icollege of international management and business_student guide

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  • 7/27/2019 iCollege of International Management and Business_student Guide







    Budapest Business SchoolCollege of International Management and Business

  • 7/27/2019 iCollege of International Management and Business_student Guide


    BA International Business EconomicsBA Business Administration

    BA International Business Administration

    Degree awarded by Budapest Business School:

    BA International Business Economics - Specialization: International BusinessEnterprises

    Degree awarded by Avans School of International Studies (Asis):

    BA Business Administration

    Degree awarded by Frankfurt am Main, University of Applied Sciences:

    BA International Business Administration


    Head of the International Business Programme:

    Dr. Pl Majoros

    Administrative assistant: Zsuzsa Bodor

    Head of International Business English Language Programme:Dr. Judit Beke Lisnyi

    Administrative assistant: gnes Szalontain-Kormos_________________________________________________________________________________


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    Table of contents

    Table of contents........................................................................................................................................3


    1. General description of the course...........................................................................................................4

    1.1. Collaboration with AVANS SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES (Asis).......................4

    1.2. Collaboration with FRANKFURT AM MAIN, UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES.........7

    2. How to apply..........................................................................................................................................9

    A.GENERAL CORE UNITS...................................................................................................................10

    A.1. QUANTITATIVE METHODS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATIONLEVEL (19 ECTS)...............................................................................................................................10

    A.2. ECONOMICS FOUNDATION LEVEL (21 ECTS)................................................................12

    A.3. ELECTIVE UNITS......................................................................................................................14

    B.BUSINESS CORE UNITS...................................................................................................................15

    B.1. BUSINESS CORE MODULES (36 ECTS).................................................................................15

    B.2. LANGUAGES MODULE (8 ECTS)...........................................................................................19

    B.3. COMPETENCES MODULE (2 ECTS).......................................................................................19

    B.4. OBLIGATORY ELECTIVE UNITS (2-4 courses ECTS)..........................................................20

    C.SPECIALIST UNITS...........................................................................................................................22

    C.1. SPECIALIST CORE UNITS (53 ECTS).....................................................................................22

    C.2. OBLIGATORY ELECTIVE UNITS (6 ECTS)...........................................................................28

    D. SPECIALIZATION: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENTERPRISES...........................................29

    D.1. CORE SPECIALIST UNITS (18 + 12 ECTS)............................................................................29

    D. 1.1. OBLIGATORY ELECTIVE UNITS (two courses/semester 12 ECTS)..............................31


    LIBRARY REGULATIONS...............................................................................................................33


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    1. General description of the course

    1.1. Collaboration with AVANS SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES(Asis)

    Hungary has for many years been increasingly open to international influences in all aspects of itseconomy; consequently, it attaches considerable importance to fostering international relations.Nowadays, the need to become integrated into Europe is of top priority both as regards institutionalpractices, and in the wider sense of the word. In order to be able to achieve such integration, Hungaryneeds well-qualified experts who are familiar with the European environment, who are flexible enoughto adapt to new circumstances and requirements, and who are open to new methods and able to applythem effectively.

    The primary focus of the dual-awards programme, set up between the Budapest Business SchoolsCollege of International Management and Business, Budapest, Hungary and the AVANS SCHOOL OFINTERNATIONAL STUDIES (Asis) Breda, the Netherlands, is the training of experts who, equippedwith theoretical and practical knowledge, can operate efficiently in the various spheres of economy,more specifically in the areas of finance, trade and commerce. This programme may, in the future,become one of the more prominent features of the Colleges activities in the field of internationalrelations.

    Developed in close cooperation between the partner institutions, the dual-awards programme consistsof a well-balanced curriculum. The quality of its study programmes is guaranteed, and has beenmutually accepted and assessed by both partners.

    The main aim of the programme, built around a joint curriculum designed by the tutors of both theDutch and the Hungarian institution, is to train students to operate successfully and achieve the resultsrequired of them in an increasingly challenging European business environment. The seven-semesterprogramme focuses on familiarising students with the international economic processes emphasisingthe domestic, international and global markets.

    The students study micro- and macro-economic processes and the various levels of decision-making inEurope. Considerable attention is devoted to developing analytical, problem-solving andcommunication skills. During the seven semesters of the programme, students will acquire a goodworking knowledge in two foreign languages.

    The units for the BA in Business administration (BABA 1) programme are taught in English by foreignand Hungarian tutors as well as experts from industry.

    Budapest Business School Faculty of International Management and Business2 students should go toBreda to study at Asis for3compulsory semesters, semesters 5, 6 and 7. Those students who do not

    1BA in Business Administration2BBS FIMB =Budapest Business School Faculty of International Management and Business


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    study at Asis will not receive their Asis BA degree. Students can do their placement in the 7th semesterin the Netherlands. Students can also participate in the ERASMUS scholarship exchange programme.

    After successfully completing their studies, students will be awarded the Budapest Business SchoolCollege of International Management and Business BA International Business degree and theInternational School Breda's BA Business Administration degree. The two institutions guarantee that

    the graduates of the programme who are otherwise qualified will be eligible for graduate andpostgraduate educational programmes for which the two degrees are normally prerequisite.

    The content and structure of the programme

    The duration of the programme is seven semesters, full-time. To successfully complete a semester,students are required to attend the classroom sessions and to satisfy the requirements prescribed in eachunit.

    On average the students have to complete 30 credits each semester. The total quantity of credits for theseven semesters is 210. In the taught part of the programme students need to accumulate 180 credits,

    while for the successful completion of the industrial placement they are given 30 credits.

    When designing the curriculum the primary aim of the institutions was to satisfy the requirementwhereby the various units in the curriculum link up to each other, both in content and structure, so as toenable students to pursue further studies in Hungarian or foreign (European Union) institutions ofhigher education specialising in Economics or Business, or to study for a specialised degree.

    Among the units in the curriculum top priority is given by both institutions to topics focusing on theEuropean Union, world economics and international trade policy. A special group of subjects deal withthe market and with the creation, operation and development of the various market forces and pertinentinstitutions. The principles and practice of exporting also feature in the curriculum.

    The foundation units together with subjects like Statistics, Business Planning, Information Technologyand Operations Research develop problem-solving skills and provide a solid basis on which to build theacquisition of further knowledge in the areas of world economy, the world of enterprises, marketingand management.

    In the fifth and sixth semesters students have the chance to specialise in areas that they are mostinterested in. The specialisations running are: International Business Enterprises, EconomicDiplomacy, International Business Communication. International Business Enterprises can be taken inEnglish, while the language of tuition on the two other specializations is Hungarian.

    Due to the strict curriculum prescribed by Asis and BBS College of International Management andBusiness and despite the ECTS system, students studying on the dual awards programme arerequired to enrol to courses in the semesters recommended in the curriculum (for furtherreference see Table 1).


    In accordance with the agreement between the two institutions, the students take written examinationsin the prescribed units at the end of each semester. By the end of the sixth semester, students are


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    required to have at least two B23 language LSP (business/ecomomics) examinations before they areallowed to progress on to their final examination in the economics and management subjects. Thestudents on the BABA4 programme study English as their first foreign language and any other modernlanguage of their choice as a second foreign language. International students study Hungarian as theirsecond foreign language.

    The students prepare their dissertation in the seventh semester. In this semester they also have tocomplete a 20-week industrial placement.

    After the submission and assessment of the dissertation and the completion of the industrial placement,the students take their final examination. This examination consists of a presentation of the dissertation,a question dealing with the student's dissertation and a complex question which covers several of thesubjects studied.

    Materials used

    Each unit prescribes a set of core reading materials and recommended reading which can be found inthe Colleges library. The tutors may also give students articles and other supplementary materials not

    stated in the unit requirements.


    The students successfully completing the programme will be awarded the Budapest Business SchoolCollege of International Management and Business BA International Business degree and the Asis BABusiness Administration degree.

    The degree is awarded upon fulfilling the following requirement:Presentation of two at least B1-B2 state-recognized language LSP (business/economics)examinations.

    3As defined by the Common European Framework (CEF)4


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    International Bachelor Programme Business Administration5

    Internationalisation ranks prominently among our universitys objectives. The new International

    Bachelor Programme in Business Administration is a further step towards achieving the ambitiousobjectives set by the university. This new concept has added an attractive and flexible internationalprogramme to University of Applied Sciences existing portfolio of successful Bachelor and Masterprogrammes.

    Alumni will subsequently be well-qualified for management roles with international enterprises andinstitutions. During the programme, students acquire an exceptionally high level of languagecompetencies and intercultural experience. A solid education in core areas is complemented by insightsgained into political, legal and economic factors relevant in an international context. Additionally,students will be honing their communication skills while learning how to deal with cultural differences.

    The International Bachelor Programme Business Administration programme includes an InternationalYear taught in English, as well as a mandatory internship which students are encouraged to complete inan international context. At the same time, the programme emphasizes an education in a multinationallearning environment. The flexible programme provides a variety of options for German applicants tocollaborate and study with students from different countries by spending the International Year eitherat home, together with incoming students from partner universities, or at a partner university abroad.During their stay in Frankfurt, international students will have the opportunity to study with Germanstudents as well as with other incoming students from our various partner universities. While classesare taught in English, incoming students may opt to take the same subjects taught in German.

    Domestic and international students who successfully pass the International Year and the internship at

    the host university may be entitled to receive in addition to their home universitys Bachelor degree a Bachelor degree from the host university (Double Degree programme), if such an agreement existsbetween the twoh universities.

    The content and structure of the programme

    The Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences was created in 1971 and offers practice-oriented studyprogrammes of a high academic standard, paving the way towards a broad range of attractiveprofessions. The Faculty of Business and Law is a major centre for business, management andcomputing education. It has a strong regional base and both a national and an international perspective.

    The duration of the programme is seven semesters, full-time. To complete a semester successfully,students are required to attend the classroom sessions and to satisfy the requirements prescribed in eachunit.

    On average, the students have to complete 30 credits each semester. The total quantity of credits for theseven semesters is 210. In the taught part of the programme students need to accumulate 180 credits,while for the successful completion of the industrial placement they are given 30 credits.

    5BAIBA = BA International Business Administration


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    When designing the curriculum, the primary aim of ourinstitutions was to satisfy the requirementwhereby the various units in the curriculum interconnect, both in content and structure, so as to enablestudents either to pursue further studies in Hungarian or foreign (European Union) institutions of highereducation specialising in economics or business, or to study for another specialised degree.

    Among the units in the curriculum, top priority has been given by both institutions to topics focusingon the European Union, world economics and international trade policy. A special group of subjectsdeal with the market and with the creation, operation and development of each of the various marketforces and pertinent institutions. The principles and practice of exporting also feature in the curriculum.

    The foundation units, together with subjects like Statistics, Business Planning, Information Technologyand Operations Research, aim to develop problem-solving skills and provide a solid basis on which tobuild the acquisition of further knowledge in the areas of world economy, the world of enterprises,marketing and management.

    In the fifth and sixth semesters, students have the chance to specialise in areas that they are mostinterested in. The specialisations currently available are: International Business Enterprises, EconomicDiplomacy, International Business Communication. International Business Enterprises can be taken in

    English, while the language of tuition for the two other specializations is Hungarian.

    Due to the strict curriculum prescribed by Frankfurt am Main University and BBS-FIMB and despitethere being an ECTS system, students studying on the dual awards programme are required toenrol to courses in the semesters recommended in the curriculum (for further reference see Table2).


    In accordance with the agreement between the two institutions, the students on the BAIBA programmetake examinations in the prescribed units at the end of each semester. The students prepare their

    dissertation in the seventh semester.Degree

    The students successfully completing the programme will be awarded the Budapest Business SchoolCollege of International Management and the Frankfurt am Main, University of Applied Sciences BABusiness Administration degree.The degree is awarded upon fulfilling the following requirements:

    The student is entitled to obtain the diploma of Frankfurt am Main, University of AppliedSciences if the student has fulfilled all the requirements necessary to obtain the homeuniversitys degree.

    Presentation of two at least B1-B2 state-recognized language LSP (business/economics)examinations or equivalent.


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    2. How to apply

    Entrance examination for Hungarian students and EU citizens: Application to theprogramme should be submitted either in February every year, or in August at

    http://www.felvi.hu /forforeigners

    Foreign nationals (from non-EU countries) wishing to be admitted to the programme shouldaddress their application to the Admissions Board. With the application they have to submittheir original secondary school leaving certificate (this will be returned after the admissionprocedure is completed), an official Hungarian translation of this certificate and an officialtranscript of the courses taken and completed. Application via email toKollath.Katalin@kkfk.bgf.hu

    How to apply for the double degree course for Hungarian students:- Asis: to be enrolled for the course registration at Studielink is necessary together with

    documents submitted to the English Language Programme Office (DII. 25.)-Frankfurt am Main: application submitted to the English Language Programme Office (DII.25.)

    How to apply for for the double degree programme for Frankfurt students: enrolment at the homeinstitution

    For further information please contact the English Language Programme Office at Budapest BusinessSchool College of International Management and Business.

    Head of International Business English Language Programme:

    Dr. Judit Beke Lisnyi Lisanyi.Endrene@kkfk.bgf.hu

    Administrative assistant: gnes Kormos-Szalontai Szalontaine.KormosAgnes@kkfk.bgf.hu

    Address: 1165 Budapest, Disy L. u. 22-24Tel: 467-7940 Fax: 467-7941

    Or the International Department:

    International coordinator for incoming students: gnes Felfldi-Psztor


    Tel: 467-7800/377


    For further details see: www.en.bgf.hu


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    BA International BusinessBA Business Administration

    BA International Business AdministrationDescription of Units of Study6





    Unit of study: Mathematics for Economics and Business 1,27

    (Gazdasgi matematika 1-2) (the unit is delivered in Hungarian)Number of lessons: NofLec8: 1, NofS9: 2,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3

    6 The course includes the specialization of International Business Enterprises. All the other specializations are taught inHungarian.7 The programmes of BBS FIMB, FHFFM and Asis Breda run in parallel. The course title corresponds to the Hungariancourse title enclosed in brackets. Students are required to register for the English course if it is not indicated otherwise.8 NofLec: Number of Lectures9 NofS: Number of Seminars


    L S L S L S L S L S L S


    Mathematics for

    Economics and

    Business 1,2




    3 Statistics 1,2A.1.1., A 1.3.


    Applications 1,2A.1.4.

    1 Microeconomics

    2 Macroeconomics A.2.1



    4Introduction to


    1 Integration Studies

    2 Economic Policy A.2.2.

    1Understanding East-

    Central Europe

    PrerequisitesSem. 1 Sem. 2 Sem. 3 Sem. 4


    BlocksYear 1 Year 2 Year 3


    Ex C ExSubjects

    Sem. 5 Sem. 6

    CEx C Ex






    Ex C ExModules


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    The main goal of this course is to help our students in studying Economics, Probability Theory,Statistics, Finance with limitation, derivation and interpretation. After this course our students must beable to recognise the problems, select appropriate mathematical methods, solve the problems andevaluate the results.

    The topic of the second semester is Classical and Modern Probability Theory. The main goal is to helpour students in study Statistics (Hypothesis Theory, Estimation, Sampling), Finance, MarketingResearch, Operations Research.

    After this course, the students will be able to recognise uncertain problems, select appropriateProbability Distribution to solve the problems and evaluate the results.

    Unit of study: Operations Research(Opercikutats)Number of lessons: NofLec: 0, NofS: 2,ECTS: 3Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    This course is an introduction into Linear Algebra and Operations Research. Its goal is to define asystems approach towards deterministic and stochastic problems, in order to help decision-makingprocesses in business life. Matrix Operations and business application, LP Models and graphicalsolution and simplex method, Transportation Models with distribution method, Bayes Decision Modelsand Critical Path Analysis are dealt with.

    Unit of study: Statistics 1,2(Statisztika 1,2)

    Number of lessons: NofLec: 1, NofS: 2,ECTS: 3Evaluation: Term 2: Semester mark, Term 3: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    Statistics 1 introduces some quantitative techniques which are fundamental to decision support inbusiness. It also aims to develop critical awareness and understanding of some processes, techniquesand technology by which numerical information can be collected and communicated. In the unitstudents learn descriptive statistics, index numbers, RPI, sampling theory.

    In Statistics 2 hypothesis testing, one-way analysis, test of independence, correlation, regression, andtime series analysis and estimation are covered.

    Unit of study: Computer Applications 1, 2(Szmtstechnika 1,2)Number of lessons: NofLec: 1, NofS: 1,ECTS: 2Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3



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    This unit investigates the application of computer technology, while examining the basic principles.Students study the theory of information processing and the possible options for information transfer.Work in the computer centre focuses on the commonly- used software, word processing, databases andstatistical programmes.


    Unit of study: Microeconomics(Mikrokonmia)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 2,ECTS: 5Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    Students study here the principles behind the operation, the objectives and the relationships betweenthe basic units of the economy, namely, households, companies and the state. By analysing basicmodels of market structure, students will gain an understanding of the complexities of this environment

    and its effect on both the companies pricing and non-pricing behaviour.

    Unit of study: Macroeconomics(Makrokonmia)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 2,ECTS: 5Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    The focus here is on examining economic activity at a national level from a macro-economicperspective. The main aim of this unit is to introduce students to the major macro-economic objectives

    of government and their possible corresponding effects on the economy, and ultimately business. Thetheory underpinning unemployment, inflation, budget, external balance, etc. is highlighted with specialemphasis on the analysis of these issues in Hungary today. All democratic, market-based economiesaccept the need for government involvement in the day-to-day workings of the economy.Governmental attempts to influence aggregate levels of income, output and employment will allimpinge upon the operations of the firm. Such interventions may take place at the request of thebusiness community, and those, which do not, are usually not taken without the consultation of thevarious pressure groups.

    Unit of study: Introduction to Finance

    (Pnzgyek alapjai)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:The purpose of this unit is to introduce students to the principal financial products available togovernment, companies and individuals, and to the markets in which these products are traded.Comparison is made between EU (as a whole) and Hungarian markets. Students are given an overviewof the basic concepts and they learn to identify the major points of correlation from the point of view of


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    investors and entrepreneurs. Financial institutions are also dealt with as are financial reports and thevarious possibilities of acquiring resources (in this latter instance, costs incurred are also examined).Special emphasis is put on introducing capital markets and their role in the resource and riskmanagement of enterprises.

    Unit of study: International Economics(Nemzetkzi gazdasgtan)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive overview of modern international economics forstudents.

    The main topics of the course are: The basic theory of international trade. Trade policy, free trade vs. protectionism. Globalisation and regional integrations in the world economy. Factor movements, FDI and the multinationals. Foreign exchange policies, macro policies for open economies.

    In the third semester, students move away from the theoretical issues of a narrow economic sphere toexamining various schools of thought and economic models in a historical context. The objective hereis to demonstrate to students that economic theories may only be interpreted within the socio-economicstructure of a given historical period. The materials used focus on the various phases of thedevelopment of economic theory, and not on individual authors.


    Unit of study: Integration Studies(Integrcis ismeretek)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    The objective of this course is to provide an overview of the economic functioning of the EuropeanUnion. We begin with the historyof how the European Integration project began, thereby examining theprincipal economic theories underpinning it, and the political situation that had had an effect in shaping

    the integration process. A short introduction to the EUs institutional structure and legislative systemthen follows, which will provide a basis for subsequent detailed discussion of Single European Marketissues. Finally, the course pays special attention to the financing of the EU, countries monetary andfiscal policies in the context of the single market, and the manner in which such policies are regulatedby the EU.

    Unit of study: Economic Policy


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    (Gazdasgpolitika)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    During this course, students can become acquainted with the most important objectives, actors and

    tools of economic policy. The presentation of all these features will be put into a genuine context:students can check their knowledge through the analysis of Hungarian, European and world economicsituations/examples. This approach enables the students to form and defend their well-founded individual opinions on actual issues and debates of economic policy.


    Unit of study:Understanding East-Central Europe(Kzp-kelet eurpai tanulmnyok)Number of lessons: NofLec: 1, NofS: 1,ECTS: 2Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:The objective of this course is to offer students a general orientationas regards the recent history,economic history and political development of the countries of the East-Central European region with aspecial regard to the transition to market economy and political democracy after 1990. Due attentionwill be given to the re-orientation of foreign trade relations and the new security issues in the region,including the process of the countries integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures.

    Introduction to ECE studies. Course requirements. General features of ECE. Historical background: dependence and belated modernisation. The recent past: State

    Socialism in ECE.

    Global and regional changes after 1985. The change of regimes. Key issues anddebates Democratization of political systems in ECE Transition to market economy: privatization, marketization and macroeconomic

    performance Foreign policy priorities and security issues. Re-structuring of economic relations.

    ECE and the Euro-Atlantic institutions.


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    Unit of study:Introduction to Business Law1-2(Gazdasgi jog alapjai 1-2)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:This unit provides an introduction to the principles of business law founded upon the the HungarianConstitution, the Hungarian Civil Code and the main business-related provisions of the Hungarianlegal system. It mainly deals with the most essential civil law issues concerning commercial contracts,damages, financial collaterals and court proceedings. Students will be given a thorough presentation onthe main forms of business associations in Hungary (Kft., Bt., Zrt., Nyrt.) and the programme discussesthe establishment, operation, winding up and liquidation of such companies. Accordingly, this unitaddresses some key issues concerning corporate mergers and acquisitions. Furthermore, students maygain an elementary understanding of such business-related legal fields like competition law, consumerprotection law and also employment law. Although this unit is first and foremost built upon Hungarianlegal provisions, it is a top priority goal of the course to highlight those legal principles which arecompatible with the international business law practices, in order to enable the students to applyknowledge they gain here also in an international environment.

    Unit of study: Introduction to Corporate Business(Vllalati gazdasgtan alapjai)


    L S L S L S L S L S

    1 Introduction to Business Law 1-2 B.1.1.

    2 Introduction to Corporate Business

    3 Introduction to Management

    4 Introduction to Marketing

    5 Taxes and Subsidies A.2.4.

    6 Introduction to Accounting

    7 Human Resources Management B.1.3.

    8 Introduction to Business Finance A.2.4.

    9 Applied Computer Science A.1.3.; A.1.4.

    10 Business Communications

    11 Introduction to Informatics for Econommics B 1.9.

    1 1st foreign language

    2 2nd foreign language

    1 Business Protocol and Etiquette


    2 Presentation and Writing Skills

    3 Economic Psychology

    4 Research Methods

    BlocksYear 1


    C Ex CModules





    Ex C ExExC Ex

    Year 2 Year 3

    PrerequisitesSem. 1 Sem. 2 Sem. 3 Sem. 4 Sem. 5

    C Credits

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    Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:The unit introduces business organisations and discusses the basic features of their operation. From aHungarian point of view, it summarises the principles and approaches adopted by theleading nations of

    the world. A separate series of lectures deals with the strategies applied in human resourcesmanagement, including the planning of human resources, and the concept, theory, topicality andfinancing of innovations.

    Unit of study: Introduction to Management(Menedzsment alapjai)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    The course introduces the subject of management, and takes the students through the history ofmanagement from classical, through human relations and neo-human relations, to contingencymanagement theories and contemporary approaches to management. The topics of organisationalstructure, organisational culture as well as managing change and managing conflicts are also discussed.

    The subject provides an overview of the management process, focusing on what managers actually doand skills and knowledge they need to be effective managers. By the end of the course, students shouldbe able to:

    Analyse the roots of contemporary management perspectives; Examine the process of achieving organizational goals through engaging in four major

    functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling.

    During the seminars the students analyse case studies and can practice some managerial skills andproblem-solving tactics.

    Unit of study: Introduction to Marketing(Marketing alapjai)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    This marketing course is designed for students who have little or no marketing knowledge. The unit

    aims to familiarise students with the key concepts and issues of marketing at a tactical, rather thanstrategic, level. It is limited in scope and is not designed to teach students how to make marketingdecisions, but to give them a thorough grasp of what marketing decisions there are to be made, andwhat factors affect them.At the end of the unit students should be able to:

    Understand the theories and principles surrounding the marketing concept; Identify and describe the main macro and micro influences within the marketing environment; Assess the relevant economic and marketing factors in the environment of a company; Identify the problems and issues associated with consumer buying behaviour;


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    Understand the need for information for marketing decisions, and identify different methods ofcollecting different types of information;

    Identify the process of market segmentation and understand its importance and relationship tothe rest of the marketing process;

    Understand key principles associated with the marketing mix variable of product, price,place/distribution and promotion.

    Unit of study: Introduction to Accounting(Szmvitel alapjai)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 2,ECTS: 5Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    A significant awareness of finance and the financial implications of decisions is essential for anyone inbusiness. This unit offers a view of organisations from the financial perspective.Topics to be discussed include e.g.:

    The role of financial reports and information for an organisation The role of financial information for the different possible users The development of accounting theory and concepts Stock valuation and depreciation methods

    Unit of study: Taxes and Subsidies(Adk s tmogatsok)Number of lessons: NofLec: 1, NofS: 1,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    This unit examines domestic fiscal policy, the tax system, tax legislation and the structure of subsidies.It provideses an insight into the public finance system and discusses the states roles and functions inpublic finance, like allocation, redistribution and fiscal and economic stabilization. Special emphasis isplaced on tax harmonization within the European Union. Students are given an overview of the theoriesand practice of international taxation.

    Unit of study: Human Resources Management(Emberi erforrs menedzsment)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3Evaluation: Exam

    Recommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    The main aims of the module are to develop in students: a knowledge and understanding of the functional aspects of human resource management concepts of best practice in human resource management and the theory which underpins these understanding and skills in human resource management

    The syllabus content of the module covers the areas of HRM and personnel management, past, presentand future, H.R. planning, recruitment and selection, job searching, talent management, work


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    motivation, performance management, organizational development, cultural intelligence, maximizingyour return on people, human capital management, work and life balance.

    Unit of study: Introduction to Business Finance(Vllalkozsok pnzgyi alapjai)Number of lessons: NofLec: 1, NofS: 1,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:This unit aims to enable students to make use of those managerial instruments which are mostimportant for running a business. At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

    Draw up a simple master budget; Apply a master budget as an instrument for controlling the business; Judge the financial position of company; Prepare management decisions regarding a companys financial situation.

    Unit of study: Business Communication(zleti kommunikci)Number of lessons: NofLec: 0, NofS: 2,ECTS: 2Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:Effective communication is an important skill for everyone in business today. Good communicatorshave a distinct advantage in building influence and promoting their careers. This practical course offersstudents a clear guide on and comprehensive practice in how to communicate effectively in variousbusiness situations, ranging from giving sensitive feedback to employers to persuasive communicationfor customers. It offers advice for improving writing skills, oral presentations, and one-to-one dealings

    with others. The content of the courses includes: developing presentation, report writing, negotiationand meeting skills, and conducting business research.

    Unit of study: Applied Computer Science(Alkalmazott szmtstechnika)Number of lessons: NofLec: 0, NofS: 2,ECTS: 3Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    The module deals with various procedures that are used in social, economic and market analyses, and

    are linked to quality management problems. Also discussed are computer based data analysistechniques that are applied in the process of decision making are also introduced and the SPSSprogramme set is also be dealt with.

    Unit of study: Introduction to Informatics for Economics(Gazdasgi informatika)


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    Number of lessons: NofLec: 1, NofS: 1,ECTS: 2Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:The aim of the unit is to examine the theoretical background of the information system and theinformation technology model of business organisations. The economic processes of economic systems

    and the related informatics problems are discussed in detail. The life cycle of information systems andthe information technology models of business organisations are also examined.


    Unit of study: 1st and 2nd foreign language(zleti idegen nyelv 1. nyelv-English)(zleti idegen nyelv 2. nyelv-not English)Number of lessons: NofLec: 0, NofS: 4,ECTS: 2Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:The unit surveys the environment and structure of businesses in Hungary and in the target country. Thetarget language countrys and Hungarys trade relations are also discussed. The vocabulary and thebody of information involved thereby aim to enable the student to communicate in two foreignlanguages in an international business environment.

    After the successful completion of the first two modules of language of business, the third unit aims toenable students to communicate in two foreign languages in an international business environment,both in writing, and orally. Students discuss global economic problems and related internationalcooperation in the target language.

    At the end of the unit, students will be able to communicate effectively in their specialist environment,describe and analyse micro- and macro-economic concepts and processes, analyse, synthesise andmake presentations in the target language, and fill in and prepare documents such as contracts,marketing studies, minutes or reports.


    Unit of study: Business Protocol and Etiquette

    Number of lessons: NofLec: 1, NofS: 1,ECTS: 2Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:This unit deals with the behavioural forms that have developed in international business life, and thewritten and unwritten rules governing these forms. Relevant basic assumptions and technical terms arediscussed, and a basis for internalising relevant habits, skills and attitudes is established. Specialemphasis is given to the area of protocol that has particular relevance to effectiveness in commerce, aswell as to the social customs generally adopted in individual countries.


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    Unit of Study:Presentation and Writing Skills(Prezentcis- s rskszsg fejleszts)Number of lessons: NofLec: 0, NofS: 2,ECTS: 2

    Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of Study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:Effective communication is an important skill for everyone in business today. Good communicatorshave a distinct advantage in building influence and promoting their careers. This practical course offersstudents a clear guide on and comprehensive practice in how to communicate effectively in variousbusiness situations, ranging from giving sensitive feedback to employers to persuasive communicationfor customers. It offers advice relating to improving writing skills, oral presentations, and one-to-onedealings with others.

    The content of the courses includes:

    Developing presentations; Report writing; Negotiation and meeting skills; And conducting business research.

    Unit of Study:Economic Psychology(Gazdasgpszicholgia)Number of lessons: NofLec: 1, NofS: 1,ECTS: 2Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of Study: See Table 1, 2 and 3

    Content:In the first semester we provide an introduction to management studies, the history of managementthinking and aspects of organisational structure and culture, organisational change and conflict. Weanalyse case studies in these specific subject areas.

    In this course, the aim is to examine the inside of the organisation at the individual and group levels.Our main focus is aspects of economic psychology and organisational behaviour.It comprises 15 hoursof lectures, plus 15 hours of seminars.

    The topics include: Organisational behaviour and organisational communication;

    Interpersonal communication and transactional analysis; Leadership theories and leadership models (Leaders and Managers, case studies on leadership

    and motivation, motivation theories); The formation of groups (Roles, rules and group structure; social control through groups; group

    effectiveness;case studies on group studies); The role of perception in managing yourself and others; personality theories.

    Unit of Study:Research Methods(Tanuls- s kutatsmdszertan)


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    Number of lessons: NofLec: 1, NofS: 1, ECTS: 2Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of Study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:Effective communication is an important skill for everyone in business today. Good communicatorshave a distinct advantage in building influence and promoting their careers. This practical course offers

    students a clear guide on and comprehensive practice in how to communicate effectively in variousbusiness situations, ranging from giving sensitive feedback to employers to persuasive communicationfor customers. It offers advice for improving writing skills, oral presentations, and one-to-one dealingswith others. The content of the courses includes: developing presentation, report writing, negotiationand meeting skills, and conducting business research.


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    Unit of study: European Common Policies(EU kzssgi politiki)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 4Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the political, legal and economic context ofcontemporary Europe, to act as a foundation and introductory course on the creation and decision-making structures of the European Communities. After completing this unit, students will be able toevaluate the political and economic problems that Europe has faced since World War II and itsimplications for government and business today.Students will also be able to identify and critically analyse the differing concepts of Europe andEuropean integration theory, as well as to evaluate the decision-making process and the legalframework of the European Community and its relative importance to business today. In addition, theywill be able to assess the various attitudes of states towards the European Community.


    L S L S L S L S L S L S

    1 European Common Policies Integration Stu

    2 International and EU Law B.1.1.

    3 International Relations and Institutions

    4 International Marketing B.1.4.

    5 International Marketing Communication and PR

    6 Global Business Env ironment A.2.3.

    7 International Economic Policy

    8 International Business Transaction

    9 International Trade and Forwarding10 International Financial Management B.1.8.

    11 Hungary's International Business Relations

    12 International Organisational Management B.1.3.

    13 Negotation Strategies

    14 1st foreign language B.2.1.

    15 2nd foreign language B.2.2.

    1 Cross Cultural Communication

    2 Economics of International Enterprises





    Ex C Ex CEx C Ex C


    C Ex C


    PrerequisiteSem. 1 Sem. 2 Sem. 3 Sem. 4 Sem. 5 Sem. 6

    BlocksYear 1 Year 2 Year 3

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    Unit of study: International and EU Law(Nemzetkzi s EU jog)Number of lessons: NofLec: 3, NofS: 0,ECTS: 4Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    This unit will examine the constitutional and legal framework of the European Community. It willconsider the processes of law making and adjudication in the EU, with regard to the respective roles ofthe institutions. It will also examine the relationship of these institutions to one another.

    The unit will explore certain important concepts such as sovereignty, federalism and fundamentalrights. Students taking the unit will get a sound insight into the European legal order and many of thekey issues that affect its operation.

    This unit will also examine the principal ideas of the EUs economic law and in doing so will highlightthe implications for individuals and businesses of continuing membership of a supranationalorganisation which is seeking to create an ever closer union of its member states and their citizens.

    The content of legal rules relating to such concepts as free movement and competition regulations willbe considered and the policy objectives underlying EU legislation will be assessed, as will the crucialrole played by the European Court of Justice in promoting European integration.

    Unit of study: International Relations and Institutions(Nemzetkzi kapcsolatok s intzmnyek)Number of lessons: NofLec: 3, NofS: 0,ECTS: 4Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    The module presents the key concepts in international relations, the participants of internationaleconomic and political life, highlighting the national states, international institutions as well as non-and intergovernmental players. The unit presents the means of international conflict management. Itoutlines the development, the functions, the features and procedures of international institutions. Itdeals with global, regional and interregional international institutions like the UN, OECD, WTO andfinancial institutions, and also discusses Hungarys participation in these institutions. Non- andintergovernmental institutions are also dealt with in the lectures.

    Unit of study: International Marketing(Nemzetkzi marketing)

    Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 4Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:This unit brings the marketing units taken by students to a conclusion, bydemonstrating the universalityof marketing theory in world-wide situations, and exploring the impact of environmental change uponmarketing practice. The unit is designed to give students the widest achievable understanding of boththeory and practice by means of the extensive use of case studies and assignments based on current


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    news stories in which a marketing dimension can be explored. These are supplemented by visitinglecturers who are themselves involved in the practice of International Marketing.

    Upon successful completion of the unit, students will be able to: Compare and contrast export, international and multinational marketing; Demonstrate the major differences between national and multinational marketing planning;

    Identify the factors which distinguish product, price and promotional policy formulation foroverseas markets as opposed to the domestic market;

    Explain the major organisational changes to be made when a company moves frominternational to global marketing;

    Identify and discuss the impact of co-operative and restrictive measures regulatinginternational trade.

    Unit of study: International Marketing Communication(Nemzetkzi marketing kommunikci)Number of lessons: NofLec: 3, NofS: 0,ECTS: 4

    Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:This unit introduces the most up-to-date forms of sales, gradually moving from the network of shops tomalls, while describing their economic and management features. Students become able to use toolsand tactics in keeping and developing clients, reactivating sleeping clients and acquiring new clients.They discover how to manage a sales and/or account team within a company and understand how salesand account planning add to the overall performance and profitability of a company.

    This unit addresses such issues as interaction between the organisation and society, set approaches tosolving problems, corporate culture, common values, organisational behaviour, corporate philosophy

    and personality corporate identity, and PR at profit-oriented and non profit-making organisations. Itdiscusses the role of factors influencing market behaviour in the development of the organisationscommunication strategy. It examines the public opinion stakeholder groups of the company and thecriteria of group formation. Internal and external public opinion stakeholder groups are also dealt withat length.

    The unit also focuses on the theory and practice of Marketing Communication, and an overview of theindividual areas and the tools of this activity are given. Advertising, sales promotion and directmarketing are highlighted and the application of the visual, audio and audio-visual mass media isdiscussed. In addition, the unit surveys the methods of research into advertising and the planning ofcampaigns.

    Unit of study: Global Business Environment(Vilggazdasgtan s nemzetkzi kereskedelem)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 4Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:


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    The purpose of the course is to help students better understand changes taking place in internationaleconomic environment that influence the behaviour of economic actors.The global business environment can be defined as the environment in different sovereign countries,with factors exogenous to the home environment of the organization, influencing decision making onresource use and capabilities. This includes the social, political, economic, regulatory, tax, cultural,legal, and technological environments.

    Globalisation and the continued rise of the multinational enterprise have brought about a higher degreeof economic interdependence. Economic linkages among countries are growing rapidly. Within thiscontext, the strategies of the nation-state and international economic actors have had to adapt to thesenew conditions. This unit seeks to explore the nature and form of these changes and the evolvingrelationships between interdependent countries and companies alike.

    Unit of study: International Economic Policy(Klgazdasgi politika s piacfejleszts)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 4Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    The course follows the pattern of transition research. It starts with lectures about general features of theEast-Central European (ECE) region and its historical background with special regard to the recent pasti.e. the period of State Socialism and the decisive changes in the second half of the 1980s.

    The main aspects of transition to democracy and market economy in ECE countries will then behighlighted, along with an evaluation of the results and challenges of the first decade of internal,economic and social policies adopted by the freely elected parliaments and governments.

    Finally, the new pattern of foreign and security policies will be assessed with special attention to the

    process of accession to NATO, the European Union and the other international and regionalorganisations of the countries concerned.

    The free movement of production factors and the various strategies of international trade are alsodiscussed. Building on a comparative analysis of international trade, it addresses the techniques ofexport promotion and the protection of markets, as well as the relevant tools. It pays attention topresenting the organisations and methods of managing international trade at macroand micro levels. Incompliance with the demands of economic and commercial diplomacy, it analyses the economic andpolitical superstructure, existing pressure groups and the potential growth trends of a particular regionor country. It also discusses the conditions for choosing partners, the operation and the tasks ofinternational trade organisations.

    Unit of study: International Business Transaction, International Trade and Forwarding(Nemzetkzi gyletek, Nemzetkzi gyletek logisztikja)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2X2, NofS: 1X2,ECTS: 4X2Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:


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    The lecture is purporting to introduce into the world of international trade, to get to know theparticipant, to study all of the relevant elements and influencing factors forming the contract of sales, topresent the risks to be faced with, to clarify the rights and obligations of parties, to identify theconfronting national regulations and to give a short overview about the rules of internationalconventions.This knowledge enables students to prepare negotiations, realising the interest of the involved parties,

    to use the international standards, and to make a pre-calculation about the costs and fees, and toconclude contracts to full satisfaction.

    Unit of study: International Finance Management(Klgazdasgi pnzgyek)Number of lessons: NofLec: 1, NofS: 1,ECTS: 4Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:Recent years have witnessed the development of multinational enterprises. Today, even purely nationalenterprises may be influenced by events in foreign countries. This particular unit focuses on theactivities of multinational enterprises and the ways in which those activities may be influenced by thedifferent environments within which they choose to operate. Particular attention will be devoted to thefinancial environment including markets in foreign exchange and international capital markets.

    Unit of study: Hungary's International Business Relations(Magyarorszg klgazdasgi kapcsolatai) (the unit is delivered in Hungarian)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    This unit discusses Hungarys position in international trade and its trade relations with special regardto the EU, the developed countries outside the EU, CEFTA, Russia and the developing countries. Therole in Hungarian economy of foreign direct investment is highlighted as is the appearance ofHungarian capital in the world economy. The unit also gives an overview of the history of Hungarystrade relations.

    Unit of study: Organisational Management(Vezets s szervezs)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3Evaluation: Exam

    Recommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    The main aims of the module are to develop in students: knowledge and understanding the different key elements of international organizational

    management the practical management and organizational methods


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    The syllabus content of the module covers the areas of scientific management, behavioural sciences,the basic functions of management, power, decision making, confict handling, management styles,corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, work-life balance, total quality management,benchmarking, business process reengeneering, change management.

    Unit of study:Negotiation Strategies(Trgyalstechnika)Number of lessons: NofLec: 1, NofS: 1,ECTS: 3Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    People continually find themselves in situations where they need to negotiate or be assertive. Theirassertiveness in most situations depends at least partly on how well they deal with others. What peoplewant from a situation is rarely identical and this usually means having to negotiate. The aim of the unitis to teach students how to negotiate efficiently, and to help them to understand that ones behaviourinfluences how others behave, and that negotiators are responsible for how they deal with each otherand it is possible to learn how to deal with our partners in ways which meet both our needs. The unitwill cover the stages of negotiations: preparation, discussion, proposing, and bargaining. The unit willalso be looking at how negotiators should handle troublesome customers.

    At the end of the unit students will be able to: Plan their work (i.e. identify needs and goals, own and others responsibilities, possible ways

    of proceeding); Work towards agreed objectives (i.e. anticipate the needs and goals of others, use assertiveness

    techniques to achieve goals, accept own responsibility in agreeing matters with others, reachagreement),

    Review work (i.e. identify how far goals have been met and factors affecting the outcomes,identify how to improve in the future),

    Develop a strategy (i.e. clarify goals of all involved, identify how to use own strengths andallow for own weaknesses in agreeing matters with others, plan how to approach the issue orperson);

    Monitor progress (i.e. check mutual understanding, monitor and critically reflect on own skills,make ongoing improvements/adaptations);

    Evaluate strategy and present outcomes (i.e. ensure that all involved share an understanding ofwhat has been agreed, evaluate the effectiveness of your strategy, identify factors that affectedit, identify how to develop own skills further).

    Unit of study: 1st and 2nd foreign language

    (Nemz. gazd. szaknyelv spec. 1. nyelv English)(Nemz. gazd. szaknyelv spec. 2. nyelv -not English)Number of lessons: NofLec: 0, NofS: 4,ECTS: 2Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    The unit surveys the environment and structure of businesses in Hungary and in the target country. Thetarget language countrys and Hungarys trade relations are discussed too. The vocabulary and the body


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    of information involved are aimed to enable the student to communicate in two foreign languages in aninternational business environment.

    After the successful completion of the first two modules of language of business, the third unit aims toenable students to communicate in two foreign languages in an international business environment bothin written and oral forms.


    Unit of study: Cross Cultural Communication(Kultrakzi kommunikci)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 1,ECTS: 3Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:This module seeks to equip students with specific knowledge and skills so that they can effectively

    cooperate and collaborate in an international context. Cultural competence is seen to have four levels open attitudes, self and other awareness, cultural knowledge and cross cultural skills and this module, using a variety of teaching methods, attempts to develop studentscompetence at each of them.

    Unit of study: Economics of International Enterprises(Nemzetkzi vllalkozstan)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3

    Content:International Business is now becoming increasingly important. Managers need to know more andmore about the worldwide environment in which their business can operate. The international andcross-cultural dimensions of managerial activity are now critical even to managers operating in SMEs(small and medium size enterprises), let alone MNCs (multinational corporations).

    International companies are moving within and between various countries, there are rapid political andsocial changes around the world, such as the collapse of the Soviet bloc, the integration of Europeancountries, the emergence of China and India and so on. For these reasons and many more it is importantto understand international companies and their business world.

    The course in particular covers: International Trade Theories and Practices; Labour StandardsGovernment Intervention; National Cultural Characteristics; Internationalisation of the Firm; Modes ofInternationalisation; The Internationalisation Process & Types of Firms; Internationalisation of SMSs;Financial Risk, Political Risk; National Institutions; Structuring International Organisations;Understanding & Managing a Multicultural Workforce; Project work.


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    Unit of study: EU Programmes and Projects(EU programok, projektek)Number of lessons: NofLec: 1, NofS: 1,ECTS: 3Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    The purpose of this course is to present the EUs funding and support system, the process of projectset-up, and the features and details of project cycle management (PCM). The lectures will also presenthow Hungary has prepared for EU funds (institutional system, National Development Plan, operationalprogrammes). Students will learn the most essential steps in project making and will be trained toprepare complete projects.

    Unit of study: Business Environment in the EU(zleti krnyezet az EU-ban)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 4Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3


    L S L S L S L S L S L S

    1 EU Programmes and Project

    2 Business Environment in the EU C.1.1

    3 Market Research

    4 Foreign Trade Regulations C 1.8.

    5Operation of Physical - Logistical

    ProcessesC 1.9.

    1Payments, Risk Management and

    Financing2 Strategic Management

    3Analy sis of business situations and


    4 Controlling

    5 Hungary in the EU

    Year 2 Year 3


    PrerequisitesSem. 1 Sem. 2 Sem. 3 Sem. 4 Sem. 5 Sem. 6

    C Ex C


    C Ex C

    BlocksYear 1


    D.1.1. OBLIGATORY ELECTIVE UNITS (four subjects)



    Ex C Ex CEx

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    The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the political, legal and economic context ofcontemporary Europe. The student should understand the evolution of the European Union, the relationof European business to the growth of the single market, and the importance of policies to ensurecompetition in a more integrated and enlarged European Union.After completing this unit students will be able to evaluate the political and economic problems that

    Europe has faced since World War II and its implications for government and business today, iidentifyand critically analyse the differing concepts of Europe and European integration theory, evaluate thedecision-making process and the legal framework of the European Community and its relativeimportance to business today, assess the various attitudes of states towards the European Community.Students will also be able to identify and understand the economic objectives of the integratedEuropean economy and describe their mutual relationship and conflicts. They will be able to describe ifand how monetary integration will help or hurt European firms and national economies and to identifythe benefits of a strong and well defined competition policy. The course also deals with the problemsand opportunities of integrating Central and Eastern European economies into an enlarged EU.

    Unit of study: Market Research(Piackutats)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 2,ECTS: 4Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:The purpose of this course is to develop students' ability not only to learn Marketing Research intheory, but also to apply it in practice. During this block students have to organise and execute a realresearch project combining research methodology with statistics, marketing, finance and accounting.

    Unit of study: Foreign Trade Regulations

    (Klkereskedelem s szablyozs)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:The participants get an overview of key elements of international environment and general principles oftrade policies. The lecture is aiming to introduce into the world of trade regulations, trade barriers interms of EU customs union and export and import regimes and of the adopted WTO rules. Thedifferent forms of market entry strategies and fundamental elements of pricing are completing the basicknowledge of the subject.

    Unit of study: Operation of Physical Logistical Processes(Anyagi logisztikai folyamatok szervezse)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 1,ECTS: 4Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:Students will here learn the tasks and practical features related to the flow of commercial goods inexport-import trade.


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    D. 1.1. OBLIGATORY ELECTIVE UNITS (two courses/semester 12 ECTS)

    Unit of study: Strategic Management(Stratgiai Menedzsment)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3

    Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:The single most important change in the environment of business organisations in the past 20 years isthe increasing tendency towards global competition. If we accept Michael Porters thesis that theessence of competitive strategy is relating an organisation to its environment, then increasinglytodays environment is an internationally competitive one. This unit addresses the issues relating tostrategy in an international context. Corporate strategy is not an agreed body of knowledge but rather aset of competing perspectives on the strategic operation of organisations. These perspectives arenecessarily drawn from a multidisciplinary framework as they seek to interpret and understand businessorganisations in their totality as they relate to their complex environment. The intention of the unit is toencapsulate all previous studies in which the three major areas Marketing, Finance and Management covered can be synthesized.

    Unit of study: Analysis of business situations and processes(zleti szitucik s folyamatok elemzse)Number of lessons: NofLec: 0, NofS: 2,ECTS3Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:The lecture's aim is to introduce the students into the concrete processes of international commercialtransactions, and to give an overview on costs elements and legal relationships implied. All thosefactors which might have an impact on the profitability of a business deal will be analysed with specialregards on agent fees, banking charges, taxes and customs procedure fees etc. The students are requiredto work up case-studies, to make pre-, and post calculations, to provide purchasing orders, to giveorders for transportation, storage. They have to write letters of complaints and to find out how to settlebusiness disputes between involved parties. Furthermore the knowledge of TARIC Systems is required,and the students have to fulfil those documents which are being used in international trade.

    Unit of study: Controlling(Controlling, vezeti szmvitel)Number of lessons: NofLec: 1, NofS: 1,ECTS: 3

    Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:The course is an overview of the role of accounting in the areas of planning, decision-making andcontrol. Financial and management accounting are contrasted and compared in order to give studentsan indepth view of costs, the planning and management of financial and human resources, theimportance of cost-benefit analyses, and the methods of handling expenses The significance of short-term decision-making, the evaluation of long-term decisions, capital investments, financial planning


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    and control is also highlighted. The objective of the unit is to help students understand and applyaccountancy based on the principle of responsibility.

    Unit of study:Payments, Risk Management and Financing(Fizetsek, kockzatkezels, finanszrozs)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 1,ECTS: 3Evaluation: Semester markRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:The lecture aims to examine the different payment methods, dependent and independent personalsecurities offered by financial institutions in the course of financing international trade. It aims toanalyse the involved potential risks of payment processes and their interdependencies with regard tooverall non-performance of the underlying business deal. The threats of fraudulent actions, of remediesand costs in financial transactions will be highlighted. The fundamental goal is to enable the student tomake calculations of financial aspects of commercial transactions, to evaluate the degree of safety ofoffered instruments, and to find the best financing method. Special documents of title are to bediscussed. Case studies and simulated documentary work is planned to introduce student to practice.

    Unit of study: Hungary in the EU(Magyarorszg az EU-ban)Number of lessons: NofLec: 2, NofS: 0,ECTS: 3Evaluation: ExamRecommended term of study: See Table 1, 2 and 3Content:

    The objective of the course is to give an overview of Hungarys way to and the consequences andexperiences of EU membership. Prior EU knowledge (e.g. European Business Studies, EuropeanIntegration Studies) can be helpful but successful completion of either of the above mentioned courses

    is not required. The first part of the course (weeks 13) provides an overview of the way from the firstcontacts of Hungary with the EU (at that time: EC) to the accession treaty. The second part (weeks 45) focuses on the most tangible general economic consequences of accession. The third part (weeks 67) deals with selected specific fields with important changes as a result of membership. The fourth partof the course (weeks 810) deals with the most important experiences of Hungary from the first yearsof its EU membership as well as with its preferences regarding the future of the EU.


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    The signed application form and the Library card constitute the documents of a contract between the Library and the User.

    In order to register as a member of the Library, users are required to fill in a registration form at the counter in theBorrowing Section of the Library. Readers of the Library must be over 14 and need to have a valid identity/student card.Students from abroad will need to have a Hungarian guarantor before they can be issued a Library card.

    The Library card is valid for one calendar year and has to be renewed every year. Users personal details are stored in acomputer and will only be accessed by the Library staff. Users must report any changes in their personal details.

    The Library services can only be used with a valid Library card. The Library card is not transferable. The holder of theLibrary card is liable for any kind of misuse of the Library card. By signing the registration form (application for

    membership) users agree to abide by the Library regulations.


    The Library can be visited only with a valid Library card with a passport size photograph which is has to be presented at thecounter.

    Food and drink must not be taken into the Library. Mobile phones must not be used in the Library Bags and coats must beleft in the cloak-room or put into the lockers outside the Library. Users should not disturb others by talking or with noisy


    The proper use of the Library documents and belongings is obligatory for each reader. Anyone who wilfully damages theLibrary documents and/or belongings, must pay a penalty.

    While photocopying, users must observe the copyright laws in every respect. Users who repeatedly or seriously violate theLibrary regulations may be barred from using the Library with immediate effect.


    Services provided free of charge for users with white Library cards Use of Library catalogues Use of CD-ROM network Information on the documents and services of the Library Use of the Reading Rooms Use of the documents of the Library on the premises

    Green Library cards entitle holders to use all the Librarys facilities in addition to the above mentioned services Reference services Subscribed databases on the Internet Interlibrary loan under special circumstances Reading of dissertations on the premises Photocopying of dissertations is prohibited!


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    White Library card in case of free membershipGreen Library card in case of paid membership

    Registration fee for student card holders: Ft 800,- Registration fee for non student card holders: Ft 1.600,-

    Admission card: Ft 300,- Fine: Ft 20,-/document/day for overnight lending: Ft 400,-/document/day Substitution of lost Library card: Ft 500,- Scanning documents Ft 50,-,-/A4 page Printing documents Ft 15-25,-/A4 page colour print Ft 50-200,-/A4 page

    Prices above are all inclusive of. VAT.


    Only valid green Library card holders are eligible to borrow documents from the Library. Data recording of borrowing andwithdrawal occurs in the presence of the readers.

    a. What can be borrowed?

    All documents that are not subject to restrictions and are available in the Library.

    b. How many documents can be borrowed?

    Readers of the Budapest Business School College of International Management and Business may borrow a maximum of 10documents at a time.

    Academic and non-academic staff of the College may borrow a maximum of 20 documents at a time.Outside users may borrow a maximum of 3 documents at a time.

    c. Documents not to be borrowed:

    Daily and weekly papers, journals Reference works with the label Kziknyvtr in the Reading Rooms Dissertations, the most part on CD-ROM-s Photocopies of compulsory readings which can be found in Rooms 47 and 26/b.

    Users may not borrow the documents in the European Union Documentation Centre. Apart from the documents relating toEuropean integration, users can find reference books, textbooks, encyclopaedias, and dictionaries here.

    Books with the label Humberside and Francia Tagozat can primarily be borrowed by students studying on the EnglishBA and the French language programme, respectively.

    The date when the document is to be returned is stamped on the fly-leaf of every document on loan. Overnight lending ofdocuments belonging to the reference Library is possible only on special occasions.

    IMPORTANT: Borrowing of a new title does not automatically mean a prolongation of documents borrowed earlier.

    If the reader does not return documents on time she/he has to pay a fine. Until the settlement of the fine, documents cannotbe renewed.

    Documents borrowed from the Library must be returned on time without any notice.

    The Library sends reminders to users when documents are overdue.Irrespectiveof the date the notice was sent to the reader, fines are calculated from the date of the original deadline.


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    The User is obliged to replace the lost or damaged document with a copy of the same edition when it substitutes the originalin every detail, or reimburse the cost.

    d. Renewing booksDocuments borrowed can only be renewed in person or via email before the date they are due. If the documents on loanhave been reserved, they cannot be renewed.

    e. Reserving books

    It is possible to reserve documents on loan. When the reserved document is returned, the Library notifies the user and shallkeep the requested book for 8 days. A reservation fee will be charged on every book.

    In certain cases, the Library reserves the right to call in books before the loan date expires.

    f. Damaged or lost booksIn case of loss or damage the user can be held liable and will have to pay for the repair or the replacement of the books.


    Most of the books that can be borrowed from the Library can be found on the shelves according to languages and withinthese they are categorised according to disciplines (Classification numbers).

    Documents can be chosen from the open shelves or can be brought up from the Library store rooms/stacks after filling in theDocument request form. Documents in the Library store rooms/stacks will be made available to the User on the dayfollowing the submission of the Document request form. Back volumes can also be obtained from the Library store roomwith the same conditions.

    Books used in the Library should not be returned to the shelves but put on the trolleys as indicated.If a dissertation is sought, please write D/ number indicated in the computer on the prescribed form and give it to theLibrarian in the Information Section. The requested dissertations can be picked up on the day following the date written onthe form.

    Audio and video materials and equipment together with language books and test tasksheets can be found in the Self AccessCentre.

    Journals, with the exception of daily political papers, can be found in Room 26/b, Ground floor, Building D.


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    Table 1. Timing for BBS CIMB students at Avans

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    L S L S L S L S L S L S



    Mathematics for Economics and Business 1,2 1 2 3 E 1 2 3 E 6 A.1.1.

    Operations Research 0 2 3 Sm 3

    Statistics 1,2 1 2 3 Sm 1 2 3 E 6 A1. 1., A1. 3. for diploma classifica

    Computer Applications 1,2 1 1 2 Sm 1 1 2 Sm 4 A.1.4.


    Microeconomics 2 2 5 Sm 5 for diploma classification

    Macroeconomics 2 2 5 E 5 A.2.1

    International Economics 2 0 3 E 3 A.2.2.

    Introduction to Finance 2 0 3 E 3

    Integration Studies 2 0 3 E 3

    Economic Policy* 2 0 3 E 3 A.2.2. via e-mail


    Understanding East-Central Europe 1 1 2 E 2



    Introduction to Business Law 1-2 2 0 3 E 2 0 3 E 6 B.1.1.

    Introduction to Corporate Business 2 0 3 E 3

    Introduction to Management 2 0 3 E 3

    Introduction to Marketing 2 0 3 E 3

    Taxes and Subsidies 1 1 3 E 3 A.2.4.

    Introduction to Accounting 2 2 5 Sm 5

    Human Resources Management 2 0 3 E 3 B.1.3.

    Introduction to Business Finance 1 1 3 E 3 A.2.4.Applied Computer Science 0 2 3 Sm 3 A.1.3.1; A.1.4.

    Business Communications 0 2 2 Sm 2

    Introduction to Informatics for Econommics 1 1 2 Sm 2 A.1.4.


    1st foreign language 0 4 2 Sm 0 4 2 Sm 4 B 2.1.1.

    2nd foreign language 0 4 2 Sm 0 4 2 Sm 4 B 2.2.1.


    Business Protocol and Etiquette 1 1 2 E 2

    Presentation and Writing Skills 0 2 2 Sm 2

    Economic Psychology 1 1 2 E 2

    Research Methods 1 1 2 E 2


    Sem. 7

    BA International Business - Full time - English language double degree programme (2012-2013) CIMB-Avans

    A and B modules

    BlocksYear 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

    Credits Prerequisites

    Sem. 1 Sem. 2 Sem. 3 Sem. 4 Sem. 5 Sem. 6


    C E C E C


    E InternshipSubjects


    E C E C E





    0 0




    dits - A and B moduls together 30 32 24 4 5



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    L S L S L S L S L S L S



    European Common Policies 2 0 4 E 4 A 2. 5. prepa ration for spec ialisa

    International and EU Law 3 0 4 E 4 B.1.1.

    International Relations and Institutions 3 0 4 E 4

    International Marketing 2 0 4 E 4 B.1.4.

    International Marketing Communication 3 0 4 E 4

    Global Business Environment 2 0 4 E 4 A.2.3. for diploma classificat

    nternational Economic Policy* 2 0 4 E 4 via e-mail

    International Business Transaction 2 1 4 E 4 preparation for speicialisation, for diploma

    International Trade and Forwarding 2 1 4 E 4

    International Financial Management 1 1 4 Sm 4 B.1.8.Hungary's International Business Relations 2 0 3 E 1 0 3 E 6

    Organisational Management 2 0 3 E 3 B.1.3.

    Negotation Strategies 1 1 3 E 3

    1st foreign language 0 4 2

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