iexl -- green is great but sometimes only color will do …

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iEXL -- Green is great but sometimes only color will do …. Simplify creation of spreadsheets, directly from the Iseries Keep your cost down Leverage your existing knowledge base Create new reporting solutions. iEXL. System Background. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


AS400/iSeries/i5/IBM i on Power

iEXL -- Green is great but sometimes only color will do Simplify creation of spreadsheets, directly from the IseriesKeep your cost downLeverage your existing knowledge baseCreate new reporting solutions

iEXL. System BackgroundThe iEXL product has been designed to simplify the creation of Excel spreadsheets directly on the AS/400, ISeries, I5 or IBM I on Power (referred to as IBM I after).

Its purpose is to generate professional looking spreadsheets with very little effort. It can also be used to simply download data from a file.

The system uses Apache POI HSSF software to generate the spreadsheets.

There is no need for further PC packages or database communications setup to use the iEXL product.

Create spreadsheets from RPG, COBOL, JAVA, QUERY, or SQL

The system was designed to replicate IBM I spool file generation but is being used for much more.

iEXL is supplied as machine serial number level. No restrictions on number of users or partitions.

Already working on both European and North American systems.

iEXL. Excel Spreadsheet GenerationSpreadsheets generated interactively on your system or

Spreadsheets stored direct to the IFS on your system.

Spreadsheets emailed direct from your system to your users.

Programmers create actual Excel spreadsheets that have colours, fonts, images and many more attributes and controls.

Users create actual spreadsheets for download/email.

No need to retrain your staff just use their existing knowledge.

No one or two members of staff specializing in one product. iEXL. Excel Spreadsheet Generation Lets Get Started !!!!Create a simple file with output that is stored on the Iseries. iEXL. A simple file example Create a file i.e. AS400 DDS code

DDS for file IDSTESTEdit your Library List

Add the library IDDEXL directly after QTEMP. Run the iEXL command

In this example the VFILE is set to Y. This parameter allows you to view the Spreadsheet direct on your screen. You must have a drive mapped to the directory namefor this to work.Spreadsheet Directory

Vfile Command

Resulting Spreadsheet

The result is a basic download of data. Some formattingSuch as decimal places and negatives are applied as Standard.

The iEXL DefaultsThe iEXL command is the basis for running all spreadsheetThe iEXL Command

The iEXL Command

The iEXL Command

The iEXL Command

Now Lets Enhance the Previous Example !!!Start the iEXL Menu.

Enter GO IDSMAIN from a command line.The iEXL MenuSelect option 1Select option 1

Using iEXL and its attributesThe First Steps The previous example has shown how to simply download data from a file. Only basic formatting will occur. To use the formatting options available to you there are two stages.

Stage one consists of entering a spreadsheet name associated with your file. This will allow options such a sheet headers and footers, sheet names, column width controls. To use this level of formatting you would enter the command as follows. The iEXL MenuSelect option 1Select option 1

Select Option 1Spreadsheet Definition

Using iEXL and its attributes

Note that this time there is an entry inthe SPN parameter. For every file enteredan associated SPN can be entered. Using iEXL and its attributesBy entering a value in the SPN parameter it tells the system to search for entries within the attributes files.If entries are found they will then be applied to the spreadsheet.

Within this stage one example we will apply a sheet name and some column headings .From a command line enter GO IDSMAIN and the following will be displayed. The iEXL MenuSelect option 1Select option 1

Select Option 1 and select a spreadsheetUsing iEXL and its attributes

Press F6 to add an entry. Then locate the IDSTEST entry and selection option 5.Select Spreadsheet Attributes

Select option 5Using iEXL and its attributes

Press F15 for Sheet NamesUsing iEXL and its attributes

Press F6 to add a new entry. After creating the new entry press F12.

Using iEXL and its attributes

Press F13 to add column headingsUsing iEXL and its attributes

Press F6 and add all your column headings.Using iEXL and its attributes

Using iEXL and its attributesRun the iEXL command again making sure you enter the SPN parameter.

Using iEXL and its attributes

Using iEXL and its attributes

There are now columnHeadings.Sheet name has been changed.Using iEXL and its attributesThe previous stage one example shows some of the options available to you without any changes to the database file IDSTEST.

Stage 2To apply more advanced attributes such as colours, fonts, images, text etc attribute fields have to be added to the database file. This does not mean that you have to modify your actual database files but you would need a work file that contains the same data and the extra attribute fields. Using iEXL and its attributesThe system searches for file field text with specific values.

To apply attributes to a complete row/record would require a field with the text value set as TEXT('Atr Excel Rec'). This is case specific.

To apply attributes to a specific field would require a field with the text value set as TEXT('Atr Excel Fld').This is case specific.

As long as one of the above pieces of text are found within the TEXT attribute the system will search for associated entries within the attributes files.

Using iEXL and its attributes

The Field DSRPGR is defined as a recordLevel attribute field.The Field DSNAMA and all others are defined as field level attributes. Note the attribute fields are defined directly before each data field.Using iEXL and its attributesGo back into the iEXL menu system.From a command line enter GO IDSMAIN. Select option 1, locate the IDSTEST spreadsheet enter, select option 5. Press F11 to create edit codes. Using iEXL and its attributes

Press F6 to create the above edit codes. Press F12 to return to the previous screen.Using iEXL and its attributes

Press F6 to create the following style code. The style is named ST2 And has a edit code number 2 Using iEXL and its attributes

Press F6 to create the following style code. The style is named ST4 And has a edit code number 1Using iEXL and its attributes

The codes just created are then applied to the actual file. The attribute field DSABLA is Populated with the value ST4. The attribute field DSCRLA is populated with a value of Both ST2 and ST4.Using iEXL and its attributes

Run the command againUsing iEXL and its attributes

The edit codes have now beenApplied to the data.Using iEXL and Server JobsIn most cases all that is required is a single iEXL job to run, generate a spreadsheet and end.

Other cases may require the system to generate multiple spreadsheets by being called multiple times. This can cause system overheads such as JVMs having to be created for each spreadsheet. In this case iEXL server instances can be used.

By setting the server job name on a spreadsheet and setting the SRVJOB parameter to Y on the iEXL command , the system will send all creation requests to a named job. That job will remain active until no more requests have been received for 1 hour. Using iEXL and Server Jobs

Using iEXL and Server Jobs

Using iEXL and Server Jobs

Using iEXL and Server Jobs

Server job name has been set.48Using iEXL and Server Jobs

Note the SRVJOB parameter has been set to YUsing iEXL and Server Jobs

The iEXL subsystem has been started and the IDSTESTSRV job is running.Using iEXL and EmailsiEXL has an inbuilt system for the generation of emails.

Emails are defined at user level. It two users wanted to email the same spreadsheet both users have to be setup individually within the system. This stops emails being sent by accident.

Users are defined as internal, external or both. Internal users cannot sent emails to addresses that have been defined as external.

Emails can be for individual recipients or distribution lists or oneoffs.

Email log files can be scanned for entriesUsing iEXL and EmailsTake option 2 from the menu

Take option 2 from menuUsing iEXL and Emails

Create the user entry by using F6. Once created use option 5 to select the next level.53Using iEXL and Emails

Use F6 to create a distribution list header . Use option 5 to enter email recipients.Using iEXL and Emails

Use F6 to create a recipient entry.Using iEXL and Emails

Enter the required distribution list in the DSTL and DSTLQ parameters. The SNDEM parameter also needs to be set to Y.Using iEXL and Emails

Option 5 from the menu gives you the ability toScan for Emails that have been issued. Advanced Examples

Advanced Examples

iEXL. Excel spreadsheet GenerationThe examples of iEXL in this presentation only show the very basics of what iEXL is capable of producing.

It shows how the system searches file, field structures to apply attributes to data.

You can also think of the IDSTEST file used in this example as the detail record format within a print file. You would then build around the file with column headings, text etc.

A a full user manual is available at iEXLSOFTWARE.COM.

We can be contacted via the iEXLSOFTWARE.COM website, Linkedin, Twitter, The Moore Consulting Group (US) or

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