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Decomposition-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary2

Algorithm with an Ensemble of Neighborhood Sizes3

Shi-Zheng Zhao, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan, Senior4

Member, IEEE, and Qingfu Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE5

Abstract—The multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on de-6

composition (MOEA/D) has demonstrated superior performance by7

winning the multiobjective optimization algorithm competition at the8

CEC 2009. For effective performance of MOEA/D, neighborhood size9

(NS) parameter has to be tuned. In this letter, an ensemble of different10

NSs with online self-adaptation is proposed (ENS-MOEA/D) to overcome11

this shortcoming. Our experimental results on the CEC 2009 competition12

test instances show that an ensemble of different NSs with online self-13

adaptation yields superior performance over implementations with only14

one fixed NS.15

Index Terms—Decomposition, multiobjective optimization, self-16


I. Introduction18

AMULTIOBJECTIVE optimization problem (MOP) can19

be defined mathematically as follows [1]:20

minimize : F (x) = (f1(x), . . . , fm(x))T

subject to : x ∈ �(1)

where � is the decision (variable) space, F : � → Rm consists21

of m real-valued objective functions, and Rm is called the22

objective space. In many real-world applications, since the23

objectives in (1) conflict with one another, no point in � can24

minimize all the objectives at the same time.25

Let u, v ∈ Rm, u is stated to dominate v if and only if26

ui ≤ vi for every i ∈ {1, . . . , m} and uj < vj for at least one27

index j ∈ {1, . . . , m}. A point x∗ ∈ � is Pareto optimal if28

there is no any other point x ∈ � such that F (x) dominates29

F (x∗). F (x∗) is then called a Pareto optimal (objective) vector.30

In other words, any improvement in a Pareto optimal point in31

one objective must lead to deterioration to at least one other32

objective. The set of all the Pareto optimal objective vectors33

is the Pareto front (PF) [1].34

Many multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs)35

have been developed to find a set of representative Pareto36

optimal solutions in a single run. Most of them are Pareto37

dominance based. Guided mainly by dominance-based fit-38

ness measures of individual solutions, these algorithms push39

Manuscript received December 24, 2010; revised May 31, 2011; acceptedAugust 4, 2011.

S.-Z. Zhao and P. N. Suganthan are with the School of Electrical and Elec-tronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 639798, Singapore(e-mail:;

Q. Zhang is with the School of Computer Science and ElectronicEngineering, University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ, U.K. (

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are availableonline at

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEVC.2011.2166159

the whole population toward the PF. NSGA-II, SPEA-II, 40

and PAES [1] have been among the most popular Pareto- 41

dominance-based MOEAs in the past. 42

Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposi- 43

tion (MOEA/D) [3] is a recent MOEA. Using conventional 44

aggregation approaches, MOEA/D decomposes the approx- 45

imation of the PF into a number of single objective opti- 46

mization subproblems. The objective of each subproblem is 47

a (linear or nonlinear) weighted aggregation of all the objec- 48

tives in the MOP under consideration. Neighborhood relations 49

among these subproblems are defined based on the distances 50

among their aggregation weight vectors. Each subproblem is 51

optimized by using information mainly from its neighboring 52

subproblems. The neighborhood size (NS) plays a crucial role 53

in MOEA/D [5]. Arguably, different multiobjective problems 54

need different NSs, and even for a particular problem, using 55

different NSs at different search stages could improve the 56

algorithm performance. When some solutions are trapped in 57

a locally optimal region, a large NS is required to increase 58

diversity for helping these solutions escape from the trapped 59

region. However, if the globally optimal area has been found, 60

a small NS will be favorable for local exploitation. 61

Ensemble learning has proven to be very efficient and 62

effective for adjusting algorithmic control parameters and 63

operators in an online manner [7]–[9]. In this letter, we 64

propose to use an ensemble of different NSs in MOEA/D and 65

dynamically adjust their selection probabilities based on their 66

previous performances. We compare the resultant algorithm, 67

called ENS-MOEA/D, with MOEA/D proposed in [3] on CEC 68

2009 MOEA Contest benchmark problems [4]. Our results 69

indicate that ensemble learning improves the performance of 70

MOEA/D significantly. 71

II. Review on the MOEA/D 72

There are several variants of MOEA/D. In this letter, we 73

use MOEA/D with dynamical resource allocation [3], which 74

won the CEC2009 multiobjective algorithm contest. To de- 75

compose (1), MOEA/D needs N evenly spread weight vectors 76

λ1, ..., λN . Each λj = (λj1, ..., λ

jm)T satisfies

∑mk=1 λ


k = 1 77

and λj

k ≥ 0 for all k and m. Let z∗ =(z∗

1, ..., z∗m

)T, where 78

z∗i = min {fi(x)|x ∈ �}. Then, the problem of approximation 79

of the PF of (1) can be decomposed into N scalar optimization 80

subproblems and the objective function of the jth minimization 81

subproblem is 82

gte(x|λ, z∗) = max1≤i≤m

{λi|fi(x) − z∗

i |}

. (2)

z∗ is often unknown before the search, the algorithm uses the 83

lowest fi-value found during the search to substitute z∗i [2]. 84

During the search, MOEA/D maintains: 85

1) a population of N points x1, ..., xN ∈ �, where xi is the 86

current solution to ith subproblem; 87

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Fig. 1. Performance of all the variants of MOEA/D with different fixed NS and ENS-MOEA/D.AQ:3

Fig. 2. Selection probabilities of different NSs in ENS-MOEA/D. (a) UF3. (b) UF9.

2) FV 1, ..., FVN , where FV i is the F-value of xi, i.e.,88

FV i = F (xi) for each i = 1, . . . , N ;89

3) z =(z1, . . . , zm

)T, where zi is the best value found so90

far for objective fi.91

For each weight vector, its NS-neighborhood is the set of NS-92

closest weight vectors to it. Correspondingly, each solution and93

each subproblem have their NS-neighborhoods, respectively.94

At each generation, a set of the current solutions is selected.95

For each selected solution xi, MOEA/D does the following.96

1) Set the mating and update range P to be the T -97

neighborhood of xi with a large probability, and the98

whole population otherwise.99

2) Randomly select three current solutions from P.100

3) Apply genetic operators on the above selected solutions101

to generate a new solution y, repair y if necessary.102

Compute F(y).103

4) Replace a small number of solutions in P by y if y is104

better than them for their subproblems.105

No solution will be replaced in Step 4 if y is not better106

than any solution in P for its subproblem. When such a107

case happens, we say that the update fails, otherwise, it is108


III. Ensemble of NSs for MOEA/D110

To evolve the solution of a subproblem, only the current111

solutions to its neighboring subproblems are exploited in112

MOEA/D. Usually, a larger neighborhood makes the search113

more globally, whereas a smaller NS encourages local search.114

Hence, by appropriately adjusting the NS for each subproblem,115

the performance of the MOEA/D can be enhanced. However, 116

for diverse problems, a trial-and-error approach can be too 117

demanding for tuning NSs. Motivated by these observations, 118

we employ an ensemble of NSs which are selected accord- 119

ing to their historical performances of generating promising 120

solutions. 121

In ENS-MOEA/D, K-fixed NSs are used as a pool of 122

candidates. During the evolution, a NS will be chosen for 123

each subproblem from the pool based on the candidates’ previ- 124

ous performances of generating improved solutions. In ENS- 125

MOEA/D, the certain fixed number of previous generations 126

used to store the success probability is defined as the learning 127

period (LP). At the generation G > LP − 1, the probability of 128

choosing the kth (k = 1, 2, . . . , K)NS is updated by 129

pk,G =Rk,G

∑Kk=1 Rk,G


where 130

Rk,G =


g=G−LPFEs successk,g

∑G−1g=G−LP FEsk,g

+ ε, (k = 1, 2, .., K; G > LP).

(4)Rk,G represents the proportion of improved solutions generated 131

with the kth NS within the previous LP generations. By 132

improved solutions, we mean the solutions which successfully 133

entered the next generation. FEsk,g is the total number of 134

solutions generated with the kth NS within the previous 135

LP generations, FEs−successk,g is the number of improved 136

solutions generated with the kth NS within the previous LP 137

generations. The small constant value ε = 0.05 is used to 138


Fig. 3. Convergence graphs in term of mean of IGD obtained by two methods. (a) F1. (b) F2. (c) F3. (d) F4. (e) F5. (f) F6. (g) F7. (h) F8. (i) F9. (j) F10.

avoid the possible zero selection probabilities. To ensure that139

the probabilities of choosing strategies are always summed to140

1, we further divide Rk,G by∑K

k=1 Rk in calculating pk,G.141

The procedure of ENS-MOEA/D is presented below.142

1) Initialization.143

Set generation counter as G=0; probability pk,G = 1/K.144

Generate a uniform spread of N weight vectors, λi =145

(λ1, ..., λN ). Generate an initial population x1, ..., xN ∈146

� by uniformly randomly sampling from the search147

space. Initialize z = (z1, ..., zm)T by setting zi to be the148

best value found so far for objectivefi(x). Initialize the149

utility of each subproblem πi.150

2) Optimization Loop.151

If The stopping criteria is not satisfied, repeat:152

For k = 1 to N, based on the current probability pk,G,153

select one NS from the NS pool and then define the 154

neighborhood of subproblem k. 155

Apply the MOEA/D [3] (MOEA/D is shown in 156

Appendix 2) for one generation. G = G + 1; AQ:1157

Update FEsk,G and FEs−successk,G for all the 158

NSs. 159

If (mod(G, LP) == 0) 160

Update the probability Pk,G based on the current 161

FEsk,G 162

and FEs−successk,G for all the kth NS as in (4). 163

Reinitialize the FEsk,g and FEs−successk,g as 0 164

for the next LP loop. 165

Endif 166

Else Stop and output the final N solutions. 167

Endif 168


Fig. 3 (Continued).

IV. Experimental Results169

ENS-MOEA/D is tested on the first ten CEC 2009 Contest170

unconstrained test instances [4]. The IGD performance mea-AQ:2 171

sure is used as in the CEC 2009 Contest. The IGD measures172

both the convergence as well as the diversity among solutions.173

The common parameter settings are the same as in MOEA/D174

[3]. N is set to be 600 for two objectives and 1000 for three175

objectives; CR = 1.0 and F = 0.5 in DE operators; the176

number of function evaluations (FEs) is 300 000. The four177

different NSs for the two-objective problems are 30, 60, 90,178

and 120, where NS = 60 is the original parameter setting in the179

MOEA/D in [3]; the NSs for the three-objective problems are180

60, 80, 100, 120, and 140, where 100 is the original parameter181

setting for NS in the MOEA/D [3]. Both MOEA/D and ENS-182

MOEA/D are implemented in MATLAB. Final N population183

members are used to compute IGD values for both MOEA/D1184

and Ens-MOEA/D in this letter.185

We conducted a parameter sensitivity investigation of LP186

for ENS-MOEA/D using four different values (10, 25, 50, and187

75) on the ten benchmark instances. By observing the mean188

of IGD values over 25 runs, we can conclude that the LP is189

not so sensitive to most of the instances. In the experiments190

reported in this letter, LP = 50.191

The mean of IGD values over 25 runs among all the variants192

of MOEA/D with different fixed NSs and ENS-MOEA/D are193

1MOEA/D results presented at used 100 filtered points and 150 filtered points from finalpopulation to compute IGD values for two-objective problems and three-objective problems.

ranked in Fig. 1. In both of the bar charts in Fig. 1, the different 194

fixed values of NS settings are shown in the horizontal axis, 195

while the vertical axis represents the accumulation of rank 196

values for each variant. Our results also showed that the ENS- 197

MOEA/D yields superior performance (smallest accumulation 198

of ranks) over all other implementations with only one fixed 199

value of NS setting. 200

To investigate the self-adaptive selection of different NSs in 201

ENS-MOEA/D, the average value of the selection probabilities 202

for each NS as the evolution progresses are plotted in Fig. 2. 203

At the beginning, each NS is assigned the same selection 204

probability. For UF3, NS = 30 is rarely used during the whole 205

evolution progress. It is because NS = 30 cannot yield better 206

results during the search. On the contrary, NS = 90 and NS = 207

120 are often assigned high probabilities, especially at the last 208

search stage. For UF9, it is obvious that NS = 80 dominates 209

others when the FEs are around 200 k. However, at the last 210

stage, NS = 80 has received very small selection probability. 211

Overall, there is not any NS dominates others throughout 212

the whole evolution, the selection probabilities for each NS 213

varies very much. From this observation, one conclusion can 214

be made, the ensemble of different NSs with online self- 215

adaptation is necessary for MOEA/D. 216

The comparison, in terms of the IGD value, between the 217

original MOEA/D and the proposed ENS-MOEA/D are pre- 218

sented in Fig. 3 and Table I. The t-test at the 5% significance 219

level has been conducted to compare the final IGD values 220

obtained at 300 000 function evaluations of the two methods. 221

h = 1 in Table I means that the difference is significant and h = 222



Means of the Final IGD Values Obtained by Two Methods


Mean Std. Mean Std.1 0.0020211 0.00029442 0.0016423 0.00012564 12 0.0047824 0.001809 0.0040487 0.0010057 13 0.010552 0.0025461 0.0025916 0.0004564 14 0.062411 0.0022919 0.04207 0.0013259 15 0.31666 0.067811 0.24811 0.042555 16 0.1886 0.08487 0.060847 0.01984 17 0.0017668 0.0009525 0.0017286 0.00085227 08 0.042793 0.0039138 0.031006 0.0030051 19 0.029236 0.010788 0.027874 0.009573 110 0.48577 0.044731 0.21173 0.019866 1

0 implies that the t-test cannot detect a significant difference.223

It is clear from Table I that the quality of the final solutions224

obtained by ENS-MOEA/D is significantly better than the225

original MOEA/D on all the instances except f7. Fig. 3 also226

indicates that the proposed ENS-MOEA/D converges faster227

than the original MOEA/D on all the instances except f7.228

V. Conclusion229

In this letter, an ensemble of different NSs of the sub-230

problems with online self-adaptation was integrated with231

MOEA/D. We have shown that the online self-adaptation is232

necessary for improving the algorithm performances since dif-233

ferent NS values were needed during the different search stage.234

Our experimental results on the CEC 2009 unconstrained test

instances indicated that our proposed ENS-MOEA/D outper- 235

formed the original MOEA/D with different fixed NSs. It 236

has been shown very recently that the use of two different 237

aggregation functions in MOEA/D can be beneficial in solving 238

some many-objective knapsack problems [6]. Our future work 239

will consider employing an ensemble of aggregation functions 240

as well as an ensemble of NSs. 241

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