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IAS 2012 Q1 ExecBoard Meeting

Meeting Minutes: 30 January 2012 New Orleans LA USA

New Orleans Marriott

29-30 January 2012

Action Agenda

# Time Submitter Type Presenter Agenda Item Supporting

Documents Sunday, January 29

1 07:30 OD Info Bernstein Breakfast, Sunday 29 January 2012

2 08:00 Treas Discussion Zinger 2013 Budget Discussion 2013 budget wrkst


3 10:00 PP Discussion Nondahl P&P Manual Changes P&P Manual

4 11:30 Pres Discussion Lequesne Society Review Society-Review

5 12:00 SD Info Bernstein Lunch

6 13:00 SD Info Rubaai Pubs Impact Factor Impact Factor report

7 15:00 Pres Discussion Lequesne Preparation of Consent Agenda

8 16:00 NC Info Nondahl Nomination Committee Meeting - Closed Meeting only Nominating Committee is in attendance

9 16:30 SD Info Bernstein free time

10 17:00 SD Info Bernstein Meet in hotel lobby for social event

11 18:00 SD Info Bernstein Social Event with PCIC

12 21:00 OD Procedural Lequesne Caucus, If needed

13 22:00 SD Info Lequesne Adjourn for evening

Monday, January 30

14 07:30 SD Info Bernstein Monday Breakfast

15 08:00 Pres Procedural Lequesne Welcome and Opening Remarks - Monday, 30 January 2012

16 08:05 SD Procedural Bernstein Attendance D. Zinger, T. Nondahl, T. Sebastian, D. Durocher, M. Nelms, J. Sottile, M. Halpin, B. Lloyd, T. Ruzsanyi, P. Magyar, A. Cordoso, C. Oertli, J. Anh, B. Lequesne, G. Zissis, A. Rubaai, J. Ojo L. Bernstein, Society Adminstrator

17 08:15 OD Motion Lequesne Approve Q3 Meeting Minutes INCOMPLETE

18 08:25 OD Motion Durocher Motion to Approve Consent Agenda Seconded: Halpin Passed unanimously

19 08:35 SD Motion Magyar Motion from the CMD to approve an edition to the IAS Bylaws, paragraph 1.3.5. The existing text “Only Senior Members and Fellows are eligible for election or appointment to certain Society offices, as provided in the Constitution and these Bylaws” should be extended with the following sentence “Exceptions are 33% of the Members-at-Large positions to represent the student activities for that Graduate Student Member grade or Member grade IAS members are eligible.” (WITHDRAWN)

CMD Motion 1 background

20 08:45 SD Motion Magyar Motion from the CMD to approve an edition to the IAS Policy and Procedures Manual, paragraph The existing text “In selecting the recipient, the Committee shall consider contributions of the nominee to IAS through authorship of technical papers, IAS chapter leadership, IAS committee work, conference leadership and standards working groups.” should be extended with the sentence “The IAS chapter or IAS Student Branch Chapter leadership is a necessary condition being selected for the recipient. (WITHDRAWN)

CMD Motion 2 background

21 08:55 SD Motion Magyar Motion from the CMD to approve launching the IAS CMD Undergraduate Student Thesis Contest. (FAILED) Vote: 2 for; 10 against; 2 abstain

CMD Motion 3 Background

22 09:05 SD Motion Magyar Motion from the CMD to approve launching the IAS CMD Students in Engineering Design Contest.

CMD Motion 4 Background

(FAILED) Vote: 3 for; 5 against; 6 abstain

23 09:15 SD Motion Magyar Motion from the CMD to approve organizing a Student Contest Session at the Annual Meeting 2012 embedded into the technical program, and scheduled on Monday afternoon after the Zucker Luncheon, with the duration of 4.5 hours. (WITHDRAWN)

CMD Motion 5 Background

24 09:25 SD Motion Magyar Motion from the CMD to approve supporting the following conferences by the CMD Conference Support Program 2012 (WITHDRAWN)

CMD Motion 6 Background

25 09:35 SD Motion Magyar Motion from the CMD to approve co-operation between CMD and the IPCSD for selecting the IAS student member participants in that way that IAS student grade members and at equal credentials, active SB chapter members should be preferred for receiving the IAS travel grant . (WITHDRAWN)

CMD Motion 7 Background

26 09:45 SD Motion Magyar Motion from the CMD to approve the following appointments of the CMD chair: - Johanna Lizeth Vega Medina (Colombia), CMD TPOP Committee, Undergraduate Student Thesis Contest Co-chair - Taqua Salaheldin Khairy (Bahrain), CMD TPOP Committee, Students in Engineering Design Contest Co-chair - Beáta Polgári (Hungary), CMD TPOP Committee, Non-CMD Student Travel Program Co-chair - Luigi Parise (Italy), SB IAS Chapters Area Chair R-8 - Noemi Azucena Cruz Suares (Ecuador), SB IAS Chapters Area Chair R-9 - Srikanth Vasudevan Pillai (India), SB IAS Chapters Area Chair R-10 (WITHDRAWN)

CMD Motion 8 Background

27 09:55 C & B

Motion Magyar Motion from the CMD to approve simplification of the registration process for the Annual Meeting´s Chapter Workshop. The registration should be made in the web and handled as an additional conference event with a registration fee of US$50 by using the cancellation policy of the Annual Meeting Conference. The sum of the

CMD Motion 10 Background

registration fees will be considered as a part of the Annual Meeting´s income. The fee of US$50 will be reimbursed together with the conference registration fee from the CMD budget for those chapter representatives who participate in the Workshop. (WITHDRAWN)

28 10:05 SD Motion Magyar Motion from the CMD to approve a three-page-volume instead of the currently available two pages for the Chapter News Column in the IA Magazine. (WITHDRAWN)

CMD Motion 9 Background

29 10:15 SD Motion Ojo Motion to suspend the rule of conference presentation first for any paper that is accepted, but could not be published in the Nov/Dec 2012 special edition. (WITHDRAWN) Discussion: It is expected that the new joint PELS-IAS Journal will be up and running in early 2013. Presentation first is not necessary for this new Journal, therefore, any such paper can be directed to the new Journal.

30 10:20 OD Procedural various Reports

31 11:20 OD Procedural TBD Old Business

32 11:35 OD Procedural TBD New Business

33 11:50 OD Procedural Lequesne Closing Remarks

Consent Agenda

# Time Submitter Type Presenter Agenda Item Supporting

Documents 201 --- SD Motion Rubaai Move to establish the terms of office for the

Editor in Chief of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and of IEEE Industry Applications Magazine to be four years, with the option of reappointment for a second four year term. This action is aligned with IAS Policies & Procedure Manual, Section 3.7.4

Pubs motion backgroun

202 --- SD Motion Nelms Motion to approve a conference loan of $20,000 for the 2013 IEEE IAS Electrical Safety Workshop to be held March 11-15, 2013 in Dallas, TX USA

Background: The budget for this conference has been reviewed and approved at it meets the IEEE 20% surplus requirement. The IEEE Dallas Section has been approached for a $10,000 loan.

203 --- SD Motion Nelms Motion to approve technical co-sponsorship of the 2012 Electrostatics Society of America Annual Meeting to be held June 12-14, 2012 at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Background: Every 3 years the Electrostatic Processes Committee meets in conjunction with the Electrostatics Society of America. All papers presented at the conference will be eligible for review for the IAS Transactions and Magazine because of the involvement of the EPC. An MOU is under development.

204 --- SD Motion Nelms Motion to approve technical co-sponsorship of 2013 IEEE 10th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS 2013) to be held 22-25 April 2013 in Kitakyushu, Japan. Background: The IAS has been a technical co-sponsor of this meeting in the past. The MOU will contain the standard IAS 20% limit on the number of papers eligible for review for the IAS Transactions and Magazine.

205 --- SD Motion Nelms Motion to approve a conference loan of $20,000 for the 2012 IAS Annual Meeting to be held October 7-11, 2012 in Las Vegas, NV USA.

206 --- SD Motion Nelms Motion to approve technical co-sponsorship of the The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET’12) in Kathmandu, Nepal from 24th to 27th September 2012. Background: The IAS was a technical co-sponsor of this meeting in 2008 and 2010. The MOU will contain the standard IAS 20% limit on the number of papers eligible for review for the IAS Transactions and Magazine.

207 --- SD Motion Bagley Motion to approve the appointment of Dr. Kaushik Rajashekara as Outstanding Achievement Award Committee Chair

208 --- SD Motion Bagley Motion to approve appointment of Dan Nesser as Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Committee Chair

209 --- SD Motion Bagley Motion to approve appointment of Robert Lorenz as Distinguished Service Award Committee Chair.

210 --- SD Motion Bagley Motion to approve the appointment of Mark Halpin as Fellows Committee Chair

Reference: Committee / Forum Reports

# Time Submitter Type Presenter Agenda Item Supporting

Documents 301 --- IEEE

TA Report Nelson Division II Director's Report No report

302 --- Pres Report Lequesne President's Report President Report - rev2

303 --- Pres Elect

Report Lloyd President Elect's Report Pres-Elect Report



304 --- VP Report Durocher Vice-President's Report

305 --- Treas Report Zinger Treasurer's Report

Reference: Reports from Representatives

# Time Submitter Type Presenter Agenda Item Supporting

Documents 401 --- OD Report Simmons Process Industries Department Report PI Dept Report

402 --- OD Report Zissis MSDAD Department Report Revised MSDAD rpt

403 --- OD Report Mills I&CPS Department Report No report

404 --- OD Report Ojo IPCS Department Report IPCSD Report

Reference: Supplemental Reports

# Time Submitter Type Presenter Agenda Item Supporting

Documents 501 --- SD Report Bagley Awards Department Report Award-Dept-Rpt

502 --- SD Report Magyar CMD Department Report CMD Report

503 --- SD Report Sottile Education Department Report

Education Department Report Ja

504 --- SD Report Nelms Meetings Department Report Mtgs-dept-rpt

505 --- SD Report Rubaai Publicatons Department Report Pubs Report

506 --- SD Report Halpin Standards Department Report Standards Report

507 --- NC Report Nondahl Nominating Committee Report No report

508 --- FF Report Zinger Financial Planning Report See budget

509 --- LRP Report Durocher Long Range Planning No report

510 --- C & B Report Nondahl Constitution & Bylaws Report No report

511 --- IC Report Sebastian Inter-Society Cooperation Report

JanBoardmeeting presentation_Inter So

512 --- EC Report Oertli Electronic Communication Report ECC Report

Agenda Sections

199 Action Agenda

299 Consent Agenda

399 Reference:Committee / Forum Reports

499 Reference:Reports from Representatives

599 Reference:Supplemental Reports

Submitter (column 3 of agenda)

C & B IAS Constitution and By-laws

EC IAS Electronic Communications

FF IAS Financial Planning

IC International Ad Hoc Committee

IC IAS Intersociety Cooperation

IEEE TA IEEE Technical Activities

IEEE TA IEEE Technical Activities

LRP IAS Long Range Planning

NC IAS Nomination Committee

OD IAS Operational Departments

PP IAS Past President

Pres IAS President

Pres ComSoc President

Pres Elect IAS President Elect

SD IAS Staff Departments

Treas IAS Treasurer

Treas ComSoc Treasurer

VP IAS Vice President

Supporting Documents (column 7 of agenda)

### Number Assigned to supporting document file


1. This is the first opportunity you will have to influence the IAS Executive Board year 2012 budget.

2. Input from the Society Officers, Operating Dept. Chairs, Staff Dept. Chairs, and Standing

Committee Chairs is needed. If I don't hear back from you, I'll assume 2011 budget figures for your


3. Members-At-Large need not respond unless you have a specific line item to add. In that case,

please give your input to the appropriate department chair.

4. The tabbed worksheets in this Excel workbook correspond to the various departments and

committees. Put your 2012 budget requests in the yellow-shaded cells in the appropriate worksheet.

Don't worry about the TAB account number. I'll do that.

5. Expenditures for past years are shown for your information. In 2009 records were kept based on

the IEEE account numbers. These were not divided between the separate committees, therefore, only

the budget information is available for that year.

6. You may modify worksheets as needed by adding rows for new line items. If a listed item is not

needed for 2012, just enter $0.00 in that cell rather than deleting the row.

7. If you wish, use the blank cells below the budget information to enter details about your request.

This will assist the ExBd in justifying the expenditure.

8. Please send your response directly to me at d.zinger@ieee.org.

D Zinger, IAS Treasurer

D. Mills, Dept. Chair 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual

INDUS. & COMM. PWR. SYS. DEPT. TOTAL $0 $354 $205 $0 $427 $592

I&CPS Dept. Admin. & Meetings $0 $0 $205 $0 $427 $592

Color Book Support $0 $0

Codes & Standards Comm. $0 $0 $0 $0

Energy Systems Comm. $0 $0 $0 $0

Power Systems Engrg. Comm. $0 $354 $0 $0

Power Systems Protection Comm. $0 $0 $0 $0

Rural Electric Power Comm. $0 $0 $0 $0

F&B 2011 IAS Annual Meeting committee expense $880

Budget Prep Notes

J. Ojo, Dept. Chair 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual

IND. PWR. CONV. SYS. DEPT. TOTAL $0 $2,093 $0 $0 $0 $800

IPCS Dept. Admin. & Meetings $0 $2,093 $0 $0 $0 $300

Electric Machines Comm. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $200

Industrial Drives Comm. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100

Industrial Power Converter Comm. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100

Power Elec. Devices & Comp. Comm. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100

Budget Prep Notes

G. Zissis, Dept. Chair 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual

MFG. SYS. DEV. & APPL. DEPT. TOTAL $0 $1,564 $102 $0 $0 $1,500

MSDA Dept. Admin. & Meetings $0 $64 $0 $0 $0

Appliance Industry $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Electrostatic Processes Comm. $0 $1,500 $102 $0 $0

Ind. Automation & Control Committee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Prod. Appl. of Light Comm. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

speaker reimbursement $1,500

Budget Prep Notes

MSDAD - Outstanding Service Award and Miscellaneous

EPC $ IACC - 2 Best reviewer Awards for each Committee

R. Simmons, Dept. Chair 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual

PROCESS INDUSTRIES DEPT. TOTAL $0 $3,645 $3,979 $2,195 $125 $6,000

Process Industries Dept. Admin. & Meetings $0 $3,645 $1,973 $2,195 $125 $4,000

Advanced Process Control Appl. Workshop $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Cement Industry Comm. $0 $0 $2,006 $0 $0 $2,000

Metals Industry Comm. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Mining Industry Comm. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Petroleum & Chemical Comm. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

PCIC Electrical Safety Workshop $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Pulp & Paper Industry Committeee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Budget Prep Notes

A. Bagley, Dept. Chair 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Actual Actual Actual Actual Actuals Actual

AWARDS DEPARTMENT TOTAL $27,785 $30,632 $39,853 $54,412 $62,040 $57,350

Awards Department Administration $463 $1,021 $872 $20,510 $25,532 $10,949

IEEE Kaufman Award $12,600 $13,000 $13,000 $13,000 $13,000 $0

Outst. Achvmnt. Award $3,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0

Dist. Service Award $2,000 $0 $3,000 $0 $3,000 $0

Outst. Young Mem. Award $500 $1,000 $695 $3,306 $3,011 $0

Magazine Prize Paper Awards $0 $750 $0 $1,417 $917 $0

Transactions Prize Paper Awards $0 $2,250 $0 $2,000 $1,875 $0

IPCS Dept Jerry Kliman award (GE sponsored) $65 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Seethapathy Award $12,500 $37,531

Awards HQ Expenses $6,266 $3,721 $5,604 $1,165

Committee awards (sub-total lines 21-35) $2,891 $3,890 $4,786 $3,575 $8,540 $8,870

Electric Machines Comm. (IPCSD) $1,000 $3,205

Industrial Drives Comm. (IPCSD) $1,000 $0

Industrial Power Converter Comm. (IPCSD) $833 $0

Power Elec. Devices & Comp. Comm. (IPCSD) $500 $0

Manuf. Syst. Dev. and Appl. Award of Merit $0 $0

Production and Application of Light Industrial Lighting and Display(MSDAD) $700 $0 $0

Appliance Industry Tech. Conf. (MSDAD) $0 $0 $500

Electrostatic Comm. (MSDAD) $0 $621 $0

Industrial Automation & Ctrl Conf. Award (MSDAD) $1,585 $0

I&CPS Dept Achievement Award $1,473 $1,000 $1,000

Ralph Lee Prize Paper Award $1,000 $500 $2,377

Codes & Standard Comm Prize Paper (I&CPS) $500 0

Energy Systems Comm Prize Paper Award (I&CPS) $214 $167 $0

Power Systems Eng. Comm Prize Paper Award (I&CPS) $188 $500 $0

Power Systems Protection Comm Prize Paper Award (I&CPS) $334 $0

Process Industries $1,788

Budget Prep Notes

P. Magyar, Dept. Chair 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual

CHAPTERS & MEMBERSHIP DEPT. TOTAL $45,215.00 $75,884.00 $43,187.00 $45,765.91 $106,684.66 $144,797.85

Area Chairs, Videos, Tutorials NA

Elec Comm Cttee NA $1,200.00

Chapters starting subsidy NA $3,400.00

Chapters Manual Comm. NA

Electronic Publications Committee. NA

IAS Membership Comm. NA $450.00 $435.50

General department expenses $782.00 $92,992.04

Leadership Training Committee $450.00

Workshop Committee $13,402.00 $35,418.30 $20,430.97 $40,770.00

Support of chapters technical activities $1,685.00 $19,726.96

Awards Committee $1,395.00

Chapters, Leadership training, Workshop,

Communication and Award committees $24,315.00 $31,414.00 $29,778.31 $5,717.33

Annual conference workshop $21,649.00 $6,994.00 $1,828.00 $12,924.88

Tech & prof outreach program committee $7,803.00 $4,283.00 $7,123.00 $2,808.11

Distinguished Lecturer committee $12,315.00 $18,538.00 $10,488.00 $5,711.50 $17,053.54 $4,882.98

R10 Membership Initiative $3,370.00

Budget Prep Notes

J. Sottile, Dept. Chair 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual

EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TOTAL $7,500 $0 $0 $69,745 $42,581 $13,392

Education Dept. Administration $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,581 $3,392

Tutorial outreach (including Xpert Now) $7,500 $0 $0 $69,024 $30,000 $0

Industry Distiguished Lecture Program $0 $0 $0 $0

Conference CE Devlopment $0 $0 $0 $0

Chapter CE Devlopment $0 $0 $0 $0

Myron Zucker Grant Committee NA $0 $10,000 $10,000

Student Activities (Zucker 2, unrestricted) $6,291 $22,610 $19,217

Zucker Grant Prizes (Zucker 1, restricted) $17,388 $1,481 $0 $0 $8,085 $20,000

Future energy challenge (PELS) $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $15,000

Rooks $722 $0

Budget Prep Notes

M. Nelms, Dept. Chair 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual

MEETINGS DEPARTMENT TOTAL $4,049 $5,958 $5,432 $4,763 $4,873 $13,500

Meetings Dept. Administration $1,595 $0 $1,932 $0 $45 $500

Annual meeting steering committee $2,454 $3,990 $0 $0 $0

Panel of Conference Organizers meeting $1,968 $0 $1,476 $833 $3,000

Conference support $3,500 $3,287 $3,995 $10,000

Budget Prep Notes

A. Rubaai, Dept. Chair 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actuals

PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT TOTAL $36,458 $33,793 $48,375 $40,758 $33,216 $35,534

Publications Department Administration $1,319 $1,374 $1,747 $5,529 $0 $0

Magazine Editor Expenses (Powell) $3,610 $6,140 $4,270 $448 $4,239 $1,370

Magazine Editor Honorarium (Powell) $14,000 $11,667 $15,000 $16,502 $12,115 $16,826

Magazine Committee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Transactions Editor Expenses (Speck) $3,529 $5,279 $5,191 $3,644 $4,746 $4,261

Transactions Editor Honorarium (Speck) $14,000 $9,333 $22,167 $14,135 $12,115 $13,077

Transactions Committee $0 $0 $0 $500 $0

ScholarOne Manuscripts Admin Expenses (Powell)

ScholarOne Manuscripts Admin Honorarium (Powell)

Budget Prep Notes

M. Halpin, Dept. Chair 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual

STANDARDS DEPARTMENT TOTAL $3,627 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000

Standards Dept. Admin $3,627 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000


Budget Prep Notes

C. Oerlli, Committee Chair 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual

ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE $13,607 $4,106 $1,000 $0 $0 $0

Electronic Communication Committee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Web Editor Expenses $3,607 $4,106 $1,000 $0 $0

Web Editor Honorarium $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0

Budget Prep Notes

B. Lequesne, President 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

B. Lloyd, President-Elect Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual

D. Durocher, Vice-President

D. Zinger, Treasurer

T. Nondahl, Past-President

EXEC. BD. TOTAL $92,187 $71,759 $92,021 $78,222 $65,215 $88,918

President $14,025 $8,013 $10,183 $8,512 $8,500 $8,451

Adcom Committee Expense (IEEE charges) $245 $0 $0 $687 $215

Adcom HQ Expense (IEEE charges) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

President-Elect $4,031 $0 $411 $0 $0 $80,467

Vice President $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Treasurer $445 $439 $85 $0 $500

Constitution & Bylaws Committee $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Executive Board/Council $22,741 $31,546 $31,641 $69,024 $14,000

Intersociety Cooperation $0 $1,589 $933 $0 $0

Members-At-Large (R9&10) $2,176 $1,981 $0 $0 $0

Exec Bd Travel $0 $0 $24,081 $0 $42,000

Mgmt Services (L.Bernstein) $0 $2,274 $4,687 $0 $0

Management services (Myers/Smith) $23,524 $15,917 $0 $0 $0

Donation to Rooks Fund $10,000 $0 $0 $0

Donation to IEEE history center (2006) $25,000 $0 $20,000 $0 $0

Budget Prep Notes

L. Bernstein, Society Administrator 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget


Society Admin Totals: $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,375 $15,998 $6,700

Staff Travel $4,910 $2,198 $5,000

Office Supplies $115 $10,500 $200

Shipping/freight $1,150 $3,300 $1,000


Phone/Web Conferences $2,000 $0

Training/Education $200 $500

Budget Prep Notes

2013 Budget



Account Number


01900-42110-ADMIN This includes reclassification charges for items that were charged to the 2010 annual meeting in error




Financial Discussions

IAS Executive Committee 2012 First Meeting


• 2011 Update • Budget Process Overview

2011 Update

• Preliminary data shows surplus – ~ 78k Surplus – ~20k above budget














2011 Expenses

Conferences 1965.4

Transactions 317.1

Magazine 256.2

Administration 539.8

Executive Office 100.1

Committees 293.7

Other 36.8 Expenses

(thousand dollars)

2011 Revenue

Conferences, 2731.0

Transactions, 499.5

Magazine (Membership),

355.2 Other, 1.5

Revenues (thousand dollars)

Budget Process

• 2013 budgeting starts early in 2012 • Much not under IAS direct control • Indirect control

– Conferences – Publications

• Direct – Committee Expenses

• Start looking at directly controlled items today

Budgeting Timeline

• Early 2012 - Get input from board members • March – Get filled in budget from IEEE • May – Updated budget due • Summer – First pass approval

– Some adjustments possible

• Fall final budget approval

Current Discussion

• Look at 2012 budget overview • Go over department budget

2012 Budget

• About $70 K surplus











Revenues vs Expenses

2012 Budget – Overview (thousand dollars)


2012 Budgeted Revenues

Transaction, 646.97 Magazine

(Membership), 370.57

Conferences, 3,100.66

Other, 4.84 Revenues (thousand dollars)

2012 Budgeted Expenses

• Concerned with committee expenses today

Transactions 320.08

Magazine 347.48

Conference 2253.12

Admin 567.69

Executive Office 110.46

Committees 398.17

Other 55.30

Expenses (thousand dollars)

Move to worksheet

IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 1 of 57




The purpose of this manual is to provide a repository for information and policies not contained in the Industry Applications Society Constitution and Bylaws, as published annually on the Society’s web site, www.ieee.org/ias. These policies and procedures shall prevail unless superseded by subsequent actions by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (hereinafter referred to as the IEEE), Industry Applications Society Council, or the Industry Applications Society Executive Board. Other documents that govern the operation of the Industry Applications Society (hereinafter referred to as the IAS), are:

The IEEE Constitution and Bylaws The IEEE Policy and Procedures Manual The IAS Constitution and Bylaws The IEEE Conference Organization Manual

The policies and procedures were reaffirmed by ballot of the Executive Board of the IAS on September 26, 1988, April 30, 1990, October 13, 1998 and subsequently on October 11, 2006. September 1988, Robert B. Voller, 1987 Society President Revised April 1990, Lloyd A. Morley, 1988 Society President Revised October 1998, Barry C. Brusso, 1995 Society President Revised October 2006, Kevin L. Peterson, 2004 Society President Note: Updates still needed from President-Elect, I&CPSD, MSDAD, Awards, Education, Meetings, Publications, Standards, VP, & Administrator. PID changes not yet included because of effect on other Depts.

Formatted: Highlight

IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 2 of 57



1.1.0 Society President Responsibilities 6

1.1.1 Policy for TAB Meeting Expenses 7

1.2.0 Society President-Elect Responsibilities 7

1.3.0 Society Vice President Responsibilities 8

1.4.0 Society Administrative Office Responsibilities 8

1.4.1 Policy on Officers and Committee Correspondence Stationery 9

1.4.2 Board and Council Meetings 10

1.4.3 Minutes Distribution 10

1.4.4 Arrangements for Executive Board, Council and Annual Meeting Special Functions 10

1.4.5 Annual Elections 12

1.5.0 Society Treasurer Responsibilities 13

1.6.0 Past President Duties 14


2.1.0 TechnicalOperating Department Officers 14

2.1.1 TechnicalOperating Department Chair — Responsibilities 15

2.1.2 Vice Chair - Technical — Responsibilities 16

2.1.3 Vice Chair - Papers — Responsibilities 16

2.1.4 Other Departmental Officers 17

2.1.5 Duties of TechnicalOperating Departments and Committees 18 Technical Information Dissemination 18 Sub-committee Organization 18

2.2.0 TechnicalOperating Departments — Technical and OperatingStaff Committees 19

2.2.1 Process Industries Department Committees 19

2.2.2 Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department Committees 19

2.2.3 Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department Committees 19

2.2.4 Manufacturing Systems Development & Applications Department Committees 19

IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 3 of 57

2.3.0 Scopes of Technical Committees 20

2.3.1 Process Industries Department 20

2.3.2 Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department 20

2.3.3 Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department 21

2.3.4 The Manufacturing Systems Development & Applications Department 21

2.4.0 Guidelines for Technical Committee Operations 22


3.1.0 OperatingStaff Departments Committees 24

3.2.0 Duties of OperatingStaff Departments and Committees 25

3.3.0 Awards Department 25

3.3.1 Awards Department Committees 27 Society Outstanding Achievement Award Committee 27 Society Distinguished Service Award Committee 28 Society Outstanding Young Member Award Committee 29 Fellows Review Committee 30 Awards Nominations Committee 31

3.4.0 Chapters and Membership Department 31

3.4.1 Chapters and Membership Department Chair’s Responsibilities 31

3.4.2 Chapters and Membership Department Committees 33

3.4.3 Chapters and Membership Department Committees Chair Responsibilities 33 Chapters Committee Chair 33 Membership Committee Chair 34 Technical and Professional Outreach Program Committee Chair 35 Regional Workshop Committee Chair 35 Leadership Training Committee Chair 36 Awards Committee Chair 36 Chapters Electronic Publications Committee Chair 36 Distinguished Lecturer & Regional Speaker (DL & RS) Program Committee Chair 37

3.5.0 Education Department 38

3.6.0 Meetings Department 41

3.6.1 Scope 41

3.6.2 Meeting Loan Advance Policy 42

3.6.3 Organizational Structure of Meetings Department 42 Chair, Meetings Department 42 Technical Program Coordinator 43

IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 4 of 57 Conference Policies 43 Conference Etiquette Rules for Vendor Entertainment at IAS Sponsored Conferences 44 Guidelines for Technical Conferences Held in Conjunction with Other Entities 45

3.7.0 Publications Department 45

3.7.1 Publications Department Chair’s Responsibilities 46

3.7.2 Publications Department Committees 46

3.7.3 Procedures for Processing Technical Papers 47

3.7.4 Other Publications Department Procedures 47

3.8.0 Standards Department 48

3.8.1 Standards Department Responsibilities: 48

3.8.2 Standards Department Chair’s Responsibilities: 48

3.8.3 Standards Department Committees 49 Standards Management Committee 49 Awards Committee 49 ANSI Activities Committee 50 International Standards Committee 50 Safety Committee 50 Mining Safety Standards Committee 50 NEC Nominations Committee 50

3.8.4 Standards Department Committee Chair’s Responsibilities: 50

3.8.5 Consultation with Other Affected IAS and IEEE Components 50


4.1.0 Constitution and Bylaws Committee 51

4.2.0 Financial Planning Committee 51

4.3.0 Inter-Society Cooperation Committee 51

4.4.0 Long-Range Planning Committee 52

4.5.0 Nominating Committee 52

4.6.0 Electronic Communication Committee 53

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5.1.0 Funding of Committee Expense 53

5.2.0 Guide for Department Expenditures 54

5.3.0 Financing of Awards 55

5.4.0 Travel Reimbursement 57

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1.1.0 Society President Responsibilities

The IAS Bylaws, Article 10.1, describe the President’s duties. Additional responsibilities are: 1. Plan the agenda for and conduct all meetings of the Executive Board (ExecBoard)

and of the Council. (As noted in the Bylaws, in the absence of the President, the responsibility to conduct these meetings is assumed by the Society President Elect or Vice President.)

2. Represent the IAS on, and serve as a member of, the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB). It is anticipated that the President attends all meetings of TAB (which are usually held three times per year).

3. Promote and coordinate the nomination of qualified Society members for election or appointment to offices, standing committees and boards of the IEEE.

4. Provide an effective channel of communications between the ExecBoard and the TAB officers, Division II Director, and the Technical Activities Department at IEEE Headquarters.

5. Make recommendations to the ExecBoard concerning the appointment of the ExecBoard standing committee chairs.

6. Review the recommendations of the Nominating Committee concerning those who might serve as members of the ExecBoard, and make final recommendations to the ExecBoard.

7. Prepare the President’s Message article for each issue of the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine.

8. Provide counsel for the planning and activities associated with the Society Annual Meeting.

9. Support and encourage a continuing Society membership growth program.

10. Endorse the Society Strategies and Five Year Plan through encouragement of the ExecBoard.

11. Stimulate the services and growth of Society Chapters. 12. Endorse and assist the Society publications program in particular through the IEEE

Industry Applications Magazine and the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

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13. Promote and encourage Inter-Society cooperation with the IAS among IEEE and

non-IEEE entities.

1.1.1 Policy for TAB Meeting Expenses

Unless funded by IEEE, the Society will pay expenses for the IAS Society President or his/her delegate to attend required TAB meetings/functions or other TAB activities undertaken in response to the TAB Vice President requests. Additionally, the Society will pay the expenses of the President-Elect Elect as appropriate to attend all the TAB meetings. during the year immediately prior to his/her term as President.

1.2.0 Society President-Elect Responsibilities

The Society Bylaws, Article 10.2, describe the President-Elect’s duties. Additional responsibilities are: 1. A principal responsibility of the President-Elect is to serve as General Chair for

the IAS Annual Meeting. 2. The President-Elect is responsible for the overall planning and operations of the

IAS Annual Meeting

3. The President-Elect is the primary interface between the IAS and the local organizing committee for the IAS Annual Meeting.

4. The President-Elect is the primary interface between the IAS and any professional

conference management firm hired to support IAS Annual Meeting.

5. The President-Elect works with the Annual Meeting Finance Chair/Treasurer and the professional conference management firm to develop and submit in a timely fashion a conference budget that meets IEEE requirements.

6. The President-Elect will make regular reports on the planning and organization of

the IAS Annual Meeting to the IAS Executive Board.

7. The President-Elect will prepare information on the IAS Annual Meeting for publication in the IAS Magazine.

8. The IAS Annual Meeting may be organized in conjunction with a committee from

a local Section or Chapter. The President-Elect will determine, and propose to the

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ExBd, in agreement with the Society President, the percentage of conference surplus to be given to the local Section or Chapter in accordance with current IAS policy.

9. The President-Elect will typically be asked by the President to be the IAS liaison

to the Power and Energy Society 8. The President-Elect will assist the President in his function of IAS representative

to TAB.

1.3.0 Society Vice President Responsibilities

The Society Bylaws, Article 10.3, describe the Vice President’s duties. Additional responsibilities are:

1. The principal responsibility of the Vice President is to serve as Chair of the Long

Range Planning Committee.

1.4.0 Society Administrative Office Responsibilities

The following describes the IAS Administrative Office responsibilities:

1. Send all notices for Society Executive Board and Council meetings.

2. Arrange the place for the Society Executive Board and Council meetings at the direction of the President.

3. Prepare the agenda for the Society Executive Board and Council meetings at the direction of the President.

4. Distribute meeting notices to the Society Executive Board and Council.

5. Take and process the minutes for all Society Executive Board and Council meetings.

6. At one time at the beginning of the year, notify the IEEE TAB of the time and location for all of the year’s Society Executive Board and Council meetings.

7. Distribute motions for electronic balloting.

8. Prepare the ballot for the election of the Society Executive Board Officers and forward to IEEE for duplication, mailing,coordinate distribution and counting of the returned ballots.

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9. Notify the Society President of the election results. and announce them to the Executive Board and the Council.

10.9.Notify the Society Magazine editor about announcements or ExecBoard information.

11.10.Order stationeryKeep the official electronic IAS logo(s) and distribute to ExBd

members as needed for their correspondence. 12.11.Handle other correspondence as directed by the Society President.

12. Order President's and Past President's pins for distribution at the December Executive

Board meeting. 13. Maintain the IAS website, seeking necessary updates and mofifying it as needed.

14. Develop the IAS electronic newsletter, under the direction of the President

andmagazine editor.. 15. Prepare, early every year, a welcome letter to new IAS Board members after election

results are final of the IAS. 16. Prepare at the appropriate time letters of congratulations for IAS members elevated to

Senior member status, to IEEE Fellow, or receiving an award or distinction. 13.17.Coordinate new IAS member welcome letter distribution.

1.4.1 Policy on Officers and Committee Correspondence Stationery

1. IEEE Industry Applications Society stationery is available for official society or committee correspondence, including specifically the official IAS logo(s).

2. IEEE-IAS personalized stationery, with the volunteer’s name, address, phone, fax and

email, is approved for use by the IAS Executive Board.

Titles will be written in as part of the correspondence after the originator’s name at the end of the correspondence.

3. IEEE-IAS Committee stationery used by departments, technical committees, local

conference committees, etc., will include committee members’ names, titles, affiliations and phone numbers in a column along the left-hand margin of the IEEE-IAS stationery. The stationery will be distributed to committee members in as-required quantities by the IAS Administrative Office.

4 . Requests for IEEE-IAS stationery should be submitted to the IAS Administrative

Office by November 1 of the year preceding the assignment or committee activity.

Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.75", No bullets or numbering

Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5"

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The IAS Administrative Office will forward appropriate requests to IEEE Technical Activities for printing and distribution.

1.4.2 Board and Council Meetings The IAS Administrative Office shall be responsible for distributing the following items

prior to board and/or council meetings:

1. Minutes from previous meeting. 2. Any reports of the Executive Board Members sent to the IAS Administrative Office

in advance. 3. Meeting Agenda. 4. Attendance list containing the names of all members with spaces to mark whether

they had planned on attending and whether they actually attended. 5.4.Information on hotel accomodations where the meeting is being held.

1.4.3 Minutes Distribution It is the IAS Administrative Office responsibility to:

Send meeting minutes to President, Presiedent-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer and Immediate Past President for review within 30 days after meeting. Draft minutes will be distributed after President’s review. As soon as the draft minutes for a meeting have been prepared, an advance electronic copy should be sent to the Society President, President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President for their review and comments. Allow these individuals about two weeks for comments. Send advance copies to the IAS Transactions and Magazine editors if the minutes contain information important to these publications. Distribute the finished minutes in electronic copy, including all attachments, to IEEE Technical Activities, the IAS Web Editor and all Society Council members. The electronic copy shall include the minutes, agenda, attendance list, committee and department Chair's reports, appointment lists, and any other information that is appropriate.

1.4.4 Arrangements for Executive Board, Council and Annual Meeting Special Functions

One of the duties of the IAS Administrative Office is to arrange for the meeting rooms and other facilities for the Executive Board and the Council. The following are some considerations:

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1. Arrangements should be made approximately 2 months in advance. 2. Executive Board meetings:

a. Room size should be for 30, plus about 6 extra chairs. b. The table arrangement should be u-shaped or "board"-shaped, allowing two

people per six-foot table. This should provide members with ample room for all of their materials.

c. The place and date of the meetings are determined by the Society President and are usually known by the December ExecBoard meeting of the previous year.

d. The February/March (Winter) meeting is typically (but not necessarily) held in conjunction with APEC. The President often chooses to have the May Spring meeting held in conjunction with one of the Department or Technical Committee conferences. The October meeting is always held at the IAS Annual Meeting. In these cases the IAS Administrative Office needs to coordinate the Executive Board arrangements with the Conference General Chair.

e. When negotiating with a hotel for an Executive Board meeting, the IAS Administrative Office should request a block of 25 rooms to be held and arrange for a room rate. (Usually there will be about 25 at regular meeting, so the hotel should offer a special room rate.)

f. Prior to the Board meetings, several committees typically hold preparatory meetings. At the Annual Meeting and at other conferences, these are coordinated through the Conference General Chair. All others are held the day before, normally a Sunday. A conference room for 30 should be reserved from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. The IAS Administrative Office establishes the schedule for the use of the rooms by contacting the various committees and ascertaining their needs. Additionally all food service and hotel rooms arranged for the ExecBoard are coordinated through the Conference General Chair.

g. At all meetings except the one held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting, a room needs to be arranged for a dinner followed by a caucus meeting. The dinner is preceded by a cocktail hour, which typically starts at 6:00 pm. The room should hold the number of members, plus their guests, who had indicated that they would be attending.

h. It will be necessary to arrange for food for Executive Board meetings. Food is typically provided for a continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon break and the caucus dinner on Sunday, and a continental breakfast at 7:30 am prior to the Board meeting, a mid-morning coffee break, and a lunch at 12:00 noon following the Board's meeting on Monday. The IAS Administrative Office works with the hotel's meeting service staff two weeks to a month before the meeting to establish the menu.

3. Council Meetings:

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a. The Council meeting and lunch are always held at the Society Annual Meeting (traditionally at 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm on Wednesday). Thus, arrangements for this function must be coordinated with the General Chair for the Annual Meeting.

b. Correspondence announcing the Council Meeting and containing an agenda needs to be distributed to the council members a month before the meeting. This correspondence should contain a return form indicating whether the member is going to attend so that an estimate of the number of lunches required can be given to the hotel.

c. Room size should be for approximately 75 people. d. Past room arrangements have been luncheon rounds plus a screen and video

projector. 4. Annual Meeting Special Functions:

a. The Board traditionally holds a reception, usually in the form of and a cocktail

hour at 11:00 am prior to immediately before the Awards/President’s Banquet Luncheon. Work with the General Chair to arrange a room with an open barappropriate food and drinks. The attendees participants include all awards recipients, Executive Board members, and members of the local committee, and their guests. The IAS Administrative Office needs to insure ensure that all are invited by working with the General Chair and the Awards Department Chair.

b. The Board traditionally holds a reception and a cocktail hour one hour before the President's Banquet. The attendees include all awards recipients, Executive Board members plus their guests, the local committee and all other participants at the President's Banquet. Again, the IAS Administrative Officeneeds to work with the President, General Chair and Awards Chair to arrange for the room and open bar and to insure that all are invited.

1.4.5 Annual Elections

The IAS Administrative Office has the responsibility to process the annual election of Society Officers, TechnicalOperating Department Chairs, and the Executive Board Members at Large.

The following is a typical list of events:

1. The slate of officers is normally approved at the May Spring Executive Board

Meeting. 2. The approved slate must be delivered to the IAS Magazine Editor in time for inclusion

in the July/August issue (typically an April 24th submission deadline). Afterwards, any candidate brought forward by petition must be added to the slate.

3. Society Administrator prepares ballot by 15 August for distribution to Council for

voting.Notify the Administrator of IEEE Society General Activities that the ballots

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need to be prepared and mailed to all of the Council Members. Establish a date for the mailing that einsures that the members have at least 30 days to complete the ballots and to return them no later than September 15.

4. IEEE TAB counts the ballots and notifies the IAS Administrative Office of the

results. 5.4.The IAS Administrative Office notifies the Society President and Nominating

Committee Chair of the results so that they can be presented at the Council meeting.

1.5.0 Society Treasurer Responsibilities

The IAS Bylaws, Article 10.4, describe the Treasurer’s duties. Additional responsibilities are: 1. Arrange and chair the Financial Planning Committee meetings, providing advice and

counsel to IAS officers on financial matters.

2. Provide budget assistance to departments and committees, and account for respective budget charges.

3. Maintain a cash flow and budget accounting of IAS disbursements for the reporting period.

4. Maintain an accurate report of the yearly financial status based on IEEE monthly financial reports.

5. Draft a preliminary budget for the next fiscal year and present it to the ExecBoard at their first or second meeting of the year (usually by May).

6. Arrange for the setting of the page budget for the following year at the first or second ExecBoard meeting of the year (usually by May) and produce a forecast for remaining year payouts.

7. Report the financial status of the IAS to the ExecBoard and the IAS Council at the appropriate meetings.

8. Act as liaison to the TAB Finance Committee.

9. Concerning the funds administered by the IAS on behalf of the IEEE Foundation (Myron T. Zucker endowment funds, IEEE IAS IPCSD Gerald Kliman Innovator Award Fund, and James A. Rooks Memorial Student Intern Program), the treasurer will:

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a. Zucker program, pPrepare, in collaboration with the relevantEducation Department, a written annual reports for the IAS President to send to the Executive Committee of the IEEE Foundation. Theis reports will detail the expenditures that IAS authorized during the previous year (including commitments of funds for Student Faculty Grant awards announced in the past year that are to be awarded in the following year) and include a status report on the IAS’s grant-funded activities. It The reports should be prepared by January March 31 of each year.

b. Maintain a record of and make available to the ExecBoard: the status of each of

these funds, such as the annual amounts of Zucker funds available for expenditure and/or commitment, as provided by the IEEE Foundation

Maintain a record of and make available to the ExecBoard: the status of the Myron Zucker funds, and the annual amounts of Zucker funds available for expenditure and/or commitment, as provided by the IEEE Foundation.

1.6.0 Past President Duties

1. The immediate Society Past President will be responsible for updating this Policy and Procedures Manual.

2. The immediate Society Past President is a member of the IAS Financial Planning Committee.

3. The immediate Society Past President is a member-at-large of the Inter-Society Cooperation Committee.

4. The Past President shall chair the Nominations and Appointmentsng Committee and the Constitution & Bylaws Committee for two years after serving as Society President as prescribed in Bylaws Section 13.2.


The technicaloperating departments shall be responsible for establishing policies which will stimulate among Society members the acquisition of new knowledge and technology.

2.1.0 TechnicalOperating Department Officers

Each technicaloperating department shall be administered by the Department Chair, assisted by the Vice Chair and department committees.

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The Department Operating Committee shall consist of the Chair, optional positions include: Department Vice Chair - Papers, Secretary (and, where approved, Department Vice Chair - Technical), the Chair of each committee that is defined by Bylaws Sections 2.0 and 6.3 for that department, and the immediate past Chair of the department.

2.1.1 TechnicalOperating Department Chair — Responsibilities

1. Provide general policy and guidance to enhance the professional effectiveness and quality of overall departmental operations.

2. Serve on the IAS Long-Range Planning Committee, encourage and promote adherence to the strategies of the Society and its current five-year plan.

3. Establish and maintain the mechanics of all liaison functions with other Society departments and committees (Chapters and Membership, Education, Meetings, Publications, Standards, Electronic Communications and Inter-Society Cooperation) and with the operations of other IEEE entities as they interface with the TechnicalOperating Department. Encourage adequate cross-communications between technical committees and other IEEE entities on matters of shared concern.

4. Conceive new ideas and contribute advanced experience in departmental operations to the benefit of ExecBoard and Society Officers in improving the administration of the Society.

5. Represent the Department on the ExecBoard; report on Technical Committee operations, accomplishments, needs, recommendations, expansion, revision and problems. Include information in report on status of paper reviews.

6. Work with the Technical Committees (and also consider the needs of the Department) to submit, in a timely manner, rRequests for fFunds for proposed budgets to ExecBoard.

7. Handle and disseminate incoming information on behalf of the Society President concerning Department-related activities.

8. Encourage and guide weak committees, support the establishment of appropriate new technical committees and assist in house-cleaning of obsolete ones.

9. Guide and assist in developing the participation of all Technical Committees.

10. Help guide the development of the operations of each Technical Committee into a more active and efficient pattern, particularly at the point where new officers need help and guidance.

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11. Maintain a list of all future technical conferences planned by the Technical Committees of the Department and share this information with the Meetings, Publications and Chapters and Membership Departments, so they can help publicize and encourage participation.

12. Provide recommendations to the Society Nominating Committee upon request.

13. Promote and encourage nominations for Society and IEEE awards.

2.1.2 Vice Chair - Technical — Responsibilities

1. The principal responsibility of this position is to coordinate the technical activities of all Technical Committees in the Department.

2. Serve as a member of the Technical Advisory Subcommittee of the Inter-Society

Cooperation Committee. 3. Succeed to the office of Chair of the Department in the event that office becomes

vacant, while continuing to exercise the duties of Vice Chair - Technical, until such time as the vacancy in the office of Vice Chair - Technical is filled.

4. Assist the Department Chair as requested. 5. Provide guidance to the Department committees on pertinent technical matters

affecting them and the Department. 6. Counsel and encourage committees and Department officers on technical operations

of the Department. 7. Conceive new ideas and contribute advanced experience in technical operation of

the Department.

2.1.3 Vice Chair - Papers — Responsibilities

1. The principal responsibility of this position is to organize, administer and stimulate the review process for technical papers (falling within the scope of this department) so that they can be recommended for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine.

2. Represent the Department on the IAS Transactions Advisory Board and attend the Annual Board Meeting held during the IAS Annual Meeting.

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3. Information is available at http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/ias/transactions.php for all parties involved in handling technical papers for any IAS or Technical Committee meeting or conference.

4. Provide guidance to the Department, its Technical Committees, and the Publications Department, to foster efficiency in processing papers.

5. May appoint Papers Reviewers to assist in this departmental review work. However, the primary responsibility for technical accuracy and suitability of content for use in the transactions rests with the Technical Committee.

6. Serve as a member of the Society Prize Papers Awards Committee of the Publications Department. Submit one nomination for consideration in selecting the Society Prize Paper, no later than July 31st.

7. Help the Technical Committees establish and maintain a Papers Review Chair, preferably with a term of office selected to survive or overlap the continual change of Committee officers.

8. Stimulate the output of good papers by the Technical Committees.

9. Counsel and encourage authors in a manner to promote a continuing flow of quality papers into the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine.

2.1.4 Other Departmental Officers

The TechnicalOperating Departments may establish other positions as dictated by Department needs. The responsibilities and duties of these positions are to be determined by that Department.

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2.1.5 Duties of TechnicalOperating Departments and Committees Technical Information Dissemination

Each Technical Committee of an TechnicalOperating Department shall be responsible for the evaluation and dissemination of technical information in its field of interest as defined in its scope. It shall be responsible for the solicitation and selection of papers for presentation at IEEE meetings, and for the grading and recommendation regarding publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine or other IEEE publications of all papers submitted for presentation or publication. Review, grading and recommendation of all papers shall be completed as promptly as possible after papers are submitted by the author, preferably within one month after papers are presented. It shall be responsible for the initiation, preparation and formulation of Standards, Specifications, Operating and Application Guides, Test Procedures and Recommended Practices for issue in accordance with IEEE regulations. It shall provide technical assistance to chapters formed within its respective scope. It shall be responsible for the organization and supervision of the work of such sub-committees as may be found necessary for the effective handling of the technology encompassed within its field of interest. Sub-committee Organization

It is recommended that each Technical Committee of an TechnicalOperating Department organize the following sub-committees in addition to those sub-committees that are organized for technical purposes: 1. Executive Sub-Committee, consisting of officers of the Committee and Chair of

the sub-committees, to handle the affairs of the committee between meetings of the full committee.

2. Nominating Sub-Committee, consisting generally of past Chair or senior members of the committee, to nominate a slate of officers for the Committee Chair.

3. Papers Review Sub-Committee, consisting generally of the Committee Vice Chair as Chair and other competent members of the Committee, to review, grade and give recommendations to the Department Vice Chair - Papers for publication of all technical papers sponsored or in the field of the Committee.

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2.2.0 TechnicalOperating Departments — Technical and OperatingStaff Committees

2.2.1 Process Industries Department Committees 1. Cement Industry 2. Metal Industry 3. Mining Industry 4. Petroleum and Chemical Industry 5. Pulp and Paper Industry

2.2.2 Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department Committees 1. Codes and Standards 2. Energy Systems 3. Power Systems Engineering 4. Power Systems Protection 5. Rural Electric Power 6. Awards and Recognition 7. Bylaws 8. Fellows and Senior Members 9. Meetings 10. Nominating 11. Publicity/Magazine 12. Technical Books Coordinating 13. Technical Review and Prize Papers

2.2.3 Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department Committees 1. Electric Machines 2. Industrial Drives 3. Industrial Power Converter 4. Power Electronics Devices and Components 5. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems 4.6.Transportation Systems 5.7.Awards and Recognition 6.8.Nominating

2.2.4 Manufacturing Systems Development & Applications Department Committees 1. Appliance Industry 2.1.Electrostatic Processes 3.2.Industrial Automation and Control 4.3.Production and Application of LightIndustrial Lighting and Display

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2.3.0 Scopes of Technical Committees

2.3.1 Process Industries Department The scope of the Cement Industry Committee is the treatment of all matters within the

scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the manufacture of cement. The scope of the Metal Industry Committee is the treatment of all matters within the

scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the making, shaping or treating of metals. The scope of the Mining Industry Committee is the treatment of all matters within the

scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to all mining operations. The scope of the Petroleum and Chemical Industry Committee is the treatment of all

matters within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to production, manufacturing and transportation of petroleum and chemical products. The scope also includes the technology of cathodic corrosion, its prevention and control. The scope of the Pulp and Paper Industry Committee is the treatment of all matters within

the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the manufacture and fabrication of pulp and paper products.

2.3.2 Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department The scope of the Power Systems Engineering Committee is the treatment of all matters

within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to equipment selection for, and to the design, analysis, installation, grounding, operation and maintenance of, safe and reliable power systems, including emergency and standby systems for industrial, commercial and institutional facilities. The scope of the Power Systems Protection Committee is the treatment of all matters

within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to power system protection. The scope of the Energy Systems Committee is the treatment of all matters within the

scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to control, monitoring and management of electrical energy systems, including power generation systems, for use in industrial, commercial and institutional facilities.

IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 21 of 57 The scope of the Codes and Standards Committee is the treatment of all matters within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the conduct of liaison with standard-making and code-making bodies which affect electrical supply, distribution and utilization in industrial plants and commercial buildings, and also to provide the focal point and authority for the Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department pertaining to codes and standards activities. (All such work is to be done in cooperation with the Society Standards Department.) The scope of the Rural Electric Power Committee is the treatment of all matters within

the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to rural requirements, especially for agriculture, including rural electric power distribution.

2.3.3 Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department The scope of the Electrical Machines Committee is the treatment of all matters within the

scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the design, analysis, manufacture and application of electric machines in industry. The scope of the Industrial Drives Committee is the treatment of all matters within the

scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the suitability or application of electric motor drive systems equipment to industrial machinery and vice versa. The scope of the Power Electronics Devices and Components Committee is the treatment

of all matters within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to power electronics devices and components and their applications. The scope of the Industrial Power Converter Committee is the treatment of all matters

within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to equipment and circuits for the static conversion of electric power in industry. The scope of the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems Committee is

the treatment of all matters within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the design, analysis, manufacture and use of electric devices and systems for renewable and sustainable energy conversion industrial applications. The scope of the Transportation Systems Committee is the treatment of all matters within

the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the electrification of the transportation industry, including components, systems, and infrastructure, and encompassing all modes of transportation for people and goods.

2.3.4 The Manufacturing Systems Development & Applications Department

IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 22 of 57 The scope of the Appliance Industry Committee is the treatment of all matters within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to electric appliances used in residential, commercial and institutional buildings for nutrition, sanitation, cleanliness, comfort and convenience. The scope of the Electrostatic Processes Committee is the treatment of all matters

within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the utilization and/or control of electrostatic phenomena. The scope of the Industrial Automation and Control Committee is the treatment of

all matters within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to manufacturing and factory automation, including the application of industrial electrical and electronic devices, systems and methods to the conversion, regulation and utilization of electricity for the control of industrial processes, machinery and heating.

Included are applications of transducers, sensors, power electronics, motor control, drive

systems, programmable logic controllers, distributed control systems, computers, robotics, vision systems and control system software to machines and manufacturing processes. The scope of Production and Application of LightIndustrial Lighting and Display

Committee is the treatment of all matters within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to light and lighting.

2.4.0 Guidelines for Technical Committee Operations 2.4.1 Appointments of Technical Committee (TC) and TC Sub-Committee officers are made

by the appropriate TechnicalOperating Department Chair consistent with IAS Bylaw 14.2.

2.4.2 Removal of personnel is covered in IAS Bylaw 14.67. 2.4.3 Each TC normally creates and maintains its own Bylaws, which should describe what the

TC actually does and list TC officers, as well as usually sub-committees and working groups and their functions.

2.4.4 An individual’s acceptance of an office in IAS indicates that he/she has taken on

administrative responsibilities in the IAS. It means that this person has accepted a position of leadership and that others will rely on that individual for guidance, direction, initiative, planning, organization and, most of all, action. It means that the person’s employer supports participation as an officer in IAS. It means that the person recognizes the importance of rapid and accurate communications with IAS. It means that the person has a strong desire to improve the effectiveness of the IAS and the IEEE.

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An organization is only as good as its people. This is particularly true of a volunteer organization. Therefore, it is incumbent upon officers in the IAS to seek out people who will contribute to the success of the IAS and the IEEE. Officers should review each of the elements of their area of responsibility to determine whether or not they are operating in line with their scopes or assigned responsibilities. They may be operating outside their intended areas and overlapping or duplicating the work of others. On the other hand, they may be devoting their attention to only a limited area of their responsibility and thereby depriving some people of the opportunities that IAS should make available to them.

2.4.5 The Technical Committee officers should establish a personnel review procedure with

their Executive Sub-Committee. Many TC’s use a Membership Sub-Committee for this function of personnel review. The review procedure should establish criteria for judging whether or not the members of the Committee and its sub-committees and working groups are actually making a contribution to the organization. Such things as attendance at meetings, preparation and/or presentation of technical papers, organization or chairing of a conference or technical session, and reviewing technical papers should be considered in determining active participation and contribution.

2.4.6 People tend to limit the number of persons within the organizational structure lest it

become too unwieldy. As a result, many people who would be very interested in serving actively on the Technical Committees and Sub-Committees are not given the opportunity to serve. It is not fair to these people, to the Technical Committee or to the IEEE if they are not given the opportunity to serve because the membership of the organizational element is filled and includes people who do not make any worthwhile contribution to IAS. The IAS and the IEEE are only as good as their members, and it is up to the officers to staff their organizations with the people who will do the work that must be done.

2.4.7 Many committees have found their effectiveness increased by having officers serve two

successive years. However, all appointments are annual, even when a second successive year is planned initially.

2.4.8 Appointment of Technical Committee Members Annual membership in the IEEE and the IAS begins on January 1 and ends on

December 31. Technical Committee appointments should be established for the same period. as IEEE annual membership. Membership in IEEE and IAS is a requirement for full committee membership and to

hold office. In addition, if the sub-committee or working group is engaged in IEEE Standards writing activities, the chair is required to be a member of the IEEE Standards Association. Sub-committee and working group membership may be extended to non-IEEE persons who have expertise in the technical field of the Committee.

IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 24 of 57 In order to facilitate the publication of the IAS Organization Manual and Membership Directory, the Chair of the Technical Committees shall submit their lists of appointments for the coming year to the IAS Administrative Office prior to December 1st of each year. Whether these appointments are made by the incumbent Chair, the incoming Chair or the

Executive Sub-Committee is a matter to be determined within the TC. Individual appointments to membership on specific TC’s should be made by procedures determined within each TC. IAS Bylaws require all TC’s to make appointments for each member for periods of one year renewable annually. One purpose (of several) is to provide graceful methods for TC officers and/or the Membership Sub-Committee to terminate memberships of those who no longer contribute to the operation of the TC. However, wisdom, patience, tact and frequently a personal discussion with the member being considered for non-renewal of this TC membership is desirable for smooth operation of the TC.


3.1.0 OperatingStaff Departments Committees

3.1.1 Awards Department 1. Outstanding Achievement Award 2. Distinguished Service Award 3. Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award 4. Fellows Review 5. Awards Nominations

3.1.2 Education Department 1. Asynchronous Education 2. Conference Education 3. Student Competition 4. Workshops 5. Zucker Planning


3.1.3 Chapters and Membership Department 1. Chapters Development 1.2. Student Branch Chapter Development 2.3.Membership Development 3.4.Technical and Professional Outreach Program 4.5.Regional Workshop 5. Leadership Training 6. Awards

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7. Chapters Electronic Communication 8. Student Branch Chapters Electronic Communication 8.9.Distinguished Lecturer & Regional SpeakerProminent Lecturer (DL & RSPL) Program

3.1.4 Meetings Department 1. Technical Program Coordinator

3.1.5 Publications Department 1. Transactions Advisory Board 2. Magazine Advisory Board

3.1.6 Standards Department 1. Awards 2. ANSI Activities 3. International Standards 4. Safety 5. Mining Safety Standards 6. NEC Nominations


3.2.0 Duties of OperatingStaff Departments and Committees

3.3.0 Awards Department

1. Works with the ExecBoard, TechnicalOperating Departments, Chapters Department and the Publications Department to identify potential recipients of IAS awards and IAS members who are to be nominated for IEEE awards.

2. The Awards Department acts to procure the statuette, plaques, certificates and monetary awards through outside suppliers and IEEE Headquarters.

3. The Chair coordinates with the IAS President and the Annual Meeting General Chair to arrange for the award presentations to the recipients at the Annual Meeting Awards Luncheon and President’s Dinner.

4. The specific Society awards and recognition that are currently bestowed are as follows: a. IAS Outstanding Achievement Award (since 1969) in recognition of outstanding

contributions to the applications of electricity to industry (statuette and $5,000 honorarium)

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b. IAS Distinguished Service Award (since 1988) in recognition of dedication and distinguished service to the IEEE Industry Applications Society (plaque and $3,000 honorarium)

c. Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award (since 1996) (plaque, $1,000 honorarium and travel expenses to attend the IAS Annual

Meeting) d. IAS Transactions Prize Paper Awards (for latest year) (monetary awards are divided equally among multiple authors of a prize paper)

i. 1st Prize Certificate and $1000 ii. 2nd Prize Certificate and $750 iii. 3rd Prize Certificate and $500 iv. Honorable Mention Up to 5 Certificates

e. IAS Magazine Prize Article Awards (for latest year) (monetary awards are divided equally among multiple authors of a prize article)

i. 1st Prize Certificate and $750 ii. 2nd Prize Certificate and $500

f. IAS Chapter Awards

i. Outstanding Large Chapter Certificate and $600 ii. Outstanding Large Joint Chapter Certificate and $600 iii. Outstanding Small Chapter Certificate and $600 iv. Outstanding Small Joint Chapter Certificate and $600 v. Outstanding Student Branch Chapter Certificate and $600 vi. Outstanding New Chapter Certificate and $600 vii. Continued Outstanding Performance Large Chapter Certificate and $600 viii.Continued Outstanding Performance Small Chapter Certificate and $600 iv.ix.Continued Outstanding Performance Student Branch Chapter Cert & $600 v. Continued Outstanding Chapter Certificate

g. Chapter Web Contest

i. First Prize Certificate and $600 ii. Second Prize Certificate and $600 iii. Third Prize Certificate and $600

h. Undergraduate Student Thesis Contest

i. First Prize Plaque, certificate and $500 honorarium and $1500 travel expenses to attend the IAS Annual Meeting

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ii. Second Prize Plaque, certificate and $500 honorarium and $1000 travel expenses to attend the IAS Annual Meeting

iii. Third Prize Plaque, certificate and $500 honorarium and $500 travel expenses to attend the IAS Annual Meeting

i. Graduate Student Thesis Contest

i. First Prize Plaque, certificate and $500 honorarium and $1500 travel

expenses to attend the IAS Annual Meeting ii. Second Prize Plaque, certificate and $500 honorarium and $1000 travel

expenses to attend the IAS Annual Meeting iii. Third Prize Plaque, certificate and $500 honorarium and $500 travel

expenses to attend the IAS Annual Meeting

j. Student in Engineering Design Contest

i. First Prize TBD ii. Second Prize TBD iii. Third Prize TBD


3.3.1 Awards Department Committees Society Outstanding Achievement Award Committee

1. This Committee is responsible for recommending the annual recipient of the Society Outstanding Achievement Award.

2. The Committee will be made up of three previous recipients of the award. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Chair of the Awards Department after approval by the ExecBoard. The Committee Chair shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years. Committee members are appointed by the Committee Chair after approval by the Awards Department Chair. New members shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years.

3. The purpose of this award is to honor an individual who has made an outstanding contribution in the application of electricity to industry in accordance with the scope of the IAS. This contribution may have been made through invention or technical development or through executive or managerial direction.

4. In selecting the recipient, the Committee may apply any of the following criteria:

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a. Invention in the field as exemplified by issued patents.

b. Contribution to the general engineering or scientific basis of the technologies found within the scope of the IAS.

c. Executive or managerial contribution in the organization or operation of enterprises as associated with the scope of the IAS.

5. Posthumous awards will be made only when knowledge of the awardee’s death

is received after announcement of the recipient. Nominations of known deceased persons will not receive consideration.

6. The Committee will recommend the recipient for ExecBoard approval by May 1. The Chair, with concurrence of the IAS President, may then (or jointly) so advise the recipient. This timing is necessary so adequate time is made available for announcement prior to the award presentation at the IAS Annual Meeting.

7. As soon as the recipient has been selected and notified, the Awards Chair should request a current photograph and biography from the recipient to facilitate proper publicity in cooperation with the Publications Department Chair.

8. Procurement of the Award, statuette and $5,000 check will be arranged by the IAS Awards Department Chair. Society Distinguished Service Award Committee

1. This Committee is responsible for recommending the annual recipient of the Society Distinguished Service Award.

2. The Committee will be made up of three previous recipients of the Award. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Chair of the Awards Department after approval by the ExecBoard. The Committee Chair shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years. Committee members are appointed by the Committee Chair after approval by the Awards Department Chair. New members shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years.

3. The purpose of this award is to honor an individual who has, through dedication and service, distinguished himself/herself to IAS.

4. In selecting the recipient, the Committee shall consider contributions of the nominee to IAS through ExecBoard, Technical Committee, section or chapter activities, which may be manifested in the following manner:

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a. Exceptional administrative, managerial and leadership achievement.

b. Proposal and/or implementation for innovative new Society programs.

c. Dedication to the growth and advancement of the Society and/or its geographic and technical entities.

5. A person who has been the recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award in which he/she was recognized primarily for service to the Society shall not be eligible for the Distinguished Service Award.

6. Posthumous awards will be made only when knowledge of awardee’s death is received after announcement of the recipient. Nominations of known deceased persons will not receive consideration.

7. The Committee will recommend the recipient for ExecBoard approval by May 1. The Chair, with concurrence of the IAS President, may then (or jointly) so advise the recipient. This timing is necessary so that adequate time is made available for announcement prior to the award presentation at the IAS Annual Meeting.

8. As soon as the recipient has been selected and notified, the Awards Department and Publications Department Chair shall be so informed so that a current photograph and biography can be obtained to facilitate proper publicity.

9. Procurement of the Award, plaque and $3,000 check will be arranged by the

IAS Awards Department. Society Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award Committee

1. This Committee is responsible for selecting the annual recipient of the Society Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award.

2. The Committee will be made up of two previous recipients of the Award. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Chair of the Awards Department after approval by the ExecBoard. The Committee Chair shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years. Committee members are appointed by the Committee Chair after approval by the Awards Department Chair. New members shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years.

3. The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding achievement and contribution to the profession through involvement in IEEE-IAS activities by an IAS member less than 35 years of age.

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4. In selecting the recipient, the Committee shall consider contributions of the nominee to IAS through authorship of technical papers, IAS chapter leadership, IAS committee work, conference leadership and standards working groups.

5. Eligible nominees must be less than age 35 at the specified award nomination due date.

6. To be considered as a nominee, a one-page form must be completed describing IAS activities and associated contributions made by the nominee. The form must be submitted and received by the Awards Department Chair before the specified due date of April 1.

7. The Awards Department Chair and/or Society President shall notify the selected recipient by June 1 and make arrangements for the recipient to receive the award. Presentation of the award is at the IAS Annual Meeting, usually held in October. Fellows Review Committee

1. The activity of this Committee is the processing of the Fellows nominations that are referred to the IAS for evaluation and ranking, in accordance with the requirements and instructions of the Fellow Committee of the IEEE.

2. The process includes:

a. receiving the nominations,

b. having each evaluated and the Evaluation Form completed by a qualified person or persons, and

c. at the completion of all evaluations, preparing a Ranking Summary.

3. A member of this Committee, preferably the Chair, will be registered with the IEEE Fellow Committee and designated to receive nominations referred to IAS for evaluation.

4. It will be the objective of this Committee to have each Fellow nomination evaluated by one or more IAS members most familiar with the field of work of the candidate.

5. The committee will be made of up to seven IEEE Fellows who are members of the IAS.

6. Committee members are appointed by the Committee Chair after approval by the Award Department Chair. New members shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years.

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7. The Committee Chair is appointed by the Chair of the Awards Department after approval by the ExecBoard. The Committee Chair shall serve a term of one year with a maximum consecutive term of four years. Awards Nominations Committee

1. The activity of this Committee, is the solicitation of the membership at large for Society and Institute level award nominations.

2. The Committee shall assist by appropriate means sponsor a workshop session at the Society Annual Meeting to inform technical committees chairs, chapters and other interested persons about the procedures and forms required when submitting candidates for award nominations. This may include, for instance, a workshop session at the Society Annual Meeting or other gathering of IAS members.

3.4.0 Chapters and Membership Department The Chapters and Membership Department shall be responsible for liaison with chapters on administrative matters and shall promote the organization and effective performance of Society Chapters and Society Student Branch Chapters in the Sections and Student Branches of IEEE. The Chair of the Chapters and Membership Department shall be Chair of the Department’s Executive Committee, which shall consist of the Department officers who are the Chairs of the Commitees listed in Section 3.1.3 appointed as Chair of the Chapters Committee, Technical & Professional Outreach Program Committee, Regional Workshop Committee, Leadership Training Committee, Awards Committee, Chapters Electronic Communication Committee, Distinguished Lecturers and Regional Speakers Program Committee, Membership Committee and all Chapter Area Chairs as well as Student Branch Chapter Area Chairs. The Department Executive Committee shall meet at least once a year with allthe Chapter Chairs at a workshop to be held in conjunction with the IAS Annual Meeting.

3.4.1 Chapters and Membership Department Chair’s Responsibilities Refer to IAS Bylaws 2.0.

1. Provide policy and guidance to assure the success of the local chapters and membership development.

2. Establish and maintain effective two-way communication between the IAS and IAS chapters and other members of the Chapters & Membership Department.

3. Monitor chapter operation through a review of committee chair reports, area chair reports and chapter meeting reports.

4. Implement the Outstanding Chapter recognition as well as Chapter and Student Contest program as follows:

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a. Work with the Awards Committee Chair to analyze Chapters activities rating forms for selection of the awards recipients.

b. Work with the Contest Co-Chairs to select the Contest Recipient chapters and individuals.

b. c. Once recipients are chosen, inform the Chair of the IAS Awards Department, the Annual Meeting General Chair, and the Chapter Chair of the selected Outstanding Chapters, and the recipients.

c. d. Present the awards during the awards luncheon at the Annual Meeting. Organize appropriate events to appreciate the Contest Recipients’s work.

5. Maintain the Chapter Officer Chair Database as follows:

a. Send officer data form to all chapter Chairs in January.Work with the Chapter Development Committee and the Student Branch Development Committee to update the Chapter Chair Database according to the MGA Geographic and TAB Rosters continuously.

b. Update the Chapter Officer Chair Database and forward listing to the IAS Administrative Office by February 1st. This list will be used for invitations to the Annual Council Meeting and updating the Society Council membership database

6. Organize and host the IAS Chapters & Membership Department Annual Workshop during the Annual Meeting. Establish a meeting room location and time with the Annual Meeting General Chair early in the year; typically in February, so the information can be included in the Annual Meeting program and the invitation letter. Invitations to chapter and area Chair shall be issued by August June 1st.

7. Maintain and update the Chapter Orientation Package for Chapter Officers on the IAS Chapters and Membership website.

8. Prepare the Chapters & Membership Department operating budget by May 1st.

9. Update the Chapters & Membership Department Strategic Plan annually.

10. 9. As a member of the Executive Board, the Chair shall submit Chapters & Membership Department status reports at the Executive Board Meetings and attend as a member, the Financial Planning and Long Range Planning Committee meetings.

11. 10. Appoint Chapters & Membership Department officers. These include the Chairs of the committees listed in Section 3.1.3 and their program and contest co-chairs.: Chapters Committee Chair, Membership Committee Chair, Technical & Professional Outreach Program Committee Chair, Regional Workshop Committee Chair, Leadership Training Committee Chair, Awards Committee Chair, Chapters Electronic Communication Committee Chair, and Distinguished Lecturer & Regional Speaker Program Committee Chair.

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These selections and appointments shall be made after the new Chapters & Membership Department Chair has been approved by the Society Council and before the start of the new year, in order that the Department membership list referred to in Paragraph 5(b) can be completed.

11. Within the Regions, the Chair of the Chapters & Membership Department shall appoint an Chapters Area Chair and a Student Branch Chapters Area Chairto assist selected Chapter Chairs within the assigned area of the Region.

12. Approve chapter subsidies for technical activities. Having checked and signed the necessary documents, forward them for processing to the IAS Administrative Office.

13. Supervise the Technical and Professional Outreach Program Committee’s programs and contests.

12. 14. Responsible for the content of the Chapter News column in the IA Magazine. Prepare articles and in co-operation with the Printed Publication Co-Chair, encourage Chapters and Area Chairs to prepare write-ups for the Magazine.

3.4.2 Budgeting for Chapters and Membership Department Committees

The Chapters and Membership Department shall include the following committees:

1. Chapters 2. Membership 3. Technical and Professional Outreach Program 4. Regional Workshop 5. Leadership Training 6. Awards 7. Chapters Electronic Communication 8. Distinguished Lecturer & Regional Speaker (DL & RS) Program

Each Committee Chair shall prepare the Committee’s operating budget by April November 15th annually. Each Chair shall provide quarterly activity reports to the Department Chair for inclusion with the Department’s quarterly report to the Society Executive Board.

3.4.3 Chapters and Membership Department Committees Chair Responsibilities Chapters Development Committee Chair

1. Assist and stimulate IEEE Sections to establish and maintain Chapters of the Society.

2. Explore opportunities and initiatives to encourage and facilitate the establishment of new Chapters worldwide by acting as a single point of contact

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for those interested in starting IAS Chapters and by providing active support to those who wish to start the petition process.

3. Develop tools and initiatives for successful Chapter operation

4. Monitor the health of the Chapters and assist in rejuvenation of the Chapters

4. 5. Keep contacts with Chapters Area Chairs.

5. 6. Liaison to the IAS Inter Society Committee

6. 7. Participate in Section Congress Student Branch Development Committee Chair 1. Assist and stimulate IEEE Sections and local Student Branches to establish and

maintain Student Branch Chapters of the Society.

2. Explore opportunities and initiatives to encourage and facilitate the establishment of new Student Branch Chapters worldwide by acting as a single point of contract for those interested in starting IAS Student Branch Chapters and by providing active support to those who wish to start the petition process.

3. Develop tools and initiatives for successful Student Branch Chapter operation.

4. Monitor the health of the Student Branch Chapters and assist in rejuvenation of the Student Branch Chapters.

5. Keep contacts with Student Branch Chapters Area Chairs.

6. Liaison to the IAS Inter-Society Committee.

7. Participate in Section Congress. Membership Development Committee Chair 1. Pursue, plan and implement effective programs aimed toward achieving growth

in IAS membership.

2. Update and distribute the Society Membership Application Information Form and promotional brochure.

3. Update and distribute the Society promotional marketing video.

4. Make membership enrollment appeals at IAS conferences and meetings and in publications appropriate to reach potential members.

5. Stimulate IAS Chapter and IEEE Section membership campaigns with information about the IAS and the benefits of belonging.

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6. Enlist the active participation of specific individuals in Chapters and Sections for the promotion of IAS membership.

7. Maintain contact with IEEE headquarters to obtain ideas, statistics, philosophies and other inputs pertinent to the means of attracting new members and exploit such assistance for the IAS.

8. Monitor Society growth and provide statistics to the Department Chair.

9. Maintain, update and keep track of the Society Membership Display Booth.

10. Assist the Department Chair on special assignments such as promoting the Society. Technical and Professional Outreach Program Committee Chair 1. Frequently contact chapters of the Society to learn of their activities and needs

and relate these findings to the Department Chair and other Committee Chairs.

2. Periodically provide the Editor of the Society Magazine appropriate information about the activities of the chapters to share with the Society membership.

3. In co-operation with Department Chair, conduct the Chapter and Student ContestsCoordinate the activities of the Area Chair, as well as promote and guide Area and Chapter activities in Regions 8, 9 and 10.

4. Encourage Chapter Officers and Members to become pro-active in IAS committees, meetings, working groups and other IAS activities.

5. Conduct the Chapter’s Survey every three years.

6. Assist the Department Chair on special assignments such as promoting the Society. Regional Workshop Committee Chair 1. Promote and coordinate regional technical and leadership workshops for IAS

Chapters worldwide.

2. Encourage and assist Chapters Area Chairs and Chapter Officers in planning and execution of the Regional Wworkshops.

3. Prepare estimates and funding requests for the Regional Wworkshops.

4. Organize the IAS Chapters Annual Coordinate Regional Workshop’s activities with the Leadership Training Committee activitiesprogram planning, registration and reimbursement process.

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5. Provide the Editor of the Society Magazine information about the Rregional chapter Wworkshops and the Annual Workshop to share with the Society membership. Leadership Training Committee Chair 1. Promote, coordinate and execute leadership training for all IAS Chapters

Officers worldwide.

2. Update and Publish training tools such as the Chapters Leadership Manual and the Area Chair Manual for the Society.

3. Coordinate Leadership Training Committee activities with the Workshop Committee activities.

4. Prepare estimates and funding requests for the Leadership Training activities.

5. Provide the Editor of the Society Magazine information about the Leadership Training activities to share with the Society membership. Awards Committee Chair 1. Implement Outstanding Chapter Awards Recognition Program as follows:

a. Send the blank rating sheets to the Area Chairs no later than MayJanuary 15th.

b. Work with the Department Chair on the Outstanding Chapter Awards Recognition Program by correlating the results of the forms submitted by the Area Chairs and determining the award recipients of the Large Outstanding Large Chapter, Small Outstanding Small Chapter, Large Joint Outstanding Large Joint Chapter, Small Joint Outstanding Small Joint Chapter, Outstanding Student Branch Chapter, Outstanding New Chapter, and Continued Performance Outstanding Large Chapter, Continued Performance Outstanding Small Chapter, and Continued Performance Student Branch Chapter.

2. Evaluate need for changes in the awards program and provide recommendations. Chapters Electronic Publications Committee Chair

1. Implement electronic dissemination of information within the Chapters & Membership Department for worldwide use by Chapters.

2. Work with the Department Chair and the IAS Administrative Office to Uupdate and maintain the Chapters & Membership Department web site and its link to the IAS web site.

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3. Update and maintain FTP site associated with WWW pageWork with the Department Chair and Committee Chairs allowing Chapters to download electronic copies of Chapters & Membership Department forms from the Chapters & Membership Department website.

4. Work with the Department Chair to Uupdate and produce a CD-ROM electronic storage media with Chapter & Membership Department publications for distribution to Chapters worldwide.

5. Assist Chapters to set up their own websitesInitiate and develop the formation of virtual chapters in areas where Sections are spread over a large geographical area. Student Branch Chapters Electronic Publications Committee Chair 1. Implement electronic dissemination of information within the Chapters &

Membership Department for worldwide use by Student Branch Chapters.

2. Work with the Department Chair and the IAS Administrative Office to update and maintain the Chapters & Membership Department web site.

3. Work with the Department Chair and Committee Chairs allowing Chapters to download electronic copies of Chapters & Membership Department forms from the Chapters & Membership Department website.

4. Work with the Department Chair to update and produce electronic media with Chapter & Membership Department publications for distribution to Student Branch Chapters worldwide.

5. Assist Student Branch Chapters to se up their own websites. Distinguished Lecturer & Regional SpeakerProminent Lecturer (DL & RSPL) Program Committee Chair 1. Implement and supervise the Society’s Distinguished Lecturer & Regional

SpeakerProminent Lecturer Program.

2. Coordinate the Distinguished Lecturer nomination and selection process every 2 years.

3. Publish and update the DL & RS PL Program Brochure website immediately after the Distinguished Lecturers are appointed.

4. Approve expenditures for Distinguished Lecturer & Regional SpeakerProminent Lecturer presentations.

5. Work with the Department Chair to Mmaintain and update the guidelines for requesting and hosting a DL or RSPL.

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6. Coordinate with Awards Department on preparation of recognition certificates to honor DL’s and/or RS’s PL’s who have completed their term of service.


3.5.0 Education Department 3.5.1 The Zucker Planning Committee is responsible for the financial oversight of the Zucker

endowment funds. The Committee should coordinate its activities with the Student Competition Committee and work with the IEEE IAS Treasurer in monitoring the expenditures of the Zucker distributions.

3.5.2 The Student Competition Committee represents the Education Department in all competitions related to students, for example the Myron Zucker Undergraduate Student Design Competition. These activities should be coordinated with any student programs conducted using funds from the Zucker grants.

3.5.3 The Conference Education Committee considers matters related to all educational activities conducted at IAS conferences, e.g., the tutorials conducted at the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting.

3.5.4 The Asynchronous Education Committee is responsible for developing strategies and pursuing opportunities related to asynchronous learning.

3.5.5 The Workshops Committee considers matters related to targeted workshops and other non-conference synchronous education opportunities.

3.5.6 Concerning the Zucker program, prepare, in collaboration with the treasurer, a written annual report for the IAS President to send to the Executive Committee of the IEEE Foundation. The report will detail the expenditures that IAS authorized during the previous year (including commitments of funds for Student Faculty Grant awards announced in the past year that are to be awarded in the following year) and include a status report on the IAS’s grant-funded activities. It should be prepared by January 1 of each year.



The policies stated in this document apply to tutorials jointly sponsored by a Technical Committee and the Continuing Education Committee. Only these jointly sponsored tutorials are eligible to have IAS tutorial notes published as numbered IEEE Publications for sale through the IEEE Publications Office and to have the tutorial presentations videotaped by IEEE as part of the IEEE Home Video Tutorial (HVT) Program.

The policies are not intended to prevent Technical Committees from sponsoring tutorials

independently of the Education Department at special conferences. However, such independently sponsored tutorials will not be part of the numbered series of IEEE-IAS tutorials available through the IEEE Publications Office or the HVT program. For

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information purposes, the Continuing Education Committee should be informed of these independently sponsored tutorials.

1. Selection of Tutorials. The Conference Education Committee is responsible for

soliciting and selecting the tutorials that will be offered. Potential tutorial organizers may be contacted directly by the Conference Education Committee and/or a general Call for Tutorials may be posted on the IEEE IAS website.

A Tutorial Review Committee of approximately 10-12 individuals will rank the tutorial proposals. The proposals with the highest aggregate rank will be selected for presentation. Prior to sending the tutorials to the review committee for evaluation, input from the sponsoring technical committee will be solicited and appended to the tutorial proposal. (Note that each technical committee will review only those proposals sponsored by the committee.) The input from the sponsoring technical committee should consist of at least a simple ranking of the proposed tutorials; however, comments are encouraged as well. This information will then be used by each member of the review committee as he or she deems appropriate.

2. Publication of Tutorial Notes. All IAS numbered series tutorial notes must:

a. Be sponsored by (a) Technical Committee(s) which assume(s) responsibility for certifying the expertise of the tutorial faculty and the need for a tutorial in the proposed subject area.

b. Be approved by the Conference Education Committee which assumes responsibility for coordinating tutorial presentations to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort and to help assure the overall quality of IAS tutorials.

c. Follow the IAS Author’s Guide and Guide to Procedures for Processing Technical Papers for the published notes to provide uniformity in the IAS numbered series tutorial notes, except that model paper and two-column format are optional. Title page and cover formats will be provided by IEEE Conference Services staff.

3. Videotapes/DVDs. Tutorials will be considered for video capture as part of the HVT series only when presented for the second time and with the recommendation of both the sponsoring Technical Committee(s) and the Asynchronous Education Committee.

4. Tutorial Presentations. The following policies for presentations shall be required:

a. No handwritten view graphs except in response to questions.

b.a. All presentation materials (view graphs, slides) to have copies in the tutorial notes or in supplemental handouts at the presentation.

c.b. Whiteboard presentations to be minimized (primarily in response to questions).

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5. Time Schedule, Tutorial Fees, and Author/Presenter Compensation. The establishment of the time schedule, fees and author/presenter compensation shall be in accord with the following policies:

a. The tutorial fee and time schedule shall be established by mutual consent of the tutorial organizer, the Chair of the Conference Education Committee and the designated representative of the local conference committee at which the tutorial will be presented.

b. The number of copies of the tutorial notes shall be determined by mutual consent of the tutorial organizer, the Chair of the Conference Education Committee.

c. The author/presenter compensation shall be determined by mutual consent of the Chair of the Conference Education Committee and the designated representative of the local conference committee. If it is determined that a flat fee is appropriate, the maximum author/presenter compensation shall be $1,250 for a half-day tutorial and $2,500 for a full-day tutorial. The authors/presenters shall be paid before the end of the conference at which the tutorial is presented. If it is determined that the tutorials should be offered on a revenue-sharing basis, the following policy should be applied: Any net profit above $500 from an individual tutorial will be divided equally between the conference and the tutorial presenter(s). The first $500 net profit will be given in entirety to the tutorial presenters. Net profit means whatever income for an individual tutorial remains after the best possible estimate for tutorial expenses, including audiovisual, food and beverage, and tutorial course material duplication, has been subtracted from the total registration income for the individual tutorial. Any tutorial that does not produce sufficient registration income (based on advance registrations) to offset the expense estimate for that tutorial will be cancelled.

d. The cost of printing and shipping tutorial notes printed by IEEE Conference Services shall be paid by the local conference committee. The authors/presenters shall receive a maximum of ten (10) complimentary copies to be distributed as free copies to persons of their choice (students, colleagues who contributed to preparation of the notes, etc.). At the end of conference sales, the remaining copies of tutorial notes shall be purchased by the IAS and forwarded to IEEE Publications for subsequent sale through IEEE channels. Any income generated by these sales shall be retained by the IAS.

e. For tutorial notes prepared directly by the authors/presenters, the cost of printing and shipping shall be reimbursed by the local conference committee upon receiving original receipts or invoices.

f. The authors/presenters shall be reimbursed for other direct costs (copies, viewgraphs, etc.) mutually agreed upon by the tutorial organizer and the designated representative of the local conference committee.

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g. The Chair of the Conference Education Committee shall have the responsibility of coordinating the payment of tutorial expenses and author/presenter compensation and of reporting on the tutorial program.

6. Cancellation Policy. The following policies for cancellations shall be followed:

a. Tutorial registrants shall receive a full refund of the tutorial fee in the event that a tutorial is cancelled by the local conference committee and the Chair of the Conference Education Committee.

b. A tutorial registrant who cancels two weeks before the tutorial presentation shall receive a full refund of the tutorial fee. After this time, the refund shall be two-thirds of the tutorial fee.

c. A tutorial registrant who fails to attend the tutorial shall not receive a refund.

3.5.8 Expert Now IEEE eLearning

The Education Department provides assistance in the development of Expert Now IEEE eLlearning modules for the IAS. The Asynchronous Education Committee has the primary responsibility for this effort, although other committees, e.g., the Conference Education Committee may be involved as well. The content for Expert Now IEEE eLlearning modules can be drawn from, but not be limited to, IAS tutorials, short courses, the efforts of Working and Advisory Groups, or other IAS activities. Once the topic and developer for a learning module have been identified, they must be approved by the IAS Executive Board before the learning module is developed. Once developed, the learning module will be reviewed by at least three subject matter experts (SMEs) to be selected by the Chair of the Asynchronous Education Committee or Chair of the Education Department. At least one of the SMEs should be recommended by the Paper Review Chair of the Technical Committee most closely associated with the learning module.

3.6.0 Meetings Department

3.6.1 Scope The Meetings Department provides guidance and direction to those responsible for organizing the technical meetings of the Society. It does this by:

1. Approving dates, locations, memoranda of understanding and budgets of technical meetings.

2. Providing a master schedule of all conferences and meetings for the use of the Executive Board and for publication in the IAS Magazine.

3. Providing timely information to IEEE Headquarters and IEEE Technical Activities Conference Services for updating the IEEE Technical Activities Guide, which is published twice yearly, and the meeting schedule published monthly in Spectrum.

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4. Obtaining timely financial reports of all IAS technical meetings and ensuring that loan advances and meeting surpluses are returned promptly to IEEE Headquarters for credit to the IAS account.

5. Submitting meeting status reports at the Executive Board meeting.

6. Coordinating the activities of the Meetings Department with the treasurer and with other department chairs.

With regard to the IAS Annual Meeting, the Meetings Department is responsible for:

1. Obtaining invitations from interested IEEE sections for hosting the IAS Annual Meeting. The meeting invitation must be approved by the Executive Board and should be obtained at least five years in advance of the meeting date.

2.1.Approving the selection of the hotel facilities and terms.

3.2.Assisting the Annual Meeting General Chair in the preparation of meeting plans and budgets.

3.6.2 Meeting Loan Advance Policy If a Technical Meeting requests a loan (seed money) from the IAS, the Meetings Department Chair after reviewing and approving the conference budget, including the loan request, will seek approval from the Executive Board as follows. Meeting loans in amounts above $2000 need to be first approved by the Executive Board. If approved, the treasurer directs IEEE Headquarters to forward the loan advance to the appropriate Technical Meeting and sends a copy of the loan request to the Meetings Department Chair. However, due to the interval between Executive Board meetings, the Meetings Department Chair is authorized to approve meeting loan advances in amounts not to exceed $2,000 per meeting. The Chair directs IEEE Headquarters to forward the loan advance to the appropriate Technical Meeting and sends a copy of the loan request to the Society Treasurer. In that case, the loan advance must be formally approved at the next scheduled Executive Board meeting.

3.6.3 Organizational Structure of Meetings Department Chair, Meetings Department

The Chair of the Meetings Department is a member of the IAS Executive Board and has the authority and responsibility for overseeing and coordinating all functions and operations of the Meetings Department. The purpose of the Meetings Department is to provide assistance in the organization and operation of IAS-sponsored and co-sponsored conferences and meetings. The Chair recommends to the Executive Board the site location for the IAS Annual Meeting. The Chair submits a quarterly report and conference budget requests at each IAS Executive

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Board Meeting, thus keeping the Board informed of all relevant Meetings Department activities, as well as the status of IAS-sponsored and co-sponsored conferences. All outside support-service contracts related to the Annual Meeting are negotiated through the Chair. Technical Program Coordinator DO WE NEED THIS GOING FORWARD?

The Technical Program Coordinator directs and coordinates the activities of the technical support services, on an ongoing basis, and provides assistance to the Technical Committees that hold sessions at the Annual Meeting. The Technical Program Coordinator ensures continuity and consistency in the operation of the Technical Program from year to year. Typical duties include:

1. Maintaining conference records, statistics, and a technical paper data base.

2. Assisting in the development of the Technical Program budget and maintaining budget and cost records.

3.2.Providing editorial support and arranging for the printing and mailing of conference records and programs.

4. Providing a clearing house for authors and technical committees participating in the Technical Program (calls for papers, paper proposals, paper reviews, supply of author’s kitsguides, receipt of author’s papers and copyright forms)., printing arrangements for papers, invoicing authors for over-length papers, issue and receipt of author’s registration forms and fees, etc.

5. Maintaining the Annual Meeting Operations and Planning Guidebook.

6.3.Assisting in meeting publicity. Conference Policies

Share in Surplus or Deficit from IAS Conference: Financially and operationally participating local IEEE entities may provide 33% or less of the total advance funding for a specific conference. Any surplus after return of the advances will be prorated to the joint sponsors in accordance with the percentage contribution made to the total advance. Should losses occur, making full recovery of the advances by the sponsors impossible, partial recovery will be afforded by prorating the loss against the advances in terms of the percent contribution respective to the total advance. In no case will a local entity be liable for any operational losses exceeding the amount of the advance.

The co-sponsorship agreement between the IEEE Industry Applications Society Conference Chair and the Chair of the IEEE local entity shall follow the IEEE Memorandum of Understanding Form contained in the IEEE Technical Meetings Organization Manual, except that the maximum advance allowed from the local entity is 33%.

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Operationally, but not financially, participating local IEEE entities may receive up to 20% of the surplus for a specific conference. The recommendation for the percentage of the surplus must be made by a representative of the IAS entity sponsoring the specific conference and may not be made by a representative of the local IEEE entity. The IAS Meetings Department Chair and the Society Treasurer must approve the recommendation. Conference Etiquette Rules for Vendor Entertainment at IAS Sponsored Conferences

1. Scope

The intent of these rules is to maintain the meeting as a technical conference at a professional level. Vendor participation is encouraged and welcomed, but vendors must emphasize their technical and professional aspects. These entertainment rules are to prevent any conflicts with the conference program, and conduct shall be in accordance with this intent.

2. Hospitality Rooms

a. Vendor hospitality rooms shall be allowed as a means of entertaining customers, making and renewing acquaintances, and for commercial discussions on an individually oriented basis.

b. The IAS encourages all vendor personnel participating in the vendors’ hospitality rooms to be registered attendants at the conference.

c. The principal member responsible for each vendor’s hospitality room shall be a member of IEEE and IAS in good standing.

d.c. Hospitality rooms shall not be open to guests during official conference program hours, as listed in the conference program.

e.d. An attempt should be made to close all hospitality rooms by a reasonable hour so as not to interfere with the following day’s program.

f.e. Hospitality rooms identification will be posted on a bulletin board adjacent to the registration desk. Signs, posters, banners or other material used for promotional purposes shall be approved by the Conference Committee. An identifying sign may be used at the room location if desired.

g.f. Literature and products for demonstration and discussion on a personal and individually oriented basis in hospitality rooms shall be permitted as being consistent with the technical communication objectives of the conference.

h.g.All vendors that are to have hospitality rooms open to general attendance shall give prior notification to the Conference Hotel Arrangements Chair.

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3. Off-Site Events

Events scheduled off-site shall be limited in the number of attendees so as not to adversely impact attendance at other conference events or hospitality rooms. Guidelines for Technical Conferences Held in Conjunction with Other Entities

The IEEE Meetings Organization Manual contains the definitions of conference involvement levels — Sponsorship, Co-Sponsorship, and Technical Co-Sponsorship.

In the case of Technical Co-Sponsorship, the IAS has adopted the following guidelines:

An IAS Committee wishing to conduct a technical conference in conjunction with a non-IEEE entity and desiring IAS IEEE technical co-sponsorship status shall meet the following additional requirements:

1. Submit a written request to the ExecBoard at least one year in advance, giving the full particulars of the conference (date, location, Chair, etc.).

2. Obtain written approval for the conference from the ExecBoard or the Meetings Department Chair, if so designated by the ExecBoard.

3. The technical content of the conference shall be in keeping with the high standards established by the IAS. The technical program shall be established by a committee chaired preferably by an active IAS member. Further, the Chair shall should be a member of the participating committee.

4. Upon completion of the conference, submit a written report on the outcome of the conference to the ExecBoard, with a copy to the Meetings Department Chair. The report shall include a copy of the Conference Record, if such were published.

KLP 2006: Do we need this in P&P (versus IAS Meetings Guide)?

3.7.0 Publications Department The Publications Department shall be responsible for establishing and carrying out publication policies by which the needs of IAS members will be satisfied. It shall monitor and evaluate the Society publications and take action to achieve their optimum effectiveness. It shall prepare and recommend, for adoption by the ExecBoard and the IEEE Publications Board, procedures for the evaluation and acceptance of material for publication. It shall collect and publish such information about Society activities as is considered of significant value.

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3.7.1 Publications Department Chair’s Responsibilities The Publications Department Chair is responsible for implementing the publication policies and procedures approved by the ExecBoard, as given in IAS Bylaw 6.4. Other responsibilities are:

1. Represent the Department at ExecBoard meetings, submitting reports relative to Department operations.

2. Recommend staffing, contract content and honorariums for editors in this Department for ExecBoard approval.

3. Be responsible for the continuity of operations in the Department. This requires an ongoing program of development of individuals trained as backup for key functions.

4. Manage the Transactions and Magazine prize paper selection process.

5. Prepare a draft annual Department budget, and submit it to the IAS Treasurer (usually by May of the preceding year). This budget should include expected page counts for the IAS Transactions and Magazine.

6. Be responsible for efficient liaison with each TechnicalOperating Department Vice Chair – Papers and Associate Editors.

7. Serve as a member of the IAS Financial Planning Committee.

8. Be responsible for, in coordination with the IAS Transactions editor, updating the Author’s Guide and Guide to Procedures for Processing Technical Papers as needed.

9. Represent the society at the annual IEEE Panel of Editors meeting.

10. Manage the online peer review process.

11. Manage selection of magazine advertising representation.

3.7.2 Publications Department Committees The Publications Department shall include the following committees, plus such others as may be established from time to time by the ExecBoard, in accordance with IAS Bylaw 8.2:

1. Transactions Advisory Board 2. Magazine Advisory Board The Transactions Advisory Board shall consist of the Chair of the Publications

Department as Chair, a Vice Chair, other officers and Members-at-Large as required in the treatment of material for publication.

IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 47 of 57 The Magazine Advisory Board shall consist of a Chair, a Vice Chair, other officers and Members-at-Large as necessary. Its responsibility shall be to provide a liaison between the Society at large and the Publications Department and to assist the Editor as required in the treatment of material for publication. The Magazine and Transactions Prize Papers selection process be managed to:

1. Complete selection of prize papers from the pool of papers published in the magazine and transactions for the previous year by June 30 of the following year.

2. This process also selects which IAS papers are to be recommended for appropriate IEEE awards.

3. The timing of the annual Prize Papers Awards selection must allow for the complete selection and preparation of awards process to be finished in time for the awards to be presented at the Society Annual Meeting Awards Luncheon, usually held in October of each year. August 15 is the usual deadline for the notification of the Awards and Recognition Committee of winners.

4. When decisions are reached as to who are the actual winners of the Society Prize Paper Awards, the Department Chair notifies the Awards Department Chair of the names, addresses, phone numbers and titles of the authors of Society Prize Papers. The actual preparation of the awards, the notification of authors and the presentation of the awards is done under the direction of the Society Awards Department.

3.7.3 Procedures for Processing Technical Papers Procedures for processing technical papers submitted to the IAS are described in the Society’s Author’s Guide and Guide to Procedures for Processing Technical Papers for Use in IAS Conferences and Transactions and for the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine. This Guide is hereby incorporated into the Policies and Procedures Manual by reference.

Online Peer Review System: The procedure for submittal of papers for presentation, review and publication shall be managed by online peer review software. Selection and specification of functionality of this software system shall be by the Executive Board based upon recommendation by the Publication Department Chairman. Management and administration of this system will be the responsibility of the Publications Department Chairman.

3.7.4 Other Publications Department Procedures The Editor of the Society Transactions shall be appointed by the ExecBoard on

recommendation of the Chair of the Publications Department. The length of term of appointment, and the amount of the honorarium for services, if any, shall be determined by the ExecBoard. Within the approved publication policies, the Editor shall have the administrative authority for the acceptance of material to be published in the Transactions.

IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 48 of 57 The Editor of the Society Magazine shall be appointed by the ExecBoard on recommendation of the Chair of the Publications Department. The length of term of appointment eligibility for reappointment and the amount of the honorarium for services, if any, shall be determined by the ExecBoard. With the concurrence and approval of the Society President, the Editor of the Society Transactions and the Editor of the Society Magazine may be invited to the Society ExecBoard meetings.

3.8.0 Standards Department

3.8.1 Standards Department Responsibilities: The Standards Department shall be aware of and assess the adequacy of current,

developing and future needs for standards, and influence or implement IAS actions to meet these needs. The Standards Department shall coordinate liaison with standard making and code-

making bodies that affect all aspects of the IAS. The Standards Department shall represent IAS in its relationships with the IEEE

Standards Board.

3.8.2 Standards Department Chair’s Responsibilities: The Chair shall appoint and maintain a list of Department’s Committee Chairs. The Chair shall maintain effective communication with Committee Chairs. The Chair shall maintain a list of liaisons nominated by Technical committees for

membership on Standards Management Committee and communicate that list to the Standards Board. The Chair shall provide policy interpretation and guidance for the operation of the

Standards Department Committees. The Chair shall monitor Operations within the Committees. The Chair shall attend IAS Executive Board Meetings. The Chair shall report on Department Activities in written report to IAS Executive

Board Secretary for each of the IAS Executive Board Meetings. The Cchair shall write and submit a piece for “Standards Department Column” for

each IAS Magazine publication (6 per year). This column can contain ANY

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commentary relating to standards development that the Chair deems appropriate. The column must be submitted three months prior to publication. The Chair shall maintain and update the “Department Orientation Package” for

Committee Chairs. The Cchair shall prepare and submit department budget by May 1st for the

upcoming year.

3.8.3 Standards Department Committees Standards Management Committee The Standards Management Committee (SMC) consists of a delegate (usually

referred to as a “Standards Liaison”) identified from EVERY Technical Committee (TC) under the IAS that develops, maintains, or revises standards. (At the time of this writing, it included the Cement Industry TC, Electric Machines TC, Energy Systems TC, Electrostatic Processes TC, Industrial Automation and Control TC, Industrial Drives TC, Industrial Power Converters TC, Mining Industry TC, Petroleum and Chemical Industry TC, Power Electronics Devices and Components TC, Power System Engineering TC, Pulp and Paper Industry TC, Rural Electric Power TC.). (NOTE: Previously, this was called the Standards Coordinating Committee and was changed to make a clear distinction between the SCC organized under the Standards Association). This committee may serve as Liaisons to the Standards Board. The SMC shall prepare an annual written report to the Standards Department Chair

regarding all IAS Standards activities to include: project status, coordination issues, conflicts, discrepancies, and plans to address outstanding issues. The SMC shall provide coordination and timely response for IAS review of draft

standards submitted by other groups or societies. The SMC shall appoint an “SMC Delegate” to represent the IAS at the IEEE

Standards Board Meetings who shall prepare and submit a written report on Standards Board Meeting Activities and submit it to the SMC Chair and Standards Department Chair. Awards Committee The Standards Awards Committee shall identify and recommend those individuals worthy of awards and recognition for IAS standards activities and recommend IAS recognition and publicity for those who make significant contributions not covered by other awards.

IAS Policies & Procedures Manual Page 50 of 57 ANSI Activities Committee The ANSI Activities Committee shall coordinate all IAS activities related to ANSI, obtain nominations to the ANSI Committee, schedule at least one meeting of IAS-ANSI representatives each year, develop ANSI representative reporting procedures and prepare an annual report on ANSI activities to the SMC and the Standards Department Chair. International Standards Committee IEC and ANSI/USNC Representation Safety Committee The Safety Committee shall represent the Standards Department on all safety-related matters, review standards in regard to safety, coordinate safety matters in IAS through Safety Committee liaison representatives from each Technical Committee, and coordinate and give timely response for IAS review of draft safety standards submitted by ANSI. Mining Safety Standards Committee The Mining Safety Standards Committee shall identify and establish the scope for needed electrical standards for mining and related industries, recommend formation of specific working groups to develop needed standards and the Technical Committees responsible, a co-sponsor action when advisable, and represent IEEE in public hearings considering the adoption of authorized standards. NEC Nominations Committee The NEC Nominations Committee shall obtain nominations for IAS members to serve as IEEE representatives on NEC code-making panels, identify Technical Committees responsible to provide instruction to IEEE representatives, and review all proposed nominations with the appropriate Technical Committee, SMC, and Standards Department Chair.

3.8.4 Standards Department Committee Chair’s Responsibilities:

The Committee Chair shall prepare an annual written report to the Standards Department Chair to outline Major Activities and Initiatives within each of the respective committees.

3.8.5 Consultation with Other Affected IAS and IEEE Components For maximum effectiveness in obtaining useful results from standards activities, it is most important that: Technical Committees and TechnicalOperating Departments involved in standards

activities, such as in making appointments to National Boards (such as NFPA, ANSI and so forth) and on other matters involving mutual interests with the IAS

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Standards Department, should consult first with the SMC Committee Chair and Standards Department Chair to assure best coordination of thoughts and efforts. Likewise, the Standards Department should consult with affected Technical

Committees and TechnicalOperating Departments before they make unilateral appointments or actions where such actions will be of shared concern with other IEEE or IAS components.

3.8.6 Operating Policies and Procedures for IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS) Standards Sponsors

Procedures for developing standards sponsored by IAS entities are described in the Society’s Operating Policies and Procedures for IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS) Standards Sponsors. All society standard sponsors shall follow these policies and procedures. This document is hereby incorporated into the Policies and Procedures Manual by reference.


4.1.0 Constitution and Bylaws Committee The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall consist of a Chair and two other members. It shall investigate all matters related to the recorded laws and regulations of the IA Society. It shall be responsible for editing and coordinating the Constitution, Bylaws and Manuals, and calling to the attention of the ExecBoard any inconsistency between current practice and recorded legal requirements. It shall examine proposals for the amendment of the Society governing documents and recommended final drafts of amendments for adoption by the Council or the ExecBoard. It shall review and approve all policies and Bylaws of the TechnicalOperating Departments and their Technical Committees to insure consistency with those Bylaws.

4.2.0 Financial Planning Committee The Financial Planning Committee shall consist of a Chair and nine members, including the five four Society officers, the Chair of the Publications Department, the Long-Range Planning Committee, the Chapters and Membership Department and the Education Department, and the current Society Past President. The Committee Chair preferably shall be the Society Treasurer. The Committee will recommend to the ExecBoard fiscal policies and procedures that will serve to have the Society maintain a good balance of member and publication services, dues schedule and financial reserve. It will collaborate with the Treasurer in preparing the annual budget and maintain a continuing audit of the Society’s fiscal affairs.

4.3.0 Inter-Society Cooperation Committee The Inter-Society Cooperation Committee shall consist of two executive sub-committees, one to coordinate all IEEE society or entity cooperative initiatives and the other all non-

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IEEE society or entity cooperative initiatives. The Chair may form subcommittees to assist in these activities, if needed. Each sub-committee shall have their own Chair and respective committee members and mutually supportive liaison representatives and advisory committees to handle the affairs of the sub-committee between meetings of the full Committee. The Committee Chair shall be a member of the ExecBoard and will normally serve as IAS liaison to the PELS and IES Executive Adcoms. Committee members shall be appointed by the Chair with recommendations from the Society President and/or the Nominating Committee. The Committee shall be responsible for implementing cooperative initiatives between the IAS and all other IEEE and non-IEEE societies or entities and serve as an advisory group to the ExecBoard on all matters co-related. In addition the Committee shall accept specific projects and/or requests for study made by the Society President. The current Past President shall be a member-at-large of this Committee serving in an advisory role.

4.4.0 Long-Range Planning Committee The Long-Range Planning Committee shall consist of the Committee Chair, the current TechnicalOperating Department Chairs, the OperatingStaff Department Chairs, the Standing Committee Chairs and up to three other members. The Committee Chair shall be the Society Vice President. The Committee shall be responsible for development of the long-range plans and goals of the Society. It shall continuously analyze the Society organization and operations to ensure that they are currently positioned to serve the needs of the membership and developing technology. The Committee shall accept specific projects and/or requests for study made by the Society President. The Committee shall serve as an advisory group to the ExecBoard and shall present its findings and recommendations to the group on a regular basis.

4.5.0 Nominations and Appointmentsng Committee The Nominations and Appointmentsng Committee shall consist of a Chair and four other members. The committee shall study the requirements of offices to be filled and the qualifications of available personnel and recommend suitable candidates for election by the Council or the ExecBoard as required by the IA Society Constitution and Bylaws. In accordance with IEEE Bylaws, the Nominating Committee will recommend to ExecBoard candidates for the office of Divisional Director to be submitted to the Divisional Nominating Committee when requested. It will also recommend candidates to be considered by the IEEE Nominations and Appointments Committee for service on Institute Committees and Board.

The IAS Constitution, section 4.1, lists the members of the Executive Board by office. The Nominating Committee Chair shall provide information on the slate of candidates to the IAS Magazine Editor, by May 15 of each calendar year, for publication (announcement) in the Society Magazine.

4.5.1 Policy Regarding Nominations for Division II Director

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The policy of the Society is to submit a single Division II Director candidate for the IEEE Ballot.

4.6.0 Electronic Communication Committee The Electronic Communication Committee shall consist of a Chair and two other members – a technical web editor responsible for making changes and additions to the society web site and other electronic media, and a content manager responsible for soliciting, editing, and maintaining the unformatted content of the society web site and other electronic media. The committee is responsible for all matters related to the electronic communication and dissemination of information related to the IA Society. The Committee is also responsible for developing and proposing to the board whatever new communication, tools, and new media could be utilized by the society, its committees, and conferences, for sharing and distributing information to members and other interested individuals, and to advertise the society and its activities (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).


5.1.0 Funding of Committee Expense 1. The IAS must practice restraint in the expenses allowed Technical and Standing

Committees. A policy that would have the IAS reimburse committees for postage, telephone, secretarial, duplication, and possibly even travel expense, would indeed be expensive and difficult to control. It is the practice and tradition that these types of expenses, whether of small or moderate proportions, normally be the responsibility of the committee members or their employers.

2. Expenses of these types incurred in connection with a conference, tutorial, or any other IAS educational activity where a registration fee is to be collected, may be charged to that activity and if so, shall be included in its budget.

3. Unusual and non-recurring expenses and certain once-a-year expenditures will be considered and may be funded by the Society by appropriate and timely provision in the budget. Such expense would be the type usually connected with a project undertaken by the Committee, a sub-committee, working group or task force. The need for funds of this nature should be anticipated, the amount determined well in advance of the project implementation, and a request submitted to the ExecBoard through the Chair of the Department. The written request should include information and details adequate to describe the need and justify the amount. The ExecBoard will consider the request and act consistently with the objectives of the IAS.

Where the action is favorable to the request, provision for the funding will be made in the IAS budget. The funds will be disbursed upon requests sent to the IAS Treasurer. Where the ExecBoard’s action is unfavorable to the request, the ExecBoard may propose and recommend alternate solutions.

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4. Expense that is incurred without prior approval of the ExecBoard will not be paid or reimbursed by the IAS.

5. It is not the intent of the IAS, by this policy, to limit the quantity, quality or caliber of the work of its committees. Rather, it is in the endeavor to achieve better planning and control of the operating budget, with the prime objective being to maximize the total IAS activity within a balanced budget.

5.2.0 Guide for Department Expenditures 1. The general philosophy governing allocation and disbursement of IAS funds for the

activities of the TechnicalOperating Departments, Technical Committees and OperatingStaff Departments will be as presented in the Funding of Committee Expense — Section 5.1.0, IEEE IAS Policy and Procedures Manual.

2. Each TechnicalOperating Department shall prepare a budget consisting of:

a. Specific project items

b. Discretionary account (miscellaneous, general items)

Part (a) requires documentation in detail for each project; Part (b) does not. The budgets will be submitted annually for ExecBoard approval by May of each year. Discretionary account expenditures must be for items consistent with guidelines set forth in this document. When disbursements are made, the Department Chair will approve and forward the voucher or invoice to the Society Treasurer with the request to reimburse the individual or pay the invoice. The voucher or invoice shall contain sufficient detail to ascertain the appropriateness of the expenditure.

At year’s end the IAS Treasurer’s records will show the extent of usage of Parts (a) and (b) of the budget by each department. Authorized expenditures under the Discretionary Account will not run from year to year, but will expire at the year’s end.

3. IAS support of department and committee operating expenses will always favor projects which are of the most value to the IAS, IEEE, the engineering profession and the public. Studies which enhance the development and dissemination of engineering knowledge are encouraged. Disbursement of IAS funds for the routine activity of a department or committee may at times be necessary, but requests for such disbursements will be considered only for unusual circumstances. A request for funds by a committee should be made in advance and always through the departmental officers.

4. Certain committee expenses relating to technical editing of publications are budgeted to the IAS by the IEEE under existing IAS and IEEE budgetary provisions.

4.5.When disbursements are made, the Deapartment Chair will approve the voucher or invoice. If the expenses are budgeted and less than $5000 the voucher or invoice can

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be sent directly to the IAS Administrator with the request to reimburse the individual or pay the invoice. For other expenses the voucher or invoice is to be sent to the Society Treasurer for approval before being sent to the IAS Admistrator. The voucher or invoice shall contain sufficient detail to ascertain the appropriateness of the expenditure.

5.6.Prior to incurring an expense above $25,000, the expenditure should be evaluated by the Society Treasurer to verify the source of funding in the budget. This review will assist in the timely processing and reimbursement of the expense. This review applies to a single event or one time expense items and is not required for budgeted honorariums or expenses covered by society agreements.

6.7.Other kinds of expenses that may be authorized by the ExecBoard are described in the

following paragraphs. Provisions for such expenditures should be anticipated and included in the department’s annual budget submitted to the ExecBoard.

a. The cost of technical project surveys, standards preparation and similar items

Here, the approval consideration will be on the usefulness of the work to the members of the IAS or to the IEEE and only to the extent that such costs cannot reasonably be assumed by employers or committee members.

b. The cost of a meeting room for a yearly meeting of the committee where such meeting is not part of a conference.

c. Financial assistance to permit performance of committee activities by the Chair or member who performs some essential committee task and who is in one of the following categories: retired, self-employed without any supporting organization and/or working in a firm where such support is not permissible or feasible.

Here the consideration is that the member is not in a position to bear such expenses or that it would be unreasonable to do so. Such assistance will be limited to: stationery, postage, telephone, duplicating services, limited typing services (only for standards, recommended practices, etc.)

An example of such reimbursement might be to a consultant operating in a one- or two-person organization who was by reason of past performance the obvious choice for sub-committee Chair.

d. The ExecBoard will not authorize funds for travel expenses or meals in conjunction with any of the above activities.

5.3.0 Financing of Awards 1. Society Awards

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It is the policy of the IAS that costs of Society awards shall be paid by the Society. The following awards are included in this category:

Outstanding Achievement Award Distinguished Service Award Society Prize-Paper Awards (1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes and Honorable Mention) Outstanding Chapter Awards

Funds for these awards shall be included in the Society budget as part of the Awards Department budget.

The normal procedure will be for the Chair of the Awards Department to arrange for these awards and send any invoices to the Society Treasurer, who will authorize payment. If, in an emergency, the Chair and the Awards Committee request the Annual Meeting Committee to pay any of these costs, the Annual Meeting Finance Chair should request the reimbursement of these items from the Society Treasurer.

2. TechnicalOperating Department and Technical Committee Awards

It is the policy of the IAS that costs of awards, including prize-paper awards, sponsored by TechnicalOperating Departments and Technical Committees of the Society, shall be covered by one of the following sources.

a. If the TechnicalOperating Department or Technical Committee sponsors its own Technical Conference, the costs of awards presented at that conference may be paid from the funds of that conference.

b. If the TechnicalOperating Department or Technical Committee has no conference of its own or chooses not to fund its awards from conference funds, the cost shall be covered by thet Department’s or Committee’s operating budget and funds should be requested when the annual budget submittal is made.

The sum of the monetary awards is currently limited to $81,000 per year per committee (except the Ralph Lee award from I&CPS at $1,000). In no case will TechnicalOperating Department or Technical Committee awards be funded by the IAS Annual Meeting. ARE THESE AMOUNTS STILL ACCURATE?

3. Definition of Costs

For purposes of the policy, “costs of awards” will include the following items:

a. Any monetary awards made to the recipient.

b. Cost of any statue, plaque, certificate or any other physical sign of recognition presented to the recipient. This includes any cost for framing or otherwise mounting certificates. It also includes any cost of shipping these items from their point of origin to their point of presentation.

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c. Cost of forwarding any of the above items to a recipient who is not present at the presentation to receive the award.

d. Costs of such items as correspondence or telephone calls required in the process of selecting the recipient of an award, if reimbursement is required from IAS for these items.

5.4.0 Travel Reimbursement 1. Travel reimbursement, when authorized, shall be in accordance with IEEE Policies

11.6 – Business Expense Reporting.

2. Travel Assistance for Members of the Executive Board

It shall be the policy of the IA Society to financially supplement the airline ticket costs for members of the executive board from Regions 8, 9 and 10 traveling to ExecBoard meetings. This supplement shall cover the airline ticket coach fare above $500, reasonable travel and hotel expenses excluding meals. Where appropriate, travel expenses will only be eligible for reimbursement in cases where an individual does not otherwise participate in the activity which is serving as a “host” to the Board meeting. Travel must be in accordance with IEEE travel policies. Each board member has a travel allowance up to a maximum of $34,000 per year for members from IEEE Regions 1-7 and $6,000 per year for members from IEEE Regions 8-10..

IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review New Orleans, LA, January 2012

IAS Society Review

Bruno Lequesne January 2012

IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review New Orleans, LA, January 2012

Society review

• Happens every 5 years

• General audit by IEEE of each society

• IAS scheduled for June, 2012

• Process: – Step 1: IAS receives a form from IEEE (soon) – Step 2: IAS fills out form – Step 3: Meeting with review board at TAB meeting in June – Step 4: Feedback and comments from review board – Step 5: Response from IAS and Action Items

• Publications go through a separate audit (scheduled for February 2012)

IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review New Orleans, LA, January 2012

Our process • Lynda and Bruno will start the process

– Copy and paste from 2007 version, fill in the obvious

• Department chairs will need to contribute for their area of interest – Conference, Treasurer, Membership, Past President

(governance), Vice-President (strategic plan) etc – IEEE staff and Lynda will help with gathering data and editing – Once draft is ready, comments solicited from all board members

• Your timely help is critical

• Expect emails! Reminder emails!

IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review New Orleans, LA, January 2012

From Table of content (2011 version)

1. Society Review Committee Summary Comments 2. Society Comments 3. Purpose of Society (Field of Interest) 4. Strategy and Operations • Society Strategic Plan • Society Operations Plan 5. Conferences, Publications, and Education

IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review New Orleans, LA, January 2012

From Table of content (2011 version)

6. Membership • Membership Data • Membership Recruitment and Retention • Volunteerism and Society Leadership • Member Recognition • Member Feedback • Society Communications 7. Finance • Budgeting Process • Society Reserves and Watch List

IEEE-IAS Board Meeting

IAS Society review New Orleans, LA, January 2012

From Table of content (2011 version)

8. Governance • Governing Documents and Compliance • Administrative Committee/Board of Governors • Relationship with IEEE • Technical Committees 9. Previous Review

10. Society Successes

1 Motion from the CMD to approve an edition to the IAS Bylaws, paragraph 1.3.5. The existing text “Only Senior Members and Fellows are eligible for election or appointment to certain Society offices, as provided in the Constitution and these Bylaws” should be extended with the following sentence “Exceptions are 33% of the Members-at-Large positions to represent the student activities for that Graduate Student Member grade or Member grade IAS members are eligible.” Background

According to the Summary of Duties of Members-at-Large “Members-at-Large should bring balance to the Executive Board by championing the interests of technical and/or geographical segments of the Society that are not otherwise represented on the board”. Fact is that balancing is necessary not only between technical and/or geographical segments but also between the different kinds of members´ activity. Following the trends of the chapter activity, young members need getting more responsibility in the EB but currently they are practically excluded from it because of being non-senior members and non-fellows.

Motion from the CMD to approve an edition to the IAS Policy and Procedures Manual, paragraph The existing text “In selecting the recipient, the Committee shall consider contributions of the nominee to IAS through authorship of technical papers, IAS chapter leadership, IAS committee work, conference leadership and standards working groups.” should be extended with the sentence “The IAS chapter or IAS Student Branch Chapter leadership is a necessary condition being selected for the recipient.” Background

The Outstanding Young Member Award has should emphasize the chapters and membership activities. The large amount of articles should not have priority over the more difficultly measurable leadership activity.

Motion from the CMD to approve launching the IAS CMD Undergraduate Student Thesis Contest. Background

Inspired by the success of the Graduate Student Thesis Contest which was launched in 2011, there is a big interest in launching also an undergraduate thesis contest. The majority of the student grade IAS members are undergraduate students. To give equal chance to participants from different regions, we accept all academic first grade thesis works for the contest. The first year´s experiments will be evaluated and decision of continuing or cancelling will be made at the Annual Workshop 2012. The contest is regulated by its bylaws and procedure guidelines, and will be led by a co-chair of the CMD Technical and Professional Outreach Committee.

4 Motion from the CMD to approve launching the IAS CMD Students in Engineering Design Contest. Background

The aim of the contest is to design “working equipment” in the field of the scope of IAS to enhance the practical engineering design skills. The first year´s experiments will be evaluated and decision of continuing or cancelling will be made at the Annual Workshop 2012. The contest is regulated by its bylaws and procedure guidelines, and will be led by a co-chair of the CMD Technical and Professional Outreach Committee.

5 Motion from the CMD to approve organizing a Student Contest Session at the Annual Meeting 2012 embedded into the technical program, and scheduled on Monday afternoon after the Zucker Luncheon, with the duration of 4.5 hours. Background

In 2012, the following student contests - Graduate Students´ Master Thesis Contest - Undergraduate Students´ Thesis Contest - Students in Engineering Design Contest will be organized with three recipients each. For providing appropriate frame for introducing the contest winners and their works the Student Contest Session with the duration of 9x30 min, total 4.5 hours, is necessary. An appropriate venue will be a session after the Zucker Luncheon in the same room. The first year´s experiments will be evaluated and decision of continuing or cancelling will be made at the Annual Workshop 2012.

6 Motion from the CMD to approve supporting the following conferences by the CMD Conference Support Program 2012

- IAS Electrical Safety Workshop, Daytona Beach, FL, USA, Jan 31-Feb 3, http://www.ewh.ieee.org/cmte/ias-esw/AboutESW.html

- IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Orlando, FL, USA, Feb 5-9, http://www.apec-conf.org/

- IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference (IEVC), Greenville, SC, USA, Mar 4-8, http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/conferencedetails/index.html?Conf_ID=19462

- 13th Int. Conf. on Optimization of El. and El. Equipment (OPTIM), Romania, May 24-26, http://www.info-optim.ro/index.php

- IEEE Transportation Electrification Conf. and Expo (ITEC), Dearborn, MI, USA, Jun 18-20, http://itec-conf.com/

- XXth Int. Conf. on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Marseille, France, Sep 2-5 http://www.icem.cc/2012/

- Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Raleigh, NC, USA, Sep 15-20 http://www.ecce2012.org/

- Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conference (PCIC), New Orleans, LA, Sep 24-26, http://ewh.ieee.org/soc/ias/pcic/index.html

- IAS Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA, Oct 7-11, http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/ias/2012/call_for_papers.htm

The volunteers for serving at the IAS booth will be selected by local sections, or chapters, or the CMD. The economic class air fare round trip, conference registration, hotel, ground transportation at the conference venue, visa expenses, and meals which are not included in the conference registration, except meals during the travel, will be reimbursed. Background

Continuing and extending the CMD Conference Support Program was launched in 2011, mainly student volunteers, if applicable those who present papers or give lectures, serve in the IAS booth (i.e. at the information desk) providing printed and verbal IAS technical and membership information.

7 Motion from the CMD to approve co-operation between CMD and the IPCSD for selecting the IAS student member participants in that way that IAS student grade members and at equal credentials, active SB chapter members should be preferred for receiving the IAS travel grant . Background

The consortium IAS/PELS/PSMA provides travel grants up to $1000 for ~30 students to attend APEC. The financial participation of IAS is 33%. IAS and PELS provide travel grants up to $500 for ~50 students to attend ECCE. The financial participation of IAS is 50%. For the travel grants students are eligible who are enrolled in power electronics program (APEC) and are IEEE members (ECCE), respectively, but IAS student membership is not required. The travel grant has been advertised only on the conference websites. CMD requires that the IAS supported students i.e. at least 33% at APEC and 50% at ECCE should be IAS student members. At equal credentials, members of active SBCs should be preferred. In addition, the student travel program and the application form should be advertized at the SB chapters directly. For organizing these activities, the Non-CMD Student Travel Program Co-chair of the TPOPC has been appointed by the CMD chair.

8 Motion from the CMD to approve the following appointments of the CMD chair: - Johanna Lizeth Vega Medina (Colombia), CMD TPOP Committee, Undergraduate

Student Thesis Contest Co-chair - Taqua Salaheldin Khairy (Bahrain), CMD TPOP Committee, Students in Engineering

Design Contest Co-chair - Beáta Polgári (Hungary), CMD TPOP Committee, Non-CMD Student Travel Program

Co-chair - Luigi Parise (Italy), SB IAS Chapters Area Chair R-8 - Noemi Azucena Cruz Suares (Ecuador), SB IAS Chapters Area Chair R-9 - Srikanth Vasudevan Pillai (India), SB IAS Chapters Area Chair R-10


Launching two new contests and one new program, as well as the enhanced SBC development in the IEEE Regions 8, 9, and 10 have made the appointments necessary.

10 Motion from the CMD to approve simplification of the registration process for the Annual Meeting´s Chapter Workshop. The registration should be made in the web and handled as an additional conference event with a registration fee of US$50 by using the cancellation policy of the Annual Meeting Conference. The sum of the registration fees will be considered as a part of the Annual Meeting´s income. The fee of US$50 will be reimbursed together with the conference registration fee from the CMD budget for those chapter representatives who participate in the Workshop. Background

The registration was made earlier by the CMD WS Committee chair. It caused a lot of administrative work and frequent communication with Courtesy Associates. This process will be strongly simplified through the web registration.

9 Motion from the CMD to approve a three-page-volume instead of the currently available two pages for the Chapter News Column in the IA Magazine. Background

The available two pages can´t cover the publication demand of the CMD and the chapters. Currently, the manuscripts for the magazine issues Mar/Apr, May/June and July/Aug have been already filled, but nevertheless four other articles and chapter reports are queuing for publication. The enhanced activity of the CMD and the chapters require more publication space.

MOTION FROM PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT “Move to establish the terms of office for the Editor in Chief of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and of IEEE Industry Applications Magazine to be four years, with the option of reappointment for a second four year term. This action is aligned with IAS Policies & Procedure Manual, Section 3.7.4” Background: For many years, the practice has been for these terms to be for three years, with the option of reappointment for a second three year term. This motion is to align IAS practice with the common practice in other IEEE Societies. The Publications Department has reviewed our governing documents, including Constitution, Bylaws and Policies & Procedures manual. The only documentation regarding terms of office for the EiCs is in section 3.7.4 in the Policies & Procedures manual, shown here:

3.7.4 Other Publications Department Procedures The Editor of the Society Transactions shall be appointed by the ExecBoard

on recommendation of the Chair of the Publications Department. The length of term of appointment, and the amount of the honorarium for services, if any, shall be determined by the ExecBoard. Within the approved publication policies, the Editor shall have the administrative authority for the acceptance of material to be published in the Transactions. The Editor of the Society Magazine shall be appointed by the ExecBoard on

recommendation of the Chair of the Publications Department. The length of term of appointment eligibility for reappointment and the amount of the honorarium for services, if any, shall be determined by the ExecBoard

The Publications Department suspects the existing practice for term limits for EiCs is documented somewhere in Board Meeting minutes. Lynda Bernstein and Lanny Floyd, EiC, IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, have reviewed IAS documents and meeting minutes and have not found reference to any action establishing the exiting term limits. If this motion is approved, the Publications Department suggests the term be documented as a footnote to the P&P manual section above, perhaps with this language:

Note: At the 1Q2012 meting, the IAS executive Board established the term limits to be four years, with option for reappointment for a second four year term.

Hubble Anthology: 20 years of Astronomy with HST

Orbiting high above the turbulence of the earth’s atmosphere, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is providing breathtaking views of astronomical objects never before seen in such detail. The steady images allow this medium-size telescope to reach the faintest galaxies ever seen by mankind. Some of these galaxies are seen as early as 2 billion years after the Big Bang in a 13.7 billion year old universe. HST has provided dramatic advances in all fields of Astronomy and Astrophysics since its launch in April 1990. Servicing by the Space Shuttle has allowed correction of the optics and installation of new state-of-the-art instruments over the 20 years the telescope has been in orbit. The last servicing mission (STS-125) has upgraded the telescope to an unprecedented level with two new scientific instruments and repairs to STIS and ACS making them fully functional. Sixty six years ago Joseph Lisle Woods in Baltimore began observing with his new 12-inch telescope. The brass clock drive kept the telescope tracking at the star rate. The rotating dome was a curiosity for the mail man because the slit was in a different position every morning. Joe invited a neighbor, me, 8-year-old Johnny Wood, to come look at the moon, Mars and nebulae. Need I say that I was enthralled by the beauty of the objects we could see? So enthralled was I that I made a life commitment to study the stars. Now, after 20 years of successful operations in space, the HST has provided me with another discovery: the meaning of objects in the sky. An Anthology of some of the most beautiful images will demonstrate the power and utility of the HST. I hope that you will leave with a greater understanding of the meaning of the images. July, 2011 H. John Wood, Ph.D. Optics Lead Engineer Hubble Space Telescope NASA Goddard Space Flight Center



President Elect

Blake Lloyd Iris Power

3110 American Drive Mississauga, On

Canada blloyd@irispower.com

Jan 26, 2012

Attention: IAS Executive Board Members Subject: Report to Executive Board Location: New Orleans

2012 Annual Meeting

• The meeting will be held at the Flamingo Hotel, October 7-11, 2012 • A shell Web site up with hotel information, dates, Call for papers • Tool (Open Conference Hosting Service) purchased to facilitate Industrial Automation

and Control doing web based paper submission for review for presentation – will evaluate for future years for other committees.

• Format change – Keynote not Plenary. Gives more time on Monday for Zucker Lunch and squeeze in Technical Committee meetings.

• See attached outline of NASA speaker Hubble talk • Technical tour – CMD to Hover Dam on Sunday • Advertising – first email blast after this meeting • Next big steps are to get registration web site up - this year Credit Card authorization

should not hold us up. PES Liaison

• Attended PES GovBoard meeting in Anaheim CA in January. Trip report provided to President – PES continues with many new initiatives.

Survey On New Joint Publication

• PELS and IAS decided to survey members on potential new joint publication of papers out of ECCE. Survey was created and sent – we had 603 respondents. Survey results attached.

Respectfully submitted, Blake Lloyd IEEE/IAS President Elect


PID 1st Quarter Report

IAS Board Meeting New Orleans, LA January 30, 2012

Rod Simmons, Senior Member IEEE Process Industries Department Chair

IEEE Industry Applications Society Buzzi Unicem USA Inc. 100 Brodhead Rd.

Bethlehem, PA 18088 Phone:610-882-5020, Fax: 610-997-5920

Cell: 484-894-9134, Email: roderick.simmons@buzziunicemusa.com


• ESW – DAYTONA BEACH – JAN 31 – FEB 3 • CIC - SAN ANTONIO - MAY 13 – 17 • PCIC – NEW ORLEANS – SEP 24 - 26 • P&P – PORTLAND – JUNE 17 - 21 • METALS – LAS VEGAS – OCT 7 - 11 • MINING – LAS VEGAS – OCT 7 – 11


Last 12 Months Performance

Total Submissions

Average First Decision, days

Average Final Decision, days

Recent Submissions

Average First Decision, days

Average Final Decision, days

Process Industries Department Cement Industry Committee

Metals Industry Committee 33 102 102 9 + 57 72

Mining Industry Committee 37 122 125 11 184 173

Petroleum and Chemical Industries Committee 140 151 178 71 123 103

Pulp & Paper Industry Committee 78 34 34 50 + 39 39


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R E P O RT I N G R E F E R E N C E P E R I O D : Q 4 - 2 0 11 ( S e p t e m b e r – D e c e m b e r )

P R E S E N T E D AT: Q 1 - 1 2 e x e c u t i v e b o a r d m e e t i n g ( N e w O r l e a n s , J a n . 2 8 t h , 2 0 1 2 )

P R E S E N T E D B Y: P r o f G e o r g e s Z i s s i s , M S D A D C h a i r m a n

g e o r g e s . z i s s i s @ l a p l a c e . u n i v - t l s e . f r



D o c u m e n t f o r A p p r o v a l , D i f f u s i o n l i m i t e d t o I A S E x e c u t i v e B o a r d

MSDAD Roster

Department officers Chairman: Prof Georges Zissis (U. Toulouse 3 – France) Vice-Chair: Prof Ahmad Rubaai (Howart University - USA)

Technical Committees & Officers Electrostatic Process Committee (EPC)

Chair– Akira Mizuno, VC– Rajesh Sharma, S– Angela Antoniu Industrial Automation and Control Committee (IACC)

Chair –M. Nasir Uddin, VC–Abdul Ofoli, S– Ben. Blunier Industrial Lighting and Display Committee (ILDC)

Chair – Sounil Bhosle, VC – Ray-Lee Lin, S– Kayo Suzuki Appliance Industry Committee (AIC): Suspended

FY11-Publication Activity (1)

EPC Assoc. Editor: Kazimierz Adamiak

Summary since May 08

Pending Manuscripts More than 90 days : 3 papers • Make recommendation: 3 Less than 90 days: 10 papers

FY11-Publication activity (2)

IACC Assoc. Editors: A. Rubaai, J. Mazumda, B. Nahidmobarakeh,W. Qiao

Summary since May 08

Pending Manuscripts More than 90 days : 4 papers • Make recommendation: 1 • Awaiting Reviewer Scores: 3 Less than 90 days: 14 papers

FY11-Publication Activity (3)

ILDC Assoc. Editor : Pr. FP. Dawson

Summary since May 08

Pending Manuscripts More than 90 days : 4 papers • Assign Reviewers: 1 • Select Reviewers: 2 • Awaiting Reviewer Scores: 1 Less than 90 days: 2 papers

+ 4 Papers published in IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology (special issues following IAS:10 meeting)

Performance indicators

Manufacturing Systems and Application Development Department Industrial Automation and Control Committee 129 132 201

76 + 97 214 Electrostatic Processes Committee 158 85 222 60 + 86 153

Industrial Lighting and Displays Committee 47 57 130 28 + 85 153 Appliance Industry Committee N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Total IAS Performance 1742 101.0 609 85.9

All Time PerformanceAverage First

Decision, daysAverage Final Decision, days

Recent Submissions

Average First Decision, days

Total Submissions

Last 12 Months PerformanceAverage Final Decision, days

Unique submissions since the inception of S1M in IAS in June 2008. Does NOT

include resubmission of revised manuscripts.

Time from initial submission to the initial decision by the

Committee. This time is totally under Committee

control. The target in IAS is 90 days for post-presentation submissions, or two weeks following presentation for

pre-presentation submissions

Time from initial submission to the point when the final

decision to either accept or reject the paper is recorded. This time is not totally under

Committee control. The IEEE target is 365 days.

Unique submissions within the last 12

months. Indicates current level of activity

of the Committee.

Time from initial submission to the initial decision by the Committee. Green shading

indicates that the recent performance of the

Committee is an improvement over its historical

performance. A + indicates that the recent performance of the Committee is contributing to improvement in the overall

IAS metric.

Time from initial submission to the point when the final decision

to either accept or reject the paper is recorded. This time is

not totally under Committee control. The IEEE target is 365


From D. Kankam Q3-11 report

IAS:11 Meeting activity (1)

ILDC # Technical sessions 4+1 special

Av. Attendance/session 10-15

# Papers Submitted 25

# Papers Accepted 25

# Absent papers 2 (8%)

Session Country Distribution






Session Country Distribution



Session Country Distribution





Note: Since 2009 ILDC experienced switching every second year between IAS meeting and ECCE. In 2011 ILDC decided to abandon this practice and stay with IAS annual meeting. A “liaison” representative with ECCE will proposed

IAS:11 Meeting activity (2)

IACC Papers from 14 different countries (Egypt, Japan, India, China, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia, USA, Canada, Spain, France, Italy, and Brazil).

# Technical sessions 8

Av. Attendance/session 20

# Papers Submitted 63

# Papers Accepted 52 + 1 plenary

# Absent papers 0

IAS:11 Meeting activity (3)

EPC # Technical sessions 5

Av. Attendance/session 20-25

# Papers Submitted 31

# Papers Accepted 30 (7 invited)

# Absent papers 1

Attendees from 7 countries

Other meetings activities

IACC Electric Process Heating sub-committee Organization of an half-day Session at the IEEE Energy

Conversion Congress and Exhibition (ECCE-11) at Phoenix: Session: Power Semiconductors: Thermal Management Chair: Adam Skorek, University of Québec, Canada #Papers: 4 France : 3 Netherlands: 1

Promotional activity: Awards (1)

ILDC – Best IAS:11 meeting paper (Chair. Tbd)

1st Award ($500): Ray Gibson Philips Lighting USA

2nd Award ($300): X.H. Tao and S.Y.R. Hui, City University of Hong Kong, PRC

3rd Award ($200): Arnold Wilkins, Jennifer Veitch and Brad Lehman Northeastern University, USA

Promotional activity: Awards (2)

IACC – Best IAS:11 meeting paper (Chair. MD. Kankam)

1st Award ($500): Peng Zhao, Siddharth Suryanarayanan, and M. Godoy Simões

ACEPS, Colorado School of Mines, USA

2nd Award ($300): Pierre Magne, Babak Nahid-Mobarakeh and Serge Pierfederici, University of Nancy, France

3rd Award ($200): Pinaki Mitra and Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy University of Missouri Rolla, USA

Promotional activity: Awards (3)

EPC – Award Committee Chair: Kelly Robinson

2010- James R. Melcher Award

3 recipients, announced Q3-11

Creativity and Innovation Award 3 recipients, announced Q3-11

Significant Achievements

EPC Prof. William Greason (Univ. Western Ontario, Canada) was

unanimously nominated by EPC for Service Award.

IACC Prof. A. Rubaai, past MSDAD Chair, rec’d the “Robert G. Quinn

Award” at ASEE Annual Conf. in Vancouver, BC – “Outstanding Contributions to the Development of Laboratory-Based Hands-On Experience through Case Studies, Software and Laboratory Hardware on the Enhancement in Engineering Education”


Best Practices identified (1)

Invited speakers (High level or/and selected subjects) ILDC: Special session in IAS annual meeting EPC: Invited talks within the sessions IACC: Plenary talk in IAS:11

ILDC– Preselected papers proposed also to IEEE/OSA JTD

An IAS is co-sponsoring IEEE society for JTD

IACC- Would increase number of Associated Editors for speeding-up publication process

3-level awards for papers presented in TC meetings IACC: Gordon Slemon award (year n-1) EPC: James R. Melcher Award (IAS:11) ILDC: IAS:11-best paper award

Other awards EPC: Creativity and Innovation Award IACC: Exemplary contribution(s) in industrial automation and control

Best Practices identified (2)

IACC – Online paper submission (from 2012)


IACC Electric Process Heating sub-committee experiment facebook communication


Growth & Development

IAS:12 Annual meeting All committees plan sessions (paper call is out) IACC- Electric Process Heating sub-committee would organize a dedicate session ILDC- Request an IAS:12 plenary talk slot on Display Technology ILDC- Will most probably propose a tutorial session on Solid State Lighting power

supplies. Other meetings planned

IACC- INDUSCON’12 – Fortaleza, Brazil, October 29-30, 2012 Permission to list INDUSCON as IEEE conference Agreement for IACC to review papers for TIAS

EPC – 2012-Electrostatic Society of America Annual Meeting, Cambridge, ON, Canada, June 12 – 14, 2012 MOU between IAS and ESA

ILDC- 13th International Symposium on Science & Technology of Lighting Systems, Troy NY, June 2012 Permission to use IEEE/lAS logo and list LS:13 as IEEE cosponsored event Agreement for ILDC to review papers for TIAS Sponsor a high level lecture (travel expenses)

MSDAD Budget request for 2012

ILDC, IACC, EPC- IAS:12 paper awards: $3,000 ($1000/TC)

IACC- IAS:12 online review support: $500

ILDC- LS:13 High level speaker sponsoring: $1,500 EPC- IAS:12/ESA:12 High level speaker sponsoring: $1,500 ILDC- IAS:12 Student fellowships/awards: $1,000

Departm: Communication and promotion activities: $1,000

Some proposals for actions

Sending regular reminders for IAS meeting calls Increasing advertisement in IEEE publications (Magazine, web

etc.) Generalizing online IAS:annual meeting review process Reviewing & if possible standardizing paper award practices Student awards for attracting young scientists to IAS meetings Board should strongly support our active members when they are

nominated for IEEE senior member or Fellow grade elevation especially when proposed by TCs and/or Departments

What about Appliance Industry Committee (AIC) ? Updating IAS web: http://ias.ieee.org/ias-department-and-


IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department

Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department (IPCSD)

2012 First Quarter Report

IAS Board Meeting January 29-30, 2012

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department

Outline • Officers 2012-2013 • Transactions Paper Review Data • Committee Report • Joint Transactions with PE • Matters Arising • Conclusions


IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department

IPCSD Organization 2012-2013

• Chair: Joseph Ojo • Vice-chair : Avoki Omekanda • IPCC chair: Lixiang Wei • IDC chair: Annette Muetze • EMC chair: Aldo Boglietti • PEDCC chair: Adam Konopka • Awards: Peter Wung • Websites and Communications: Rob Cuzner • Nominating: Giovanna Oriti


IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Committee Organization 2012-2013 Electric Machine Committee (EMC) Chair : Aldo Boglietti Italy Vice Chair : Mircea Popescu UK Secretary : Andy Knight Canada Past Chair : Avoki Omenkanda USA Industrial Drive Committee (IDC) Chair : Annette Muetze Austria Vice Chair, Paper Review : Yen-Shin Lai Taiwan Vice Chair, Programs : Michael Harke USA Secretary : Fernando de Briz Spain Past Chair : Uday Despande USA

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Committee Organization 2012-2013

Chair : Po-Tai Cheung Taiwan Vice Chair : William Peterson USA Secretary : Pericle Zanchetta UK Transactions Review Chair : Hirofumi Akagi Japan Past Chair : Lixiang Wei USA

Renewable and sustainable Energy Conversion Systems Committee (RSECSC) Chair : Dan Ionel USA Vice Chair , Paper Review : David Dorrell Australia Vice-Chair, Committee Development : Pedro Rodriguez Spain Secretary : Yilmaz Sozer USA Past Chair : None Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC)

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Committee Organization 2012-2013

• Chair : Iqbal Hussain USA • Vice Chair : paper Review : Ayman El-Refaie USA • Vice Chair, Programs : Burak Ozpineci USA • Secretary : Mohammad Islam USA

Transportation Systems Committee (TSC)

• Chair : Adam Konopka USA

Power Electronics Devices and Components Committee (PEDCC)

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department

Transactions Paper Review Data


IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Transactions Paper Review Data cont

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Transactions Paper Review Data cont

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Transactions Paper Review Data cont

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Committee Reports

There are about 70 people already in the membership rooster

Actively participating in ECCE2012, IEVC 2012 (International Electric Vehicle Conference), and ITEC (International Transportation Electrification Conference).

Working to establish a website

Encouraging authors in Transportation Track in ECCE2011 to submit their papers for IAS Transactions review.

Transportation Systems Committee (TSC )

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Committee Reports

(1) The new Committee will be advertised in the next issue of the IAS Magazine

(2) The website is under construction

(3) Will support ECCE 2012 with two track Vice-Chairs and multiple topic Chairs

(4) Will organize at least two special sessions at ECCE 2012

(5) Paperwork is in progress to co-sponsor one conference in Spain ICPRQ 2012.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems Committee (RSECSC)

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Committee Reports Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems Committee (RSECSC) cont.

(6) One special session will be organized at OPTIM 2012 in Romania

(7) Other small conferences are under consideration in Japan, Turkey and Spain

(8) The Executive Committee together with the four Associate Editors, who are strategically distributed through the world, are actively using their professional networks to attract new members from outside the established IAS community and to increase paper submission to ECCE and Trans.

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Committee Reports Electric Machine Committee (EMC)

Number of papers accepted for publication in the IAS Magazine 8

Number of papers accepted for publication in the IAS Transactions 142

Number of papers rejected 129 Rejections 3 Total manuscripts treated 282

Status of Paper Review since 2008

Activities : Technical collaboration and support to International Conference on

Electric Machine ICEM 2012. The papers to be presented at ICEM2012 will be acceptable for IAS Transaction review process.

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Committee Reports

[Note: there must be a slight time difference between the two reports, because there is one submission more in the excel statistics]

Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) Status of Paper Reviews since 2008

Since May 2008:

Total Submissions 177 Accepted for Magazine 11 Accepted for Transactions 90 Rejected 76

Last 12 months:

Submissions 49 Average days for 1st decision 62 Days to final decision (all time 178-58-106) 126

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Committee Reports

Activities :

Continuous work on improving the review process, not only timeline wise, but also best utilizing the efforts, diligence and expertise of our reviewers, and extending the reviewer base.

Several ideas/ "small activities" to increase IAS awareness and member appreciation

Industrial Drives Committee (IDC) cont.

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Committee Reports

Received: 186 Accepted for transaction publication: 81 Accepted for magazine publication 6 Rejected 99 Total manuscripts treated 282

Industrial Power Converter Committee (IPCC) Status of Power Reviews since 2008

Suggestions: IAS' strength on industrial linkage needs to be more present in Europe. For

newcomers in the field, there are PELS and IES as well, and the pros of the IAS are not clear. IAS headquarter could try to establish links with ECPE e.V. (European Centre for Power Electronics) to jointly reach industry in both Power Electronics and Industry Applications.

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Status of the status of the Joint IAS/PEL Nov/Dec 2012 Publication Joint Transactions with PE

Invited for submission 166 Actually submitted 146 Reviewed and rejected 10 Rejected without review (outside intended scope) 1 Withdrawn by author 1 Not submitted 18 Unresponsive author 2 Accepted for publication 3 Still in review 131

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Matters Arising

There is a possibility that some of the papers presently under review will not be completely reviewed before the deadline to submit the manuscripts to the IEEE Publication.

It has been suggested that if these papers are accepted for publication, they will be published in future Transactions edition.

However, It is now my understanding that this is possible only if these papers have been presented in an IAS sponsored conference.

Joint IAS/PELS Transactions Nov/Dec 2012 Edition

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


Matters Arising Joint IAS/PELS Transactions Nov/Dec 2012 Edition cont.

Discussing this matter with some of the officials of my department, it is suggested that we ask the IAS Board to waive this requirement for these papers.

This is because this condition was not set forth upfront when we made the advertisement and also because there are authors who have never published with IAS and are not even aware of such regulations.

I am making a motion to suspend the rule of conference presentation first for any paper that is accepted, but could not be published in the Nov/Dec 2012 special edition.

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department

Conclusions The Chapter is doing very well and we expect that the

two new committees in the department will attract new members to the society.



APPOINTMENTS 2012 Outstanding Achievement Award Committee Chair

Proposed by the Chair of the Award Department - Kaushik Rajashekara Approval required by the ExecBoard Society Distinguish Service Award Committee Chair

Proposed by the Chair of the Award Department – Robert Lorenz Approval required by the ExecBoard Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Award Committee Chair

Proposed by the Chair of the Award Department – Dan Nesser

Approval required by the ExecBoard Fellows Review Committee

Proposed by the Chair of the Award Department – Mark Halpin Approval required by the ExecBoard Awards Nominations Committee

Appointed by the Chair of the Awards Department – Kouki Matsuse Objectives for 2012 Finalize calendar of activities and proposed Operating and Procedures changes Work with President in Coordination of Awards Lunch at the Annual Meeting Update website



29 January 2012 To: Lynda Bernstein, IEEE IAS Administrator Subject: Education Department 2012, 1st Quarter Report Committee Reports: Asynchronous Education Committee No major activities at this time. Conference Education Committee Tutorials were offered on four different days at the Annual Meeting: Sunday (1), Tuesday (1), Wednesday (2), and Thursday (3). Attendance at the tutorials was relatively low, ranging from five to 25 attendees. The committee is considering ways to improve tutorial attendance without having a negative impact on attendance at technical sessions.

An on-line tutorial application form is being developed. Student Competition Committee IEEE IAS Myron Zucker Undergraduate Student Design Contest

Members of each of the Zucker Design Contest winning teams attended the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting and made a short presentation at the Zucker Luncheon.

Donna Zobel and Robert Stork of Myron Zucker, Inc. attended the Zucker Luncheon and presented plaques to the students during the Zucker Luncheon.

2012 Zucker Design Contest Promotion

2012 Zucker Design Contest Application

Zucker Travel Program

Of the 12 students selected for the Zucker Travel Program, eight were able to attend the 2011 IEEE IAS Annual Meeting. (Fifty applications were submitted.)

An on-line form has been developed to facilitate the administration of the program.


PLEASE REPLY TO: 234A MMRB University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40506-0107 (859) 257-4616 jsottile@ieee.org


The deadline for applications will be moved from 01 July to 15 May.

2012 Zucker Travel Program Description

The website for both Zucker programs is being updated.

Workshops Committee No major activities at this time. Zucker Planning Committee No major activities at this time. Respectfully submitted, Joe Sottile

R. Mark Nelms ECE Department Chair 200 Broun Hall Meetings Department Auburn University, AL 36849-5201 USA Phone: 334-844-1830 FAX: 334-844-1809 Email: m.nelms@ieee.org January 30, 2012


Subj.: Agenda item 5.4 - Meetings Department Report 1st Quarter Report 2012 to the IAS Executive Board Conference status report I received a conference status report from the IEEE on January 12, 2012. Using this report and email correspondence, I have updated the status of IAS conferences.

Conference Missing Surplus 2009 REPC Final, Surplus, Certificate of Accuracy,

Audit, CB Destroy Check Form

2009 IEMDC FINAL RCV DATE – 8/2011 Sponsorship MOU, Certificate of Accuracy, Audit in Progress

$90,109 (25%)

2009 ICPS Close Date – 10/2011 Signature Card

$10,251 (67%)

2009 PCIC Close Date – 11/2011 Certificate of Accuracy

$131,160 (100%)

2009 ECCE Close Date – 10/2011 Sponsorship MOU

$5,016 (50%)

2010 ESW Close Date – 10/2011 $73,994 (67%) 2010 ESTMP FINAL RCV DATE – 1/2012, Certificate

of accuracy, audit $46,692 (66%)

2010 REPC Close Date – 10/2011 $16,604 (100%) 2010 PPIC Close Date – 10/2011 $5,608 (80%) 2010 ECCE Close Date – 10/2011 $81,009 (50%) 2010 PCIC FINAL RCV DATE – 11/2011

Audit in progress $234,938 (80%)

2010 IAS Annual Meeting Close Date – 12/2011 $1,406 (80%) 2011 ESTS FINAL RCV DATE – 12/2011

Technical MOU, All Sponsoring Entity Approval, Certificate of accuracy, Audit in progress

$34,890 (13%)

2011 APEC Final submitted – 1/2012 $418,437 (33%) 2011 CIC Final submitted – 1/2012

Certificate of accuracy, CB Destroy Check Form

$301,644 (50%)

2011 PPIC FINAL RCV DATE – 12/2011 Audit in progress

$53,741 (100%)

Thanks to Teresa Sacks and Lynda Bernstein for their efforts in closing conferences. 2011 IEEE IAS Annual Meeting The conference loan has been repaid. Some of the major conference bills have not been paid yet; however, it appears that the conference will have a surplus. Penalty fees The Society was assessed the following penalties at the end of the third quarter of 2011. REPC 2009 - $750

PCIC 2009 - $750 ESTMP 2010 - $600 PCIC 2010 - $350 2013 IEEE IAS Annual Meeting An MOU was signed in 2011 between IAS and Courtesy for their assistance in the site search. Preliminary discussions have been held between Courtesy Associates and the Disney Coronado Springs resort located inside Disney World to host this meeting. A verbal proposal from the Coronado Springs was for a room rate of $135 plus applicable taxes, which includes internet access and free transportation. An official proposal has been requested. APEC 2012 will be held at this location. I will perform a site visit while attending APEC. Respectfully submitted,


Lanny Floyd, EiC, IEEE Industry Applications Magazine Carlton E. Speck, EiC, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

Louie Powell, IAS Manuscript Administrator Ahmed Rubaai, Publications Chair



January 28-30, 2012

I. Magazine Publications Report: Lanny Floyd

This report provides an update on status and activities of IEEE Industry Applications Magazine.

1. All 2011 issues and Jan/Feb 2012 issue were mailed on schedule. March/April 2012 issue is on schedule, and May/June issue is in production, with no scheduling concerns. On schedule.

2. The EiC continues to work with Lynda Bernstein to publish the IAS eNewsletter to coincide with mailing of each magazine issue. This has been published every two months, coinciding with Magazine mailing date, since Jan 2011. Primary purpose of the Newsletter is communication of time sensitive content in the magazine. Some IAS members have a 6 week time lag for receiving the printed magazine.

3. There are no outstanding issues or concerns with magazine planning at this time. 4. Attached is 2012 Publication Plan for recording in the 1Q2012 meeting minutes of the

IAS Executive Board.

II. Transactions Publications Report: Carlton E. Speck

This report presents the activities of IEEE IAS Transactions.

1. The March/April 2012 issue of the IAS Transactions has been filled with 30 papers. All but one of these papers were delivered to IEEE Publications via export through ScholarOne Manuscripts with all delivered several weeks before the manuscript due date of January 12th. Attached is a table of contents for the issue. Also attached is a table showing the source by technical committee of the papers that will have been published or scheduled for publication in 2012 as of January 12th. This table also shows the number of papers approved by each technical committee, either not yet processed or not yet received, for publication. Of these 67 papers, the EiC has currently received 9 papers.

2. The EiC has eliminated the large backlog of received papers and that he is more reasonably processing papers as they arrive rather than holding them for several of months before he can assign them to an issue.

III. ScholarOne Report: Louie Powell 1. IAS experienced a dramatic increase in manuscript submissions in 2011, a total of 723

manuscripts, up 45% from 2010. There were two things that we know were different in 2011.

• All papers for the Annual Meeting were submitted on a pre-presentation basis. In previous years, papers for the MSDAD committees and MetIC were submitted for review following the conference. Historically most Annual Meeting papers were submitted prior to the end of the year, but it is still possible that a small fraction of the increase was a shifting in the time when the submissions were recorded.

• The planned Nov/Dec 2012 Special Issue of Transactions call for papers generated 165 submission invitations. At this point, there are still 27 of those submitted manuscripts that have not been submitted. It is likely that some of these papers were ECCE papers that would have been submitted even if the special CFP had not been issued, but it is clear that some of the Special Issue submissions are truly incremental.

2. During the Annual Meeting in Orlando, The Publications Department noticed that the data that Louie Powell had distributed to the Technical Department Chairs indicated that there had been a decline in the number of submissions to the committees of IPCSD. He updated those statistics two additional times during the fourth quarter, and the final conclusion is that there was a momentary lull in submissions for two committees (IDC and IPCC), but their submissions picked up as papers started coming in for the Special Transactions. The concern was that papers that historically were presented at the Annual Meeting and that were now on the ECCE program were being diverted to PELS. We think the final conclusion is that was not happening, at least with papers that would have been handled by EMC and IDC.

3. The statistics that were compiled for the forthcoming PRAC review show that the Society's performance using S1M is better than we reported in our last PRAC review in 2007. Our Submission to First Decision time has dropped significantly, and we essentially meet IEEE's expectation for this performance metric. Our Submission to Publication time has also dropped, and we exceed IEEE's expectations for this parameter for Transactions.

4. ScholarOne released the latest version of S1M in late November. The changes in this version are not especially significant to IAS.

5. We continue to have occasional issues with S1M, the most significant of which relates to copyright transfer. The problem with this function is really in the interface between S1M and IEEE's proprietary e-Copyright application. I've been told that IEEE is unable to make the needed corrections because to do so would require significant IEEE-specific program changes, and ScholarOne is forbidden by their parent company (Tompson-Reuters) from providing custom software services. But my opinion is that another factor is that that S1M is the tool used by IEEE Publications, and e-Copyright is the tool used

by the Intellectual Property Rights Office. IEEE is a large organization, and large organizations are not always as nimble as we would like in addressing internal issues.

6. Louie has conducted three web-based training sessions in November and December. He does not have a good list of participants; 41 people signed up to participate, but he knows that there were a few people whose schedules were pre-empted by other activities. He has offered to do additional sessions, but only after we get through the PRAC review.

Respectfully yours,

Ahmed Rubaai Publications Chair


IItteemm XX..YY

IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS SOCIETY S.M. Halpin, Chairman PLEASE REPLY TO: Standards Department ECE Department Auburn University 200 Broun Hall Auburn University, AL 36849 (334) 844-1824 (334) 844-1809 FAX halpin@eng.auburn.edu (email)

January 30, 2012 To: Bruno Lequesne, IAS President Subject: Standards Department 1st Quarter Report Four things are worth noting in my first month on the job: 1. I have been working with the DC Power "task team" in I&CPS to help promote the development of standards related to DC power systems. Other entities, both IEEE and non-IEEE are involved in this general area and it is important that IAS be in a leadership position. There are tentative plans to consider one of more panel sessions and conferences in 2012 dealing with this topic. Possible venues are associated with the I&CPS conference and the IAS Annual Meeting. 2. There continues to be some concern expressed by members involved in standards development regarding financial support for development activities. Of particular and recent concern is providing financial support at the Society level for expenses associated with electronic meetings (teleconferences, webinars, etc.). I will propose some component of the Standards Department budget for 2013 to begin to address this problem. I will also work with involved parties and the IAS Administrator to develop a guideline for the request for and approval of expense reimbursements. 3. I believe that the Standards Department should be active in the IEEE Standards Association Standards Board and its various committees. Unfortunately, I was not able to request membership for 2012. I plan to address this effectively in 2013 and beyond. Some portion of the Standards Department budget may be used for this purpose. 4. There is no clear Society-level presence regarding standards development across all of our Departments and Technical Committees. Some groups are well versed in the processes and procedures whereas others are not. I plan to visit with each of our organizational units involved in standards development for the sole purpose of offering Society-level coordination and assistance. Some portion of the Standards Department budget may be used for this purpose.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mark Halpin





T. Sebastian, (989)757-3053 1

Report on the Activities of Inter Society Cooperation

Committee IAS Board Meeting New Orleans, LA Jan 29-30, 2012




T. Sebastian, (989)757-3053 2

Joint Transaction with PELS

• Joint Transaction proposal is going back to Publications board for approval




T. Sebastian, (989)757-3053 3

PEDES India Update • Participating Organizations

– IEEE Industry Applications Society – IEEE Power Electronics Society – IEEE Industrial Electronics Society – IEEE Power & Energy Society

• MOU is signed by all Societies • 2012 conference MOU & budget submitted

for signature





• Working on a multi-Society level award in memory of Late Prof. S. B. Dewan – IEEE Shashi B Dewan Award in Power

Electronics Entrepreneurship or – IEEE Shashi B Dewan Award in Industrial

Power Electronics Systems

T. Sebastian, (989)757-3053 4



Electronic Communications Committee Report

Clifton Oertli NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc.

303-431-7895 coertli@neieng.com

December 16, 2012

Attention: IAS Executive Board Members Subject: Report to Executive Board Location: New Orleans, LA

• My vision as incoming Electronic Communications Chair: o “To use electronic resources, such as email and social media, to not only

inform existing IAS members of ongoing activity, but also to reach out to a new generation of IAS contributors.”

• Thanks to the hard work of many, the new IAS website is up and running using a

Joomla editor. o Any comments or concerns with content/layout/etc. can be emailed to

either Lynda or Clifton

• Discuss the use of Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn for upcoming conference Respectfully submitted,

Clifton Oertli IAS Electronic Communications Chair

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