hypnosis, the key to the metaphysical

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Hypnosis, the Key to the Metaphysical. # 12045. “Building Our Profession with Spiritual Intention”. With Ernest VanDenBossche BCH,CI www.hypnotraining.us 207-649-9655. Hypnosis, the Key to the Metaphysical. See Your NGH Convention Handout CD for pages of materials for this class Pages. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Hypnosis, the Key to the Metaphysical

With Ernest VanDenBossche BCH,CI



“Building Our Profession with Spiritual Intention”

# 12045

Hypnosis, the Key to the Metaphysical

See Your

NGH Convention Handout CDfor pages of materials for this class



Aspiration is a spiritual reaching upward –

A prayer for providential aid.

A longing after things

and truth’s superior.

An attraction toward that

which is in store for the soul.


Spiritual Workshop

Hypnosis Sessions:

“Opening to Your Higher Self”

“Self Mediumship, Connecting to Your Loved Ones in Spirit”

What is Metaphysics• 15th century, Aristotle, from Greek ”Ta

Meta ta Physkia”, “the books after the books on nature”

• The philosophical study of being and knowing

• The branch of philosophy that examines the true nature of reality

• Has become the label for things which transcend the natural world

• Broad philosophy, not a science

• Hypnosis is not sleep.

• It is not unconsciousness

• Hypnosis is a state of mind.

What is HypnosisWhat is Hypnosis

You’re in Hypnosis Every Day

• TV Hypnosis

• Reading Hypnosis

• Highway Hypnosis


Conscious and Subconscious Mind Super Conscious / Spiritual Mind Bypass Critical Factor Induction and Relaxation Positive Suggestions and


Using Using HypnosisHypnosis

Safe – Imagination & Belief Natural – Daydreaming 1st Stage Expedient – Removes Conscious

Struggle Proven Over Centuries:

Practiced in Ancient Greece & Egypt

• Most people actually have greater awareness while hypnotized.

• During a hypnosis session you generally hear and remember most of what is said.

• You can freely disregard any of the suggestions.

• You remain in control of your thoughts and actions.

• Hypnosis makes you more inclined to do things you want to do.

• Hypnosis never makes you behave against your own belief system.

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of altered consciousness (awareness) in which a you are capable of internalizing thoughts and suggestions for the purpose of manifesting desired psychological, physical, and spiritual change.

Hypnosis automatically occurs anytime you become deeply relaxed and /or highly focused.

• Generally you have greater awareness of sensations and surroundings.

• A small percentage of the people go so deeply into hypnosis that they don’t remember any of the session.

In hypnosis work, we use positive affirmation to help you focus your attention on achieving your goals.

You will have the opportunity to work with visualization and imagination

• All your other senses also count.

• The experience doesn’t have to be visual.

• During the process you may know or feel “the symbols.”

Learning Channels




Regression actually is a reflection upon the souls journey.

When lessons from the past may come to your awareness, you may observe patterns of behavior and you may be able to develop ways to take corrective action.

Hypnosis, the Key to the Metaphysical


• Be open to spiritual awareness of others

• Discover needs and intent of client

• Map strategy with client

• Resolve issues

• Discover appropriate suggestions

• Introduce potential success with Hypnosis

Be open to spiritual awareness of others

• People have many varying views, realizations and experiences which lead to spiritual goals and aspirations.

• Be prepared for the many paths people seek and the depth they may wish to take it to.

• Help them to integrate their higher-selves into their daily conscious lives through hypnosis, using a prearranged agreement and plan.

Discover needs and intent of client

• Use your pre-talk to uncover information.

• Understand exactly what your client wants and expects.

• Stay the course

Map strategy with client

• Be sure you let the client know what process you have decided to use.

• There should be no surprises in your actions.

Resolve issues

• Alleviate Fears

• Are there spiritual practices that the client is uncomfortable with?

• Other concerns that the client would like addressed during their hypnotherapy session

Goal Setting

• What does the client wish achieve?

• How do they want to integrate change into their life?

• What does the change look like?

• How will it feel?

Discover appropriate suggestions

• During the pre-talk take notes of clients answers and comments and turn them into suggestions.

• Incorporate suggestions appropriately into your script or patter.

• Make comparative affirmations as well.

Introduce potential success with Hypnosis .

Your chosen method of hypnotherapy combined with the suggestions you have garnered through the interview, intake forms and pre-talk; will give your client the greatest opportunity for success.


I hereby agree to be therapeutically hypnotized by ______________________________ for the spiritually related matters I have addressed in this form. I understand that this is a mental process. I understand that the success of this session will depend upon my own serious participation and my own desire to change. I understand that the results of this session cannot be guaranteed. I have been informed that the repeated use of any audio format provided to me by my hypnotist may dramatically enhance the overall success of my intent.

Signed: __________________________ Date _______

Why are you seeking spiritual enrichment therapy?

___ Spiritual Healing for Mind, Body and Soul___ Spiritual Awareness, Connecting to the Higher Self___ Tapping into Universal Knowledge and Energy___ Drawing Love and Prosperity into Your Life___ Meet Your Spirit Guides and Helpers___ Past Life Regression ___ Between Life Regression___ Unlocking Human Potential ___ Increased Psychic Awareness___ Self-Mediumship, Greet Loved Ones in Spirit___ Others

Spiritual Healing for the Body, Mind and Soul

• All emotional feelings are of the subconscious

• The subconscious mind controls all bodily functions

• Connections to the super conscious

Spiritual Awareness, Connecting to the Higher Self

As one increases awareness of the spiritual self, it becomes time to be aware of the higher self (wise mind, oversoul, all knowing self, god self or whatever.)

Tapping into Universal Knowledge and Energy

• Universal Knowledge, called Akashi Records by many, is the collection of all knowledge and events past, present and future.

• Everything is energy, vibrating at different frequencies.

Drawing Love and Prosperity into Your Life

• In order to receive you must let the universe know what you want.

• You need to believe it to receive it.

Meet Your Spirit Guides and Helpers

• Go within and ask for your guides and angels, healers and helpers. They will always be there for you.

Past Life Regression

Set your intent before attempting a Past Life recall. We have had many lives and many masters. Your higher self will find the right experience for the current moment.

Between Life Regression

Where have you been when you haven’t been here? What did you learn? What did you decide? What contract did you make for your future?

Unlocking Human Potential

The Secret to your success.

Increased Psychic Awareness

We all have a sixth sense.

Many have lost touch with it.

Most use it every day without realizing it.


We all have the ability to reach out to the Spirit World.

Set your intent. Trust and Believe.

Self-Mediumship… go within to greet your loved ones in Spirit.

Hypnosis, the Key to the Metaphysical



“Building Our Profession with Spiritual Intention”

# 12045

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