.1 Rac:iIaII .... ID HlDllidiIy a.mber

Figure 1.1 Test facility schematic.

tfj <: > ~ 0 ~ > 1-3 0 ~ t:I'l ~

t=' tfj


Table 1.1 Mobile NC system test parameters.

Test Parameter, Symbol Control Mechanism

Condenser air flow rate, ¥ cond Condenser air loop blower motor speed

Condenser air inlet temperature, T cai Fraction of air recirculated from outlet to inlet of condenser

Evaporator air flow rate, ¥ eVlp Evaporator air loop blower motor speed

Evaporator air inlet temperature, T cai Amount of heat added to air stream by duct heater

Evaporator air inlet relative Flow rate of water sprayed into air stream (See humidity,~ discussion later in this document)

Compressor speed, Ncomp Compressor drive motor speed

The test facility contains a number of measurement devices. These devices measure

temperatures and pressures throughout the refrigerant loop, air temperatures and relative humidity

values, flow rates of refrigerant and air, compressor speed and torque, and circulating oil

concentration. The measurement points are shown schematically in Figure 1.1.

Two computer systems are installed in the test facility. One is connected to an Allen-Bradley

programmable logic controller (AB PLC). The AB PLC is used to operate the variable-speed

motor drives, the PID controllers, and the compressor clutch. It contains output modules that send

control signals to these components. It also contains input modules to which the measurement

devices in the test facility can be connected. These inputs allow the AB PLC to perform feedback

control of the test parameters.

The other computer system is connected to a Hewlett-Packard data acquisition system (HP

DAS). The HP DAS consists of a Hewlett-Packard VXI chassis that houses a multimeter and three

multiplexer boards. The output signal wires from the measurement devices of the test facility are

connected to terminals on the multiplexer boards. The signals measured by the HP DAS are listed

in Appendix D, Table D.5. The computer controls the HP DAS and stores the measured data on an

internal hard disk drive.



2.1 System Requirements

The purpose of the humidity addition system is to add moisture to the evaporator air loop and

thereby control the relative humidity RHeai at the inlet of the evaporator. To achieve this purpose,

two sets of requirements are imposed. These requirements include both (a) specifications for the

capabilities of the system and (b) limitations on the physical attributes of the system.

The specifications for the capabilities of the system include the ability to

• control the relative humidity at the evaporator inlet to within ± 2% RH of a setpoint,

• vary the inlet relative humidity between the level with no water addition and 100 % RH,

• independently control evaporator air inlet dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity, and

• thoroughly mix the air and water vapor.

The limitations on the physical attributes of the system include installation of the system

• with minimal modification to the current test facility and

• in a spatially restricted area in the laboratory.

2.2 System Construction

2.2.1 System Overview

The humidity addition system consists of two primary components: (a) a humidity chamber

where water is sprayed into the evaporator air stream and (b) a water circulation subsystem.

Conditioned air exits the evaporator and is warmed by a heater mounted in the duct. The

evaporator loop blower then forces the air towards the Venturi flow tube (VFr). After leaving the

VFI', the air is routed into the humidity chamber. The humidified air flows from the humidity

chamber to the large evaporator loop plenum chamber and then back to the inlet of the evaporator.

A view of the evaporator air loop with the humidity addition system is shown in Figure 2.1.

Arrows indicate the direction of the air flow. Note that the water circulation subsystem is not

shown in the figure.






1. Plenum Chamber 8. 3" PVC Duct 2. Inlet Humidityrremperature Probe 9. Venturi Flow Tube 3. Evaporator Section 10. Butterfly Damper A 4. Duct Heater Section 11. Butterfly Damper B 5. Outlet Humidityrremperature Probe 12. Blast Gate 6. Blower 13. Humidity Chamber 7.6" Metal Duct 14. Humidity Chamber Fan

Figure 2.1 Evaporator air loop with humidity chamber (Modified from Rubio-Quero, 1995).

2.2.2 Humidity Chamber and Air Ducts

The addition of moisture to the air in the evaporator loop takes place in the hunndity chamber

of the humidity addition system. A cutaway view of the interior of the chamber is shown in Figure


The air ducts leading to and away from the humidity chamber are designed so that the

humidity addition system can easily be added to or removed from the loop. This is accomplished

by opening or closing butterfly dampers A and B and the blast gate. When butterfly damper A is

closed and both butterfly damper B and the blast gate are open, all the air coming from the

evaporator flows through the humidity chamber. When butterfly damper A is open and both

butterfly damper B and the blast gate are closed, all the air from the evaporator bypasses the

humidity addition system and flows directly to the plenum chamber.

The ability to bypass the humidity addition system allows both wet and dry evaporator tests

to be conducted. Bypassing the system also permits the main part of the test facility to continue

operation even if the humidity system is shut down for repairs or maintenance.

The humidity chamber consists of a polypropylene tank surrounded on all sides by a double

layer of I-in. thick Celotex® foam insulation board. The interior dimensions of the plastic tank are

18 in. (W) x 18 in. (0) x 24 in. (H). The plastic tank serves as a watertight basin to catch liquid

that is not evaporated into the air stream. The foam board prevents air and heat leaks from the

system and ensures an appearance that is consistent with the rest of the test facility. The humidity

chamber is situated above and behind the large evaporator loop plenum chamber and is supported

by a Unistrut® frame.

The 3-in. PVC air duct enters the front of the humidity chamber through holes cut in the foam

board and plastic tank. A sheet of neoprene rubber measuring 9 in. (W) x 9 in. (H) x 1/8 in. (T) is

secured to the inside wall of the plastic tank by Carboline Neoprene Adhesive F-l. The PVC pipe

is inserted through a circular hole in the rubber sheet. The hole has a diameter slightly smaller than

the outside diameter of the pipe. Thus, the rubber sheet acts as gasket and seals the gap between

the pipe and the wall of the tank.

Air enters the tank through the PVC pipe and flows up towards the top of the chamber. Near

the top of the chamber is a set of nozzles through which water is sprayed into the air. The nozzles

are discussed in greater detail in the next section of this paper.

A set of three louvered grilles is mounted above the spray nozzles. The grilles are stacked on

top of each other with the louvers alternating direction from layer to layer. This set of grilles acts

as a drift eliminator. A drift eliminator prevents any water droplets that do not evaporate (these

droplets are known as drift) from being carried along with the air out into the rest of the system.

The zigzag pattern formed by the alternating louvers forces the air to make sharp turns as it flows


Air Outlet ~

Foam Board Enclosure

3" PVC Duct

Air Inlet ..

Humidity Chamber Fan

6" Metal Duct

~NozzIes~ ..

Polypropylene Extensions

Polypropylene Tank

Neoprene Gasket

Humidity Chamber


Excess Water Outlet

Figure 2.2 Interior view of humidity chamber.


through the grilles. Water droplets in the air cannot make the turns and thus drain back into the

polypropylene tank. The grilles are painted with Rust-Oleum® to inhibit rust formation.

The grilles rest on an extension at the top of the plastic tank. The extension is a set of four

5-in. wide strips of l/4-in. thick polypropylene. The polypropylene strips are bolted to the sides

of the tank and the gaps are sealed with Geocel® Water Shield® caulk. The top edges of the strips

extend 1-3/4 in. above the top of the tank. A bead of Geocel® is spread along the top of the strips,

and the grilles are placed on top of the caulk. Beads of caulk are also spread around the top edges

of the bottom two grilles to seal the space between them. The stack of grilles is secured to the tank

with a bolt 3 in. in length at each corner of the tank.

Each side of the exterior of the humidity chamber is a panel made up of two pieces of foam

board. The chamber is assembled by securing the panel edges together with duct tape. Although

not a permanent method of fastening, duct tape provides an adequate seal against air leaks and

allows for easy disassembly of the chamber.

A 6-in. diameter hole is cut in the top panel of the chamber, and a 6-in.-diameter, goo metal

elbow is inserted into the hole. After the air passes through the drift eliminators, it exits through

this hole.

A centrifugal fan (Fantech™ Model FR150) is in the duct just downstream of the 90° elbow.

The fan body and impeller are constructed entirely of plastic and the motor is sealed to keep out

moisture. The fan serves two purposes. One is to boost the air flow rate after kinetic energy is

lost from the air while flowing through the extra ducts and through the drift eliminators of the

humidity addition system. The other is to stir the air as it exits the humidity chamber, thus

providing the required mixing of air and moisture.

2.2.3 Water Circulation Subsystem

The purpose of the water circulation subsystem is to spray water into the air through the

nozzles in the humidity chamber. A sketch of the subsystem is shown in Figure 2.3.

A 20-gal., stainless-steel drum serves as a holding tank for the water that is circulated

through the humidity addition system. Stainless steel was chosen for the tank material because,

unlike standard steel, it is resistant to rust. Also, is it able to withstand higher temperatures than a

plastic vessel. The final reason that this particular container was selected is that it fits into the space

between the back of the evaporator loop plenum chamber and the rear wall of the lab.


Upstream Valve

Humidity Control Valve

Humidity Chamber Drains

Bypass Valve


\ '-_ -l--':l. \ -t-- ,--1--I I I I I I I I I I Humidity Chamber I I I I I I I I I I I

I I I I \- ------, I \ I \ I \\ I \\ I

i - - -11If-'1i- - - - - ~

Immersion Heaters

Figure 2.3 Water circulation subsystem.


Two 5-kW, screw-plug immersion heaters (Chromalox® Model CH-SD-5043) are installed

through the side of the stainless-steel drum. These heaters are used to regulate the, temperature of

the water in the drum. A schematic of the water holding tank demonstrating the relative locations

of the heaters is shown in Figure 2.4. The water temperature control is discussed in detail in

Section 2.3.3. The heaters are screwed into 2-in. NPT, stainless-steel pipe couplings that are

welded onto the side of the drum near its bottom. The threads on the heaters are sealed with

Loctite® 242® thread-locking compound.

Outlet to Circulation Pump (Located above top of immersion heaters)

Figure 2.4 Schematic of water holding tank.

Immersion Heaters

3/4-in. rigid copper tubing carries the water from the tank to the nozzles in the humidity

chamber. This type of pipe was chosen for a number of reasons. First, it is relatively inexpensive

compared to steel pipe of the same capacity. It is easy to cut and can be readily joined by simple

soldering. Also, it has advantages over plastic pipe in that it can withstand high temperatures and

is more rigid. Threaded unions are used liberally in the construction to permit easy assembly and

disassembly. All threaded connections except those at the water tank are sealed with Teflon thread


Water is removed from the tank through a hole in the side just above the top of the immersion

heaters. This arrangement ensures that the heaters are always under water. A 3/4-in. NPT,

stainless-steel pipe coupling is welded to the outside of the tank at the hole. A 3/4-in. copper pipe

is connected to the coupling via a 3/4-in. NPT, male copper connector. The threads on the

connector are sealed with thread-locking compound


Copper Tee 3/4" Rigid Copper Pipe Water Holding Tank

Type-T Sheathed Thermocouple Welded Joint


Threaded Union

3/4" NPT Stainless Steel Pipe Coupling

..... tv

Circulation Pump Inlet

Figure 2.5 Detail of connection between water tank and circulation pump.

As shown in Figure 2.5, a copper tee is located at the end of the pipe opposite the tank. A

Type-T sheathed thennocouple (OMEGA Model TMQSS-062V-3) is inserted into.',one branch of

the tee. The thennocouple senses the temperature of the water for the temperature control system.

The other branch of the tee leads to the water circulation pump. The pump is a 1/2-hp,

12-stage centrifugal booster pump (Teel™ ModellP879B).

Water flows from the pump up a vertical length of pipe to another tee. One branch of the tee

connects to a section of pipe that bypasses the humidity chamber and carries water directly back to

the water tank. A ball valve is located in this bypass line. The amount this ball valve (the bypass

valve) is open is an important variable in the humidity control scheme. The significance of the

bypass valve is discussed in Section 3.1.1 of this paper.

The bypass line serves an additional purpose. It allows the pump to circulate water without

adding humidity to the air stream. This is an important feature when the water in the tank is being

heated The circulation mixes the water and brings it to a unifonn temperature.

The other branch of the tee connects to the piping system that leads to the humidity chamber.

Another ball valve (the upstream valve) is located just above the tee. The position of this ball valve

also affects the humidity control scheme, but to a lesser extent than the bypass valve.

At the top of the vertical section of pipe, the water turns and flows into an electronically

controlled gate valve (Haas Mfg. Model ECY-500B-4X). This valve, the humidity control valve

(HCY), serves as the primary means of control of the water flow rate and, in tum, the relative

humidity of the air at the evaporator inlet. The valve and its control mechanism are discussed in

detail in Section 2.3.4.

After exiting the HCY, the flow splits into two parallel pipe branches. Ball valves (the

downstream valves) are located at the beginning of each branch. Downstream of the ball valves,

the pipes enter the humidity chamber. The pipes extend across the width of the chamber and are supported on the top edge of the polypropylene tank. They are secured with V-bolts fastened to

the lip around the top of the tank.

A pair of nozzles is connected to each section of pipe inside the chamber, as shown in Figure

2.6. All four nozzles are manufactured by BE1E~ Fog Nozzle, Inc. One pair is of type

l/4WT40080, and the other is of type l/4P48. The difference between the two nozzle types lies in

the spray pattern each produces. The P-type nozzle produces a spray of very fine, fog-like

droplets in a full conical pattern. The WT-type nozzle produces somewhat larger droplets that

spray in a hollow conical pattern. The ball valves in each pipe branch permit the water to be

directed through either one or both nozzle pairs. In most of the tests that were conducted during

this project, water was sprayed through both sets of nozzles.



NOTE: In the humidity addition system, this pair of nozzles is oriented so that the centerlines of the nozzles are parallel to the bottom of the humidity chamber. Thus, the view shown here is that which is seen when looking up from the bottom of the chamber.

Arrows indicate direction of water flow.

BETE® Fog Nozzle, Inc. Modell/4WT4OO80

BETE® Fog Nozzle, Inc. Modell/4P48

Figure 2.6 Detail of nozzle assemblies.

o Spray Direction (out of plane of paper)

Spray Direction

As the water sprays from the nozzles, some evaporates into the air stream flowing to the

evaporator. The water that does not evaporate falls to the bottom of the polypropylene tank. Two

drains are located in the tank bottom, as shown in Figure 2.7. One drain is a PVC bulkhead fitting

with a hole 1-5/16 in. in diameter through its center. A length of PVC pipe 1 in. in diameter is

threaded into the bottom of the bulkhead fitting and extends down into the stainless-steel water

drum. The relatively large diameter of the PVC pipe allows most of the excess water to drain from

the plastic tank. The drawback to this drain, however, is that the top of the bulkhead connector is

1/2 in. from the bottom of the inside of the tank. This arrangement prevents all the water from

draining from the tank. 1 5/16" Diameter Hole

PVC Bulkhead Fitting

1/2" Hwnidity Chamber Tank Bottom

1/2" Diameter Drain Hole

Bulkhead Connector Nut

Plastic Tube to Tank:

PVC Pipe to Tank

PVC Pipe Coupler

Figure 2.7 Detail of humidity chamber tank drains.

The second drain was added to alleviate the incomplete drainage problem. It is a hole 1/2 in.

in diameter cut directly into the bottom of the tank. A small plastic funnel is welded to the

underside of the tank, and a length of plastic hose extends from the funnel into the stainless-steel

drum. The two drains working together allow virtually all the excess water to empty from the


Water for the humidity system is from the building water supply and is provided through a

tap located in the lab. The water passes through a 20-Jlm filter before it enters the holding tank.

Periodically, the water is removed from the tank and replaced with fresh water from the tap.


Water condenses from the humid air as it passes over the cool evaporator. A funnel

fabricated from sheet plastic is mounted under the evaporator and channels the condensate to a

small drain in the bottom of the air duct. A plastic tub located under the drain collects the water.

After the tub fills with water, the test operator empties it into the holding tank to be reused by the

humidity addition system.

2.3 System Control Scheme

2.3.1 Control Scheme Overview

Recall that the primary purpose of the humidity addition system is to control the relative

humidity of the air at the inlet of the evaporator. The realization of this goal is challenging because

of the interdependence between relative humidity and air temperature. As stated in Section 2.1, it

is desirable to independently control relative humidity and dry-bulb temperature at the inlet of the

evaporator. Mter some thought, we decided that the use of three mechanisms would provide the

required control capability:

• regulation of the heat added to the air by the air duct heater,

• regulation of the temperature of water sprayed into the air, and

• regulation of the flow rate of water sprayed into the air.

Each mechanism is discussed in detail in the succeeding sections. A schematic of the evaporator

air loop, the humidity addition system, and the three control loops is shown in Figure 2.8.

A fourth variable in the air loop is the flow rate of the air. The flow rate is controlled by

changing the speed of the blower in the loop. The effect of the air flow rate on the humidity

control scheme was not considered in this project.

2.3.2 Air Duct Heater

Before the humidity addition system was installed in the test facility, the temperature of the

air at the evaporator inlet was controlled by regulating the amount of heat added to the air stream by

a heater located in the duct downstream of the evaporator. This heater is still used to control the

evaporator air inlet temperature, but it is now part of the control scheme for the humidity addition

system. The heater and its control system are described in detail by Weston (1996), but a brief

discussion is warranted here.



MellSW'Cd Water Temp.


Humidity Chamber

Water Tank

NOTE: Arrows in ducts indicate direction of air flow

L-.--y_-l! Heater Control! L. ___ ..J

Blower Speed Set Point

Variable Speed Drive

Water Temp. Set Point

Evap. Loop Blower


Teal Set Point

Heater Control Signal

Evap.Loop Heater

Measured Teal


• RHea! Set Point

Measured RHea!

Evaporator Loop Plenum Chamber

Figure 2.8 Schematic of humidity addition system control loops.


A time-proportional control scheme, wherein the duty cycle of the heater is varied, is used to

operate the heater and thereby regulate the amount of heat added to the air stream. The duty cycle

is the fraction of time the heater is on in a fixed cycle time. For example, a 60% duty cycle in a

fixed cycle time of 1 s means that the heater will be on for 0.6 s and off for 0.4 s. A PID process

controller (CAPP/USA Model 535-44120BOSOl) adjusts the duty cycle.

A Type-T thermocouple bead is situated in the center of the air duct just upstream of the

evaporator. The thermocouple measures the evaporator air inlet dry-bulb temperature (the process

variable) and is connected to the PID controller. The PID controller compares the measured

temperature to a setpoint entered by the test operator. The output of the controller is a voltage

signal in the form of a square wave. The signal drives a set of relays which in tum switch power

to the heater. The length of each pulse in the square wave corresponds to the duty cycle.

2.3.3 Water Temperature

The temperature of the water that is sprayed into the air stream is controlled by regulating the

amount of heat added to the water by the heaters mounted in the stainless-steel drum. The method

of control of the water heaters is very similar to that of the air duct heater discussed above.

The thermocouple shown in Figure 2.5 senses the water temperature just above the inlet of

the circulation pump. A PID controller (CAPP/USA Model 535-44120B0501) compares the

measured temperature to a setpoint entered by the user and outputs a square-wave signal to control

the immersion heaters. The two heaters are wired in parallel, and power to them is switched by a

dual solid-state relay (SSR) package (Crydom Model D2440D) operated by the PID controller.

Wiring diagrams for the control circuits are shown in Appendix C.

The PID controller can retransmit the process variable as a 4-20 rnA current signal. We take

advantage of this feature by retransmitting the input water temperature signal. The 4-20 rnA signal

corresponds to a measured temperature range of 0 to 200 oF. This signal is sent to an input on the

HP DAS so the water temperature can be recorded as part of the standard data set. The HP DAS

senses voltage rather than current. Therefore, as recommended by Weston (1996), a shunt with a

nominal resistance Rshunt of 2.508 n is placed across the terminals of the HP DAS input board.

Equation 2.1 gives the relation between the voltage V H2O [VDC] sensed by the HP DAS and the

water temperature TH20 [OP].

T, = (1000 V H20 - 4J 200 ~O R 16




2.3.4 Water Flow Rate

The humidity addition system contains five valves capable of controlling the flow rate of

water to the spray nozzles: the bypass ball valve, the upstream ball valve, the humidity control

valve, and the two downstream ball valves. The location of each of the valves is shown in Figure

2.3. The ball valves are manually operated, whereas the humidity control valve is electrically

operated. The discussion in this section will focus on the HCV. The effects the other valves have

on the water flow rate and humidity are discussed in the next chapter.

The HCV is a gate valve that is actuated by a stepper motor. The package contains circuitry

that converts a 4-20 rnA current input signal into a signal that is sent to the stepper motor to cause it

to rotate and thereby open or close the valve. The amount the valve is opened (as a percentage of

fully opened) is proportional to the magnitude of the input current signal lin [rnA], as in Equation


100 Percent open = (lin -4)-

16 (2.2)

The valve requires a 14 VDC, 1.5 A external power supply (Hass Mfg. Model 1043) to drive the

stepper motor.

The 4-20 rnA input signal for the HCV is supplied by a PID process controller (Powers

Model 535-2100BOOOO). The input variable for the PID controller is the relative humidity of the

air at the inlet of the evaporator. Wiring diagrams for the PID controller and HCV are shown in

Appendix C.

A relative humidity/temperature probe (Vaisala Model HMP 35A) senses the relative humidity

at the inlet of the evaporator. Identical probes are also installed in the evaporator air loop just

downstream of the air duct heater and in the condenser air loop at the outlet of the heat exchanger.

Each Vaisala probe houses two sensors: a thin-film capacitance humidity sensor and a

platinum resistance temperature detector (RID). The simultaneous measurement of temperature

and relative humidity provides the information necessary for the calculation of the humidity ratio

of moist air. The output of the humidity sensor also serves as the input to the HCV PID process


The humidity sensor output is a 0.002 to 1 VDC signal. Nominally, this signal is directly

proportional to the measured relative humidity expressed as a fraction. The probe at the evaporator

inlet was calibrated, however, and the actual relation between the output voltage V RHeai [VDC] and

relative humidity RHcai [-] was found to be



Details of the probe calibration are given in Appendix B. The PID controller contains software that

converts the voltage signal V RHcai to the calibrated value of relative humidity expressed as a


During operation, the PID controller compares the measured relative humidity to a setpoint

entered by the test operator. It then outputs a current signal to the HeV to open or close the valve.

The PID controller has built-in algorithms for self tuning. The self-tuning algorithms are

used to calculate the values of the proportional gain, integral time, and derivative time parameters in

the feedback control loop. There are two components of the self-tuning algorithms: pretune and

adaptive tune. In the pretune mode, the controller monitors the process variable (RHcai in this case)

while it is steady. Then, it changes the control output and monitors the response of the process

variable. The controller uses this response information to calculate the feedback parameters. The

pretune process can be initiated by the user any time the process variable is steady.

The adaptive tune process, however, runs continuously while enabled by the user. During

adaptive tuning, the controller monitors the process variable and adjusts the PID parameters to

compensate for any variations from the setpoint.

The self-tuning features were used to tune the controller for the HeV. The pretune mode

was used once during initial testing of the HeV, then the controller was placed in adaptive tune

mode. The PID parameters calculated by the algorithms produced a controller with very stable

response characteristics. During subsequent testing, however, it was observed that the response of

the process variable was very slow, especially when the setpoint was changed by a large amount.

Therefore, the adaptive tune mode was disabled, and the parameters were adjusted manually. The

speed of the response of the process variable increased, and the stability was retained. The

parameter values calculated by the self-tuning algorithms and the values after manual adjustment

are given in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 HeV PID parameters.

Parameter [Units] Value After Self Tune Value After Manual Adjustment

Proportional gain [%] 1000 300

Integral time [s] 17 17

Derivative time [s] 1 1



3.1 Humidity Addition System Validation Tests

A series of tests was conducted to detennine the perfonnance capabilities and limitations of

the humidity addition system. The details of these tests and the results obtained are discussed in

the following section.

3.1.1 Steady State Tests

3. 1. 1.1 General Test Description

Recall that the control mechanisms for the humidity addition system are (a) the amount of

heat added to the air in the evaporator loop, (b) the temperature of the water that is sprayed into the

air, and (c) the flow rate of the water. Steady-state testing of the humidity addition system was

performed to determine the interrelations among the control mechanisms and their effects on the

relative humidity at the evaporator inlet Additionally, the tests reveal

• the maximum value of relative humidity that the system is capable of producing,

• how the positions of the ball valves in the water circulation subsystem affect the overall system control scheme, and

• the limitations imposed upon the system by its components.

Each steady-state test is run using the same general procedure. First, the air-conditioning

system is turned on and data collection is initiated. The system then runs until a steady-state

condition is reached and three to four minutes of steady-state data have been collected. In the

absence of clutch cycling, the steady state is reached when the temperatures of the refrigerant at the

inlet and outlet of the evaporator change by less than ± 1°F. When the clutch is cycling, a true

steady state is never reached, so arrival at the quasi-steady state is sufficient for a complete test.

The clutch typically cycles under conditions of low evaporator air temperature and humidity.

These conditions appear in some of the tests in the Steady State Test Plan. A column in each list of

test conditions indicates whether the clutch cycled during each test.

No humidity is added to the evaporator air loop when the NC system is first engaged. Thus,

the relative humidity in the evaporator air loop depends only on the ambient conditions in the room

If the test is one with a higher evaporator air temperature, the water heaters and circulation pump

are turned on to raise the water temperature to the desired level.

After the NC system initially reaches a steady state, the humidity addition system is

activated. If necessary, the circulation pump is turned on. The HCV is then opened to the

specified position. The system is again allowed to reach a steady state. After the steady state is

reached, the HCV is opened to the next position. The process is repeated until the maximum HCV

opening is reached for the group of tests.

21 Steady State Test Series 1 Results: Effects of HCV Position and Water Temperature on Humidity Addition System Operation

The conditions for each test in Series 1 of the Steady State Test Plan are shown in Table 3.1.

Only three of the test facility system parameters were changed from test to test: (a) the evaporator

air inlet temperature, (b) the water temperature, and (c) the HCV position. All the other parameters

remained constant throughout the course of testing. The constant values are shown in Table 3.2.

Also, for all the tests in Series 1, the bypass ball valve was 1/5 open, and the upstream and

downstream ball valves were all fully open.

Table 3.1 Steady-state test conditions, Series 1.

Test # T eai Set Point [oF] Water Temperature HCV Clutch Set Point [oF] Position [%] Cycling?

1 70 65 0 TRUE

2 70 65 15 TRUE

3 70 65 30 FALSE

4 70 65 45 FALSE

5 70 65 60 FALSE

6 70 65 75 FALSE

7 70 65 100 FALSE

8 70 70 0 TRUE

9 70 70 15 TRUE

10 70 70 30 FALSE

11 70 70 45 FALSE

12 70 70 60 FALSE

13 70 70 75 FALSE

14 70 70 100 FALSE

15 70 73 0 TRUE

16 70 73 15 TRUE

17 70 73 30 FALSE

18 70 73 45 FALSE

19 70 73 60 FALSE

20 70 73 75 FALSE

21 70 73 100 FALSE

22 90 95 0 TRUE

23 90 95 15 FALSE

24 90 95 30 FALSE


Table 3.1 (cont.) Steady-state test conditions, Series 1.

Test # Teai Set Point [oF] Water Temperature HCV Clutch Set Point [oF] Position [%] Cycling?

25 90 95 45 FALSE 26 90 95 60 FALSE 27 90 95 75 FALSE 28 90 95 100 FALSE 29 90 100 0 FALSE 30 90 100 15 FALSE 31 90 100 30 FALSE 32 90 100 45 FALSE 33 90 100 60 FALSE 34 90 100 75 FALSE 35 90 100 100 FALSE 36 90 103 0 TRUE

37 90 103 15 FALSE 38 90 103 30 FALSE 39 90 103 45 FALSE 40 100 108 0 FALSE 41 100 108 15 FALSE 42 100 108 30 FALSE 43 100 108 45 FALSE 44 100 108 60 FALSE 45 100 108 75 FALSE 46 100 108 100 FALSE 47 100 112 15 FALSE 48 100 112 30 FALSE 49 100 112 45 FALSE 50 100 112 60 FALSE 51 100 112 75 FALSE 52 100 112 100 FALSE


Table 3.2 Constant system parameter values for steady-state humidity addition system tests.

System Parameter [Units] Parameter Value

Condenser air flow rate [f(/min] 1700

Condenser air inlet temperature [oF] 100

Compressor speed [RPM] 1950

Evaporator air flow rate [fe/min] 220

Refrigerant charge [Ibm] 2.95

The parameter values listed in Table 3.1 were selected for a number of reasons. The

evaporator air inlet temperatures from 70 to 100 of cover most of the range to which a mobile air­

conditioning system is likely to be subjected. The water temperatures were selected based on

observations that as the evaporator air temperature increases, so does the required water

temperature. Finally, the HCV positions were selected to cover the full range of operation of the


Plots of the measured RHeai vs. HCV position for the Series 1 tests are shown in Figure 3.1,

Figure 3.2, and Figure 3.3. Note that some of the data points are circled. These points represent

tests during which the clutch was cycling and the system was quasi-steady. Also, some points are

hollow. These points denote tests where the water temperature was more than 2 OF higher or lower

than the desired level.



o o 20 40

Water Temperature

-'-65°F __ 70°F


Air temperature = 70 OF Circled points: Clutch cycled. Hollow points: Water temperature greater than 2 OF above or below setpoint.

60 80 Hev Position [% open]

Figure 3.1 RHeai vs. HCV position for T eai = 70°F.



o o


80 ...... tJ? -'i = 60 ~

"1:1 cu ... = 40 til GIl cu ~


0 0

20 40 60

Water Temperature

-+-95°F ____ lOooF



Air temperature = 90°F Circled points: Clutch cycled.

80 Hev Position [% open]

Figure 3.2 RHea.i vs. HeV position for T ea.i = 90°F.

Water Temperature

Air temperature = 100°F

20 40 60 80

HeV Position [% open]

Figure 3.3 RHeai vs. HeV position for Teai = 100°F.




Figure 3.1, Figure 3.2, and Figure 3.3 reveal a good deal of infonnation about the

perfonnance of the humidity addition system. First, they indicate the maximum relative humidity

that the system is capable of producing under steady-state conditions. The maximum value

depends on the temperature of the air in the evaporator loop and the temperature of the water that is

sprayed into the air. For the tests with an evaporator air inlet temperature of 70 OF, for example,

the maximum attainable relative humidity is 88% with a water temperature of 73 OP. With the 65 <F

water temperature, however, the maximum relative humidity falls to 78%. A plot of maximum

relative humidity vs. evaporator air temperature is shown in Figure 3.4.

A second significant characteristic of Figure 3.1 to 3.3 is that the slope of the RHeai vs. HCV

position lines is quite steep between 0 and 30% HCV opening. For larger HCV openings,

however, the slope is nearly zero. All of the test sets exhibit this behavior, and the behavior

demonstrates some important traits of the humidity addition system.

First, the relative humidity is highly dependent upon the degree of HeV opening and thus is

also dependent upon the flow rate of water sprayed into the air. The dependence indicates that the

HeV can be used to control the relative humidity at the evaporator inlet. Second, because the

range of dependence is only a fraction of the complete range of operation of the valve, the response

time of relative humidity for a change in HeV position is relatively rapid, as demonstrated later in

this chapter. Finally, the relative humidity is independent of HeV position for positions greater

than 30% open because either (a) larger openings allow a greater water flow rate but the increased

flow does not produce more evaporation or (b) the water flow rate does not increase for larger

openings. The latter reason implies that the HeV is oversized for our application. Although it is

oversized, the HeV is the best commercially available valve for our facility because it fits nicely

into the system.

A third characteristic of Figure 3.1 to 3.3 is that the points representing tests with different

water temperatures and the same air temperature are clustered rather closely together. This implies

that the change in relative humidity due to a change in water temperature is not significant, at least

when compared to the change in relative humidity due to a change in HeV position. This behavior

does not mean that the water temperature is not an important part of the humidity system control

scheme. It does mean that if the water temperature is in a certain range, the HeV can be used to set

the relative humidity of the air at the evaporator inlet.

The water temperature is most important when trying to reach an extreme relative humidity;

namely, one near either the maximum or minimum attainable values. In general, higher water

temperatures pennit higher humidity levels, whereas lower water temperatures pennit lower

humidity levels. Between these two extremes, however, the water temperature can be nearly

anywhere in the range and the desired humidity level can be attained.


100 """" -

'r . .-80 ,....,

~ Water Temperature ;; Level

---.-Low ---Medium

:: 60 ~

-A-High 5 = 5 40 0;< e= ~


o 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

T .. I [OF]

Figure 3.4 Maximum RHea; vs. T eai'

The acceptable range of water temperatures is roughly bounded by two limits imposed by the

air duct heater. As the temperature of the water that is sprayed into the air stream decreases, more

heat is required from the air to evaporate the water. Thus, the heater must provide more heat to

increase the air temperature to the desired level at the evaporator inlet. The amount of heat

delivered is limited by a safety mechanism, described by Weston (1996), that cuts off power to the

heater when its coils get too hot. The switch frequently trips when trying to reach air temperatures

of 110 Of' or above with air flow rates of about 220 fe/min or less. The problem is exacerbated

when water is added to the air, and the maximum attainable air temperature decreases. Frequent

tripping of the safety mechanism is the reason that tests with evaporator air temperatures higher

than 100°F were not performed.

The upper limit of water temperature is imposed by the opposite effect. As water temperature

increases, heat in excess of that required to evaporate the water is sensibly transferred to the air. In

other words, the extra heat causes the temperature of the air to increase. Extra sensible heat can

also be added by increasing the water flow rate. As the air temperature increases due to heat

transfer from the water, less heat is required from the duct heater to maintain the air temperature.

Eventually, the heat provided by the duct heater decreases to zero. If the water temperature or flow

rate is high enough, the air temperature will continue to increase above the setpoint. Control of the

air temperature is a requirement of the system, so this is an undesirable situation. This effect is the

reason that tests with only four of the seven desired HCV positions were performed with an air

temperature of 90 OF and a water temperature of 103 oF.


It is difficult to state an exact range of water temperatures for a particular evaporator air

temperature. A look at Figure 3.5, however, can provide some guidelines. Figure,'3.5 shows the

highest and lowest water temperatures for each air temperature that was tested. The solid line

represents points where water temperature is equal to air temperature. In general, for lower air

temperatures, the water temperature range is larger than for higher air temperatures. For an air

temperature of 70 of, for example, the acceptable water temperatures are between about 65 Of' and

73 OF, a range of 8 oF. For a 100 OF air temperature, the size of the range decreases to about 4 OF.

Also, for the lower air temperatures, the water temperature range brackets the air temperature. For

the higher air temperatures, however, the water temperature range is above the air temperature. As

the air temperature increases, the difference between the air temperature and the lower limit of

water temperature increases.


-.-Low Limit 110

--High Limit

&; 0 ....... 100 QJ

'" = -== '" QJ 90 Q.



'" 80 QJ -== ~ Water temperature = Air temperature


60 70 75 80 90 95 100

Figure 3.5 Water temperature range vs. air temperature. Steady State Test Series 2 Results: Effects of Ball Valve Positions on Humidity Addition System Operation

The tests in Series 2 of the Steady State Test Plan were conducted to investigate the effects of

the ball valve positions on the overall humidity addition system control scheme. The conditions for

each test in Series 2 are shown in Table 3.3. The constant system parameter values listed in Table

3.2 were used for all the tests. Also, all of the tests were run with an evaporator air inlet

temperature of70 OF and a water temperature of 70 oF. These temperatures were selected because


the conditions are easy to obtain in the lab. Additionally, the focus of these tests is on the

qualitative rather than the quantitative behavior of the system. The results from the Series 1 tests

show that the qualitative behavior of the system is the same for all air and water temperature

combinations. Thus, the results of these tests are representative of tests with any air and water

temperature combination.

Table 3.3 Steady-state test conditions, Series 2.

Test # Valve HCV Clutch Configuration Position [%] Cycling?

1 A 0 TRUE

2 A 15 TRUE

3 A 30 FALSE

4 A 45 FALSE

5 A 60 FALSE

6 A 75 FALSE

7 A 100 FALSE

8 B 0 TRUE

9 B 15 TRUE

10 B 30 FALSE

11 B 45 FALSE

12 B 60 FALSE

13 B 75 FALSE

14 B 100 FALSE

15 C 0 TRUE

16 C 15 TRUE

17 C 30 FALSE

18 C 45 FALSE

19 C 60 FALSE

20 C 75 FALSE

21 C 100 FALSE

22 D 0 TRUE

23 D 15 TRUE

24 D 30 FALSE

25 D 45 FALSE

26 D 60 FALSE


Table 3.3 (cont.) Steady-state test conditions, Series 2.

Test # Valve HCV Clutch Configuration Position [%] Cycling?

27 D 75 FALSE

28 D 100 FALSE

29 E 0 TRUE

30 E 15 TRUE

31 E 30 FALSE

32 E 45 FALSE

33 E 60 FALSE

34 E 75 FALSE

35 E 100 FALSE

One of the columns in Table 3.3 is "Valve Configuration." The values in the column are

letters, each of which corresponds to a set of positions of the bypass, upstream, and downstream

ball valves shown in Figure 2.3. The configuration letter and the corresponding valve positions

are listed in Table 3.4. Configuration A was used for the tests in Series 1.

Table 3.4 Ball valve configurations.

Configuration Bypass Valve Position Upstream Valve Position Downstream Valve Letter Positions

A 1/5 open Fully open Fully open

B 1/5 open 1/5 open Fully open

C Fully closed Fully open 1/5 open

D 1/5 open Fully open 1/5 open

E 2/5 open Fully open Fully open

A plot of measured RHcai vs. HCV position for the Series 2 tests is shown in Figure 3.6.

Each set of points on the plot corresponds to a different ball valve configuration.

The sets of points in Figure 3.6 demonstrate much of the same behavior as those in Figure

3.1 to 3.3. Particularly, the slopes of the lines for most of the valve configurations are positive for

valve openings between 0 and 30% and are approximately zero for all larger openings.

The key feature seen in Figure 3.6 is the difference in the maximum relative humidity that can

be achieved for the different valve configurations. The configuration that produces the highest

relative humidity is A. With the exception of C, all the other configurations produce maximum

humidities that are significantly less than that produced by A.


When the bypass valve is closed, all the water flows through the HCY. Therefore, a change

in Hey position results in a larger change in flow rate compared to the cases in which the bypass

valve is not fully closed. When the other ball valves are not fully open, the relative humidity

decreases substantially. The added pressure drop through the valves causes the water flow rate to

drop. Thus, the optimal valve configuration is one in which the bypass valve is partially open and

the other ball valves are fully open.


.. == CIi: 'C ell ... = {12

ca ell












0 0 20

Valve Configuration

Air temperature = 70°F Water temperature = 70°F Hollow points: Water temperature greater than 2°F above or below setpoint. Clutch cycled during first two tests of each series.

40 60 80 HCV Position [% open]

-.-A ~B -t-C -e-D --E

Figure 3.6 RHeai vs. Hey position for various ball valve configurations.

100 Steady State Test Series 3 Results: Effects ofHCV Position on Humidity Addition System Operation for Positions Between 0 and 35% Open

The tests in Series 3 of the Steady State Test Plan were conducted to investigate the details of

the relative humidity response for HCY positions between 0 and 35% for various bypass valve

positions. The conditions for each test in Series 3 are listed in Table 3.5. All of the tests were

performed with an evaporator air inlet temperature of 70 °P, a water temperature of 76 OF, and the

conditions listed in Table 3.2. Note that the 76 OP water temperature is higher than the maximum

water temperature used in the Series 1 tests for a 70 OP air temperature. This higher temperature

was possible because the maximum HeV opening was only 35%. Therefore, the water flow rate

was not large enough to cause too much sensible heat to be transferred to the air.


Table 3.5 Steady-state test conditions, Series 3.

Test # Bypass Valve HCV Clutch Position Position [%] Cycling?


1 1/5 open 0 TRUE

2 1/5 open 10 TRUE

3 1/5 open 15 TRUE

4 1/5 open 20 FALSE

5 1/5 open 25 FALSE

6 1/5 open 30 FALSE

7 1/5 open 35 FALSE

8 2/5 open 0 TRUE

9 2/5 open 10 TRUE

10 2/5 open 15 TRUE

11 2/5 open 20 FALSE

12 2/5 open 25 FALSE

13 2/5 open 30 FALSE

14 2/5 open 35 FALSE

15 3/5 open 0 TRUE

16 3/5 open 10 TRUE

17 3/5 open 15 TRUE

18 3/5 open 20 TRUE

19 3/5 open 25 FALSE

20 3/5 open 30 FALSE

21 3/5 open 35 FALSE

The response of relative humidity to changes in HCV position for the three bypass valve

openings in Series 3 is shown in Figure 3.7. This plot provides some very crucial information

about the behavior of the humidity addition system.

First, for all three valve configurations, there is virtually no relation between HCV position

and relative humidity for positions less than 10% open. The pressure drop across the HCV for

these positions is too large. Thus, all the water flows through the bypass line, and none of the

water is added to the air stream.

For HCV positions greater than 10% open, however, the relative humidity does respond to

changes in HCV position. The response occurs for positions up to 30 to 35% open. This

behavior agrees with the observations made in the previous test series.


...... ~

J ~

-= ~ ... = III = ~












0 0 5

Air temperature = 70°F Water temperature = 76°F Cluctch cycled for first three points of each series and for the fourth in the 2/3 open series. Hollow points: Water temperature greater than 2°F above or below set point.

10 15 20 25 Hev Opening [%]

Bypass Valve Position

-+-1/3 open """"'-1/2 open -'-2/3 open


Figure 3.7 RHeai vs. Hey position for various bypass valve positions.


The relationship between relative humidity and Hey position depends on the ball valve

configuration. As the bypass valve is closed, a change in Hey position causes a larger change in

relative humidity.

The behavior of the relative humidity response indicates a trade-off between range and

resolution. Resolution is the number of distinct relative humidity values that can be obtained in a

range. To produce a larger range of relative humidities, the bypass valve must be closed more.

When the bypass valve is closed more, however, the resolution decreases, and a change in Hey

position produces a larger change in relative humidity. Different types of tests require different

combinations of ranges and resolutions. It is up to the test operator to decide which combination is

best based on the guidelines outlined in this section.

3.1.2 Transient Tests

3. 1. 2.1 General Test Description

Transient testing of the humidity addition system was performed to determine

• the dynamic response characteristics of the system,

• if the system can control the relative humidity of the air at the evaporator inlet to within 2% RH of a setpoint,


• if the system can produce the high temperature and humidity conditions required for cabin pulldown testing, and


• if the system is capable of maintaining a relative humidity setpoint while the evaporator air temperature is changing. Dynamic Response and Control Test Results

The procedure for running the dynamic response and control tests is similar to the procedure

used for the steady-state tests. In both types of tests, the air-conditioning system is allowed to

reach a steady-state condition, then the HCV position is changed. For the transient tests, the

change in HeV position results from a change in the relative humidity setpoint on the HCV PID

controller. Because the controller is attempting to maintain a relative humidity setpoint, the HCV

position is adjusted until the setpoint is achieved.

All of the dynamic response and control tests were conducted with identical environmental

conditions. The evaporator air inlet temperature was set to 90 of, the water temperature was set to

95 OF, and the other conditions were the ones listed in Table 3.2. Also, the bypass valve was 1/5

open, and the other ball valves were fully open.

The time response of RHea; when changing the setpoint from 25% RH to 50% RH is shown

in Figure 3.8. The dashed line represents the 50% RH setpoint and the two dotted lines represent

± 2% RH deviation from the setpoint. A similar plot for a setpoint change of 50% RH to 55% RH

is shown in Figure 3.9. Note that the scales of the axes in each figure are different. The dynamic

characteristics of the relative humidity responses are listed in Table 3.6. The values are also

depicted graphically in Figure 3.8.

Table 3.6 Dynamic characteristics of relative humidity responses.

Parameter, Symbol [Units] Definition Value in Value in Figure 3.8 Figure 3.9

Difference between time Transport Delay, td [s] setpoint change was initiated 15 10

and time RH response began to change

Difference between time RH Rise Time, tr [s] response began to change 15 18

and time for RH to reach 90% of final value

Overshoot, ~ [%] Ratio of maximum 12 3 overshoot to final RH value

Settling Time, ts [s] Time for RH to settle to 96 57 within 2% RH of final value


w VI




....... 45 ~ ...... i

= ~ 40

I ~ 35









100 200 300 400 500 600 :.;;:

Time [s]

Figure 3.8 Time response of RH... for step from 25% to 50% RH.




...... 55 ~

'354 :c " 53 'C QI .. ~ 52 = QI

~ 51



48 o 100 200 300 400

Time [s]




600 700

Figure 3.9 Time response of RHeai for step from 50% to 55% RH.


The transport delay is caused by a number of factors, including (a) the slew rate of the HeV,

(b) the time required for the increased water flow to reach the humidity chamber and evaporate, and

(c) the time required for the humid air to reach the sensor at the inlet of the evaporator. The slew

rate of the HeV is 60 steps per second. Note that when the change in setpoint is smaller, the

transport delay decreases. The decrease is due to the fact that the required position change of the

HeV is smaller. Despite length of the transport delay, it does not diminish the effectiveness of the

PID control.

The relative humidity response for a test where the setpoint was decreased from 55% RH to

25% RH is shown in Figure 3.10. In this case, the response is highly dependent on the complete

Ne system, as well as the humidity addition system. Not only must the HeV close to decrease

the amount of water that is added to the air, but the Ne system must also remove water from the

air through condensation at the evaporator.

The relative humidity never reaches a true steady-state value in any of Figure 3.8 to 3.10.

The oscillations are, however, well within the ± 2% RH boundaries. Thus, the humidity addition

system meets the requirement of being able to maintain the relative humidity at the inlet of the

evaporator to within ± 2% RH of a setpoint.

The oscillations in relative humidity are due to the resolution limitations of the HeV

mentioned in Section The HeV cannot go to the exact position required for the relative

humidity setpoint, but the controller still attempts to reach th.e stepoint. Thus, the HeV continually


fluctuates between the two nearest positions. Despite the oscillations, however, the ability of the

system to maintain a value within 2% RH of the setpoint is adequate for the purposes of this




,...., ~ 40

:J " 30 ~

CI.I ... = III = CI.I 20 ~


o o 200 400 600 800

Time [s]

Figure 3.10 Time response of RHea; for step from 55% to 25% RH.

3. 1. 2. 3 Cabin Pulldown Test Results


Cabin pulldown is the process of reducing the temperature and humidity in the passenger

compartment of an automobile from high, uncomfortable temperature and humidity conditions to

lower, more comfortable conditions. A test was performed to determine if the humidity addition

system is capable of producing the extreme conditions required for pulldown. The initial

conditions for the pulldown test were 110 OF air inlet temperature and 99% relative humidity. The

other system conditions remained constant at the values listed in Table 3.2. The final conditions

were 75 OP air inlet temperature and ambient humidity (no water addition).

The time histories of evaporator air inlet temperature and relative humidity are shown in

Figure 3.11. The humidity addition system is able to produce the required temperature and

humidity initial conditions. To obtain these conditions, high temperature water is sprayed into the

evaporator air stream while the air-conditioning system is turned off. When the test begins, the

water flow is halted, the air duct heater is turned off, and the air conditioner is turned on. The


heater maintains the air temperature at 75 of, but the humidity addition system is not restarted. The

oscillations in the relative humidity are due to the fact that the clutch is cycling.'

120 100

-Teai[°F] 90

100 --RHeai[%] 80

70 ~ ...... 80 ~ 0 ....... 60

~ .~


'"' = 60 ... = '"'

:5! 50 e

= :c CI.I c. e CI.I 40 Eo-

40 CI.I > .... = 30 '4:


20 20


0 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Time [s]

Figure 3.11 Time histories of T eai and RHeai for cabin pulldown. Constant Relative Humidity Test Results

Two tests were performed to determine if the humidity addition system can maintain a

constant relative humidity at the evaporator inlet while the air temperature is changing. In the first

test, the air temperature was increased from 80 cP to 95 oF. In the second test, the temperature was

reduced from 95 OF back to 80 CP. The RHeai setpoint for each test was 50% RH. Both tests used

the conditions listed in Table 3.2.

The time histories of the air temperature and relative humidity for each test are shown in

Figure 3.12 and Figure 3.13. The thin, dotted lines across the center of each plot represent

± 2 % RH deviation from the 50% RH setpoint. In both cases, the relative humidity oscillates,

but remains within the ± 2% RH boundaries. Thus, the humidity addition system is capable of

maintaining a constant relative humidity at the evaporator inlet, even while the air temperature is



100 100

--Teai[OF] ~,-. 90 --RHeai[%]

95 80

70 ~ ....... '- ~ ~ 90 60 .~ ~ +2%RH :E l- E = 50 .... = ~ :z: I-

-2%RH ~ Q, 85 40 ~

E .:! ~ ....

Eo- ~

30 'i> c:.::

80 20


75 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000

Time [s]

Figure 3.12 Time histories of T cai and RHeai for temperature ramp up.

100 100

--Teai[°F] 90 --RHeai[%]

95 80

70 ~ ....... '-~ 90 60

~ :::: ~

+2%RH ~

l- ·E = 50 .... = ~ :z: I-~ Q, 85 40 ~

E .:! ~ ....

Eo- ~

30 'i> c:.::

80 20


75 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

Time [s]

Figure 3.13 Time histories of T eai and RHeai for temperature ramp down.


3.2 Wet Evaporator Tests

3.2.1 Wet Evaporator Analysis

We developed a simple analysis to predict the ratio of latent heat transfer to total heat transfer

from moist air flowing over a cold surface covered by a fllm of water. The model is an

approximation of an evaporator in an air-conditioning system. Unless otherwise noted, all heat

transfer quantities in this section are expressed in terms of a unit mass of dry air. Also, all moist

air properties are calculated at the system pressure Palm'

The system that is analyzed is shown schematically in Figure 3.14. Note that the control

surface only encloses the moist air; it does not enclose the water film or the surface. We assume

that the properties at the inlet of the control volume, State 0, are known. We also assume that the

temperature T. at the interface between the control surface and the water film is known and is

constant over the entire interface. The other properties at the interface (ro. [Ibm Hz0/lbm dry air],

P. [Ibm dry air/fe], C. [Ibm H20/fen are the properties of saturated moist air at Ts' The

temperature Tm and humidity ratio rom within the control volume are arithmetic averages of the inlet

and interface values. The other properties within the control volume (Pm [Ibm dry air/fe] ,

cp,m [Btu/(lbm dry air· oF)] , km [Btu/Chr·ft·oF)], Dm [ft2/hr]) are the properties of moist air

calculated at Tm and rom'


Moist Air



Tm cp,mCTm,com)

rom ~(Tm,coJ

DmCTm,roJ T .. ro ..

ho(To' roo) h .. (T .. ,ro .. )

\~ fT \ \citotal C .. CT .. ,ro .. )

Water Film~_~ _____ =-=-=-=-. __ -=-=-=..::. ~ ~ Ts -- -------=---"/"--coCT RH=1)

Surface ~ 11111111111111 P:CT::RH=1)


Figure 3.14 Wet evaporator model diagram.

The total heat transfer rate per unit area cito~A [Btu/] from the air to the water film is

equal to the sum of the convective heat transfer rate per un}t area 'icon) A and the energy ciw.rJA


carried across the control surface by the water that condenses from the air. The energy qwardA is

equal to the enthalpy hg [Btu/lbm H20] of saturated water vapor at T. times the rate of

condensation per unit area injA [Ibm H20/( fe·hr)]. We obtain Equation 3.1 by combining the

preceding statements.

. . h ril q total = qca1V + ~

A A A (3.1)

The convective heat transfer rate per unit area is calculated using Equation 3.2. In Equation

3.2, flu, [Btu/(fr2·hr·oP)] is the local convection coefficient.

qconv = h (T -T ) A Ie".


The rate of condensation per unit area is calculated using Equation 3.3. Here, hm [ft/hr] is the

convective mass transfer coefficient. Coo and Cs represent the concentrations of water at State 00

and at the interface, respectively. The values of C are calculated by multiplying the density p of

moist air at the appropriate state by the humidity ratio w at that state.

rilw = h (C - C ) Am.. I (3.3)

We can now substitute Equations 3.2 and 3.3 into Equation 3.1 to determine the total heat

transfer rate per unit area, as in Equation 3.4.


According to the first law of thermodynamics, the total heat transfer from the air per unit

mass of dry air qtotal [Btu/lbm dry air] is equal to the change in enthalpy ~h = ho - h .. of the moist

air between the inlet and the outlet of the control volume. The mass of water condensed per unit

mass of dry air ffiw [Ibm H20/lbm dry air] is equal to the change in humidity ratio ~oo = 000 - 00 .. of

the air between the inlet and outlet of the control volume. If we set the ratio mJqtotai equal to the

ratio of Equation 3.3 to Equation 3.4, we obtain Equation 3.5.

mw _ ~ro _ roo -OJ .. _ hm{C .. -C.)

qtotal - ~ - ho -h .. - hie {Too -T,)+hghm{C_ -C,) (3.5)

Because both heat and mass transfer occur at the interface between the control surface and the

water film, we can apply the heat and mass transfer analogy (Incropera and DeWitt, 1990) to


simplify Equation 3.5. If we divide both the numerator and denominator of the rightmost tenn of

Equation 3.5 by ~ and apply the analogy (Equation 3.6), then we obtain Equation 3.7.

h .-.!:.. = P c Le 213 h rn p,rn rn




If we assume that the ~ quantities on the left side of Equation 3.7 are arbitrarily small, then

the ratio becomes dOl/dh. We can then integrate the ratio from a known inlet state 0 to a prescribed

outlet state 1, as in Equation 3.8, to determine the change in humidity ratio between the two states.


For the purpose of defming the latent heat transfer ratio, we assume that the moist air

undergoes two distinct processes as it flows from State 0 to State 1: dehumidification at constant

temperature To, then cooling at constant humidity ratio Oll' This allows us to define the predicted

latent heat transfer 'hat,pred as in Equation 3.9 and the predicted sensible heat transfer qscns,pred as in

Equation 3.10. The total predicted heat transfer qtotal,pred is the sum of the latent and sensible heat

transfers, as in Equation 3.11. The ratio of latent heat transfer to total heat transfer is then given by

Equation 3.12.




Predicted Latent Ratio = qlat,pred (3.12) q total,pred


3.2.2 Wet Evaporator Test Results Comparison of Data to Analysis

A large number of tests, covering a wide range of evaporator air inlet conditions, were

conducted to investigate the effects of humidity on air-conditioning system performance. We are

especially interested in how the measured latent heat transfer ratio varies with evaporator inlet

conditions and how the measured ratio compares with the ratio predicted by the analysis discussed

in the previous section.

For the purpose of comparing the measured data with the predictions, we set the properties of

the moist air at the inlet (State 0) to the control volume of Figure 3.14 equal to the properties

measured at the inlet of the evaporator. Additionally, we assume that the interface temperature T. is

equal to the saturation temperature T sat,era of the refrigerant at the measured evaporator outlet

pressure P era'

In the test facility there are two air temperature measurements at the inlet of the evaporator.

One temperature, T eai' is measured by the thermocouple grid at the inlet. The other temperature,

TRTDeai, is measured by the RID in the humidity probe just upstream of the thermocouple grid. We

use TRTDeai with the measured relative humidity RHeai to calculate the humidity ratio (Oeai = (00'

Then, we use Teai = To with (Oeai to calculate all the other moist air properties at the inlet. The

situation is similar at the outlet of the evaporator. The temperature T RTDeao measured by the RID in

the humidity probe downstream of the duct heater is used with RHeao to calculate (Ocao' The

thermocouple grid temperature T eao is then used with (Oeao to calculate all the other moist air

properties. We assume in both cases that the humidity ratio is constant between the RIDs and

thermocouple grids. The properties are shown schematically in Figure 3.15, which depicts a

control volume around the air side of the evaporator.

The measured latent, sensible, and total heat transfer values are calculated with equations

similar to those used to calculate the predicted values. The measured latent heat transfer ratio is

given by Equation 3.13.




Moist Air


Figure 3.15 Control volume around air side of evaporator.

We use an Engineering Equation Solver (EES) program to calculate the measured (Equation

3.12) and predicted (Equation 3.13) latent ratios from the experimental data. The program listing

is given in Appendix E. For ease of implementation, we assume that the ratio dro/dh is constant

over the entire evaporator. Therefore, we calculate the predicted latent ratio based on the value of

dro/dh at the evaporator inlet (State 0) conditions, thus eliminating the need to use the integral of

Equation 3.8. The State 00 properties are used instead of the State 1 properties in Equation 3.12 to

calculate the predicted latent ratio.

A plot of the measured latent ratio vs. the difference between the dew point T DPcai of the inlet

air and the surface temperature Ts is shown in Figure 3.16. If the inlet dew point is less than the

surface temperature, then no condensation should occur and the latent ratio should be zero. As

shown in Figure 3.16, however, this is not always the case. The measured latent ratios for

negative temperature differences are relatively small, though, so the discrepancy is likely due to

experimental error. Experimental errors will be discussed in Section




0.8 ...... • ......

. g 0.7 -III I¥ 0.6 -= i 0.5 ..J

~ 0.4 "'" = ; 0.3 ~

:E 0.2



l'!f+ lL.+ +

I,'" ......... I ~---+----+----+----~--~~~+~,f:!* !

~+ + ! i r------+-----+-----+------+-+-:J, ;-r=-f.;-.---ij'-t--F + i I

+ ff +t. 1+ J I J I I

rt- ++.~;- i I ! Ti i i

-10 -5 o 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 3.16 Measured latent heat transfer ratio.

+ ++ +


A plot of the predicted latent ratio vs. the measured latent ratio is shown in Figure 3.17. The

plot shows that the measured ratio is consistently higher than the predicted ratio. The discrepancy

is surprising for a number of reasons. First, the analysis assumes an ideal case; that is, one in

which the entire evaporator surface is covered by a water film and in which all heat and mass

transfer is from the moist air to the water.

We also assume that the surface temperature of the water film is equal to the saturation

temperature of the refrigerant at the evaporator outlet pressure. This is the lowest conceivable

refrigerant temperature in the evaporator, and we neglect all heat transfer resistance between the

refrigerant and the surface of the water film. Thus, we are using the minimum possible surface

temperature. In reality, however, the film surface temperature is higher. A higher temperature

would tend to decrease the heat and mass transfer and thus lower the predicted latent ratio.

As stated previously, we base the calculation of the predicted latent ratio on the value of

dco/db at the evaporator inlet. If we instead integrate from the measured inlet conditions to the

measured outlet temperature Tl = Tao using Equation 3.8, then the predicted latent ratio changes.

We use a second EES program (shown in Appendix E) to implement the integration. Table 3.7

lists the temperature difference TDPeai - TI , the measured latent ratio, the predicted ratio assuming a

constant dCO/dh, and the predicted ratio using the integration for seven test cases.




0.8 ...... • ..... . s 0.7 ...

CIS I¥ 0.6 ... = Q,/ = 0.5


"2 0.4 ... fool .• "2 0.3

1-- ---- ± 0.101

"'" I:l.o 0.2


0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Measured Latent Ratio [-]

Figure 3.17 Predicted vs. measured latent ratio.

As shown in Table 3.7, when we implement the integration, the predicted latent ratio changes

by a small amount from the constant dro/db case. For higher temperature differences, the

assumption of constant dro/dh results in a slightly higher latent ratio than when using the

integration. As the temperature difference decreases, however, the integration analysis predicts

higher latent ratios than the constant dro/db analysis. In all the cases, though, both predicted ratios

are smaller than the measured ratio.

Table 3.7 Comparison oflatent heat transfer ratios.

Measured Latent Predicted Latent Ratio [-]

T DPcai - T. [Of'] Ratio [-] Const. dro/dh Integrated

29.75 0.80060 0.73480 0.73000

24.93 0.60810 0.54850 0.54840

22.15 0.46300 0.40720 0.40740

15.78 0.30740 0.22390 0.23980

11.86 0.19040 0.13180 0.14650

1.57 0.04362 0.00050 0.02800

-1.55 0.01873 0.00000 0.00000


All the assumptions included in the analysis indicate that the maximum possible latent heat

transfer should be predicted. Despite this fact, the measured latent ratios are almosu,always greater

than the predicted ratios. Thus, because we are measuring more latent heat transfer than the

theoretical maximum, there must be either (a) a latent heat transfer mechanism that we do not

consider in our analysis or (b) some experimental error. Experimental Errors

As discussed in the preceding section, there are indications that errors are present in the

experimental data. Specifically, there may be errors in the evaporator refrigerant temperature or

pressure measurements, or in the evaporator inlet or outlet humidity or air temperature


Incorrect refrigerant-side measurements would result in incorrect values of fIlm surface

temperature T, being used in our analysis. A lower value of Ts results in a higher predicted latent

ratio. It is unlikely, however, that the refrigerant outlet pressure measurement, on which T, is

based, is wrong. The pressure transducer has been calibrated multiple times, and the slope of the

transducer changed very little from calibration to calibration. Additionally, we account for drift in

the zero offset of the transducer, as outlined in Appendix D. Thus, we are very confIdent of that

pressure measurement and that we are using the minimum possible value of T,.

The most plausible experimental errors are in the air-side measurements of relative humidity

and temperature made at the humidity/temperature probes. The humidity sensors have been

calibrated (as discussed in Appendix B), and we are confIdent that they are correctly measuring the

local relative humidity. The drawback to the probes is that they measure temperature and humidity

at single points and are therefore susceptible to inhomogeneities in the air stream. Thus, the local

properties measured by the probes may not be representative of the bulk properties of the air

stream. This problem is especially prevalent at the evaporator outlet. Measurement of a

temperature or relative humidity that is locally low compared to the average value results in a

measured latent ratio that is too high.

The temperature profIle of the air exiting the evaporator is highly nonuniform due to unequal

heat transfer in the two-phase and superheated refrigerant zones in the evaporator. Also, the

humidity/temperature probe is downstream of the duct heater. As discussed by Weston (1996), the

duct heater can introduce nonuniformities into the temperature profIle. Additionally, the relative

humidity sensor is slightly temperature-dependent, so reheating of the air may increase error due to

the dependence.

Another piece of evidence indicates a possible error in the outlet humidity or temperature

measurements. Figure 3.18 shows a plot of the dew point TDpeao of the air exiting the evaporator

vs. the fIlm surface temperature T s' The plot shows that for many of the tests, the dew point is


lower than the surface temperature. This is an unrealistic situation because the lower limit of the

exit dew point is the surface temperature. A measured temperature or relative humidity that is

lower than the actual value results in a dew point that is too low.




55 ..... ~ 50 ......

! 45 Eo-




25 25

i I Iii ... i

~t1=~~~T£ ! +I=+."! I --1 -------- -+---------. -----------r--------------,f----------- --------IT!


I i+

35 40 45 50 55 60

Figure 3.18 Exit dew point vs. surface temperature.

65 70

There is evidence that indicates there may be errors in the evaporator outlet humidity or

temperature measurements. The errors could be due to inhomogeneities in the air stream exiting

the evaporator. The inhomogeneity problem can be remedied by moving the humidity/temperature

probe to a location in the evaporator loop where the air is well-mixed.

A disparity exists between the latent heat transfer ratio predicted by our analysis and the ratio

we measure in the test facility. The fact that the measured latent ratio is consistently 0 to 10%

higher than the predicted ratio suggests that there is a systematic error in the data or in the analysis.

As discussed above, the source of the error could be a heat transfer mechanism that is not included

in the analysis or an incorrect measurement in the test facility. Further investigation is required to

detennine the actual cause of the error.



4.1 Conclusions

A humidity addition system was successfully installed in the mobile air-conditioning test

facility. Validation tests were conducted, and the system meets all the requirements set for it at

design time. Regulation of the flow rate of water sprayed into the air provides the humidity

control. The flow rate is, in tum, regulated by an electronically controlled gate valve (the humidity

control valve or HCV). The system is able to control the relative humidity at the evaporator inlet to

within ± 2% RH of a user-specified setpoint. Small oscillations in the relative humidity arise from

the limited resolution of the HCV. The temperature of the water spray is a coarse control variable.

In other words, the temperature must be in a certain range to obtain the desired relative humidity,

but tight temperature control is not required. The water temperature range is dictated by limitations

imposed by the air duct heater.

An analysis was developed to predict the ratio of latent heat transfer to total heat transfer from

moist air flowing over a cold surface. A large number of experiments were performed with moist

air flowing over the evaporator, and the results were compared to the predictions from the analysis.

The analysis tends to predict latent heat transfer ratios that are less than those that were measured.

The discrepancy is due to an incomplete analysis or experimental error. Further investigation is

required to determine the exact source of error.

4.2 Recommendations

The following recommendations can be implemented to improve the test facility and the

quality of data obtained.

• Add a mechanism for cooling the water in the holding tank of the humidity addition system. This can be done by installing a solenoid valve in the water line used to fIll the tank. The water line should extend into the tank and empty near the bottom to ensure the most rapid response time. The dual control feature of the water heater PID controller can be used to operate the valve. When cooling is required, the controller will open the valve. An overflow outlet should be installed near the top of the holding tank to allow the excess water to drain from the tank.

• Add a float switch to the water holding tank. When the water level drops too low, the switch will cut off power to the heaters and the circulation pump.

• Investigate the possibility of installing a smaller humidity control valve to regulate the water flow rate to the humidity chamber. A smaller valve will allow more of the total range of valve motion to be used for controlling the relative humidity at the evaporator inlet.

• Connect the control output of the HCV PID controller to an input on the HP DAS. This will allow the control variable to be recorded, thus providing a clearer picture of HCV operation.


• Connect the HCV and water heater PID controllers to the Allen-Bradley PLC. This will provide more centralized control of the test facility and allow more elaborate feedback control of the humidity addition system.'

• Move the evaporator air outlet humidity/temperature probe to a point in the metal duct upstream of the heater, as shown in Figure 4.1. A set of free-rotating fan blades should be installed between the outlet of the evaporator and the humidity probe. The fan blades will mix the air, thus eliminating the problem of inhomogeneities in the air temperature and humidity.


Fan Blades


Humidity Probe

Figure 4.1 Evaporator outlet reconfiguration.



APPENDIX A A.l Humidity Addition System Operation Procedures


A.I Humidity Addition System Operation Procedures ".

This section is a supplement to the standard ACRC Mobile NC Test Facility operation

procedures. It only includes information on operating the humidity addition system and should be

used in conjunction with the standard procedures.

A.I.! Preparing for Runs with the Humidity Addition System

The following steps are taken when preparing to run a test or series of tests with the humidity

addition system. 1. Close butterfly damper A (Figure 2.1) in the branch of the PVC duct going to the evaporator

loop plenum chamber.

2. Open butterfly damper B (Figure 2.1) in the branch of the PVC duct going to the humidity chamber.

3. Open the blast gate (Figure 2.1) in the duct coming from the humidity chamber and going to the plenum chamber.

4. Turn on the water heater electrical disconnect on the west wall of the lab.

5. Set the evaporator blower speed and start the blower using the Allen-Bradley software or the control panel on the variable speed drive.

6. Set the evaporator loop duct heater to the desired air temperature and activate the heater.

7. Turn on the humidity chamber fan.

8. Turn on the water circulation pump and BE SURE the bypass ball valve is fully open.

9. If necessary, turn on the humidity addition system PID controller console.

10. Set the water heater PID controller to the desired water temperature and place in AUTOMATIC mode (use Figure 3.5 as a rough guide for selecting the water temperature), or place in MANUAL mode and set a constant output on the PID controller. Pay close attention to make sure the water does not get too hot.

11. When the air and water temperatures are satisfactory, start the rest of the test stand as outlined in the standard operation procedures.

A.I. 2 Setting Evaporator Air Inlet Relative Humidity During a Run

Use the following procedure to maintain a constant relative humidity at the inlet of the

evaporator during a test run. 1. Turn on the power supply for the humidity control valve (HCV).

2. Set the bypass ball valve to the desired position (but DO NOT close completely at this point). Use Figure 3.7 as a guide for setting the bypass valve position.

3. Set the desired relative humidity on the HCV PID controller and place in AUTOMATIC mode, or place in MANUAL mode and set a constant opening for the HCV using the PID controller.

4. If necessary, adjust the position of the bypass ball valve to obtain the desired humidity level (OPEN the ball valve to decrease the maximum humidity or CLOSE the ball valve to increase maximum humidity; see Chapter 3 for more information on the effects of bypass valve position on system operation).


A.I. 3 Shutting Down Humidity System

Use the following procedure when halting humidity system operation after having used it for

a series of tests. 1. Completely open the bypass ball valve.

2. Place the HCV PID controller in MANUAL mode and decrease the output to 0%.

3. Turn off the power supply for the HCV.

4. Place the water heater PID controller in MANUAL mode and decrease the output to 0%.

5. Turn off the water circulation pump.

6. Turn off the water heater electrical disconnect.

A.I. 4 Shutting Down Test Facility After the Last Run of the Day

Use the following procedure after the last run of a day during which the humidity system has

been operated. 1. Run the NC system without humidity addition until water stops or almost stops draining

from the evaporator.

2. Turn off the entire NC system, blowers, heater, and humidity chamber fan.

3. Remove the section of PVC duct between the elbow below butterfly damper B (Figure 2.1) and the inlet to the humidity chamber.

4. Run the evaporator air loop blower until all temperature and humidity readings in the evaporator air loop have equalized (usually takes about 45 minutes).

5. Turn off the evaporator loop blower and replace the PVC duct section.

6. Open or close dampers that were closed or opened in Steps 1 to 3 of Section 1 above.

A.I. 5 Important Notes

1. BE SURE that the water heater PID controller is in MANUAL mode AND that the output is set to 0% AND that the water heater electrical disconnect is off before you leave the lab.

2. BE SURE that the water circulation pump is off before you leave the lab.

3. BE SURE to pay attention to the tub under the evaporator. Do not let it overflow - that creates a huge mess. When the tub is nearly full, empty the water into a bucket, replace the tub, then empty the water from the bucket back into the water holding tank.

4. Pay attention to the water level in the holding tank. Do not let the level fall below the outlet to the circulation pump. If necessary, add water from the hose connected to the cold water tap in the lab.

5. At least once a week, spray a few squirts of bleach cleaner into the humidity chamber right before you replace the duct section in Step 5 of Section 4 above.

6. Once a month, use the submersible pump to remove the water from the holding tank. Wipe the dirt out of the tank and refill it with fresh water.


APPENDIX B B.1 Humidity Sensor Calibration


B.I Humidity Sensor Calibration

Vaisala recommends that the lIMP 35A humidity sensors used in the test facility be calibrated

at least once a year. The procedure we use for the calibration is outlined below. Nominally, the

voltage output by the sensor is equal to the measured relative humidity expressed as a fraction.

The basic principle behind the calibration method is that the air above a saturated salt solution

in a sealed container has a known relative humidity at equilibrium (Wexler and Hasegawa, 1954).

The relative humidity of the air also depends on the equilibrium temperature of the solution. A list

of relative humidity values for a number of salts and temperatures is given in Table B.lo

Table B.l Relative humidity vs. temperature (Wexler and Hasegawa, 1954).

Relative Humidity for Saturated Salt Solutions [%]

Temp. rOC] LiCI·H2O MgCI2·6H2O Mg(N03)2·6H20 NaCI (NH..)2S04 KN03 K2S04

0 14.70 35.00 60.60 74.90 83.70 97.60 99.10

5 14.00 34.60 59.20 75.10 82.60 96.60 98.40

10 13.30 34.20 57.80 75.20 81.70 95.50 97.90

15 12.80 33.90 56.30 75.30 81.10 94.40 97.50

20 12.40 33.60 54.90 75.50 80.60 93.20 97.20

25 12.00 33.20 53.40 75.80 80.30 92.00 96.90

30 11.80 32.80 52.00 75.60 80.00 90.70 96.60

35 11.70 32.50 50.60 75.50 79.80 89.30 96.40

40 11.60 32.10 49.20 75.40 79.60 87.90 96.20

45 11.50 31.80 47.70 75.10 79.30 86.50 96.00

50 11.40 31.40 46.30 74.70 79.10 85.00 95.80

A multi-step procedure is used for making the saturated salt solutions: 1. Use a hot plate to heat about 60 mL of distilled water in a clean Pyrex® beaker to

approximately 180 oF.

2. Add the appropriate mass (listed in Table B.2) of salt to the water in the beaker.

3. Stir the mixture with a clean stirring rod until all the solid has dissolved.

4. Remove the beaker from the heat and allow to cool to room temperature.

5. Solid salt should precipitate from the solution as it is cooling. If no solid comes out, reheat the beaker, add more salt, and repeat steps 3 and 4. If too much solid comes out (that is, there is no liquid left), dispose of the salt and repeat steps 1 through 4. Ideally, there will be a layer of solid salt under the liquid solution. This ensures that the liquid is a saturated solution.

6. After the mixture has cooled, pour it from the beaker into a clean jar, then put the lid tightly on the jar.


7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for each salt solution.

NOTE: Be sure to use a different beaker, stirring rod, and jar for each salt.

Table B.2 125% of mass of salt required to saturate 60 mL of water.

Salt Mass [g]

LiCI·~O 63.269

MgCl2·6H2O 41.916

Mg(N03)2·6~O 53.312

NaCI 26.915

(NH4)2S04 57.155

KN03 28.674

K2S04 8.968

The setup for the calibration is shown in Figure B.l. The humidity probe to be calibrated is

inserted through a hole in the rubber stopper at the top of the jar containing the salt solution. The

gap between the probe and the stopper is sealed with putty. The probe is supported by a clamp

attached to a ring stand. The membrane filter that normally protects the sensor tip is removed

before the probe is placed in the jar. Care must be taken to prevent the probe tip from contacting

the salt solution. A thermometer is also inserted through the stopper and immersed in the salt

solution. The jar is placed in a block of foam to provide insulation.

Granular anhydrous calcium sulfate is a desiccant. A small amount of the granules is placed

in one of the jars instead of the salt solution. The granules remove virtually all the water from the

air in the jar, thus producing a 0% relative humidity point for the calibration. The minimum output

of the sensor is 0.002 VDC, which corresponds to 0.2% RH. Thus, the actual relative humidity of

the desiccant point is assumed to be 0.2%.

The humidity probes are connected to the HP DAS through the wiring in the lab. After the

probe is inserted into the jar, the system is allowed to reach equilibrium, a process which takes 5 to

6 hours. A time history plot of the sensor output voltage and measured temperature is displayed on

the screen of the HP DAS computer. The plot provides an excellent means of determining when

equilibrium is reached.

After equilibrium is achieved, the voltage output by the sensor and measured by the HP DAS

is recorded. The temperature measured by the thermometer in the salt solution is also recorded.

The measurements for each sensor are shown in Table B.3.


Cable to HP DAS

Ring Stand Clamp

Figure B.I Humidity sensor calibration apparatus.

Also shown in Table B.3 is the actual relative humidity for the appropriate salt and

temperature combination from Table B.I. For temperatures between values listed in Table B.I, the

actual relative humidity is obtained by linear interpolation.

Plots of actual relative humidity vs. measured voltage for each probe are shown in Figure

B.2, Figure B.3, and Figure B.4. A linear, least squares fit is also shown on each plot, along with

the R2 correlation coefficient for the fit.

The evaporator inlet probe is the only one for which the calibration is significantly different

from the nominal relation between measured relative humidity and output voltage. Thus, we

assume the following three relations between relative humidity RH [%] and sensor output voltage


RHcao = 1 OOV RH....


VI 00


Condo Out.

Evap. In.

Evap. Out.



Solution Temperature [0C]

Measured Voltage [VDC]

Actual Relative Humidity [-]

Solution Temperature [OC]

Measured Voltage [VDC]

Actual Relative Humidity [-]

Solution Temperature [0C]

Measured Voltage [VDC]

Actual Relative Humidity [-]

Table B.3 Results of humidity sensor calibration.

Desiccant LiCI·H2O MgCI2·6H2O Mg(NOJh·6H2O

- 20.95 21.20 21.15

0.00229 0.1558 0.3285 0.5462

0.002 0.1232 0.3350 0.5455

- 20.55 20.35 20.30

0.00222 0.1686 0.3308 0.5420

0.002 0.1236 0.3357 0.5481

- 21.00 20.90 21.45

0.00258 0.1606 0.3336 0.5652

0.002 0.1232 0.3353 0.5447 --

NaCI (N~hS04 KNOJ K2S04

20.85 20.80 20.80 21.05

0.7667 0.8151 0.9506 0.9706

0.7555 0.8055 0.9301 0.9714

20.15 20.30 20.70 20.20

0.7451 0.7929 0.9282 0.9699

0.7551 0.8058 0.9303 0.9719

20.70 20.60 20.55 20.50

0.7676 0.8161 0.9427 0.9971

0.7554 0.8056 0.9307 0.9717 ----~----.-.------ --_ ... _-------- --



"7' 0.8 -.. ~ ~ 0.7 'C Os :::I 0.6

= o~ 0.5 -= ~ 0.4 ~

-; 0.3

I----__ +--_,Iy = 0.9998x - 0.OO83 11 __ --:lI"e:./'---___ -+ ____ -----i I R2 = 0.9988 I /1

1/ In :::I -u < 0.2


0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Measured Voltage [VDC]

Figure B.2 Condenser outlet relative humidity sensor calibration results.



"7' 0.8 -..

~ ~ 0.7 'C Os :::I 0.6

= o~ 0.5 -= ~ 0.4 ~

-; 0.3 :::I -u < 0.2


0 0

i i

~~:~--~~---+---=-t=-t=L_-----1 :

I i ______ , __ ._.a _________ l__________ _ __________ .. !. _________________ _

y = 1.0253x ~ 0.015 I I

==--=E=t~-= 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Measured Voltage [VDC]

Figure B.3 Evaporator inlet relative humidity sensor calibration results.




"";" 0.8 ...... ~ ~ 0.7 -= Os = 0.6

== o~ 0.5 -" ~ 0.4 c:.::

'; 0.3 = -~ -< 0.2


o / o

I ",/~

iL /~

/ Iy = 0.9952x - 0.01191 I R2 = 0.9988 I ~ 1

I / :

0 1


/ :

! ! 1 1

A l i

! j !

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Measured Voltage [VDC]

Figure B.4 Evaporator outlet relative humidity sensor calibration results.


APPENDIX C C.1 Wiring Diagrams


C.I Wiring Diagrams

Zone Box Diagram Naming Conventions

HP DAS Inputs HPVXI (#)##

Multiplexer~ LTerminal Number Number

Allen-Bradley Inputs/Outputs

A-B TX(#)#

Signal Type:~ II L Tenninal (A)!l~og or Number (D)lgttal

(I)nput or Slot (O)utput Number



Inlet Thennocouple Grid, Teal

Tl (inlet) Co

Co Tc:av



__ 15-2011IIIIIIII

Oil Ccncenlraticn Sensor

.. ..IlIoL-+-+) TermCC

.. ..-.-+-+) TcrmGrCllllld

........ -+-+> Term ST Motor saiotyStap

... .:;;.;.-+-+> Term CC

+5 Volt Power Supply

Figure C.I Condenser loop zone box diagram.










































Figure C.2 Refrigerant loop zone box diagram.


+5 Volt Power Supply

Inlet Thermocouple Grid, Teal

T1 {"mlet} Co



+24 Volt Power Supply

__ 20_

N01E: See other connections in Figure C.S. +5 Volt Power


Figure C.3 Evaporator loop zone box diagram.


ScIra 028-1

Connection to Pero output terminals

.~ •• ~ red : Wire #20 otrr A.B : blk AI(I)O • COM .... '"

Figure C.4 Other refrigerant loop zone box connections.

T_ST Malar _-+-----II-----A.--, Safoty SII:Ip I=€§§~~~

T_CC _--I---If--_....IWI..A..--"

Evaporator Blower Controller

Compressor Motor Controller

Humidity Addition System PID Chassis SooF'....,.C.6

Zone Box

A·B 00(3)4

A·B 00(3)5

HPVXI (2)06

Figure C.S Other evaporator loop zone box connections.


...--4--___ ..::..wb::..1 -I-l(t) ~

...--_---=bI:=.,.k +-I(t) ~

.....---t---l(t) ~


Water Tank Heater PID Controller

CAPP/USA 1776 SN: 964200201

PN: 535-44120B0501 FV: 1.13

~ ~ r '--+--i(t) (t) I-..... E.::--.L...~

~ whl (t) (t)I-'W=hl_~






~~ ~ (t)1-I-...f...--"Co~ ..... TH20

~ (t) I--I-""""::;Cu=---..r

Evap. Loon Zone Box See PI,,,,,, C.3

To HPVXI (2)06 L

To HPVXI (2)06 H

To SSR Input + ~ wbl ........

To SSR Input -blk / ~

blk (t) ~

~ ______ -=WM~~ ~

blk (t) ~

o 7-@l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~

HCY PID Controller

Powers 535 SN: 535006683

PN: 535-2100BOOOO FV: 3.01







Heater Junction Box See Fis"'" C.7

~ (t)1-I-~bI~k-.

~ (t)1--++=,.,d'-,

5 ~ o 0 ~--~~------~ I~------------------------------~'; .;

~ ~


HCY Jun~tion Box SeeF.,,,,,,C.7

Evap. Loop Zone Box

See Fi,,,,,, C.3

~ ~ ~~~

Figure C.6 Humidity addition system PID chassfs wiring diagram.


HCY PIO Controller See

HCY Power Supply

Water Tank Heater PIO Controller


°B °A

CryodmDual SSR


5 kW Immersion Heaters



r--"=-i. 4-20 rnA -

+12 VDC


Open Full

Close Full

I.-.;-~. Com

Heater Junction Box

240VAC 34>

Figure C.7 Humidity addition system wiFing diagrams.



APPENDIX D D.I Converting Measured Voltages to Reduced Data

D.2 Calculating Refrigerant-Side Gauge Pressure Transducer Zero Offsets


D.I Converting Measured Voltages to Reduced Data

This section is provided as a convenient reference for the equations required""to convert the

voltage Vx [VDC] measured by the Hewlett-Packard data acquisition system (HP DAS) to the

corresponding reduced value for each measurement instrument in the facility. Unless otherwise

noted, all the relations are from Weston (1996).

A list of all the signals measured by the HP DAS is given in Table D.5 at the end of this

section. Table D.5 also lists the wire that carries each signal, the multiplexer (Mux) board and

terminal (Tenn) to which the wire is connected, and the HP VXI channel number corresponding to

the signal.

D.1.1 Temperature Instrumentation

D.l. 1. 1 Thermistor

A thermistor is mounted in a constant temperature bath located in the test facility and serves a

reference for all thermocouple measurements. The relation between the voltage V ImSIr measured by

the HP DAS and the temperature TImSIr [0C] measured by the thermistor, with an excitation voltage

V sv provided by the 5 V power supply, is given by Equation D.l.

D.l. 1. 2 Thermocouples

TImSIr =91.691 VImSIr +16.088 Vsv


Type-T thermocouples are used to measure the majority of the temperatures in the test

facility. Each thermocouple circuit consists of a measuring junction in series with a reference

junction (which is located in the constant temperature bath). The temperature measured by the

thennocouple is calculated using the following three-step process: 1. Use Equation D.2a to convert the thermistor temperature T ImSIr from Equation D.1 to an

equivalent thermocouple voltage Veqv [VDC]. The coefficients co, ... ,cn for Equation D.2a are listed in Table D.l.

V = Co +c1 Tlmslr + c2 T!str + c3 T!str + ... + cn T~str eqv 1000


2. Add the voltage V 1CPl measured by the HP DAS to the equivalent thermocouple voltage Veqv from Equation D.2a to determine the measuring junction voltage Vjunc [mVDC], as in Equation D.2b.

3. Use Equation D.2c to convert V.iw.!!; to the corresponding temperature TlCpl [oF]. The coefficients ao""'~ for Equation D.2c are listed in Table D.2.




Table D.l Coefficients for Equation D.2a.

Coefficient Value Ttmstr = -270 to 0 °C Ttmstr = 0 to 400 °C

CO 0.000 000 000 0 0.0000000000

c i 3.874810 6364 x 10-2 3.874810 636 4 x 10-2

C2 4.4194434347 x lO-s 3.329 222 788 0 x lO-s

c3 1.184432310 5 x 10-7 2.061 824 340 4 x 10-7

c4 2.003 297 355 4 x 10-8 -2.188 225 684 6 x 10-9

Cs 9.013 801 955 9 x 10-10 1.099688 0928 x 10-11

c6 2.265 115 659 3 x 10-11 -3.081 5758772 x 10-14

c7 3.607 115 420 5 x 10-13 4.547 913 529 0 x 10-17

c8 3.849 393 988 3 x lO-IS -2.751 290 167 3 x 10-20

c9 2.821 352 1925 x 10-17 -

clO 1.425 159 477 9 x 10-19 -

C II 4.876 866 228 6 x 10-22 -

C I2 1.079 553 927 0 x 10-24 -

C I3 1.394 502 706 2 x 10-27 -

C 14 7.9795153927 x 10-31 -


Table D.2 Coefficients for Equation D.2c.

Coefficient Value ~.:

V june = -5.603 to 0.0 mV Vjunc = 0.0 to 20.872 mV

ao 0.000 000 0 0.000000

a l 2.5949192 x 1d 2.592 800 x 1d

a2 -2.131 6967 x 10.1 -7.602961 x 10.1

a3 7.901 869 2 x 10-1 4.637 791 x 10-2

a4 4.252 777 7 x 10-1 -2.165394 x 10-3

as 1.330 447 3 x 10-1 6.048 144 x lO-s

a6 2.024 144 6 x 10-2 -7.293422 x 10-7

a7 1.266817 1 x 10-3 -

D.1.1.3 Resistance Temperature Detectors (RIDs)

Platinum RIDs are located in the Vaisala relative humidity/temperature probes in the air

loops. The resistance of an RID changes with measured temperature. The relation between the

voltage VRTD measured by the HP DAS for each RID and the resistance RRTD [0] of the RID is

given by Equation D.3a. The resistance RSel [0] is unique for each sensor and is listed in Table



Vsv - VRTD (D.3a)

The relation between the RID resistance RRTD and the measured temperature T RTD [Of] is given by

the Callendar-Van Dusen equation. The Callendar-Van Dusen equation is implicit in temperature.

For temperatures above 32 of, however, it can be solved explicitly for temperature using the

quadratic equation. The result is given in Equation D.3b.

TRTD = : (3367.85 + 43.089"7037.36-9.28312RRTD )+ 32 (D.3b)


Table D.3 Set and shunt resistance values.

Sensor [kO] Rabunt [0] '.i'.;

RID. 21.489 -RIDeao 21.519 -

RIDcao 21.466 -

dP cav - 2.4826

dP cay - 2.4845

MicroMotion® - 2.4867

TH20 - 2.508

D.l. 2 Pressure Instrumentation

D.l. 2.1 Barometer

A mercury barometer mounted on the wall of the laboratory is used to measure the ambient

atmospheric pressure in the room. Equation D.4 relates the measured room pressure

[in. Hg] and room temperature TRocm [oF] to the ambient atmospheric pressure Palm [psia].

p = 0.490905PRoom (0.999368+0.0000102TRocm )

.tm 0.996768+0.000101TRoom



The value of Patm from Equation D.4 must be added to the gauge pressures discussed below to

obtain the absolute pressures required for calculation of refrigerant and air properties.

D.I. 2. 2 Pressure Transducers

Two general types of transducers are used to measure air and refrigerant pressures in the test

facility: gauge pressure transducers and differential pressure transducers. All the gauge pressure

transducers have a calibration equation relating the voltage V press measured by the HP DAS to the

measured pressure P [psig]. The relation is given by Equation D.5. In Equation D.5, m is the

slope of the transducer. Each transducer has a unique slope, and the values are listed in Table D.4.

Also, Vo [VDC] is the voltage output at zero gauge pressure. The method for calculating Vo is

explained in later in this appendix. The differential pressures measured by the transducers

connected between the inlet and outlet refrigerant lines of the heat exchangers are also calculated

with Equation D.5. For those pressures, however, the units of P are [psid] and Vo is the voltage

measured when both ports of the transducer are exposed to the same pressure.


The differential pressure transducers used with the air-side Venturi tubes output a current

signal rather than a voltage signal. For this reason, a shunt with resistance R shunt [0] is connected


across the input tenninals of the HP DAS. The values of Rshunt are listed in Table D.3. The

relation between the measured voltage VdP and the differential pressure dP [psicl] is given by

Equation D.6. The slopes for each transducer are listed in Table DA. The zero-pressure current 10 [rnA] is the value measured when both ports of the transducer are exposed to the same pressure.

dP = m(1000 V dP - 10) (D.6) Rshunt

The output voltage from the differential pressure transducers used with the refrigerant-side

Venturi tubes depends on the excitation voltage Vsv (Rubio-Quero, 1995). The relation between

the output voltage V dP and the differential pressure dP [psid] is given by Equation D.7. The slopes

m for each transducer are listed in Table D.4. The zero-pressure voltage Vo [VDC] is the value

measured when both ports of the transducer are exposed to the same pressure.

1000(VdP - Yo) dP = m-......:........;;.;...-'-"-

Vsv (D.7)

Table DA Pressure transducer slopes.

Transducer Slope [Units]

Peri 20.038 [psig/VDC]

dPer 5.1463 [psidNDC]

Pm 20.031 [psig/VDC]

Pkro 120.39 [psig/VDC]

dPdy 1.0144 [psid/(mVNDC)]

Peri 100.27 [psig/VDC]

dPcr 4.9448 [psidNDC]

Ply 101.24 [psig/VDC]

dPly 0.50393 [psid/(m V NDC)]

P cay 0.10833 [psig/VDC]

dPeay 0.065652 [psid/mA]

P cay 0.10719 [psig/VDC]

dPcay 0.06841 [psid/mA]

D. 1. 3 Other Instrumentation

D.1.3.1 MicroMotion® Mass Flow Sensor

A MicroMotion® Coriolis-type mass flow sensor is located in the liquid refrigerant line at the

outlet of the condenser. The MicroMotion® sensor outputs a current signal, so a shunt with

nominal resistance RshWlt [0] (value listed in Table D.3) is pl~ced in the circuit so the HP DAS can


measure voltage. The relation between the measured voltage V Micro and the mass flow rate mMicro

[lbm/hr] is given by Equation D.S. 10 is the current measured with no flow through· the sensor.

rilMicro = 25(1000 VMicro - IoJ (D.S) RlhwlI

D.l. 3.2 Compressor Speed Sensor

A sensor on the compressor drive shaft measures the rotational speed of the compressor.

The relation between the output voltage V RPM of the sensor and the speed Ncomp [RPM] of the

compressor is given by Equation D.9. In Equation D.9, Rp is the pulley ratio of the compressor.

For the Ford FS-IO compressor, ~ = 0.9963.


D.l. 3. 3 Compressor Torque Sensor

A sensor on the compressor drive shaft measures the torque applied to the compressor. The

relation between the output voltage Vtmque of the sensor and the torque tcomp [in-IbfJ on the

compressor is given by Equation D.lO.

tcamp = (D. 10)

D.l. 3.4 Relative Humidity Sensors

Relative humidity sensors are located in the air ducts at the inlet and outlet of the evaporator

and the outlet of the condenser. The relation between the voltage VRH measured by the HP DAS

and the relative humidity RH [%] measured by the probe at the inlet to the evaporator is given by

Equation D.lla (see Appendix B). The relation for the other two probes is given by Equation


(D. 11 a)


D.l.3.5 PID Controller Retransmission

The PID controller that regulates the humidity addition system water temperature has a feature

that allows the measured temperature to be retransmitted as an output (see Chapter 2). The output

is a current signal, so a shunt with resistance Rshunt [0] (value listed in Table D.3) is used in the

circuit. The relation between the measured voltage V TII20 and the water temperature T H2O [oF] is

given by Equation D.12.



Table D.5 Signals measured by the HP DAS.

Signal Name B undle-Wire Mux-Term VXI Channel Applicable Equation(s)

V Tm R-l 1-0 0 D.2a, D.2b, D.2c

V Tero R-2 1-1 1 D.2a, D.2b, D.2c

VTIai R-5 1-2 2 D.2a, D.2b, D.2c

VTkro R-6 1-3 3 D.2a, D.2b, D.2c

V Tcri R-3 1-4 4 D.2a, D.2b, D.2c

V Tcro R-4 1-5 5 D.2a, D.2b, D.2c

Vnv R-7 1-6 6 D.2a, D.2b, D.2c

V Teai E-l 1-7 7 D.2a, D.2b, D.2c

V Teao E-2 1-8 8 D.2a, D.2b, D.2c

V Teav E-3 1-9 9 D.2a, D.2b, D.2c

V Teai C-1 1-10 10 D.2a, D.2b, D.2c

V Tcao C-2 1-11 11 D.2a, D.2b, D.2c

V Tcav C-3 1-12 12 D.2a, D.2b, D.2c

V Toil R-8 1-13 13 D.2a, D.2b, D.2c

V dPdv R-16 2-0 16 D.7

V dP1v R-17 2-1 17 D.7

V Micro C-6 2-2 18 D.8

V dPeav E-5 2-3 19 D.6

V dPcav C-5 2-4 20 D.6

Vnoo E-6 2-6 22 D.12

VOi! C-11 2-7 23 -V RTDeai E-7 2-8 24 D.3a, D.3b

V RTDeao E-lO 2-9 25 D.3a, D.3b

V RTDcao C-8 2-10 26 D.3a, D.3b

V RHeai E-8 2-11 27 D.11a

V RHeao E-11 2-12 28 D.llb

V RHcao C-9 2-13 29 D.llb


Table 0.5 (cont.) Signals measured by the HP DAS.

Signal Name Bundle-Wire Mux.-Term. VXI Channel Applicable Equation(s)

Vtmstr R-19 2-14 30 0.1

VdPet R-14 3-0 32 0.5

VPcto R-9 3-1 33 0.5

VPbi R-11 3-2 34 0.5

VPk,ro R-12 3-3 35 0.5

VPr;ri R-lO 3-4 36 0.5

VdPc:t R-15 3-5 37 0.5

VPlv R-13 3-6 38 0.5

VPeav E-4 3-7 39 0.5

VPcav C-4 3-8 40 0.5

VRPM E-12 3-9 41 0.9

VIOJq\Je E-13 3-10 42 0.10

Vsv R-18 3-11 43 -VSmtIl - 3-12 44 -

D.2 Calculating Refrigerant-Side Gauge Pressure Transducer Zero Offsets

The calibration equation for a gauge pressure transducer relates the voltage V press output by

the transducer to the pressure P measured by the transducer, as in Equation D.13. In Equation

D.13, m is the transducer slope and Po is the measured pressure that produces zero voltage output.

P = m V press - Po (0.13)

The slope of a transducer remains fairly constant over time, but the zero-voltage pressure tends to

drift as the transducer ages. Thus, a method to compensate for the drift is needed.

The calibration equation can also be expressed as in Equation 0.5. Use of this equation

eliminates the need to know Po' but Vo (the voltage output at zero gauge pressure or the zero offset)

must instead be known. If pressure P known and the corresponding voltage V press, known are known,

however, then the zero offset can easily be calculated using Equation 0.14.



A highly accurate (0.25% of full scale) dial pressure gauge (OMEGA Model PGT-60L-l00)

was installed in the test facility and connected to the refrigerant line at the outlet of the evaporator.

The range of the gauge is 0 to 100 psig, and its dial is subdivided into 0.2-psig increments.

Each day before tests are run, while the test stand is idle, the HP DAS collects data for 10 to

15 min. During this time, the air-side pressure transducers are opened to the atmosphere, the

refrigerant-side differential pressure transducer cross-connect valves are opened, and the

refrigerant-side gauge pressure transducers are exposed to the pressure in the refrigerant line. The

pressure Pknown measured by the dial pressure gauge is also recorded. After the data is collected,

the outputs from each gauge are averaged. The average voltages Vpress,known from each of the gauge

transducers are then used in Equation D .14 with the P known to calculate the zero offset for each



<r •.


E.l EES Code to Implement Wet Evaporator Analysis With Constant dro/dh E.2 EES Code to Implement Wet Evaporator Analysis With Integration of dro/dh


E.I EES Code to Implement Wet Evaporator Analysis With Constant dro/dh .>.

(This program implements the simple wet evaporator analysis described in Chapter 3.

The program will calculate the predicted latent heat transfer ratio assuming the

ratio dw/dh is constant through the entire evaporator.

The following measured variables should be entered into the parametric table:

Patm[psial. Teai [Fl. TRHeai [Fl.RHeai [%l. Teao [Fl. TRHeao [Fl.

RHeao [%l. Peri [psial. Pero [psiaJ)


{Temperature change from inlet to outlet of control volume}

dT=O.l (F)

{Relative weight when averaging inlet and surface properties}

weight = 0.5 {-}


{Evaporator air inlet properties. State O}

weai = HumRat(AirH20, T = TRHeai, R = min(RHeai/lOO,l), P = Patm) {Ibm H20/Ibm dry air}

heai = Enthalpy(AirH20. T = Teai, w = weai, P = Patm) {Btu/Ibm dry air}

TDPeai = DewPoint(AirH20, T = Teai, w = weai, P = Patm) (F)

{Evaporator air outlet properties}

weao = HumRat(AirH20, T = TRHeao, R = min(RHeao/lOO,l), P = Patm) {Ibm H20/Ibm dry air}

heao = Entbalpy(AirH20, T = Teao, w = weao, P = Patm) {Btu/Ibm dry air}

TDPeao = DewPoint(AirH20, T = Teao, w = weao, P = Patm) (F)

{Enthalpy of air at end of dehumidification process}

bdrym = Entbalpy(AirH20, T = Teai, w = weao, P = Patm) {Btullbm dry air}

{Measured latent ratio}

LatRatioMeas = (heai - hdrym) / (heai - heao) {-}

{Refrigerant saturation temperatures}

Tsateri = Temperature(Rl34a, P = Peri, x = 0.5) (F)

Tsatero = Temperature(R134a, P = Pero, x = 0.5) (F)



{Properties at air-water interface. State s}

Ts = Tsatero (F)

WetDeltaT = TDPeai - Ts (F)

OutDeltaT = TDPeao - Ts (F)

ws = HumRat(AirH20, T = Ts, R = 1.0, P = PatIn) {Ibm H20llbm dry air}

rhos = l/Volume(AirH20, T = Ts, R = 1.0, P = PatIn) {Ibm dry air/ftl\3}

Cs = ws*rhos {Ibm H20/ft1\3}

{Temperature at outlet of control volume. State inf}

Tinf = Teai - dT (F)

{Mean properties between control volume inlet. State O. and interface. State s}

Thar = Ts + weight*(Teai - Ts) (F)

wbar = ws + weight*(weai - ws) {Ibm H20llbm dry air}

rhobar = l/Volume(AirH20, T = Thar, w = wbar, P = Patm) {Ibm dry air/ftl\3}

cpbar = SpecHeat(AirH20, T = Thar, w = wbar, P = Patm) (Btu/(lbm dry air-F)}

kbar = Conductivity(AirH20, T = Thar, w = wbar, P = Patm) (Btu/(hr1t-F)}

alphabar = kbar/(rhobar*cpbar) {ft1\2/hr}

{Mass diffusivity of water in air; curvefit of data from ASHRAE Fundamentals. Ch. 6}

Dbar = 1.6798e-5 * (5!9*(Tbar - 32)+273.15)1\1.6912 * convert(cmI\2/s,ftI\2/hr) {ft1\2/hr}

Lebar = alphabar/Dbar {-}

{Properties at outlet of control volume. State inf}

hinf = Enthalpy(AirH20, T = Tinf, w = winf, P = Patm) {Btullbm dry air}

rhoinf = 1/Volume(AirH20, T = Tinf, w = winf, P = Patm) {Ibm dry air/ftl\3}

Cinf = winf*rhoinf {Ibm H20/ft1\3}

{Enthalpy of vapor that crosses control surface}

hfg = Enthalpy(Water, T = Ts, x = 1.0) {Btullbm H20}

{Ratio of delta w to delta h}

DeltaC = max(Cinf - Cs,O) {Ibm H20/ft1\3}

dwdb = DeltaC/(rhobar*cpbar*Lebarl\(2/3)*(Tinf- Ts) + hfg*DeltaC) {Ibm H20/Btu}

{Changes in humidity ratio and enthalpy from State 0 to State inf}

dw = weai - winf {Ibm H20/Ibm dry air}

db = heai - hinf {Btu/Ibm dry air}

dw = dwdh*dh {Ibm H20/Ibm dry air}


{Enthalpy of air at end of dehumidification process}

hdryp = Enthalpy(AirH20. T = Teai. w = winf. P = Paun) {Btu/Ibm dry air}

{Predicted latent heat ratio}

LatRatioPred = (heai - hdryp) / (heai - hint) {-}

{Difference between measured and predicted latent ratios}

LatRatioDiff = LatRatioMeas - LatRatioPred {-}


E.2 EES Code to Implement Wet Evaporator Analysis With Integration of dro/ dh ~.

{This program implements the simple wet evaporator analysis described in Chapter 3.

The program will calculate the predicted latent heat transfer ratio by integrating

the dwldh ratio from the measured inlet temperature to the measured outlet temperature.}


Patm = 14.41 {psia}

Teai = 99.79 {F}

RHeai = 30.9 {%}

TRHeai = 91.05 {F}

Teao = 54.7 {F}

RHeao = 8.325 {%}

TRHeao = 116 {F}

Peri = 57.28{psia}

Pero = 52.11 {psia}


{Temperature change from inlet to outlet of control volume}

dT = (Teai-Teao),99 {F}

{Relative weight when averaging inlet and interface properties}

weight = 0.5 {-}

{Parametric table run number}

TR = TableRun#


{Evaporator air inlet properties. State O}

weai = HumRat(AirH20, T = TRHeai, R = min(RHeai/lOO,l), P = Patm) {Ibm H20llbm dry air}

heai = Enthalpy(AirH20, T = Teai, w = weai, P = Patm) {Btullbm dry air}

TDPeai = DewPoint(AirH20, T = Teai, w = weai, P = Palm) {F}

{Evaporator air outlet properties. State J}

weao = HumRat(AirH20, T = TRHeao, R = min(RHeao/lOO,I), P = Palm) {Ibm H20llbm dry air}

heao = Enthalpy(AirH20, T = Teao, w = weao, P = Patm) {Btullbm dry air}

TDPeao = DewPoint(AirH20, T = Teao, w = weao, P = Palm) {F}

{Enthalpy of air at end of dehumidification process}

hdrym = Enthalpy(AirH20, T = Teai, w = weao, P = Patm) {Btullbm.dry air}


{Measured lalenl ratio}

LatRatioMeas = (heai - hdrym) / (heai - heao) {-}

{Refrigerant saluration temperatures}

Tsateri = Temperature(R134a, P = Peri, x = 0.5) (F)

Tsatero = Temperature(R134a, P = Pero, x = 0.5) (F)


{Properties at inlet of control volume, State O}

{wO = weai {Ibm H20/Ibm dry air}}

wO = tablevalue(TR-l,#winf) (Ibm H20/Ibm dry air)

hO = Enthalpy(AirH20, T = TO, w = wO, P = Patm) (Btullbm dry air)

(Properties at air-water interface, State s)

Ts = Tsatero (F)

ws = HumRat(AirH20, T = Ts, R = 1.0, P = Patm) {Ibm H20llbm dry air}

rhos = 1/Volume(AirH20, T = Ts, R = 1.0, P = Patm) (Ibm dry airlft"3)

Cs = ws*rhos {Ibm H20lft"3}

{Temperature at outlet of control volume, State inf}

Tinf = TO - dT (F)

(Mean properties between control volume inlet, State D, and interface)

Tbar = Ts + weight*(TO - Ts) (F)

wbar = ws + weight*(wO - ws) {Ibm H20llbm dry air}

rhobar = 1/Volume(AirH20, T = Tbar, w = wbar, P = Patm) {Ibm dry airlft"3}

cpbar = SpecHeat(AirH20, T = Tbar, w = wbar, P = Patm) (Btu/(lbm dry air-F})

kbar = Conductivity(AirH20, T = Tbar, w = wbar, P = Patm) (Btu/(hr-ft-F})

a1phabar = kbar/(rhobar*cpbar) {ft"2/hr}

{Mass dif/usivity of water in air; curvefit of data from ASHRAE Fundamentals, Ch. 6}

Dbar = 1.6798e-5 * (5/9*(Tbar - 32)+273.15)"1.6912 * convert(cm"2/s,ft"2/hr) {ft"2/hr}

Lebar = a1phabar/Dbar {-}

{Properties at outlet of control volume, State inf}

hinf= Enthalpy(AirH20, T = Tinf, w = winf, P = Patm) {Btullbm dry air}

rhoinf = 1/Volume(AirH20, T = Tinf, w = winf, P = Patm) {Ibm dryair/ft"3}

Cinf = winf*rhoinf {Ibm H20/ft"3}

TDPinf = DewPoint(AirH20, T = Tinf, w = winf, P = Patm) (F)


{Enthalpy of vapor that crosses control surface}

hg = Enthalpy(Water, T = Ts, x = 1.0) {Btullbm H20}

(Ratio of delta w to delta h)

DeltaC = max(Cinf - Cs,O) {Ibm H20/ftA3}

dwdh = DeltaC/(rhobar*cpbar*Lebar'(2/3)*(Tinf - Ts) + hg*DeltaC) {Ibm H20/Btu}

{Humidity ratio at outlet of control volume, winfJ

dh = hO - hinf {Btullbm dry air}

winf = weai + integral(dwdh*dh/dT,Tint) {Ibm H20llbm dry air}

{Enthalpy of air at end of dehumidification process}

hdryp = Enthalpy(AirH20, T = Teai, w = winf, P = Patin) {Btullbm dry air}

{Predicted latent heat ratio}

LatRatioPred = (heai - hdryp) / (heai - hint) {-}

{Difference between measured and predicted latent heat ratios}

LatRatioDiff = LatRatioMeas - LatRatioPred {-}


REFERENCES ASHRAE, 1993: 1993 ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals (SI Edition), American'Society of

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Stoecker, W.E and J.W. Jones, 1982: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, 2nd Ed., McGraw­Hill, Inc., New York.

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Wexler, A. and S. Hasegawa, 1954: "Relative Humidity-Temperature Relationships of Some Saturated Salt Solutions in the Temperature Range 0° to 50° C," Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Vol. 53, No.1, pp 19-26.


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