hydroponics and dehumidifier

Post on 22-Jan-2017






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Group Members:Daniel (23)

Song Li (32)Xuan Hui (34)


Aim• To collect water from the air using dehumidifier method and use it for hydroponics purposes.


• Means “working water.” • Is a technology for growing plants in

nutrient solutions.

Advantages of Hydroponics

• Less space required• Less growing time required• Water conservation• Nutrients are recyclable• Save money by recycling nutrients 

• Pest, weed, and disease problems can be controlled easier

• Plants grown hydroponically avoids soil borne pests• More control over the plants rooting environment

Selecting and Preparing the Indoor Garden

• Space is usually the most problematic factor in planning the indoor garden.


• Is a household appliance that reduces the level of humidity in the air. • Usually for health reasons.• Humid air can cause mold and Mildew to grow inside homes, which has various health risks.

More about Dehumidifier• Humidity that causes most discomfort and

stops you from getting a good nights sleep. • A dehumidifier can help to make you much more comfortable.• Long term effects of excess humidity can be quite horrific.• Thus, the recommended indoor humidity level is between 40% and 50%.

We can use calcium chloride to remove moisture from the air.

Calcium Chloride is a strongly hygroscopic compound meaning it has a strong attraction for water .

Calcium Chloride to remove moisture from the air.

We can also extract water from the air using evaporation and


www.projectworkgroup1.blogspot.com Links Separating Calcium Chloride From Water

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