· ice cream and ices...

Post on 25-Apr-2020






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« ^ 1*1 1 „ At'

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(llll,l',!Jl'|i'll-'JJi.""i™ TOE CATHOLIC JOV1NAL

Directory of Reliable Business Houses We Know How

American Union taandry Co. 3«S Mala St. E. t»T CUatoa A T * . N.

* 13 N w m M ArmaaM 77-79 Sosts A«t<«M- A«j»t<Juet

Ho« . .Pk«"»3»9« , 8«dI'jf>fe3aS7

Howt i tem* itii *elj FJwaw isMG*a*M«

JOHN C. R O S S E N B A C H Ftmera l Director

OBtteaad R u M t i R , 438 Wilder Street

Fence a n d Wire W o r k We buHd wire and iron Fences, Tennis Court back, .stops, «•»$. tjrejlf*;

' sea, window guards, mnd office encloaures.


* l l Malftdtra«tW>at, Ca*. fltsaloa Street eauaoralCttapel Coaaoctad

Carriage o r Auto Service BaU» Pfcrnea



BELLS Rochester Artificial Limb Co.

Expert fitter* of trusses, ab-dominsl sop-,

_ _ porters, elastic hosiery, arch supporters, e tc . 13 years experience. Bell Phone Main U»3-


fiiclwtir Brits i Win Wfrh Co. «-7» Exc^«type; Street

Home rhoot. Stoat J874 Bell, Mala 140s


lyeH Avenue

Manufacturer* of

Ice Cream and Ices ROBERTSONS SONS

BAUI Phones »H,WMe« . Street

Thos. B. Mooney Funeral Director

. RUMOVTED . To 13 l-anbureja Street,

>'emporary Ofhce, 883 Plymouth A vi tosh- Phone

Lauy Attendant M U Bell Pbeea JI7

MALOriEY For Storage

Established 187t

L. f. law's Sons UNDERTAKERS 166 Clinton Ave N

Phones 609

No better time than the present; to have your Purs remodeled.

76 East Avenue S l a a e I l i a ChaM * 3 9 »

_ ^ _ i

H o s t Ulnae JOJ Votoautnc Bell C t u c I I I

Scanlon ,Auto Supply C o .

Mohawk Tires Full lite at e«tiaiwle»-Tlrc» erf all Wakn

409 Main St. Cast, Near Gibbs

Chris antna parties very large eaesa etnea 4vM( the

When this eweatrk aeattoman d W !„,„ „ « ,„ t n e ^ 9 Ha w u the largest holder of bank • to ik l t l > . h . „ _ _ , _ _ -1- t»—i.~i ir» — _ * J xi t t i m t . «nara or* many peraona

J. S. Brethcn, .Prop.

448 Lyell

Rochester, N . Y ,


Bell Phone, Genesee 116S Home, SKoneBiji

Blow?** §i£jf €«plij>jg| S». B»W. A. SHKNGW.KTTK, Mgt,


82. Main St- W e n Rochester, N.Y.


%ffiW'$(m'4imi*™»wraffl^&» • , , c • °* fiWkWO oa errount TWa )M<r Taete anajr oa a raw maa*» N«Wtt t dlKSnt'-Mr^'d ' ^ g w i * * ^ r;-?A'i|9 *»«««• waa aUowed t* a-cawnia

foo* Wte ^ « t o • W • • l ) i ^ • 1 ! • i ^ ^ , ^ * , f w r t t o " with the fact, beplee "tlt/Hbem. tSas^t^iiwWtttwn. J f * h B n » t r o u W ? t o ,J r** * w*" ettHtfartteJe. . ^ ^ t ^ ^ r f e ' * r ^ ^ S * S » ^ *"*

& MclHTEE UNDERTAKERS I 0 6 Main St . Wo«t

«ome l»koM « « 4 Bell Pfc*M M l .

, For Pure

Mis Wines and Liquors Se&dlTovr otdert t o

Mittbews & Servis Co 'nth P h n n u aOTS

BOTH raoKsa


O R D E R FRIEDLER'S Try oar Oaexwlled OOB»T I«1M<1 H O U D , . - . ^ • Q f t f * . H l - i T l I r C

Wanufactuftrs of rime S M i a * e t r U r e D 0 I € U « ™ K S 202-204 Ctmpbflll Street

Homo Phooe Stone <400

York Safe and Lock C o . U. E. WHITNEY. Ugr.

New and Second HMMI Safes 71 South A»e. Roct»estcf. N. Y.

Dellrtrcd to «lr D«rt el City

80 Lowell Street

Gold and Silver Plating Chalices, Candlesticks, I Gboria. CANDELABRA, i SANCTIJMIY LAMPS,ttc |

W e alio mJiko C\am* Pitn. R t a s i . Lodge' E o b l t m t . Ad»wt>*ing NoWlUw, e t c . Sliver M c k t l Broaxn »D<1 ell Aatiqar fiati.h*« Sp»cult«Tr«trir m « d e 10 order PUunum Potou (or Aatot&obttat.

THE METAL ARTS CO., Inc. 7 7 South Avenue

Phone S t o n e 7903

Wilcox & Yotxngs, (Incorporated)

Haberdashers 63 Main Street East

McGREAL BROS. CO. 3 L £ J L 8 T A V E .

R 3 . " 3 H Z a r S : B . I T . "2".

JOSEPH H 08ERLIES ARCHITECT Omc»-888.S40,8*2 Granite Bdg

Home 'Phone 86CT

The Beat Remedy

Jackson's Cough Syrup 2Sc Geo. Hahn

Preecription Druggiet

561 State Street

j . " 1 ! ! '

Cftfr'^r^1 <*

Babies In

•UTTOH, aoNtT unman. teeentrie Henry C«W«M4 eh and f e m e

•# Hie Q«iew Waye. Waeuerar Ilemry CareodUb the ta IOW etMtUah r h e v l f l and ( h t k W t .

Mttertelaed hla ftuaats he wool 1 aiwejre g h a thtai the MMM> fart a leg of mut

a. A »twjr gma that one def w b h (nur frltBda trera itHdtar It wee eet>» him what aboaM be onlried Cor dbi aar He aaawered, A leg of mnttoa. "Sir'* waa tkanplr that will aat be nwugh fur flTe." Wall, ibea get two, •aid the hoet.


Sidney Hall's Sons Boiler and Tank Maker* General Bolter Repair*

Dealers in Grates, Boiler Casting and Packing

173-175 Mill Street After j p. • . Buadajra Call Belt Phone Oee. «6 Be.ll Phone Main »«3

SjFrojtAre RochaterJPhpae ttt

make U a t a conJf6rt«ble% by jfrtatrty of bstttt, 8l»»»'-tr«iJ»iilfei«iB llfttt dothtoft " T *•? ...'

t h e bah£ «Uo«ld hate « ««&»tlm »upj?U;of. eiean ftlt to hwthe , *«wi and wlttter. $ay and uiglit Dfc^siW |ft3Sl4 to tWse Wm w^ : «t d«i«?«w thccoBOtr^ i t t t very i^ttj* trMjjItf i t** %»'bals? t)Tefl'^-«rT(»i)l;^f^i

i l d * , o | t | « i « « ^ - # . ? « I * ^ I i g J

to- t^.iu^e* K f t e ; m f L « f | ? l a«a3i» '<*- «I^-ftWtfc^'h)§.4if^pi;ftl| •nerolM, thfe.fljMw| ;rfiinUt#^|ai>|l the aatue time «ffor4*#t» J6r f j i w ifi hotteeito, , V H ; : - . V > > - - ^

The nooreat place t t t t h t ^ i J W i w the ixtot to atay itr t* tftij. iiNfcji

i which h tiecettwrfly <3>0- ftottpjN} *'«#« Vf1»en t lhahi i sothtrhf lsWMil^l i im Jdtaen the bal)jf«liottfdi W«WS* «««*« doora a« moeU as po»«ll>te, aitad?rlni the wanner weather,. «phen tner-eit;^ door air i« bottfer* than thit ;W*er#< the bahy tfwtold Be kept l)itt»?*cool#»f room In the house. A p larw»«41 l *# a great help la confiulng a nnnitbout baby within safe ixmn&s. tt p>«y b» o«ed Jndoors or out, with » rug or blanket In the bottom.

The baby should be kept clean and cool by frequent baths. . Be oflght to have at least one fall tub bath etery

fMmkfymt g»:,.

a iJTIES IN NAMES l i l f ^ i V r i a l l e h Indulged la

in*'t^«fcf#i!smitb. m

„ _ # l ^ p i i M i K ^ M » u l ) i i i l t a eom» • p ^ » « n f t ^ for D*iTl«*«l


boeom of t h e fainlijr Ho- tt»»rl«|(*~liee»»iiri.i , AtleatMiaioliR^ ^ u j r » , ; i » 1S0K i ' m ~

Sherwood's Dry Cfeanlnr, Spongirif, Pressing

Repairing Men and Women's Work

Cor. Spring and FJtzhugh Streets •w«waaaaa«aa>BBaWB«aBBaB«Ba>aaBaaea|Bg«B^

3ione 770 ^ Main 3355


Office and Yard. 92 Portland A v e

2g*r •* 9ATHW0 TS3I »A»T.


DeliTerrd Asywhcrv t o Citr

Qtfti if i Ligir, DJZ. . 50c Sfiflriiif All, 0« . . 50c Pirtir, Osz. . . . 6 0 c Aiirlcsi Pilsner, Osz. . 75c

Order a Case Vow Afe and Lager in Quarters

That. Ryan's Consumers Brew. Co.

Syracuse. N Y

J. J. MILLER, Distributor 243 Murray Si R o c h e s t e r . N Y

Phoav* none. Sts& Atone B«IL fio> Kr Genesee

T H O M A S E. MARTIN WfeateaUtf atad Rrtait Dealer la


7 6 a Wawt JVtAtn S t . T*r»«pe f>ellwrr to all Part« of City

Vao Yonr Tobacco Man

E. P. VanDeWater Dealer i n


*3§ M a i n St . ^fV. R o c h e s t e r . N. Y, Bel' pfecfae Sraeaeg iu»

mjt>»» PwtnpsJ'F A(t»ode*rl to aod OwHrertnJ

' j



Rocfe^-ut'T «*«•»# . d j t fte^W P"> Main


Cop»tr ui Slut Iras Wirkirs f jrt»< •» Ron6ona[rd G^a^nl io^ftunc A^reata

for the- Tb«t»?&eT arjrl -ii^er F\irnac*m

2 9 1 Court S tree t

Albert H. Hat maker

Tla. For


Stotj* ir& KalB

Charles H. Lamb Wholesale and Retail


All 3ea Pood ta Season 7* Front St. Rochester, N. Y.

Geo. Engert & Co. C O A L .

Principal Office and Yard Telephone 357

3 0 6 Exchange S t r e e t

Both Phones

J. C. Murphy F L O R I S T



1 0 5 3 Main Street East Rochester, N. Y.

WlndShlcldGlass Set while yon wait

Mirrors and Re-tilvering

Deak and Table Tops

H ASK INS GLASS CO. Co-- Court * Cortland

Sell P h o n e t?ij-R H o m e Phone Stone I07

Soyrs Carting Co. 47 Stillson Street

New Storage warehouse: furniture and merehandiBe stored and packed f o r ship­ment, mate t r a c k s for long diataace



Formerly of 6th Ave. New York

6 Triangle Bldg. Suits from $55.00 Up.

day. and w h e n he la reutless a n d the weather very hot he may h a r e o n e or

^ttvo aponse baths in addition, f o r a young baby t a o wntcr should b e a l ight ly warm or tepid. T h e mother rosy teat i t by dipping her elbow i n t o the water. If it feels just pleasantly warm it wi l l be right for the baby. A f t e r he Is a year, old the water may b e cooler, but should never be cold e n o u g h to shock or" frighten h im, ftf a. baby

> shonld find b i s bath a great d e l i g h t I U s e only a mild soap like cas t l l e and

_ _ _ _ ^m. . . very little of I t rinsing the sklo tfior-

w . F . C o a m b e r l a f n <>n*bl* ««««»««. A few* no* u « a -w«e»aaaa#»aae»aaa e i ? r s e M | U T a a n (j „ „ , j ^ m a d f t , „ „

HANUFAtrruKkJt OP ]by a harsh aoap.- If any. redneaa or

ICE C R E A M AND ICES c l m f l n* a M r e a r s w no soap " at1, m

1 4 **»i**«»*i» * " " ' " ^ try n bran bath. 180 Meigs Street Mate a little bag of thin cheesecloth

'and partly fin it with ordinary bran. a ,A„„ -^ « . ! „ .n, 8ew or tie the open side and put to the 3 l o d e ' ° ° M * m W bath wtter. sqnbeztas? it until the «fc

BIG 6 AUTO LIVERY COMPANY t ^ - 1 ! ^ Touring Cars Taxicabs

Both Phones

if of It

Srfme or l and lo i ot coma here

,uwi»"o >•> 1 I remive It was d l p l Baa a or tut Interview Sssuui! W M (LTaui* e | | b t years of

e died to 1910 and ha bad r i l k f . k t e I k * J H are. London Onkphlc

[pEiounced [Mhlaa first ^ I h - T s t a -

imltted to In tb

(the Dab p e name "** lalelv ainnared

toaaa dtauaca waa ahauM rather fwreaally by wrtttm utUteJtiaV but the BTandpanata aad tmt nsa> Uvea need ( • batten ooty •*•* Kjp ttlejihoae or tartally

It you wish to rJona the fOllowlug wuuld be a <

ordlng He a a Mrs. to** Brawa

Maquca »r» Plaaamre of Tsar t.nm|rkn> at the

Chhatealag «f TMtir OaagMa* Oa Theredey Aarfl It

M tsretaefe. r Be tk aueat

The tradltl«al ealar f w a bay haJtfU -to blue aad lbr a gtri pink. UeSsF^ aaotbera, however prate te a t * * feaV :

toecu of color la taa ItttW eawtteSHH^ outfit for the baby feellaa; tBht MMOV battw typlrieii the baftV a«41 of babyhood. -rt

The dororatioBa far rot the rbrWeatoff »>•*. tf yea aja> a* : have oaa. aaay be > or pink or to white. The choice of i BBOtbeta woaKlbedelleatalynaftll o n rather thaa all p a n walaa,

The eartstealag ihokld tea* f* daylight prrfanbly If far aay i It to done lo any room that t i I dark and omdasa era UgMai abouid have white ebsdea, U th» «gpt> omony la anarUatly otabonta to tjr elnde mvaic the won d be cradle i

aa tm IWrljttajf , fa the J > > h d W ^ l m ^ ^ « i i ^ l i names

into tbr

resulted Pore fol

Brom* j|p>otland


ono'eonW; ; | » t ^f

we****;-'' ''c< Ufkisipm

frnMrnm a copy of;:* ?*^ry^liturnl>lade at

jMraok nm^mMm

The rbrlstrnlng feast aboaM be b» • » way elaborate C«k» ami wb>e a » n » -quontly the only Tefraebatoma

tlery Telling. All small children prefer ta he '

a atory rather than trabta to l o a a T t e ' tbrmselvea nt aothog la met* m%t llghtfHi when ttme at at oaoti i than to weave a fairy m a fold a tale of beroia* to a attentive and Intoreotad plo In that way their aroused, and aeon when It hi I

^Sitllj bla for mother or father ta i

.ijiamM or and spin those faoctee for the grue were the little haada will apaara

w . ^ w . . ; M n * K ' , b o o k «nd tbo be* oe ghi win,. jf Al&giflfteep not for romanro or advaatmo la thi

davawpmaat ^f a ehlML <|R be Good gariy ago it will bo Oitlaimlial

W y p _ f e ^ t ^ tn^ u toaeeoa«aa»4a«d

MHHHaP1-"* - • "•*" ^^hpmt'B.fWWWW- l n t u w or abl through lira ferlf f rh ju I « y I f t S i f e ¥ t f « f l i p ^ | W M | - I ^ h d o B | O B , ; j o ^ r f e B aroTMBghTI O b r o t t l c I S v . „ , ' ^ ^ « ^ » ^ ^ M " the cblldron* eyes you eaa bt

'•,'•'• v ~7ZZt£!$^fM« «ir r>od books *»" H3* ¥* . *. - Wond.rful g.rthw.rma. r 0 «ngsten I n f m hafbaThaeV.f

^ ^ m m ^ m S W m m ^ "Sordor and et Joyed the advontnrea

< * r b t t e > p 9 - f ^ m t m ^ ^ M • ? i ^ word painters there wilt ha ha mm^ieMfMg^\m§ W* »««»uv. to take to cheap reehy beofca.**1* k-tmm&lMfqmmUim tbow Utter will aoem tagaaT - - ^ ^ - '

sm&t&mm n. esiss* •—*— polhted .lH»d-en]il'.fii|teW% f f"' oive a growing lad all ha waaMg a t ara a ^ d # y e s f : » o d • m i M m * \ m " i lo lurt Tunis Stevensons adi aatgeaa,* ; only represejifa Wjm-gf-, >»""• of tk i t s romancoi and some df fatra Wbl«n caa be WtU mAme ta >»• mystery tales and yon will And ha Mat c d along, the body from be.ek. to fr. n M T M . ^ Hatf* to look Into taoaagaa Ibere •re. .ae.Jj ,*«^Wte^feJ»" c u ," rof a rbeap dime novel or to aaak, £ t , part of fib* Mfttm MM!*• » • lnro of a lova atory of the treehy ' kinrt of pump for ukins In; food This R O M rtlldren s e e * to be Include* plant* and e^im'iliiS"» baa a „ l 0 T ( o f ^ j , , . ^ t,

s i n a U . g t s j « i A K . ^ l ! ^ ^ W f m , n 7 *n«t ln tfvoJ: stoned, and.'".!tle#8,«re- f i i £ l i ^ i j teeth to grind the f o o d > ^ K p l # |

good c a n of


88 W e s t Main Street Rochester, N. Y.

R A L P H H. M O W L E Bell P h o n e 2827 Main

BlflckamtUiing and Horse Shoeing gore

When the baby has prickly heat he may be sponged with a bath made by dissolving a tablespoonful of ordinary baking sodn to two quarts of water.

It Is important to keep not only the skin clean, but the clothing also. The diaper sbonld be changed as soon as It is w e t for a wet or soiled diaper Is quite sure to make the baby's *Wn

if worn for any length Of time. aa ana Y Carriage ReT-lrfng a a d ^ i n t i n g ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g , .

Wagon Building Lat me and Interfering Horeesa Specialty

475-477-479 D e w e y A v e . Corner Hmeraon


White Star Bakery F. M . droff

Phone 1969 Stone 56 N. Union St.

Phones Bell irtl Main Home HoS Stone

J O H N C O N N O R & S O N 430 Exchange St.

LADDERS, HAY AND GRAIN Extra Long Ladders Always on Hand

Bell, Kaln 2941-) Roch. Phone Stone 596»-J

THE ELM CARTING C O . Furniture, BagMge, FVeight

and Piano MOVERS Auto T r u e * Service for Out of T o w a

261-2 Clot Street

In being able to dry the diapers fa the sunshine after they have been washed or to spread them on the grass to bleach.and sweeten. Every soiled dia­per should be placed at otve in a cov­ered pail until it can be washed.

The baby needs very little clothing In hot weather. On the hottest days he may go with nothing on but his diaper, and, possibly one other* thin garment The mother will, of cobne, be ready to dress him as necessary to prevent him from chill when the weather cools. Clothe the baby ln as few soft clean, simple garments as will serve to make him comfortable and happy. ""

Plenty of cool drinking water Is es­sential. Babies and young children often suffer for lacfe of this. I t may be given from a nursing bottle before the baby is old enough to drink from a cup. The water for the baby^ nbould be boiled and cooled, aa even clean look­ing water may contain germs of disease which are*kined by the boiling process.

Give the baby a drink several times a day between meals and at night when be wakens.

nled by two ladies, anil «£ ifee: pj server handed over the pftpBys % Ittely ratted his Wat Theb'tnef .j©S| samefl a demoerStfc* mMmm f W dont need to ttke ott y.enr hafc Wjatf^ young man.* he said. "J took Off # $ hat not to you, sir." wtjh. Itte aimesnA "but to the ladles with y^WWArife naut . ' .- ' t'i

A Word t o r r e n t * . ':•*''' Never smnse your children at the ex­

pense ot other people; Never allow yonr children fr ridicule other people. Neglect this advice und tbe time will assuredly come when these children will amuse thenjaelves wlfh your fpfj bies and ridicule your authority.—Est; change. . '^^^^^^^'

- - Wlidom. '*. '. Hope and success make a finer tonic

thanffledicMe- ' • • • • • * • _ . •« The best tonic Is fresh air. The best restorative j»*leep. The best stimulant to excise.." Fatigue calls for reel; and not the

spur.-^jsconsln State Journal;

>„>-^&VJ&*ffifom ,* av»> ' sc | i l4 ti bo dlSL—iii an 1

ha were net flaw af i considsred -at aay feU

cona bis prat

tranrer w h o wilt a g a

•ifimm&KSt B,"lu' «•«»>««• •» • • " ' ^ I p l M i H sriwarance

w'Mm1 w*nt w,tb * mmm

hat a

children like openly ea> tl 1 rather Jo t i e r •*•



I m p ' i W p ^ immt<bf>m0i training aad i

••-••• Jfa being decent to

The Inducement, -He showed her a One building lot in

a fashionable suburb iust. betor* aba agreed to bebM" •' • >••*•• 4

"Ah, grease o* love at. it** »lghtr(»f? n att»r Baltimore Amerieane.w. < «im pmtiar « «y toy» and

;° ' "I'm„.>„.-*,7,titi'• -,.'-.-,..• T,,.,'>:• - -^ ,'•.-'•-; t a l i mat er» a n l " thr « e r s e V # i S i f medlocT3trts: '«iftfctft#^< • " •«»• * »u rt , h « " "

ful thaii 'W»7g*avA


» If.,

mmmmt^mtm •m~**+*»mm»*mm .,W.V^ IJ..Wn fa»tlM»«<lW^«i'>i>N.»>*»*>»^^',r|,^^V»l''i''f>A''>lfl

[Tetrted lrtf-bn#t«ii"y


«• r 1 Id la a attnt ive t y the aaasa | e ilty f It is that It t» iihl «bo soffers aad aat 01 le who canst j t aJL l m *o you aa If we i Idren with the atkn that we shew (ft

have been lldrra t prove that

ever piy%v"**£

rfcdoii ft to Intoths

Regular HahMa. i|wow that all rales a n

ken but it la not aaw m i Bnd it oa* too asea.

I t some grow np wtthoaa l^it and a bard thaa of It "it after ybung chbdnn it Is eaaaa->f nred mgolartty ta ah*

if it can poawMy be car. to Deceseary hsehtaaa

way of getting caildrea of disposing of the dafly ne^eeiitieai i i i a r tiu» war l a the

f eatlna sloeplng ai 1 druaatag. otha*,<la 1 taU* af i" amaab*

obsened with • TIT SU * eottoo Ik le apparently h> ly wa> of laeklaa. anre f the bat Ira,


top related