ilc · 2019-01-22 · demonstrated ilc...

Post on 20-Mar-2020






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ILC status

Shin MICHIZONOKEK/Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC)

• 250 GeV ILC• SRF R&D

• Cost reduction R&Ds• SRF accelerators (European XFEL)

• Nano-beam R&D• Beam dump, positron• ILC preparation• Recent status• Summary

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 1

ILC250 Acc. Design Overview

e- Source

e+ Main Liinac

e+ Source

e- Main Linac

Item Parameters

C.M. Energy 250 GeV

Length 20km

Luminosity 1.35 x1034 cm-2s-1

Repetition 5 Hz

Beam Pulse Period 0.73 ms

Beam Current 5.8 mA (in pulse)

Beam size (y) at FF 7.7 nm@250GeV

SRF Cavity G.


31.5 MV/m(35 MV/m)Q0 = 1x10 10

main linacbunchcompressor





final focus


extraction& dump


few GeV

few GeVfew GeV

250-500 GeV

Nano-beam Technology

SRF Accelerating Technology

Key Technologies

Physics Detectors

Damping Ring

IAS Program on High Energy Physics


Brief history of the ILC R&D

Technical Design Phase


2006 ‘07 ‘08 ‘12‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘13

SC Technologyselected






‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ’17 ’18 ‘19


European XFEL




IAS Program on High Energy Physics


TDR:49 countries392 institutions>2400 researchers

World-wide in-kind contribution is assumed. The cost is estimated by the virtual currency called ILCU (defined as US dollar in 2012) based on the achievements of XFEL's procurement record and the results of large-scale accelerators (LHC, KEKB, etc.).

Barry BarishGDE director

(the Nobel Prize winner for physics in 2017)

Lyn EvansLCC director

(former LHC project manager)

LCC international structure

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 20194

Chair: G. Taylor

125 GeV Higgs discovery reinforcing the ILC importance

E cm (GeV)200 300 400 500 600

Integrated Luminosity (ab-1)







New Physics beyond SM:

Direct or indirect DM searches Evidence for BSM physics Hints of a new mass scale

Physics confident: Higgs and Top Quark

Learn “everything” about H (125) Probe dynamics of EWSB

K. Kawagoe(modified)

Important Energies in ILC

LEP reached

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 5


Machine/Physics report on Oct. 2017

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 6

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 7

ICFA statement on Nov. 2017


Two detectors

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

ILC Schematic

© Rey.Hori/KEK

© Rey.Hori/KEK

Each electron/positron linac is ~10 km in length. Beams are accelerated by superconducting rftechnology (SRF). Detectors will be located at the center of the ILC.

Main Linac at the ILC



LatticeRF Distribution


IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

RF Power Source

# of SRF cavities ~8000

12 m

~900 cyomodules

ILC Time Line: Progress and Prospect

Assuming (~2+) 4 year

(Pre-Preparation) and

Preparation Phase

We are here.

(9 year)

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 10

ILC Site Candidate Location in Japan: Kitakami







IP Region

• Preferred site selected by JHEP community,• Endorsed by LCC, in 2013

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 11

Demonstrated ILC accelerator parameters


Parameters Unit Required Design Demonstrated Comment

Electron Source

Bunch charge nC 3.2 4.8 8.0 SLAC-SLC

Beam current uA 21 42 1,000 Jlab

Polarity % 80 80 90 U.Nagoya, SLAC,KEK

Positron Souce

Bunch charge nC 3.2 4.8 8.0 SLAC-SLC

Polarity % 30 30 80 SLAC E166

Superconducting RF

Module gradient MV/m 31.5 (+/- 20%) ~31.5

DESY, FNAL, JLab, Cornell, KEK, Cavity Q value(Q0) 1010 ~1010

Cavity gradient MV/m 35 (±20%) 33.4 MV/m

Beam current mA 5.8 > 5.8 DESY, KEK

Number of bunches 1312 1312

DESYBunch charge nC 3.2 3

Bunch interval ns 554 333

Beam pulse width μs 730 800 DESY, KEK

RF pulse width ms 1.65 1.65 DESY, KEK, FNAL

Repetition Hz 5 10 DESY


ATF-FF beam size (y) ILC-FF beam size(y)


37 7.7

41 at ATF (@ 1.3 GeV) ATF hosted at KEK

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

Most of the parameters are already demonstrated at the various facilities.

ILC status

Shin MICHIZONOKEK/Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC)

• 250 GeV ILC• SRF R&D

• Cost reduction R&Ds• SRF accelerators (European XFEL)

• Nano-beam R&D• Beam dump, positron• ILC preparation• Recent status• Summary

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 13

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 14

SRF cavity development at KEK

S1 global (2010)Four cav. from KEK, two from Germany, two from USA.

STF-2(2016)Eight-cavity operation

508MHzTRISTAN (1989) 508MHzKEKB (1998)

R&D started from 1980’Applied to TRISTAN/KEKB/SuperKEKB

STF (2005-) SRF R&D facility CFF(2011-) cavity fabrication facility

Vertical test stand

EBW machine

Press machine Vertical Lache

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 15

ILC cost reduction R&D

The half of the construction cost is coming from main linac (ML).

Thus we focused our cost reduction R&D into ML (superconducting RF technology)

Cavity ~9,000

Input coupler ~8,000

Klystron ~240Waveguide system ~240

Klystron Marx Modulator ~240

(including ~10% margin)

ILC Cost-Reduction R&D in US-Japan Cooperationon SRF Technology

Based on recent advances in technologies;

– Nb material/sheet preparation

- w/ optimum Nb purity and clean surface

– SRF cavity fabrication for high-Q and high-G

-w/ a new “N Infusion” recipe demonstrated by Fermilab

New potential breakthrough: very high Q at very high

gradients with low temperature (120C) nitrogen treatment

4/12/16Alexander Romanenko | FCC Week 2016 - Rome34

- Record Q at fields > 30 MV/m

- Preliminary data indicates potential 15% boost in achievable quench fields

- Can be game changer for ILC!IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019



US-Japan cost reduction R&D

New Nbmaterial/process


Degradation-free environment

Heat treatment

Cavity fabrication

Module (including tuner, jacket)

Vertical test


Horizontal test

Stand-alone horizontal test

Module test at stF-2

Evaluate the cavity performance from vertical test to horizontal test

New potential breakthrough: very high Q at very high

gradients with low temperature (120C) nitrogen treatment

4/12/16Alexander Romanenko | FCC Week 2016 - Rome34

- Record Q at fields > 30 MV/m

- Preliminary data indicates potential 15% boost in achievable quench fields

- Can be game changer for ILC!

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019


Nano-beam R&D


Cavity fabrication

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

N-Infusion R&D

Nb material R&D

Direct sliced Nb material performance


Made from large grain Nb disks; medium RRR Nb with high Ta content

JFY2018: Two 9-cell cavities are under fabrication. (on schedule)

Annealed for 800℃×3hrsto remove stresses.

Electron beam welding of end-cell

Electron beam welding of the cavity

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 19

JFY20173-cell cavity


Nano-beam R&D


Cavity fabrication

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

N-Infusion R&D

Nb material R&D

N-Infusion results at KEK• First trial of N-infusion showed degradation occurred at >5MV/m.

• Degradation seems to come from background vacuum during 120deg. N-Infusion.

• Second trial of N-Infusion was done with improved background vacuum during N-Infusion (120 deg.)

• It showed successful N-Infusion result (Q value +35% gradient +5%).


After the vacuum pumping system improvement

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 21

JFY2018: Five 9-cell cavity fabrication (on schedule)Optimization of the N-Infusion parameters

R&D Plans at worldwide Labs


R&D: ML Cavity Assoc. System Cryomodule RF

Fermilab LCLS-II N-infusion (HQ-HG) Coupler

JLab LCLS-II Nb-LG/FG (Ingot-sliced/rolled) , LSF cavity, N-infusion

DESY EXFEL N-infusionNano-Lab study

High-performance CM


ESS Nb-LG/FG systematic study for ESS



Vertical EP (VEP), N-Infusion

Magnetic shieldCoupler

Assembly robotizing

KEK STF Nb-LG/FGN-infusion

Coupler, TunerCrab. C.

Marx M.

IHEP ADS N-infusion, Industrialization Industrialization Marx M. h.e.Klystron


Thin-film (Nb on Cu) Coupler h.e.Klystron



Cornell N-infusion, VEPIAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 22

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 23

FNAL activityTTC2018 M. Martinello

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 24

FNAL activityTTC2018 M. Martinello

TTC2018 RikenPashupati DhakalJ-Lab result

25IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

Update on infusion studies at Cornell

• Successful Infusion run with N

• Showed that Anti-Q-Slope possible with ArCO2 infusion

• Extend the R&D towards different frequencies

TTC2018 RikenP. N. KoufalisCornell result

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 26

ILC status

Shin MICHIZONOKEK/Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC)

• 250 GeV ILC• SRF R&D

• Cost reduction R&Ds• SRF accelerators (European XFEL)

• Nano-beam R&D• Beam dump, positron• ILC preparation• Recent status• Summary

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 27

SRF Accelerators Advances 2010 ~

Project Notes # cavities

CEBAF-JLAB (US) Upgrade 6.5 GeV => 12 GeV electrons 80

XFEL-Hamburg (EU) 18 GeV electrons – for Xray Free Electron Laser – Pulsed)


LCLS-II – SLAC (US) 4 GeV electrons –CW XFEL (Xray Free Electron Laser)


SPIRAL-II (France) 30 MeV, 5 mA protons -> Heavy Ion 28

FRIB – MSU (US) 500 kW, heavy ion beams for nuclear astrophys


ESS (Sweden) 1 – 2 GeV, 5 MW Neutron Source ESS –pulsed


PIP-II–Fermilab (US) High Intensity Proton Linac for Neutrino Beams


ADS- (China, India) R&D for accelerator drive system > 200

Globally Int. Effort > 2000

Courtesy, H. Padamsee

28IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

29IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

SRF accelerators in the world

1.3GHz 9 cell cavity

1.3 GHz / 23.6 MV/m

800+4 SRF acc. Cavities

100+3 Cryo-Modules (CM)

Progress:2013: Construction started

2016: E- XFEL Linac completion

2017: E-XFEL beam start

2018: E-FEL design energy reached

Note : ~ 1/10 scale to ILC-MLXFEL


XFEL site DESY 1 km SRF Linac


Euro-XFEL construction at DESY– Mass production of the SRF system – Courtesy, H. Weise

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

31IAS Program on High Energy Physics


Euro-XFEL operation from 2017 Courtesy: H. Weise

ILC status

Shin MICHIZONOKEK/Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC)

• 250 GeV ILC• SRF R&D

• Cost reduction R&Ds• SRF accelerators (European XFEL)

• Nano-beam R&D• Beam dump, positron• ILC preparation• Recent status• Summary

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 32


Nano-beam R&D


Cavity fabrication

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

ATF International Collaboration

• ATF international collaborationestablished in 2005.

• During the construction phase(~2010), many researchers joined forthe installation of the componentsof in-kind contribution.

• Since 2011, the researchers visit formainly the beam study.

• Many researchers are working forthis collaboration.




IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 34

Layout of ILC

Develop the nanometer beam technologies for ILC Key of the luminosity

maintenance 7.7 nm beam at IP (ILC250)

ATF/ATF2: Accelerator Test Facility

1.3 GeV S-band Electron LINAC (~70m)

Damping Ring (~140m)Low emittance electron beam

ATF2: Final Focus Test BeamlineGoal 1:Establish the technique for small beam Goal 2: Stabilize beam position

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019


Goal 1: Establish the ILC final focus method with same optics and comparable beamline tolerances ATF2 Goal : 37 nm ILC 7.7 nm (ILC250)

Achieved 41 nm (2016)

Progress in FF Beam Size and Stability at ATF2

Goal 2: Develop a few nm position stabilization for the ILC collision

FB latency 133 nsec achieved

(target: < 300 nsec) positon jitter at IP: 106 41 nm

(2018) (limited by the BPM resolution)

History of ATF2 small beam

We continue efforts to achieve goal 1 and goal 2. Nano-meter stabilization at IP(2018)

FB off

FB on

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 36

It takes ~20 hours (recovery time) after 3 weeks shutdown (magnet off).

It takes ~8 hours (recovery time) after 3 days shutdown (magnet on).

20 hours

8 hours

Beam tuning experience at ATF2

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 37

ILC status

Shin MICHIZONOKEK/Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC)

• 250 GeV ILC• SRF R&D

• Cost reduction R&Ds• SRF accelerators (European XFEL)

• Nano-beam R&D• Beam dump, positron• ILC preparation• Recent status• Summary

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 38

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 39

Beam dump parameters


Center of mass energy(GeV)


(for future upgrade) 250

Beam energy(GeV) 250 500 125

Repetition (Hz) 5 4 5

Number of bunches 1312 2450 1312

Bunch interval (nsec) 554 366 554

Pulse width (msec) 0.727 0.897 0.727

Number of charges2x1010

(3.2nC)1.74x1010 (2.79nC) 2x1010 (3.2nC)

Charges per pulse (μC) 4.20 6.83 4.20

Pulse current (mA) 5.78 7.61 5.78

Pulse energy (MJ) 1.05 3.41 0.53

Average power(MW) 5.25 13.7 2.63

Design:20%margin 17 MW40IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019


Radiation workers can work (outside of the shield)

Dump center


n s


ldBoron Concrete


er d



Radiation after ILC250 20years’ operation

41IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

Water vesselSUS: 1.8m dia., 5cm thick

Iron shield: 50 cm thickBoron concrete shield: 50 cm +150 cm=2m thick

ILC status

Shin MICHIZONOKEK/Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC)

• 250 GeV ILC• SRF R&D

• Cost reduction R&Ds• SRF accelerators (European XFEL)

• Nano-beam R&D• Beam dump, positron• ILC preparation• Recent status• Summary

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 42

43IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

Positron Source

Undulator: baseline of the ILC. 125 GeV electrons are injected to the helical undulator. The photons produced at the undulator is used for the electron/positron pair creation at the rotating target. Polarized positrons can be generated.

Electron-driven: alternative of the ILC. Extra 3GeV linac is used for the positron generation. High energy electrons are not necessary. (Electron independent commissioning is possible. However, polarization is not available.)

E-Driven undulator Existing X-ray generator

Cooling/Seal water/magnetic fluid

Radiation/ magnetic levitation

water/magnetic fluid

radius(mm) 250 500 160

weight(kg) 65* 50* 17

Tangential velocity(m/s) 5 100 160

rotation (rpm) 200 2,000 10,000

Beam heat load(kW) 12 2 90

Vacuum pressure(Pa) 10-6 10-6 10-4

Positron rotating target

*The weight depends on the design of the disk part and the material

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 44

It will be possible to achieve reliability in high-speed rotation, high vacuum and cooling. (by using the experiences of past existing targets).

ILC status

Shin MICHIZONOKEK/Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC)

• 250 GeV ILC• SRF R&D

• Cost reduction R&Ds• SRF accelerators (European XFEL)

• Nano-beam R&D• Beam dump, positron• ILC preparation• Recent status• Summary

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 45

ILC preparation plan/activity

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 46

USAUS-Japan Joint Research on ILC Cost Reduction from FY 2017.-High field / high efficiency cavity treatment (FNAL)-Reducing price of niobium materials

European ILC preparation plan as “E-JADE” report

KEK ILC action plan

issued on Jan. 2016.Addendum issued on Jan.2018.

Accelerator preparation phase R&Ds

Area Tasks International collaborationsSharing

JP : Abr. ADI Design parameter optimization LCC-ILC centered ~ 1: 2


Mass-production and quality control

Superconducting material, cavity properties (electric

field, resonance characteristics)

Hub-lab functioning

System performance stabilization

(Stabilization of the performance and maintenance,

including international transport of CM )

TTC* collaboration (Global network)

- R&D collaboration to reduce costs (JP–US)

- KEK-STF* (JP**)

- E-XFEL* operation (EU**)

- LCLS-II* construction (US**)

~ 2: 1

NanobeamMinimizing the beam size and demonstrating stability

Beam handling (DR, RTML, BDS, BD)*ATF Collaboration ~ 1: 1

Accelerator elements

- Positron source (e+)

- Beam dump

e+: Undulator-driven (polarization) or an electron-

driven system (backup), heat balance of the dump,

cooling, safety

Japan–Europe collaboration (KEK, DESY,


JP centered


Basic Plan by assuming a model site, engineering

design, drawings, survey, assessmentCollaboration between KEK and candidate

sites in Japan

JP centered

common technical


Safety (radiation, high-pressure gas, etc.)

Communication and networkInternational standard and harmonization

Global networkingJP centered

AdministrationGeneral affairs, finace, int. relations, public relations

Administrative support for ILC pre-lab

Share and cooperation between ILC pre-lab

and participating institutionsJP centered

* TTC: Tesla Technology Collaboration, STF: Superconducting RF Test FacilityE-XFEL: European X-ray Free Electron Lase, LCLS-II: Linac Coherent Light Source IIDR: Damping Ring, RTML: Return to Main Linac (beam line), BDS: Beam Delivery System, BD: Beam DumpCE: Civil engineering CF: Conventional Facility

47IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

KEK ILC action plan

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 48


ILC related collaborative works

49IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

ILC status

Shin MICHIZONOKEK/Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC)

• 250 GeV ILC• SRF R&D

• Cost reduction R&Ds• SRF accelerators (European XFEL)

• Nano-beam R&D• Beam dump, positron• ILC preparation• Recent status• Summary

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 50

Physics WG

TDR ValidationWG


in 2014-15 & 2018

Organized from 2014 to 2018


Commissioned Surveyby NRI (2014-17)

The MEXT advisory panel and SCJ on ILC500

Human Resource WG

1) WW Research trend (FY14)

2) Technology issues (FY15)

3) Large Int’l project (FY16)

4) Risk/safety issues (FY17)

Organization &Manage.WG


in 2014-15 & 2018


in 2017Organized

in 2015 -16


ILC Adv. Panel

Science Council of Japan

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 51

May, 2013

Sep., 2013

Report on the International Linear Collider Project

Physics WG

TDR ValidationWG


in 2014-15 & 2018

Organized from 2014 to 2018


Commissioned Surveyby NRI (2014-17)

The SCJ committee for ILC250

Human Resource WG

1) WW Research trend (FY14)

2) Technology issues (FY15)

3) Large Int’l project (FY16)

4) Risk/safety issues (FY17)

Organization &Manage.WG


in 2014-15 & 2018


in 2017


in 2015 -16


ILC Adv. Panel

Review committee for ILC250


Tasks of the committee• The academic significance of the ILC,

importance of the ILC in the elementary particle physics

• Importance of the ILC in the whole academic research

• Significance of the ILC in Japan• Preparation status for the ILC, budget

and human resources necessary for construction and operation

Tasks of the subcommittee

1 Technical feasibility of large facilities2 Cost evaluation3 Economic ripple effect4 Environmental assessment

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 52

July, 2018

ILC advisory panel report (in English) is available from

Dec., 2018

The SCJ report and KEK statement

• The report is available at

(full report in Japanese)

(Executive summary in English)

• KEK released a message to clarify our stand point on December 19, 2018.

Also statements were released from the Tohoku area and Diet members.

• KEK sent out the KEK statement and the Diet member’s statement .

This was also covered by LC Newsline.

53IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

The SCJ report : Executive summary

• The SCJ recognizes the importance of the Higgs physics. “It is agreed upon Japanese high energy physics communitythat the precision measurement of the Higgs coupling is an important one”.

• “Judging from the plan and preparatory status of the project presented at the moment, the Science Council of Japan does not reach a consensus to support hosting the 250GeV ILC project in Japan.”

Their main concerns are “Japan’s large share of the overall cost required for the project implementation”, “matter of concern for the implementation of the project (for technical issues)”, and “the uncertainty surrounding proper international cost-sharing with respect to the long-term commitment to large budget allocation ”

54IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

KEK statement (December 19, 2018)

55IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

ILC status

Shin MICHIZONOKEK/Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC)

• 250 GeV ILC• SRF R&D

• Cost reduction R&Ds• SRF accelerators (European XFEL)

• Nano-beam R&D• Beam dump, positron• ILC preparation• Recent status• Summary

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 56


• ILC250 is 20 km long e-e+ collider for the Higgs factory.• Superconducting RF technology

• Cost reduction R&D• Nb material R&D: Two 9-cell cavities by direct sliced materials are under

fabrication at KEK.• N-Infusion: Five 9-cell cavities are under fabrication at KEK for N-Infusion.• N-Infusion has been tried at the world wide laboratories.

• Various SRF accelerators are planned and under construction and especially Euro-XFEL started its operation.

• Nano-beam R&D at ATF-2 demonstrated small beam adjustment in a reasonable time-frame.

• Beam dump and its radiation shield, positron scheme were explained at SCJ.

• The SCJ report was submitted to MEXT on Dec.19.• We strongly hope that an official statement by the Japanese government on its position

towards the ILC will be available in a timely manner for full consideration in the European strategy process.

• Expression of Interest to host the ILC by the Japanese government by the beginning of March 2019.

IAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019 57

Thank you for your attention

IAS Program on High Energy Physics


59Halina AbramowiczIAS Program on High Energy Physics 2019

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