hw hometown yanqi wu

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 HW Hometown Yanqi Wu


    Hunan is getting more and more vigor and vi-tality. A trial implementation of comprehensivereforms to build a resource-conserving and en-vironment-friendly society has also been accel-erated in the cluster region of Changsha, Zhu-zhou and Xiangtan cities. Thus, a new nucleusof growth is about to form around these urbanareas. Hunan is turning more and more into avigorous and appealing hub of dynamism.

    HUXIANG CULTUREAs the Xiang River, the longest river withinits boundaries, runs through it from south tonorth, the Province is called Xiang for short;and thus we have Xiang Cuisine, XiangEmbroidery, Xiang Opera, and XiangArmy.

    The culture of Hunan is also called Huxiangculture. From the Shang Dynasty or Yin Dy-nasty (1600 BC-1100 BC), the second historicChinese dynasty, to the Northern Song Dy-nasty (960-1127), the representative culture ofHunan was the Chu culture from the north, the

    Miaoman cu ture (the barbaric cu ture of theMiao nationality) and the Yue culture from thesouth and west. This is what Huxiang culturecontains in a broad sense. However, since theSouthern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), the Hux-iang School enjoyed the prosperity of Chu cul-ture and the term Huxiang culture is now usedin its narrowest sense.

    MODERN HUNANIn recent years, Changsha has become an

    important creative center for TV and entertain-ment arts, with its many TV stations produc-ing some of the most popular programs inChina, including Super Girl, a Chinese femaleversion of the UK Pop Idol or American Idol

    that is the most watched program ever to airon Chinese TV. These programs have alsobrought a new entertainment industry, includ-ing singing bars, dance clubs, theater shows,as well as related businesses like hair salonsand fashion stores. Now it is not rare thatsome people will y into Changsha to spendtheir weekends from as far as the northeastern

    City of Harbin.


    Hunan cuisine, sometimes called Xiang cuisine,is one of the eight regional cuisines of China.The cooking skills employed in Hunan cuisinereached a high standard as early as the WesternHan Dynasty, over 2,100 years ago. Hunan cui-sine consists of more than 4,000 dishes, amongwhich over 300 are very famous. It is charac-terized by its hot and sour avour, fresh aro-ma, and deep colour. It consists of three styles:Xiang River style, Dongting Lake style and

    western Hunan style.Hunan cuisine is hot because the air is veryhumid which makes it difcult for the humanbody to eliminate moisture. The local peopleeat hot peppers to help remove dampness andcoldness.

    The Xiang River style is represented by Chang-sha, Xiangtan and Hengyang. This regionboasts good transportation, talented people,and abundant resources. Local dishes are deli-cately cooked with plentiful ingredients, cut-ting skill, degree of cooking, colour and ap-pearance all being of the utmost importance.

    Cooking methods include stewing, simmering,

    curing, steaming, stir-frying,frying. The avours are pufragrant. Such dishes as hot astir-fried tripe slivers, tripe inand dried scallops with steare all typical food.

    The Dongting Lake regionChangde, Yiyang and Yueyarea. The Story of Yueyang TFan Zhongyan, a man of lettduring the Song Dynasty, stre

    the landscape and gave cultumaking and naming of local are famous for sea food, livewith a deep colour and hot Representative dishes are

    Wuling snake, Dongting wilsh roll.

    Western Hunan refers to theous area. As this area is richabundant mushrooms and fdwellers also make smoked are salty, fragrant, hot and dtive dishes are steamed curedFestival fungi and deep-frie

    have special avours.

  • 8/2/2019 HW Hometown Yanqi Wu



    The 800-li Dongting Lake is lided in the central China. Onsuch a treasure land with aburich local production. It is Hplace south to Dongting Lakfor its longest river, River Xcalled the Kingdom of Hibwidely planted hibiscus. It is Yangtze River, and in the souProvince, Hong Kong and Mawith Hubei, Guangxi, GuizChongqing. With its populalion people, covering the areasquare kilometers, governingautonomous prefecture and and regions) in total, the capifamous cultural city in histor

    As the birthplace of Mao Zethe Peoples Republic of Chprovince has contributed to growth of the country. Over the 21st century, the provincproduction(GDP) has annua10. Despite the global nanout 2009, Hunan achieved with its in-depth implementment strategies: pushing fo



    industrialization , as well as stepping up effortsto improve basic industries, infrastructure, andfundamentals. In the same year, the provincesGDP hit nearly 1.3 trillion yuan, and its econ-omy grew 13.6,4.9 percentage higher thanthe national average. This ranked the provinceamong the nations top six performers in termsof growth rate, and placed it among Chinastop ten for the consecutive year in terms of itseconomy. Hunan is emerging as one of Chinascentral provinces maintaining stable and fast


    Hunan is well developed in agriculture, inlight to solid industrial foundation, abundantnatural resources, pioneering educational tech-niques, ourishing cultural industry and costefciency of business operation; it obtains ap-parently advantageous position and trafc con-ditions. Nowadays, people of all ethnic groupsin Hunan are comprehensively implementingthe scientic development and acceleratingthe new industrialization with the strategy ofbuilding a well-off society for people in Hunanas well as enhancing the infrastructure, funda-

    mental industry and work so as to promote theregional economic cooperation and exchange.Todays Hunan province has established a di-rect trade relationship with more than 170 na-tions and regions; 49 of Top 500 Fortune Com-panies have invested in Hunan province.



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