hydraulics branch 9 f r- 1y y · auov cloealy the prtt ra ujam which the &wigs v" %-aeod,...

Post on 10-Jul-2020






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9 0 F F I C r-



AFFP-C*.PM UWr.rlD ~VMWS :~-'CTJC-4, 1p -IROVIDING FwaMokly) W.IV milATION 11-1mg.,2


A , B, 1", --e 0 -r-I C. 'Z. "MV'Xi ~ a Cht*fv Cawds SilAachp and Rydroulla BWw-*r, S"4w*erlmg T-Kt.*mtmi,~--ts 3r-ach, 2-; Swett - ly,

rpm* Igm ".d Camtruct too TI I s 1 on Dwre-u of Recl-m te've Denverp zolorftao, ves'.40

A V%per to be prnsen". eot 4"he leemmwl Cmrrmss an Alg,lersp ATr.-IT I


Th pmet leoe- of irri-atiara is * eeosrirr;- in w;w , }*ice

of th, °4orld to M p'l -at natwal mveivItntlan is order ghat

s. t# vater may V;e rmtde t; :rAlable to the law to T-Ww"it em


up= tb is nrUfWal vxMl ' or vm M T"e irr i :-at l on "tea >Aw 1.

do so c"fix3- d camse total f'allure of 4..~ entire *,-aUrprioe.

refore., the mat destgra or the ma, feet that Wliec-

tterly foss the IrrL~tton #,:stew Is extroaly tupwt.sat. ,

of the mzwrous 4 i-."U ProClem is 'proper frestanxd allowmees

!.n A'4wh of tax- coqponmt Iffi=er of the system.

Ite term fr~eloc as use. In tf,e Wwtice of irrl sn-

tion hyft=l.ies =W be .effaced an t-tic- .*rtieRl distouwe that is

left between t;!* norml opemtln meter 1p-,,el SW t~w tarp of

t:M sides of M OPM earkhtit,, OW itrest of a Uaw, f-t.e.,, to

vext overtoppim, Vii' to twititl.,emies in 4owi m nW to cq?cw !

tion. :fir purwoesr of desigl,E freeboard is uwially consilere *'

to to s, bind of consteat uridth ~..xtevAin the le th of tkw

trLaCtitx'4'. ZA actual w peration thU 1 d is geuervM`'

is iQt' over a ►ide t'sA',,) .

Vim Pmetse emcwt of froobo"Al to aLUw akmwt he

deteta bied by purely analytical met ols. Rational, solutions

any eatehlish a %*Iw vrithts lWtoll but the optimm muctont is

,- o1a!rwd primarily by the ogjartermh and J"-iwnnrt of the

In -,enearsl j, fftebsnrd albs In irrf:;,natim -xwir s

am LUMVIKm -r,:, tYo Umportmat slid: oPVwin=.. hors. Of 1xime

commidwatim is Ube fact Vat the initial, rill --ontimod safety

of the vor'L met t. bee ammood. Tv mill this ropireammot a

:,mmmis froeboari is Wiczte4. On the other tear►r # eid em-

tim aasctat be TIvma to eeormy of earistmetion. A mialwAs ftee-

board U t±aem inferred. A dearamme In Initial host am meeesrr-

Belly be acco Busted by mlatmizim freeboard sllt Maas.

Howvvw,j caution must be a'.zmoeiieed to pm ,"t l reisiA; a 'h

ml +tMl+un 8 to 'tfis extent that Operation and mai.ntemace costae

gill. be :=r*mm*, resulting In .meter over-ell ex,,Atari.ftures.

tcb practice is ft" ~ my &Iso ~~ tt~ rlp3.'~L~ 0_41•

the sure in jeopardy.

•xiUm e4ftlemme aw jUL- t PU' amb an Important

,fit la ostmblishUg p p z freaboaa d i,Llmh11ams its design,

this disawAmdWa of the ee weed includ9s periaxipal y the influ-

ewiw, cormideratUm. In Uwtaactm vhere an approximate

rational solution m W be obtsiaaartP&,p t"re ne *ds involved am

:gibed,`nveb aazbo s23owsmea tan eoaa wa crm&M aeeat'e Inelta4ed

wbwe appropriate.


with xesps+ct to optimm ft eU3erd al.lor+aGa"s, there

are a =x*,er of wasideratioas that #Wly spMmU'° to all types

or irrIOAtion VWksa.

RW i Probably the =Wt UWW tint

of these, *ad am that shw1$ deceive early attention, is a<

ouvAil, review of all criteria constdeml ir, the 4esip;n. It

V* :Maas of all eagirleal coeffieleuts any rftdily SW. aeeu-

rstetly be ftteruiraad and all. 1-.y-lrmlle fervaUs Involved are

v*U r flm d, the ncnal eater surfhm say be *xpec to d to follew

that calmlated. In such ImOtoome liberal freeboard a lleaancr s

are not justified. On the anise hMW If all elite eontrollin--

t,S d t i am wt trnrree isely :-wvm or f t t ore is reasm to

bel.iatm that ame fact , wAgh as frtettUm ermft elentes are

nGt sell 6*ft gad or aW ebmge ?a*Jy after *Vest Ion Itas

boom, mom ft'eabwd 11M W be sweesawy . lawo are mw ,factors

that influence the A4tim of freeboard as will be stouu later,.

tipiial f'~Qdlii @Pati0011. In awitiora to iesign W IIYI nl 1i~~I~.~iI+I wi.IM ~IIII\ II~Y~

em!li. matiow,. the ctrl ad off' qw atttou of tbo systim mist

anticipated. It it mW removably be mqaeted that operatics

;rill faUOV cloealy the prtt ra ujam which the &wigs v" %-aeod,

low tt+ardlaaapr v1U bs 'pried . ftWvWv It fW see rya

radiml darpsrianm Mr devolop, fterrbcard sbcold be Yadmed

aeeoxd as . AS as ale, us I" *W ba ftsi:-rje4 beer'


nornal operation at a statead d isetar -;e lbut of tt a putt saaz ies

fcw sit inteervalm OOU. If a probability extaft Unt the

peak t1ows will not, be eeNWined to short pertWo vtM Operstice

of the eentiree System is acccuplislwd, inch Itembeaerd uuy

be :wc sewry to ym v iie for this crs►tfa .

size, The aim of the eaasi or structure vin tat'2u-

e um the i"r d. Ira f"IMUSI, the 3tarrw the strwture the

wee►tesr the freebouri. This nay be duee to uove-ftainties so"



~jeei: t

'. 3..nerteft"d disttt~e: an flov a chew.at~C









s me ..

e ant ioilatw4i In warks of ~Tew ^ ws'r'xi ~•+sc~ . Probably ly the . "t

he larger i Ri W4 6. In =MR:, Iftetwbee ftilu Tw of a majUr s ue`

Pure vould je op tl dive or ppftit)Zy -*ww emplote fRiluTe or

the Open "14= Of the ee'1i3" system witA a "que L' "truction

of maAable arty and eoW ste law of croTm. "Nee role

tbat the stru ture p1mys with rrecieeet to the o"rutian of the

wtwle" sbould be e:aeAnUicred a»d freetxxwd be allov*4 gate

pith its fqpwimimem•

Locatum. locattan of the +wks- with r+elatiaa to

thick popstLw ited and hits :ieveloped ass bas a deRfireite

bearing m lsrsiwomerei. A Mmeamet of water etretrtopvtng

s comma or small dim located 1n a remote argw *t result in

very little inapv it heel ver6a not a 0a rviso saftwamovd,

vmw Soo at eat wat.+er t Gomm s uw. v ' pales ff

relespea tat* thieckly se=ttled or hirJa7 de welerped tedustrUl son". ".


C? haste. .'If ate enteree Into freeboard. tatalculatiow

principal) retprd to the formation of ice, wbetber iae

rem ~oirs, at dive"loar ism,, or in conveyomoss ed eftiated

struettires. Irri tion ceaaaaeals eye nft~=Ily not ox*ra►ted in

freezing stbaeer; but r aaea power ;_!V raeticm facilities am

irite,,;mted Into the system or stm the abmmels aaeW aetruett av e

serve to f M off ootreem atone 0 3ear*o"ma aperst Ada my he


The ef'f ct of a ell ete ice cower tact a canal. 1s to

pmwtic&llla' *mible the wetted periw.te.r and, Vie, for a given

area. to reduce tae hydraulic radius one-balr, 2Alem Is Alm

saw iumm*ve in frictioaa head Aue to the greater frictional

eerfidct of the undermath ice aeeart eer as eoqpwwl with air

sWW.1, l eft *s MW lYtaM WA OMM the iistar ra'aea 1.0

ruse above norawa. I! the Ong alt-. of the conal or

strue ture to to be ,ecsi ttai and the am* throueaaaazt the y esr,

mule allawmaae a got-be mWo for this redueei caps ity vben

iaee my be pros", Add itional rreebosed stay` be reimireei at

storso mod div mt nt duos in all eovvoyawe and other strue-

t res,; and in other wor",.s throu4-meeut the systw- if Ute preaew e

of ice is Out is i latead.

qtr deviate. Aaaeo ber item to be inal.:aftd in the

diseuselow of desio tfea:two is tbat adlr" way of qty tw",

Unite ,''~tteml Ilealoglaa "karvey iWer lu ly Wit. No. 187


ewi lm aq ommookft o"Ovo"Awp made vm iarsanvt

9s ao jonoma _

~ Jo aft, err pm iqAW ul * W4, , a MW tn pa"CouX

04-4 g4JA J*q sS=Wft UK%MtIZMI? *$WM *QQN

oftem i Wnafti R ut pmaj rv^ ;c

am u.'s4n Iw't,4*mn rw*BW 0% t ux

'WT 0'1'*MMM )W JO UOT%3UAjtVM


- O SO, polao4oAd 'tYaft 1, is 4ttjvrmc ovow,n I*Tvx

tpjt4& jo T't`igo s*Up xMKMU one 40 l* 4 xtc

}f •. ,, .5' qj....: 4 iii

aboaeels excavated In earth Owy my be limed. Purthermore p

tbey my be on *lap* neat mw flov to be abo o or b$lv

t:ritisal, cif.

The opttow treeboarl to ally in the desiM of

chenwls, wbether limd or unlined, wbere flow conditions arty

that velocities are minta1sed beelOV critic, art only

be deterniaeed attest' ere oar at r of ar iagflta wIW ftoto e.

-500WAM "am, Comitumns vV47 xtdolyo it is not Possible to

3evise Pmetse f+oeeaelAw tbat embody all factors in their t:ve

latiaar sip,. %ch "gvism or reach of caa►vwjanee mist be

!leW ted, severately before ee rU*l. *aw bm ions con be dray n.

condi toss lxvrsbeeeurd. Tbe local

condittow a ftet _r free'lxak* d of either Used or unlixst-I

comals egad. latessle In vhIah flow is above critieal leAt. aill

re consider first„

-to frt ekkor4 is nolRe~eiUy mil bar: the size of

the conveyamm, eapec ial U as repirds of flowl the wind

a cttonl the li;:selihvod or fttlaW cw stwo water entering the

+ OMI Wd raising, the Mater le"11 the probmbiltty of *xeeft

water +%* to Lrck of rpslat itm of ri lov; the locat toes, vb9#her

to cut or fillf the locatum With respect ,to terrains then 18,

the Smad slope Ott olsx to the meter line; the al.i tnts

*dneQ►lser reelativoly atrauu Or 0, 1' MW eertrsverss the sell

teristt~l pe~lati~ mss# ' ~ flwc~atiae~,s

asses to Opeerstuns et abee goes$ twoo tat ! Ming or Vowel"


plenty, or other Anxetwvs., ml the possibility of ebmases In

corryW amity &m to •,e or aentmal growth.

iacw emmentIt roymling sig a of vor~ts in paMtmal

haw boo mkIe vrevUmnly, Awn larem quentities, or w&te»- are

'%*la3 emwered in openeh ls, rredbamr4 allowmet3s are

-Aam l y gr estw, tbm for small" eamveywaeea. As vtl1. '!'e po intei

out later, the depth of flow in eamal,s is iavartant when vind

How's w* amm eared.

wind, "we are, a or Vvee that VIM my intla-

ewe the f '1m in a ammal, In mmog irrigated areas in the

vsat rn tloiW staMt" strong vtoft bUys sand into the Cana .s,

WA back the flow if blovimng umtrwm,, sowotiimees fill a canal

vItb tu*leveols of Rueslao-thistle or other plats.* avi cl"eate

sse a ors that smW reseh *omUA eibI* mpgnItu4*. .

Amm *W Is blow into the camal the section to

I I - A. his wadeetum in sectum "W not eWw ems n

in flat as Vw refteti n in vaLwity cammed by the tomrsamod

411 ode of t ' ottcmz due to tbs ~ of OW OMWL 'ms

aWliees esymULUI in li ad camls. "M ewsd drifts ftm-

strew, 1n deep, L-M**Oar pvc seta enrd. MW entirely cbMW the

ehazWterr of tAe ioottA of a m*a Wy Bawd =*I. On the other

:eeurxl, vat "scion with very five Milt %my flov wr+e finely after

the silt has kited in a mmmth cost ovw slow irregslarities

ex etting in a mw cost. i3lcmr mod mw alsce suM dam t o

imali;mod sides st oemoVeft Umd eftnals until It ImOdws timer

06WT AMM40A 4 jo

'M Wr4 Jzl ut A4W. JO AOUy "so vou ;

4" 04 OT wt4a4wvlp ate =MR asmowft.

in 4aan-psomp~v jojm4 agnjAa*wtvjo4qfta

"**M E 00 04 TNn'V W jWjA JO Un$Oa4V VW AftlWW


}tv *Val^ an ja Ate a" to *vwdop 4,tT

a" to on jo wig an vm V6600 AtTeRomw ST u

aRmmlo oado tts oomawvm imoq:owj uu wmaoftt

'F t Q OT*.a *Mj 04*4 41q a-xJ= 4410010k 00 904" CO VUTA

fi* !:p*TV ' 'ice tq a WAWJ tq WtrSqO

,. u •.2 QI-I '011WNITP MA TTY. O

`041 4-mm *pw VMT T+c k'-=OT4*

as a OW4 4m~l-ad as am 115T4 ` Tq

ul .v -ate foot an 3 --4 "XTJ UT vvrtmmft*au pw


Airectims am narml oblique to the can al ban,.s +;s not

- .d'. 'hr s'1 ";fm'- t o to r F to

•. m' ig -

Tho fact tbot a awmal is rwely straigbt wt

or a l0iMat, mmt ~ Ama to eboompm in d1x4mvtt*a of tJ* caml.

17m ice" smOme will rise# sms t an avvrec is aO amwuut,

--ow v` vlad a '! ot,,, at pobfts 1iM1#I a tb* eaml -to shtltere

by the bwIm utiob f t* follow rsadm wkjftt tka

kVWtXGM Or 40000 V$ AU,

The MW3u sour" "f #i -'at Ott V& ghte is

oboormt1amal Wa tau, aoirt fanmbw 'Mead or. the wort ar

Tboms Aevemom.31 's vwk was sued 3~ by D. D,

►rte V ma D. A. Mast . s l*s vwe dUva

the W of semalls acrid ate %I but the romIto *" ate_

to sam ortmt to tba std at aav wtim in "evrvairs aid in

anew *E. 4matrMuou or

AsUes in -Uttm to Brgi-

taoarrr, United States AnW ftttsd SWM Goverment Priatim I # D.C. , 17

ar"MOSSMIMS." ftmm~kl 19-4 VI


*ans38. m m U we seldm whataht# lie " "tlwticm of

feteb is dif fim t. Became v~r Uwafflatmt vo*tbor ftta,,

VW ael+ocitias aW directlaw cam rarely be =letermivad u-

mte ' Aw a► partieuW lamlity in whieb a coma viU be cm-

struetsd. fir, if the beet eattwte pmstble is mule of

tbuw varisib.les sal the eattated +erpiarlml rolattombips seed*

the bwLght of the 't avas to be expo~ awt be calculrated vi.th

a fair do of aoaursay.

Fcv a gigs rte volocity, V, in }piles per Uour, amd

a faWltp r,, io uLUa., tk* vftva 1o3 i ct i h., its ft et., : +Ild Oran

tvou i to areat, my be eatimmW for wry 'f#'V'!' wttkt the &4,4 of

the ftuowug forma"..

FOr V of F: ,fit` tbW 2`,r Mile$

h a 0.17 V " (1)

and Dor values or r u" t w 20 ad

h a '.r.17 Vv—r t me -

Tbm a are the owi r i i ronman claeyaehGrW rrm stud wo ca

iulmd matwo by D D. Grti,lUrd with wop2mvtal Rata by

D* A. HODU !r.

lih~ t on tk—m Derr roumhe rose votr by the

DWMM or :oohed is the rallowing mWiariosl.

test Aw . vem bwW

h - 0.^?5 (v - 8.5) 43}

Um the ftbeh aw combmt art 5 *Uom. This form U g1vw

sills # IS to 00 tao above fcp-. wiTA volocitim betvam

0 amd 70 mitts ice` how#


Co Miss saV* hot -lift for ww vind VelEaeity tars► 21 to 7'

L,,IU* W bmw a fit, a fetch of Crum 2 to kc mil".

egattow qc 1 vhlch this clart Is ma" we fOr Hein

Baer at MRS; but aline the velocity of nm at V* water

wallUee in a gal is only aUut '~ pwa nt of the umal aaxiarA-1

VU d, Varsity, tb eir &WlimtUft to armaC ai , results is an error

dw to the aim of the vwtor or about + 5 rwomt or

six I taly 43 Wit,, 'being plus for s der viz ani

alma for an uVatram vial.

III tjo Coaputatiou Of trawr Watt, the laxt om gec "blw

vW velocity wad Maximr Petmh over which Wits v W will act

a xat be e*Uw&W as rloeely as pR w1ble. -Siena* velocity hfts

frm 3 to 15 tines the tafluaa:m on vav a hs#,&t as ratchr for

Uw s4eer vial -t 0* ex0ept to "Wasma eaes, the mt riaem

wavo he! t Vill Ocima ` with the MXUUN VW Vel" ty.

mat by -%w1ous investigaticom shov the

orwt at the Mtge to be abaput 2/3h abm flea stin"ter leve'l

in da W Mttw and rising attU hider iu sba23XW water. From

the ane #a ets of W11ara s Aolitor„ U my be ahoy that

for , with d,-;- 1.Nh

2 8W

for #M.'il m Mriaw VwMas with d -<1.. 14




w i

~~~■iii ~~!~~~~~~"i~~~■■~~■■




Figure 1--Curves for determining height of 'waves. +0 1(0 LO

(Figure wil Apage 1Z of paper "Considerations Affecting U. S. Praetice, in P!:oviding Preeboard for Irrigation Works," Reeves and Thomas, U. S. Question No. 3.)

'.. T

mqvaa an owuq sq-4 an somom fe l -4 aq4 Tom T-- %K

*r, ltvo4aq 04 P"T w *I 49"C' Sitot stm $' " rarmad

$1 O&Ua a jo jo 1*Snp an Uo"

4*aa% On ja 4oiaq rmam so ev v ptm tamomp ' wnja►

oavoMQ Mwn ter VooseagM Qd*TG "' *3 0

OU 'TPAaT 'tj OW" Ve 04 ~42jaq I PQ" "040

*Atria ACPl l4j" a uo AID 3 Aq MwaWW

ATelaTdh000 Wf OAIW V UXLft -W4" SUM VW4WU4WP tr

-Ucr~ s WT TOAST u'►" il" awqlo vofts QW4 IA I 0 .'.ice

al u ssvxm in pxmoq j Holum aouv M:

• oomaml s4m *i 41490* 04L

g A Do %

*v*4A0U0J W,11, ux MOW Owl-41r J* U64IMTOU »vwi W;'t. uaJ*tom` an wlFpm

for r, l.Ul Mrve but lase Shutt for a nave= striking norteeetl.

theoretical vat of height of wave above st iUvw ter

fell, b., aW trMV*1 315taM* qp slupiag books, bo, my be

Ila - 1 1104 as foilo":

b0_ (a)

wbwe is the Me betigbtt sbwo stillwateer level, bo is the

travel dish up the slapbW "bps, and j to the betufta

the slttxed Mtge cilre tiou and the tacks. The aw,ie, 4 dOPM18

upon the d1nens1orm and rouSbam of the camel *0 the cbsrato-

terilties of the origiml wave. she Mute of for a l is

*0114, so the height of Pave above etillvratear, ho, and the

tz*vel distwwo uv sloping ms`s, bo, are *nme rtielly the sas

as f+aac a Parallel %ave. Furth, simm tba value of a is

wailer than g1vm by Figure 1 for save* ad,f aeont to the bW s,

the ism to b*16bt due to an otllgae direction is apyreml-

mteel y offwt by Ow dee rmm In wave height due to be w'

rest. For ftsipr pmwm: ' the follswring forma" me be


bo :a

the value of a to tsu m from Fi,vre L


As was ststod at tae beginnink; or this lisocussionp

the lbena lsa ter **1cWAtUK wage b6igbts vere iev&1*5*d

eeaepiri+esl t.ly aad am the arm 4 .i y uaee+i in this eountry. .

*Ymvar,, mare xeint routioeshijs dewlap" by svrsrdrura as d

Aak §l SW observations ma40 at %1*sr 10,ket Callfamiat aW

Abbot'* tastmip Caif+arotat-Y on relatively small bodies of

iaater ObMM be adopted *am. tvadiaea by the C. -rpe of Zrgt wrs j

TIPWXMW~111, of the AraWO lAki -Stat"e by mww of tostrumnta

installed in the room-voirs eareat+ed 'Fort ?eL— ( tam) and

DAMU g ( re=#) ism and in Lake 4i ooebwbee (Flarids) to obtain

reliable l ia, an VW *p vams# vW art-,W, amd wave runup,

vtU uvioubtaily Arid to current knowledge meb factual data

4hirh am lead to a antlasf etory solution of tare behavior of


t'#ti & or OtOM mater. '!he poesibililty of dram

or amt taater enterliag taw ampal bras an Important Wluewe or

ft+aeaat a rd a.Llowmao". It is x vl y - 16somadeally ivee ble to

et the obariml is ewh a WiW as to *=loft all dEra to age

or atoartxr vaster r wsot'f. Good design praetioe to to * lade

the crasle as mradh of the etcwu waste=' as #s econom.l.cally

'wrdrup, H. Us # and *Mk y Us A. s ;P Vtod Waves a6M %MIA PrInCiplas in Forecoatingo- utso.ellaywoo Pubxicatiow

:L V.

Hasa, no Ass "The Problem at wave Aetlsar oat Barth alopess sliawsUm W C. L. BroUnb 1dar *M I.. A. -,Puti of NOW go. *72j" buinove-ti.oms A.S.C.S.s 19510 Hal ilr, p 139e.


f'MSible. Thta Win PM-Vet WWh CaastT sratUt*UWWO. fir•,

atom vataw may mbar the sys .~ in Vartato quantitf.ee« In

this eft, additioual amity na:St be prov ided tai Carry the

iommosed fUw to a paint Am* it my be evae aeteO from the

systeu. 'Aw mourt of fr eaboard to be sl1oved is Aepoodent

upos the adequacy of the irit)aacaeatxaa ovail+teble for estu atin

the ale intake of sty and ir&lnW voter the .p -

tiesbil.it y and occomW of provNing adequate vests fflu"Ok"S.

2etA.u7atioQ* TW li.~Vlihom' of excess owe ter le "Is

At* to lack of r+egulatian of flow to a uatter of , gment. In

this re poet depo debU auto tic regalat:ion permits less f'ree-


board 0220w>4se thnan u nattsee,W MMMI ly trpeeMUK' r=an ;rots.

La~Lion. If t1w asus, is I.aeaww an fmo more

riC't'" a? x>w%I to 'J,WU*tad than 1t in mitt fOr rewons of

am. al lt. eve rflow md a1w beewma of the passibility of

settles or the fill.

Aliftermt. tUeN&Uy, to a xuals vrbere " t b e f lov is

above critical l 4epft.. al iument is not a va, , or f1=tor in free-

board alloaaoms. ever, in If rued SoctUM VhOm ve3,oc MOO

are great Own allmt t. ;fit per sees ad and sharp cmrms are

,,out eMIwW, it za be necessary to twooti At a their effects

an tUw eouditiass awd pmvtft raaowe fr abaw*4. :*vervI soiu-

tiaas have teem offftetd fbar e&Ioulating 3+aomo indueid by

curvature in the alert of the oaml ate. cousewwat rise to


vatw V47twe. too exi*tius

wtilizW, the Uftl mator of degnm of icw~ IW feet

of chmmal. Otber tftuuUw ray be fo=d far tirg the 10afts

dM t* OUrVIS. rIpArle 2. SbW* a lined cmM3 vbem velocities

am nmertU*l god the Ual to being OwertoVpOatthe

MK 00041tii"i11iM. wbwe bigh pftvol" rot*$ we

or t4w *1*4;e of the outsW* k r*tb' then


Probably the mat Wricult fuctor to

Witte is the pdeible flWtvatUnOW to V"W s+u rfoee that

' be 11 3 imselomed by Ow qpwratice of ebomrg OwUms larM

turm—C Ma#powlasor poww pmerstingIpmats,

1E F. U#1 "am ruw at V` to rume6*K

Toeb" Cel 2033atu No. 3"#x0, 63 p"m Of C'l=ltwe! p 61.





i .,






Figure 2--Flov overtopping canal lining at curve.

(ri ur* to bo incorporated. in page 1'7 of paper "Considerations Affecting U« S* Practice in Providing Freeboard for Irrigation Works," Reeves and. Thomas; V* S, Question Nn. 3«

control s the

at sow votfts. it It is Vot pnwtiml to PAM ftr

ice' SammetUg p3gats in a canal my Vr*dw* 'tx" wraa s ehich

overtGry the t wa, far abort periods at tiv* ,twileas od* -

quate freebcasrd is awl, or ample mom wo rravUWd to

lei cxrr ttw eavr. 7his type of save MW also b* created by

mp to gkta settingat i nn removal or insertim of

OW logal, or a OW14" imush of motor frCM 48 outsi 500r,!~O.

The Pregamt at a4equabs amating instruettow W111 040ist

In robwU g this UWWd.

joie issue is & ZeWA't of his *frfttB of

VOUMS preawwwav gr i*W,# sad momentum f'tar t seemI& lr3: xitb

In rum O"ditime. It MW U evftwiped W, a

s"O NOW146 *Ither VWWW440 or is a. PAW }swt for

c a llculaiting the rs~-Istias of the 'fit Hove '!gear Vroposed t

tmt t *Uw solutim to uea*14 rather Ufricult g ipmirle

prvblom bwm Use, stwUed lively by =mae of iytirw it

~ALt1#. ' hif 'be t1w w" r+eli"I* sathad or d I

gi `. ., V: T.; "3 *a rum is C=1aS," 'Bz~ ftiversitg Qom` r AMA- ftth. wU7 1 ~s Val 2s ~* {s i3 342-* •


Tk the United tJ#at" It %.*eu

jWummal "at 4

P tum"Owmt the ro t season. i

eftect ♦; y the wrtmat of pwith lex the

of Uatidity at t1w later a4yesam to be the zvk,~v factor. In

ems cm tw ftm both. s4id". Ia t3 a rwatt" ,.~,.~* y#

s~ lather lea.. rich Z* ~ 'l~trtm amay appeam

s.- s'p t.i s - 5 s r a s.. - R r•#..a

to be mint j, ftvabomod alUmw" m bey or

Fit at fir lift Oycleaet in mator# t #s Mm. for 'mss


1*v* iii the air but have aqmUc lorwee. ftemvwmltke

aq=tle larim lira to and cWM7 MrOu"A er iaRlriaa2 fie$ or

tmbn cavwW with a 4am or nuff that saa Ipleet i noae

lam. This f=a, adbmtve stwfoce eollocts SMUO or

and, bits of strwrs 3A*v"r etc.,, out frees a tan1w cell

abowt I imb laft Bend 0 ieak in diae nteer. "fie collocted

mterlx eylluftr to bavo a vwy rough exterior.

The awAe its affivad to the sift or botUm of Used awal

eetrmttuvee, and toww" ed aasr+r m as *A $bode for the lawt v 4

~Uwlzg its Wetim and. Is abselowd in the" locatio

the lsrvaa to 1. It my rmdily bo seas that he"

ecbeea8ceaad *was preewt am extraw r rou0mod wee in the

meter pmmo, sod the eowMeimt of rou$ffimew of the ebunnel

is fa ummo d e sidembly. fret mW also be a ilia

desxreasee is type Cram eeea#ixe MI of the eaml as the

wit baiJAs out frcm the V46U or batton.

,UwSow emmOUea of this irf'+ stattion Lags occurred

An soutbe ra Wli'+ate U. la am Lastame the rvedboa rd of the

"NMI mm iscrreeseed. last motbar isstrwee, studies ab*W that

the best solution souM be to then *hwmnal and 4mtry

to the fi3".2

UnUMd N91W. Its the Lftdteed -~"Atvs by filar the

►trey MOW of arwele , laterals, and f ► m sii:tch" a"

pj SWUM- .:, ewfiefeet Zzs'imatto4t F'o," 00-1 It ftm-{ -mss -I%y ]a# lam: p r.


unliwd szd am sbv4 e- avatw in earth. The sloyes are

flaat so that v1lmlties wv i* *rttical. Is saw ImUmees

chmmis exomated in rock or in ecorse gravel am 4estpod

fix velocities above --ri.tical.

earth MW be 11" by mee of the SW riaal fbrmla

vk~ froeheersi is owt

C = a Omffi ctowt

d w deiath of Maur is fntt

The ieiaat, C. varies fem 1.15 ftr a *awl amity of

2's; eft to 2..`; for a I 401*01tY of 3j,000 eft or . amiss

is au apyroxivatim wUW bond up= Bureau of Ret-Imiation

ft 10d s amt banik hetLAft" win "Otua2ly lie Vmqui-ml aftw,

comidomt1m of a,.0 a the ftet4x'e tusly meati sed.

,F'ir,mtlrre 3 gives relationshir4 between voter dePth Auld.

bow viM And voter depth and i"roobo ard. llm relattowhips

1bown in this fipm represeat ovarmew of comialm and UtArpm~ls

ra1541m to '4t,%t.--r pti i -i-e sow_ einoite in the lam-fi'tlon to fit

local emdittons. ` h— freebo: r?lra i ->,re the, =Aninm ord t-

oily us. d iW, stud, Ot 100,,1 conditloft will deie ine addi-

tionn'l ft edg .

if iieel t3m .t Vol. x s MUM. is 2:mss Dosim 'Agvlament 3o. 3 to -,art 2.


Lis,,-d ctiwtls =%nd 1-.,t~mU. Preftbo, ri for

floe is 13-low r-ritic I require di"ereat >"Aystv

thnu for "rVA ohnakwas. of the lining, mxt-

mwq w.,A.-r mwf-.ee must fUmt b<- *ommilleWd -ar-A.- x.5int"ined all

minimim for re: .Ams of eecxwm-.,. Tlhf, -411tlamil ft"ba.rd

n,~ceswir.. for extraordtmr-y covAttiom is arxed for b- L!xten.-.1M,

the hej~;ht of the ef%rt',w_n barw, evv~e thee: top of 2jn,4,aL-.

The zen al CcOmMerntiom $taw Previoual- Will

volt'. >tpcial mnsuierxxtton tmat tm- to the Pmenill.tv

of vxUr overtWginr th-t- 111nit - for prolon -ed - periods ~iti~ r;

regulUnt w-tumtion of the bacl fill. TIble may pa exten-

xiv** l e or Iv.WVjlc 1-rte; x1ow;h1wj, the wtAer rA, re"t

wlth mmterix4s that vhen vetp nW h::dmstat41c

m-,;, cm3se ruatxwe of the 11sing v*,evi the flvd reeedes.

71,Awe .?.--Ma lme rreebotird fbr unlined trapewidnI camnU.

VelmitJ - in to vnml 'me r, lecided, -Irdluen" on the 4.

f :-Ulownaces In - 11 ine-1 mml time allowable *1oc4t-Las

Am u0mlly mmr, hi4wr then fair earth c€ is t-ere to 4n

-ttenlaut buream in vmve action. -.1th hl.v-her ,-oloalties

free_xmxa i enaroael,mmat an mwws bee ame arm aeoft AW lateral

vft-,e wtUm tends too bnOA tV below the emmo, Observattom

on-,~ mho's n that Vie aboM vater surf stee an Vie iuside of tre









20 ti

o 19 NOTES

I8 For the sections shown the dis- c ti charge varies from approximately w 17

3 5-to 17,000 second-feet and

w the mean velocity varies from U_ 16 d, y 2.0 to 3.0 feet per secon

117 Z 15 being lowest in the small channels.

= r4 F-



The bottom width and freeboard between I imits for the

a 13 w

vary some P water depth in typical canals. W

o 2 W A higher mean velocity is 4 Jh permissible in the larger

!I ~s channels because the tractive `d ~a ° force on the channel bounda-

o 3 ries actually decreases due 3 y a3*0 to changes in energy gradient,

1 F

11 „ slope, and tractive force -0 8 00 distribution.

0 7

0 6

0 - 5

0 4


Curves plotted from information in Reclamation Manual Vol, X, Design Supplement No.3 to Part 2.

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 150 200 B = BOTTOM WIDTH IN FEET

Figure 3•«k aimm freeboard for unlined trap*z aidal canals. fort.0,0

(Figure to A~ ;L2 of r "Considerations Affecting U. S. Practice is Providing Freeboard. for Irrigation Works," Reeves and Thomas,. U, S. Question No. 3-)

`WJWA40 VI M"41 Tsoor UP

+o WAD" wo so Wit' 94"14T-UXMV 'Taal'[ vaqo4lv am

2oj swum" -pjlKoqAmmj joj s qva*-pjvsD;a aq~ "p*ttawjpsCt* s

vroj"lot is v 0im4a 904tqlv W-mi Ul *PT4n.T

a4, ul powtyW aq ArrwAam TTIA wMK sta jut&Uqmao jaZIM

`w s 's pn*tvmo am Asta U64K ' o*bo vwft um

*QPITW~- Is sw Pam

vooftoop sT'lm= 1a3T Jai 9v T*-=v;zk 04 WTIVTaJ U3

Ong uaw w~ 4 TRmQoT-4vT sA"m IT axteli

'o,,= aq4 jo 0"04 944 uo vont*w ST

-*a►vlo J tue Aq pumva w ooujAw + %*- ter, ev T*4





■■n■1111111111111111111n11■■■■■1111 ■■■■■■1111111111111111111111■■■■■1111 ■■■■■■1111111111111111111111■■■■■1111 ■■■■■■■11111111■■ 1111111111■■■■■■111 ■■■■■1111111111111111111111■■■■■■111 ■■■■■■111111111■111111111111■■■■■■IN ■■■■■■111111111■111111111111■■■■■■111 ■■■■■1111111111111111111111■■■■■1111 ■■■■■■■■11111111■~~ 1~~111111■■■■■n 111

~■■NIIIIIIII~v11111111~~~■■■■■111 H■1111111111111111111111■■■ 1111 ■■■■111111111 111111111111■■■~■111 ■■■■111111111■IIIIIHIIIII■■■■■■111

- ~■■■111111111■■11111111111■n~■■■111 - n■■1111111111111111111111■■■■■1111 i■i■iiii~irii■■i~i~iiiiii~=i■■■■■i=i - ■■■■1111111111111111111111■■■■■111 ■■■■111111111 11111111111I■ ■ 111 ■■■1111111111111111111111■■■■■■111

.' ■■■■111111111■111111111 ■■■■■ 11 ■n■■1111111111111111111111■■■■■1111 i■■■iiiliiiilii -~ ■■■■■■111111111■11111111111=■■■ !_..• ■■■■■1111111111■■1111111111 •~./~'..~I ■■■■■■1111111111 iii 111■F-11 11 ■■■~~~11_!!:Gii~1~1111111=~:~~■~■ ■1=l ~•■..~~IIIIII~~~:.. ~Ilil ■■ ■ 1

0 20 30 40 60 so 100 200

iii.i~~llllll 111i~1 ~ 1 ■■■■■1111111111 - 1

Figure 4--Dimensions of lined canals.

(Figure to be incorporated in page Z 3 of paper "Considerations Affecting U. S. Practice in Providing Freeboard for Irrigation Works.," Reeves and Thomas, U. S. Cuestiou No. 3-)


0 101


t of bank above W.S. - "

■■■■■■■~■111111■■■1111111111li~■■■■■■~ - , , ,,, - ■■■■■■x!;11111■■■~IIIIIIIIIII ■■■■■■11111111111111!::ii1111■■■■■■111111111■1111111111111■■~~;i111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

11~~11111111111■■~~ii11111111111111111111111FREEBOARD AND BANK ii■■■■~IIIIIIII~■■■■■111111111■■111111111111 LINED CANALS

REV. 4-29-52 103—D-341 111111111111111■■■■■■11111111111111111111111

• 111111111■■■1111111111 10 20 30 40 60 80 I00 200 4uu boo auu wuu

Fib 5—Freeboard for lined canals.

(Figure to be itworporated in page 2 3 of paper "Cnnsiciarations, Afftcting U. S. Practice in Providing Freeboard for Irrigation Works Reeves and Thomas, U, S. Question No. 3. ~

. tru tunes area at! irate r: part of sal ooml am lateral

stl"uCt p ah of s v as id maj, pipe tin eriossUmpi, ete,

It is 1w0cwten tkv%t the ig" LWIUU c?PtlMtet free..

thoy are wt r tattle °" In the cm yvyenes. All Ott

that aW oxft-ibute to bead low rat be cw*ft134 -"iwmd to

a loviattt Otw ibilikv of the strwlwo causim * low In

bead that v1U sari vATect the fre a k In t


., ..~~ 77

bunt ft Leo or custrroation Smtew to, help pro-

vVW uft-al amtra Md trammi" ion of UTUgwt-1cw vater

to a .I mum of rimy eouu-ay ' 'a s 4w di "a.

of ecovory t. ' way be Taunt JA *aPbtmtUw with otbetr strm-.

tom, TW amt tw*wtaft in this a t3 esti(m of stx=t

Wet CIPAteSt ett3verts. fu"". ar

~. ~ i`Iei ~f ~t~' lie3 i:~ Wirth cs~►3s

also ors #MIVADd.


JiNM AOU 00 U j,444V -914100VM VtW 41O% 4ftXMS OU

jo T4--os *00= * wuj &&Mma oe~ ! vmjj + Cq

A morux4a liar a =3 `V1 mf

-4*loq seomV him jaqvn w;qj *.no ;xMt#qftq uftoz 2tqaq aqvm


OAVq tMAVA M^ IWL offaM Ul OVAIo jo *44 SR aq4 "

- *4'9 44 Wr$d S AM * '~. *8CPU " 1449d xT

♦ w Y -r. yrr ~.' .c

OR4 i`W 4~"Tv amIT amm TTIA samftacvw wtqns R=w

altered in througb this c In emotion. 2t

in MOM we nvt abrupt and good OAesW practice in ibllwed a

smooth vata+r swrrwe vin pr+ r result and 1, 11 , e a atuiaoea

tip w* used for lover v*loci,tlesp cram 'Nave wd vo t lati.ng

v^ter sus a' remit motile the chwt lwa in velocity are

being. lever red (FIS vre 6)* Freeboard swat be allowd, acowd tagly.

Ma freebowd eweJ4w%tUws ibr strucbuvs wild. uw a ly @vverrn

the freeboeard at the end of the Uwwiti{m adjoining the struc-

ture. 'marble l mr be used a* a gotde ftrr freeboard. tk11awwas

In op ft ttreseitiama re3eee o the won depth does not exceed 18


?UAM ^...—Idl a f0mi1w : wanAttreiets from transition eectioa.

°Imtes and ffM, The Vrineipsl bydroulic elmamts

Of a -but* arez the inlet, chutes chosmel* Jule eod orxtl e.t.

A drop has the moo fuLtures " 4k etutet, erxceept damps era

remlly c oai a idearod as bww W Bart mmv than 15-root _U fr m

vatear sums to saterr surf ,f with the chute se:etion on a

steer supers my., not flatter tbM 3 harisontal. to 1 iortical,

Tml inlet eotioa is vsusUy preceded by an open

transition fbr Wbich► Ord, aUa asees have tyeee dieewned.

Am Inlet to a cbate crr drop my be s1mW to servo variorm


H-II19-wz, 3



Figure 6--Waves forming do-Wmstream from transition section -

(Figure to be inserted in page 2 6 of paper "Considerations Affecting U. S. Practice in Providing Freeboard for Irrigation Works," Reeves and Thomas ) U. S. Question Na. 3-)

Table 1


i Transition u trees from structure Transition doen.tream from structure Structure petnam a traam and Upetrees a etreast sod



Inverted e#ho and culverts oam ,er un,og--r..n,—J:oam as acr -w---seen :Sean u ror lining--Mini— 3/:mce that at upatreen end

mean s nor -ii.ing Poo, :mce that at doenntrem and

oem nor .iZ" 2j cum :seine ne ror lg--Mini—

Flums _ :Same as for lining--Nini®un /:Sane m for lining--Minimum 3/ :Sans. ne for lining--Minions 3/ :Same as for lining--Mininun 3 Tunnels :Sam as for lining--Minion /:Sean as for llnixg--Minissm :Sam ae for lining 5/--Minisye 3/ :Sean as for lining--Minimum Checks (when standard transition. — used) :Sara as for lining--M1n1— j1:S— as for check structure :Sane ae for check structure :Same as for lining--Mini— Measuring devices (when standard trmaltlona are ueed)tssae as for lining--Mini— 3/:Seas as for structure for mn.uring device:S— as for .tructure Yor me uring device:seat a. Yor lining--Mini— 3/


In..rted siphons and culvert. :Mini— R :mce that at upstream end :mce that at dwnstrem end :Minisun 3/ — Flumes :Mini— 3/ :Sean as for Plus. :Same a. for fluse :Minimum 3/ Reaches of concrete lining :Minisua / :Sean as for lining :Sane as for lining :Miniss 3/ Tunnels :Mini— :Trice that at upstrem end :mce that at d—.tream end :Minimum J Checks (when standard transitions are used) :Minims 3 :Same as for check structure :Sam as for check structure :Mini— 3 Measuring devices (when standard transitions are used) 1 :Same a. for structure for esaawing device:3ame as for structure for ma.uring davice:Mini—

1 For water depth. over 12.0 feet actual site conditions and design considerations will govern freeboard requirement.. 1 For discharge. up to 100 cf.. Higher discharge. require special considerations.

J Mini— allowances Water —

P th (ft) Freeboard to

5.1 to 7.0 1.25 7.1 to 9.0 1.50 9.1 to 12.0 1.75

mini where the cutlet transition Joins the canal should be u given in 3/, except that mccunt of waves Yaws the pool, for pool :lue. of ~, Figure 9. from 200 to 3,000 the freeboard may be inereased by amounts varying on a straight line between 0.125 time the pool ~ aboard for ~ equal to 200 to 0.25 time the pool freeboard for ~ equal to 3.000.

The top of the transition should be level from Junction with lining to tunnel portal except that if required it my have a unifom slope m that at the ports, it will ant be loser than the intrados of the portal arch.

Table based on information condensed fro. Reclesation Manual, Volume X, Design Supplemnt No. 3 to Part 2, Chapters 6 and 7.


Table 1--Guide for Freeboard allowances 3n open transitions.

(Table to be page 27 of paper "Considerations Affecting U. S. Practice in Providing Freeboard for Irrigation Worksq " Reeves and Thoms .. U. S. Question Igo. 3-)

fa ww-t so a eritiml 4epth omtrol section, a ~,e a

weir, or otber me ewbw mil. rreebamr& sLWAw in

"W sm 11martint to Irgmuv that Vater not

ovorrl ty-pum the Chute with re"Itant wrion ommum.

it in &U0 UpOrtent to Insure that the Strix-tur" 40 not eause

mr omfibiammit, or. the rregbowd in the tbowawl abom. lA Smus a,

the fremib=4 wI11 4,eyemd vam the loml emAitlow wA vbwtbor

tbwe is t combiratUm of stru tuxee et the inlet to the abut*


In 44mte ebmml,1t of ettbar r ctempaw or troq*%oldal me ttm

For Velacitum Stewtar tbam abmt 1 t per Seec"d, a mmidem-

t3mn met be given to ptsstthl& bulkift of Ue f1m chm to air

Outmisseat,. lbe euttimsa►i, tteetUm rre ired for this sir

on miumaLt 1d 5.-1 € * in veUeitles above feet

per seecad. Tz addition to air eentmimaut them is *Uw.s

tam fbr surges to tat in vary high veioe tes,, Pijrum

`ice 7. ,A~ ORUMIMOnt, and SWVW In iamb ve3 ity flow.

Ver'tual curves west be ealcula d 7 eam!'itilyr is

hi& "imciti" and 3m t'r"baWd &U~ at th r points.

Tbn=wt C. W. ~* "Proa"s ;Iepwt w St%A fan of the Fy m Of WSUV Ir 09en Vith 114& ONG01140ftsm DMV*U Of J,elamtl 1174r9*2it Imbawatcy Repwt Zia. d-315.



1 ~ ~~ ~~~ S


~ ' t%,~

i .~

Figure 7--Air entrainment and surges in high velocity flow.

(Figure to be incorporated in page 28 of paper } "Considerations Affecting U. S. Practice in Providing Freeboard for Irrigation Works " Reeves and Thomas, U. S. Question No. 3.1

f000m aw 1 -7vgw tq v ant ;X}

tq 1-30M 040 qjdw

46 al IUD

*J4ntW* 01 QWn W4M;;) 00 aO RUM



61 5

q"-$q 4 u; aTqloftd J4 pftn4D** Qq 0% OM SamT%2=1.200


Figure 8--Waves in chute flow caused by entrance conditions.

(Figure to be incorporated in page 27 of paper "Considerations Affecting V. S. Practice in Providing Freeboard for Irrigation Works," Reeves and Thomas,, U. S. Question No. 3.)



W4 vo traAw jw4m 04t #*tow *4=ms trum UT PAKVWA; ADj

"PS v 90 Pam sq Aws 6 SAMOU T4 WWI* wo-M so

oq *a" "M III late wims tommup IM $0 OOT4 IN agot =

"m saw, *uwa, tTaft Ailai ;6M owm=*Alqd Own ",UvAmtr

mW so oovmmq f-v*==* jo oojftp jlvj v "I^ pw4vT=jw aq

.fta Toad jo *94 iqqw4 -wj fam"aU s"qwW

4ts"aw A10K St lo stmam * go iw ommvft

S-i MuTamow* gamn-Iff elm *ATWTA AAW Am


-v[*A *rMi" rtm 9&4Mp in Vxsmqp%Q—,~, *=&W

peame" eq ano" ;6xWPI0.34 'A"nooftai 4w I;c 04 r z P"

44 ~,T W4 ~-. soji jo *04w,Aq; .4401 Ommi

l,p,*l 4*Mj T aq igraxp "wKwjj umq%qr. ow~.= AnVwa"m

vm axavn-40 an Q* molowl- arowsat a% P-mofta ul u(n44vmvTvwo

"V eivabe al zKok jo ttol,3--.w NDOAO jo wis *x V,

v*j tq w1w, =m W NOO" J44 WAGJ UT ATOOTaA W .1i

2 3 4 5 6 7 8





NINON 1111111


offinummommommom ii=~~~~~iiiiiii~~







0 2000 n

0 w-


Oof 1000

Q 900 800 700





Figure 9--Freeboard in chutes and stilling pools.

(Figure to be incorporated: in page 30 of paper "Considerations affecting U. S. Practice in Providing Freeboard for Irrigation Works," Reeves and Thomas, U. S. Question No. 3.)


t ~ft i mmaftw-ave8 ,

.1 J. 4 ^~ •Y. A'♦ as ~^

,;4 ro *Mftm Fw wasta " ft,, ~ r i fit. jay k- ,4 .y, yI

we ' udn 'v4'4 ooq ,%* pxoo" osoww%mww w im,paw

AtlrEl mom oq !m Vxwqwo rsxo ;jam

eta 4* Vons&m *1 tTo *Tq4 *mW pomq* a& ,m mum *1*AAvi

40 0414 Mi-'W aq AM 41V 4 -Mmmwq=w al pool Wn

umg,ts Set '4 l pm omwvm arm iS *""An oft

WRd's" so ul poom ST ATE a Ion valvm

jo Aql.UW 91 '41 *CVO ****MO"

qQT wavan Aq vowfloi Im Vapao 9XAMTO Vmwrw

,,*AV swr4omns

*#A';%*S&MX *j VWOW

at t'=e% vm '<,Z 04 ' "C,'l *;fit 04 T* "t ~=: "' =6U RD


-aT!IVW Q '14OW1,1 i4vpnoj 3o va

a+►a *~

"Mu UT 3 s+~

9w Ive

on A*j *tom ; - *I vivo"* *am ` *Mtn v+a aq No soowwwtTs t4owaawj jAm ev"im ZvrroV= tr

4q .fit Ems.: *JV Sf#t4t !t't*Ot" UVTVW 04

=►'aq vm uoTvm4 end 'r"vw


v jo o(~ .' w awqj =LL *At*ft A*ftWfA^Vff Pw~ DTI

r=iHmicireubw veftl lit, the Bureau at lee3eooi-

Lion *ow aid t as 1nivow froMhoardr in rl otp ~=, ID (0,9 + .),,

~! is the Itanater of the flum in feet awl br to velxCity bead

to !*K. t#. Nwiestr Vifaaturtrw t`qmwany resr.ownevAs the use

oft a frodowd ell to 1 Verom. of the fbowet d#eaantezr for

Ami.ght soctiono o rxy#,M wafter at voloeitiae feat greater than

101 pet Bent of the eritiftl volwit y vita a sax of A fat pow

1, f Its velocittes area proovalomt, rreeboa.—A seat

be tooreaned boomose of voseible via►m fo raatim.

Twowia. hoard allowwwft for eatnmeme wA exit,

tMoMittow, for turAwU in oeeaeals wd l+aterola have bftu dis-

etw ood, prow Lously unler open trievuttiow. If the tumol, is

*Wto% ad to Mv ftU., the 2nd +a v oideration is der

desim to tr a►xre twt the 44mired qo ttity my an carried

vithmt cooW roacbmat an the fro&bo —4 of Uw cons'

we It the tunaol to doeiped to vWrate as a! free Mw

td*, , try is a coaidomtieau saot wont be >aWl to iaeaaum

tat if the tuanal, Mla the oarryW alt y xill aeat be

dtaluloW, A2 vanosty XMdes and antiallatted chanoo is

r a areaaet 4werricients v► . akrovot froeboe . A* a wAide., the

ratio of ate' 44WO to 000ft1t 4Uw~ ebb not exceea

abMt 0.33 to IVAMIC spru fromboo rd,.

Contral,i, R. iiorkesty Nuuftctar t Cdr DftWWr '11 AAModor 19.


built in bra and la'teraU or distributtim syatmw to Wit-

ve" i to sped l fi tt control O~r during traw-

MUMIM for ♦ loc



% Cr disposal. i~n~."jf' the strue.

tam in ant ~Al umn Mm ~ `


be ~.Lscu*Wf

3ibev tbMe toft of atru e'1'Alt'4!!e are USUS117 W*64601

aM tdllowd by txewwitt.vat j the M! X'i13r W for fry

s-1las+reAC" ass gi%va above,, under "."'Yeftitiaeso" vi11 apply.

Ch&Wwo A check is a rew]atW structure placed.

across Iii eAa►1 m Uterea to eowtrol tft 4epth of water upstrew

or by opera UW In conjUmetio°n with a uettoway to control the

"wtity of Vats ' jawing the cheek., or both. ?h~ this t1of int-

tions, it mW be so= that the 01WMtiion 6W reletim of the cheat,

do Eft` wat be constaerea tar $''xeebowd anowwwes

Zbe tAm of regu Um provIL4bd,, Ust is„ Aotbw gates or stop

Inge or a c UaM= of both are employed, to toPartant

prinaip011y I i i of the Mane aeeeesw7 to " ehown e. For

ihretrmme# if stop 3*0 only wm *qp3qp*d soeus tie wmW be ee eftw-

a wy ror mwwa rawwal meal cow Cale t'eoOmo M, my be rs-

torneaeat av+eerj,

b rite fr eelAAUed a vot be Prevl4ed byr the is of

'Eke Am ",& otroctur e. 'M* value we often earrisd to taseetl beer,

lwml to je wId a thU fr+esteoaird. Litt *s it metro mad is

at the a ties orstav loge since awwrlaw will not

bam the struetilNe+ef Tb a flow pass W aver the Sato or atop

a V3.1.1 sUW4 flow on low the Stromm. in fwtm6 U*3*

sx ity Over the Ewtes

or ]a~

W xmW~

1a~3 #too reduce the



MWww*j.jW levime. The mwe common .nes of

UNWaring ieviCom rouca In the emmals end laterals am .

or amme Carpe of ivei.r. tAmm of aftetwilw, vices

am plu-o3: fn the me si►stwal they my tae ,. ove3e- arvi

fo1.Umed, b' transitlms for vh1eh the frweheur4 ban bom pro-

vie wllr d3a*ua.*W,. to pis ttae fre0*_4*rd through the at-m-c -

tuft it added to the vaal.l beight, and the malls arse ustmIly

tset~ to bank: le"w1 or to top of linix; in lid tasrrels n►n_

latez U. t or Preeebasm 1.9 oornal;ly dot upon

the loml con itloval and ftere are few #,ww al rugs to be

fns. In NMI Orifice sttruetmMOS, it is well to idor

the poasfbUity of the orifice be,".mlrW :!logpod witb 3el ris

Coming lowa t!ae x . Whem a weir to placeri acrd" a mml

rer legal tb ere is fta or of stitcaii-, of the Panow ur*tT*m-

Vm the wefr. Thla silt:i my ,time tbr scree dixtamm

aW "w wrUmely mffft this frerebeard allvwv4 in

this reach.

*4l td*x-' 14WW-')Str-

t tit,4a * " dwq4 -To * a a is are asr4 gw,31 o&

O POU MU ('j




MMUu +~`~ so

*i6+~.:'~:';• rlst 8 aA1,4aw4o"d Twomim eAT ;" Vx*0004 T

,i VCWA It ,toque cr+ pwom it gqz1vt *Ij lv4vg

'kCao! ' s vcm Jonv 4 Ti t? WOOD"n 11 -=-Vjd 1

awnli v *o powtiop aq Ava *# QjAk4* wf 'gatmoisho

-a pt :Jon s UT '*`t**j,d - -,*Qwx~v tj 3O err ti R

4VA"r sal il_la TUT *ki "$MfA cq • *iv" I stwm"4s s w'm

- ~ c 'finarrul Utwp asp% r xs assql jo

-*WAWA&4u-kvw av 4ttOTglUadO 440 end jai Ix"I

afslap 40 ezoo g Aamma 401tiA sw n rsl aas aw-wor *via

40 .Ina VW4 404 P09 ► *J* "04an-49 I=14

ia~'~E MIX-

t, .mss, 00~ spluuVOW are UIP-*l ,Y etth*r of

'flat erg tel: ovear' r, or s vbm Wit. Tbefr wrmi ne f

tiesa is is motet eve*" vate;w frOM the nor, Oy !:s UM:

tie Vea«ittist aese► of 2408 f r Mrd io the cbW1018. S'phor

xPOU re vreseut v* pLrt f-gt1^r problew conwxrniaw, fr+e eta

evmpt that tbo dUebaxgo oboroctetrist+fret of the stphort mast

be ',=m to 4imign properly for freelx*rd In tba cmmyow--e.

yor° side meal +anz a ~rflov spUl ys * rree-

bMxd must be ate Wit~. the isnal b W s. e

strurtores are rzwmlly am—led to the beight of the b*npn or

S ghtly sw A cruaider-stim other tbar. Mow *bara+^teristies

is tom+ t spies my be roes try to per!" a Iry fum -

tion of eslaielug fleating sends, t:~T!t or !" for t eebtl

Coumatiug ehee els beetee mn the *j I3ae►y =d polAnt

of the vater# vtet `" !t Tae a drain or ratural

star $, =a' spire treeboard, cmwiderations 4eperAtng Axton

the the of abamel MpUyed.

1is~. v4 s#owyo W* y'v ides -In l Systew

to dtupm* of exom water wt 2*mv by srMwov. 'may

ordimriU be eapoble of itgalaMirg the entire fUm.

esles M an Obstruct at or briwt In the c uml vc--ur, cr-- poss €fly

a f2oa mater than the marml aayioeity, to i.teciulet pmvisian

rorr ummod irrigati+ m water and Med eat4w. rb* Proebcar€i

t2lowmass vill uvon the t7v* of :henna' used au4 in


amw toUm the ease roles as tbuee gives. for emals or

flums,t as d ise abo-Av.

In +eadaeede stailoe o it rAW be well to emold4arr

at fregowt 3ntervalae instate of *11OVIng extra

freeboard In t?hoe comal );iVW. 1"-'cvt of atmetoresp :host, of

frft t."ris sM passible wastage of Vatfrt' w*i the ,ftlue a-

thle► voter asst `e cowmi-ler&l. In the location of the wmte-

va3st the possibilit;r a eaalvaging the mated water etihmilr:

wt be overlo6-,ed. In -egwd to spillw o f'rm :At &U# long

spills Into "Aature or tar► , Vosetated owso* way not e°slme

dwagal in faety It my be L,ezeficiel. 'fie typos of pro-

tactive strtuctw" wW bs p**viW jawt4od of edd- f bona] free-

bow-4 in Cannons sM .lateml.e.

am numsrw= -rLher, st"m*e.tures t7 =1a not

7'el~t~in't fteebonv3 cmeldemUen ir. t elv",p butt wi teh sr':11

afro et the =xR=t of frooboara mleul*Ud for t?ze -,moo*

ovat atmetvaVet as *+r-t4;&s,, 3 ipe It"* CrosRivast

Elam ditch crass „ stmt sisrilar crosstz a that my obstruct

the flow in the cal. whou14 be eomlAetred vbAm IM~ee rd

#tl~ers are t),* c!-mv- eels,

M AlitW, CHA.HlL.It'r,"

1'M!'!' # ?Aryow of this d i sctax ion f 1-- a is t chtmiois


evuved o raao-vv sa ss sluwur2 aoe vatoer, aad tieoae vhttb

earrY excess surer ve away fry the I*vA, 7%cea e°hamwls

# mat run-*" vh1eb ar gImtrees abo v this irri tieac

araw, as rw OU as the earrying exemse vator from V* cult3 w

vatod araw: titre imIuded iax the lafter

'resins for suimaur'~ motor. Opet J :-a i nsoe (-howeU

Matt oww to revam the exm-emu tw**urfvm vatwr f _ r-r i - a,+ed

are" a" lotatad Va t'hs lsaaaest rarto of the topograrby. By

virtue Of this lomtlon, the Mn-flum am is turd tine

hew*, roo freebowrA pre t are Involved.

Dmim for isurfare irettFer rvmval. matiIt type of - railn





t rat




, v










it o

r without afar-41,A,,i~",~$ +e i



is the nrat ivateacao thlo vetturoa Harts'! ~zouree its @ tumor a

ITV of an %apography a A tmeboard to not a problem.

Hawverf the Wmvemmta voy trocluft artificial abmwla that

require freseb*ard ideY Uo". A.rtIfteelally cream eb els

be ft#41ghed iii? MrrY 0000$6W*2e Of ett4M V*tALkr

ecMatti on r fr eelb a A cwt ides i o" rfty be an Urportort fa--tar

to W*v*at AIM of ad jaieout Umpr oveel la"de. "w rd

lez'a13y vin i"e es on 't`or tbam cbMIM .a ova vill 4*

IV= tIW tyro of iaty-veetiam t l that ISIP vwtbwr so ea► h

or 1lm! abwmel,, or a ltr*V.- chin,. Valme there wv iastrt icuUr

rriJr +eee Itt ~+e s that tlAteate ftw, jpnermw anavemeup t* Ivin -

am treou reserilva for eanwas will 1w quite w1enq,.ato. If

the" eba~2a bee "it* la--g ex tbey my 1yo rmtatnwl by

lest or dOees,, the f -d for which is -1-Twv",%w3ei in the

follow followug lion.

fderaticns that goriern -froth sr-! alb s far.

eels and c 1UM are: the ; rabble waves a0tion ln- here L i

the flow or caumed by viads; the ea t4opl ►t grovV~ of

vewtatioa is the r`homolt and tbw Aevw 01, a;^S? i3 gltt '

for the see&x1=w f loo 3.

Tbg rise in the rlood v, 'he a pvvrml --ice Jue

to actual floods 4M*O"iW that ASOMOVI in the Ow4autattote 0.-

local riews due to loml pbpelml chwges to Yom@ ah%wwl$ *f

Uw9Rj4gb * Immean ift in to ea"Patatl . '

" ilm s for vaven z&mW by writes on vide ~!hwuwle

awns b, c-o vvred in ct "eactia me or this r. The hatOt

of tho ;xSg er, weed. by Usturbewes to tbe flov is a matter of

jadaum'ts awl the freeboard roWti-ems will include t vtaetlon

wig t wieM."M,

Al lOW be MWW 1n ie *00FAtittims for tLa

**'spa.:: i!icmi a d row-Ov, o ss I eont =,ta. A In V; 1cul t :~m for

-eb-.,> rd at j wt b a r-

V ro it this coaffitton wt In th 4e.-I U n 0"

tlr: cx~> -a :I,- ctioa of tth ;:--h ,ar 1,, th % 4ditizm 1 6-4O rd-


I'V- fro~, 'rc,r!l Vo2i nc*la tor thip. t-.-; air e*nnertrur-

tion 1.1.1 r.vv fra- a;'Wr"4i of 2 f,-4yt for or 41t~-s

Jarst- of 11 or =P3,er t. vidth ;vowt- etln,- f rie. I yu.1%j,

t`,- floo6la- *f lil*h ~e_41d a w_- w . re t flif-, 8t rp to V" t

or mr for r strwtur-q or'. 14., ---h my lz

of hi-t , Av or pocul t- d r%_- s. Tlv!

V. ,_r4 5houl-I rpp1t­.-d1 t-a tbc. flood 1.­vf-_1% corr.'-51%aodift

to th,,- m;x1mA-; MW .: 1&5t -Wch 7veV-otiva is 4,tsirvd.

To tvot­ct 1rr14', t-,d re r Acm t~ S cr m-ntu.

aAn rV-.,tL.°r ch aw:li; -.ad ` to -'7 feet on the by-p -tees. Thla

freelo-rd is '-pplied to UK. rlood pl ties ~ampvtAA f~Dr' ximw

flood fla;t4 h - viA prob M- - fre-#,,*wnc, - of fx-KA on&--, In 7*4

X*4 , t M. 'r, * , Uv ftetibu . rd for V4e b, -PL, im-tv, a iopted

in tawse ;414e eos rme1.q ~*q­ of t;

.ildVts r-a *: trut, .-Avast 1/2 to its ad th, -1~-Sir -salty or

vrw'.-1dbx.'- nvxpluv. far floods of ;rv,:torr ttxt,­uzity thh-n

tb*Se ,~ In t.* flOW xl 4C%~t tjonS.



DefiniUm of freeboard. Freaiacx -rd is the !ertle=tl

d I stisoc be t -- n Us,- -m - xbm= reaor%-o 1 r ter surf . Oe le vol

ttk~ t 4mLMA be -.tt ~~ im--d for ttw Inf Lo , 4exlai f loce- ad taf-

ta~ of the w-etton or- Vw d--~m.

,?ewr cow.-Ider ~Uam. Trw. mp2U-,-*4y e-tvyicit-.. t

tbp :3-0 Chv fivebaird =.,re s?o closely i"V:-.--.-OnnC-CtOd t1m t

fe,: rewr-'.s in re,-;nrd to re im terrier.

-aust 1w juvvided In the structures to

mcorrx)C,-.tv th-r-, imfla- 3"102 flood b,, time i3oot ecoamlem-1

combiattion of -.-a - idewtb,. freeba:.rd, md arillw Y

in cnmes -.4-wre fmxlli,r aka#.11.; w ~ s m-,y be, the

fr*qw-iwy,, m-.;-jmitw4a,, ,,42d prob,ble etfect of flows In ~mcess

of the -x*kwate freqtv--w?,flood should be consiftrol in ­dJustim-

the aeoumie mritv of timt V.Te or 1-mm'Ased

freebm-rd ameswir,. an the &n. As -,a wxIllramy *&-- ms of m.v-


,-j.a 4 water 1--mrrierp is *owidered " poirt of thR nanoverrlaw

wmUou of Vi* 4,-Am in cootputtar, the freebar-rd. li- the iesl~-u

or froebomrd for the &gym,, .--. conwientious efrarto

shmdd be rwtde to --,old prwriding-for m prdb*-- ble floods

in majurctLon it Lmprob4le s1m1t.,,amw cc bler-tiom at

mch, fc -sorz -.s strory w Wo q 4ad lultialty ft1l,

or t*4

aarxky ft1l, vwx ra.


Of first t.Wort-,two in --malderlix,7, the rel,. t ton betwem

sTA11my c--2.pacity av4 f is the aecur--~c l- of taie

ast"ate of wit eat flood run-aft -ad the time-

period or w-AW, c1lotmeteristies of the rum-off in rel;~tlor.

to the vle;44% of r1o,4 o er the spill-tv y ­Wi tbe

storr;re aapveit,. In ti-* reserzoir. The pror*r eorrelAtion of

Vteem factors aWlted to the critte:11 eondition of full rewr-

-viotr tit the tLme of contribution of flood inflow will. ittermine

the Inavomat of freeboard that vill be rw~.Lmd by tbe rtse W

of the rowmir v,,'i~r level.. In the of -'; eo strolled I

spillwV ents a cawidei—tion mwt be to the PossibUlt,

of U* fa tbw* of smtomtic too to olarate or tAmin, th Uwe.,

if relt=e is rAnced an mwml control of --,ttva ='vd outlets.

This t=siderrttion demnads that t1v requIred frevbear4 prow i-

sim be Pilled Above tr& tor of the mte.

ant critical condition,, t:rwt for vhieh the mirji-

Mmak Unts freeboard to eompUtedp is thrAt dUe to the occur".vace-

of the unsimm anticipated flood mt -i time vmn tyre resertpolr

to at nonva meter mwirace elev"tion. Ttw rise In ttw reser-

voir -tm to V* flood to 4epandent cm the qunntity swd darotion

Of the flor~ .1

etarge capetaity of the spillwW and outlet works for the period

considered. In other mwds, the flood rU* will be the imroaft

in -4".ter mrfnm rvmi1ti%!k;- from the net cliffereme between the

flood inflorw md the lischar-m outr1ow,



UOTU ut *snum"Trib" wwtulu so 2aTtq=44v al

avtvoa a .40M ? "Ovm Tuaww" jo Aawm 0 an Sam

**sow :~ Ul 'Isut . .Omn-wujs ORZ j c;ajw On en

r*%uawvi aj5 ,4 a'i AST w "t4:uo Pm Awwrtds l**Tw

atm O:t u0i'mea UT f atdaw ,o roTin&C"d wp

-emu TWAX0 own nA-

uvtil axe uc gaa"*%w wu PTrwqu POOTEJ vel-CIluo WMIMM

ac4 .AUK Trip Urj'4r4AArL$ aaqV^ ,ja+.aW#a, }

*s tuffAm W4

x!.x j iaum inn aq.4 fpmwqaeaj twA= ao si

OOOJ-=* -U4v-*, ul 861-T atAI .4 $1 k t6m.Um 14

:iu,tqj4TAAq" ul p"M arA rn -t"wj ou

Its weme an the va-twe of the hied imtor« 'nw win

errmu ova # s war may reaalt to vied way or vind of f

otherwise knmm as sett. Sither will ~ emA

a rr



stilluater ;


wa ter


proteetlj= of the wmtrom at r simep loMtUms mall f< rtav(-*

of the 4m s: also to be iydmi4ered.

I%* total nona1 fr*Wb+dw4 rapiremmt, is ctov4xte<7x

lay rMin .: t%e f'loW water rise, height 0 m"oo wam -x

>a of %bose fmat4rs tbauU iwluU a proper mr7ta of safety.

y~aftOWU *_r Triad. As sta*xd abo-o, f': eebo *4 =at be

mi to i~t +a=e't.~'Y of t star fi aee

%bo surbi4e of the f wounded as# . Tr boight ref t> Waves

trill, dapead on the rasegr mir f h, gird velm ity o} an., to

extmt sa atTectin.1, freeboamd r irmomtx on tte stoeya*" of

t W upstrem *IN* aml the to of pmtoeetiv* sateri al.

the offtet of seialmsp vLod t-ep* wave helght# sod wave

uadu2ation of the Uk* mwftft• he W myvary frm a

fev 'r` Unto sw 1, . Wt. set is Uw astkol dis-

platoomt of weer is a la .e dw -to very strut or ocatIVOW

vimis. AAw ftva #,fit vindmzd and of the lakA ar reservoir

Is ill Wood fto Immmord and. 4ave rump Is the


Wight, ab illwater 1 1 to vbich t3ae saw WM fo3lov

up the e of the Ina. It tea tvm cry to 1,,roro poteb e

effea a., except VhwV view has sir h phommem to

exist. This information is aNalla't.le fbr large W i*s of aatxrry

s+ as the nrewt lAwea,, but =W &11owmwo Poor swiebe effsat In

as artit`icia l body of taatxr, vouM be arbitrary.

# -.,!N

.. " *xt 1k .

it) Vh1chw

V 1s the vW velocitys, in moil" per hour

F is the foteh j, In mid

D to the av'.1 mp dopth of 'Mator to tko fir in rloet

A is the =Wlo of incidowe of the xa'ves

It bas bees owotowrw to We D as tvo-thirft of the xarie

4e.th or tbko reservoir at the beel of the'Um.

pmV diti=03 infolvatift c this subject that ray ?rs

eomitto* on :514er Protectim of the Comittee on : tic Dome of Uw 'Awbonlas a & *1*" Divtolm, Proomodlags of tka

ne rA Vol A, No. 4-5.4 P W5 Monte Of OLUM oa

L a rch at the fttiomi %wemu or "Junurdsr fthrumrY 1:453r Val 5 . to. 20 V f.

"V'W Set-up and Wawa in aftalm #firv" d al Amr4 s at uonoorI4 Jum 4.;:2.


rode use of it extirra'ive std appears oecew* y or ;Iesir.


Ttw for"Lla8 for Ott?' VKV0 1*ight generated by

wtaft bow bom given previaxalv urder the et&jeet of eenals.

Yawtore ehieh lilt their a►ee ffi►** the Wflmenee of tae

sk i. tto mear' it t , dixction of t1w

~IIUW v 1W*, sal the sbaps of the reservoir. Is momml.,

*e* to dais► reatf ve to Ow het-oit of i0vet +are the waded

►tar a trot yet ~1tvM►i „ apt is a row isolated eafts.

'x'be Offlactive fetch is ill eamidered as the

uorwal d istame ftm the viedvard sib of the vmser-vo r to

'h*i d itze&i. The etteetive fetch may have a

curved pahg as ixa th* mm of a VW ea"pig dmm at slightly

cAvved vane betvaaa high land ridf*s ?t* pm*abi.ltty that

the erfeetirve fetch my' dateratmd by a etiarwed thy, rather

thw '+aye aU st.awi# ►t vase„ explsiv $am of the e;teeptiomally

o,), vet smatims observed In long wizdir4 emirs.

Although tba 31tevesa olii f'or m%1&G am still Ix

Smaml , erpex ieam to& Wwwad tint its 10 not

reli l* Indication of oritioul, wave b*U tsp ocessions

bovi 't it Alich Vwft bw4&4 tx bow exceed tbome

A,vm .by the fammUs. Aecwdia4yr wave bei compvtod

f vm the ftrmi aboaM be + fit art ag mKIM a sad: s

~i fve at than tm v l eve►ts:

I =W a strAzat da"m Pu rtba r ros arch 4md atWy at


thic probleu are iqxwboat to the mg

NO of tbo 3twommem litor. or other eartriml thod* sit

I* tervemd Vitt julammit.

UMW rl46 bo s* iWW-tant eameWamatUM in

m um Im%mm e. 'fie pmwiot* 31sc uss2on an rimer of save creet

above stifix° Ur#*l vbm the wave s tri3ms an rabstmetion&

UMMW tt* t Of 08MU„ Will s AVPV to dOW. "

suve of the op*trem t!Wo is the major ftet,

do*,* stetbar t be Smvi ys +prreh,, or but+trsss type, shouIl

be ealculaW to sccardame VIO the awl coM iderat ims

et# 3 Above, ususur, no s441.1tia"sl *Pima idem-

tics am iwmlvad in the mleul^ttora for f9reb'ri for these

typft of dam, l ium the upstrom t of s cone mw cwt my

be ve t i oul, or nowly so, it =at be torm # a mi.M. %bat setvres

rise ft 4*61a its ardtwxy hetot Oo" stt3. b r.

amxw*l pmactioe to to s .tom fres%owd in even testa a2tts q;h

.~ illi t. =

A 7 't n S, _ [ ^taw R a t o l

1 Ad"ma for earth 4ow is very

brS wt l at. ct earth im ftil-urm base rewtUmd i'!'best rtoVgUW

dmring flood oondlitium commed by iwAsomets rVedbourd or spit


Oftaa1tr. In OdditUft tO the OMMMU1 00MI40MUMO xwtlUWd

fir, the ateepoeow of tie uVwu** at sly of the ism and the

depth of facet paitrtatitx fly reTrevent tbe vajor opeci,al

,eyowdn rorees esaertwl by Va►m eexttioa axe ordiourily

uw4iObU with respect to am earth 4&=. Concern Is a bUfly

with the effect of am#ton eel mtw*tiou. roes overtopping

the *rest vim, rro-Ime 4ostrwtive erosUm, #.rA spray will

vatuet!to the aftak~ beiv oorual uwteer surfWe and the

Crewt" 7be r"uIt will bee alcuAdag, of the strew fie,

usetakU a ~=Out crrditlssws, aull oWartmulty ror Ustruetive

frowt satlnn in oold a ice.

nw atewyncas of Uw upetreen *U*w owed the renterW

Frith vhlejh it is esur. ued 'Mill. brwe effect cc the exOmt

at the Leave travel* waves will sit biter on a fleet than au

a eel+ sloyav seen., in oxmwe of their ova WOtp or. -tomj*4-a-.

tively fut *100". i or their energy Vill. be leatr ed ~ t.

travel over a rough warfamop match as ftoW roe- or ripmap,

than over a smooth w=16ce smut eerier a eooareU javen1wnt. Them

Is so exact laftwMt Oft th"W vbwxwwm;i step the # boar;l

Vnwisim in, tbeax+ flarop a matter of ezVerUmmg jm'd4pmoutp and

00catiumatum of lei faut+arst. one rale for eaVe refti+ to to

talbe 5 tlaeee the vwwe bAdght* m maturltd vertically from tbo

stIlIVOW lam.# and comalder this the enae3=et keldht to tiled

#a Vwft eul arm up an Ow Slolrue feree C tbtr 4014.


earth. reoervairs Ues ttow I -Mile

10"g# ; UOM" committee R/ ryas a uinlvw

fre4ob*trd a12o4s o a 2 bot in vem c1ivaixw ond ". twat in

the norvwm Unite, Afttes.

laripy Utz of 'ester. v wv #3c'`5oszij=a vhim a

AiversUft do= ads ser"s to reroguUtA tb6 f1m in the six

and oomidevvbl* vat*r mW ?ae stared. U the ealeulatio of

v 111 aA for a dlywelm scat the silo of i Upstreow-


the struet,um, its Impartwum, and the posfbili.ty► of

his wloggiog Ue o"rflm sestiu =nt be *ash« 0

r4le that stay be 4soll f r the calcuUtUm of Ord for the

DowverfUv lion of a d,ivftosiou dam is to 4LUm e viui,een

of) fbet. The preetiee in the ri rem of R+ec sti to to

u the pool water eaa c* elevatUm vAth f 1w over tb*,

ovwTlm vctIm far the z17 :-yser flood, t o to oalculate the

aurf%ft *2vaatiaa fbr a l:-%)~ear f'io . 2f the water

elevation for the 1 - - war flood is ovw 3 fe*t,, . r

fib is used. MOM 1ATOrtv=t $i'+er *Un WV brtag

ilp i i 11 vi21 baw m fr eeeboap In exams of that Udietted ate.

IV SW SiWTA Vi axama of ?7onl4 a rar daft Projeats, Ma'tiaml € ebwAra/a CowdtUaf Vat ted Stm*** +ear t "'riutlM Ortices 'AAhtvgtms D.C.


9 m




'fit 'tvq:) ,.Ovnww ftm P" wit *apnvgz p K

wn jot~~

aq:~ ft3 4vtnvtw joi pawn *I 3n aru wo

ftjv~w-ssq&V UT 4towl mi-I 1— a AM am *"P TOPW

-sit-, Qql wt gvmwod push** mft *AM* swilv= M. =

jo ; "wt owtv ftitnv^so owtsj ,resat jT moi4vrrwpm

4tW;W VO VM P 4CM PM tOAVV00-40

OtM ul tl UxfttM*- JO #GU&JI 482,4W T ''* '4TI

-u,edz;o .ter *v*;mw* guisld A PPu: M&Un4 TOX%NnP

l tud SOMM `x

swerr, } XJ T T- ,n.-,K--w soffit* vilowg qQ&V. t

j t;

• t4+

Th" SVM OW bo vWryA*$trwtIv* to PMW imstallatiaws, wA.,

in ao Umtsums.* additional eurftlz MUS bum beep WdW

atow the OWTAl tratnUW van to mwtatl the spread of thin

Ov"W toto at"" mmtats lag Oleetrl-Al etmilrx". t.


"W Oww"a mi" PrOVIOA4ay given win *W17 to

freebasxd allawmaeft for mall *tilliM pmIs fbr spillvars

awl outlet vae-A at imm. ~S in Most tmt"K"t thege

at.raa~u-as attain etxikb)A px~aptarttomw and re"Ire at eow-

ejAcmttaw. FAmb =at be cIA 14gred an the basis of j,-rwm!jUW

loola cam"tUm, lrmU4 wAMvI #Wlloe am often -"uived

to fix the hoiott on" lorgth of the trainixg, val:U,

0 ~71= .t 7 , xn M,_ S _= M A -7 110 ; - "-- -, A 5 1 =7 - I 7_77 Z W-'% FVN_r~ ~

in OU Irriestim woe-m to on extrew*4 lavortamt clesLap ton-

dieUtes , amm ervattve ftneaboard.. **w-t the

fWat that tko waftty and amt1mad apomtIm of the vorl.s mwt

be assured if the privexy pwpw*, mmlyr that of 4elivertag

vatar for trr last arm of --rag*,, to to be ftMIled. Pallure of

the most wM Umw of thaw crqx cmU be am evamade diswter

to a develoW ersm,* There0we, it vay be falm eocnmW to

rcavue Minima rrOORKW'd axuxftucm..

TY Me camiderstion Is given to UU the LUr1wwcUw

fectAws mt tarts in this VVw and the --mll-tions *%U*Uw Is the

fie ld we carefully sawlymd, ad*qmOe fkvebmrd *bpA3A msul*.

This pater :Tool* oh eTly with the e0owideratious

that inf3mense, rreabvard ally in Irr- tMatiee wowrks. In

ftoftow ehem app xhal►te ooluttoft My be obtalmed by

xW i - - - 1 notbodu f We mwWwAs imolved am described*

RuUw in, oamoo ww4p in the WW :qtwteo axe


Doom o hVftwaice is not an exatt aee#enr mp the p -

*Up mormt of t9elWboord to *Mw cRmot bar wised blr

ptu ly aaalytieal =Hka s. '.'lomrare, tho experience and

.T%ximent of the 4MISO r dram, Vith 4mroftl Smalysts of

Ue conditlaw pre Ming at ewh particular loeslity are

hot factors is a -161-b i1 waver rr eebaard 6120"We".

Stem the Bu r+ewi of PA*InntU= teas built a lax" wxt*r of

edaglate irr~Wioa *Wotws, eonsidexal+le *Mwrtem* bias been

gdmd Ibis tso'isae+e !fie aao pmxlble the 4evolop+aant of

paldia* Aw wee In desIgmiag t`radmax-d. A xaa m of t2aa w

mmUm am imeluUd to the pow.

First# tbere is a► *f Coevomien of tb* iftm-

blow !f f+eetiM f'reebowd that applr swersUl to all irr igs-

t1m t Orks. Amove the we: safftyt SOOMW of desipp s

critical evabatim of +eU. ier, eri.terr#sf raaza r of Optnati+*

of the eorWl~ marks, si" mad iqWtwcos, locatims elivAt*j

and Ow SASNAW at otiesr rtg Jeri iaree] t in the w r}.a.

'Lids 41sev"UNK Is tbLlvW by a reyitr of Mw ftatm that


nS`luenoc fredboard allowanaw in comaUlp uuwals, sad fleas

'3iebos, wttic and vitbout bard surtwo liniaM. Plan abwm

and %*lov ceritival volmity are evwdMd. The inrlasome cm

beWbowd of AeS+A of dear, viand atctUia* entrance of atma

mbw, , regubaticas 4me to qjeratimp 19 atum, etl ice, fail

chwicteristics, suddies ftwtuaticos of viater eurri`a ft,* avid

bible ebwape in o7arrging +amity of the systen from

atck , - aieaa evamej, are: +aevab atedE. There .tai a eac tim :evot

too waa<VW*# as they bavu as ixWortant Iswring an frys*m -rt

both to cwm%U w d at dress.

"flee ffiwtors that aunt be comidered vbm m'!-Ing fraae-

Yoard ally in tbe+ v a rioo s types of struetures in the irri-

ggatUae q i t i we ereted &W their wity ire &"amaw.

This is foUow&4 by s covwv4e of the ireeebow-i cesa VWrajticas

fbr dzaioae ebamw1s and levees co fly abannsls.

closee frith a diecussion of the diffemt

afflectia of w1aft on reew-voUvo mach as eetebe, v1*1 mavon ,mud

set-W, and rwaW of wavaeae sad their iaf2vew* asp fY+eatoard. for

do*. iae we given *having the amount of frabbow'd a llowi_

at aelacte6 camerete., mascawy sW oarth etoraw & wee, awd

dlvrr*Um dtaaw. Coaditlews aff ttsg fraedboalad is spillways

and antUt vats for drws we explained..

Ma &%rtbws belietw tw imwe IMartant, ctanaidsrations

am set :fib, and if each is gives peolper at tip n In rels-

tiara to existing fLeu a0muti+aa m, adAqnats tteeb$04 shouu



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