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Post on 24-Mar-2020






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Printed by: The Pelican Trust Ltd, 20-22 Crofton Rd Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN3 4NL

If you wish to advertise please contact Editor 01522 751769 or email: keith.deeley@virginmedia.com

Cherry NewsCherry NewsCherry News


‘Poppies in Roy Bowser’s Field’. Courtesy Hannah Fletcher –Aged 12


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Martin Joy cutting the tape of the reclaimed Youth Club. See write-up on page 15

7A The Parade, Cherry Willingham

BEAUTY & BEYONDLuxury Health, Beauty, Nails ,

Tanning Salon and Chiropodist

Tel: 01522 244177 Mob: 07909 721115

The premises

has a stair-lift


If you wish to advertise please contact Editor 01522 751769 or email: keith.deeley@virginmedia.com

The Cherry Willingham Neighbourhood Plan will allow the Parish Council to

have more influence in the planning decisions of West Lindsey District


The aim is to help manage development pressure and secure changes so

that Cherry Willingham remains “A Great Place to Live”

To achieve that, the Steering Group wants to ensure that local residents

and businesses have opportunities to get involved in the making of the plan.

That involvement is key to the success of the Plan and the process.

We hope therefore to be able to shortly prepare an “Issues and Options’

questionnaire based on the evidence that has so far been collected.

It is intended that a copy of that questionnaire will be circulated within the

December edition of the Cherry News and we would sincerely thank the

Editor for offering this facility.

Please look out for the questionnaire and more importantly, please

complete it. Your input is important and needed. Thank You

Cherry Willingham Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group


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Date Day Event Time

01/11/14 Sat Ladies Breakfast 8.45am

03/11/14 Mon Choir 7.30-9.30 pm

05/11/14 Wed Ladies Group meeting in the Church Hall 7.30pm

05/11/14 Wed Knit and Natter 2-4pm

05/11/14 Wed Scrabble Club 2pm

06/11/14 Thur Forget-me-not Club (IN THE CHURCH HALL) 2.30pm

06/11/14 Thur Luncheon Club (IN THE CHURCH HALL) 12 noon

08/11/14 Sat Fair Trade Coffee Morning - IN CHURCH HALL 10am

09/11/14 Sun HOG Roast in Village Hall 1pm

11/11/14 Tues Heritage Group -Memories of life in CW over the last 80+ years 7.30 pm

12/11/14 Wed WI Meeting at Church Hall 7pm

13/11/14 Thur Fit as a Fiddle (IN THE CHURCH HALL) 2pm

14/11/14 Fri Reepham Craft Club 2-4pm


15/11/14 Sat Men2gether Breakfast 8.30am

15/11/14 Sat Scouts paper Collection 07.30


17/11/14 Mon Ladies Tea Club 2-4pm

17/11/14 Mon Choir 7.30-9.30 pm

19/11/14 Wed Flower Friends -(2 sessions - 2.30-4.30 & 7-9pm) see text

19/11/14 Wed Knit and Natter 2-4pm

19/11/14 Wed Mothers Union 7.30pm

19/11/14 Wed Scrabble Club 2pm

20/11/14 Thur Third Thursday Book Club 7.30pm

20/11/14 Thur Forget-me-not Club (IN THE CHURCH HALL) 10-12

20/11/14 Thur Luncheon Club (IN THE CHURCH HALL) 12 noon

22/11/14 Sat Knit and Natter Christmas Coffee Morning - in the Church Hall 10am

26/11/14 Wed Gardening Club meeting in the Church hall 7.30 pm

27/11/14 Thur Fit as a Fiddle (IN THE CHURCH HALL) 2pm

28/11/14 Fri Reepham Craft Club 2-4pm

29/11/14 Sat SS Peter & Paul Church Christmas Fair in the Church Hall 10am-1pm

29/11/14 Sat CW and Reepham Scouts Group - Table Top Sale in Scout HQ 10am-2pm

29/11/14 Sat Willow Court Christmas Fayre 2.30pm


If you wish to advertise please contact Editor 01522 751769 or email: keith.deeley@virginmedia.com

Last month I commented on the lack of detail about the Parish Council and

suggested that we should know who is making decisions for us and who, in your

nearest locality you could approach to get parish assistance. Of course you can

always attend a Parish Council meeting held on the third Monday of the month

at 7.30pm. A letter to the council beforehand to advise them of the subject of

any question you wish to raise. There is only room for about 5 members of the

public and acoustics are not good as the council are facing away from you. Two

requests, with quotations supplied, for a Hearing Loop, essential for DOF’s like

myself, have been rejected. Nevertheless we have some progress in that I have

been supplied with the names of the current councillors. All communications

will be via the ansaphone to the parish office (01522 753398), if Michelle, the

Parish Clerk is in the office she will respond by taking details. Only Councillor

Beattie volunteered his full contact details to be displayed here.


Current Vice Chair

Current Chair

01522 750116 - 57 Rudgard Avenue

There is some important work being done on our behalf on the Hawthorn Road issue,

see pages 14 and 15, please give it your full support.

All Councillor address details

are on the parish Website at :




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Premier Accountancy …………..13 B.Knight & Son (Langworth) ………….. 45

Beauty Therapist Gas Services

Beauty and Beyond …………..2 Paul Strong ………….. 25

Building Services Garage Door Repairs

SJ Wood Building Services …………..13 Garage Door Repairs ………….. 17

Harmston Plant & Building Services …………..39 Hog Roast Sunday Lunch

N. Jones Builder & Contractor …………..35 Peter Bowser @ Village Hall ………….. 39

Car Diagnostic Testing Health & Fitness

Expert Test & Tune …………..39 WELLbeing Fitness …………..43 & 44

Car Servicing Hypnotherapy

Autostar2000 …………..21 Sara Ainsworth ………….. 45

Carpets Joinery Services

Croft Carpets …………..2 Tasker Joinery Services ………….. 41

Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Landscape/Gardening Services

ServiceMASTER Clean …………..25 Taylors Landscapes & Garden Services ………….. 37

Nettleham Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning …………..39 Laundry Services

Child Care Services Big Board Ironing (Collection Service) ………….. 35

Reepham Rascals …………..33 Newsgaents

Chiropody Maddisons ………….. 37

FEET UP Mobile Foot Health …………..37 Opticians

Conservatories & UPVC Clearview Opticians ………….. 21

Andy Yates UPC Specialist …………..13 Painting & Decorating Services

Computer Services Chris Midgely ………….. 21

The PC Stop …………..35 KB Painting & Decorating ………….. 37

Dance and Movement Holmes & Fields ………….. 41

Lisa Hurst dance …………..29 Property Maintenance

Domestic Appliance Repairs Lewis Green ………….. 45

Larry Jackson …………..39 "The Whole Caboodle" ………….. 41

Neil Bark …………..25 Plumbing & Heating Services

Domestic Services J Curtis Plumbing & Heating ………….. 35

Pepperpots Domestic Services …………..13 T Quincey Plumbing & Heating Engineer ………….. 41

Dining Out / Public Houses DPP Plumbing Services ………….. 13

The Wishing Well (on the Parade) …………..52 D White Plumbing Services ………….. 45

Fox and Hounds (Reepham) - Monthly program …………..17 Cherry Plumbing ………….. 17

Driving Lessons Roofing & Chimney Repairs

Cherry Driving School …………..41 Paul A. Watson Roofing ………….. 41

Estate Agent Solicitors

Your Home …………..52 Dale & Co. Solicitors ………….. 39

Colonia Estates & Lettings …………..2 Taxi Services

Electrical Services None listed at present - sorry …………..

Nock Electrical …………..45 Your category could be here

SF Electrical …………..41 Your business could be here sorted by ABC


If you wish to advertise please contact Editor 01522 751769 or email: keith.deeley@virginmedia.com

Oxfam Christmas Boxes

Following the success of last year’s

appeal for donations to fill Oxfam

Christmas boxes for children we are

appealing for the same this year. We sent

50 boxes last year, the Church paid the £3 per box

required to send them. So we are hoping to do as

well so please bring your donations to either the vicarage or 50A Church


40 days of Prayer

Do you love living in Cherry Willingham? Do you pray? If so, come and join us for 40 days of prayer, beginning in Fiskerton Parish Church, 7.30pm on Tuesday 4th November and moving round the villages of Cherry Willingham, Fiskerton and Reepham, praying somewhere and sometime everyday for 40 days. For details contact: revdpg@virginmedia.com

me on revdpg@virginmedia.com or ring, or drop me a line, or catch me in church or on the street!

If I can just ask for other help: – parking. The Sunday morning congregation tend to park on the church side of the road. Recently, however, we have had baptisms/weddings/funerals where, in desperation to park, folk have parked on both sides of the road, sometimes half on the pavement and even on the junction of roads. Please, if you are coming to church for whatever reason, park with respect to neighbours and the law! It would be awful if poor parking caused an accident on what is an increasingly busy Church Lane.

Every blessing Penny

Births, Deaths and Marriages

Congratulations to the families of: Jake Jeffrey Richardson; Bella Shaw &

Alfie Manby: who were baptised in September and October

Our condolences to the family of:

Gordon Chapman


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Toilets, paths, carpets, lighting and parking!

A slightly different blog from me this month because I don’t usually talk about ‘church plant’. However I am looking for views and opinions and it may be that you have one!

One of the jobs of the Church PCC (Parochial Church Council) is to make sure that the Church building and its surrounds are kept in good order. We do our best with this – the building is Grade I listed and the upkeep of it is dependent on local people, including raising the finance. This is not always easy and I am grateful to those who contribute to the work that goes on. For the record, every time we do anything to the building, three organisations have to be consulted and agree to the proposal – English Heritage, the Georgian Society, Lincoln Diocese, and in some cases West Lindsey District Council. Over the last few months we have been talking about some possible ‘upgrades’ to the building – I would be grateful for your views.

First of all – the church has no toilet. Since the building is Grade I listed, attempting to add a toilet to the building in the small space surrounding it seems impossible, but the PCC is wondering about placing a toilet similar to the one at Greetwell Church in a spare piece of Churchyard to the left of the church (as you face it). This would be an Eco Loo, which does not require water, placed next to the hedge rather than next to the church building. We have applied to West Lindsey District Council for Planning Permission to discover whether we would ever get permission – this is the first stage of many – what do you think? I have placed a picture of the toilet at Greetwell inside the Church so that you can see what it might look like.

Last year we had some work done to the path up to the church. The slabs

were re-laid and we did a temporary job on the tarmac

It is clear that the tarmac part of the path needs completely digging up and re-laying and we hope to do that before Christmas.

Carpet – in my time here, the church has always had a carpeted aisle. However, it is in need of replacement fairly soon. It has been suggested to us that we might want to consider not putting a carpet down at all, so we have lifted it for a temporary period just to see what it looks like – if you get a chance, pop in and have a look! Let me know what you think.

The PCC have also been looking at upgrading the lighting so that the light is brighter and the light shades (some of which are damaged) can be replaced.

So there is a lot going on. If you want to make comment then do so. Contact


If you wish to advertise please contact Editor 01522 751769 or email: keith.deeley@virginmedia.com

Our thanks go to the distribution team of volunteers which is organised by: rs. Janet Chapman, 26 inster rive CW. (01522) 752457. They deliver to

approx. 1780 households . If you wish to help please contact Janet.


Page No. Page No.

Angels in the making - Charity Table Top Sale ………….. 16 Ladies Group …………..23

ASSIST Programme ………….. 32 Ladies Tea Club ………….. 23

Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals ………….. 49 Letters to the Editor ………….. 10,11 & 12

Bereavement for Ron Green ………….. 28 Library Opening Times ………….. 17

Book of Remembrance ………….. 47 Luncheon Club ………….. 32

Bowls Club ………….. 38 Meetings Noticeboard NOVEMBER ………….. 50

Bowls Club Draw Winners ………….. 42 Men2gether Breakfast ………….. 22

Bus Timetables ………….. 46 Methodist Church Services ………….. 34

Cash Draw Winners & Organiser Appeal ………….. 23 Mothers Union ………….. 22

Cherry Willingham Badminton Club ………….. 17 Nettleham / C.W. Medical Practice ………….. 14

Church Services NOVEMBER ………….. 47 OXFAM Christmas Boxes Appeal ………….. 49

Church Christmas Fair ………….. 33 Parish Council - Information ………….. 6 & 8

Church Hall Information ………….. 29 Pharmacy Opening Times ………….. 17

Community Choir ………….. 33 Police Notice ………….. 30

Community Partnership news ………….. 9 & 51 Reepham & District Tennis Club ………….. 28

Community Pub update ………….. 25 Scrabble Club ………….. 9

Community School Report ………….. 6 & 36 Scout & Guide Group ………….. 26, 27 & 42

Craft Club ………….. 17 Scouts& Guides Paper Collection ………….. 16

Cricket Club ………….. 31 Submission deadline NOVEMBER issue ………….. 10

Editorial 3 The Last Post - a Lincoln based drama about WW1………….. 24

Fair Trade Coffee Morning ………….. 22 Third Thursday Book Club ………….. 29

Fit as a Fiddle ………….. 17 The Vine Community Church ………….. 40

Flower Friends - Learn how to arrange ………….. 28 Twinning Association ………….. 17

Football Club Report ………….. 24 Vicars Blog ………….. 48

Forget-me-Not Club ………….. 42 Village Hall Bookings ………….. 23

Old Time Gala report 7 Walking for Health ………….. 29

Gardening Club ………….. 20 Willow Court Christmas Fayre ………….. 21

HAWTHORN ROAD PUBLIC MEETING ………….. 14 & 15 Womens Institute ………….. 16

Heritage Society ………….. 9 3 V's Art Group ………….. 17

Knit & Natter ………….. 16 Youth Centre ………….. 33

Ladies Breakfast ………….. 32 40 Days of Prayer ………….. 49




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Village Gala – join the team!

The Community School, the Parish Council and the Gala planning commit-tee will once again be joining forces to organise a Gala for the village on Saturday 4th July 2015. You will doubtless have seen the great colour pho-tos of this year’s Gala in September’s Cherry News. Everyone seemed to enjoy the day and feedback from all those involved in it was very positive. We would love to make the event even bigger and better next year, but to do that we need your help! Have you ever been to a similar Gala elsewhere where you have seen something at it that you think would work at ours? Did you go along to our Gala this summer and think, “I wonder why they don’t……?” Please let us know if you have any good ideas – and, even better, offer to join the team of village people that runs it. One possibility we will be exploring is to have a Sixties themed event, as the Community School prepares to celebrate the anniversary of its opening in 1965. We will be having a short initial discussion about this and other ideas at 7pm on Tuesday November 25th in the Millennium Hall on the High Street – all are welcome. Please come and join the team and help us make it an even bigger success!

Jenny Robinson (on behalf of the Parish Council)

Cherry Willingham Community chool with Cherry Willingham Heritage Society

October 2015 marks the

50th Anniversary of the opening of the School and it plans to celebrate it with the support

of the School’s History Club and the Heritage Society

As part of this, we are looking for people who attended the School both in that first year - and in the years since - to share

your experiences with us so that we can create a permanent record as part of the celebrations.

If you can help us, please contact Mike Mason by phone 823857 or e-mail mike.mason4@ntlworld.com


If you wish to advertise please contact Editor 01522 751769 or email: keith.deeley@virginmedia.com



Priest in Charge : Revd. Penny Green—595596 revdpg@virginmedia.com

Associate Priest : Revd. Sue Bradley

Associate Priest : Revd. Carol Bason

Church Wardens : Derek Sidman (751112) David Robinson (752836)

Greetwell Wardens : Carol Curtis

Remembrance Book in Cherry Willingham Church Residents of Cherry Willingham may be aware that there is a Remembrance Book in St Peter and St Paul's Church, into which families can have inscribed the names of loved ones. If you wish for this to happen, then please either collect a pink form from the table at the entrance to church, call the vicarage and ask for one to be sent, or email the vicarage southlawres@virginmedia.com and we can email one to you. Many thanks.

CHURCH SERVICES NOVEMBER 2014Sunday 2nd November Cherry Willingham 8:00am Holy Communion

Fiskerton 9:15am Morning Praise

Greetwell 10:45am Holy Communion

Reepham 4:00pm Family Harvest

Wednesday 5th NovemberCherry Willingham 9:30am Holy Communion

Sunday 9th November Reepham 9:15am Remembrance Service

Remembrance Sunday Fiskerton 10:30am Remembrance Service

Cherry Willingham 10:30am Remembrance Service

Community School

Wednesday 12th NovemberCherry Willingham 9:30am Holy Communion

Sunday 16th November Reepham (Group Service) 9:15am Holy Communion

Reepham 4:00pm Family Worship

Cherry Willingham 6:30pm Compline

Wednesday 19th NovemberCherry Willingham 9:30am Holy Communion

Sunday 23rd November Cherry Willingham 8:00am Holy Communion

Reepham 9:15am Holy Communion

Cherry Willingham 10:45am Holy Communion

Fiskerton 4:00pm Messy Church

Wednesday 26th NovemberCherry Willingham 9:30am Holy Communion

followed by Prayer

Sunday 30th November Fiskerton 9:15am Holy Communion

Cherry Willingham 10:45am Holy Communion

Grand Luce Willow CourtMONDAY 3rd Nov 10:30am Morning Worship TUESDAY 11th Nov 10:30am Holy Communion

MONDAY 17th Nov 10:30am Holy Communion


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LOCAL BUS TIMETABLELincoln • Cherry Willingham Parade • Reepham • Fiskerton • Cherry Willingham Church Lane

Monday to Saturday except Bank Holidays

Route Number Journey Codes15X







SSH15X 15 15 15 15 15 15 15a

Lincoln City Bus Station 6.05 7.00 7.15 7.40 8.05 8.35 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00

County Hospital 6.11 7.06 7.21 -- 8.11 8.41 9.06 9.36 10.06 10.36 11.06 11.36 12.06

Cherry Willingham Parade Shops -- -- 7.30 -- -- -- 9.15 9.45 10.15 10.45 11.15 11.45 12.15

Hawthorn Avenue -- -- -- 8.10 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 12.20

Reepham Primary School -- -- 7.33 8.14 -- -- 9.18 9.48 10.18 10.48 11.18 11.48 12.25

Fiskerton The Close -- -- 7.38 8.19 -- -- 9.23 9.53 10.23 10.53 11.23 11.53 12.30

Fiskerton Ferry Lane 6.24 7.19 7.40 8.21 8.24 8.54 -- 9.55 -- 10.55 -- 11.55 --

Short Ferry -- -- -- -- -- 8.59 -- 10.00 -- -- -- 12.00 --

Cherry Willingham Church Lane -- -- -- -- -- -- 9.27 -- 10.27 -- 11.27 -- 12.34

Route Number Journey Codes 15 15 15 15 1515



SSH15 15 15 15a



Lincoln City Bus Station 12.30 13.00 13.30 14.00 14.30 15.00 15.00 15.30 16.15 16.45 17.15 17.45 19.00

County Hospital 12.36 13.06 13.36 14.06 14.36 15.06 15.06 15.36 16.21 16.51 17.21 17.51 19.06

Cherry Willingham Parade Shops 12.45 13.15 13.45 14.15 14.45 15.15 15.15 15.45 16.30 17.00 17.30 18.00 19.15

Hawthorn Avenue -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 17.34 18.04 19.19

Reepham Primary School 12.48 13.18 13.48 14.18 14.48 -- 15.18 15.48 16.33 17.03 17.38 18.08 19.23

Fiskerton The Close 12.53 13.23 13.53 14.23 14.53 -- 15.23 15.53 16.38 17.08 17.43 18.13 19.28

Fiskerton Ferry Lane 12.55 -- 13.55 -- 14.55 -- -- 15.55 16.40 17.10 17.45 18.15 19.30

Short Ferry -- -- 14.00 -- -- -- -- -- -- 17.15 -- -- --

Cherry Willingham Church Lane -- 13.27 -- 14.27 -- -- 15.27 -- -- -- -- -- --

Cherry Willingham Church Lane • Fiskerton • Reepham • Cherry Willingham Parade • Lincoln

Monday to Saturday except Bank Holidays

Route Number Journey Codes 15MF 15 MF 15a15


SSH15 15a 15 15 15 15 15 15

Cherry Willingham Church Lane -- -- -- -- -- -- 9.29 -- 10.35 -- 11.35 -- 12.35

Short Ferry -- -- -- -- -- 9.02 -- 10.02 -- -- -- 12.02 --

Fiskerton Ferry Lane 6.28 7.23 7.43 8.23 8.28 9.07 -- 10.07 -- 11.07 -- 12.07 --

Fiskerton The Close 6.30 7.25 7.45 8.25 8.30 9.09 9.33 10.09 10.39 11.09 11.39 12.09 12.39

Reepham Primary School 6.35 7.30 7.50 8.30 8.35 9.14 9.38 10.14 10.44 11.14 11.44 12.14 12.44

Hawthorn Avenue -- -- 7.56 -- -- -- 9.42 -- -- -- -- -- --

Cherry Willingham Parade Shops 6.38 7.33 8.03 8.38 8.38 9.17 9.47 10.17 10.47 11.17 11.47 12.17 12.47

County Hospital 6.45 7.40 8.12 8.46 8.46 9.25 9.55 10.25 10.55 11.25 11.55 12.25 12.55

Lincoln City Bus Station 6.55 7.50 8.25 8.56 8.56 9.35 10.05 10.35 11.05 11.35 12.05 12.35 13.05

Route Number Journey Codes 15 15a 15 15 1515a



SD▼15 15 15 15



Cherry Willingham Church Lane -- 13.29 -- 14.35 -- 15.29 -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Short Ferry -- -- 14.02 -- -- -- -- -- -- 17.17 -- -- --

Fiskerton Ferry Lane 13.07 -- 14.07 -- 15.07 -- 15.38 16.07 16.42 17.22 17.52 18.17 19.30

Fiskerton The Close 13.09 13.33 14.09 14.39 15.09 15.33 -- 16.09 16.44 17.24 17.54 18.19 19.32

Reepham Primary School 13.14 13.38 14.14 14.44 15.14 15.38 15.45 16.14 16.49 17.29 17.59 18.24 19.37

Hawthorn Avenue -- 13.42 -- -- -- 15.42 15.49 -- -- -- -- -- --

Cherry Willingham Parade Shops 13.17 13.47 14.17 14.47 15.17 15.47 -- 16.17 16.52 17.32 18.02 18.27 19.40

County Hospital 13.25 13.55 14.25 14.55 15.25 15.55 -- 16.25 17.00 17.40 18.10 18.35 19.48

Lincoln City Bus Station 13.35 14.05 14.35 15.05 15.35 16.05 16.19 16.35 17.10 17.50 18.20 18.45 19.58


• via Cherry Willingham School at 08.33

SSH - Saturdays and School Holidays * via Cherry Willingham School at 15.27

SD - Schooldays ▲ via Broxholme Gardens 07.53 and Marigold Close, Lincoln 08.00

MF - Monday to Friday ▼ Starts at Cherry Willingham school at 15.27 runs via

Nettleham Fields Shops 15.59 and Broxholme Gardens 16.06


If you wish to advertise please contact Editor 01522 751769 or email: keith.deeley@virginmedia.com

The above has been reproduced from a cutting put through the Editor’s door. Someone

obviously nostalgic about yesteryear. Of course many events are now limited by Health and

Safety. This event was obviously large scale and attracted quite a few and would probably

have had an admission fee. Councillor Alan Andrews ( who has just completed 50 years

service on the parish Council) was the head of a well-oiled team to achieve this outcome.

Tell them how to do it Alan, before you retire.

I wonder how many of the horticulturalists can point to their earlier fame reported here in

a local paper? - Editor


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Parish Council Autumn Parish Meeting Report 20th October 2014

Mrs Stiles welcomed us to the Community School, assisted by members of the Junior History Society who are researching the school’s history ahead of its 50th anniversary celebrations. We were thrilled to welcome Mrs Evans, the new head of the Primary School, who is keen to build close links with the Parish Council and wider local community.

A brief explanation of the precept was then given, followed by WLDC briefly speaking about their IT drop in sessions at the Millennium Hall. Members of the Hawthorn Road Action Group then explained their actions to date as well as future plans in the fight against the closure of Hawthorn Road. There is to be a Public meeting about Hawthorn Road to be held at the Community School on Friday 14th November, 7pm start.

There then followed a full explanation and group discussions of the Neighbourhood Plan, followed by feedback to the meeting. It cannot be reiterated strongly enough the importance of this plan to the community. Questionnaires will be released in the December issue of Cherry News and these need to be completed by as many parishioners as possible as your views will form the basis for development in the village over the next few years.

The Youth Club, assisted by some members, gave an overview of the Youth Club and asked for £7000 pa from the precept to keep this facility open. After discussion, feedback to the meeting was that the majority of those present would support £5000 pa funding support.

There then followed a progress report on the activities of the Community Partnership, including a Community Hub. Following consideration of annually funding £15,000 towards a Hub from the precept, residents’ feedback to the meeting was that this was a lot of money and that more information would be required to support any funding request.

The last item was a discussion on future projects and events planned for 2015 such as a replacement bus shelter for the High Street due to the dilapidated state of the present shelter, a Sail over the seating area on the Parade to offer residents shelter from the weather as well as enhancing the look of the area, and a path to the play equipment at St Pauls Play Area. The 2015 Gala was noted as well as a Witham Valley Access Group event in April 2015.

The Parish Council has also been offered the chance to purchase three fields on Fiskerton Road which will give us a buffer from continual housing creep from Lincoln. If residents want to do this, we will have access to the river and would like to make a woodland and other community spaces. Purchase would be by a 25 year loan of £200,000. After consideration, the majority of those present voted in favour of the principle of purchasing all of the land subject to a full village consultation.


If you wish to advertise please contact Editor 01522 751769 or email: keith.deeley@virginmedia.com

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e: sales@b-knightandson.co.uk www.b-knightandson.co.uk30 Main Road, Langworth,

Lincoln, LN3 5BJ

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web: hypnotherapywithpositiveoutcomes.co.uk


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Health Crossroads

How about this? What if I could offer you a pill that would GUARANTEE that you would

be 40% less likely to get a heart attack, 40% less likely to be arthritic, 40% less likely to

have a stroke, 40% less likely to develop cancers like breast or bowel cancer, 40% less

likely to become diabetic?

Would you be interested? I just bet you would. In fact, there’d be queues all round the

Carlton Centre from Wellbeing Fitness for it. And I would become filthy rich, obsessed

with money and retire to the Bahamas to spend the rest of my life in idleness and luxury.

Now you know as well as I do that there is no such pill - or if there were one, it would have

such horrendous side-effects that you probably wouldn’t want to bother.

BUT – and I want you to listen to this carefully – I CAN guarantee the 40% reduction in the

likelihood of getting all those illnesses. Over the last few years there has been scientific

study after scientific study which has proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that if you do

regular exercise you decrease dramatically the chance of developing any of those

life-threatening illnesses I listed at the top of the page. And what’s more, you don’t have to

be slim – you can be overweight and still get the benefit. And even better – YOU ARE

NEVER TOO OLD TO START. The benefits start happening whatever age you are.

So why isn’t everyone doing it? Well, I’ll tell you. Most people just hate the idea of going

to a gym. Because basically you are on your own. True, there are lots of people around but

they aren’t interested in you, just themselves. And strangely enough it’s the same with

going to a fitness class – some people would say it’s worse. You are there with 25 or 30

other people. You look around and they are all better at doing it than you are – nobody talks

to you so you skulk in, do the exercises and then skulk out again. No wonder people who

try it give up after a short while. It’s well known in my business that that is how gyms make

their money. Most people are paying fees on a contract but never attending.

That’s why our Small Group Training sessions were such an innovation and why they’re so

successful. For a start, we limit the numbers very strictly so that you are always with just a

few others, the trainer gets to know you, and you get to know all the other people who are

there. And the trainers make it fun. They don’t flog you to death. In fact the research

indicates that you don’t even have to get sweaty to feel the benefits. So everyone works at

their own pace and everyone has an enjoyable time. You meet different people, maybe go

for a coffee afterwards. It’s the perfect solution.

So if you’re one of those people who just groans when people mention “exercise” – or if

you feel you’re too old to start, or simply that you just can’t be bothered, why don’t you

give it a try. I think you’ll be amazed at how different you feel, even after the first session.

And when your friends look in amazement and disbelief when you tell them, you can smile

smugly to yourself and think, “but I’ve found the magic pill – I’m going to live for ever!!”

Best wishes Tristan - Tristan Lowe. Wellbeing Fitness, 20 Carlton Mews, CARLTON

CENTRE Outer Circle Road, Lincoln LN2 4FJ, 01522 525250,

www.wellbeingfitness.co.uk, info@wellbeingfitnesslincoln.co.uk


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Scrabble Club Come and stimulate your ‘little grey cells’ and have a pleas-

ant couple of hours with refreshments for only £1.50 We are not serious players,

so come and enjoy the company and the game at: The Millennium Hall on alter-

nate Wednesdays at 2pm. The meetings in November are 5th and 19th

Contact: Mrs Parker on 752383

Cherry Willingham Community Partnership Community Hub with Library Services

In September we informed you about the outcome of the judicial review i.e. LCC has to revisit the manner of its procurement of a revised library ser-vice. We have since been informed that they will not make any further an-nouncements until February 2015. They are also undertaking a further con-sultation which you can find on the internet at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/librariesconsultation In the light of this, the Partnership met in September and resolved to return to working on the original recommendation in the CW2020 Community-Led Plan i.e. to create a community hub regardless of physical location. The first step towards this is the creation, by next Spring, of a web-site which brings together all the information which would form the basis of a hub. Towards this we will be surveying all village organisations, identifying community buildings & assets, and contacting potential partners such as CAB, Age UK & West Lindsey DC.

If you or your group are interested in being part of this, please contact us by phone 823857 or e-mail mike.mason4@ntlworld.com


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be at: Cherrynews@virginmedia.com by 5pm, 16th NOV please. Send as soon

as you can as it helps with the setting out of the newsletter. Thanks.


The photograph on the front of the October 2014 issue of The Cherry News is quite

stunning, however it was spoilt by the negative remark underneath it. Lets try to look at the

positive sides of our beautiful village please.— Jane Lofts

I apologise to Jane, in fact all of you, but having had a wonderful uninterrupted view of the

cathedral for 52 years I was feeling rueful at the thought of losing it. On reflection I realised

that Larkin Avenue had been farmland once and was given up to build our estate so your

point is correct. Editor

Roy’s Farm – at the heart of the Village

Seeing schoolchildren collecting conkers from the ancient trees in Roy’s

farm paddock on the High Street, we witness a tradition that has gone on for


Roy passed away almost a year ago, and much speculation has gone on about

what will happen to the old farm, its land and the farmhouse itself.

It is obvious that many of the farm buildings are in a bad way and I am sure

will be demolished and new houses built in their place.

One can only hope that the developer and their architects choose to design a

scheme sympathetic to this historic area of a now much more expanded vil-


Wouldn’t it be great if at least the Farmhouse was saved and restored… this

could then form a centrepiece of the new development and maybe influence

the architectural style of the new houses. Maybe the brick and stone barns

that front the High Street could also be repaired and retained?

I’m sure I am not alone in believing that the old Farmhouse is an asset worth

campaigning for and saving for future generations to appreciate – and, along

with the beautiful chestnut trees, keep reminding folk of the original hamlet

that surrounded this unique old farm.

I believe we should really try to do all we can to protect as much as we can

of this farm site.

Andy Sharpe (See Andy's sketches on the opposite page )


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Forget-me-Not Club At our first meeting in September one of our members Charlie Denton kindly devised a quiz to tax everyone's brain cells. The winner was Dorrie Piper.

Our speaker for the second meeting was Mrs Drummond from Cathedral Needlework. She had lots of beautiful samples for us to examine and told us of the work involved not only producing them but also repairing them as well. They also take on work from other church's for a very small fee.

New members are always welcome, we have had one new member this month. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month in the Church Hall at 2pm. Phone Margaret Coates on 754120 if you need help with transport.

Secretary - Margaret Wallhead.

Herewith, the result of the Bowls Club Draw # 8, for weeks 36-39, 31 August to 27 September. The draw was made by Mr Roger Driffill. 57 R.Green 33 Elm Ave £5 58 Mrs.D.Palmer 50 Church Lane £5 63 Mrs.A.Fraser 6 Rudgard Ave £5 250 Mrs.R.Kent 35 Waterford Lane £5 297 Mrs.D.Holder 39 Minster Drive £10

Bowls Club Draw


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The Old Barn on this side but proper garages on the inward-facing side

A revamped Farmhouse as the heart of a suitably matched housing development.


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Cherry Tree Car Park Usage I thought you might like to know about the long running saga of the use of the Cherry Tree car park and its maintenance.

We have had a few problems and complaints about the state of our car park, and as you can see it has been brilliantly resurfaced. I raised the issue of the car park usage, and its repair, with local, and county councillors, a while ago, and have had little or no response. My request was for some financial support to help with the resurfacing. Nothing! As we all know a path has been laid from the fence in the car park to the school, and parents drop off and pick up their children in the car park during the school year. The school field is also used for Junior football matches at the weekend when the school buildings are closed, our car park is also used for these activities, and as the school buildings are closed people expect to use the toilet facilities at the Pub.

Our gripe is that the majority of these persons using the car park have no intention of using the Pub!, on school days and Sports Days yet contribute massively to the wear and tear of the area.

We are more than happy to allow the use of the car park for people who use the playing field, cricket, football, bowls etc., as they tend to use our pub after games.

We have seen many similar premises with ‘Car park for customers/patrons use only’ and have enquired about this usage with the Brewery.

We have been advised to ask relevant authorities, Local Councils and Education Authority for some financial agreement for use of our car park, and will be contacting relevant councillors to this end.

We have also been advised to set a short time limit for an agreement, or close the car park until an agreement is reached.

I wonder if It might make an interesting item on the agenda of the forthcoming Parish Meeting! ! Mark Wilkins

High Street Like many people in the village I was a friend of the late Roy Bowser and was saddened at his unexpected death late last year. When I came to the village 5 years ago he was the first person I became acquainted with. With his passing I appreciate that the land he owned may well be sold for other purposes should the benefactors so desire. It is in this respect I write as a villager of Cherry Willingham to express and register my concern at any future development of the land in the High Street. I appreciate that the new owners of this land and buildings will wish to do what they want with it, but on behalf of the village I would like to ask them to consider the aesthetic effect of any new development, particularly in relation how it might change or alter the look of the High Street, Unlike Nettleham, for example, which has many older buildings Cherry Willingham has precious few, as I understand that it was originally a small hamlet with major development taking place in the sixties on-wards. As a result the only really attractive scenic areas we have are the High Street, The Church, the Manor House and some buildings in Church Lane. I think it very important that the buildings on the High Street be redeveloped in a style in keeping with their present look and that they be rebuilt in the same format perhaps as a courtyard of converted barns/dwellings and the main house renovated also. Annette Edgar


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A Note from the Hawthorn Road Action Group

Who are we?

We are a group of residents from both sides of Hawthorn Road who share one common goal – to keep Hawthorn Road open! We met as a result of the Public Meeting in January this year and quickly began to work together ahead of the Public Inquiry in February. We have invested a huge amount of our own time to keep the fight alive, whilst trying to juggle jobs and family commitments.

What have we been doing?

Created and organised a petition which was signed by over 3,500 people and submitted this at the County Council AGM

Hand delivered hundreds of leaflets warning residents about the planned closure of Hawthorn Road

Completed an independent traffic survey to show an accurate picture of vehicles using Hawthorn Road (this was presented at the Public Inquiry)

Created a Facebook group, which is followed by over 500 people and regularly updated by members of our group

Presented evidence at the Public Inquiry in February

Regularly appearing on BBC Radio Lincolnshire on news items to help keep our message alive

Liaising with Parish Councils on a regular basis

Worked with local Parish Councils to organise a meeting with the County Council in the summer to exchange views

Objected to new plans for a Non-Motorised User Bridge (NMU)

Lobbied our MPs to back our campaign

Regularly liaise with County Councilors for our respective areas

Spoke against the plans at a County Council Planning Meeting on 6th October

Spoke at the Cherry Willingham Parish Council Autumn Meeting on 20th October

Organised a Public Meeting (Friday 14th November) to discuss our ideas with local residents

What next?

The result of the Public Inquiry was that the Inspector ruled against Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) on the grounds that the NMU bridge over the LEB was not sufficiently safe.

LCC submitted revised plans for the NMU recently and their planning committee passed these on the 6th October.

The next stage of action for LCC is to complete CPOs (Compulsory Purchase Orders) and SROs (Side Road Orders) and this is our next formal point of objection. If these are not


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The Playing Field, Laburnum Drive, Cherry Willingham (23/4 —8/9)

For further information contact out Secretary en Shackleton Tel 01522

751132 or Brian Donnell Tel 01522 7507 4 Treasurer, or any club

member. Membership Fee 25 a year. We welcome anyone who likes the

competitive, social, and friendly atmosphere of outdoor bowls. We

invite old and new players, young and older people to join us for a game of


Cherry Willingham Bowls Club

The club completed a successful season on the green with a dinner and presentations in the Cherry Tree. After an excellent meal club Chairman Geoff Ketttleborough welcomed guests Brian Woodliff and Dora Hickinbottom and club members and their guests.

Entertainment was provided by the Geoff Bridge Cancer Show with an excellent programme enjoyed by all. The trophies were presented by local pro boxer Bobby Jenkinson. Winners were:- Ted Coleman Shield- Mike Barber, runner up Norman Schlosser. Dave Bradley Trophy:- Philip Cheyne, runner up John McBane.

All Comers Cup:- Chris Barber & Bill Wragg, runners Eric Brocklesby & Paul Launchbury. Slight Cup: - Bill Till & Eric Brocklesby, runners up Maureen & John Wilson. Edgar Thiass Trophy:- Philip Cheyne, runner up John McBane. Gilbert Cup (Ladies):- Chris Barber, runner up Enis An-drews. Green Car Trophy. (Ladies):- Maureen Wilson, runner up Chris Barber. Ben Waby Trophy: - Brian Yarnall, runner up Philip Cheyne.

Wilkinson Cup:- John McBane & Eric Brocklesby, runners up K Shackleton & Mike Barber. Evelyn & Alex Herriot Cup (Triples) :- Eric Brocklesby & Maureen Wilson & Tony Bateman, runners up Alan Drakes & Philip Cheyne & Diane Launchbury.

Next season starts in May. Anyone interested in wanting to join the club, contact any of the club members. As well as bowling there is a good social side to the club with events, fish & chip teas, BBQ's, sausage & mash eve-nings, cheese & wine and race nights and more all organised by a good working committee.


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passed this could trigger a new Public Inquiry. We are waiting to find out when we are able to start objecting but think it could be soon. LCC need to start work on the LEB by next summer in order to keep the funding that is already in place - however we know that some of the funding is being diverted from local schemes, something that was not made clear at the Public Inquiry and has been widely reported by the Lincolnshire Echo.

The petition, signed by over 3,500 local residents was sufficient to trigger a Council debate, which happened prior to the Inspector's ruling from the Public Inquiry. The debate result was that the petition was to be handed to the portfolio holder for Highways and Planning - Richard Davies, who in a meeting with the Parish Councils and petition creator in the summer said that he doesn't pay attention to petitions. A course of action is yet to be decided on this, but a new petition is a distinct possibility.

A public meeting has been planned for Friday 14th November to update local residents on actions to date but also to discuss how they can be involved in future plans. We need as much ‘people power’ as possible as we are running out of time.

Our local MP Edward Leigh has been very vocal in supporting the Hawthorn Road campaign - he even attended the Planning Meeting on the 6th October. He is hoping to attend on the 14th November. Karl McCartney has met with some residents at the Lincoln end of Hawthorn road. He has also been invited to the meeting on the 14th November.

What can you do?

Please consider coming along to the public meeting on the 14th November to show your support for Hawthorn Road, and let your friends and family know about the meeting too- this campaign has to be a community effort

Let us know if you have any skills or contacts that may be of use to the group

If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like further information about you can support the action group please send an email to the following address – sally.brook@talk21.com

Join the Facebook ‘Hawthorn Road Closure’ Group


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NETTLEHAM MEDICAL PRACTICE and Cherry Willingham Practice - November 2014

NETTLEHAM MEDICAL PRACTICE GP CHANGES Sadly Dr Olaleye Oginni will be leaving the practice at the end of December 2014. He has worked at the practice for just over 5 years and I’m sure will be missed by his patients. We all wish him well for the future. FLU CLINICS We still have some flu clinics in November so it is not too late for you to book an appointment if you are eligible for the vaccinations. From this year, these appointments are also available to be booked online via our website. If you don’t yet have online access to book appointments or order repeat medication, please call in at the practice with photographic ID so that a unique PIN code can be created for you. Once created this provides you with on-going online access. If you don’t have internet access you can still contact the practice after 10:00am to book a flu appointment. SHINGLES VACCINATION CLINICS The practice now has some shingles vaccination clinics running for patients who are eligible. If you were born between:

02/09/43 – 01/09/44 or

02/09/35 – 01/09/36 or

02/09/34 – 01/09/35

you will be receiving a letter inviting you to attend for a shingles vaccination. If you have not already received a letter but were born during any of the dates above, please contact the practice to book an appointment. MONTHLY EARLY CLOSURES FOR TRAINING 2014 In order to enable our doctors and staff to be kept up to date Nettleham surgery will be

closed for training at 1pm on the following afternoons. Emergency help is still available by

calling 111.

Tuesday 18th November

Tuesday 16th December

CONTACT DETAILS Telephone - 01522 751717 (When the surgery is closed please ring Freephone 111)

WEBSITE – www.nettlehammedical.co.uk PRACTICE MANAGER – HELEN LUNN


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A Specialist Sports, Maths & Computing College

Croft Lane, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln. LN3 4JP

Telephone (01522) 751040

Headteacher: Mrs E Stiles, BEd(Hons), MA, N.P.Q.H

Trip to Parliament

Religious Studies students have got off to a busy start to the term. In the second

week 19 Year 11 students visited the Houses of Parliament on the invite of Sir

Edward Leigh MP after his visit to the school. After a really interesting tour around

the Houses we were invited to a committee room to ask Sir Edward’s wife questions

about the government’s business. Sir Edward was away from parliament due to one

of the many important roles he now undertakes. It was an incredible insight into the

government of our country and one students enjoyed – despite it being a long walk



Thanks to everyone’s generosity £170 was raised for MacMillan from the Cake Sale

on Friday 26th. Our next charity event is ‘bags for school’. Everyone will be

encouraged to fill bags with items of unwanted clothing and bedding.

Recognition of ex-students.

It was a lovely and proud moment to see CWCS pupils being recognised for out-

standing effort and achievement at Lincoln Christ's Hospital Sixth Form Awards

Evening. Some have completed AS levels and will go on to do A levels, whilst

others are off to university. Well done to them all.


Year 11s are now through to Round 3 of the National Cup after beating De Warenne

Academy 2-0. Well done lads.

We’re a knockout proposal

There is a buzz of anticipation around the school as we reintroduce the House sys-

tem. Heads of Houses, both student and staff, have been selected, stu-

dent leadership posts have been created and the students allocated into Houses. The

transfer window between Houses has closed and voting for House names begins

soon. The whole system will commence with an inter knock out type competition.

More details of that next newsletter.


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Pharmacy Opening Times


8.45 to 1pm

and 2pm to 6pm

Saturday – 8.45am to 5pm

Tel No. 01522 5 5 8


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Cherry Willingham WI November

As usual at this time of the year, we celebrated our Harvest Festival. Members brought along many generous gifts, which made an attractive display in the hall. We again had the pleasure of welcoming several guests whom we hope will want to join us each month as members. After a speedy

run-through of the business, an auction of the Harvest produce was ably con-ducted by our President, Hazel Cropley, assisted by Anne Driver. The welcome proceeds are to be used for the benefit of a community group in our own village. Refreshments were served by members of the committee and then we were able to partake of some retail therapy by browsing through the wonderful display of goods from the W.I.Enterprise Box which was displayed by Sara Carter from W.I. House. The meeting closed after the drawing of the raffle . The next meeting is on November 12th when the speaker will be Mrs. Ann Coltman from Lincoln Heritage Trust.

SCOUTS PAPER COLLECTION: Sat 15th November. 7.30am

nit and Natter

Please let me apologise for giving you the wrong date for The Christmas Coffee Morning. It is the 22nd of November not the 8th as previously stated. I apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. Our meeting dates in November are the 5th and the 19th at 2 pm in the Church Hall at 2pm.

Knit and Natter Christmas Coffee Morning

Will be held in the Church Hall at 10 am on Saturday 22nd November

There will be Craft stalls, Cake stall, Toy stalls, and Raffles and other attractions

and of course Refreshments. As usual all money raised will be donated to local Charities.

Please come along and maybe get a few Christmas Presents.

Angels in the Making

Poppy Wallhead, friends Connie Gould, Catlin Coates and Neve Begley who organised a table top sale on the Lady Meers Estate selling Loom Band Bracelets, Shells and Gems raised £10 for MacMillan Nurses.


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Fit as a Fiddle Group

We are now back in the Church Hall. On the 2nd and 4th Thursdays in the month at 2pm.. Over fifties welcome for soft bowls and New Age Kurling. £1 per session. Enquiries to Pat Sellwood Tel 754584

Cherry Willingham Badminton Club

We meet in the sports hall at Cherry Willingham

Community School on Tuesday evenings from

7.45 pm until 9.45 pm. For more information

please contact

Vince Hodgson on 01522 806466

3Vs Art Group The 3Vs Art Group is made up of residents from local villages. We meet at Reepham Methodist Chapel each Thursday evening from 6.45pm where we paint, draw, have demonstrations and enjoy each other’s company. New Members are welcome.

Reepham Craft Club

Meetings are held in Reepham Methodist Church schoolroom Friday 14th and 28th


Ladies come and join us we are a very friendly group learning many different

crafts ring Val on 01522752809 or Ann on 01522800209 for more information

Twinning Association

After the bad weather for our seaside trip it was kind to us for the Summer

Barbecue in Ken’s garden on August 23rd and some 40 members enjoyed

Derek’s steaks, salads provided by the members, some wine and beer and a

good natter; thanks to all who contributed to the evening. On September

17th 38 of us had a good time at a hectic Beetle Drive organised by

Annette, with our younger members in mind, and with hot dogs as

refreshments. Our next event is an ‘At Home’ at Jean and Roy’s on October

25th and then our Christmas Party on December 13th. We are very happy to

welcome new members so if you want to join a social group in the village,

please contact Terry (753239) or John (595173).


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The club meets on the 4th Wednesday of most months at 7.30pm in the

church hall. We do not meet in January or in July and August. We also try to

have at least one outing per year to a nearby garden to further our knowledge

and enjoyment of other people’s ideas.

In September we had a social evening when we also held our mini show and

did gardening-related quiz words and crosswords. Several members entered

the different classes. The photograph shows three of the winners, Alan with a

single flower, Hilary with a table decoration and Philip with a photograph of

his garden and the funniest shaped vegetable .

Our next meeting is on 26 November when our speaker will be Mr Brian

Holman telling us about Useful Weeds!

Leaves are falling rapidly at this time of year, if you are able clear them up

from your lawn to avoid the grass being smothered and killed and a build up

of moss. If you have tender plants move them somewhere sheltered and raise

containers on to pot stands to prevent water-logging. Now is a good time to

plant tulip bulbs.

For more details of the club please ring Terry on 754254.

Gardening Club News


If you wish to advertise please contact Editor 01522 751769 or email: keith.deeley@virginmedia.com

Rascals Baby &

Toddler Group

Thursday’s* 9.30am - 11am

At Cherry Willingham & Reepham

Village Hall

Our aim is to provide children aged 0-4 years

with an opportunity to socialise and learn through


There are lots of activities provided including

messy play, art and singing, plus a healthy snack

and drink.

£1.50 for an adult & child then 50p for any extra


Please call Louise on 01522 753828 for more


* There is no meeting on the 3rd Thursday each

month as the Village Hall is not available.


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We have a very popular LUNCH CLUB serving a very good Main meal and sweet

with tea or coffee for £4.00 each.

ALL OVER 50’s WELCOME. Please telephone Margaret Coates on 75412 on

the Tuesday before to secure your place.

Every 1st and 3rd Thursday in the Church Hall at 12 Noon. Transport is available to

help those who would like to come and find it difficult to get to the Church Hall. .

To organise please call Margaret Coates on 75412

Ladies Breakfast

Saturday 1st November at 8.45am, at Rosie Lea Cafe The Parade Cherry Willingham. Ladies come and join us for a full English breakfast cost £5 20p. Listen to a Christian speaker meet with new and old friends. Please book by the 29th October .

Ring Ann on 01522800209 Thanks to all who joined us in the Harvest Supper.

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Chris Midgley


11 Meadway,Cherry Willingham,LN3 4BN

Tel: 01522 595024 Mob:07767 767651

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169 Burton Road, Lincoln, LN1 3LW


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• Private and NHS Eye Tests

• Contact Lens Trial and



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Our next coffee morning will be held on Saturday, 8th November from 10 am in the Church Hall. We look forward to seeing you for a cup of coffee, home-made cake and a friendly chat. You will also be able to browse our Fair Trade stall.

Ladies Breakfast

Our next meeting in November takes place at the Church Hall on Wednesday

19th at 7.30pm. WE will be having a representative from Age Concern UK.

No doubt it will be of interest to our members who are mostly of mature

years. An appeal for everyone to join us.

The week before we will be thinking about Remembrance.

Greater love has no one than this, that he may lay down his life for his

friends. John 15:13 Remembrance is acknowledging a life was lived. Lord

we remember with thanks those from our past whose lives touched ours for

the good.

St Benedict's continues to be open, look out for the board. The Centre houses

the Headquarters of the Mother’s Union in the Lincoln Diocese. Bring your

own snack and have a rest, you might need it as the season of hectic shop-

ping is just about here.

Everybody is more than welcome to our meetings.

Any queries to: Chairman Anne Parker (856588) or Anne Jones 751095


If you wish to advertise please contact Editor 01522 751769 or email: keith.deeley@virginmedia.com

erry illin & Reep ri e l

Hello When I last wrote for the September issue I mentioned my amazement at how quick the season was passing. Well, those remaining six weeks I referred to are also now consigned to the memory bank. Fittingly the Sunday 1st XI brought the campaign to an end with a 7 wicket win at home to Sleaford, however, they were not quite able to overhaul Lindum and had to settle for 2nd spot. This still resembled a remarkable effort, the dynamic of the Lincoln Premier League has changed considerably in recent years with a number of top ECB clubs represented. Cherry’s side did scoop the Village Trophy earlier in the year so their 2014 season can only be seen as a huge success. Likewise, our Saturday 1st XI had a successful season in the Lincolnshire Premier Division. Although results tailed off a little when player availability became an issue, the side still registered 12 victories. This meant a 5th placed finish, just 20 points behind 3rd spot. Providing we can keep this side together, with everyone available and a couple of additions I see absolutely no reason why they cannot make a strong title challenge in 2015. The Saturday 1st XI is playing a very high standard of cricket. To put this into context, it is not hugely different to some of the semi-professional football played in the county. Many of our opponents field overseas players or pay money out to secure signings whilst in the next tier up (ECB) Sleaford and Woodhall Spa’s line-ups included former New Zealand and Sri Lankan test cricketers during 2014! The Saturday 2nd team has had some Harry Houdini style escapes from relegation in the non-too distant past but none of those though, in my mind, compare with the achievements of 2014. After being bowled out for 40 and losing to Hibaldstow by 7 wickets on August 2nd , the team were sat 2nd bottom of the table 18 points from safety and 37 points from 4th bottom. Well, somehow the remaining 5 games yielded 4 victories, including a remarkable run chase v Grimsby Town and a nerve jangling final day success v Keelby which saw us placed in 4 th bottom spot, a point ahead of 3rd bottom and a further point ahead of 2nd bottom! Ultimately we finished with 7 wins and 9 defeats, a respectable effort but it does give an indication as to how closely contested that particular division was. The Sunday 2nd team enjoyed a similar rollercoaster ride. Having been promoted from Division 2 in 2014 a tough season was expected and going into the final two fixtures it was still all to play for. However, a heavy defeat against a strengthened Boston 2nd XI left the side with an uphill challenge to avoid the drop. The final game was against third placed Revesby who were still chasing promotion. Cherry restricted the visitors to 165 for 9 and managed to chase that total down having lost 7 wickets and with just 2 overs left. I’m told the tension in the final overs was unbearable but after a long hard season the right result was achieved and the spot in Division 1 secured for another year. I have not commented at all in this piece about individual player achievements during the season, although I can assure you there have been a huge number of high quality performances which will be recognised at the upcoming club presentation night. I shall ensure these performances and that event are covered in my next piece for the CW News as well as an update from our AGM which is scheduled for early November. As I finish typing this update we have just passed the one year anniversary of the sad passing of village legend Roy Bowser. Roy, was remembered in our 2014 handbook with a tribute which I have been asked to post on our club website. Anyone wishing to read the article should follow the link below. To mark the anniversary members of the club gathered with other locals in the Cherry Tree for a ‘bad jumper’ evening with some (Paul and Mo) even donning their wellington boots. An enjoyable night was had by all and who knows perhaps this can develop into an annual event. http://cwcc.play-cricket.com/member/news_articles/9535 Thanks for reading. Matt (Dobson) - CWCC Secretary (contact dusty_crowarmy@yahoo.co.uk)


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Nettleham Neighbourhood Policing Team, Police Station Scothern Lane, Nettleham LN2 2TU Email nettleham.npt@lincs.pnn.police.uk

What a glorious summer we have had, but the nights are drawing in and Halloween and Bonfire night will soon be upon us.

Most of us like a good bonfire and fireworks display, so check out the fireworks codes below to ensure your party goes well with the

right type of flashing lights.

Fireworks Code for Children

Fireworks will scare your pets, so keep them safely indoors. If you are given a sparkler, always wear gloves. lways hold sparklers at arm’s length.

When a sparkler goes out,: ON’T TOUCH IT. It could still burn

you, so put it in a bucket of water, hot end down. You have to be 18 years old before you are allowed to buy fireworks in the shops.


They are dangerous and can hurt you. Never go near a firework when it has been lit. ven if it hasn’t gone off, it could still explode. Only adults should light and hold fireworks. When you are watching fireworks, always stand well back. Never give sparklers to a child under five.

Fireworks Code for adults

• Only buy fireworks marked BS 7114. • on’t drink alcohol if setting off fireworks. • Keep fireworks in a closed box. • Follow the instructions on each firework. • Light them at arm’s length, using a taper. • Stand well back. • Never go near a firework that has been lit. ven if it hasn’t gone off, it could still explode. • Never put fireworks in your pocket or throw them. • Always supervise children around fireworks. • Light sparklers one at a time and wear gloves. • Never give sparklers to a child under five. • Keep pets indoors. • on’t set off noisy fireworks late at night and never after 11pm.



If you wish to advertise please contact Editor 01522 751769 or email: keith.deeley@virginmedia.com

Cherry Willingham Ladies Group

Our next meeting is: November 5th in the Church Hall at 7.30pm

Our speaker is Mr Day: Topic: ‘Fun in a Bookshop’

Reepham & Cherry Willingham Village Hall Thanks to all those who support the Village Hall, which is regularly used for ballroom dancing; bowls; line dancing; yoga; mums & toddlers and other activities. It is also available for private functions. To book the hall, please phone Frank on 07546 57 677

Our September meeting guest was jenny from ‘jenny’s jams’. She gave an

interesting talk and put on a lovely display of jams, marmalades etc. We

sampled lots of produce and were able to buy. A lovely afternoon. After tea

we discussed our Christmas lunch which will be at the Wishing Well on

December 15th. Two of our newer members have decided to join the com-

mittee and we wish them well.

Our next meeting is November 17th to which everyone is welcome.

Ladies Tea Club


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After suffering defeats in our first two games the team bounced back with two wins scoring eight goals with one against. The first was at Crown & Arrows a new team where we won 5-0 and then a good victory against Fulbeck Utd at home 3-1. Disaster followed the next week with a visit to Fulbeck in the David Cooper Cup where we put in a poor performance and were trounced 6-1 against a much stronger side. We have an attractive home game to come against Woodhall Spa and a Boston League side whose strength is unknown to us. FIXTURES

1st Nov: Saxilby Ath Home 2-15pm

8th Nov: Mono's FC Away 2-15pm

15th Nov: RM Imp Home 2-15pm

22nd Nov: Blues Club Away l-30pm Amateur Cup

29th Nov; Retford Town Home 2-15pm

On a sour note we would like to know who was responsible for breaking all the net hooks on the cross bars we found before our first home game.

Cherry Willingham

Football Club

The Last Post

Lincoln commemorates a unique sacrifice Lincoln’s own story of WW1 heroics, courage and sacrifice is especially compelling, with only three of the city’s eight Beechey brothers surviving the conflict. Their story stands out as one of unparalleled loss, to be recalled by the Lincoln Mystery Plays company this November. The Last Post is a powerful and poignant commemoration; it is the city’s own play, inspired by their letters home and written to be performed where men trained for war 100 years ago – Lincoln Drill Hall.

Performed nightly: 7pm, November 12, 13 and 14; and 2pm & 7pm, November 15. Tickets: £12 and £10 from Lincoln Drill Hall, 01522 873894, www.lincolndrillhall.com


If you wish to advertise please contact Editor 01522 751769 or email: keith.deeley@virginmedia.com



forwardCherry Willingham Health Walk

Meet Thurs 10am

outside Rose Lea’s café

LN3 4JL (weekly event)

For more info call ‘The

Healthy Lifestyles Team on

01522 873581

Or email:


Are you looking for a venue

for birthday parties, family

celebrations, etc. then look

no further than Cherry

Willingham Church Hall.

The hall has been completely

refurbished and has an up-to-date,

well-equipped kitchen. The hall can

accommodate up to 50 people and

is in the centre of the village We

have very competitive rates - £7.50

per hour. If you require further

information or wish to make a

booking, please contact our

Bookings Secretary, Sandra

Gardner (tel no 752513, e-mail:



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Flower Friends Flower Friends Group continues to grow with new members trying their hands for the first time at flower arranging.

We meet the third Wednesday of each month, at 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. and 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. in Cherry Willingham..

Next meeting is 19th November. If you would like to join us, please contact Annette Edgar 01522 5 5673 or

annetteedgar@btinternet.com for further details.

No experience required, just enthusiasm and a love of flowers. Come and try your hand and have a cup of tea or glass of wine and enjoy a couple of hours with like-minded people chatting and arranging flowers.

Reepham and District Tennis Club The junior tennis coaching on Saturday mornings is going strong and we are very proud of

the progress our junior members are making. We now have over 50 junior members in the

club and Jo Purkiss, our LTA qualified coach, continues to work them hard! We recently

took a team of 8 juniors to Tealby Tennis Club to take part in a friendly competition. Our

children played well – our Green Team won their matches 7-3; the Orange team lost their

matches 2-8. Well done to Mia, James, Tom, Ed, Hannah, Katie, Emily and Drew! This

was the first time our members had taken part in a formal match and they were a credit to

our club and we all enjoyed the experience. We hope to return the favour soon and invite

Tealby juniors over for a rematch against some of our other junior members. Such is the

progress the children are making Jo is keen to continue the sessions through the winter

months – so if you are interested it is not too late! Sessions currently run from 10-1pm;

times depending on age and ability. Jo is also planning to offer some adult coaching

sessions – details to follow shortly.

Remember that membership fees are now HALF PRICE for the rest of the season;

Adults £20, children £7.50, Seniors and Concessions £15 and Families £42.50.

Club nights are Tuesdays and Thursdays 7pm, weather permitting.

Find us behind the Village Hall on Hawthorn Rd

Contact: Kerry Scott on 750060 or Val Staples 750303

Bereavement for Ron Green.

Christine and Alison Green would like to thank everyone for the support and help given to the family during Ron's illness and passing. The beautiful cards and expressions of sympathy gave us great comfort, at a very sad time. Thank you also to Rev. Sue Bradley for a lovely service. The amount of donations was a magnificent £570 pounds, for St Barnabas Hospice and Marie Curie Cancer Care. Many thanks.—Christine Green


If you wish to advertise please contact Editor 01522 751769 or email: keith.deeley@virginmedia.com




01522 751769 OR EMAIL



The Cherry Tree Community Syndicate was formed to keep our local ‘The Cherry Tree’ open, against a bleak background of Pub closures and economic uncertainty, we are now in our fifth and final year of our tenancy here, and we again we have to decide on the future of our Pub

The Brewery has given us confirmation of what the new rent agreement will be for the next Tenancy.

We are all nearly 5 years older, and with some of our original helpers unable to continue, at our latest Shareholder meeting, it was decided to seek any interested parties who could bring, maybe a Fresh approach, new ideas, help with finances, and of course ‘willing hands’, to help us keep our Pub open, and ask all interested to contact us on 01522 754244, or pop in and see us at The Cherry Tree.

Good News

We have the pleasure of welcoming back singer Ben Moss after his time away entertaining round the globe, Ben will be performing for us at the Tree on Friday 31st October.

Bad news

Unfortunately due to ‘insurmountable health and safety’ issues concerning our Annual Firework Display, we are unable to hold the event at the Cherry Tree this year, another victory for the Health and Safety Stazi!!. Where will it end? MW


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Scouting: Scouts 10½ -14 yrs., Cub Scouts 8 - 10 yrs., Beaver Scouts 5¾ - 8yrs. Contact details: Mike Bull on 01522 807022 Guiding: Senior Section 14+ yrs., Guides 10+ yrs., Brownies 7-10yrs, Rainbows 5-7yrs. Contact details: Jayne Tyler on 07591181380

Scouts Troop News Oct 2014

At the beginning of a new term the Scout Group is pleased to welcome two Explorer Scouts

who have volunteered to give up their free time and help the Scout leaders. Hopefully they

will continue to enjoy their time with the group and go on to become young leaders. We also

welcome some new members to the group - some who have moved up from the Cub section

and three young ladies who have joined us from Guides. The Scout group welcomes new

members anytime so if you are aged between 10½ and 14 and have nothing to do on a

Thursday evening, we meet at the Scout HQ on Minster Drive between 7.30 and 9pm. Just

remember to phone a leader beforehand to check the Scouts are in the HQ that particular

evening as we do like to go out and about. For instance this term already we have been to

look around West Parade Police Station which we all thoroughly enjoyed, we’ve worked on

our fitness badge by having great fun getting into a sweat doing the bleep test, we’ve

practised our archery skills and we’ve learnt some knotting skills by making key rings. We

look forward to a mini table tennis competition and a seasonal themed evening where, if we

can acquire some pumpkins, we hope to do some pumpkin carving.

To keep the group up and running we are in serious need of a volunteer adult assistant


Helen Morgan

Scout Troop leader

01522 801343

Beaver Scouts

We started our new term making wreaths for the Harvest Table at Harvest Festival. With

the spare dough the Beavers made Harvest animals, including mice, snails, snakes and a

splendid Diplodocus!

We have been working towards our Gardening Badge, growing cress to compare growing

conditions, and also our Communicator Badge, deciphering codes, writing in invisible ink

and building an electronic circuit to make a Morse Code generator. Our next challenge is

our Disability Awareness badge.

We had a great day at Gulliver’s Kingdom , Matlock Bath, with the Lincoln District Beaver





If you wish to advertise please contact Editor 01522 751769 or email: keith.deeley@virginmedia.com

Cub Scouts

With help from Lincoln District leaders the Cub Scout section has maintained a full

programme during this half term. We have been working towards our Communicator

badge, learning some British Sign Language, Braille and Morse Code.

We had an evening doing Archery and plan to spend the day at The Showroom in Lincoln

before half term, where loads of activities will be available to amuse the Cub Scouts for the


Scouts in West Parade

Police Station Cell

Gulliver’s Kingdom outing – Beaver scouts ready for Home

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