ielts speaking phrases english spanish

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Esa es una buena pregunta

That's a good question

If you need time to think, use this expression

Es curioso lo que preguntas.

It's funny you should ask.

If you need time to think, use this expression

Pues, para resumir (cortar una historia larga...)

Well, to cut a long story short ...

If you need time to think, use this expression

Pues, para ser honesto...

Well, to be honest ...

If you need time to think, use this expression

Es dificil de decir...

It's difficult to say...

If you need time to think, use this expression

Dejame pensar...

Let me think ...

If you need time to think, use this expression

Toma McKinsey como ejemplo...

Take McKinsey for example ...

When giving examples make this clear through these expressions

Para darte un ejemplo...

To give you an example ...

When giving examples make this clear through these expressions

Un caso concreto es...

A case in point is ...

When giving examples make this clear through these expressions

Para ilustrar esto...

To illustrate this ...

When giving examples make this clear through these expressions

Para mostrarte lo que quiero decir...

To show you what I mean ...

When giving examples make this clear through these expressions

Eso si es interesante.

That's an interesting point.

Active listening and responding to comments he or she makes.

Yo estaba interesado en lo que dijiste sobre...

I was interested in what you said about ...

Active listening and responding to comments he or she makes.

Entonces, cuando dices liderazgo, quieres decir....?

So, when you say leadership, do you mean ........?

Active listening and responding to comments he or she makes.

Podias explicar que 'querias decir' con...

Could you explain what you mean by...

Active listening and responding to comments he or she makes.

Entonces, teniendo en cuenta las ventajas y los inconvenientes, que piensas

So, weighing up the pros and cons, do you think ?

To bring the discussion to a constructive conclusion

Estamos de acuerdo con eso...?

Are we generally in agreement that ?

To bring the discussion to a constructive conclusion

Pues, al final de todo afirmamos....?

So, all in all do we feel ?

To bring the discussion to a constructive conclusion

(Finalmente), estamos todos de acuerdo que...?

Essentially, do we all agree that ?

To bring the discussion to a constructive conclusion

Pues, para concluir...

So, to sum up

To bring the discussion to a constructive conclusion

Parece que hemos llegado a la conclusion de que...

It seems weve reached the conclusion that

To bring the discussion to a constructive conclusion

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