idea generation and development

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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Developing ideas

• This mind map is just for some basic ideas which will then hopefully lead to more inspiration. I have contained both ideas for a product’s design and an advert for the product. I have done this so I can create numerous different things and so that the products I design can feature in the adverts that I create.

• Hopefully, I will gain more and more inspiration for other product designs once I have started to design my original ideas. This is what I did in a previous project, started off with a couple of basic ideas and then got more and more inspired for other products. Because this happened, I ended up creating different products that I liked better.

• I will probably add more to the posters and products as I am going if they need it or take things away if they don’t look right. This way I can create a good standard of work as I will have trialed it and improved it.

• Colour scheme: I think the main colours I will stick to are blue, orange and white. This is because they are the traditional colours associated with Irn Bru as they appear on all the products and all the adverts.

• Images: The images I am going to use I will create mostly myself but based upon the images that have featured in the my image moodboard. These will be things such as alarm clocks going off, Irn Bru 32 tins, beams of light etc.

• Fonts: The font I have chosen to use doesn’t feature in my font moodboard. I have chosen to use Arial Black as it is big and bold, similar to the font on Irn Bru products. The fonts featured in my text moodboard are all suitable for an Irn Bru advert and/or product design but I don’t feel like any of them fit better then Arial Black. I feel this way because the other fonts all had something that didn’t go well whereas Arial Black went really well as it matched Irn-Bru’s existing font. Another perspective to look at this from is that one of Irn Bru’s existing taglines is ‘Made in Scotland from girders’. The font they currently use looks like it was made from girders, therefore I went for a strong and straight-edge style font.

• If I did have to choose a font from the font moodboard I would choose BD Cartoon Shout because it is big and bold, standing out from amongst the rest.

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