iip 01 why study the design process 2014-15

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


    • Prof. Stefano FILIPPI

    Universita’ degli Studi di Udine Corso di Laurea Magistrale

    01. Why Study the Design Process?

  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 


    • Need for new, cost-effective, ig-!ualit"#roducts

    • Product co$#le%it" drives to te need for tea$sof #eo#le wit different s&ills and &nowledge

    • Need for co$$unication tecni!ues, #rotocols,infrastructures

    • 'e $ar&et#lace re!uires ra#id #roductdevelo#$ent and co$#an" efficienc" 


  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    Factors that determine success/failureof a product


  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    Measuring the Design Process

    • 'ree $easures*

    + Product cost

    + Product !ualit"

    + Product ''M ti$e-to-$ar&et

  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    Product !S"

    • Now design cost is usuall"/01 of te $anufacturingcost


    • effects of te !ualit" of tedesign on te$anufacturing cost are$uc greater even to0314


  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    Product !S" #cont.$

    • 'e decisions $ade during te 5esign Process ave a

    great effect on te cost of a #roduct 6ut cost ver" little


  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    Product %&'(I")

    • 8ualit" cannot 6e $anufactured into a #roductunless it is designed into it

    • 8ualit" is a co$#osite of factors, for e%a$#le*

    • 'ese factors are design engineer’s res#onsi6ilit" 


  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    Product ""M

    • 'e 5esign Process affects te ti$e it ta&es to#roduce a new #roduct


    •Co$#an" ; •More design alternatives e%#lored•

    Finised earl" 

    •Co$#an" 2•Still $a&ing canges after deliver" •

  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    "he history of the Design Process• 'oda" te 5esign Process is te organi=ation and $anage$ent of

    #eo#le and te infor$ation te" develo# in te evolution of a#roduct• one #erson could design and $anufacture an entire #roduct

    + ( different grou#s of #eo#le* ?over-te-wall@ design #rocess >A03-B

    ne-wa" co$$unication Su6Dective #erce#tion and inter#retation Insufficient &nowledge a6out te oter do$ains


  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    "he history of the Design Process#cont.$

    + ) Si$ultaneous engineering >A:3-B

    Si$ultaneous develo#$ent of te $anufacturing#rocess wit te evolution of te #roduct

    + Concurrent engineering >A:0-B

    2uilt around te following &e" features*


  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    "he life of a product


  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    "he design pro*lems

    • Pro6le$ ;* wat si=e 6olt sould 6e used tofasten togeter two

     well-defined #ieces of$aterial

    + ;nal"sis #ro6le$+ Co$#letel" defined

    + ne solution


    • Pro6le$ 2* design a Doint to fasten togetertwo well-defined

    #ieces of $aterial

    + 5esign #ro6le$+ Ill-defined

    + Man" solutions $ore&nowledge re!uired

  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    "he parado+ for mechanical designpro*lems• ; designer $ust develo# a $acine tat, 6"

    definition, as te ca#a6ilities to $eet so$eneed tat is not full" defined


  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    "he *asic actions of pro*lem sol,ing


  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    -noledge and learning during design

    • Parado%* as wor& on te #roDect #rogresses, te designer’s&nowledge a6out te tecnologies involved and te alternativesolutions increases, wile te a6ilit" to cange te #roduct 6eco$esincreasingl" li$ited

    • nce finised, designers would li&e to restart te #roDect fro$scratc 6ecause now te" own all te re!uired &nowledge to $anage

    it at 6est


  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    Summary'e design #rocess is te organi=ation and $anage$ent of #eo#le and te infor$ation te"

    develo# in te evolution of a #roduct.

    • 'e success of te design #rocess can 6e $easured in te cost of te design effort, te costof te final #roduct, te !ualit" of te final #roduct, and te ti$e needed to develo# te#roduct.

    • Cost is co$$itted earl" in te design #rocess, so it is i$#ortant to #a" #articular attentionto earl" #ases.

    • Concurrent engineering integrates all te sta&eolders fro$ te 6eginning of te design#rocess and e$#asi=es 6ot te design of te #roduct and te concern for all #rocesses -

    te design #rocess, te $anufacturing #rocess, te asse$6l" #rocess, and te distri6ution#rocess

    •  ;ll #roducts ave a life c"cle 6eginning wit esta6lising a need and ending witretire$ent. ;ltoug tis course is #ri$aril" concerned wit #lanning for te design#rocess, engineering re!uire$ents develo#$ent, conce#tual design, and #roduct design#ases, attention to all te oter #ases is i$#ortant.

    • 'e $ecanical design #rocess is a #ro6le$-solving #rocess tat transfor$s an ill-defined#ro6le$ into a final #roduct.

    • 5esign #ro6le$s ave $ore tan one satisfactor" solution.• In #ro6le$ solving tere are seven actions to 6e ta&en* esta6lis need, #lan, understand,

    generate, evaluate, decide, and co$$unicate.


  • 8/16/2019 IIP 01 Why Study the Design Process 2014-15


     filippi@uniud.it 01. Why Study the Design Process? 

    +ercises• Cange a #ro6le$ fro$ one of "our engineering science classes into a design #ro6le$. 'r"

    canging as few words as #ossi6le.

    • Identify the basic problem solving actions for:a. Selecting a new car

     b. Finding an item in a grocery storec. Installing a wall-mounted bookshelf d. Placing a piece in a puzzle

    • Find e%a$#les of #roducts tat are ver" different "et solve exactly te sa$e design#ro6le$. 5ifferent 6rands of auto$o6iles, cars, 6i&es, C5 #la"ers, and #ersonal co$#uters

    are e%a$#les. For eac, list its features, cost, and #erceived !ualit". Co$#are te ease of$aintenance and an" o6vious tougts on te retire$ent of te #roducts.• 'o e%#erience te li$itations of te over-te-wall design $etod, tr" tis. it a grou# of

    four to si% #eo#le, ave one #erson write down te descri#tion of so$e o6Dect tat is notfa$iliar to te oters. 'is descri#tion sould contain at least si% different nouns tatdescri6e different features of te o6Dect. itout sowing te descri#tion to te oters,descri6e te o6Dect to one oter #erson. 'is can 6e done 6" wis#ering or leaving te

    roo$. Li$it te descri#tion to wat was written down. 'e second #erson now conve"s teinfor$ation to te tird #erson, and so on until te last #erson redescri6es te o6Dect to te wole grou# and co$#ares it to te original written descri#tion. 'e $odification tatoccurs is $agnified wit $ore co$#le% o6Dects and #oorer co$$unication. ProfessorMar& Costello of regon State Universit" originated tis #ro6le$.


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