identifying evidence and maintaining a specialised register of studies

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Identifying evidence and maintaining a specialised register of studies. Dr Alison Weightman Director, Support Unit for Research Evidence (SURE), Cardiff University, UK and Co-Convenor Cochrane Information Methods Retrieval Group & Dr Angela Harden - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Identifying evidence and maintaining a specialised

register of studies

Dr Alison Weightman Director, Support Unit for Research Evidence (SURE), Cardiff

University, UK and Co-Convenor Cochrane Information Methods Retrieval Group


Dr Angela Harden Associate Director, EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, UK and Co-Director

Cochrane Health Promotion and Public Health Field

This talk

• Cochrane requirements for a Group Register of Studies

• History of the HPPH Field register – TRoPHI

• From Field to Review Group register

• The size of the task

• Any potential collaborators if the Group gets go ahead?

Cochrane specific core function 6

“For the editorial bases to develop and maintain a Specialized

Register, containing all relevant studies in their area of interest,

and submit this to CENTRAL on a quarterly basis”

The following details should be available in the Group’s module:

• The inclusion criteria for the register

• The search strategy used

• Locating unpublished studies

• Access arrangements for authors

TRoPHI*The official register of the Cochrane Health Promotion and Public Health


*Developed and maintained with funding from the English Department of Health since 1996

(ongoing funding secured until 2010)

EPPI-Centre (

• Conducts and supports systematic reviews to support policy, practice and personal decisions

• Strong links with Cochrane and Campbell Collaborations

• Cochrane Collaboration: provided coordination and co-direction of the health promotion and public health (HP&PH) field since 1996– Trials register– Trial Search Coordinator (Josephine Kavanagh)– Methodological expertise and development for

conducting HP&PH systematic reviews

What TRoPHI contains

• Populated by: – Prospective searches of:

• PubMED• EMBASE • Cochrane Controlled Trials Register

– Hand searching– EPPI-Centre reviews

What TRoPHI contains

• 3,254 trials (randomised and non-randomised)

• 81 countries around the world

• All trials coded according to: – Topic focus– Population– Intervention site, type and provider– Cost indication

TRoPHI: From field register to review group register

• Upstream and equity focus

• Searching across domains including social science databases

• Expanding hand searching activities

• Expanding range of studies

• The need for collaboration!

The task

Scoping & developing the register• Inclusion criteria

– Upstream and equity focus; Developed & developing countries; What about non-RCTs, EPOC and beyond?

• Search strategy– Huge potential range of databases; Hand-searching;

Search filter development…

• Locating unpublished studies– Grey literature; Expert contacts…

• Access & management- Collaboration structure; Access for authors; Finance…

What next

• Any comments or questions?

• Any potential collaborators?


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