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I. N. K. I Now Know

Dodge City First United Methodist Church

March, 2018

Dodge City First United Methodist Church is a place where people encounter Christ, believe,

are made new, and go out in service to Christ and neighbor.

March Events

Palm Sunday, March 25

Experience the marketplace &

triumphant entry of Christ

Prior to 8:55 & 11:00 services

Maundy Thursday

March 29

Church Library

An Upper Room Experience,

On the half hour from


Good Friday

March 30 -7:00 p.m


The Choir will present

“The Seven Last Words”

Good Friday

March 30 -5:00 p.m

Prayer Vigil Begins



2 Jerre’s Column

3 Bryce’s Column

4 Melyssa’s Column

5 Sarah’s Column & Joy! News

6 Raciel’s Column

7 UMW Reading Program

8 Short Articles

9 Congregational News

10 Lists & Lenten Lunch Schedule

11 Obituaries

13 Lenten Events

14 Vital Stats

15 Calendar

Back Cover – Great Plains Info

Office closed

March 30

In observance of

Good Friday

“Do We Notice Others


Several years ago, there was a very

important study at Princeton Theological

Seminary that speaks to why it is that

when all of us have so many

opportunities to help, we sometimes do

and sometimes don't,

A group of divinity students at the Princeton

Theological Seminary were told that they were going

to give a practice sermon and they were each given a

sermon topic. Half of those students were given, as a

topic, the parable of the Good Samaritan: the man

who stopped to help the stranger in need by the side

of the road. Half were given random Bible topics.

Then one by one, they were told they had to go to

another building and give their sermon. As they went

from the first building to the second, each seminary

student passed a man who was bent over and

moaning, clearly in need. The question is: Did they

stop to help?

The more interesting question is: Did it matter

they were contemplating the parable of the Good

Samaritan? Answer: No, not at all.

What turned out to determine whether someone

would stop and help a stranger in need was how

much of a hurry they thought they were in -- were

they feeling they were late, or were they absorbed in

what they were going to talk about. And this may be

the predicament of our lives: that we don't take every

opportunity to help because our focus is in the wrong


The new thinking about compassion from social

neuroscience is that our default wiring is to help.

That is to say, if we attend to the other person, we

automatically empathize, we automatically feel with

them. There are these newly identified neurons,

mirror neurons that act like a neuro. Wi-Fi, activating

in our brain exactly the areas activated in theirs. We

feel "with" automatically. And if that person is in

need, if that person is suffering, we're automatically

prepared to help. At least that's the argument. But do


But then the question is: Why don't we? This

probably speaks to a spectrum that goes from

complete self-absorption, to noticing, to empathy and

to compassion. And the simple fact is, if we are

focused on ourselves, if we're preoccupied, as we so

often are throughout the day, we don't really fully

notice the other. And this difference between the self

and the other focus can be very subtle.

During the next thirty-one days or so, ask

yourself, do I notice others, anymore? That’s exactly

what we will be doing at our church home.

All the best,


"¿Notamos a los demás más?"

Hace varios años, hubo un estudio muy

importante en el Seminario Teológico de

Princeton que habla de por qué es que

cuando todos nosotros tenemos tantas

oportunidades para ayudar, a veces lo

hacemos y otras veces no.

A un grupo de estudiantes de teología en

el Seminario Teológico de Princeton se les

dijo que iban a dar un sermón de práctica y a cada

uno se le dio un tema de sermón. A la mitad de esos

estudiantes se les dio, como tema, la parábola del

Buen Samaritano: el hombre que detuvo al extraño

para ayudar al extraño necesitado al lado del camino.

A la mitad se les dieron temas aleatorios de la Biblia.

Luego, uno por uno, les dijeron que tenían que ir a

otro edificio y dar su sermón. Al pasar del primer

edificio al segundo, cada estudiante del seminario

pasó por delante de un hombre que estaba inclinado y

quejándose, claramente necesitado. La pregunta es:

¿se detuvieron para ayudar?

La pregunta más interesante es: ¿importaba que

estuvieran contemplando la parábola del buen

samaritano? Respuesta: No, en absoluto.

Lo que resultó determinar si alguien se detendría y

ayudaría a un extraño necesitado era la prisa en la

que pensaban que estaban: si pensaban que llegaban

tarde o si estaban absortos en lo que iban a hablar. Y

esta puede ser la situación de nuestras vidas: que no

aprovechamos todas las oportunidades para ayudar

porque nuestro enfoque está en la dirección


El nuevo pensamiento sobre la compasión de la

neurociencia social es que nuestro cableado

predeterminado es ayudar. Es decir, si atendemos a la

otra persona, automáticamente nos identificamos,

sentimos automáticamente con ellos. Hay estas

neuronas recién identificadas, neuronas espejo que

actúan como un neuro. Wi-Fi, activando en nuestro

cerebro exactamente las áreas activadas en las suyas.

Nos sentimos "con" automáticamente. Y si esa

persona está necesitada, si esa persona está sufriendo,

estamos automáticamente preparados para ayudar. Al

menos ese es el argumento. ¿Pero nosotros?

Pero entonces la pregunta es: ¿por qué no? Esto

probablemente se dirige a un espectro que va desde la

completa autoabsorción hasta la percepción, la

empatía y la compasión. Y el simple hecho es que si

nos enfocamos en nosotros mismos, si estamos

preocupados, como solemos hacer a lo largo del día,

realmente no nos damos cuenta del otro. Y esta

diferencia entre el yo y el otro enfoque puede ser

muy sutil.

Durante los próximos treinta y un días más o

menos, pregúntese, ¿ya noto otros? Eso es

exactamente lo que haremos en nuestra iglesia en


Todo lo mejor, Jerre

Student Ministries

A Note From Bryce "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s

life for one’s friends.”

- John 15:13

As Jesus is preparing his disciples for his death, he tells them

that there is no greater love than to lay one’s life down for his

friends. I can imagine that these words echoed in the minds of

each of the disciples as Jesus was sentenced to death and

crucified. Here was someone that was making the ultimate

sacrifice out of love for each of them, as well as each of us.

As we move through this season of Lent toward the cross and

the resurrection, our youth will take some time to understand

what Jesus meant as he shared this message with his disciples.

As we do so, we will use a common story line in heroic sagas –

the hero who is willing to sacrifice his or her life for those in


This month, take some time to realize the extent of God’s love.

Think about what it would take to lay down your life for others.

As you do, spend some time drawing closer to God in thanks for

all that he has given for you, that you may fully experience the

meaning of Holy Week and Easter.

Weekly Programs Sunday School: Our Sunday School program meets Sunday mornings from 10:00-11:00 in the RZ Room. Through the school year, we will be discovering what it means to have our lives transformed by our faith, so that we can follow Christ more closely. In doing so, we will use the higher curriculum series. Reality Zone: Our youth ministry offers youth an opportunity to discover what it means to be in a real, authentic relationship with the God who created, redeems, and sustains all things. This year, our theme is "Live Heroically", in which we will utilize the concepts out of the Marvel and DC Comics universes to discover how our faith encourages us to live like heroes. Join us for a great time of food, worship, discussion, and fellowship! High School meets from 5:30-8:15, while Middle School meets from 4:15-7:30.

What to Know:

Each year we offer our youth a variety of cheap and fun events

during Spring Break as an alternative for those who cannot (or are not) getting away for the

week. This year, our events are as follows:

Monday: Bang: Wright Park, 12-3

Tuesday: Bowling, 1-3 Wednesday: Service Day, 10:30-1 Thursday: Board Game Day, 10-4

Friday: Garden City Zoo, 10-4

These are great opportunities for all of our youth, as well as any friends that they would like to


Upcoming Dates:

Sunday School Mar4

Reality Zone Mar7

Sunday School Mar11

Bang: Wright Park Mar12

Bowling Mar13

Service Day Mar14

Board Game Day Mar 15

Garden City Zoo Mar 16

Sunday School Mar18

Game Day Mar 18

Reality Zone Mar21

Sunday School Mar25

Reality Zone Mar28

Prayer Vigil Mar30-Apr1

“Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hills shall be made low, and the crooked shall become straight, and the rough places shall become level ways. Luke 3:5

Here we are beginning yet another part of our journey as this Lenten season begins. We walk together to the Cross in the promise that Jesus is with us through every step of the path.

The children will be learning about Jesus and his faithful follower here on the earth. They explore and discover through stories and lessons that even Jesus had hard times, good times, and trying times. Yet, through it all, he was never alone. Through it all, his heavenly father along with all on his journey were with him.

First Family Faith Nights are offered the 7th and 28th on Wednesday for all families. We will be focusing on teaching our children to pray just as Jesus was taught. Parents and Caregivers will receive some hands-on ways to pray with children and around their children.

We are excited to be a part of Holy Week on Palm Sunday. All children and families are invited to participate in the waving of the Palm Branches during the Palm Parade at the beginnings of each service. The narthex will be transformed into the marketplace as a reminder of the Triumphant Entry. If you as adult and children would like to participate as a character and/or help set up, please contact Melyssa.

"Todo valle se llenará, y todo monte y collados serán humillados, y los torcidos se enderezarán, y los lugares ásperos serán llanos. Lucas 3: 5 Aquí comenzamos otra parte de

nuestro viaje a medida que comienza esta temporada cuaresmal. Caminamos juntos a la Cruz en la promesa de que Jesús está con nosotros en cada paso del camino.

Los niños aprenderán sobre Jesús y su fiel seguidor aquí en la tierra. Exploran y descubren a través de historias y lecciones que incluso Jesús tuvo tiempos difíciles, buenos y difíciles. Sin embargo, a pesar de todo, nunca estuvo solo. A pesar de todo, su padre celestial junto con todos en su viaje estaban con él.

Las primeras noches de fe de la familia se ofrecen el 7 y el 28 el miércoles para todas las familias. Nos enfocaremos en enseñar a nuestros hijos a orar tal como Jesús fue enseñado. Los padres y cuidadores recibirán algunas manos sobre las formas de orar con los niños y alrededor de sus hijos.

Estamos entusiasmados de ser parte de la Semana Santa del Domingo de Ramos. Todos los niños y familias están invitados a participar en la agitación de las Ramas de Palma durante el Desfile de Palm al comienzo de cada servicio. El narthex se transformará en el mercado como un recordatorio de la entrada triunfal. Si usted, como adulto y como niño, desea participar de un personaje o ayudar a configurarlo, comuníquese con Melyssa.


This month I wanted to share

this devotion with you, for those

hard times when you feel

overwhelmed, for whatever reason. Prayers that

through the Lord, your heart might be calmed

and the Lord's peaceful Presence and loving care

would soothe your spirit.



Imagine that you are in a boat rocking wildly on

the choppy waves of a rough ocean. Then the

waves become calm, and the boat moves gently

with the water. Feel the rhythm as the boat lifts

and falls like a cradle being rocked. Allow

yourself to relax for awhile and feel the calming,

gentle rocking of the boat and soft waves.


Ever-present God, thank you for being here with

me right now. In the chaos of my life, I often

forget that you are always with me, always

seeking to bring me peace.

People demand so much of me and my time. I

face the requests of others, the needs of others,

the expectations of others — always others.

I have so much to do and so many

responsibilities resting on my shoulders.

I feel overwhelmed, as if the world around me is

a heaving, crashing sea, and I am adrift in a

small boat, unable to keep the waves from

closing over me.

Only you can bring order out of this chaos. Say

the word, All-Powerful God, and I know the

seas will be calmed and that I will be safe. I

know this — yet I’m afraid to let go of the tiller

and trust you.

My mind skitters around my many concerns:

What if something doesn’t get done? What if

someone is angry with my actions? What if…?

Even as I say these words, I can hear how

foolish they are. You, the God of my life, are

also the God of order. Bring order to my life,

and in doing so, take care of all those concerns

that rise up around me like stormy waves. Calm

the seas of my busyness; still the waters of my


Let me drift on the gentle swells of your love

and care. ….

Thank you, O God, that the same hand that

stilled the waters holds my hand.


“ I have told you these things, so that in me

you may have peace. In this world you will

have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome

the world.” —John 16:33


Throughout the day, imagine yourself on a calm

ocean, quietly rocking in a small boat.

– Quiet Spaces: Prayer Interludes

by Patricia Wilson


Joy! Child Development Center has enrolled three more families. We are growing! As we are growing and adding children to the facility, we are looking for two gently used rocking chairs for the infant room. We began construction on the east classrooms on February 20th The doors will be done soon. Come check them out! Joy!CDC is also looking into updating the playground covering on both playgrounds. Any donations, grants, or ideas on income would be greatly appreciated! Joy! Is growing and we are excited for the support you give us! Thank you! Robin Hamilton

“What are we leaf or fruits?”

John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are

the branches. If you remain in me and I in

you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me

you can do nothing.”

Have you ever experienced moments in life

when you feel far from God? Those

moments, when we can’t feel his presence,

or we feel in a desert where everything

seems lonely “Far from God” is a phrase

that we use to say that our personal

relationship with him isn’t in the best way or

we have moved away from him. Suddenly

you realize that something is missing in you,

your way to talk is changing, your attitude is

changing too, and without even noticing it,

you are thinking and living the way you did

before. And like stray children we are

without God’s protection, fighting with a

dangerous world without an end.

_Now, what would you do? We are nothing

without God! If you want to get out you

should try it every day, try to be closer to

God, his love is unconditional, and He is

waiting for you with mercy and open arms.

To strengthen your relationship with him,

remember that to live far from God, and

without his protection, is to be in a forest

without compass and food, left to our fate.

We always think we have everything under

control, we believe more in ourselves and

our limited capabilities; and at the end of the

road we feel helpless. God will always do

the impossible, and we as humans will do

what is possible. Nothing we do for God,

and in our daily life, will have some fruit;

unless as branches we are subject to the vine

that is Christ, and even fruitful branches

need pruning moments.

-In the affectionate love of Christ

Raciel Quintana

¨ ¿Qué somos hojas o frutas? ¨

_Juan 15:5 ¨Yo soy la vid, vosotros los

pámpanos; el que permanece en mí, y yo en él,

éste lleva mucho fruto; porque separados de

mí nada podéis hacer. ¨

¿Alguna vez has experimentado momentos en

la vida cuando te sientes lejos de Dios? Esos

momentos, cuando no podemos sentir su

presencia, o nos sentimos en un desierto donde

todo parece estar solo "Lejos de Dios" es una

frase que usamos para decir que nuestra

relación personal con él no está de la mejor

manera o os hemos alejado de él. De repente

te das cuenta de que algo falta en ti, tu forma

de hablar está cambiando, tu actitud también

está cambiando, y sin darte cuenta, estás

pensando y viviendo de la manera que lo

hacías antes. Y como niños extraviados,

estamos sin la protección de Dios, luchando

con un mundo peligroso sin fin.

_ Ahora, ¿qué harías? ¡No somos nada sin

Dios! Si quieres salir, debes intentarlo todos

los días, tratar de estar más cerca de Dios, su

amor es incondicional, y Él te está esperando

con misericordia y con los brazos abiertos.

Para que fortalezcas su relación con él,

recuerde que vivir lejos de Dios, y sin su

protección, es estar en un bosque sin brújula y

comida, abandonado a nuestro destino.

Siempre pensamos que tenemos todo bajo

control, creemos más en nosotros mismos y

nuestras capacidades limitadas; y al final del

camino nos sentimos impotentes. Dios

siempre hará lo imposible, y nosotros como

humanos haremos lo posible. Nothing we do

for God, and in our daily life, will have some

fruit; unless as branches we are subject to the

vine that is Christ, and even fruitful branches

need pruning moments.

-In the affectionate love of Christ Raciel Quintana.


Living into Hope by Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell

Love. Jesus taught us to love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves. In 1999 when Elian Gonzalez lost his mother and ended up in Miami, there was much arguing about whether he should be returned to Cuba. Or should he stay and enjoy all the opportunities our country had to offer. Elian’s father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez, said, “All I can give him is love.” About two years after Elian was returned to Cuba, Juan Miguel called Reverend Campbell and asked her to tell the American people how much he loved them. It was September 11. Compassion. In Matthew, the Golden Rule calls us to treat others as we would like to be treated. We are challenged to make compassion the focus of our lives. In everything we do, we can make life easier for someone else rather than harder. This is living with compassion. Unity. Jesus portrayed himself as the good shepherd who would call all sheep to his flock so there would be one flock and one shepherd. Love and compassion lead us to unity. One man who survived the World Trade Center destruction still remembers the scene of people of all ages, nationalities and races praying in different languages in different ways. But all praying to one God. In that “one flock,” the man could see hope for the people of faith in this world. Pat Kolb Spiritual Growth (2017)

Rainbow Weaver/Tejedora del Arcoíris

by Linda Marshall This story is set in the mountains of Guatemala. The Mayan people have been weaving in the same way for generations. Ixchel’s (eeSHELL) mother made beautiful textiles on her backstrap loom. She sold them at the market to pay for books and school for her daughter. Ixchel wanted to help too so her mother showed her the basics. But she didn’t have materials needed for her daughter to make a loom or thread to use. Ixchel insisted to herself that she would make beautiful weavings just like her mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. She kept at it and after many days, working by trial and error, she showed her finished weaving to her mother. Ixchel said, “My first rainbow. /Mi primer arcoíris.” Her mother replied, “Es hermoso, mi amor.” Peg Abbey Leadership Development (Children 2018)


CHILD 2018

We have received excellent response from

the congregation for soap and toothbrushes.

We have over 100 bars of soap and almost

100 toothbrushes. At this rate we should be

able to meet our goal of 100 Christmas

Boxes this year! Hair ties, combs and

brushes are coming in and starting to get

small stuffed animals. They are so cute. I

found some that were marked down after

Valentines and they will do the same after

Easter so look for them then. MARCH is

wash cloths and T-shirt’s. Walmart has

bundles of colored washcloths that work

perfect. The Ivory soap is wrapped in a

washcloth to protect it during shipping. We

would like to put a T-shirt in each box. We

have 3 age groups and need shirts

appropriate for boys and girls. Age groups

are 2-4yrs; 5-9yrs; 10-14. I picked up

colored T’s at Dollar Tree for Youth Small,

Medium and Large which would work.

Walmart has packages of white T-shirts with

short sleeves that are reasonably priced.

Anything in those sizes will work. Stay

away from any pictures of violence like

some of the super hero’s ones. If shopping

is not your thing but you would still like to

help, we can always use cash donations to

help with shipping and to fill in items

needed when we start packing the boxes.

We would invite you to help with getting

items ready for boxes as we get further

along in this project. We will let you know

when we are ready to get together to get

organized. Again, thank you so much for

helping us with this project. The boxes will

be a blessing to the children that receive


“Let the little children come to me….for of

such is the Kingdom of God” Luke 18:16.


Flowers This year we will be using lilies and other

blooming spring plants to beautify our

sanctuary on Easter morning. We will be

purchasing the plants as a group. You may

donate a plant in memory or in honor of

someone. These names will be listed on a

bulletin insert Easter morning. Cost is $20


I would like to purchase a

[] lily []other blooming plant [] in honor of




[] in memory




[] given by




[]Check or []cash enclosed with form.

Numbers are limited. First come, first



Dearest Church: My last Sunday to play was February 25, 2018. Paul & I will start our next adventure in Wichita after the first of March. From 1985-1995 I was the substitute organist. When the fulltime organist moved Harold Cooper asked, “Kay, would you be the organist?” My response was, “Yes, until you find someone.” While the “search” has been going on, four wonderful ministers, numerous choir directors, and the choir have made my role enjoyable. Harold Cooper, Michael Gardner, Lance Carrithers, and Jerre Nolte, each pastor thought music to be a vital part of worship. The choir directors have brought his/her own unique style also. I believe there have been 6-7 throughout these 23 years. Of course Nancy Sapp, is beyond words for her knowledge of music and love for the Lord. The choirs throughout this time have been a true blessing for me. Yes, I look forward to Wednesday night practice. As a child growing up in Pratt it was always my dream to be a church organist. When my family moved to Wichita I continued piano lessons with an organ professor at WSU. Upon coming to Dodge City, First United Methodist Church and its music, drew me to attend worship. I have played 23 (x2) Christmas Eve services, been honored to play numerous funerals, and privileged to play countless weddings. One groom asked me to play “All My Exes Live in Texas” (I didn’t) while one couple requested the KU Fight Song (I did). I would like to thank this church, the pastors, choir directors, and you for allowing me to realize my dream. Of course, none of this would have been possible without God’s love and the talent He gave me.

So Harold, “someone” has been found 23 years later. Shalom, Kay 113 S Decker St Wichita, KS 67235

Guests in Worship Sunday

We were delighted to welcome these guests at our services:

(January 21, 2018) In – Town

Dakota Duckett, Omy Mejias. Out – of – Town

Jim & Mary Shultz. (January 28, 2018)

In – Town Hayes & Shelby Kelman.

Out – of – Town Delores Schlake, Dak Deines.

(February 4, 2018) Out-of-Town

Dak Deines, Delores Schlake, Sydney Shepherd. (February 11, 2018)

Out – of – Town Delores Schlake.

SYMPATHY We express our sympathy to… …Murray Eckles & family on the death of her brother-in-law. …the family of Terry Williams. …the family of Phil Schilling. …Angie Koehn & family on the death of her grandmother. …the family of Dora Lee Starks.


Greg & Linda Goff became members by transfer from another denomination on

January 28, 2018 at the 11:00 a.m. service.

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Mason & Susan on the birth of a son, Clark William Bennett, January 29, 2018.


Below are the names of those who are sponsoring flowers, broadcasts, bells, Wednesday meals and Upper Rooms for the month of March.

PULPIT FLOWERS March 4 available March 11 Pat Seymore March 18 available March 25 Palm Sunday-Jane Dalton

RADIO BROADCASTS - $100 March 4 available March 11 available March 18 available March 25 Lowrys

TOWER BELLS - $75 WEEK OF Feb 25-March 3 Kathie Schlereth March 4-10 Lowrys March 11-17 Julie Becker March 18-24 Kornechuks March 25-31 available

MEAL SPONSORSHIPS - $100 March 7 Keystone March 14 NO MEAL-SPRING BREAK March 21 F.I.S.H. Group March 28 Lowrys

UPPER ROOM SPONSOR 2018 Ann Frigon & Pinnacle Financial Group

Lenten Luncheon Schedule

Wednesday, March 7, 2018 Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe

3231 N. 14th Avenue

Wednesday, March 14, 2018 First United Methodist Church

210 Soule

Wednesday, March 21, 2018 First Baptist Church 1310 N 2nd Avenue

Prime Time Sunday, March 11, 2018

6:30-8:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall

Prime Time is a ministry area for adults 55 years of age and older. Join us on Sunday, March 11, 2018 as we have a meet & greet and we share the blockbuster movie “Simon Birch”, Simon is a twelve year old boy who is very different than his peers. He always knew God had a plan for his life. Watch how Simon fulfilled God’s plan. Join others for this enjoyable experience.


Terry Williams

DODGE CITY - Terry Williams, 81, died Tuesday, February 6, 2018 at Wesley Medical Center, Wichita. Terry was born June 18, 1936 at Wellington, Kansas, the son of Roy and Thelma (Hager) Williams. He was the oldest of 3 boys growing up in rural Colorado. Terry graduated from high school in Holly, Colorado and married his high school sweetheart and love of his life, Anita Atkinson. They were married on December 19, 1954 in Holly, Colorado. They moved to Greeley, Colorado where he played football for the University of Northern Colorado and received his Bachelor's Degree in Education. He held the record at UNC for the most time played in a college career. Terry began his teaching and coaching career in 1958 at Fowler, Colorado acquiring the life-long nickname of "Coach". He then taught and coached at Cozad, Nebraska for 5 years winning multiple league and state championships. While in Nebraska, he earned his Masters in Education from Kearney State College. The family moved to Cheyenne, Wyoming where Terry taught Health and Physical Education and coached football, wrestling, and track at Cheyenne East High School. In 1970, Terry moved to Dodge City, Kansas where he revived the lapsed football program at Dodge City Community College. Terry taught Psychology, Health, Physical Education, and served as Athletic Director. In the early 1980's, he became the Industrial Arts teacher at Dodge City High School and many a mother received a jewelry box completed by her son or daughter in Woodshop during this time. Coach retired in 1999 after serving 40 years as an educator and coach. In 2012, Terry received the honor of being elected into the Dodge City Community College Hall of Fame. Terry enjoyed living in and serving his community. He served multiple terms on the Dodge City Community College Board of Trustees and as a Ford County Commissioner. Coach had a passion for life, family, and

football. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church and a member of the Dodge City Country Club for over 30 years. Coach enjoyed attending Conquistador football games and all area sporting events. He enjoyed league bowling, golfing, hunting, fishing, and the outdoors. His activities included construction and woodworking as well. He enjoyed golfing, traveling, and dancing with his beautiful wife Anita and spending time with his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. He will be greatly missed. Survivors include: his wife of 63 years, Anita, Dodge City; his daughter, Kim Stucker and husband Dan, Kansas City, Kansas; his 2 sons, Michael and wife Terri, Dodge City and Craig and wife Tomi, Spearville; 2 brothers, Ferris, Lamar, Colorado and Max, Cimarron; 11 grandchildren, Dani Leon and husband Jose, Shane Williams, Xander Williams, Brandis Harper and husband Sean, T.J. Williams and wife Katie, Garrett Williams and wife Serena, Tanner Culbreath and wife Rebekah, Trevor Culbreath, Halie Carlson and husband Ben, Sarah Sughroue and Erin Sughroue; and 14 great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents. A private family funeral will be held. A public memorial service will be announced at a later date. There will be no public viewing. The family suggests memorials to the Parkinson's Disease Foundation in care of Ziegler Funeral Chapel, 1901 N. 14th Ave., Dodge City, Kansas 67801.

Phil Schilling

Phil Schilling, 77, passed away February 14, 2018. He was born on July 18, 1940 in Kingsdown, the son of Everett and Mildred Schilling.

Phil graduated from Kingsdown High School in 1959 and served three years in the United States Army and was a veteran of the Vietnam Conflict. On August 4, 1962, he married Joycelyn (Joyce) Ailshie. Phil was a farmer and cattleman before moving to Dodge City in

1996. He was most recently employed by the Sodville Township. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Dodge City and the American Legion Post 269 of Bucklin. Phil is survived by his wife of 55 years, Joyce of Dodge City; three sons, Greg and wife Kandy of Garden City, Chad of Hesston, and Jason and wife Amie of Cimarron; four sisters, Wanda Ingram of Pueblo Colorado, Marilyn Ellis of Kindsdown, Kay Rose of Dodge City, and Peggy Holden of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma; sisters-in-law Annie Schilling, Shirley Martinec and Johnna Ailshie; brothers-in-law Jerome Holden and Roger (Jeana) Ailshie; nine grandchildren, Sydney, Dusty, Megan (Adam), Mitchell, Rylie, Brayden, Kali, Blake, and Jaylee; and four great grandchildren, Drake, Bella, Avigail, and Draven and many nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his parents and brothers, Lloyd, Larry, and Troy. Funeral service was held at First United Methodist Church of Dodge City on Saturday, February 17, 2018 at 2:00 PM with Rev. Jerre Nolte and Mr. Jeff Hiers presiding. Burial followed at Bucklin Cemetery in Bucklin with military honors by American Legion Post 269 and the KSARNG Military Honors Detail. Memorials are suggested to the Bucklin American Legion Renovation Fund in care of the funeral home. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online guest book at www.swaimfuneralhome.com.

Dora Lee Starks

DODGE CITY - Dora Lee Starks, 90, of Dodge City passed away Friday, February 16, 2018. Dora Lee was born July 15, 1927 to Ferdinand and Isabella Niedenthal in rural Russell County, Kansas. Dora Lee was a graduate of the University of Nebraska School of Music, was a member of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority and long-time member of PEO. Dora Lee was a school teacher at Miller Elementary School in her early years in Dodge City. She was a talented singer, organist,

and pianist and played the organ for many wedding ceremonies, funerals and church services in Dodge City. She loved playing piano for many of her sons’ elementary school music programs. On September 8, 1949, Dora Lee married William M. (Bill) Starks and always travelled with her husband and sons to their trapshooting events. She was a loving wife and mother. Dora Lee was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, Bill Starks, brothers Gary and Rev. Morris Niedenthal, a sister, Judy Niedenthal, and a son, Kirk Starks. Survivors include sons Greg and wife Jan Starks of Dodge City, Jon and wife Kathy Starks of Salina, daughter-in-law Judy Starks of Corinth, TX, grandchildren Lyndsay Guhr and husband Les of Hesston, KS, Matt Starks and wife Laura of Colorado Springs, CO, Julie Starks of Peabody, KS, Shane Warren and wife Kara of Hutchinson, KS, Sam Starks of Lawrence, KS, Anna Starks of Kansas City, MO, and William Starks of Woodland Park, CO. She had eight great-grandchildren. A memorial service was held at the First United Methodist Church at 210 Soule Street in Dodge City on Saturday, February 24, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. The family encourages friends to visit in the Fellowship Hall at the church beginning at 10:00 a.m. A private burial was held at Maple Grove Cemetery in Dodge City. A memorial fund has been established in her name at the First United Methodist Church. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online guest book at www.swaimfuneralhome.com.

Holy Week 2018

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is, Sunday, March 25, 2018. The children of the Church will

participate in a festive procession at all three worship services as they wave their

palm branches re-enacting the Messiah’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday is, Thursday, March 29, 2018. Modern day faithful

disciples of Christ are invited to share the holy meal of the Sacrament of Holy

Communion in a re-enactment of the Upper Room in the Church Library, as

twelve disciples gather at a time. Sign-up sheets will be available several weeks

preceding this sacred experience. Seating’s will be held on the half-hour beginning

at, 5:30 p.m. all the way through 8:00 p.m.

Good Friday

Good Friday is Friday, March 30, 2018. In a very special evening, the

Sanctuary Choir will share “The Seven Last Words” written by Theodore

Dubois. This moment will be open to the public in the Sanctuary at 7:00 p.m.


Easter Sunday is, Sunday, April 1, 2018. Special Easter morning celebrations

are being planned at: 7:30 a.m. for a special Sunrise Service in the Sanctuary, at

8:55 a.m. for a traditional worship service with special musicians, at 11:00 a.m. in

the Fellowship Hall with the Contemporary Praise Band, and at 11:00 a.m. in the

Chapel for a Spanish speaking service full of music and celebration.

The Church’s Vital Statistics

Date Worship


Last Year





Last Year



Giving Last Year



251 275 77 88 5,819 9,462


301 298 82 82 6,602 8,057


243 279 83 88 9,877 13,924


278 229 65 112 44,681 7,643

YTD 1,593 1,448 463 435 91,703 65,976


266 207 77 87

Ministry & Mission Giving

Due for 2018: $67,706

Paid to date: $8,936

Persons From Our Congregation Living in Nursing/Rest Homes

(Does not include those in Independent Living Apartments at Manor of the Plains) Please remember in prayer those in nursing/rest homes.

If you know of anyone we have missed, call us at 227-8181.

Trinity Manor

Georgene Nuss

Darleen Mapel

Velma Faulds

Patsy Craven

Inez Stoltz

Joyce Crosby

Richard Woodworth

Grace Davis

Fort Dodge

Vernon Everhart


Janet Maurer

Mary Lou Agur


Leon Allen


Margaret Irons

Reflection Living

Herb & Rowena


Barbara Meanor

Manor of the Plains

Irene Hastings

Norma Schoen

Dot Myers

Marie Grover

Virginia Orrison


Anita Williams

Ardis & Ernie


Kenneth Stephenson

Sun Porch

Dorothy Huck

Edna Maley

Linda Mahieu

Alice Kolsky

Garden City

Marjory Howarter


Madelene Leonard


Donna Kline

First United Methodist Church Non-Profit Organization

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(620) 227-8181

March 2018

Change Service Request


Great churches. Great leaders. Great disciples. Transforming the world.

Each church within the Great Plains Conference of the United Methodist Church is asked each

year to support the ministry of the United Methodist Church through our Ministry and Mission

fund. For 2018, that “apportionment” for First United Methodist Church

of Dodge City is $67,706.

As United Methodists, each of us is called to participate in the outreaching ministry of

Jesus Christ. The Disaster Response group of the Great Plains Conference has recently

reported that they have nearly completed our work in Mulvane, KS more than 18 months

after devastating floods hit the area. They have worked in more than 170 homes, not only

repairing homes with flood damage, but also preparing family homes for future flooding.

Our M&M funds at work. Thank You for your generous support!

Watch for More Information Here Each Month!

Your Lay Member to Annual Conference: Mike Morrison

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