icwa/mifpa data entry in ssis

Post on 13-Feb-2022






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ICWA/MIFPA Data Entry in SSIS 1

Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act Data Entry in SSIS


Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act Data Entry in SSIS ....................... 1

Person Screen “Qualifies under ICWA” ................................................................................................................. 2

ICWA Folder and the ICWA Eligibility/Determinations Folder .............................................................................. 2

ICWA Eligibility/Determination for Non-Indian Child in SSIS ............................................................................ 3

ICWA Eligibility/Determination for Indian Children in SSIS ............................................................................... 6

ICWA Folder-ICWA Eligibility/Determinations Folder and the Active Efforts Subfolder. .................................... 15

Locating the Active Efforts Folder in the Social Service Information System (SSIS) ........................................ 15

ICWA Folder-Child Custody Proceeding Notifications ......................................................................................... 23

Qualified Expert Witness ..................................................................................................................................... 28

Location of ICWA QEW Tab in SSIS .................................................................................................................. 28

ICWA Adoptive Placement Preferences (Continuous Placement Folder) ........................................................... 35

ICWA Foster Care and Pre-Adoptive Placement Preferences ............................................................................. 37

MIFPA Notice in SSIS ............................................................................................................................................ 39

MIFPA Notice Set-Up ....................................................................................................................................... 40

ICWA Notice of Placement Proceeding in SSIS .................................................................................................... 43

ICWA Notice of Child Custody Proceeding Setup ............................................................................................ 44

ICWA/MIFPA Genogram (Tribal Lineage) Notice in SSIS ..................................................................................... 51

ICWA/MIFPA Genogram Setup ........................................................................................................................ 52

ICWA Eligibility and Determination ..................................................................................................................... 56

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SSIS Reports ......................................................................................................................................................... 58

Person Screen “Qualifies under ICWA”

• Workers must continue to complete this field for all children receiving services. • This field will still be used to determine ICWA Status for fiscal claiming and reporting. This will

eventually be phased out and the new Calculated ICWA Determination will be used.

ICWA Folder and the ICWA Eligibility/Determinations Folder

The ICWA eligibility screen applies to all children and must be completed for each child upon the delivery of initial services – voluntary and involuntary. It is a county agency’s responsibility to determine which worker will be assigned to complete all of the ICWA data elements for a child when more than one program area is providing services. When multiple work groups are open, only one ICWA eligibility screen is required. For example:

• During a child’s continuous out-of-home placement episode when additional workgroups are opened to provide services (i.e., children’s mental health, development disabilities), an ICWA eligibility screen is NOT required for new services.

• When a child returns home and services remain open and the child re-enters foster care, a new ICWA

eligibility screen is NOT required; however, the existing ICWA eligibility screen should be updated if there is new information.

• When a child returns home and all services have ended and a child subsequently re-enters foster care, a

new ICWA eligibility screen is required for the new continuous out-of-home placement episode. There must be a gap of service for 7 calendar days (all workgroups closed) for SSIS to require a new ICWA Eligibility/Determination.

• When a child does not return home and services are still being provided and the court orders

permanent custody to agency, Northstar Kinship or Adoption, a new ICWA eligibility screen is NOT required; however, the existing ICWA eligibility screen should be updated if there is new information.

Data related to ICWA Eligibility and Determinations are entered within a child or youth’s respective ICWA Folder in SSIS. The ICWA Eligibility and Determinations subfolder contains the following data entry screens:

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• ICWA Status • ICWA Inquiry • MIFPA Notices • ICWA Applies/Determinations • Transfer to Tribal Court

ICWA Eligibility/Determination for Non-Indian Child in SSIS

The ICWA folder is where you document a child’s eligibility, tribal status and tribal affiliations. Workers must add an ICWA Eligibility/Determination for every child receiving services, not only those children in Child Protection workgroups. Again, a new ICWA Eligibility/Determination is required for children who are reopened for Child Welfare Services in SSIS when a case has been closed for 7 or more calendar days.

Navigate to the ICWA folder under the child’s Participant node in the Tree View. The first folder is Eligibility/Determinations. Right click the mouse on Eligibility/Determinations and select New Eligibility/Determination.

Alternative ways to access the Action Menu for creating New Eligibility/Determination include:

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The ICWA Status Tab

1. The Create Date auto-fills with the date this screen is created.

2. Click the Status drop-down. This field defaults to Draft, but workers can select finalized once they have confirmed the person’s ICWA eligibility. The Calculated ICWA Determination field is blank, but will autofill based on selections in the other tabs.

3. The Worker field defaults to the worker who is logged in when creating a new record. Otherwise, this field will display the name of the worker who made the last update to the record. However, workers can make an alternative selection as applicable while the Status field displays as Draft.

4. The Status Date initially auto-fills with the date workers create the screen. Thereafter, this date will reflect the Date the Status field is changed from Draft to Finalized.

ICWA Inquiry

Click the ICWA Inquiry tab. This tab is where workers document inquiry about the child’s Indian heritage.

1. Inquired with the child’s biological or adoptive mother field drop-down. Choices (Yes, No, Deceased)

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2. Inquired with the child’s biological or adoptive father field drop-down. Choices (Yes, No, Deceased)

3. Inquired with the child’s Indian custodian drop-down. Choices (Yes, No, Child does not have an Indian Custodian).

4. Inquired with child’s extended family drop-down. Choices (Yes, No)

5. Inquired with the child drop-down. Choices (Yes, No)

6. Child is a member of eligible for membership in an Indian tribe drop-down. Choices (Yes, No, Unknown)

7. Domicile or residence of the child, child’s parent or child’s Indian custodian is on a reservation or in an Alaskan native village drop-down. There is blue help text for guidance. Choices (Yes, No, Unknown)

ICWA Applies/Determinations

In a scenario where none of the family members or collaterals acknowledge any Indian heritage, the worker will answer “No” to the question “Does the agency know/have reason to know ICWA Applies?” when the agency has no reason to believe that the family has Indian heritage. Once this question is answered “No” the ICWA Status Tab “Calculated ICWA Determination” will auto-fill with “No, ICWA/MIFPA does not apply.

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ICWA Eligibility/Determination for Indian Children in SSIS

Revisiting the Race Screen

Race records must be up-to-date before creating an ICWA Eligibility Screen. • Workers should enter all tribes with whom the child may be affiliated with as a separate Race entry. • Tribe/ethnicity drop-down has been updated with all federally recognized tribes. • Select Tribal enrollment status for each tribe (including Tribal status unknown)

• Advanced Search button will allow workers to search keywords for Tribes to help narrow tribal search. Workers will begin by selecting American Indian/Alaskan Native when a child or family racially identifies as such. Workers should obtain the location of the tribe or tribes that the family identifies lineage or eligibility with (State Filter for Tribe List). There are currently 573 federally recognized tribes. In SSIS Tribes are currently filtered by state.

Once the State is selected in the “State Filter for Tribe List” Field, workers will then select the “Tribe/ethnicity” once known in the next field. Again what is viewable in this field depends on the State Filter selected.

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Workers will then select “Tribal enrollment status.” If the family or collateral are unaware of tribal enrollment, workers may select “Tribal status unknown.” This can be changed at a later time as information is reported to the agency.

When the agency becomes aware of Indian heritage for children and families, but tribal affiliation is with a Foreign Tribe, other (not federally recognized) tribe, or tribal affiliation is unknown, workers will select “Other, Unknown, or Foreign Tribe” in the “State Filter for Tribal List Field.” Workers will then make the appropriate selection under “Tribal/ethnicity” dropdown menu.

If an agency is working with a family that has unknown tribal heritage, workers can make diligent efforts to work with the family and BIA and operate under the assumption that ICWA Applies. Workers should document these notices/contacts in Case Notes. Families may know they have affiliation with a tribal group, but not the exact tribe. For instance, if there is indication that the child’s tribe is the Cherokee tribe, but the family is unsure of which Cherokee tribe, workers may need to send notices to all Cherokee tribes. Using the Advanced Search workers can type in Cherokee and search results will display the federally recognized Cherokee tribes.

The following example illustrates that a family is claiming affiliation with two Tribes, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe and Bois Forte Band of Chippewa. Tribal status is unknown. When all races are entered, the new race data entry field contains a “Go to ICWA Folder” button. Workers may use this as a short cut to the ICWA Folder and begin entering data for ICWA Eligibility/Determinations.

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The ICWA Status Tab

1. The Create Date auto-fills with the date workers first created this screen.

2. Click the Status drop-down. This field defaults to Draft, but workers can select finalized once they have confirmed the person’s ICWA eligibility.

3. The Calculated ICWA Determination field is blank, but will auto-fill based on our selections on the other tabs.

4. The Worker field defaults to the worker who is logged in when creating a new record. Otherwise, this field will display the name of the worker who made the last update to the record.

5. The Status Date initially auto-fills with the date workers create the screen. Thereafter, this date will reflect the Date the Status field is changed.

ICWA Inquiry

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This tab is where you document the individuals with whom you asked about the child’s Indian heritage and the results of the conversation.

1. Inquired with the child’s biological or adoptive mother field drop-down. Choices (Yes, No, Deceased)

2. Inquired with the child’s biological or adoptive father field drop-down. Choices (Yes, No, Deceased)

3. Inquired with the child’s Indian custodian drop-down. Choices (Yes, No, Child does not have an Indian Custodian).

4. Inquired with child’s extended family drop-down. Choices (Yes, No)

5. Inquired with the child drop-down. Choices (Yes, No)

6. Child is a member of eligible for membership in an Indian tribe drop-down. Choices (Yes, No, Unknown). Workers should make sure that they return to this field once eligibility is determined.

7. Domicile or residence of the child, child’s parent or child’s Indian custodian is on a reservation or in an Alaskan native village drop-down. There is blue help text for guidance. Choices (Yes, No, Unknown)

MIFPA Notices

MIFPA stands for Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act. This Minnesota law requires that you notify the tribe(s) when providing services to an Indian child. The actual MIFPA Notice documents are located in Chronology and eDocs. However, this tab is where workers document where and when they sent the notice. There is Blue Help Text to help guide workers with policy related to the MIFPA Notices.

There are three headers located in the MIFPA Notices Container,

• Indian Child’s Potential Tribe(s) • Notice Type • Notice Date.

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1. To add the “Indian Child’s Potential Tribe(s)” workers will select the green plus sign in the lower left corner of the grid container. Workers can only select from the “Indian Child’s Potential Tribe(s)” that they have added to the Name/Race folder one grid line at a time.

2. Workers will add the “Notice Type.” Immediate CP Notice will be sent to potential tribe(s) within 24

hours of screened in Family Investigation or Assessment. 7 day Child Welfare Notices are sent to the tribe within 7 calendar days that an agency begins providing child welfare services. Voluntary Review Notices should also be entered here as well. For all types of notices the tribe(s) can be notified by phone and with a follow-up email or fax. (see MIFPA Notice later in this tutorial).

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3. Workers will put the date notice was sent under “Notice Date.”

ICWA Applies/Determinations

1. If the agency knows or has reason to believe that ICWA Applies they will answer Yes to the first field. The ICWA determination will remain Yes until all tribes or court has determined that the child has no ICWA eligibility; at which time workers will come back to this screen and update the applicable fields.

2. Workers will then enter the date in the field “Date the Title IV-E agency first discovered information indicating the child is or may be an Indian child as defined by ICWA.”

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3. Add each identified tribe(s) using the “Add Tribes” button. This will add all the tribes entered on the race screen; or use the add/delete green plus or red take away buttons to add or remove tribes one at a time.

4. Once verified verbally or in writing, workers will come back to this screen and select the appropriate options from the “Tribal Determination” and “Date Determination Received from Tribe” dropdown list.

5. You must answer, Court determination that ICWA applies question. If you select “No Court determination,” or “No, ICWA/MIFPA does not apply,” then you do not have to complete anymore on this screen. If you select “Yes, ICWA/MIFPA applies,” then the next two fields: “Date court determined that ICWA applies” and “Indian tribe that the court determined is the Indian child’s tribe for ICWA purposes” enable and are required. These fields are used to notate when ICWA eligibility and which tribe will be working with the family and agency for ICWA purposes was stated on record before the court.

Transfer to Tribal Court

The fields on Transfer to Tribal Court tab indicate if the Indian child’s tribe, parent and/or Indian custodian request the case transferred from district court to an Indian child’s tribal court. State court is required to transfer a case unless either parent or tribal court objects to the transfer or good cause exists to not transfer. In the event of an objection, document the reason for good cause in case notes after filling out the necessary fields on this screen.

If workers select No or not currently in court from the “Request to transfer to tribal court” field, then no further entry is necessary on this screen. If Yes is selected from the “Request to transfer to tribal court” field, then workers must complete the “Was the request to transfer denied?” field. If the answer to the “Was the request to transfer denied?” field is No, then workers must enter the date the case was transferred to tribal court in the “Date of transfer to tribal court” field.

If the answer to “Was the request to transfer denied?” field is Yes, the worker would complete the three question fields under “If Denied” regarding whether either parent, Indian custodian, tribe/tribal court, or state district court declined the transfer to Tribal Court. Document the denial of transfer in case notes as well.

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ICWA Status Tab Revisited

Once an agency knows or has reason to know that ICWA applies, and indicates this under the ICWA Applies/Determinations tab (as illustrated previously), the Calculated ICWA Determination field will autofill with “Yes, ICWA/MIFPA applies.”

When the information is complete within all of the Eligibility/Determination tabs the Status field may be changed from “Draft” to “Finalized”. When workers attempt to finalize the Eligibility/Determination SSIS will issue error conditions if all field requirements aren’t met. Once finalized, no other changes can be made to the fields within this folder.

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ICWA Folder-ICWA Eligibility/Determinations Folder and the Active Efforts Subfolder.

Active efforts sets a higher standard than reasonable efforts. It means a rigorous and concerted level of case work that uses prevailing social and cultural values, conditions, and way of life of an Indian child’s tribe(s) to preserve Indian families, prevent out-of-home placement of an Indian child and, if placement occurs, to return a child to their family at the earliest possible time. Active efforts require acknowledging traditional helping and healing systems of an Indian child’s tribe(s), engaging their tribe(s) prior to a decision to remove a child from their family, inquiry of tribal lineage and more.

Locating the Active Efforts Folder in the Social Service Information System (SSIS)

The Active Efforts Folder is in the ICWA Folder, under its respective Eligibility/Determinations Main Folder, as shown below:

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Creating an Active Efforts Record in SSIS

Workers can initiate the New Active Efforts Action Menu by right clicking on the appropriate Elig/Determ (Date) and selecting New Active Efforts. Workers may also replicate this functionality by highlighting the Elig/Determ (Date) in the Tree View and clicking on the Lightning Bolt Icon in the Tree View Toolbar, or clicking the Action Tab in the lower left corner of the screen, as shown below.

Note: Once Active Efforts are entered for ICWA Eligibility/Determination, the Eligibility/Determination cannot be deleted.

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Active Efforts Screen and Tabs

The Active Efforts screen consists of three tabs, Active Efforts Status, ICWA Active Efforts, and ICWA Active Efforts Placement.

Active Efforts Status Tab

The Active Efforts Status Tab consists of six data entry fields for users to review and enter information, including:

1. Create Date — field consists of a system-generated date that indicates when the Active Efforts is created.

2. Worker — field defaults to the user who is logged into the system and has initiated the Active Efforts screen; however, other workers can be manually selected via the dropdown menu. This selection can be accessed by clicking the downward arrow next to each field.

3. Report Year — field includes a dropdown where users may select the current year, previous year, and future year, based on the Create Date of the Eligibility/Determination.

4. Report Period — field includes a dropdown menu for users to select the proper Quarter in which they are creating the Active Effort. A New Active Effort Record should be initiated for every quarter that a child is in placement or receiving child welfare services.

5. Status — field indicates whether the Active Efforts for a particular quarter are Draft or Finalized. By default, this field will indicate Draft. When users manually set the Active Efforts from Draft to Finalized, the Active Efforts tabs will be locked from editing. Once an Active Effort is Finalized, only users with Reset Error (SSIS Admin) can change it back to draft.

Quarter 1 (Q1) January 1 through March 31

Quarter 2 (Q2) April 1 through June 30

Quarter 3 (Q3) July 1 through September 30

Quarter 4 (Q4) October 1 through December 31

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6. Status Date — field includes a system-generated field that changes when users change the Active Effort from Draft to Finalized. Blue Help Text on this screen outlines error and warning conditions that workers may face and what to do in those instances.

ICWA Active Efforts Tab

This tab begins with Blue Help Text (page 21) to help guide user’s comprehension of ICWA Active Efforts. The screen also includes a list of nine Active Efforts questions. Users are to answer Yes, No or N/A next to each Active Effort and provide context and detailed information regarding worker/agency efforts in the text box under each question. Users will still need to provide descriptions in the text boxes, even if they answered No or N/A. A Warning Indicator (yellow triangle) is displayed next to all fields. All fields require information before the yellow Warning Indicator disappears. Active Efforts for a particular quarter may not be Finalized until all fields include required information.

ICWA Active Efforts Questions:

1. Did you engage and consult with the designated representative of Indian child’s tribe at the earliest point possible, and throughout investigation/assessment, case planning, and provision of services until case completion? Describe efforts to involve and invite tribal representatives to family visits, case planning meetings, and provision of services decisions. Yes, No, N/A

Describe worker/agency efforts:

2. Did you assist Indian parents or custodian through the steps of a case plan? If so, what steps were taken to assist the parents or custodian with developing resources necessary to satisfy a case plan? Yes, No, N/A

Describe worker/agency efforts:

3. Were Indian child's extended family members contacted? How did you search for family members, and how were they asked to provide family structure and support for the Indian child and their parents? Yes, No, N/A

Describe worker/agency efforts:

4. Did you identify culturally appropriate family preservation strategies, and facilitate the use of remedial and rehabilitative services provided by child's tribe? Describe the strategies and services offered and/or employed. Yes, No, N/A

Describe worker/agency efforts:

5. Did you identify community resources, including housing, food, health care, in-home services, financial, transportation, mental health, substance use, peer support and specialized services? Describe the actions taken to facilitate and support Indian child's parents or extended family’s use of those resources. Yes, No, N/A

Describe worker/agency efforts:

6. Did you monitor family’s progress and participation in services? Yes, No, N/A

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Describe worker/agency efforts:

7. Was it necessary to consider alternative ways to address the needs of Indian child's parents, and where appropriate, the family? Identify which optimum services required alternatives because they did not exist or were not available. Yes, No, N/A

Describe worker/agency efforts:

8. Did you undertake any other Active Efforts tailored to the facts and circumstances of the case? Identify specific efforts taken. Yes, No, N/A

Describe worker/agency efforts:

9. Was child in placement during this report period?

If question 9 on the ICWA Active Efforts Tab is Yes, users are required to navigate to the ICWA Active Efforts Placement Tab and document worker/agency efforts on that screen; If No, the ICWA Active Efforts Placement Tab will not need to be filled out and will not be editable.

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ICWA Active Efforts Placement Tab

This tab begins with Blue Help Text to help guide user’s comprehension of Active Efforts Placement. The screen also includes a list of seven Active Efforts questions. Users are to answer Yes, No or N/A next to each question and provide context and detailed information regarding worker/agency efforts in the text box under each question. Users will need to provide descriptions in the text boxes, even if they answered No or N/A. A Warning Indicator (yellow triangle) is displayed next to all fields. All fields require information before the Warning Indicator disappears. Active Efforts for a particular quarter may not be Finalized until all fields include required information under both the ICWA Active Efforts Tab and ICWA Active Efforts Placement Tab.

ICWA Active Efforts Questions:

1. Did you engage representatives of Indian child's tribe to participate in providing support and services to their family? Describe efforts to involve tribal representatives in family team meetings, permanency planning, and resolution of placement issues. Yes, No, N/A

Describe worker/agency efforts:

2. Did you assess the circumstances of Indian child's family? Describe how your assessment took into account the goal of safe reunification. Yes, No, N/A

Describe worker/agency efforts:

3. Did you identify appropriate services to help Indian parents overcome barriers to reunification? How did you actively assist the parents in obtaining these services? Yes, No, N/A

Describe worker/agency efforts:

4. Did you identify appropriate services and resources for relatives who are considered the primary placement option for an Indian child, consistent with the need to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of the child? Describe efforts in arranging services and resources identified and how you facilitated their use. Yes, No, N/A

Describe worker/agency efforts:

5. If an Indian child has siblings, did you take steps to keep the siblings together? If this was not possible, note why. Yes, No, N/A

Describe worker/agency efforts:

6. Did you facilitate Indian child’s regular visits or trial home visits with parents or Indian custodians in the most natural setting possible, consistent with the need to ensure the health, safety and well-being of the child? Describe the frequency and efforts made in arranging visits and the setting. Yes, No, N/A

7. Did you provide post-reunification services and monitoring for the Indian family? Describe what services and resources you provided and arranged for to support continued reunification. Yes, No, N/A

Describe worker/agency efforts:

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ICWA Folder-Child Custody Proceeding Notifications

When a pending child custody case is in district court and agency staff has reason to believe a child may have tribal affiliation or lineage, caseworkers are responsible for notifying all potential tribes, parents and/or Indian custodians about court proceedings through registered or certified mail with return receipt requested. Agencies are required to keep a copy of the return receipt as confirmation that a potential tribe(s), parents, and/or Indian custodian received notice. This Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) notice must be received by tribe(s), parents and/or Indian custodian 10 days prior to court proceedings. ICWA notices are required when an agency is seeking foster care placement or termination of parental rights.

Copies of these notices must be provided to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) regional director. Best practice is to provide notices for all child custody proceeding hearings. If an agency has reason to believe a child is affiliated with a tribe or has tribal heritage, but tribe is unknown and/or parents are unknown, it is the responsibility of an agency to provide a registered/certified notice to the regional BIA office requesting assistance in identifying an unknown tribe and/or parent, with a return receipt saved for verification of delivery.

Create an Action Menu under the Child Custody Proceeding Notifications folder.

The screen begins with blue help text for ICWA child custody proceedings. The fields that follow the blue help text are auto-filled create date as well as a field to enter information about a child’s continuous placement, if one exists. ** (The continuous placement should be added under child’s Permanency Folder in order to be pulled into this field prior to filling out this screen) **

The next section is Notifications to Parent/Indian Custodian. This field begins with blue help text for user guidance. Users will track the following by using this grid:

• Parent/Indian custodian(s) • Certified/registered notice sent date • Notice received date • Indication of whether parent/Indian custodian received the ICWA notice 10 or more days prior to a

proceeding • Whether copies of notices were sent to the BIA • Date agency sent copies of notices to the BIA.

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Workers are now able to add multiple parent/Indian custodians, when applicable. Navigate to the green plus sign in the lower left corner of this editable grid to add information.

Once workers select the green plus sign (add on), a series of dropdown boxes appear under a respective column header. The following example shows the dropdown selection under the header Parent/Indian Custodian(s).

When workers need to enter information for another parent/Indian custodian, they may navigate to the green

(add on) button in the lower left corner of the grid to add a new row.

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** (Parent/Indian custodian(s) dropdown will display all active and inactive relationships from the Relationship screen. Workers will have to enter all relationships in the Relationship screen before displayed in the Parent/Indian custodian dropdown. The dropdown will display the name with the relationship status. Once a user selects the parent/Indian custodian, only their name will be displayed in the collapsed dropdown field) **

Contrary to the green (add on) button is the red (take away) button . If information regarding a parent/Indian custodian is entered in error, workers may highlight the row in question and select the red minus sign in the lower left corner of the grid to remove inaccurate information.

The next section in the Child Custody Proceedings Notifications Subfolder is the Notifications to Indian Child’s Tribe(s). Workers will identify the following in this grid:

• Indian child’s potential tribe(s) • Date that certified or registered notice was sent to tribe(s) • Tribal notice received date • Notice received by tribe(s) 10 or more days prior to custody proceedings • Whether copies of notices were sent to the BIA • Date that agency sent copies of notices to the BIA.

Workers can add child’s potential tribe(s) that were sent notice by selecting the Add Tribes button or adding

them one at a time with the green plus (add on) button in the lower left corner of the grid. ** (Potential tribes should be entered on the Race Record before being pulled into the grid.) **

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Users can remove accidental entries with the red (take away) button in the lower left corner of the grid.

The final section of the Child Custody Proceeding Notifications Subfolder includes two fields. Workers will identify the date and whether they sent a registered or certified notice to the regional BIA office when a tribe or parent is unknown. If the tribe and/or parent(s) are known, users can indicate “does not apply” from the dropdown list.

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Example of Completed Child Custody Proceedings

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Qualified Expert Witness

The agency must make diligent efforts in finding a Qualified Expert Witness (QEW) to provide testimony in supporting continued out-of-home placement or termination or suspension of parental rights/transfer of legal and physical custody of an Indian child, when the agency knows or has reason to know that ICWA applies.

Location of ICWA QEW Tab in SSIS

QEW information is paired with Court Actions, and can be located and entered wherever Court Actions are entered in SSIS.

Each Participant within SSIS has their own Court Actions folder where QEW data can be accessed or entered when applicable.

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Workers may also review and/or enter data regarding the ICWA QEW within a child participants ICWA Folder. (Note: Only Court Actions that have an ICWA QEW record created under the ICWA QEW tab will display here.)

Finally, QEW Information can be reviewed or entered under the Reviews tab associated with a participant’s Continuous Placement within the Permanency Folder. Court Actions display here only when the Continuous Placement is selected, and judicial findings meet placement review requirements.

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Anatomy of ICWA QEW Screen

1. QEW Create Date: This date is set by the system when the record is created and not editable by the worker.

2. Worker: This field defaults to the worker who created the record. Workers can change this if needed. 3. Court Hearing Date: This is a “read only” field and will display the court hearing date entered on the

Court Hearing tab. 4. Court Proceeding: This field contains a drop down where workers can select OHP or TPR/TPLPC. 5. Was Qualified Expert Witness testimony given: Workers will select from Yes/No options. 6. QEW Details: This is a heading for the editable grid, with context help text. 7. QEW Name: Workers will enter the name of the QEW in this field. 8. QEW Type: This field contains a dropdown menu to select the type of QEW testifying. Selections include:

• Tribally designated QEW • Member of child’s tribe • Indian person from an Indian community • Expert witness (MN Rules of Evidence 702).

9. How testimony was given: This field contains a dropdown menu to select how the testimony was given. Selection includes:

• Telephone • In Person

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• Video conferencing • Affidavit • Other

10. QEW Tribal Member: Workers will indicate whether the QEW is a Tribal Member by selecting Yes or No. 11. QEW Tribe: This field shows a list of all the Tribes from the Race screen (Tribe/Ethinicity dropdown). 12. Describe in detail the worker/agency diligent efforts to follow QEW order of preference: If none of the

QEWs entered have a QEW Type of “Tribally designated QEW”, the worker must document in this section the diligent efforts made to locate one and present to the court a qualified expert witness designated by the Indian child's tribe, and to follow the QEW order of preference.

Basic Functionality of QEW Tab

When a court hearing involving an Indian Child requires a QEW, the QEW information will be entered in SSIS in conjunction with a new Court Action.

1. Begin by creating a New Court Action by selecting Court Actions in the Tree, action menu, New Court Action.

2. Enter pertinent information under the Court Action tab, including Court Hearing and Child Findings.

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3. Workers will enter data related to each court hearing that involves an Indian Child where QEW Testimony is given under the ICWA QEW Tab. Create a New ICWA QEW from the action menu by right clicking the mouse on the ICWA QEW Tab. Select New ICWA QEW.

4. When the New ICWA QEW screen is created, workers will select the Worker, which type of Court Proceeding (OHP, TPR/TPLPC), and whether Qualified Expert Witness testimony was given.

5. When “Was Qualified Expert Witness testimony given?” is answered “No”, the rest of the screen is disabled

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6. When “Was Qualified Expert Witness testimony given?” is answered “Yes”, workers will provide QEW Details within the allocated Grid. Workers can add and delete rows to the QEW Details Grid with plus and minus keys.

7. Worker will manually type the QEW Name.

8. Workers will select QEW Type from the dropdown list.

9. Worker will select how the QEW provided the testimony under the How was the testimony given header.

10. In the next column the worker will select Yes or No indicating whether or not the QEW is a tribal member.

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11. If the answer to QEW Tribal Member is Yes the QEW Tribe dropdown will enable. Workers will select the applicable Tribe from the dropdown. This dropdown contains a list of all federally recognized tribes and includes a “type ahead” feature allowing workers to manually filter the Tribal Name.

12. Workers have a 4000 character text field to Describe in detail the worker/agency efforts to follow QEW order of preference. This field is enabled when Was QEW testimony given indicator is marked Yes. This field is required if none of the QEWs entered have a QEW Type of “Tribally designated QEW”. The worker must describe the diligent efforts made to locate and present to the court a qualified expert witness designated by the Indian child's tribe, and to follow the QEW order of preference.

**Remember to document these efforts in case notes and other designated reports in SSIS**

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ICWA Adoptive Placement Preferences (Continuous Placement Folder)

This tab documents:

• Whether workers consulted with the child’s tribe(s) about the need for adoption, available and selected adoptive placements;

• The available adoptive placements (type/setting) and the adoptive placement workers selected; or to indicate if the placement did not meet ICWA placement preferences by selecting the option.

If the placement did not meet ICWA preferences, then workers must also answer whether they had Good cause to depart from the adoptive placement preferences under ICWA question.

• If workers did not have good cause, then they must provide a summary indicating why they departed from the ICWA placement preferences in the Summary of departure from ICWA preferences text field at the bottom of the screen.

• If workers had good cause, then they must answer questions related to the reason(s) for good cause and provide a summary indicating why they departed from ICWA preferences.

It is best practice to fill out the screen when the child is placed in a pre-adoptive home, because that is when you must complete the adoptive placement preferences screen.

ICWA Adoptive Placement Preferences

ICWA/MIFPA Data Entry in SSIS 36

1. Create an Action Menu by right clicking the mouse on the ICWA Adoptive Placement Preferences tab under the Continuous Placement folder.

2. Under the Available ICWA Adoptive Placement Preferences section click within the Yes and No option buttons to answer the questions associated with consulting the tribe on placement preferences.

3. Under the All Available Adoptive Placement Type/Settings section click within the Yes and No option buttons to answer the questions associated with consulting the tribe on available adoptive placement types and settings.

4. Workers will then select the adoptive placement preference that is being utilized under Of the available types/settings indicate the one selected section of this screen. If an adoptive placement does not follow preferences, workers will select the option button associated with Placement does not meet ICWA placement preferences.

5. If deviation has occurred from ICWA Adoptive Placement Preferences workers will use the Basis for Good Cause section of this screen and click the Yes and No option buttons next to each basis for good cause.

6. Workers will summarize the departure from ICWA preferences in the free text field at the bottom of this screen. Note: “good cause” does not alleviate an agency of active efforts and due diligence in finding available adoptive placements.

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ICWA Foster Care and Pre-Adoptive Placement Preferences

When an agency is contemplating removal of an Indian child, consultation with their tribe prior to removal, or during removal is essential. Seeking guidance from an Indian child’s tribe an parents regarding placement can result in fewer removals or placement changes if foster care/pre-adoption placement is necessary. Agencies must give due diligence in efforts regarding consideration of all available placements specified in order.

1. Create an Action Menu by right clicking the mouse on the ICWA Placement Preferences tab under the Placements/Locations/Absence (P/L/A) folder.

2. Under the Available ICWA Foster Care and Pre-adoptive Placement Preferences section click within the Yes and No option buttons to answer the questions associated with consulting the tribe on placement preferences.

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3. Under the All Available Adoptive Placement Type/Settings section click within the Yes and No option buttons to answer the questions associated with consulting the tribe on available adoptive placement types and settings.

4. Workers will then select the adoptive placement preference that is being utilized under Of the available types/settings indicate the one selected section of this screen. If an adoptive placement does not follow preferences, workers will select the option button associated with Placement does not meet ICWA placement preferences.

5. If deviation has occurred from ICWA Placement Preferences workers will use the Basis for Good Cause section of this screen and click the Yes and No option buttons next to each basis for good cause.

6. Workers will summarize the departure from ICWA preferences in the free text field at the bottom of this screen. Note: “good cause” does not alleviate an agency of active efforts and due diligence in finding available adoptive placements.

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MIFPA Notice in SSIS

1. Navigate to Chronology in the tree view 2. Create Action Menu and select Documents 3. Click on Magnifying Glass next to Document Template Field 4. In the Group Type Field Select State 5. In the Category dropdown select Placement-ICWA 6. Click Search 7. Select MIFPA Notice to Indian Child’s Tribe(s) from either the grid or tree view 8. In the bottom right hand corner of the screen hit the Select button to bring to Set-Up.

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MIFPA Notice Set-Up

1. When workers send MIFPA Notice to Tribe(s) it may benefit the worker to change the Description field on the Setup tab. This will allow for ease when searching for specific documents. For example “Name of Tribe—MIFPA Notice to Indian Child’s Tribe(s). A separate notice must be sent to each potential tribe for the child(ren).

2. Enter Date of Notice. 3. Agency, Agency Name, and “Is agency county or region” autofill. 4. Workgroup auto fills with current Workgroup Information. 5. Users will then select whether to Display the language block. 6. Select child in Child 1 Container followed by that child’s Race. There is room within the MIFPA Notice

Setup for six children. Complete one form per child or sibling group, if children have the same parents. If multiple parents, send separate MIFPA Notice according to that child or sibling group’s lineage.

7. After inputting data regarding the children into the setup field workers will navigate to the Initial Contact Worker field and select that particular worker into this field.

8. The Social Worker’s name will be placed in the final section of the setup tab.

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MIFPA Notice RTF Document

1. Select the RTF Document tab to the right of the Setup tab. 2. Click on the Blue E (Editor) icon on the top left of document screen to bring the document into edit


3. Workers will then click mouse to select Type of notice in boxes provided.

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4. Type in the correct date that the agency called the tribe as well as the Tribal Child Welfare Staff Name. Again, type in the correct date that agency emailed or faxed a copy of the MIFPA Notice and write in the Tribal Child Welfare Staff Name that received the email or fax.

5. The Name of Tribe that was selected on the document Setup tab will merge into this document, but workers will have to manually type in the Address, City, State, Zip Code, Title of Tribal Child Welfare Agency Contact, Phone Number.

6. Information from the Social Worker section of the Setup tab merges into the From section of this document.

1. Workers will then indicate, by selecting the check boxes, which Attachments they are sending with the MIFPA Notice. The Indian Child Welfare Act/Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act Genogram is required. Please see examples below for additional documents that can be sent.

Note: The MIFPA Notice contains help text at the bottom of the form for additional worker guidance.

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ICWA Notice of Placement Proceeding in SSIS

1. Navigate to Chronology in the tree view 2. Create Action Menu and select Documents 3. Click on Magnifying Glass next to Document Template Field 4. In the Group Type Field Select State 5. In the Category dropdown select Placement-ICWA 6. Click Search 7. Select ICWA Notice of Child Placement Proceeding from either the grid or tree view 8. In the bottom right hand corner of the screen hit the Select button to bring to Set-Up.

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ICWA Notice of Child Custody Proceeding Setup

1. Enter Date of Notice with free text or by selecting date on date picker. 2. Agency, Agency Name, and “Is agency county or region” auto fill with previously entered information. 3. Workgroup auto fills with current Workgroup Information. 4. Users will then select whether to Display the language block.

5. In the Biological Father container select the child’s Father under Participant. Select Father’s Address and Phone detail.

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6. In the Biological Mother container select the child’s Mother under Participant. Select Mother’s Address and Phone detail.

7. In the next section of the Setup tab the user will select Child 1. Be sure to enter the child’s race and tribal affiliation into the Race Folder prior to setting up this document. After selecting Child 1 a user has up to 4 fields with which to pull race and tribal information into. If family claims lineage with more than 4 tribes, use the ICWA Notice of Placement Proceedings Supplement in addition to this document.

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8. The remainder of the Setup screen allows a user to pull in information regarding additional children (up to 6), Indian Custodian(s), and Legal Guardian(s), when applicable.

9. The final section of the Setup screen allows a user to pull in the Social Worker information.

Once all required fields contain information workers will navigate to the RTF Document tab to complete the editing process of this document. Select the Blue E to edit.

ICWA Notice of Placement Proceeding Editor

A worker will want to review the document to ensure that all information entered on the Setup tab is merging appropriately into the document.

1. Workers will have the ability to manually fill out information as well as place an “X” in boxes designated for Unknown at this time (updates will be provided), indicating that agencies may not have all of the information right away, but will add and send new information as it is received to all Parties involved.

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2. Workers may indicate on this form that they are sending along the Supplemental ICWA Notice of Child Placement Proceeding, when there are more than 4 tribes.

3. The address of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Midwest Regional Director is listed on this form. Workers will populate indicator boxes to note that they are sending copies and/or requesting assistance to identify unknown tribal affiliation or unknown parent’s identity or address.

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4. Write in or select applicable text boxes regarding: • court information • the type of placement proceeding CHIPS, Third Party Custody, or Permanency • required documents, including the Petition and ICWA/MIFPA Genogram are attached.

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5. The remainder of the document contains Protections for Indian children and families. Followed by a Declaration of accuracy (to be completed by the petitioner).

This notice must be sent to parent(s), Indian Custodian(s), and Tribe(s) with return receipt requested 10 or more days prior to the court hearing. Copies of this notice must be sent to the BIA Regional Office. This notice must be filed with the court and each return receipt must also be filed with the court.

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ICWA Notice of Placement Proceedings sent Registered or Certified Mail

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ICWA/MIFPA Genogram (Tribal Lineage) Notice in SSIS

1. Navigate to Chronology in the tree view 2. Create Action Menu and select Documents 3. Click on Magnifying Glass next to Document Template Field 4. In the Group Type Field Select State 5. In the Category dropdown select Placement-ICWA 6. Click Search 7. Select ICWA/MIFPA Genogram (Tribal Lineage) from either the grid or tree view 8. In the bottom right hand corner of the screen hit the Select button to bring to Set-Up.

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ICWA/MIFPA Genogram Setup

1. Enter Date of Notice with free text or selecting date on date picker. 2. Agency, Agency Name, and “Is agency county or region” auto fill with previously entered information. 3. Workgroup auto fills with current Workgroup Information. 4. Users will then select whether to Display the language block.

5. Select Child 1 from the Participant drop down. First Name Last Name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth,

Other Names, and Race information populate into document when this information was put into the correct folders before creation of the document. Place a check mark in the boxes next to each Race container.

6. Select the Child 1’s Address and Previous Address (if applicable) from the dropdown.

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7. Workers will then navigate and complete all known and entered information regarding paternal family members. Remember (if able) to enter Race along with Tribal Enrollment Status (if known), Date of Birth, Date of Death, Address, Email, and Phone detail for each of the following family members before setting up this document. Fields related to Father are labeled as follows:

a) F0= Father b) F1= Child(rens) Paternal Grandfather (Father’s Father) c) F2= Child(rens) Paternal Grandmother (Father’s Mother) d) F3= Father Paternal Grandfather e) F4= Father Paternal Grandmother f) F5= Father Maternal Grandfather g) F6= Father Maternal Grandmother

8. Workers will then navigate and complete all know and entered information regarding maternal family members. Remember to enter Race along with Tribal Enrollment Status (if known), Date of Birth, Date of Death, Address, Email, and Phone detail for each of the following family members up front. Fields related to Mother are labeled as follows:

a) M0= Mother b) M1= Child(rens) Maternal Grandfather (Mother’s Father) c) M2= Child(rens) Maternal Grandmother (Mother’s Mother) d) M3= Mother Paternal Grandfather e) M4= Mother Paternal Grandmother f) M5= Mother Maternal Grandfather g) M6= Mother Maternal Grandmother

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9. Workers will then navigate and complete additional relative containers (up to 6 additional relatives). Remember to enter Race along with Tribal Enrollment Status (if known), Date of Birth, Date of Death, Address, Email, and Phone detail.

10. After all relatives are entered, additional children related to the sibling group can be pulled into the document setup (up to 6 additional children).

ICWA/MIFPA Genogram Pre-Work and Tips

1. Prior to the creation of the ICWA/MIFPA Genogram (Tribal Lineage) document in SSIS the following steps will save workers time in reference to pulling data into appropriate fields.

2. Conduct ICWA Inquiry as early as possible and list race and potential or known Tribal Lineage information into the Participant’s Race Folder.

3. Gather as much information regarding relatives at the earliest stage possible. The ICWA/MIFPA Genogram (Tribal Lineage) document contains space for: a) Child(rens) Father and Mother b) Child(rens) Paternal Grandfather and Grandmother. c) Father’s Paternal Grandfather/Grandmother and Maternal Grandfather/Grandmother. d) Child(rens) Maternal Grandfather and Grandmother e) Mother’s Paternal Grandfather/Grandmother and Maternal Grandfather/Grandmother f) Space for 6 additional relatives is provided on this document. Maternal and Paternal Lineage can be

denoted on the Relationship screen for these relatives. Each time information is discovered regarding family members the existing genogram will need to updated and sent to the tribe(s)

4. Navigate to the Participant Node(s) and open the Relationship Folder. Always begin associating relationships to all participants through a search within the Relationship screen. When information is gathered regarding grandparents and relatives, but these individuals are not searchable in SSIS via

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SWNDX, workers can create space within the workgroup for relatives as Collaterals. When entering relatives as collaterals be sure to indicate their gender and other required information on the Participant Screen.

Warning: If gender is not selected for relative, Parent/Grandparent will be used in place of Grandfather or Grandmother etc. The value of Grandparent will not allow that relationship to be pulled into the ICWA/MIFPA Genogram (Tribal Lineage) document. It is also beneficial to enter the Race along with Tribal Enrollment Status (if known), Date of Birth, Date of Death, Address, Email, and Phone of the grandparents and relatives. Following these steps will assist tribes with eligibility determinations.

5. There is space on the ICWA/MIFPA Genogram (Tribal Lineage) document for up to six children. When there is different lineage among siblings within a family group, separate genograms will need to be created (e.g. half siblings, step-siblings) when ICWA/MIFPA apply to step or half siblings. When there are more than six children in a sibling group a separate genogram will need to be completed for the remaining children.

6. The ICWA/MIFPA Genogram (Tribal Lineage) document is a required to be sent with MIFPA Notice(s) and ICWA Notice(s) of Child Custody Proceedings.

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ICWA Eligibility and Determination

It is important to complete the ICWA Eligibility/Determination folder and ensure that the “Qualifies under ICWA” indicator (make sure they match) prior the completion of a child participant’s:

• Continuous Placement Screen • Northstar Adoption Assistance Screen (also complete Adoption Placement Preferences under

Continuous Placement). Eligibility for Adoption Assistance cannot be generated if ICWA information is missing.

Continuous Placement Screen

Workers will bring the ICWA Elig/Determination into the designated field of a child’s Continuous Placement. When there is more than one ICWA eligibility/determinations the worker will ensure that they are selecting the most current from the dropdown list.

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Adoption Assistance Eligibility Setup Screen

It is important that ICWA data has been entered on the applicable screens as information regarding ICWA Applies and Placement Preferences filter into the Adoption Assistance Setup.

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SSIS Reports

There are no reports in SSIS based on the new ICWA screens discussed within this tutorial; however, ICWA information does filter into some SSIS Reports using the “Qualifies under ICWA” indicator discussed at the beginning of this tutorial. Workers should ensure that they are updating this indicator located on the Participant node to match the ICWA Eligibility and Determination.

The Child Foster Care Report

The Child Foster Care Report uses the “Qualifies under ICWA” indicator to bring information into Child Count Ratios.

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ICWA Clients Report

The ICWA Clients Report can be found under Client Data in SSIS General Reports and lists clients who qualify under ICWA and who meet other filter criteria. The report includes indication of whether the client is currently in placement, with the option of including the current Bus Org/Provider name and other optional columns. Each client’s race, tribe/ethnicity, and tribal enrollment status information is included. One client may appear multiple times if they are an active client in more than one workgroup.

1. Workers will navigate to the Tools option on the Window Menu Tool Bar and select General Reports. 2. Click on the folder next to Client Data to expand the list of reports. 3. Select the ICWA Clients report. This report can be run from Department, Unit, and Worker. 4. Workers will then select the applicable Department, Unit, or Worker list.

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5. Select the Workgroup Status of Open, Closed, or All. 6. Workers can select if they would like to add clients under a certain age under the Client Age field. 7. Select the applicable child welfare program from the list. 8. Select the Search button in the lower right corner of the screen to run the report.

9. Additional Headers can be added to this report by clicking on the additional headers button

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Case List

The Case List grid report includes an optional column that indicates whether there is at least one active client in a workgroup with the ‘Qualifies under ICWA’ question is answered Yes.

1. Workers will navigate to the Tools option on the Window Menu Tool Bar and select General Reports. 2. Click on the folder next to Case/Workgroup to expand the list of reports. 3. Select the Case List grid report (blue grid node). 4. Select an applicable date range. 5. Choose whether to Report on Department, Unit, or Worker. 6. Choose the Department, Unit, or Worker from the dropdown list. 7. Select the Workgroup Status of Open, Closed, or All. 8. Select the applicable program from the list. 9. Select the Search button in the lower right corner of the screen to run the report. 10. Click on the additional headers button and select ICWA.

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The ICWA header will then appear in the report.

Case List with Clients Report

A feature of this report is that each workgroup listed includes a list of all clients and a column for ICWA related information.

1. Workers will navigate to the Tools option on the Window Menu Tool Bar and select General Reports. 2. Click on the folder next to Case/Workgroup to expand the list of reports. 3. Select the Case List with Client grid report (blue grid node). 4. Select an applicable date range. 5. Choose whether to Report on Department, Unit, or Worker. 6. Choose the Department, Unit, or Worker from the dropdown list. 7. Select the Workgroup Status of Open, Closed, or All. 8. Select the applicable program from the list. 9. Select the Search button in the lower right corner of the screen to run the report.

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