ideas mind map

Post on 10-Feb-2017






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Ideas for music video

Harvey lying in a field of flowers.

Inlay – Panoramic scenery view

Blow paint onto a canvas

Animals heads photo shopped going across 2 sides of the digi pack. Front and back.

Lips, double exposure w/sunset behind the lips.

Animals heads edited together to make one head

Animals head going into a 3D effect body

Sixties font:

Purple lips with a background of clouds

Shot of mouth open and mini people in the mouth working on the teeth. (edit)

Face in a balaclava mask. All you can see Is eyes looking into the camera. Edit the eyes to give the illusion hes on drugs.

Photos/ head shots of all different people from different races abd cultures to show equality (bands values). Similar to a concept by Will And The People.

Car wash suds on window. Edit with 3D effect similar to Alt-J’s cover.

Shot of someone in mask blowing out glitter and flower petals. And edit eyes for the illusion they are on drugs

Track listing on back written in flowers.

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