idaho critical infrastructure and key resources protection program and fusion center brief

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Idaho Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources Protection Program and Fusion Center Brief. Bottom Line Up Front. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Idaho Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources Protection Program

and Fusion Center Brief

Bottom Line Up Front

The Idaho Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources Protection Program is relatively new (two years old) and is in the process of creating a formalized plan/program and identifying assets across the state.

Idaho CI/KR Program

• Customers:

• Internal: Governor, TAG, BHS, State Agencies

• External: Federal Government, Districts, Counties, Tribes, Cities, General Population, Private Sector, Neighbors (States & Nations)

What is CI/KR?

Critical Infrastructure – Assets, systems, and networks whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States, Idaho, districts, counties, or cities that the incapacity or destruction of such assets, systems, or networks would have a debilitating impact on security, economic security, public health or safety, or any combination of those matters

Key Resources – are publically or privately controlled resources essential to the minimal operations of the economy and government.

CI Sectors

Critical Infrastructure Eighteen Sectors: Agriculture and Food National Monuments Banking and Finance Nuclear Chemical Postal and Shipping Commercial Facilities Public Health and Healthcare Communications Water Dams Transportation Defense Industrial Base Manufacturing Emergency Services Energy Government Facilities Information Technology

* Yellow=new sector

Vision Statement

Protecting Idaho’s current and future critical infrastructure and key resources from all natural and man-made threats through vigilant, adaptive, and dynamic security activities.


Create an environment of interactive information sharing between public and private stakeholders to identify, catalog, and assess Idaho’s critical infrastructure and key resources to facilitate the protection of assets from all man-made and natural threats and to mitigate exploitation from identified vulnerabilities.

Goal and Objectives

GOAL: Create a safer, more secure, and more resilient Idaho and America by enhancing protection of the State’s CI/KR to prevent, deter, neutralize, or mitigate effects of deliberate efforts by terrorists or natural disasters to destroy, incapacitate, or exploit them; and to strengthen state preparedness, timely response, and rapid recovery in the event of an attack, natural disaster, or other emergency.

Objective 1Create, develop, and maintain the Idaho CI/KR Protection Plan

Objective 4Enhancement of Response Operations

Objective 3Protection of CI/KR

Objective 2Identify and catalog all CI/KR

Short Term Targets

• Develop CI/KR Protection Program

• Get the State of Idaho PCII Accredited

• Create the State of Idaho PCII SOP

• Identify CI/KR throughout the State of Idaho

• Professional development (AT, CT, and

Natural Disaster Education)

• Develop or adapt a CI/KR database

Limiting Factors and Shortfalls

• Time

• Funding

• Training/Education

Idaho CIP/KR Program


Idaho CIP/KR Program

Leadership Guidance

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