i universitas gadjah mada faculty of...

Post on 08-Feb-2018






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Estelita Liana (medical student, 2011 batch) at Miss Supranational 2014 held in Polandia. Wearing Princess Warrior of Borneo (with Jember Fashion Carnaval designer), she won the Best National Costume category. She is also the 3rd winner of the Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata (2014) and 2nd runner up for Puteri Indonesia 2014.



Founded in year 1946, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada (FM UGM) has continued to strengthen its achievements in education, research and community service (Tridharma). Year 2014 was a turning point with passing of the new UGM Board regulation (Peraturan MWA) on Organization and Governance of UGM. This opens the possibilities of expanding the organization into different Schools within the Faculty to better represent the health professionals produced. Currently, our Faculty no longer only produces physician, but also nursing and dietician. The growth of students enrolled at the graduate level led this Faculty as a prominent Graduate Faculty in the country. More than 6,000 undergraduate and graduate students at our school diligently focus on their academic pursuits. We believe that they will become professionals and scientists fully armed to serve our Nation.

Our faculty members have attained great achievements in health research and the Faculty has continued to strengthen efforts to increase publications. The number of research, research grants and number of international journal publications have indicated promising trends over the last four years. With our partners, we are determined to develop a better strategy and give better ammunition for our academic-research faculty to create a leap in the future.

We are confi dent to continue our pathway to become globally respected and to remain locally rooted, by creating a dynamic balance between academic and campus life atmosphere.

Prof. dr. Teguh Aryandono SpB(K) Onk, Surgical Oncologist Dean, UGM Faculty of Medicine





ORGANIZATIONOrganization and Scope of UGM Faculty of Medicine

DEAN Faculty Senate

Vice dean for Academic, student and alumni affairs

Vice dean for Research, community service, collaboration and graduate affairs

Vice dean for Finance, Asset and Human resource

Assistant Vice Dean for student and alumni affairs

Assistant Vice Dean for collaboration and community service

Assistant Vice Dean for Human Resource

Assistant Vice Dean

for Planning, Asset and

Information Technology

Units Research Centers Laboratories Departments Study programs Administration offi ce

Library Bioethics and Humaniora Skills laboratory Anatomy, Biochemistry, Histology, Physiology Medicine Academic and

student section

Information and


Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit

Integrated research laboratory

Pharmacology and Therapy, Microbiology, Anatomy Pathology,

Parasitology, Clinical PathologyNursing Human resources

and general affair

International Relation

offi ce (IRO)

Center for Health Policy and Management

Biopaleoanthropology Laboratory

Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pediatry, Internal


Nutrition Planning and Finance

Offi ce of Research

and Publication


Center for Health Financing and Insurance

Management System

Biomolecular laboratory

Neurology, Psychiatry, Dermato-veneorology, Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal, Eye, Ear Nose

and Throat, Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Radiology

Specialist training

Production house

Center for Human and Health Nutrition

EDP Diagnostic Laboratory

Medical Education, Public Health, Nutrition, Nursing

Master Program

Campus services Center for Herbal Medicine

Multiple-Drug Resistant TB laboratory

Doctoral programs

Centre for Health Promotion and Behaviour

Department laboratories

Combined Degree

Center for Tropical Medicine

Center for Reproductive Health

Pediatric Research Offi ce

Affi liated facilities

Hospital facilities Primary Care facilities

UGM hospital, RSUP Dr. Sardjito, RSUD Banyumas, RSUP Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro, RSAU HardjoLukito and affi liated public and private hospitals

Gadjahmada Medical Centre, Korpagama Clinics health centers in Yogyakarta and it’s surrounding areas




We are proud of our students and lecturers who received awards in the year 2014. Your achievements have made signifi cant contributions for national and international recognition to the Faculty. This year, four education programs have also been re-accredited by the national accreditation body, i.e. undergraduate program in Medicine (A accreditation), undergraduate program in Nutrition (A accreditation), and undergraduate and master program in Nursing (B accreditation).

Nurkholis Bramantyo, Stevanie, Lilie Fransiska, Eric: Gold medal, SIMPIC (Siriraj International Medical Microbiology, Immunology, and Parasitology Competition) 2014, held at Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand;

Sarah Safi ra Umarghanies (Undergraduate in Medicine): The Winner of Haematology & Genetics & Medical Physiology Oral Session - International Student Congress of (bio) Medical Science (ISCOMS) 2014, entitled “Correlation between hemoglobin and feritin level in pregnant women in Indonesia” - University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), Groningen, Belanda

Michael Dwinata, Amadisto Gerwindrawan, Anditta Syifarahmah, and Ariadne Aulia received awards on poster category in Canada and Korea.

Guntur Benedict Hutajulu, Lisa Novianti, Made Harumi Padmaswari, dan Sarah Safi ra Umarghanies received awards for oral presentation on international scales in

Undergraduate Student’s Achievements

82 Student Awards

Indonesian Medical Olympiad 2014: The Winning Team from Faculty of Medicine


CACTOCURE: A Potensial Gel from Kaktus Centong (Oppuntia

Littoralis) for wound healing


Germany, Malaysia, Jakarta and Netherlands.

Atsarina Fauzan: First winner in national scientifi c paper competition

Putri Istiqomah R. H., Yasmin Noor Afi fah, Ruli Aulia, Nadira, Aulia Fitri, dan R Ditya Devale Rinenggo for 2 gold medals and 1 silver medal on 27th Annual National Student Scientifi c Competition, held at Diponegoro University 2014;

Nadira, Ruli Aulia, Ditya Divale R. dan Aulia Fitri: Second winner at 27th Annual National Student Scientifi c Competition, held at Diponegoro University 2014 ,

Faculty of Medicine team: Two gold medals and 1 silver medal on the 2014 Indonesian Medical Olympiad 2014, held by ISMKI at Andalas University, Padang

Mohammad Ali Zaenal: First Winner for Student with Best Achievement, 2014

Irfan Haris, Muhammad Ramadhan Al Reno, M Fahmi Rosyidi, Regina Arumsari, Nurkholis Bramantyo, dan Eric received 3 gold medals and 1 silver medal on the Indonesian Medical Olympic.

Lisa Novianti: Oral presentation at the International Conference, 46th Asia Pacifi c Academic Consortium for Public Health

National Scientifi c Conference on Epidemiology (NSCE) 2014:Nur Aini Kusmayanti, SGz, second best oral presentationMisinem, SKM, best posterEdy Marjuang Purba SKM, third best poster

Tephinet NCD and Injury Mini Grant 2014-2015: UGM FETP students received three out of four grants obtained by FETP Indonesia.

Radian Ilmaskal, SKM, FETP, 2013 batchTitle: Evaluation of the Implementation of the Regional Regulation of Smoke Free Areas in Padang Pajang City, Indonesia

Evi Susanti Sinaga, SKM, FETP, 2013 batchTitle: Impact of Treatment Completion on The Survival of Breast Cancer Patients in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia

I Nyoman Purnawan, SKM, FETP, 2013 batchTitle: Evaluation of Treatment Compliance in Hypertension Patients in Public Health Center of Payangan, Gianyar Bali, Indonesia

Laktasuit: Lactation costum for active mothers

Graduate Student’s Achievements


dr. Sumadi Lukman Anwar PhD (Surgery department): Triton Award First Winner Scientifi c Podium Competition) in the 39th Biennial World Congress of International College of Surgeons, entitled “Sub-classifi cation of cancer using DNA methylation patterns at imprinted loci and its potential for diagnostic and prognostic markers” and the Best International Publication Award, 65th UGM Anniversary

dr. Ginus Partadiredja, PhD (Physiology department): 2014 SAME (Scheme for Academic Mobility and Exchange) grant receiver at Aarhus University, Denmark (Sept 1 – Nov 29, 2014) with the main focus on stereology research

Prof Dr. Mustofa MKes, Apt: Patent for pharmaceutical preparation for treatment of sexual problems in human

Center for Tropical Medicine as the Regional Training Center for Health Research oleh WHO Tropical Disease Research

Center for Reproductive Health, selected as the Center of Excellence, Comprehensive Family Planning Training by the BKKBN and UNFPA

Support Staff

1. Rumbiwati, ST (Parasitology department): Awarded Second best laboratory technician at 65th UGM Anniversary, 2014

2. Kuni Haqiati (Faculty administration offi ce): Received grant for support staff exchange from Lotus Erasmus Mundus, to do internship at student service department, UMCG (Mar 13-April 14, 2014)


Research and Training Achievements

dr Gunadi PhD (Surgery department): Young Scientist‘ Ristek Kalbe Science Award 2014, entitled The Importance of Molecular Genetics Analysis for Diagnosis of Diseases




We continuously innovate the curriculum to enable our future medical professionals to demonstrate the best performance in pursuing their career in a more

challenging atmosphere


New Students

2014 Graduates















260Medical Doctor


712Graduate Programs

In 2014, 497 students received scholarship from 33

different schemes. Sources of scholarships are for example: Bidikmisi, Perusahaan Gas Negara, BUMN Peduli, Yayasan pelayanan kasih AA Rachman (YPKAR), Supersemar, Marga Jaya, Bakti BCA, Departemen Agama, Karya Salemba Empat, Wardah Foundation, Bank Mandiri, Bank CIMB Niaga, EGC medical book publisher and internal funds from the Faculty.

In year 2014, we continued our strong intention to start

building and practicing teamwork during the educational process through our fl agship program, so called the Community Family Health Care-Inter Professional Education (CFHC-IPE). Other fl agship programs are block 4.2 on Health system and disaster and block 4.3 on Elective.


Curriculum Highlight


CFHC-IPE activities


M e d i c i n e Implementing a problem-based

learning strategy in a competence-based curriculum, this study program implements a block system throughout the fi rst 3.5 years. The program is delivered in two classes, i.e. the regular program and the international program, followed by clinical internship. Website: http://www.fk.ugm.ac.id/

Nursing Established in 1998 , the nursing program applied a student-centered learning in a competence-based education process. The current curriculum was developed according to the core curriculum of nurse education in Indonesia, enriched by the local contents and international exposure. The program consists of a four year academic phase and 1.5 years of intership phase. Nutrition and Health Health nutrition study program is designed to produce Bachelor of Health Nutrition who has scientifi c and practical skills in dealing with nutrition-related health issues. After four years of education, in the future it is planned to continue with internship to produce a professional dietician. Student-centered learning, curriculum review every fi ve years and biannual review of course content ensure the quality learning process.

The School of Nursing has started applying a block learning system since 2008 and starting

in 2011, the nursing students participated in a thematic community fi eld work organized by the University. For student assessment, a computer-based test has been initiated since 2012, and and in 2015 the school used online learning platform (GaMeL in combination with elisa).

CFHC-IPE Study load: 9 credit semester unit for the medical students, and 4 credit semester unit each for the nursing and nutrition undergraduate students. The program is compulsory.

Theme:Year 1: Health aware family (Keluarga sadar sehat)Year 2: Disaster prepared village (Desa tanggap bencana)Year 3: Healthy village (Desa sehat)Year 4: Disaster prepared family and village (Keluarga dan Desa tanggap bencana)

Principles:Community based education-learning, inter-professional team approach, working closely with a family-community, early exposure to family-community problems, continuous relationship, and comprehensive understanding

Implementation:Four years, from academic semester two to sevenSupervised by faculty and fi eld supervisors to ensure that students could gain the competence required and solve practical problems faced in the fi eld

In 2014:503 students deployed in Sleman district.

Block 4.2Health system and disaster

Location:Phase 2 curriculum (Transition from theory to practice) Year 4, semester 7, undergraduate program in medicine

Objective:In this block, students learn about the health system and disaster management, which are closely related. A health system is a set of collections of components organized to accomplish a set of functions in health. The health system can be analyzed from a normal situation perspective. However due to the natural and man-made disasters, the system can be disturbed or even destroyed. In this block, students will learn various aspects of public health policy and management, quality of care, social and political aspect of health, leadership, communication, and disaster management.

Learning modules:Block 4.2 is divided into two modules and six weekly themes. The modules are: (1) Health System, and (2) Disaster Management. Module one consists of three weekly themes: (1) The Concept of Health System, (2) Physician Payment Mechanism and Quality of Care, and (3) Leadership and Communication. Module 2 has two themes: (1) Disaster Management and (2) Disaster Medicine.

Length:Five week period, followed by student examination on week 6.

Block 4.3 Elective

Location:Phase 2 curriculum (Transition from theory to practice) Year 4, semester 7, undergraduate program in medicine

Description:Block 4.3 (Elective) deals with subjects related to medicine which have not been intensively discussed in other blocks but may enrich the students’ knowledge, skills and behavior important for their career and professionalism.

Modules:The block consists of modules of various learning activities including lectures, small group discussions, practical or laboratory works, fi eld studies, self studies and assignments. Every student should take 2 modules (elective subjects) during the timeframe of the block.

Example of year 2014 elective topics:Advance anthropometry for diagnosisGood prescribing practiceHerbal medicine and phytopharmacaForensic pathologyBlood transfusionPrevention of maternal death etc.

School of Nursing

Undergraduate Programs


Based on the theory of learning development in nutritional sciences education, the Undergraduate School of Nutrition and Health, Faculty of Medicine UGM divides the learning phase into four phases: 1st phase : Basic Nutritional Sciences2nd phase : Human Nutrition in Healthy Individuals 3rd phase : Pathological Human Nutrition4th phase : Applied Nutrition and Dietetics

Curriculum Overview: School of Nutrition and Health


Launching of family physician-primary care doctors (Dokter Layanan Primer) footprints, signed by the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and witnessed by the Dean, Prof Soenarto and graduates of WCU 2013. National GCP course: August 15-17, 2014

Immunology technique course

Javanese look of Iowa University professors in family medicine


Year Learning Phases

Areas of Study

Biomedical Science

Human Nutrition

Food Science Social Science Management Research Humaniora

Year 4 3rd PhasePathological Human Nutrition

Clinical Nutrition Block in Trauma, Allergy, and Critical Condition, Community Nutrition Block, Nutrition Programmes for Risk Groups*), KKN

Culinary Dietetic*)

Entrepreneurial Nutrition*)

Undergraduate Thesis

Community and Family Health Care (CFHC)

Year 3 3rd Phase Nutrige- nomic*) Pathological Human Nutrition

Nutraceu- ticals*)

Clinical Nutrition Block in Nutrition Defi ciency and Infection, Basic Sport Nutrition, Advance Sport Nutrition*), Clinical Nutrition Block in Degenerative and Metabolic Diseases, Professional Nutrition*)

Food Technology, Sanitary Hygiene and Food Quality Control, Functional Food and

Institutional Food Service Block, Nutrition Management in Disaster*)

Research Methodology, Nutrition Epidemiology

Professional Ethics and Health Law

Community and Family Health Care (CFHC)

Year 2 Phase 2Human Nutrition in Healthy Individuals

Nutrition Immunology

Nutrition Over a Life Span Block, Public Health Nutrition, Micronutrient Metabolism, Nutritional Assessment, Nutrition Biochemistry

Culinary Nutrition, Food Microbiology, Food Safety and Security

Basic Institutional Nutrition

Microeconomic, Data and Information Management, Health Services System

Biostatistic, Basic Epidemiology, Current Issues in Clinical Nutrition*), Current Issues in Public Health Nutrition*), Current Issues in Institutional Nutrition*)

Community and Family Health Care (CFHC)

Year 1 Phase 1Basic Nutritional Science

Anatomy, Human Biology, Physiology, Organic Chemistry

Basic Nutritional Science, Macronutrient Metabolism

Nutrient Analysis, Food Composition

Food Cultural Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Basic Communication

Basic Management

Mathematics Religion, Bahasa Indonesia, Applied English for Nutrition, Pancasila, Physics, Philosophy

Community and Family Health Care (CFHC)

Year 5 Services Field of Study

Clinical Nutrition

Public Health Nutrition

Management System in Food Service

Dietetic Internship

Nutrition Management in:• Internal Medicine• Pediatric• Surgery• Maternal• Critical condition• Neurology• Out-patient

Nutrition Management in:• Sports Nutrition• Community Nutrition • Family and Community Food Service• Specifi c Food Programmes

• Hospital Nutrition Management• Food Industry Management• Specifi c Food Programmes Management

*) course electives


Certifi cate Programs offer focused academic training in specifi c areas in medicine and health. The programs typically require less time and coursework than a degree, with the opportunity

of credit transfer to a relevant program. Length of the courses vary from few days to nearly one year period. Individual programs may be geared toward current enrolled students, non-degree-seeking students or to a broad audience. The following certifi cate programs have been routinely offered and implemented:1. Bioethics for Health Professionals (Humanity-Ethical-Legal-

professional aspects/HELP)2. Weekly Clinical Updates (WCU) on primary care3. Molecular biology and immunology course4. Musketeers course: Intensive immunology5. Basic cell culture short course6. Clinical decision making (CDM)7. Good Clinical Practice (GCP)8. Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP)9. Good Health Research Practice (GHRP)10. Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines11. Cochrane Systematic Review (CSR)

Master programs For those who have completed their undergraduate education, profession or already have working experiences as clinicians or health managers, the Faculty

offers a variety of master programs. These are: master program in basic medical science, clinical science, tropical medicine, public health, medical education and nursing. In general, the master program takes two years consisting of courses and thesis work.

Doctoral Program Our doctoral program is dedicated to professional who wish to pursue career in teaching, research or professional practice in the relevant fi eld. The program offers four disciplines: Basic Medical Sciences and Biomedicine, Clinical Science, Public Health and Medical Education. To better prepare the applicants and those who intent to take a doctoral degree elsewhere, we offer a pre-doctoral program, using a blended-learning approach.

Certifi cate Programs

Specialist Training Program To produce specialist doctors competent in applying evidence-based clinical decision making in their clinical work, we offer 21 specialization training programs. Study length varies from 7 up to 11 academic semesters, with twice admissions per year.

Combined degree program This program strengthens the skills to conduct independent research and to use the latest evidence for clinical decision making and health technology assessment for residents. Taking a combined program has the advantage of shorter time to earn these degrees separately. Currently, we offer a combined specialist training program and master program in clinical science (MS-PPDS program), and surgery specialist training and master program in clinical epidemiology and biostatistics under clinical science. In the future, intercalated master program from bachelor degree to a master program either in UGM or abroad is prepared. Similarly, combined master program in family medicine and primary care specialty training.

Graduate Programs



In box: HELP Course and Indonesian-Yemen Partnership

Health professionals often have to deal with human life, people’s welfare and many other issues that are closely related with ethical consideration. These issues are mostly rooted from ethical matter and dilemmas. Therefore, it is required to build health professionals with ethical competence, in order to strengthen capacity in teaching ethics. Led by Prof. Dr. dr. Soenarto Sastrowijoto SpTHT(K), this course has been implemented since 2010 by the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities Faculty of Medicine UGM and delivered in the format of three-monthly serial course and workshops. Accumulation of credit points is transferable for advanced ethics education program at a master level.

The general objective of the serial course is to strengthen the mastery of theoretical basis of bioethics. The expected outcome is to develop the systematic ability to promote bioethics in health fi eld practice, so that every health professionals will be able to deliver ethics education in their respective major and or disciplines. Topics addressed will cover ethics, humanities, legal and professionalism in health settings. Strong theoretical basis, case studies, and applicable methods are emphasized to equip health professionals with suffi cient knowledge as well as skills to deal issues arise in daily practice. Experts from national as well as international levels are invited to facilitate the course.

Initiated by the University of Washington at Seattle under the coordination of Prof. Beth E. Rivin, MD, MPH with funds from the CRDF, The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities have developed collaborative work with several Universities in Yemen. UGM was chosen not only because the Center plays a major role in bioethics movement in Indonesia, but also considered to understand and practice in a society that is predominantly Moslem. Therefore, a global South-South collaboration has the potential to be successful and sustainable in the long-term.

This activity is the second interaction between experts from Yemen and Indonesia. The fi rst encounter was on January 2014 where three CBMH delegates and one delegation from UNAIR shared their experiences in developing Bioethics in Yemen. This second encounter, entitled “Building Bioethics Capacity: Yemen-Indonesia Partnership” was held in the Faculty of Medicine, UGM. The goal is to facilitate bi-directional learning and building relationships between Indonesian and Yemeni University Faculties as a foundation for future collaboration. Experts from seven different universities in Yemen were involved in this workshop. They are Prof. Abdulla Saeed Hattab from Aden University, Prof. Husni Ahmad Al-Goshae from University of Science and Technology, Murad Mohammed Al Darassi, Ph.D from Taiz University, Dr. Ahlam Bin Braik from Hadhromaut University, Amat al-khaleq Obad Mehrass, MD, Sp.OG from Dhamar University, Ali Mohamed Assabri, MD, MSc, PhD from Sana’a University, Ass. Prof. Mohammed Ali Qasem Amood AL-Kamarany, Ph.D from Hoedida University, and Dr. Arif Saeed Aqlan Alhammadi, B.Sc.,M.sc from Sana’a University.

Building bioethics capacity: Yemen-Indonesia Partnership


We aim to better understand the causes and mechanisms of diseases-health problems in order to develop technology to reduce sufferings. Our research and international publications show promising trends, majority of grants have been obtained from international funding sources (77%).



Number of research funds 2010-2014US$

No of InternationalJournal Publications

Sources of research funding Total number of participants trained in 2014 and cumulative

Facts and Figures 2014

International fundsNational fundsLocal funds

Training 2014 CumulativeGCP 163 431GCLP 72 168GHRP 15 15MTA 80 80



Coffee or juice? GCP training participants are asked to develop SOP for making coffee with coffee maker or SOP for making juice with a juicer


The vision of the Center is to be an internationally recognized center for research and training in tropical diseases. In line with this vision, the Center has dual missions to develop new knowledge, tools,

intervention and strategies for tropical disease control and to strengthen the capacity of human resources in disease endemic areas. There are fi veresearch divisionswithin this center, namely: TB, HIV/AIDS,

Malaria, Dengue, dan NID. In 2014, this center conducted 14 research activities and 14 training activities. Some of the prominent research activities are: International Research Consortium on Dengue risk Assesment, Management, and Surveillance (IDAMS) Project, Strengthening Clinical and Epidemiological HIV Research Capacity: Field Research Training Program in collaboration with Kirby Institute University of New South Wales, and Eliminate Dengue Project (EDP) Yogyakarta. Email: tropmedugm@yahoo.co.id, Website: http://fk.ugm.ac.id/pusat-kedokteran-tropis.

This center aims to conduct research, consultation, networking, advocacy and dissemination, and training in health policy and management.

The center is the largest research center in the Faculty, performing 13 research activities and 18 trainings-conferences in 2014. CHPM has four divisions, i.e. Hospital Management, Quality Management,

Disaster Management, and Public Health Management. Key research and training activities conducted in 2014 were Health Policy Network-AUSAid, Family Planning Review in JKN with UNFPA, PEER Health – USAID, Capacity Building on Natural Disaster Risk Management for Communities in Small Islands, and Blended Learning Program on Fraud in Health Services in Hospitals. Website: chpm.fk.ugm.ac.id; Email: chsm@ugm.ac.id

The Center of Health and Human Nutritionaims to provide leadership in nutritional sciences by facilitating interdisciplinary

research, improving patient care, and creating educational initiatives for health professionals and

the public. Also, it is working for the purpose of preventing and treating common chronic diseases and extending human lifespan through integrating scientifi c, medical, and public health approaches. Website: http://gizikesehatan.ugm.ac.id

Center of Reproductive Health consists of i n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y researcher and faculties devoted to

sexual and reproductive health, maternal and child health, and population changes. The center aims to improve the health, growth and development throughout the life of the population in Indonesia and around the world, including those of mother’s and baby, family, youth, women, the elderly, and populations with special health care needs through research, teaching, and practice from the public health perspective.In 2014, the research highlight wason the topic of Micronutrient Powders (MNP) conducted under the research title “Effectiveness Study to Integrate the Use of Micronutrient Powders (MNP) in Local Food Based-School Meals (LFBSM) in TTS District and Kupang District of NTT Province”. The center was selected as Center of Excellence for comprehensive family planning training. Email: pskespro@chnrl.net; Website: pskespro.chnrl.net

The vision is to become an internationally recognized Herbal Medicine Center

Center for Health Policy and Management

Center for Health and Human Nutrition

Center for Reproductive Health

Center for Herbal Medicine


Center for Tropical Medicine



which is excellent, independent, and prestigious, to serve for nation and its prosperity based on Pancasila (Five Basic Principles). In the year of 2014, this center conducted various activities in research, community service, publication, collaboration, as well as in training activities, some of which are research collaboration with Sardjito Hospital in producing herbal extracts, Bioassay guided isolation from natural resources training, and some international publication covering herbal medicine. Email: maeshw98@yahoo.com.

The main purpose of this center is to develop medical education, research, and service in the fi eld of bioethics and humanities for the

creation of health experts who uphold the values of humanity. Email: nurazid.mahardinata@ugm.ac.id; Website: http://fk.ugm.ac.id/pusat-kajian-bioetika-dan-humaniora-kedokteran/

This research center focuses on the activities to create a healthy community through conducting various strategies

in health promotion. While continuing its activities on smoking-related studies, in 2014, the center successfully conducted research on Stroke Prevention (in collaboration with RTI), and a study on Balanced Nutritional Message. Website: http//mppk.ugm.ac.id

The center aims at providing service in research, consultation and training in order to broaden the insights

and enhance the managerial capacity of clinical researchers and managers working in government and private health care institutions. Email: cebu_fkugm@ugm.ac.id

This center aims to encourage fi nancial

systems implementation and management of health insurance through research, consultancy and training and network development at the local, regional and global levels with several of stakeholders including government, private, and community. Among several research collaborations and activities conducted in 2014are Budget Impact Analysis of Schizophrenia Service (in collaboration with PT. Johnson&Johnson), and a research collaboration with Ministry of Health Indonesia entitled Accelerating Progress Towards Universal Access to Quality DOTS. Website: www.kpmak-ugm.org; http://fk.ugm.ac.id

ht tp://pascasarjana.umy.ac.id/mmr/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Wamenkes-RI-Prof.-dr.-Ali-Ghufron-Mukti-MSc-PhD.jpg

Pediatric research offi ce was established to conduct research

activities in children to improve the quantity and quality of education and services, and empower medical and health professionals in different types of levels of education; conducting research and studies in science and medical technology, ethics-based translational approach; and also developing collaboration and national and international networking.

Health Promotion and Behavior

Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit

Center for Health Financing Policy and Health Insurance Management System

Paediatrics Research Offi ce (PRO), Department of Pediatrics

Center of Bioethics and Medical Humanities


Key research activities in 2014 were Congenital Rubella Syndrome Surveillance (in collaboration with WHO-

SEARO), research collaboration with MCRI in the fi eld of Maternal Antibodies, and RV3 in collaboration with MCRI-Biofarma. Email: lit_ika@yahoo.com

Other research groups are also performing key research in various areas of interest, such as:- Cancer research (Email: sofi a.mubarika@

gmail.com)- Biomedical engineering (Email: rina_

susilowati@yahoo.co.id)- Stem-cell research (Email:

diagbudiyanto@yahoo.com)- Degenerative disease research (Email:

hamdewa@yahoo.com)- Biomedical and health informatics system


Featuring Eliminate Dengue Project Yogyakarta

Millions of people get dengue each year in more than 100 countries around the world, and many more live in areas where they are at risk.

The Eliminate Dengue research program is investigating whether Wolbachia, bacteria that occur naturally in up to 60% of all insect species - but not the dengue carrying mosquito Aedes aegypti - can be used as an effective strategy to disrupt dengue transmission between people.

We are using naturally occurring bacteria that reduce the ability of mosquitoes to pass dengue between people. We have shown our approach reduces dengue transmission when we introduce these bacteria into mosquitoes in the laboratory. Wolbachia blocks dengue virus transmission by mosquitoes and thereby reduces human infection and dengue disease. We are now conducting trials with dengue-affected communities. Our prediction is that if Wolbachia can establish in the wild mosquito population in a local area then there would be reduced transmission of dengue viruses between people. We believe that Wolbachia based strategies represent a practical environmentally sensitive approach to dengue suppression with the potential for area-widemplementation at low cost. The method is also compatible with existing control approaches like insecticide application and should also augment the effectiveness of a future vaccine once developed. We believe our approach has the potential to greatly reduce the global burden of this disease.

In 2014, Eliminate Dengue Project Indonesia began releases of Wolbachia mosquitoes in communities in Nogotirto and Kronggahan (Sleman), and Jomblangan and Singosaren (Bantul). The aim of these releases is to establish Wolbachia in the local mosquito populations to reduce the transmission of dengue between people. Wolbachia mosquito releases in Sleman began after two years of engagement with communities and approval by the IRB and provincial-district governments. With ongoing national government and community support, and regulatory approval, further fi eld trials are helping us to develop our method for large-scale, low-cost releases of Wolbachia mosquitoes across entire cities in Indonesia. Eliminate Dengue Project Indonesia is a research collaboration led by the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada and funded by the Tahija Foundation.

Shelley Tahija visits the diagnostic laboratory

Blood feeding of the mosquitoes


Research groups


For all scientists whose work requires laboratory equipment, a well-equipped and safe laboratory facility is a prerequisite. Integrated Research

Laboratories (LRT) has been developed at the Faculty of Medicine UGM in order to be used as shared facilities for faculty-researchers and co-investment across departments and study programs. In 2014, tariff for laboratory services, grand design of LRT and investments for purchasing laboratory equipment, physical renovation have been approved. Two faculty staff has received Asia-Pacifi c certifi cation for Biosafety in 2014 and plans to strengthen biosafety, biorepository, and animal facility were prepared. We are persistent in our efforts to provide a standardized laboratory facility to enable our faculty to produce meaningful knowledge for the advancement of science. For those who wish to contribute in this area, please visit our website at: http://research.fk.ugm.ac.id

PROJECT HIGHLIGHTSRegional Training Center (Southeast Asia) for Health Research supported

by WHO/TDRTranslational research on Nasopharyngeal Cancer and Other Types of

Cancer (IARC, AvL and partners).PEER Health USAID Award - Impact of reduced in-home secondhand

smoke exposure on low birth weight prevalence and neonate health (University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine).

Capacity Building in Health Insurance and Finance to Support Implementation of the New Health Insurance Scheme in Indonesia (Vriej University).

Clinical, Molecular, and Genetic Factor that Determine the severity of Pulmonary Hypertension in Adult with Uncorrected Atrial Septal Defect (Kobe Pharmaceutical University).

Neglected Infectious Disease Diagnostic Consortium (European Union).Eliminate Dengue Project (Tahija Foundation).wDengue Warning Signs (WHO-TDR).Oral RV3 Rotavirus Vaccine Research in Indonesia (Bill and Melinda Gates

Foundation).Malaria Transmission Consortium (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).Knowledge Sector Initiative, HIV-AIDS, Sister Hospital (AusAID).Monitoring Progress Family Planning 2020 (Future Institute and Bill and

Melinda Gates Foundation).Strengthening the Indonesia Health Policy Network to Promote Equity

and Social Protection (IDRC).Social Mapping di Pulau Raas dan Pulau Sapudi Kabupaten Sumenep

Madura Jawa Timur (Husky-China National Offshore Oil Corporation Madura Limited).

Fever Study-INA Respond (NIH USA R&D in collaboration with MOH & Teaching Hospitals)

Meet our Ethics Committee on Research in Medicine and Health

Progress toward establishing an integrated research laboratory

Formed in year 1986, our Ethical Committee for Research in Medicine and Health is an independent review board responsible for ensuring that all research proposals are designed and implemented in accordance

to research ethics principles. Chaired by Prof dr. M. Hakimi SpOG(K), PhD (Consultant in Social Obstetrics) and Prof dr Ngatidjan MSc, SpFK(K) (Consultant in Clinical Pharmacology), this committee has 20 members, divided into two panels. In 2014, a number of 1425 ethical clearances were issued. The recognition of this committee has been proven internationally, by being accredited by FERCAP (Forum for Ethical Research Committee in Asia Pacifi c) in 2012.


Author Dr. Toto Sudargo, SKM, M.Kes.; Nur Aini Kusmayanti, S.Gz

Author dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med. Ed., Ph.D., Sp.OG(K); Harry Freitag LM, S.Gz, Dietisien

Author Dr. Susetyowati,

DCN., M.Kes

Author Tim Penterjemah

Kelompok Tenaga Pendidik FK UGM

Books published

Author Dr. dr. Budi Yuli Setianto, Sp.PD(K)., Sp.JP(K)



Meeting the demand of our researchers to keep abreast of opportunities (e.g. call for proposals and capacity building activities) as well as

providing information for a broader research community in Indonesia, a new website (http://research.fk.ugm.ac.id) was developed dedicated for research, publication and community service. The website is updated on a weekly basis in the spirit of giving timely information. Events related to research, publication, community service, training and research clinics are also available for the readers.

Our new research website

A new research initiative: What is HDSS Sleman?

HDSS Sleman stands for Health Demographic and Surveillance System implemented in Sleman district. It is a longitudinal surveillance system in a given population aimed at using local data for making evidence-based policy. Currently, we collect data every 6 months to 5,400 households who live more than 6 months in Sleman. The focus of HDSS is on demography, non-communicable disease and its risk factors, and health access and insurance.

EDP project receives high attention from international

community. On Saturday April 5th, 2014, Bill Gates, the

founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation visited

Faculty of Medicine UGM. The visit was received by UGM

Rector, Prof. Dr Pratikno M.Soc.Sc, along with Prof. Dwikorita

Karnawati and Prof. Iwan Dwiprahasto. Bill Gates donated his

blood through bloodfeeding the mosquitoes while visiting

the insectary.





Writing manuscript for International Journal

Primary care services: Heart

Management of Postpartum bleeding

Management of uretral/vaginal discharge for health professional in the health facilities

A number of 192 community service activities were carried out in 2014 by the academic staff and students. Funding for these activities were obtained from different sources, such as internal funding of Faculty of Medicine, Sardjito Hospital and other institutions. The community service activities were conducted in Yogyakarta and Central Java surrounding areas as well as outside Java islands such as in Bali, Ambon, Lampung and Mataram, and Wenst Nusa Tenggara. The topics varied from reproductive health to free cataract surgeries.In June 2014, researchers working on nutrition problems carried out research and community service in Raas Island and Sapudi, in cooperation with HUSKY CNOOC Ltd. The main purpose of the activity was mapping the health problems in these areas.

Blended-Learning: Knowledge should fl ow to all...


Fraud in the Universal Health Coverage Era

Policy for education of residents and BPJS

Dengue Management for GP working in primary health centres.

Management of a Blood Transfusion Unit at district hospital

The development of a facilitator team for Mother and Child Health



Student Electives

Our students, our future..

Outgoing Incoming


Destination of outgoing students

by continents, 2010-2014


Outgoing Student Elective Activities

Summer school on Translational Neuroscience & Internship at Cardiology Dept. UMCG Groningen, Netherlands

“I really appreciate the effort made by the committee to make this program enjoyable. It is defi nitely an unforgettable experience. I enjoy to getting to know people from other countries, learn from them and share my knowledge. The program has been a wonderful experience and I would gladly share the experience with my colleagues in Indonesia. I am glad that I join the program and would look forward another opportunities like this in the future!”

8 nursing students followed 2 weeks activities including

some classes and visit to the community health centre in

Naresuan University, Thailand.


For about a week, from June 30 to July 5, 2014, ten students of the School of Nursing Thailand Chiang May University

(CMU) following elective courses in the school of nursing. The main goal of sending students to UGM was to provide some ‘International Perspective’, especially in the fi eld of nursing according to their fi eld of study. The program is also expected to strengthen the cooperation between UGM and CMU that has been initiated since 2012. There were several themes that carried the elective program that comparisons of health systems in the 2nd state; The health care system, the community service system and nursing gerontology.

Ten medical students from Erasmus MC, University Medical Centrum Rotterdam participated in a tailor-made elective program with a theme on Minor Global Health. The elective aims to give students insight into the health care system in Indonesia and the Indonesian culture. The program is designed for 6 weeks, focusing on the health care system in Indonesia. The activities include visiting the community, participate in block 4.2 for international class and clinical internships in health centers and Sardjito teaching hospital.

Students from Innsbruck University, Graz University, Charite Medical University and Rijeka University. They conducted elective programs at the Internal Medicine, Paediatric, Anesthesiology and Obstetrics departments (August 2014)

Student exchange, School of Nursing, Chiang Mai University

Incoming Student Elective Activities



UGM New Students

A hospital management conference was conducted at the Faculty of Medicine on June 27th 2014 in collaboration with GIZ as part of ILT Hospital Management Alumni Meeting of hospital managers-researchers who undertook a one year program in Germany. The conference theme was Hospital Hygiene in Patient Safety Framework. Prof. Dr. Med. Axel Kramer, as a former president of Hospital Hygiene Association in Germany was invited as key expert in the conference.

Kumahargyan in the Javanese language means valued or appreciated. The design is a product of Student Creativity Program, created by a group of medical students from the 2012 batch (Rani Setyawati Amalia, Holy

Ardini Widyaningsih, Nisa Karima, Nurulita Ainun Alma and Hilda Dwi Mahardiani). Inspired by Histology, the design is now produced for the uniform of Faculty of Medicine and appeared in many products such as the 2014 diary, Faculty annual report, anniversary invitation and so forth.

About Kumahargyan batik




We are proud to have two new Professors from the Department of Pediatrics: Prof dr. Madarina Julia

MPH, PhD, SpA(K) (Consultant in Paediatric Endocrinologist) and Prof Dr. dr. E. Siti Herini SpA(K) (Consultant in Paediatric Neurologist). Prof Madarina fi nished her medical degree in year 1991 from Airlangga University, then completed the specialization training in Pediatrics from UGM (2002) and Consultant in Pediatric Endocrinologist in 2006. Her master degree in Public Health was obtained from Umea University, Sweden (2000) and she obtained a doctoral degree from Vreij University, Amsterdam in 2008 with a dissertation. Currently, she is an active member of the Ethic Committee for Medical and Health Research at the Faculty. Prof Siti Herini completes her medical degree (1985), Pediatric specialization (1998) and Consultant in Pediatric Neurologist (2003) from UGM. Her dissertation was defended in UGM.

New Professors


Congratulation to Our New PhDs• dr. Hanggoro Tri Rinonce, Ph.D - Kobe University Japan• dr. Vina Yanti Susanti, M.Sc., Sp.PD. - Gunma University Japan• dr. Tri Budi Hartomo, Ph.D - Kobe University Japan• dr. Royhan Rozqie, Ph.D - University of Tokyo Japan• dr. Dian Kesumapramudya Nurputra, Ph.D - Kobe University Japan• Dr. dr. Y. Widodo Wirohadidjojo, Sp.KK.(K) – Universitas Gadjah

Mada• Intansari Nurjannah, S.Kp., M.NSc., PhD – James Cook University,

Australia• Dr. dr. Niken Trisnowati, M.Sc.Sp.KK – Universitas Gadjah Mada• Dr. Lily Arsanti Lestari, S.T.P., M.P – Universitas Gadjah Mada• Dr. dr. Rina Triasih, Sp.A -University of Melbourne, Australia

In Memoriam...We are indebted to the contributions they have made to this Faculty:

2013- Fitriana Murniati, S.H., M.H.

(Medical Forensic, 1997-2013)- dr. Pungky Ardani Kusuma,Sp.A

(Pediatry, 1985-2013)- dr. Kismardhani, M.Sc., SpPK(K)

(Clinical Pathology, 1990-2013)

2014- Dr. dr Djoko Prakosa (Anatomy,

1973-2013)- Prof. Dr. dr. Salugu Maesadji

Tjokronegoro, Sp.Rad,(K).Onk (Radiology, 1973-2012)

- Prof. Dr. dr. Siti Dawiesah Ismadi, M.Sc (Biochemistry, 1955-2002)

- Prof. Dr. dr. Soeyoko, DTM & H, S.U. (Parasitology, 1976-2012)

- Mariyono Sedyowinarso, S.Kp., M.Si (Nursing, 1998-2014)

- Dimyati (Support staff, 1981-2011)

Retired faculty members and staff• dr. Prijono Tirtoprodjo, Sp.PA(K) (Anatomic Pathology, 1975-2014)• dr. Edy Moeljono, Sp.Rad (Radiology, 1980-2014)• dr. Damodoro Nuradyo, Sp.S(K) (Neurology, 1980-2014)• dr. Hartono, Sp.M(K) (Eye, 1976-2014)• Susi Hadidjah, S.H., M.H (Medical Forensic, 1982-2014)• dr. Setyawati, Sp.PK.(K) (Clinical Pathology, 1979-2014)• dr. B. Sunoko, Sp.B., KBTKV (Clinical Pathology, 1977-2014)• Dendeng• Sarmidi



1946: Faculty of Medicine founded1949: UniversitasGadjahMada founded1970: Comprehensive Community Health Care-Education

Program (CCHC-EP), Community Based Education (CBE) and Community Oriented Medical Education (COME) and Comprehensive Community Health Care (CCHC)

1978: Moved to UGM Bulaksumur campus 1992: Hybrid PBL-conventional curriculum implemented1998: Undergraduate program in Nursing established2002: Full PBL curriculum implemented and International program

in undergraduate program in Medicine started2003: Undergraduate program in Nutrition established2004: Radiopoetro building 2007: International master program in International Health started2011: GrhaWijata building2011: Postgraduate program in Nursing established2012: UGM hospital (Academic hospital) founded2013: Community Family Health Care-Inter Professional Education (CFHC-IPE) initiated2013: RSUP DrSardjito accredited for JCI Academic Medical Centers2014: UGM hospital licensed as B-type hospital2014: Academic Health System initiated



Since 2013, we have 15 new partners from four continents. The new partners are: 5 from

Asia, 5 from Europe, 3 from Australia, and 2 from the United States. Most collaborations are about the ‘Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi’ (the Indonesian Tripartite Doctrine of Higher Education) for enhancing the quality of education as well as many other activities in staff and student exchange, collaboration in research and community services.

New collaborators

No. of faculty guests by country 2014




1 Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (MCRI) Australia Education, Research, & Community Service

2 University of Toulouse III Perancis Academic & research collaboration

3 University of Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III Perancis Biomedical Sciences

4 USAID Indonesia US-Indonesia Internship for UGM Master Students

5 Tongji Hospital Tongji Medical College Huazhong University RRC Education, Research, & Community Service

6 Taipei Medical University Taiwan Education, Research, & Community Service

7 the International Union against TBC and Lung Disease Perancis research: TB Care APA4 Course

8 University College Dublin Irlandia Education, Research, & Community Service

9 Kaohsiung Medical Univ, Korea Taiwan Education, Research, & Community Service

10 UNFPA-BKKBN-FK UGM Establishment of a Center of Excellence for Comprehensive Family Planning Training

11 University New South Wales Australia MoA: Public Health and HIV Research

12. Radboud University Netherlands MoA: Honorary Professor Visitation

13. Kochi University Jepang Education, Research, & Community Service

14. Kobe University Jepang Education, Research, & Community Service

15. Flinders University Australia Education, Research, & Community Service



The Scientifi c expert committee visited EDP diagnostic laboratory

Accreditation committee from the International Medical Informatics Association: Onsite visit to the graduate program in health information system, Public Health

Clinical decision making workshop

A hospital management conference was conducted at the Faculty of Medicine on June 26th 2014 in collaboration with GIZ as part of International Leadership Training. Partipancts were alumni of Inwent

training who undertook a one year program in Germany. The conference theme was Hospital Hygiene in Patient Safety Framework. Prof. Dr. Med. Axel Kramer, as a former president of Hospital Hygiene Association in Germany was invited as key expert in the conference. GIZ representative, Dr Johannes Kleinschmidt also participated.

Participants of Visiting TB ward at Sardjito teaching hospital.


A signifi cant number of visitors to the Faculty gives plenty of opportunity for exploring collaborations and

guest lecturers. In 2014, we have 168 visitors from 22 countries, and 48 guest lecturers on various topics (excluding international speakers who took part in any seminars organized by the Faculty). Audiences vary from undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty members, colleagues from teaching hospitals and supporting staff.

Guest lecturers

Name University Country

Karla Chaloupka, MDUniversity Hospital Zurich Swittzerland

Hunter Yuen, MD

Prof Myra Vernooij-Dassen Radboud University Nijmegen Netherlands

Dr. Wipada Chiang Mai University Thailand

Prof. Duujian Tsai

Taipei Medical University Hospital TaiwanProf Chao Ching Huang

Prof Mai Szu Wu

Dr Choo Aun Neoh

Prof Wen Yu Hu National Taiwan University Taiwan

Prof. Darryl Macer American University of Souvereign Nations United States

Prof. Paul Komesaroff Monash University Australia

Prof. Zabidi Hussin, MD, PhD University Sains Malaysia Malaysia

Prof. Dick Willems Amsterdam Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Netherlands

Jos Van Der PoelAlzheimer NL-ALZI Netherlands

Josine Engels

Prof Takashi AoiKobe University Japan

Prof Kuno Takayoshi

Prof Satoshi Takada

Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences Japan

Sayaka Kotera,RN, PHN, Ph.D

Prof Mariko Ohara

Kumiko Ono

Prof Rei Ono

Chie Kondo, RN.

Dr Charles Ervill Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine Australia

Jozef Van den Ende, PhD Institute of Tropical Medicine Belgium

Astrida Upitis Australian Embassy Australia

Prof Anne Kelso WHO Australia

Prof H.J. Hoesktra University Medical Center Groningen Netherlands

Prof Job Metsememakers Maastricht University Netherlands

Prof Dr Med Axel Kramer German Society for Hospital Hygiene Germany

Dr Johannes Kleinschmidt Die Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Germany

ProfMichaël Boele van Hensbroek, MD, PhD

Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam/AMC Emma Children’s Hospital

NetherlandsDr. Henriette Schrepbier

Prof ALM Lagro Janssen Radboud University Nijmegen Netherlands

Prof Phoebe Williams University of kansas Medical Center, SON United States

dr Hans Vrielink, PhD Sanguin Blood Supply The Netherlands Netherlands



Name University Country

Dr Chou, Li-Shiu, MPH

Kaohsiung Municipal Koi Syuan Psychiatric Hospital Taiwan

Dr Wu Hung-Chi

Dr Tsai, Chinh-Hong, MS

Dr. Chang, Yu-San

Dr Udoy Saikia Flinders University, School of Environment Australia

Prof Akihiro Harada Osaka University Japan

Dr Hardean Achneck Duke University United States

Dr Nawi Ng

Umea Unversity Swedia

Dr. Yien Ling Hii

Daniel Klint

Lisa Lundgren

Dr Maria Nilsson

Dr. Asa Holmner

Ms. Camilla Anderson

Prof Noriaki Emoto Kobe University Japan

Dr Kenneth La Bresh RTI International (Research Triangle Institute) United States

Dr Pam Williams

Prof Robert Hofstra, PhD Erasmus MC Rotterdam Netherlands

Prof Alain Kitziz Université de Poitiers France

Prof Roger Frutos University Montpellier 2 France

Prof Veronique David Université de Rennes, France

Dr. Stan Tomavo University Lille France

Prof Theo Wiggers UMCG Netherlands

Prof. Steve McDonaldAustralasian Cochrane Center Australia

Prof. Sally Green

Dr. Gerard Pals Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Netherlands

Robert Priharjo, PhD Anglia Ruskin University United Kingdom

Dr. Wen Yun Cheng National ChengKung University Taiwan

Dr. Batsereedene Etugen University Mongolia

Dr Darawan Thapinta Chiang Mai University Thailand


TechnoMed Collaboration 2014:A multicollaboration for developing medical and health service technology in the provision of quality, safe and effi cient services

Indonesia experienced a major transformation in healthcare after implementation of the new national health insurance system in 2014. More people have easy access to healthcare, while healthcare workers and healthcare facilities in Indonesia, particularly in rural areas, are still limited. It directly increases the burden of healthcare. Ineffi cient process of care leads to increase waiting time. Patients and healthcare workers are also more prone to adverse events and safety issues. Moreover, more than 90% of healthcare products are imported which leads to high cost of healthcare services. Innovations in healthcare services and local production of basic health materials and medical devices are needed to provide affordable, effi cient, effective and safe healthcare services.

The TechnoMed 2014 International Conference brings together technology and health in a multidisciplinary research collaboration to produce innovative healthcare technology. This conference focus on how research institutions in universities can build their research capacity to produce innovative products that enable existing healthcare players in developing countries to adapt to a fast changing healthcare delivery system. The fi rst day of conference highlighted issues related to push factors for innovative health technology and at the second day, issues related to pull factors for innovative healthcare technology were highlighted. This seminar intended to build a strong dialogue among the stakeholders (university, government, industry and health system) to stimulate innovation and the relationship with intellectual property and public health.

This conference brought together key healthcare industry players, such as practitioners, researchers, academicians, industries, payers, and policy makers. This conference was attended by approximately 200 participants, and most participants are researchers, from various faculties at Universitas Gadjah Mada, who will collaborate to develop a research-based product. There were also healthcare practitioners from hospitals, laboratories, pharmacies, and other healthcare facilities. Policy makers were representative from the Ministry of Health and Medical Council of Indonesia. International experts from industries and universities to share their experience in developing innovative product in a collaboration program, were also invited as guest speakers.



Prof. Axel Kramer Greifswald University Jerman Prof. Dwikorita Karnawati UGMLucia Ernawati Roche IndonesiaDr. Devi Prasad Shetty Narayana Hospital Dr. Sjakon George Tahija Yayasan Tahija Indonesiadr. Yodi Mahendradhata FK UGMProf Laksono Trisnantoro FK UGMDr. Klaus Boehncke eHealth Lead South East Asia UKProf. Iwan Dwiprahasto UGMDr. Bryan Yeung Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases Pte. Ltd Singaporedr. Steve J. Yang , Ph.D PT. Teguh Sindo Lestaritama JakartaDr. Kenneth A. LaBresh RTI InternationalMs. Tan Tzuu Ling Tan Tock Seng Hospital ChinaIr. I Wayan Sudiartha, M.Si Indonesian embassy in Washington DCdrg. Ika Dewi Ana PhD UGM

In addition to collaboration with overseas partners, the Faculty has been keen also to intensify the scope of collaboration with national partners and to play active roles in managing national networks. For instance, the Faculty of Medicine is currently leading consortiums such as the Inter University Consortium on Global Health (IUCGH), Indonesian Clinical Epidemiology-Evidence Based Medicine (ICE-EBM), Indonesia Healthcare Quality Network (IHQN), Indonesian Network on Health policy (Jaringan Kebijakan Kesehatan Nasional Indonesia or JKKNI), Association of Educational Institution and Health Professionals (Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan dan Profesi Kesehatan Indonesia or Aidiprokesi). Hospitals are indeed key partners in the education of health professionals. Likewise, collaboration with the national, provincial and district governments as well as institutions and associations working in Indonesia have enabled the Faculty to demonstrate genuine contributions to the society.

When the two large universities in Indonesia met: Visits to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia

Faculty of Medicine UGM is appointment as the Secretariate of ICE-EBM for 2014-2018

Signing of MOU: Faculty of Medicine, BKKBN and UNFPA

Exploratory discussions between Faculty of Medicine and Papua district

Launching of IUCGH Consortium attended by UGM Rector and Rector-Vice Rectors from Universitas Soedirman, Universitas Andalas, Universitas Mulawarman and University Diponegoro (2013)

Training on internal quality assurance system for health education institutions and health profession by the Medical Education Department, Dec 18-20, 2014.



Dr. Sardjito teaching hospitalLocation: Yogyakarta700 bedsType A hospital, referral for Yogyakarta and South part of Central JavaJCI accredited for Academic Medical Centers (2014)KARS (Indonesian National Accreditation Body for Hospitals) accredited for Paripurna (most comprehensive) (2014) and Teaching hospital (2011)

UGM hospital Location: Yogyakarta123 bedsType B hospital, secondary care



Banyumas District HospitalLocation: Banyumas, Central Java414 bedsClass B hospital, secondary care KARS accredited for Class B teaching hospital

Dr Soeradji Tirtonegoro hospitalLocation: Klaten, Central Java410 bedsClass B hospital, secondary care KARS accredited for Class B (2012) and teaching hospital (2013)

Hardjo Lukito Air Force HospitalLocation: Yogyakarta215 bedsType B hospital



The new Kagamadok team: 2014-2019, led by Dr dr Sugiri Syarief MPA

Dr dr Sugiri Syarief MPA was elected as the Chair of UGM alumni association at Faculty of Medicine. The core team consists of: dr Yanri Wijayanti Subronto SpPD PhD (Secretary), drg Fara Silvia Yuliani MSc (Co-secretary), Dr dr Lientje Setyawati Maurits MS SpOK (Treasury), Dr rer nat dr BJ Istiti Kandarina (Co-Treasury), dr Krishnajaya MS (Vice chair I), dr Hasto Wardoyo SpOG (Vice chair II), dr M Syafak Hanung SpA (Vice chair III) and Dr Budiono Santoso PhD SpFK (Vice chair IV).In year 2014, three seminars were organized by Kagamadok. The seminars discussed the role of Faculty of Medicine and teaching hospitals in preparing primary care and universal health coverage, the role of health professionals in provider initiative testing and counselling, and the development of less-fortunate areas in the era of universal coverage. In addition to alumni organization, parents association of the undergraduate students also play a pivotal role. Their roles vary from giving scholarship, assistance to students in critical situation, to providing physical facilities for student dormitory at affi liated hospitals.

Foster Parent Program

Testimony from dr. Cecep SpJ(K), a father of two medical students “I met one medical student unintentionally in my tutorial group. I was joking with the students, and I asked: ‘when I was young, I biked everyday to campus. Nowadays, I hardly found anyone biking to campus. All of you are riding motorcycle or car, right?’. The students laughed but then they said: ‘Actually we have a friend who is still riding a bike’. This statement surprised me. Then I looked for this student and I was so happy to fi nally met him. Another ‘children on mine’ is from the nutrition program and they become my family for years now.


HAVING FUNSports and music serve this purpose perfectly

To have a balanced life at campus is an important factor for success in higher education. Sports and music serve this purpose perfectly.

Those of you who enjoy cycling may fi nd many groups within the Faculty, from casual cyclists to a professional cyclists. Tennis, tennis table, badminton, basket ball, jogging and cycling are also popular. Every year, the faculty hosts a sport and music competition to create a fun atmosphere and more importantly, a stronger bond among the civitas academia.

Students practicing folklore dance, vocal groups, choir, band or just simply playing a guitar is a common scene in the afternoon

or week-ends. For those who enjoy a more serious type of music, the auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine is specially designed to host musical performance. Initiated by Dr dr Radjiman, former dean, a number of internationally known musicians have performed in this Faculty. Family home concerts and collaboration between UGM lecturers, students and partners have also become a routine event. Recently, a medical chamber orchestra was formed, consisting of members of medical students and students from the Indonesian Music Institute, Yogyakarta.


Healthy campus lifestyle: exercise with the graduate students at launching “Talok garden” near the public health building.

A daily routine on Friday Morning: Start with exercise!

Having fun while riding a bike: Medika Funbike. Every year the Cycling community

at the Faculty of Medicine hosts a major event as part

of the Family Gathering Day to celebrate Faculty


While resting after joining the Medika Funbike,

participants may enjoy the Medika Idol competition.

This is a singing competition (either Jazz or Dangdut track of music) with plenty of door

prizes prepared.

Winner of Dangdut Medika Idol singing competition in 2014. Graduate students

from Public Health department.

Our professional bikers: Dr. dr. Sudadi (Anesthesiologist) and dr. Hendro Wartatmo (Gastroenterologic surgeont). They cycled from Bandung to Yogyakarta (400kms) during Bluxpit event, 65th Anniversary of UGM.



Outward bound activities by the Center for Tropical Medicine: Rafting at Kulon Progo river

Live dangerously in Yogyakarta?. Yogyakarta has an active volcano of Mount Merapi. After a major erruption in 2010, a new tourist attraction has been growing in the hill of Merapi Mountain. Curious? Take a four-wheel drive or a motorcycle tour to explore the areas. Our support staff just did this!

Dr. dr. Radjiman and dr. Tri Sutartin Radjiman SpM (eye specialist). Dr Radjiman served as dean of the Faculty of Medicine during the year 1985-1991 and he initiated the classical music performance which has been convened frequently since then.


A collaborative concert: Visiting professor from Belgium, UGM faculty member and and medical students

A special concert dedicated to Sutasoma. Sutasoma is a famous composer from Indonesia and he wrote the UGM Hymne.

Medical chamber orchestra: Performing

the Pirates of Caribbean on the Classical Night




Dr. dr. Budi Yuli Setianto Sp PD(K), Sp JP(K) (Consultant Internist and Cardiologist) spontaneously came to the front and give a special song to the audience.

Opening of the Classical night 2014: Instead of giving a speech, dr Sutanto Maduseno SpPD KGEH (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Director of Medical Service Sardjito Hospital) gives an unusual opening by playing a piece of Jazz music.

Music performance can travel far. During a workshop on Climate change at Heidelberg University last December, 2014, a surprise performance was given by Adi Utarini (on keyboard) and Hari Kusnanto (on Violin). Prof Rainer Sauerborn (standing) also plays piano himself. But at that time, he kindly bought and brought the music notes for piano-violin.

Saman dance from Aceh performed by the undergraduate students from the Nutrition program.




Keeping the spirit of improvement

Information technology:• Single sign on (SSO) system with UGM

email address for GaMeL• Video conferencing and life streaming

facilities for intensifying communication with partners

• Upgrading bandwidth (Mb)• Increasing number of computer-based

test (CBT) practices to more than 130 CBT sessions per year

• Eight IT staff • Broader use of GaMeL for the

undergraduate and graduate program, including the evaluation purpose of the clinical rotations

Library:• Accessing library collection from home

through ezproxy.ugm.ac.id• Increasing number of digital collection

to more than 7,800 book titles, 16,000 scientifi c digital and 30,000 electronic articles

• To date, there are around 7.849 book titles, more than 16.000 scientifi c digital and more than 30.600 digital articles.

• 53 database collection: UpToDate, Nature, BMJ, Clinical Key, the Cochrane library, Science Direct, Emerald database EMX 175, Sage, JAMA, Wiley, EBSCO, ProQuest, Springer Link, Taylor & Francis, and many others

Faculty of Medicine UGM is the fi rst member institution of BioMedCentral (BMC) in Indonesia What does it mean? By becoming a member of BMC, the institution has many advantages for encouraging international journal publications. Reduced article processing fee and wider access to training programs are among the main benefi ts.

Video conference facilities: Weekly discussion with researchers in Australia and Vietnam


Green campus: the right atmosphere for learning

Casual discussions may take place outdoors with a cafe style of gazebo

Student Canteen: healthy and affordable for the students

As activities are continously expanding, the Faculty is in the process of contructing a new building dedicated for the Graduate Program. In the future, a plan to have an integrated facility for research has also been facilitated by the University.

Alumni Joglo house: Build with Javanese architecture style, this is a convenient place for alumni gathering or any casual yet stimulating discussions in a different atmosphere in Campus.





We understand that the road going ahead will not be smooth. We are aware that all universities will also be undertaking endeavors to achieve better performance. Research grants would not likely be signifi cantly increased, and therefore, competition will be tighter in the future. In response to these challenges, we genuinely believe that our pride in the Faculty’s history and tradition, and our deep responsibility to serve the society coupled with strengthened faculty governance and services, enlarged networking and improved human resource capacity building would take this Faculty to embark upon providing high quality education, research and community service. What we achieved in 2014 will be the milestones for accelerating future programs in 2015. In this journey, your support and engagement is warmly welcomed.

ISO 9001:2008 certifi cation for services provided by the Administrative Central Offi ce, Faculty of Medicine (2015)

Prof dr Hardyanto Soebono SpKK(K) (Dermatoveneorologist), Chair of the Faculty Senate and dr Ova Emilia MMed, PhD, SpOG(K) (Obstetrician) in a mid-term evaluation meeting undertaken by the Faculty Senate (2015).

dr. Syafak Hanung SpA, Mkes (Director of Sardjito Hospital) and Prof Teguh Aryandono (Dean)



Heading to Purwokerto for the Annual Performance Meeting,

Faculty of Medicine

Activities during the annual performance

meeting in Purwokerto: Building a stronger

teamwork to achieve higher performance.

Annual Performance Meeting of the Faculty of Medicine. Venue

Purwokerto, January 23-24, 2014




Taste buds (gustatory calyculi) are symbols of sensitivity. Healthy taste buds can differentiate various tastes on the surface of the tongue. When human taste buds are defected, humans can no longer experience the joy of eating. The diminishing functions of these small apparatus will lead to diminishing quality of life. Humans shares similar characteristics. Our quality of life increase when we are more sensitive to the environment. Our life becomes more meaningful when we are more sensitive of others. Self-sensitivity also makes us more humble. Being sensitive to our conscience helps us to stay on the righteous path. Such sensitivity needs to be grown and well maintained. When we lose sensitivity, our life becomes even less perfect.

Neuron is the smallest unit of the nervous system. Thanks to the works of neuron, an impulse reaches the center of information, i.e. the brain or medulla spinalis. Neuron works really fast. The speed of neural transmission determines the speed of response. When we see problems in our environment or community, we should act like neuron with rapid response. There is a need for sensitivity in assisting others. Medulla spinalis is a structure consisted of many neurons, in which neurons are interconnected and interacting to produce a response toward incoming impulse. We can thus learn that relationships between humans are as important as relationships between neurons within medulla spinalis. In the context of healthcare professionals, treatment success is due to God’s willing and integration between health professionals.

THE UNIFORM: Learning from the components of the nervous system


The annual report team, 2014. From left to right: Sari Wulandari (International Relation offi ce), Dian Paramitasari (International Relation Offi ce), Zulfi rany (Vice dean secretary), Adi Utarini (Vice Dean), Andina Agusti Wisudarani (Vice dean secretary) and Martina Sinta Kristanti (Nursing faculty member). Not in the picture: Yodi Mahendhadhata (Public health faculty member), Puput Putri Wijayanti (Vice dean secretary), Moh. Hasbi Asshodiqqi (IT team), Yulia Arisandi (personal secretary), Glory Hapsara Suryandari (Offi ce of Research and Publication).

Designer: Adi, poise designPhotographers: Moh. Hasbi Asshodiqqi, Dian Paramitasari, Hernie Setyowati



Our heartfelt appreciation to the people involved in this project. Those whom: we

interviewed, we took photograph of, we asked to share events and photos in the last

minute, we asked to take pictures, we asked question to, we asked for data and data

check, and many more..


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