if you're starting an online business, see this first

Post on 12-May-2015






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I was once asked the following question by someone on my email list: "If there's some advice you wish you'd received before starting an online business, what would it be?". It's a great question, and one I'll examine here as I'd imagine my answer would be very useful to all those about to embark on the amazing adventure of beginning, and hopefully growing, a profitable online venture.


Starting An Online Business? See This First ...

Someone once asked me …

“If there’s some advice you wish you’d received before starting an online business, what would it be?”

Great question! Let’s see ...

1. It Takes More Work Than You Might Imagine!

Imagining an office on the beach? Mmm ...

Shall we get real for a second?

Are you ready for twelve hour days (often more), seven days a week?

Get ready to take the rough with the smooth …

(there’ll be many bumps along the way!)

But the rewards are there for those whorise to the challenge!

(... and the best reward is oftenthe journey itself)Honestly!

2. Don’t Fear Failure - Just Do It Anyway

1. Go to Amazon ...

2. Get Susan Jeffers’ book, Feel the fear and do it anyway(Oh yes … 3. Read it!)

It's normal to be fearful ...

... but just start anyway and see where your journey

takes you.(It could be the adventure of

a lifetime)

3. Define Your Goals - And Maintain Your Focus

Every journey needs a destination ...Starting an online business is no different

Decide on your goals (even if they’re lofty)

… And then commit to reaching them

Keep a sharp focus on your goals ...Whatever works for you (yes, even if it's crazy)

Don't be afraid to change your goals if you

need to ...

Nothing is set in stone

4. Avoid Information Overload - Find Some Key Mentors

Information overload can leave you confused which way to go

Follow a few key mentors ...

... but ultimately, your own

experience will be your guide -

find out what works for you

5. Listen To Your Market - And Adjust Accordingly

Listen to feedback from leads and customers ...

Negative messages canbe the most valuable

Don't be afraid to take it all apart ...

... and start over (on stronger foundations!)

6. Decide To Succeed!

The most important advice ...

Decide to succeed and completely commit to it(and yes, it might be an uphill struggle)

"It's in your moments of decisionthat your destiny is shaped."

- Tony Robbins

Here’s A Quick Summary:● It takes more work than you might imagine;● Don’t fear failure - just do it anyway;● Define your goals - and maintain your focus;● Avoid information overload - find some key

mentors;● Listen to your market - and adjust

accordingly;● Decide to succeed!

If You’re Starting An Online Business ...… the most difficult part can be getting noticed.

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Steve Shaw has run successful online businesses since 2002, selling millions of dollars worth of digital products and services to customers worldwide.For more help and advice go to http://trafficono.me.

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