i just don’t have the time or the money…. hours in a week 24 hours times 7 days equals 168 hours...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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I just don’t


the time


the money…

Hours in a week

24 hours times 7 days equals 168 hours

8 hours times 7 days for sleep equals 56 hours leaving 112 hours

8 hours times 5 days a week equals 40 hours leaving 72 hours

20 more hours of overtime leaves 52 hours

16 hours off on Sundays still leaves 36 hours

You just need to block your times out once or twice a week

Real Time Killers (T.V)

Number 1

Laying around watching TV wastes several hours through the week

Real Time Killers (Video Games)

Number 2

Some people waste hours playing video games

Real Time Killers (Drinking)

Number 3

People waste so much time in a bar sitting around drinking

No time or money huh

Money Killers (Cigarettes)

If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day at $5.00 dollars each,

On average you are spending $150.00 a month or $1800.00 a year

A deadly and unprofitable investment.

Money Killers (Morning Coffee)

If you hit a drive thru in the morning before work you are probably spending

$3.00 to $7.00 dollars a day on a high fat breakfast.

That comes to $15.00 to $35.00 dollars a week or $60.00 to $140.00 a month.

That’s $720.00 to 1680.00 a year for breakfast.

Money Killers (Snacks)

If you had a snack a day at work at .85 cents times 5 days a week

That come to around $17.00 dollars a month or $204.00 a year.

Money Killers (Pizza Delivery)

Pizza delivery can get pretty expensive

Even with a coupon pizza seems to arrive at your door for over $20.00

And if you order two or more it reaches $40.00 pretty easy.

Money Killers (Fast Food)

On average a meal costs around $6.00 to purchase.

If you eat out every day at work you are spending about $120.00 a month on lunch

Or around $1500.00 a year on food that isn’t good for you.

Money Killers (after work)

If you go to a bar after work and casually drink 3 beers at $3.50 each

You on average spend $13.00 dollars a day or $260.00 a month at a bar

That comes up to $3120.00 a year on casual drinks ….

Money Killers (Soda)

At .60 cents to a $1.25 for a soda it’s easy to spend a lot of money

On something to drink.

On average people will $260.00 dollars a year on soda from a machine.

Money Killers (Weekly Dining)

If you eat out once a week to treat yourself and the average meal for two

Is around $50.00 a week, you are spending about $200.00 dollars a month

Or 2400.00 dollars a year on food…

Money Killers (Casino’s)


The loss of money could be as little as $20.00 a week to several hundred dollars.

Even a minimum $20.00 loss a week adds up to $1040.00 a year.

And there is never a guarantee of a win.

Money Killers (Lottery Tickets)

Some people spend an average of $10.00 dollars a week on lottery tickets.

That adds up to 540.00 dollars a year

And no guarantee of a win.

What are some ways to better use your time?

• Limit how much TV you watch

• Don’t spend all of your time in a bar

• Block out time for things

• Make the time because you do have it

• Get organized, make a list

How can I save a little money?

• Bring a lunch and breakfast to work

• If you drink, drink at home

• If you eat out, eat at home

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