iete isf-the tabellio 2

Post on 08-Aug-2018






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Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers Students’ Forum presents...

The Tabellio, VIT University.

August 2013




In what could be called as a breakthrough in

the field of co mmunicatio n, EESHA 

KHARE, who is only 18 year old, created a

device which could charge your mobile phone

in under 30 seconds. Read more to find all

about her revolutionary invention.Continued on page 3.



At 15, JACK ANDRAKA beat out billion

dollar pharmaceutical companies with his

diagnostic cancer test. Keep reading to know

how and why he created a system to detect

pancreatic cancer.

Continued on page 4.



Increase your tech quotient and read about

how mobile payment is made and shop lifting 

is prevented with the help of these two

amazing wireless technologies.

Continued on page 5.

Issue No. 2 IETE -ISFR E  A C H  I  N  G  O U  T  

 RoboTryst 2013

 Industrial Visit to Brakes India Ltd. Riviera 2013 event- Jigmix


Open source systems vs. closed source systems

have been subjected to numerous debates. We

compare the pros and cons.

Continued on page 6.

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The Tabellio, VIT University.

FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK...Greetings and a warm welcome to the second issue of The Tabellio!

Our team is delighted to present to you another issue of The Tabellio wherein we aim to provide you with knowledge about

the latest technology, information on the latest conferences, competitions and much more.

Since childhood we have heard terms such as “Jack of all trades and master of none” and have been told to focus only on one

thing and pursue it with full dedication and determination. However, many of us actually take the literal meaning of this

phrase and end up focusing only on one particular aspect ignoring the rest without realizing the possible influence one topic

may have over another .

Thomas Henry Huxley, also known as “Darwin’s bulldog” who is famously known for coining the term “agnostic” said,“Try tolearn something of everything and everything of something”. This gives a deeper insight on how one should actually proceed

on the path of knowledge. Having basic knowledge about as many topics as possible will only have a positive influence on your

dedicated path to progress. It is important to focus on your goal whole heartedly but negligence towards other aspects may

prove costly in the long run. To summarize, with perseverance, hard work and dedication one can strive to become “The jack 

of all trades as well as the Master of his trade”.

IETE-ISF brings to you the second edition of the news letter and this time it is designed based on the theme “Young 

Achievers”. It is always fascinating to see any new invention coming up, but what can be even more astonishing is the fact that

many of these inventions are by teenagers! While these people are not child prodigies as such, they are quite unique and

different from others as they strived hard for making their dream come true at such a young age. We cover two such stories in

this issue- 18 year old Eesha Khare’s invention of a charger that charges a cell phone in less than 30 seconds and 15 year old

 Jack Andraka’s diagnostic stick for pancreatic cancer. We also have an article on the current wireless technologies- RFID and

NFC, which are not only used widely nowadays but are extremely easy to understand too. Apart from that, we also cover the

 very famous debate of “Open Source vs. Closed Source”.

While the first issue was based on ‘Fun with technology’, we have tried to experiment with this issue and we bring to you

heartwarming stories of young achievers of today, their inventions and what lead them into doing so.

I am sanguine that this edition will be beneficial to the readers and would like to thank my team for putting in diligent efforts to

compile this newsletter.

Also, we appreciate your support and are more than happy to have your views and opinions about us. You can contact us on

the email id mentioned below:

With best regards,

Varun Chawla

Student Head.


We would love to hear back from you....

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The Tabellio, VIT University.



Every time your phone’s battery dies down,

do you also wish that there were some kind of 

magic device which could charge it again in a

few seconds making your life a lot easier?

Well, brace yourselves for the groundbreaking 

invention which can potentially change the

face of communication in the world andcharge your cell phone in 20 to 30 seconds.

EESHA KHARE, an 18-year-old student at

Lynbrook High School in California has

invented a super-fast charging device which

she has dubbed as a ‘super capacitor’. This

Californian resident won the Intel Foundation

Young Scientist Award with $50,000 prize

money at the Intel International Science and

Engineering Fair, conducted in Phoenix, Ariz.

After receiving the award, Khare said she

wants to "just keep making a lot of scientific

advancements." Eesha explained  to Intel that

this super capacitor acts as an energy storage

device that holds great amount energy in a

small amount of space. Not only is the device

convenient because it's speedy, this device is

also portable because of its small size. Eesha

says it can fit inside cell phones and other

electronic devices, which can mean that

people will not need to rely on electric outlets

as often.The nano-tech gizmo which Eesha

has created can supposedly withstand up to

100,000 charge cycles, a 100-fold increaseover the current technology.

That was “--with hydrogemated TiO2 (H-

TiO2) core and polyaniline shell.” This core

is electrostatic in nature and “--conductivity

combined with the high pseudo capacitance

of polyaniline results in significantly higher

overall capacitance” After continuous re

evaluation of the structural capacities, Eesha

Khare made a home run and successfullylighted an LED within seconds.

Imagine this: if her technology replaces our

conventional charger, our gadgets will spend

lesser time ."My cellphone battery always

dies," she said when asked about what

inspired her to work on the energy-storage


After winning the Intel Foundation Young 

Scientist Award, Eesha plans to put her

$50,000 into her educational forte at Harvard

and further scientific advancements.There will

be no more wires plugged into the sockets andthere will be no more complaints about how

slow our devices take to juice up. And yes, that

day is not very far away because tech giant

Google has already started head hunting this

teenager who has taken the tech-world by a

storm.So folks, we are at the brink of another

outstanding and significant phase in the world

we live. We are now entering a world, courtesy

Eesha Khare, a teenager; where it will take

less than a minute to charge our cell phones

completely and you will have to find excuses

other than a dead battery for being late.

Battery offers

30 times more

power and

charges 1000

times faster.

Eesha stood 3rd at Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, conducted in Phoenix.

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The Tabellio, VIT University.

15 year old boy invents test for PancreaticCancerDIAGNOSIS A MATTER OF JUST 5 MINUTES.

Jack is already working on a patent for his revolutionary life saving test.

At 15, most of us worry about our homework, a match of football or a party we are supposed to attend. Well this was not what

 Jack Andraka had in his mind when he started his research in 2011.Pancreatic cancer is a lethal cancer, with five year survival rate

of 6% only. In most cases, the diagnosis is very late for treatment. Around 40,000 people die of this disease every year. “By the

time you bring this to a physician, it’s too late,” said Anirban Maitra, a Johns Hopkins university’s pathologist and pancreatic

cancer researcher who is also Andraka’s mentor.

As the cancer takes hold of the body, the body sends out a distress signal – an overabundance of a protein called ‘Mesothelin’. Jack invented a dipstick which can detect the protein in blood or urine. This test is 90% accurate. Thus this makes the diagnosis a

matter of 5 minutes.Jack who hails from Maryland, USA was born in 1997. One of his close family friends died of pancreatic

cancer in 2011.What led him into the journey of this discovery accounts for an interesting story. When one fine day Jack was

sitting in his biology class, listening to a lecture of antibodies which bind to a particular protein in body, the idea struck him. He

had been using carbon nanotubes for screening some compounds from water along with his father, who is a civil engineer. In the

class he thought of combining both these ideas. What if he could lace a nanotube network with mesothelin-specific antibodies,

and then introduce a drop of a pancreatic cancer patient’s blood? The antibodies would bind to the mesothelin and enlarge.

These beefed-up molecules would spread the nanotubes farther apart, changing the electrical properties of the network: The

more mesothelin was to be present, the more antibodies would bind and grow big, and the weaker the electrical signal would

become. This could be used to test for pancreatic cancer at an earlier stage, thus saving thousands of lives.Jack wrote an

experimental protocol and e-mailed it to about 200 researchers. Only Maitra responded and decided to invite him in his lab.

What he expected was that he would see Jack around once a week but instead, young Jack worked religiously for seven months,every day after school and often on Saturdays until after midnight.He had not even finished his freshman Biology, so had lots to

learn.It was actually this way he ended up making the strips quite cheap and effective.His dedication and hard work finally paid

off when at 15, Jack Andraka won the 2012 Gordon E. Moore Award, the grand prize of the Intel International Science and

Engineering Fair along with prize money of $75000. Andraka also won other prizes in smaller individual categories for a total of 

$100,500 in prize money. Another addition to his achievements is a fourth place award in Chemistry at the 2013 Intel

International Science and Engineering Fair with a project focusing on a novel Raman spectrometer  with real world applications.

Although his invention requires some improvisation, achieving this feat at such an early age might be enough of work for a

lifetime for a teenager but this is not stopping Jack at all! Maitra rightly calls him “Edison of our times”.

 Jack speaks after receiving Smithsonian Magazine first annual American Ingenuity Award for youth

achievement on November 28,2012 in Washington, DC.

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The Tabellio, VIT University.


The term NFC is gaining popularity

increasingly nowadays as it becomes a part

of more smartphones, laptops and other

devices. RFID, on the other hand is a

technology which is already commonly used

around the world. What is the difference

between the two? What are the uses of these technologies? Let’s find out.

NFC (Near Field Communication) and

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) are

often used interchangeably, but NFC is a

newer version of RFID. Both make use of 

the radio signals for various sorts of 

tracking and tagging purposes.

RFID is a technology where there is only

one-way communication and the signals

flow from tags to the reading equipment. Its

tags contain an antennae and a memory

chip that is responsible for the storage of 

data. An impressive use of this technology is

for the prevention of shoplifting in retail

stores where the tags embedded in items

prevent people from carrying them  outside

without first paying for it.  RFID has a range

of many feet.

NFC technology on the other hand can be

set up for one as well as two-way

communications and it limits the operating 

range to about 4 inches (10 cms). This

actually makes NFC great for secure

transfer of data such as mobile payment

and logging in at a location. One of the

reasons it is being included in the various

modern smartphones like the HTC,

Samsung and Google Nexus phones is that

it can be used for transferring data likephotos, music and other files. Another

important usage, as previously mentioned is

mobile payment. NFC is supposed to make

mobile phones replace money (cash and

credit cards) to pay for things and redeem

coupons. One of the examples is Google

Wallet, partnering with MasterCard

PayPass. Some cities like San Francisco are

using it for payments of parking meter and

BMW has even come up with NFC-enabled

car keys.

RFID is already being commonly used

throughout the world and NFC is a

technology of the future, with great

potential to help us make our lives easier. It

is great to be aware of the amazing 

technology around us, especially if it

directly relevant to how we live our lives.

"An impressiveuse of thistechnology is forthe prevention ofshoplifting in

retail storeswhere the tagsembedded initems preventpeople fromcarrying them outside withoutfirst paying for it."

Telecom Italy, Vodafone, Wind, 3 Italy Poste Mobile have signed a joint ag reement for the development of NFC Technology in Italy.

 RFID Key tags are easy to use

wherever required. It uses Radio Frequency Identification Technique.

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The Tabellio, VIT University.

The biggest question while choosing software

can easily be brought down to: free or not free.

While the two have a long and winding 

relationship dating back to over twenty years,

each set has its own advantages and

disadvantages. A good place to start is to define

what they exactly are and how they differ.

 What are Open and Closed Sourcesystems?

A fitting example for this comparison can be

made between Android and iOS, the top 2

operating systems in the mobile market

currently.  Google’s Android is considered an

OPEN SOURCE mobile OS, which means that

they release the source code for the mobile OS.

(Source code is the code in English before it is

compiled into 1’s and 0’s). Open source software

is any piece of software where a normal end

user is granted a full view into the source codeand has the option to modify this code for his or

her own purpose. On the other hand, Apple’s

iOS does the opposite and is considered a

CLOSED SOURCE system that doesn’t allow

developers to change anything that deals with

the operating system itself, and instead gives

developers an API which is set of tools that lets

them develop programs for the iPhone, but

restricts what they have access to.

 What are Open and Closed Sources?

Unfortunately the decision is not clear cut andcomes down to what you, the end user needs.

One can only compare the benefits and the

downsides of both the systems and draw a

conclusion based on the requirements.An Open

model gives the developers a feeling of 

ownership as the user can develop for the

platform. It also allows full control and lets the

user customize the look, feel and even features of 

the software giving it much more possibilities

which is essentially absent in a Closed system.

Open source is also much more transparent than

closed, this means that anyone can look over the

code, by having thousands of people reading 

through your code, bugs and vulnerabilities are

located much quicker and submitted for fixing, it

also lets you know if the bug has been fixed as

 you can check the code after each release. As a

product ages the original developer might move

on and stop developing leaving the product to

age with no new fixes or features, but if it is an

Open source then usually the community takesover and continues working on it allowing the

usable life of the product to be

extended well beyond what the original

developer intended.The Closed model

on the other hand is much simpler and

less complicated then the Open one.

There is less confusion for the customer

where you don't have to choose among 

d oz e n s o f op t i o ns f o r e ve ry

component. You only have to explore

two or three large vendors in each

market , which saves a lot of  

time. Many people aren’t sure what the

advantages of the different versions of Android.

By not allowing people to alter core features it

makes it easier to pick the product you want,

there is only one version of iOS that people

need to learn about. With Open source, you

have to comply with the license terms specified

by the components you're using. It can take

some time to understand the terms of an

Apache Software License versus a General

Public License (GPL), for example. But with

Closed source, you don't have to worry about

any of this! Your vendor's license agreement

takes away all of your rights to the software and

makes it nearly impossible to consider any usage

not explicitly approved by your corporate

attorneys, so you don't even have to think about

it. Using a Closed source can prove to be

extremely beneficial at the time of breakdown.

Once you determine that the problem lies in

 your vendor's code, you're all done! All you have

to do is file a ticket and wait.


Open Source vs. Closed Source

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1.Shri Ram Model UnitedNations Conference

When: 23-25 August, 2013

Where: New Delhi

Contact: Vaibhav Garg 

(Secretary General)

Phone: +918860390193


2. CBIT MUN-2013

When: 05-08 September, 2013

Where: Hyderabad

Phone: +919493813960





3.VIT Model United Nations

When: 20-22 September, 2013

Where: Vellore

Contact: +91-9566820095





4. UWC Conference India

When:11-13 October, 2013

Where: Pune


Facebook Page:




1.  Arduino Contest 

About: The object of the

Contest is to create an

Instructables project using 

an ARduino-compatible

product that meets the given

criteria and are submitted in

accordance with the format,

c o n t e n t a n d o t h e r


W e b s i t e : h t t p : / /


Deadline: 1st September,


2.  Wipro: Applife Contest 


About: A contest by Wipro

for Engineering students to

showcase their talents in

d e v e l o p i n g m o b i l e

applications for consumers

and enterprises.

W e b s i t e : w w w . w i p r o -

Deadline: 20th December,




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The Tabellio, VIT University.



1.  AARUSH 13

Type: Technical Fest

Date: 18th September, 2013

College: SRM University,


Department: CSE, ECE, IT,

EEE, Ins trumentat ion ,

M e c h a n i c a l , C i v i l ,

Chemical, Energy, Arts,

Industrial, BioTechnology,


2. GRAVITAS 2013

Type: Technical Fest

Date: 27th-29th September,


College: VIT University,


Departments:CSE, ECE, IT,

EEE, Ins trumentat ion ,

M e c h a n i c a l , C i v i l ,

Chemical, Energy, Arts,

Industrial, BioTechnology,


Paper Presentation: Call forAbstracts. Last Date of submission:

20th August, 2013.

Topics uploaded

Submit proposals to:




MASKS  WITH MIKES F o u r u n d e r g r a d u a t e

students, Rajat, Akshat,

Krishna and Karthik fromVIT University, Vellore have

developed a model oxygen

mask with mike attached

equipment to be used for

communication of a patient

undergoing oxygen therapy. The students came up with

this invention under the

subject Innovation for

Devlopement, mentored by

Dr. Ted Moallem and Dr.

Data Santorino.

This group of four students

c a l l e d a s t h e

CapnoDiaCoroxy, presented

this oxygen mask at the

Innovators Conclave for

Medical Technologies also

known as Hack-a-thon, held

at VIT.

T h i s m a s k a l s o h a s

applications in adventure

sports like trekking on hills

and mountains where the

oxygen at the altitude level is

l o w. T h i s m a s k w i l l

improve the level of medical

services when exploited at acommercial level. The group won the first

prize at the hack-a-thon and

was awarded with a cash

prize of 25,000 Rs. from the

C h a n c e l l o r o f V I T

U n i v e r s i t y , D r . G .

Viswanathan and officials

from CAMTech and MIT,

Boston, USA.





Two third year B. Tech

(Electrical and Electronics

Engineering) students of VIT

University, Jagan Mohan and

K. Dinesh Kumar have bagged

the first prize in the CoreEl-

Digi lent Design Contest(CDDC) for designing an

innovative Smart Wheelchair

for use by physically disabled

persons.The Smart Wheelchair

can be operated and controlled

by the disabled persons

through voice command. One

can give simple instructions

such as ‘forward,’ ‘backward,’

‘left’ and ‘right’ to control the

movement of the wheelchair.


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The Tabellio, VIT University.

At IETE-ISF, we aim to come up with creative

and innovative events and workshops to

encourage outside-the-classroom learning. In

VIT itself, IETE-ISF has been one of the

most active student chapters, thereby

conducting events, workshops and industrial

 visits that have been not only a knowledgeable

experience for the students, but also a funfilled one.

In Riviera 2013, VIT’s cultural fest, we

conducted 2 major events – Legends of the

Hidden Temple, based on a hugely popular

television show with the same name and Jig 

mix, an online jigsaw puzzle game on

Facebook. Along with that we had Craft

Bizarre, a pre Riviera workshop on paper

quilling and paper lamp making.

‘Robotryst 2013’, a national level workshopcum championship was organized in January

2013 in association with Robosapiens

Technologies, a start-up by IIT Bombay


We also conducted an Industrial visit to Brakes

India Ltd, Chennai, a leading manufacturer of 

Automotive and Non-Automotive Braking 

Systems and Ferrous Castings.

An informative on-campus visit was organised

to the CO2 research centre where the studentsgot on opportunity to have a look at the

 various ongoing projects at the centre.

Electrologic, a technical event which tested the

debugging skills of the participants was

conducted in April, 2013.

An innovative workshop on Photoshop and

Photography was also conducted in April.

The students were taught the various

techniques of photography and also the basic

tools of Photoshop.

When you're

young, everything

feels like the end of 

the world. But it's

not. It's just the


IETE-ISF hopes to keep the subscribers in

sync with the technological advancements

 v i a w e e k l y m e s s a g e s i s “ I E T E

TECHGYAN”. The best part about this

service is that it is free of cost and the

subscribers do not have to search anywhere

for these tech-tips, they simply receive one

tech-tip a week on their mobile phones.


 IETE TechGyan.

Visit to CO2 centre

 RoboTryst 2013

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