ifq review

Post on 04-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Review of Magazine IFQ and why it would be effective for promoting our film and a review of our film that the magazine could use.


Elena Procopio 4.

Question: Who would be the audience for your media product?

I think that the film magazine that would be the most likely and effective to carry reviews and adverts for my

film would be Independent Film Quarterly (IFQ).

IFQ is one of the fastest growing Film/Art & Society magazines featuring exclusive

in-depth Q&A interviews with celebrated iconic figures in film, music and pop

culture. It focuses especially on independent pieces of media, for example my

psychological thriller film “FORGOTTEN”. The successful and well known magazine

uses its popularity to promote and advertise indie and up and coming films, film

makers and new media products. It gives these kinds of productions a significantly

bigger chance of making it big ad becoming well known and successful. My

psychological thriller, Forgotten (2012) is an individual, low-budget, British Film. It

focuses more on the intrigue and mystery of the film to attract mass audiences,

rather than using high budget effects, such as CGI, special effects etc. This kind of

film is conventional to the ones that IFQ promotes and advertises in their magazine

editions and also shows at their famous film festivals (most recent held in Cannes,

France). The company has covered films similar to mine before, for example ‘The

Road to Nowhere’ (Brian Meier) which involves a lead woman role and contains similar themes of personal

identity and suspense, so Forgotten would not be an unfamiliar area for IFQ.

With this magazine being successful and well-known, it has a rather large audience that enjoys the product.

This would also help as this audience would mostly fit our target audience of young people who are interested

in individual, and a lot of the time low-budget films. Although thrillers are incredibly popular in the film

industry, it would obviously come down to individuals who read the product and if they enjoy thrillers or not.

Hopefully, the widespread knowledge of the magazine could help advertise the film in different ways to attract

a wide and varied audience.

Elena Procopio Film Review:

Forgotten is a mind boggling, thriller intriguing its audience, as each layer of mystery of the narrative unfolds.

The storyline involves a teenager, Mary, an ordinary girl living in an ordinary town, with what first seems to be

an ordinary life. But being a sufferer of amnesia, Mary has a major loss of memory and completely forgets who

she is and everything about herself. She has to almost begin her life again and learn every inch of detail about

her character again. After twists and turns in the thriller we find that Mary’s complicated life is a lot harder for

her to unfold than she thinks. Not long into the film, we soon realize that she has not led the safest life and has

a lot of people after her, with Mary completely oblivious as to why. Mary needs to find out who she is and

unveil the deep layers of her character to discover what’s got her into the mess and how she can get out before

her enemies track her down. The suspense and mystery of the film keep the viewer glued to the screen and as

confused and intrigued as the lead role Mary seems to be. The effects behind this incredibly mysterious and

intense thriller are extremely effective, and the use of camerawork, sound and post-production effects make

this film what it is and enhances the overall viewing experience. The film covers a wide range of audiences, and

as a thrilling and suspense-filled motion picture, Forgotten could be recommended to just about anybody to

watch and enjoy.

Forgotten is due to be released on the 31st March 2012.

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