ii l~7j .,-,: - yeshiva university · pdf filetehilim is about being in charge ofnmure, or in...

Post on 01-Feb-2018






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  • Y{'hoshua: Yehoshua is about Kibush and Chiluk. Conquering and Dh'iding the land. Conquering: What happened when Yehoshua crossed in the land and there \vere countries already living there? Rashi says he offered them to leave or fight Rashi said Torah began 'V\'ith Bereishis to sho\\' the world that the land of Israel belongs to the Jews, and they are not inhibiting upon land. Meanwhile, the rambam, ramh:m, and tosfos aU that rashi is wrong. They cite the )/erushalmi in which Yehoshua gave the people 3 choices, not The additional c110ice was to convert and keep 6 I 3 mitzyos, or not conveli and keep 7 living peacetblly beside the Jews. Rashi if this is historically true, then the bavE would have said the yerushalmi of a proof in ychoshua. That the Givonirn destroyed their stuff to make it look like they were travelers stopping in the Jand, and hadn't actually been residing there. They tricked ychoslma. i()lmd out the truth later OTL Tosfos agrees that yehoslma offered the 3r t! option, but says he told them they must dedde on that day, and they rethsed. During the fighting, one nation changed their n1intL but it was too late to make peace. This is hov,; the givonim made peal:e, by' tri!..":king yehoshua mto thinking they were just travelers, Yehoshua didn't chase after the girgoshim or anyone that left on their own during the fightlng. Dividing: The land was divided according to the needs of each tribe, outside of hecause they had lots of cattle. Reuven. Gad, and half a large mizbayach to bring a korban, which is against the torah law. When this happened, the other tribes ,,\'anted to wipe them out. Korbmws needed to be brought at the mishkan. Previously others had brought korbanos in random places, so \.vby was it suddenly a big deal? Because Heter When the mishkan was traveling, it was permitted to bring korbanos in oth~~r places. When the mishkan stood at Shiloh or yerushalayinl however, you must bring korbanos there Shoftim: This is a vicious cycle of the je\vs sinning, Hashem sends them an , the Jews cry, H hears the cries and sends a shofet, the shoict saves the the shoiet dies. and the Jews sin, cycle repeats itself 15 times in the book, Oniy one shotet actually sat and gave judgment. Devorah. The shoftim were saviors, \\'an'iors, the goyirl1 more than anyone. The shotet gets a book of his o\\/n, ShmueL Sbmuel: The thought he v,,'as so great, Hashem said in yirrni}'ahu if mosl1i..~ and shmuel come. I v,.:on't listen", cOlnparing the greatness or shmuel to moshe. The first 7 chapters of shmuei ieadership. He was the spiritual. military_ political, etc. leuder ofthe jews. The jews rejecting him, and made a king, so tbat there would be a leadership 'Nbich could dovm hereditarily. Shmuel was angry. The .lev\I's had asked Gideon previously to be king. but he declined. Shmuel W

  • and avoid

    rebelled against him. He be~~ame king over 2 Jarge areas, and there was another king, yenlnmi, king over the other 10 areas. They once trit~d to unite under Qne atalyah, but she kil led every descendant of dm'id, except yoesk a r year old baby they kept hidden. When they killed ataJyah, they made yoesh king. He was 7 years old at the time. He later on Exed up beis hamikdosh. Along carne 4 nevi'im, hoshea and amos to speak to the m'llthcrn 10 areas, and yeshayahu and 111ic11a to to the southern 2 areas. They warned about a new threat if the people didn't repent. The south listened, hov,'ever the north didn't. the south ttl destruction from ashllL TheretiJre he's kno\vn as having consolation prophecies. prophecies about moshiach corning. Yeshayabu: Therefore a lot of yeshayahu is about rnoshi:.l(:-h coming. Christians change this text to their! iking. Yeshayahu lives from -740- 700 Be E. Around 740 the 1101them joined with an enemy, Arom, against a enemy, Ashur, They wanted the south to join with them as welL The king of the south vv'as inclined, hut Yeshayahu warned against so. He said whoever IS part of the coalition will soon be destroyed. the king of the south doesn't listen and joins anyways. He asks yeshayahu fiJr a miracle to show that he should listen to him, and yeshaY:1hu responds that a baby will be bom \vho will save you. Christians say this is Jesus. Achaz wa.nted to see

  • Yeshayahu says when moshiach CGmes. lions "villlie with lambs. To rashi this is literaL Rambam says he is ret-erring to violent people wii1 become more peaceful. Yoel: flrst.2 chapters are about a plague of locusts that the land ofJsraeJ. !n the plague. yoel it's the \i:orst plague oflocusts to ever hit the planet. That contradicts the torah which says atler the gIl', plague, that there was never and will never be a plague of locusts as had as this. One anSV./f.'T is, the posuk in the torah only refers to Egypt. Rashi also answers, in Egyp! it \vas just arbell, and in )loci there ,vere 4 types locusts, so the arbe1: \vas worse in Egypt, but !)verall the locusts \vere vmrsc in yoeL There are:' chapters in tehilim ;'ij:' i1:J". Tehilim is about being in charge of nMure, or in charge of history, The events of history are either about the nation otJews, or about dovid! s hf'C. The ones about the jewish people are about Egypt. I f you h)!)k at the ten pbgues, they] ist () kinds of locusts between the 3 chapters tehilinl, This c()!1tfadicts rashils explanation. Tehilim is a book of song. Tehilim has the pennissioll, when describing the plagm~ ofiocusts, even if only arheh ",,las then.~, he has ability to write poetic words 'l-vith extra words. Therefore it can't taken here as J~lCt.

    3'd and true solution Gf yod, is that he is not talking about locusts at all. Hcis talking about !(HJr nations, The 4 locusts represent the 4 nations who are going to devour the jews if they don't do tc:shuvah, This is buvel, purus, yuvun, and UdUHl. The end of yoel how Israel will be rebuilt after the destruction. Ovadyab: The shortest book tht, tanach, is one chapter. It's a prophecy of the fall of edom. l-k was (1 convert fi'om edom, according to chaza1. The catholic church kllCW that the jews considered them to be edom, so v,'hatever a jew would \Nrite In their commentary to ovadya, the Christians knev" they were ,'\"riting about them, so th{.~y had to be carefu1. Theref(}re it's hard to find full com.mentaries to ovadya. Christianity is not actually edonL Yinniyahu,Yeshayahu, Amos, and Yechezkd discuss what is going to happen to the different nations in the future. When yinniyahu discussed what \viiI happen to Edom, it's almost the same as ovadya. Ovadya ends saying that god will judge the edomites in harsayir. Yonah: The most successful n::.rvJ. \'tma 5 'A'ords, and e\ieryrme is wearing sackcloth. Why was yona\\'illing to and 'Nanted to escape from He was only going to ninveh, the capital of ashur, the nation that destroyed 10 of the tribes. said he'd rather die than get ashur to do teshuvah. He goes on the ship, is thrown overboard, and the sailors on the ship became religious when this stoml suddenly died out when he \vas thrown overhoard, He became mythological in nlnveh hy this time, When 3 days later he shows up on shore out of nowhere, he was a celebrity in nlnveh. This is \vhy everyone listened to him. If Yon a had just listened to god and gone to ninveh \vithout rebelling and attempting to go to tarshish, they wouldn't have listened to him, and he would have gotten \vhat he '.v~H1ted. Micbah: Like yislll'iyahu spoke to southern kingdom of Israel. rv1icha :.md yishayahu were successful neviim, no! because they were better than hoshea and amos, but hecause they had a better audience. Yirmiyahu predicted in chapter 26 the destruction ofthe beis hamikdosh. The people v,'anted to kin him tor it. Suddenly officers came from far away and said don't kill hit-no 1"vticha had already predicted They quoted rV1icf1a, and chizkiyahu, the then, didn't kill him, he did teshuva f()r it- This shmvs the succc~ss ofMicha. It is only 8 chapters long. There are harsh attacks on disorder. There is also nice prophetic visions of the retum of god's graces to his people, Micha 15 very much by Christians, as\veH as yishayahu, due to good propheci(~s which they use to refer to chrisitiany. Nochum: 3 chapters about the fall of ashnr. Has a sharp description of ashur. 'I'll,: book is nothing but misery about ashur. No mom for repentane(~. Chavakuk: Same as nochum, but to bovel. Speaks the fall of boveL H(l\vever nwnages to put a first chapter of phenomena1 disgnlCi.~ against Hashem, about how he aI1O\~;s evil to


  • exist, and that this is why no one wants to follo\v the torah. that the have to so much. The most chutzpah-dik person in tanach, Tzfal1yah: Lived at the same time as yirmiyahu, as it says in his book. while ylnniyahu is the source of doom and destruction, tzfanya is only :3 chapters muskrs up quite a bit of conciliation prophecies. The last 3, Trei Asor: Chagai~ Zechariah, and lVlalaebaL are the authors of 12 books, put into J. so tbev shouldn't get lost. Chagai ;Jlong'- "\vith vona ~. is the nwst successful It's only.... "-- --.; about rebuildim! the beis hamikdash and pe\lith regard to history it is about the people, or about Dovid. With to Dovid it is about his great faith before he became king, he became king, and then after batsheva. This is the only book in the bible \-vith natural Christians gave the chapter numbers elsewlwre arbitrarily. On page 46 is the 151" chapter TehiHim, found in the Dead scrolls, discussing goliath and the ph1listines, Dovld never mentioned goliath the T ehillim until here. There is a lot of intellectual material within. About the way god funs the \\'orkL Mishh,>i: Book of proverbs not '>\leU organized. About 50 or so categories of Musar, how to the good meaningful and be in control of your actions, Orchos Tzaddikim is an serer that way Judaism looks at and treats 111idos. The book ends v

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