ilcor consensus statement post-cardiac …cardiac arrest.1 for these reasons, we propose a new term:...

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Resuscitation (2008) 79, 350—379

avai lab le at iencedi rec t .com

journa l homepage: www.e lsev ier .com/ locate / resusc i ta t ion


Post-cardiac arrest syndrome: Epidemiology,pathophysiology, treatment, and prognosticationA Scientific Statement from the International LiaisonCommittee on Resuscitation; the American HeartAssociation Emergency Cardiovascular CareCommittee; the Council on Cardiovascular Surgeryand Anesthesia; the Council on Cardiopulmonary,Perioperative, and Critical Care; the Council onClinical Cardiology; the Council on Stroke�,��,�

Jerry P. Nolan ∗, Robert W. Neumar, Christophe Adrie, Mayuki Aibiki,Robert A. Berg, Bernd W. Böttiger, Clifton Callaway, Robert S.B. Clark,Romergryko G. Geocadin, Edward C. Jauch, Karl B. Kern, Ivan Laurent,W.T. Longstreth, Raina M. Merchant, Peter Morley, Laurie J. Morrison,Vinay Nadkarni, Mary Ann Peberdy, Emanuel P. Rivers,Antonio Rodriguez-Nunez, Frank W. Sellke, Christian Spaulding,Kjetil Sunde, Terry Vanden Hoek

Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Royal United Hospital, Bath, United Kingdom

Received 22 September 2008; accepted 22 September 2008

KEYWORDSPost-cardiac arrestsyndrome;

SummaryAim of the review: To review the epidemiology, pathophysiology, treatment and prognosticationin relation to the post-cardiac arrest syndrome.

� A Spanish translated version of the summary of this article appears as Appendix in the online version atdoi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2008.09.017.

�� Endorsed by the American College of Emergency Physicians, Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Society of Critical CareMedicine, and Neurocritical Care Society.

� This article has been copublished in Circulation.∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 122 582 5010; fax: +44 122 582 5061. E-mail address: (J.P. Nolan)

0300-9572/$ — see front matter © 2008 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2008.09.017

Post-cardiac arrest syndrome 351

Methods: Relevant articles were identified using PubMed, EMBASE and an American Heart Asso-ciation EndNote master resuscitation reference library, supplemented by hand searches of keypapers. Writing groups comprising international experts were assigned to each section. Drafts ofthe document were circulated to all authors for comment and amendment.Results: The 4 key components of post-cardiac arrest syndrome were identified as (1)post-cardiac arrest brain injury, (2) post-cardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction, (3) systemicischaemia/reperfusion response, and (4) persistent precipitating pathology.Conclusions: A growing body of knowledge suggests that the individual components of the post-


Therapeutic hypothermia




RRoritgfup(sosaiare potentially treatable. The first intervention provedto be clinically effective is therapeutic hypothermia.8,9

cardiac arrest syndrome are

© 2008 Published by Elsevier

Consensus process

The contributors of this statement were selected to ensureexpertise in all the disciplines relevant to post-cardiacarrest care. In an attempt to make this document univer-sally applicable and generalisable, the authorship comprisedclinicians and scientists who represent many specialties inmany regions of the world. Several major professional groupswhose practice is relevant to post-cardiac arrest care wereasked and agreed to provide representative contributors.Planning and invitations took place initially by email fol-lowed a series of telephone conferences and face-to-facemeetings of the co-chairs and writing group members. Inter-national writing teams were formed to generate the contentof each section, corresponding to the major subheadings ofthe final document. Two team leaders from different coun-tries led each writing team. Individual contributors wereassigned by the writing group co-chairs to work on one ormore writing team, generally reflecting their areas of exper-tise. Relevant articles were identified using PubMed, EMBASEand an American Heart Association EndNote master resusci-tation reference library, supplemented by hand searches ofkey papers. Drafts of each section were written and agreedupon by the writing team authors and then sent to the co-chairs for editing and amalgamation into a single document.The first draft of the complete document was circulatedamong writing team leaders for initial comment and editing.A revised version of the document was circulated among allcontributors and consensus was achieved before submissionof the final version independent peer review and approvalfor publication.


This scientific statement outlines current understanding andidentifies knowledge gaps in the pathophysiology, treat-ment, and prognosis of patients who regain spontaneouscirculation after cardiac arrest. The purpose is to providea resource for optimizing post-cardiac arrest care and pin-pointing the need for research focused on gaps in knowledgethat would potentially improve outcomes of patients resus-citated from cardiac arrest.

Resumption of spontaneous circulation after prolongedcomplete whole-body ischaemia is an unnatural patho-

physiological state created by successful cardiopulmonaryresuscitation (CPR). In the early 1970s, Dr. Vladimir Negovskyrecognised that the pathology caused by complete whole-body ischaemia and reperfusion was unique in that it hada clearly definable aetiology, time course, and constella-



ntially treatable.

nd Ltd.

ion of pathological processes.1—3 Negovsky named this stateostresuscitation disease. Although appropriate at the time,he term resuscitation is now used more broadly to includereatment of various shock states in which circulation hasot ceased. Moreover, the term postresuscitation implieshat the act of resuscitation has ended. Negovsky himselftated that a second, more complex phase of resuscitationegins when patients regain spontaneous circulation afterardiac arrest.1 For these reasons, we propose a new term:ost-cardiac arrest syndrome.

The first large multicentre report on patients treated forardiac arrest was published in 1953.4 The in-hospital mor-ality rate for the 672 adults and children whose ‘‘heart beatas restarted’’ was 50%. More than a half-century later,

he location, aetiology, and treatment of cardiac arrestave changed dramatically, but the overall prognosis fol-owing return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) has notmproved. The largest modern report of cardiac arrest epi-emiology was published by the National Registry of CPRn 2006.5 Among the 19,819 adults and 524 children whoegained any spontaneous circulation, in-hospital mortalityates were 67% and 55%, respectively. In a recent study of4,132 patients in the United Kingdom who were admittedo critical care units after cardiac arrest, the in-hospitalortality rate was 71%.6

In 1966 the National Academy of Sciences—Nationalesearch Council Ad Hoc Committee on Cardiopulmonaryesuscitation published the original consensus statementn CPR.7 This document described the original ABCDs ofesuscitation, in which A represents airway; B, breath-ng; C, circulation; and D, definitive therapy. Definitiveherapy includes not only the management of patholo-ies that cause cardiac arrest but also those that resultrom cardiac arrest. Post-cardiac arrest syndrome is anique and complex combination of pathophysiologicalrocesses, including (1) post-cardiac arrest brain injury,2) post-cardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction, and (3)ystemic ischaemia/reperfusion response. This state isften complicated by a fourth component: the unre-olved pathological process that caused the cardiacrrest. A growing body of knowledge suggests that thendividual components of post-cardiac arrest syndrome

hese studies provide the essential proof of concepthat interventions initiated after ROSC can improve out-ome.

Several barriers impair implementation and optimizationf post-cardiac arrest care. Post-cardiac arrest patients are












reated by multiple teams of providers both outside andnside the hospital. There is evidence of considerable vari-tion in post-cardiac arrest treatment and patient outcomeetween institutions.10,11 Therefore, a well-thought-outultidisciplinary approach for comprehensive care muste established and executed consistently. Such protocolsave already been shown to improve outcomes at individ-al institutions when compared with historical controls.12—14

nother potential barrier is the limited accuracy of earlyrognostication. Optimized post-cardiac arrest care isesource-intensive and should not be continued when theffort is clearly futile. However, the reliability of early prog-ostication (<72 h after arrest) remains limited, and thempact of emerging therapies (e.g., hypothermia) on accu-acy of prognostication has yet to be elucidated. Reliablepproaches must be developed to avoid premature prognos-ication of futility without creating unreasonable hope forecovery or consuming healthcare resources inappropriately.

The majority of research on cardiac arrest over the pastalf-century has focused on improving the rate of ROSC,nd significant progress has been made. However, manynterventions improve ROSC without improving long-termurvival. The translation of optimized basic life supportBLS) and advanced life support (ALS) interventions into theest possible outcomes is contingent on optimal post-cardiacrrest care. This requires effective implementation of whats already known and enhanced research to identify thera-eutic strategies that will give patients who are resuscitatedrom cardiac arrest the best chance for survival with goodeurological function.

pidemiology of the post-cardiac arrestyndrome

he tradition in cardiac arrest epidemiology, based largelyn the Utstein consensus guidelines, has been to reportercentages of patients who survive to sequential endoints such as ROSC, hospital admission, hospital discharge,nd various points thereafter.15,16 Once ROSC is achieved,owever, the patient is technically alive. A more usefulpproach to studying post-cardiac arrest syndrome is toeport deaths during various phases of post-cardiac arrestare. In fact, this approach reveals that rates of earlyortality in patients achieving ROSC after cardiac arrest

ary dramatically between studies, countries, regions, andospitals.10,11 The cause of these differences is multifacto-ial but includes variability in patient populations, reportingethods, and potentially post-cardiac arrest care.10,11

Epidemiological data on patients who regain sponta-eous circulation after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest suggestegional and institutional variation in in-hospital mortal-ty rates. During the ALS phase of the Ontario Prehospitaldvanced Life Support Trial (OPALS), 766 patients achievedOSC after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.17 In-hospital mor-ality rates were 72% for patients with ROSC and 65% foratients admitted to the hospital. Data from the Canadian

ritical Care Research Network indicates a 65% in-hospitalortality rate for 1483 patients admitted to the intensive

are unit (ICU) after out-of-hospital arrest.18 In the Unitedingdom, 71.4% of 8987 patients admitted to the ICU afterut-of-hospital cardiac arrest died before being discharged


J.P. Nolan et al.

rom the hospital.6 In-hospital mortality rates for patientsith out-of-hospital cardiac arrest who were taken to 4 dif-

erent hospitals in Norway averaged 63% (range 54—70%) foratients with ROSC, 57% (range 56—70%) for patients arriv-ng in the emergency department (ED) with a pulse, and0% (range 41—62%) for patients admitted to the hospital.10

n Sweden the 1-month mortality rate for 3853 patientsdmitted with a pulse to 21 hospitals after out-of-hospitalardiac arrest ranged from 58% to 86%.11 In Japan, one studyeported that patients with ROSC after witnessed out-of-ospital cardiac arrest of presumed cardiac origin had ann-hospital mortality rate of 90%.19 Among 170 children withOSC after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, the in-hospitalortality rate was 70% for those with any ROSC, 69% for

hose with ROSC > 20 min, and 66% for those admitted tohe hospital.20 In a comprehensive review of nontraumaticut-of-hospital cardiac arrest in children, the overall rate ofOSC was 22.8%, and the rate of survival to discharge was.7%, resulting in a calculated post-ROSC mortality rate of0%.21

The largest published in-hospital cardiac arrest databaseNRCPR) includes data from >36,000 cardiac arrests.5 Recal-ulation of the results of this report reveals that then-hospital mortality rate was 67% for the 19,819 adultsith any documented ROSC, 62% for the 17,183 adultsith ROSC > 20 min, 55% for the 524 children with anyocumented ROSC, and 49% for the 460 children withOSC > 20 min. It seems intuitive to expect that advances

n critical care over the past 5 decades would result inmprovements in rates of hospital discharge after initialOSC. However, epidemiological data to date fail to supporthis view.

Some variability between individual reports may bettributed to differences in the numerator and denomina-or used to calculate mortality. For example, depending onhether ROSC is defined as a brief (approximately >30 s)

eturn of pulses or spontaneous circulation sustained for20 min, the denominator used to calculate postresuscita-ion mortality rates will differ greatly.15 Other denominatorsnclude sustained ROSC to the ED or hospital/ICU admission.he lack of consistently defined denominators precludesomparison of mortality among a majority of the studies.uture studies should use consistent terminology to assesshe extent to which post-cardiac arrest care is a contributingactor.

The choice of denominator has some relationship to theite of post-cardiac arrest care. Patients with fleeting ROSCre affected by interventions that are administered withineconds or minutes, usually at the site of initial collapse.atients with ROSC that is sustained for >20 min receiveare during transport or in the ED before hospital admis-ion. Perhaps it is more appropriate to look at mortalityates for out-of-hospital (or immediate post-ROSC), ED,nd ICU phases separately. A more physiological approachould be to define the phases of post-cardiac arrest care by

ime rather than location. The immediate postarrest phaseould be defined as the first 20 min after ROSC. The earlyostarrest phase could be defined as the period between

0 min and 6—12 h after ROSC when early interventionsight be most effective. An intermediate phase might beetween 6—12 and 72 h when injury pathways are still activend aggressive treatment is typically instituted. Finally, a

Post-cardiac arrest syndrome





Figure 1 Phases of post-cardiac arrest syndrome.

period beyond 3 days could be considered the recoveryphase when prognostication becomes more reliable and ulti-mate outcomes are more predictable (Figure 1). For bothepidemiological and interventional studies, the choice ofdenominator should reflect the phases of post-cardiac arrestcare that are being studied.

Beyond reporting post-cardiac arrest mortality rates,epidemiological data should define the neurological andfunctional outcomes of survivors. The updated Utsteinreporting guidelines list Cerebral Performance Category(CPC) as a core data element.15 For example, examinationof the latest NRCPR database report reveals that 68% of6485 adults and 58% of 236 children who survived to hospitaldischarge had a good outcome, defined as CPC 1 (good cere-bral performance) or CPC 2 (moderate cerebral disability).In one study, 81% of 229 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest sur-vivors were categorized as CPC 1 and 2, although this variedbetween 70% and 90% in the 4 hospital regions.10 In anotherstudy, 75% of 51 children who survived out-of-hospital car-diac arrest had either paediatric CPC 1 and 2 or returned totheir baseline neurological state.20 The CPC is an importantand useful outcome tool, but it lacks the sensitivity to detect

clinically significant differences in neurological outcome.The report of the recent Utstein consensus symposium onpost-cardiac arrest care research anticipates more refinedassessment tools, including tools that evaluate quality oflife.16



Two other factors related to survival after initial ROSCre limitations set on subsequent resuscitation efforts andhe timing of withdrawal of therapy. The perception of aikely adverse outcome (correct or not) may well create aelf-fulfilling prophesy. The timing of withdrawal of therapys poorly documented in the resuscitation literature. Datarom the NRCPR on in-hospital cardiac arrest indicate that3% of patients were declared ‘‘do not attempt resuscita-ion’’ (DNAR) after the index event, and in 43% of these, lifeupport was withdrawn.22 In the same report, the medianurvival time of patients who died after ROSC was 1.5 days,ong before futility could be accurately prognosticated inost cases. Among 24,132 comatose survivors of either in-

r out-of-hospital cardiac arrest who were admitted to UKritical care units, treatment was withdrawn in 28.2% at aedian of 2.4 days (interquartile range 1.5—4.1 days).6 The

eported incidence of inpatients with clinical brain deathnd sustained ROSC after cardiac arrest ranges from 8% to6%.22,23 Although clearly a poor outcome, these patientsan and should be considered for organ donation. A numberf studies have reported no difference in transplant out-omes whether the organs were obtained from appropriatelyelected post-cardiac arrest patients or from other brain-ead donors.23—25 Non-heart-beating organ donation has alsoeen described after failed resuscitation attempts follow-ng in- and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest,26,27 but theseave generally been cases in which sustained ROSC is neverchieved. The proportion of cardiac arrest patients dying inhe critical care unit and who might be suitable non-heart-eating donors has not been documented.

Despite variability in reporting techniques, there is sur-risingly little evidence to suggest that the in-hospitalortality rate of patients who achieve ROSC after cardiac

rrest has changed significantly in the past half-century. Toinimise artefactual variability, epidemiological and inter-

entional post-cardiac arrest studies should incorporateell-defined standardised methods to calculate and reportortality rates at various stages of post-cardiac arrest care,

s well as long-term neurological outcome.16 Overridinghese issues is a growing body of evidence that post-cardiacrrest care impacts mortality rate and functional outcome.

athophysiology of the post-cardiac arrestyndrome

he high mortality rate of patients who initially achieveOSC after cardiac arrest can be attributed to anique pathophysiological process involving multiple organs.lthough prolonged whole-body ischaemia initially causeslobal tissue and organ injury, additional damage occursuring and after reperfusion.28,29 The unique features ofost-cardiac arrest pathophysiology are often superim-osed on the disease or injury that caused the cardiacrrest as well as underlying co-morbidities. Therapies thatocus on individual organs may compromise other injuredrgan systems. The 4 key components of post-cardiacrrest syndrome are (1) post-cardiac arrest brain injury,

2) post-cardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction, (3) systemicschaemia/reperfusion response, and (4) persistent precip-tating pathology (Table 1). The severity of these disordersfter ROSC is not uniform and will vary in individual patients,ased on the severity of the ischaemic insult, the cause of

354 J.P. Nolan et al.

Table 1 Post-cardiac arrest syndrome: pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and potential treatments.

Syndrome Pathophysiology Clinical manifestation Potential treatments

Post-cardiac arrest braininjury

• Impaired cerebrovascularautoregulation

• Coma • Therapeutic hypothermia177

• Seizures • Early haemodynamic• Cerebral oedema (limited) • Myoclonus optimization• Postischaemicneurodegeneration

• Cognitivedysfunction

• Airway protection and mechanicalventilation

• Persistent vegetative • Seizure controlstate • Controlled reoxygenation (SaO2 94%-96%)• Secondary Parkinsonism • Supportive care• Cortical stroke• Spinal stroke• Brain death

Post-cardiac arrestmyocardial dysfunction

• Global hypokinesis(myocardial stunning)

• Early revascularizationof AMI171,373

• Early haemodynamicoptimization

• Reduced cardiac output • Hypotension • Intravenous fluid97

• ACS • Dysrhythmias • Inotropes97

• Cardiovascular collapse • IABP13,160

• LVAD161

• ECMO361

Systemic ischaemia/reperfusionresponse

• Systemic inflammatoryresponse syndrome

• Ongoing tissuehypoxia/ischaemia

• Early haemodynamicoptimization

• Impaired vasoregulation • Hypotension • Intravenous fluid• Increased coagulation • Cardiovascular collapse • Vasopressors• Adrenal suppression • Pyrexia (fever) • High-volume haemofiltration374

• Impaired tissue oxygendelivery and utilisation

• Hyperglycaemia • Temperature control

• Impaired resistance toinfection

• Multiorgan failure • Glucose control220

• Infection • Antibiotics for documented infection

Persistent precipitatingpathology

• Cardiovascular disease(AMI/ACS, cardiomyopathy)

• Specific to aetiology,but complicated byconcomitant PCAS

• Disease-specific interventions guided bypatient condition concomitant PCAS

• Pulmonary disease (COPD,asthma)• CNS disease (CVA)• Thromoboembolic disease(PE)• Toxicologic (overdose,poisoning)• Infection (sepsis,pneumonia)• Hypovolaemia(haemorrhage, dehydration)

ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; IABP, intra-aortic balloon pump; LVAD, left ventricular assistdevice; EMCO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CNS, central nervous system; CVA,






cerebrovascular accident PE, pulmonary embolism; and PCAS, pos

ardiac arrest, and the patient’s prearrest state of health.f ROSC is rapidly achieved after onset of cardiac arrest, theost-cardiac arrest syndrome will not occur.

ost-cardiac arrest brain injury

ost-cardiac arrest brain injury is a common cause of mor-idity and mortality. In one study of patients who survivedo ICU admission but subsequently died in the hospital,


diac arrest syndrome.

rain injury was the cause of death in 68% after out-ofospital cardiac arrest and in 23% after in-hospital cardiacrrest.30 The unique vulnerability of the brain is attributedo its limited tolerance of ischaemia as well as its uniqueesponse to reperfusion. The mechanisms of brain injury

riggered by cardiac arrest and resuscitation are complexnd include excitotoxicity, disrupted calcium homeostasis,ree radical formation, pathological protease cascades, andctivation of cell death signaling pathways.31—33 Many ofhese pathways are executed over hours to days after ROSC.





irpOand awareness are a very common acute presentation

Post-cardiac arrest syndrome

Histologically, selectively vulnerable neuron subpopulationsin the hippocampus, cortex, cerebellum, corpus striatum,and thalamus degenerate over hours to days.34—38 Bothneuronal necrosis and apoptosis have been reported aftercardiac arrest. The relative contribution of each cell deathpathway remains controversial, however, and is depen-dent partly on patient age and the neuronal subpopulationunder examination.39—41 The relatively protracted durationof injury cascades and histological change suggests a broadtherapeutic window for neuroprotective strategies followingcardiac arrest.

Prolonged cardiac arrest can also be followed by fixedand/or dynamic failure of cerebral microcirculatory reperfu-sion despite adequate cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP).42,43

This impaired reflow can cause persistent ischaemia andsmall infarctions in some brain regions. The cerebralmicrovascular occlusion that causes no-reflow has beenattributed to intravascular thrombosis during cardiac arrestand has been shown to be responsive to thrombolytic ther-apy in preclinical studies.44 The relative contribution of fixedno-reflow is controversial, however, and appears to be oflimited significance in preclinical models when the durationof untreated cardiac arrest is <15 min.44,45 Serial measure-ments of regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) using stablexenon/computed tomography (CT) after 10.0—12.5 min ofuntreated cardiac arrest in dogs demonstrated dynamic andmigratory hypoperfusion rather then fixed no-flow.43,46 Inthe recent Thrombolysis in Cardiac Arrest (TROICA) trial,tenectaplase given to patients with out-of-hospital cardiacarrest of presumed cardiac aetiology did not increase 30-daysurvival compared with placebo (B.J.B., personal communi-cation, 26th February 2008).

Despite cerebral microcirculatory failure, macroscopicreperfusion is often hyperaemic in the first few minutes aftercardiac arrest because of elevated CPP and impaired cere-brovascular autoregulation.47,48 These high initial perfusionpressures can theoretically minimise impaired reflow.49 Yet,hyperaemic reperfusion can potentially exacerbate brainoedema and reperfusion injury. In one human study, hyper-tension (mean arterial pressure (MAP) >100 mmHg) in thefirst 5 min after ROSC was not associated with improvedneurological outcome, but MAP during the first 2 h afterROSC was positively correlated with neurological outcome.50

Although resumption of oxygen and metabolic substratedelivery a the microcirculatory level is essential, a growingbody of evidence suggests that too much oxygen during theinitial stages of reperfusion can exacerbate neuronal injurythrough production of free radicals and mitochondrial injury(see section ‘Oxygenation’).51,52

Beyond the initial reperfusion phase, several factors canpotentially compromise cerebral oxygen delivery and possi-bly secondary injury in the hours to days after cardiac arrest.These include hypotension, hypoxaemia, impaired cere-brovascular autoregulation, and brain oedema. However,human data are limited to small case series. Autoregulationof CBF is impaired for some time after cardiac arrest. Dur-ing the subacute period, cerebral perfusion varies with CPPinstead of being linked to neuronal activity.47,48 In humans,

in the first 24—48 h after resuscitation from cardiac arrest,there is increased cerebral vascular resistance, decreasedCBF, decreased cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen con-sumption (CMRO2), and decreased glucose consumption.53—56



lthough the results of animal studies are contradictoryn terms of the coupling of CBF and CMRO2 during thiseriod,57,58 human data indicate that global CBF is adequateo meet oxidative metabolic demands.53,55 Improvement oflobal CBF during secondary delayed hypoperfusion by giv-ng the calcium channel blocker nimodipine had no impactn neurological outcome in humans.56 These results do notule out the potential presence of regional microcirculatoryeperfusion deficits that have been observed in animal stud-es despite adequate CPP.43,46 Overall, it is likely that thePP necessary to maintain optimal cerebral perfusion willary among individual post-cardiac arrest patients at variousime points after ROSC.

There is limited evidence that brain oedema or elevatedntracranial pressure (ICP) directly exacerbates post-cardiacrrest brain injury. Although transient brain oedema isbserved early after ROSC, most commonly after asphyx-al cardiac arrest, it is rarely associated with clinicallyelevant increases in ICP.59—62 In contrast, delayed brainedema, occurring days to weeks after cardiac arrest,as been attributed to delayed hyperaemia; this is moreikely the consequence rather than the cause of severeschaemic neurodegeneration.60—62 No published prospectiverials have examined the value of monitoring and managingCP in post-cardiac arrest patients.

Other factors that can impact brain injury after car-iac arrest are pyrexia, hyperglycaemia, and seizures. Insmall case series, patients with temperatures >39 ◦C in

he first 72 h after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest had aignificantly increased risk of brain death.63 When serialemperatures were monitored in 151 patients for 48 hfter out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, the risk of unfa-orable outcome increased (odds ratio (OR) 2.3 [95%onfidence interval (CI) 1.2—4.1]) for every degree Celsiushat the peak temperature exceeded 37 ◦C.64 A subse-uent multicentre retrospective study of patients admittedfter out-of-hospital cardiac arrest reported that a max-mal recorded temperature >37.8 ◦C was associated withncreased in-hospital mortality (OR 2.7 [95% CI 1.2—6.3]).10

ecent data demonstrating neuroprotection with thera-eutic hypothermia further supports the role of bodyemperature in the evolution of post-cardiac arrest brainnjury.

Hyperglycaemia is common in post-cardiac arrestatients and is associated with poor neurological outcomefter out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.10,65—70 Animal studiesuggest that elevated postischaemic blood glucose con-entrations exacerbate ischaemic brain injury,71,72 and thisffect can be mitigated by intravenous insulin therapy.73,74

eizures in the post-cardiac arrest period are associatedith worse prognosis and are likely to be caused by, as wells exacerbate, post-cardiac arrest brain injury.75

Clinical manifestations of post-cardiac arrest brain injurynclude coma, seizures, myoclonus, varying degrees of neu-ocognitive dysfunction (ranging from memory deficits toersistent vegetative state), and brain death (Table 1).75—83

f these conditions, coma and related disorders of arousal

f post-cardiac arrest brain injury. Coma precipitated bylobal brain ischaemia is a state of unconsciousness thats unresponsive to both internal and external stimuli.84,85

his state represents extensive dysfunction of brain areas












esponsible for arousal (ascending reticular formation, pons,idbrain, diencephalon, and cortex) and awareness (bilat-

ral cortical and subcortical structures).84,86—89 The lesserulnerability or earlier recovery of the brainstem andiencephalon90,91 may lead to either a vegetative state, withrousal and preservation of sleep—wake cycles but with per-istent lack of awareness of self and environment,92 or ainimally conscious state showing inconsistent but clearlyiscernible behavioral evidence of consciousness.93 Witheightened vulnerability of cortical areas, many survivorsill regain consciousness but have significant neuropsycho-

ogical impairment,94 myoclonus, and seizures. Impairmentn movement and coordination may arise from motor-relatedentres in the cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum.95

hese clinical conditions, representing most of the poorunctional outcome (CPC 3 and 4), continue to chal-enge healthcare providers and should be a major focus ofesearch.

ost-cardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction

ost-cardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction also contributeso the low survival rate after in- and out-of-hospital cardiacrrest.30,96,97 A significant body of preclinical and clini-al evidence, however, indicates that this phenomenon isoth responsive to therapy and reversible.97—102 Immediatelyfter ROSC, heart rate and blood pressure are extremelyariable. It is important to recognise that normal or elevatedeart rate and blood pressure immediately after ROSC cane caused by a transient increase in local and circulating cat-cholamine concentrations.103,104 When post-cardiac arrestyocardial dysfunction occurs, it can be detected withininutes of ROSC by appropriate monitoring. In swine stud-

es, the ejection fraction decreases from 55% to 20% andeft ventricular end-diastolic pressure increases from 8—10o 20—22 mmHg as early as 30 min after ROSC.101,102 Dur-ng the period with significant dysfunction, coronary bloodow is not reduced, indicating a true stunning phenomenonather than permanent injury or infarction. In one seriesf 148 patients who underwent coronary angiography afterardiac arrest, 49% of subjects had myocardial dysfunc-ion manifested by tachycardia and elevated left ventricularnd-diastolic pressure, followed approximately 6 h later byypotension (MAP < 75 mmHg) and low cardiac output (car-iac index < 2.2 L min−1 m−2).97

This global dysfunction is transient, and full recoveryan occur. In a swine model with no antecedent coro-ary or other left ventricular dysfunction features, theime to recovery appears to be between 24 and 48 h.102

everal case series have described transient myocardial dys-unction after human cardiac arrest. Cardiac index valueseached their nadir at 8 h after resuscitation, improvedubstantially by 24 h, and almost uniformly returned toormal by 72 h in patients who survived out-of-hospitalardiac arrest.97 More sustained depression of ejectionraction among in- and out-of-hospital post-cardiac arrest

atients has been reported with continued recovery overeeks to months.99 The responsiveness of post-cardiacrrest global myocardial dysfunction to inotropic drugs isell documented in animal studies.98,101 In swine, dobu-

amine infusions of 5—10 �g kg−1 min−1 dramatically improve


J.P. Nolan et al.

ystolic (left ventricular ejection fraction) and diastolicisovolumic relaxation of left ventricle) dysfunction afterardiac arrest.101

ystemic ischaemia/reperfusion response

ardiac arrest represents the most severe shock state, dur-ng which delivery of oxygen and metabolic substrates isbruptly halted and metabolites are no longer removed.PR only partially reverses this process, achieving cardiacutput and systemic oxygen delivery (DO2) that is muchess than normal. During CPR a compensatory increasen systemic oxygen extraction occurs, leading to signifi-antly decreased central (ScvO2) or mixed venous oxygenaturation.105 Inadequate tissue oxygen delivery can persistven after ROSC because of myocardial dysfunction, pressor-ependent haemodynamic instability, and microcirculatoryailure. Oxygen debt (the difference between predictedxygen consumption [normally 120—140 mL kg−1 min−1] andctual consumption multiplied by time duration) quantifieshe magnitude of exposure to insufficient oxygen delivery.ccumulated oxygen debt leads to endothelial activationnd systemic inflammation106 and is predictive of subsequentultiple organ failure and death.107,108

The whole-body ischaemia/reperfusion of cardiac arrestith associated oxygen debt causes generalized activa-

ion of immunological and coagulation pathways, increasinghe risk of multiple organ failure and infection.109—111 Thisondition has many features in common with sepsis.112,113

s early as 3 h after cardiac arrest, blood concentra-ions of various cytokines, soluble receptors, and endotoxinncrease, and the magnitude of these changes are associatedith outcome.112 Soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-(sICAM-1), soluble vascular-cell adhesion molecule-1

sVCAM-1), and P- and E-selectins are increased during andfter CPR, suggesting leucocyte activation or endothelialnjury.114,115 Interestingly, hyporesponsiveness of circulatingeucocytes, as assessed ex vivo, has been studied exten-ively in patients with sepsis and is termed endotoxinolerance. Endotoxin tolerance after cardiac arrest may pro-ect against an overwhelming proinflammatory process, butt may induce immunosuppression with an increased risk ofosocomial infection.112,116

Activation of blood coagulation without adequatectivation of endogenous fibrinolysis is an importantathophysiological mechanism that may contribute toicrocirculatory reperfusion disorders.117,118 Intravascu-

ar fibrin formation and microthromboses are distributedhroughout the entire microcirculation, suggesting a poten-ial role for interventions that focus on haemostasis.oagulation/anticoagulation and fibrinolysis/antifibrinolysisystems are activated in patients who undergo CPR,117

articularly those who recover spontaneous circulation.118

nticoagulant factors such as antithrombin, protein S, androtein C are decreased and are associated with a very tran-ient increase in endogenous activated protein C soon afterhe cardiac arrest—resuscitation event.118 Early endothelial

timulation and thrombin generation may be responsibleor the tremendous increase in protein C activation, fol-owed rapidly by a phase of endothelial dysfunction in whichhe endothelium may be unable to generate an adequatemount of activated protein C.







Post-cardiac arrest syndrome

The stress of total body ischaemia/reperfusion affectsadrenal function. Although an increased plasma cortisollevel occurs in many patients after out-of-hospital car-diac arrest, relative adrenal insufficiency, defined as failureto respond to corticotrophin (i.e., <9 �g mL−1 increase incortisol), is common.119,120 Furthermore, basal cortisol lev-els measured from 6 to 36 h after the onset of cardiacarrest were lower in patients who subsequently died fromearly refractory shock (median 27 �g dL−1; interquartilerange 15—47) than in patients who died later from neu-rological causes (median 52 �g dL−1; interquartile range28—72).119

Clinical manifestations of systemic ischaemic-reperf-usion response include intravascular volume depletion,impaired vasoregulation, impaired oxygen delivery andutilisation, and increased susceptibility to infection. Inmost cases these pathologies are both responsive to ther-apy and reversible. Data from clinical research on sepsissuggest that outcomes are optimized when interventionsare both goal directed and initiated as early as possi-ble.

Persistent precipitating pathology

The pathophysiology of post-cardiac arrest syndromeis commonly complicated by persisting acute pathol-ogy that caused or contributed to the cardiac arrestitself. Diagnosis and management of persistent precipitat-ing pathologies such as acute coronary syndrome (ACS),pulmonary diseases, haemorrhage, sepsis, and varioustoxidromes can complicate and be complicated by thesimultaneous pathophysiology of the post-cardiac arrest syn-drome.

There is a high probability of identifying an ACS inthe patient who is resuscitated from cardiac arrest. Inout-of-hospital cardiac arrest studies, acute myocardialinfarction (AMI) has been documented in ∼50% of adultpatients.13,121,122 An acute coronary occlusion was found in40 of 84 (48%) consecutive patients who had no obvious non-cardiac aetiology but had undergone coronary angiographyafter resuscitation from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.123

Nine of the patients with acute coronary occlusion did nothave chest pain or ST-segment elevation. Elevations in tro-ponin T measured during treatment of cardiac arrest suggestthat an ACS precedes out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in 40%of patients.124 Injury to the heart during initial resuscitationreduces the specificity of cardiac biomarkers for identify-ing ACS after ROSC. At 12 h after ROSC from out-of-hospitalcardiac arrest, troponin T has been reported to be 96% sensi-tive and 80% specific for diagnosis of AMI, whereas creatinekinase MB (CK-MB) is 96% sensitive and 73% specific.125 Inthe NRCPR registry, only 11% of adult in-hospital arrestswere attributed to MI or acute ischaemia.5 The propor-tion of in-hospital patients who achieved ROSC and arediagnosed with ACS has not been reported in this popula-tion.

Another thromboembolic disease to consider after car-

diac arrest is pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary emboli havebeen reported in 2—10% of sudden deaths.5,126—129 No reliabledata are available to estimate the likelihood of pulmonaryembolism among patients who achieve ROSC after either in-or out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.



Haemorrhagic cardiac arrest has been studied extensivelyn the trauma setting. The precipitating causes (multi-le trauma with and without head injury) and methods ofesuscitation (blood volume replacement and surgery) differufficiently from other situations causing cardiac arrest thataemorrhagic cardiac arrest should be considered a separatelinical syndrome.

Primary pulmonary disease such as chronic obstructiveulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, or pneumonia can leado respiratory failure and cardiac arrest. When cardiacrrest is caused by respiratory failure, pulmonary physiologyay be worse after restoration of circulation. Redistribu-

ion of blood into pulmonary vasculature can lead to frankulmonary oedema or at least increased alveolar—arterialxygen gradients after cardiac arrest.130 Preclinical stud-es suggest that brain injury after asphyxiation-inducedardiac arrest is more severe than after sudden circula-ory arrest.131 For example, acute brain oedema is moreommon after cardiac arrest caused by asphyxia.60 Its possible that perfusion with hypoxemic blood duringsphyxia preceding complete circulatory collapse is harm-ul.

Sepsis is a cause of cardiac arrest, acute respiratory dis-ress syndrome (ARDS), and multiple organ failure. Thus,here is a predisposition for exacerbation of post-cardiacrrest syndrome when cardiac arrest occurs in the settingf sepsis. Multiple organ failure is a more common cause ofeath in the ICU after initial resuscitation from in-hospitalardiac arrest than after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Thisay reflect the greater contribution of infections to cardiac

rrest in the hospital.30

Other precipitating causes of cardiac arrest may requirepecific treatment during the post-cardiac arrest period.or example, drug overdose and intoxication may bereated with specific antidotes, and environmental causesuch as hypothermia may require active temperatureontrol. Specific treatment of these underlying distur-ances must then be coordinated with specific support forost-cardiac arrest neurological and cardiovascular dysfunc-ion.

herapeutic strategies

are of the post-cardiac arrest patient is time-sensitive,ccurs both in- and out-of-hospital, and is sequentially pro-ided by multiple diverse teams of healthcare providers.iven the complex nature of post-cardiac arrest care, it

s optimal to have a multidisciplinary team develop andxecute a comprehensive clinical pathway tailored to avail-ble resources. Treatment plans for post-cardiac arrest careust accommodate a spectrum of patients, ranging from the

wake, haemodynamically stable survivor to the unstableomatose patient with persistent precipitating pathology. Inll cases, treatment must focus on reversing the pathophys-ological manifestations of the post-cardiac arrest syndromeith proper prioritization and timely execution. Such a plannables physicians, nurses, and other healthcare profes-

ionals to optimize post-cardiac arrest care and preventsremature withdrawal of care before long-term progno-is can be established. This approach improved outcomest individual institutions when compared with historicalontrols.12,13,132


Table 2 Post-cardiac arrest syndrome: monitoring options.

1. General intensive care monitoringArterial catheterOxygen saturation by pulse oximetryContinuous ECGCVPScvO2

Temperature (bladder, esophagus)Urine outputArterial blood gasesSerum lactateBlood glucose, electrolytes, CBC, and general blood

samplingChest radiograph

2. More advanced haemodynamic monitoringEchocardiographyCardiac output monitoring (either non-invasive or PA


3. Cerebral monitoringEEG (on indication/continuously): early seizure detection

and treatmentCT/MRI

CVP indicates central venous pressure; ScvO2, central venous











oxygen saturation; CBC, complete blood count; PA, pulmonaryartery; EEG, electroencephalogram; and CT/MRI, computedtomography/magnetic resonance imaging.

eneral measures

he general management of post-cardiac arrest patientshould follow the standards of care for most critically illatients in the ICU setting. This statement focuses on theomponents of care that specifically impact the post-cardiacrrest syndrome. The time-sensitive nature of therapeutictrategies will be highlighted, as well as the differentialmpact of therapeutic strategies on individual componentsf the syndrome.


ost-cardiac arrest patients generally require intensive careonitoring; this can be divided into 3 categories (Table 2):

eneral intensive care monitoring, more advanced haemo-ynamic monitoring, and cerebral monitoring. Generalntensive care monitoring (Table 2) is the minimum require-ent; additional monitoring should be added depending

n the status of the patient and local resources andxperience. The impact of specific monitoring techniquesn post-cardiac arrest outcome, however, has not beenrospectively validated.

arly haemodynamic optimization

arly haemodynamic optimization or early goal-directedherapy (EGDT) is an algorithmic approach to restoring andaintaining the balance between systemic oxygen delivery

nd demands. The key to the success of this approach isnitiation of monitoring and therapy as early as possible


J.P. Nolan et al.

nd achievement of goals within hours of presentation. Thispproach focuses on optimization of preload, arterial oxy-en content, afterload, contractility, and systemic oxygentilisation. EGDT has been studied in randomized prospec-ive clinical trials of postoperative patients and patientsith severe sepsis.133—135 The goals in these studies have

ncluded central venous pressure (CVP) 8—12 mmHg, MAP5—90 mmHg, ScvO2 > 70%, hematocrit > 30% or Hb > 8 g dL−1,actate ≤ 2 mmol L−1, urine output ≥ 0.5 mL kg−1 h−1, andxygen delivery index > 600 mL min−1 m−2. The primary ther-peutic tools are intravenous fluids, inotropes, vasopressors,nd blood transfusion. The benefits of EGDT include mod-lation of inflammation, reduction of organ dysfunction,nd reduction of healthcare resource consumption.133—135

n severe sepsis EGDT also has been shown to reduceortality.133

The systemic ischaemia/reperfusion response andyocardial dysfunction of post-cardiac arrest syndrome

ave many characteristics in common with sepsis.112 There-ore, it has been hypothesized that early haemodynamicptimization might improve the outcome of post-cardiacrrest patients. The benefit of this approach has not beentudied in randomized prospective clinical trials, however.oreover, the optimal goals and strategies to achieve thoseoals could be different in post-cardiac arrest syndrome,iven the concomitant presence of post-cardiac arrest brainnjury, myocardial dysfunction, and persistent precipitatingathologies.

The optimal MAP for post-cardiac arrest patients has noteen defined by prospective clinical trials. The simultane-us need to perfuse the postischaemic brain adequatelyithout putting unnecessary strain on the postischaemiceart is unique to the post-cardiac arrest syndrome. Theoss of cerebrovascular pressure autoregulation makes cere-ral perfusion dependent on CPP (CPP = MAP − ICP). Becauseustained elevation of ICP during the early post-cardiacrrest phase is uncommon, cerebral perfusion is predom-nantly dependent on MAP. If fixed or dynamic cerebralicrovascular dysfunction is present, an elevated MAP

ould theoretically increase cerebral oxygen delivery. In oneuman study, hypertension (MAP > 100 mmHg) during the firstmin after ROSC was not associated with improved neuro-

ogical outcome50; however, MAP during the first 2 h afterOSC was positively correlated with neurological outcome.ood outcomes have been achieved in published studies inhich the MAP target was as low as 65—75 mmHg13 to asigh as 90—100 mmHg9,12 for patients admitted after out-of-ospital cardiac arrest. The optimal MAP in the post-cardiacrrest period might be dependent on the duration of car-iac arrest, with higher pressures needed to overcome theotential no-reflow phenomenon observed with >15 min ofntreated cardiac arrest.42,43,136 At the opposite end of thepectrum, a patient with an evolving AMI or severe myocar-ial dysfunction might benefit from the lowest target MAPhat will ensure adequate cerebral oxygen delivery.

The optimal CVP goal for post-cardiac arrest patients hasot been defined by prospective clinical trials, but a range of

—12 mmHg is used in most published studies. An importantonsideration is the potential for persistent precipitatingathology that could cause elevated CVP independent ofolume status, such as cardiac tamponade, right-sided AMI,ulmonary embolism, and tension pneumothorax or any dis-








Post-cardiac arrest syndrome

ease that impairs myocardial compliance. There is also a riskof precipitating pulmonary oedema in the presence of post-cardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction. The post-cardiacarrest ischaemia/reperfusion response causes intravascularvolume depletion relatively soon after the heart is restarted,and volume expansion is usually required. There is no evi-dence indicating an advantage for any specific type of fluid(crystalloid or colloid) in the post-cardiac arrest phase.There are some animal data indicating that hypertonic salinemay improve myocardial and cerebral blood flow when givenduring CPR,137,138 but there are no clinical data to indicatean advantage for hypertonic saline in the post-cardiac arrestphase.

The balance between systemic oxygen delivery and con-sumption can be monitored indirectly with mixed venousoxygen saturation (SvO2) or ScvO2. The optimal ScvO2

goal for post-cardiac arrest patients has not been definedby prospective clinical trials, and the value of continu-ous ScvO2 monitoring remains to be demonstrated. Oneimportant caveat is that a subset of post-cardiac arrestpatients have elevated central or mixed venous oxygensaturations despite inadequate tissue oxygen delivery, aphenomenon that is more common in patients given highdoses of epinephrine during CPR.139 This phenomenon,termed ‘‘venous hyperoxia,’’ can be attributed to impairedtissue oxygen utilisation caused by microcirculatory failureor mitochondrial failure.

Additional surrogates for oxygen delivery include urineoutput and lactate clearance. Two of the EGDT randomizedprospective trials described above used a urine output tar-get of ≥0.5 mL kg−1 24 h−1.133,135 A higher urine output goalof >1 mL kg−1 h−1 is reasonable in postarrest patients treatedwith therapeutic hypothermia, given the higher urine pro-duction during hypothermia13; however, urine output couldbe misleading in the presence of acute or chronic renal insuf-ficiency. Lactate concentrations are elevated early afterROSC because of the total body ischaemia of cardiac arrest.This limits the usefulness of a single measurement dur-ing early haemodynamic optimization. Lactate clearancehas been associated with outcome in patients with ROSCafter out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.140,141 However, lactateclearance can be impaired by convulsive seizures, excessivemotor activity, hepatic insufficiency and hypothermia.

The optimal goal for haemoglobin concentration in thepost-cardiac arrest phase has not been defined. The originalearly goal-directed therapy in sepsis study used a transfu-sion threshold hematocrit of 30, but relatively few patientsreceived a transfusion, and the use of this transfusionthreshold, even for septic shock, is controversial.133 Sub-group analysis of patients with a closed head injury enrolledin the Transfusion Requirements in Critical Care trial showedno difference in mortality rates when haemoglobin con-centration was maintained at 10—12 g dL−1 compared with7—9 g dL−1.142 A post-cardiac arrest care protocol publishedby a group from Norway included a haemoglobin target of9—10 g dL−1.13

In summary, the value of haemodynamic optimization or

early goal-directed therapy in post-cardiac arrest care hasyet to be demonstrated in randomized prospective clinicaltrials, and there is little evidence about the optimal goalsin post-cardiac arrest syndrome. On the basis of the limitedavailable evidence, reasonable goals for post-cardiac arrest



yndrome include an MAP of 65—100 mmHg (taking into con-ideration the patient’s normal blood pressure, cause ofrrest, and severity of any myocardial dysfunction), CVP of—12 mmHg, ScvO2 > 70%, urine output > 1 mL kg−1 h−1 and aormal or decreasing serum or blood lactate level. Goals foraemoglobin concentration during post-cardiac arrest careemain to be defined.


xisting guidelines emphasize the use of an FIO2 of 1.0 dur-ng CPR, and clinicians will frequently maintain ventilationith 100% oxygen for variable periods after ROSC. Although

t is important to ensure that patients are not hypoxemic, arowing body of preclinical evidence suggests that hyperoxiauring the early stages of reperfusion harms postischaemiceurons by causing excessive oxidative stress.51,52,143,144 Mostelevant to post-cardiac arrest care, ventilation with 100%xygen for the first hour after ROSC resulted in worse neu-ological outcome compared with immediate adjustmentf the FIO2 to produce an arterial oxygen saturation of4—96%.145

On the basis of preclinical evidence alone, unnecessaryrterial hyperoxia should be avoided, especially during thenitial post-cardiac arrest period. This can be achieved bydjusting the FIO2 to produce an arterial oxygen saturationf 94—96%. However, controlled reoxygenation has yet to betudied in randomized prospective clinical trials.


lthough cerebral autoregulation is either absent or dys-unctional in most patients in the acute phase after cardiacrrest,47 cerebrovascular reactivity to changes in arterialarbon dioxide tension seems to be preserved.53,55,146,147

erebrovascular resistance may be elevated for at least 24 hn comatose survivors of cardiac arrest.55 There are no datao support the targeting of a specific PaCO2 after resusci-ation from cardiac arrest; however, extrapolation of datarom studies of other cohorts suggest ventilation to nor-ocarbia is appropriate. Studies in brain-injured patients

ave shown that the cerebral vasoconstriction caused byyperventilation may produce potentially harmful cerebralschaemia.148—150 Hyperventilation also increases intratho-acic pressure, which will decrease cardiac output bothuring and after CPR.151,152 Hypoventilation may also bearmful because hypoxia and hypercarbia could increase ICPr compound metabolic acidosis, which is common shortlyfter ROSC.

High tidal volumes cause barotrauma, volutrauma,153 andiotrauma154 in patients with acute lung injury (ALI). Theurviving Sepsis Campaign recommends the use of a tidalolume of 6 mL kg−1 (predicted) body weight and a plateauressure of ≤30 cm H2O during mechanical ventilation ofatients with sepsis-induced ALI or acute respiratory distressyndrome.155 However, there are no data to support use of a

pecific tidal volume during post-cardiac arrest care and these of this protective lung strategy will often result in hyper-apnia, which may be harmful in the post-cardiac arrestatient. In these patients it may be necessary to use tidalolumes higher than 6 mL kg−1 to prevent hypercapnia. When















nducing therapeutic hypothermia, additional blood gasesay be helpful to adjust tidal volumes, because coolingill decrease metabolism and the tidal volumes required.lood gas values can either be corrected for temperature oreft uncorrected. There is no evidence to suggest that onetrategy is significantly better than the other.

In summary, the preponderance of evidence indicateshat hyperventilation should be avoided in the post-cardiacrrest period. Ventilation should be adjusted to achieve nor-ocarbia and should be monitored by regular measurement

f arterial blood gas values.

irculatory support

aemodynamic instability is common after cardiac arrestnd manifests as dysrhythmias, hypotension, and low car-iac index.97 Underlying mechanisms include intravascularolume depletion, impaired vasoregulation, and myocardialysfunction.

Dysrhythmias can be treated by maintaining normallectrolyte concentrations and using standard drug andlectrical therapies. There is no evidence to support therophylactic use of anti-arrhythmic drugs after cardiacrrest. Dysrhythmias are commonly caused by focal cardiacschaemia, and early reperfusion treatment is probably theest anti-arrhythmic therapy. Ultimately, survivors of car-iac arrest attributed to a primary dysrhythmia should bevaluated for placement of a pacemaker or an implantableardioverter-defibrillator (ICD).

The first-line intervention for hypotension is to optimizeight-heart filling pressures by using intravenous fluids. Inne study, 3.5—6.5 L of intravenous crystalloid was requiredn the first 24 h following ROSC after out-of-hospital car-iac arrest to maintain right atrial pressures in the rangef 8—13 mmHg.97 In a separate study, out-of-hospital post-ardiac arrest patients had a positive fluid balance of.5 ± 1.6 L in the first 24 h, with a CVP goal of 8—12 mmHg.13

Inotropes and vasopressors should be considered ifaemodynamic goals are not achieved despite optimizedreload. Myocardial dysfunction after ROSC is well-escribed in both animal101,102,156,157 and human97,99,112

tudies. Post-cardiac arrest global myocardial dysfunctions generally reversible and responsive to inotropes, buthe severity and duration of the myocardial dysfunctionay impact survival.97 Early echocardiography will enable

he extent of myocardial dysfunction to be quantified anday guide therapy. Impaired vasoregulation is also common

n post-cardiac arrest patients; this may require treat-ent with vasopressors and is also reversible. Persistence

f reversible vasopressor dependency has been reportedor up to 72 h after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest despitereload optimization and reversal of global myocardialysfunction.97 No individual drug or combination of drugsas been demonstrated to be superior in the treatment ofost-cardiac cardiovascular dysfunction. Despite improvingaemodynamic values, the effect on survival of inotropes

nd vasopressors in the post-cardiac arrest phase has noteen studied in humans. Furthermore, inotropes have theotential to exacerbate or induce focal ischaemia in the set-ing of ACS and coronary artery disease (CAD). The choicef inotrope or vasopressor can be guided by blood pressure,


J.P. Nolan et al.

eart rate, echocardiographic estimates of myocardial dys-unction, and surrogate measures of tissue oxygen deliveryuch as ScvO2, lactate clearance, and urine output. If a pul-onary artery catheter (PAC) or some form of non-invasive

ardiac output monitor is being used, therapy can be furtheruided by cardiac index and systemic vascular is no evidence that the use of a PAC or non-invasiveardiac output monitoring improves outcome after cardiacrrest.

If volume expansion and treatment with vasoactivend inotropic drugs do not restore adequate organ perfu-ion, consider mechanical circulatory assistance.158,159 Thisreatment can support circulation in the period of tran-ient severe myocardial dysfunction that often occurs for4—48 h after ROSC.97 The intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP)s the most readily available device to augment myocar-ial perfusion; it is generally easy to insert with or withoutadiological imaging, and its use after cardiac arrest haseen recently documented in some studies.13,160 If additionalardiac support is needed, then more invasive treatmentsuch as percutaneous cardiopulmonary bypass (PCPB), extra-orporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), or transthoracicentricular assist devices can be considered.161,162 In aecent systematic review of published case series in whichCPB was initiated during cardiac arrest and then graduallyeaned after ROSC (n = 675), an overall in-hospital mortality

ate of 55% was reported.162 The clinical value of initiatinghese interventions after ROSC for cardiovascular supportas not been determined.

anagement of acute coronary syndrome

oronary artery disease is present in the majority of out-of-ospital cardiac arrest patients,163—165 and AMI is the mostommon cause of sudden cardiac death.165 One autopsytudy reported coronary artery thrombi in 74 of 100 sub-ects who died of ischaemic heart disease within 6 h ofymptom onset, and plaque fissuring in 21 of 26 subjects inhe absence of thrombus.166 A more recent review reportedcute changes in coronary plaque morphology in 40—86% ofardiac arrest survivors and in 15—64% of autopsy studies.167

The feasibility and success of early coronary angiographynd subsequent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)fter out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is well-described in aumber of relatively small case series and studies with his-orical controls.13,14,123,160,168—172 A subset of these studiesocus on early primary PCI in post-cardiac arrest patientsith ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).14,168—171

lthough inclusion criteria and the outcomes reported areariable, average intervals from symptom onset or CPR toalloon inflation ranged from 2 to 5 h, angiographic successates ranged from 78% to 95%, and overall in-hospital mor-ality ranged from 25% to 56%. In several of these studies,CI was combined with therapeutic hypothermia. One ret-ospective study reported 25% in-hospital mortality among0 consecutive comatose post-cardiac arrest patients with

TEMI who received early coronary angiography/PCI andild therapeutic hypothermia compared with a 66% in-

ospital mortality rate for matched historical controls whonderwent PCI without therapeutic hypothermia.14 In thistudy 21 (78%) of 27 hypothermia-treated 6-month survivors






Post-cardiac arrest syndrome

had a good neurologic outcome (CPC of 1 or 2) comparedwith only 6 (50%) of 12 non-hypothermia-treated 6-monthsurvivors.

Studies with broader inclusion criteria (not limited toSTEMI) have also shown promising results. In one suchstudy, 77% of all out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors withpresumed cardiac aetiology underwent immediate coro-nary angiography, revealing CAD in 97%, of which >80%had total occlusion of a major coronary artery.13 Nearlyhalf of these patients underwent reperfusion interventionswith the majority by percutaneous coronary interventionand a minority by coronary artery bypass graft (CABG).Among patients admitted after ROSC, the overall in-hospitalmortality decreased from 72% before the introductionof a comprehensive post-cardiac arrest care plan (whichincluded this intensive coronary reperfusion strategy andtherapeutic hypothermia) to 44% (P < 0.001), and >90% ofsurvivors were neurologically normal.13

Chest pain and ST elevation may be poor predictors ofacute coronary occlusion in post-cardiac arrest patients.123

Given that acute coronary occlusion is the most commoncause of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, prospective studiesare needed to determine if immediate coronary angiogra-phy should be performed in all patients after ROSC. It isfeasible to initiate cooling before coronary angiography, andpatients can be transported to the angiography laboratorywhile cooling continues.13,14,160

If there are no facilities for immediate PCI, in-hospitalthrombolysis is recommended for patients with ST eleva-tion who have not received prehospital thrombolysis.173,174

Although the efficacy and risk thrombolytic therapy has beenwell characterised in post-cardiac arrest patients,174—176 thepotential interaction of mild therapeutic hypothermia andthrombolytic therapy has not be formally studied. Theoret-ical considerations include possible impact on the efficacyof thrombolysis and the risk of haemorrhage. CABG is indi-cated in the post-cardiac arrest phase for patients with leftmain coronary artery stenosis or 3-vessel CAD. In additionto acute reperfusion, management of ACS and CAD shouldfollow standard guidelines.

In summary, patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest andwho have ECG criteria for STEMI should undergo immediatecoronary angiography with subsequent PCI if indicated. Fur-thermore, given the high incidence of ACS in patients without-of-hospital cardiac arrest and limitations of ECG-baseddiagnosis, it is appropriate to consider immediate coronaryangiography in all post-cardiac arrest patients in whom ACSis suspected. If PCI is not available, thrombolytic therapy isan appropriate alternative for post-cardiac arrest manage-ment of STEMI. Standard guidelines for management of ACSand CAD should be followed.

Other persistent precipitating pathologies

Other causes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest includepulmonary embolism, sepsis, hypoxaemia, hypovolaemia,

hypokalaemia, hyperkalaemia, metabolic disorders, acci-dental hypothermia, tension pneumothorax, cardiac tam-ponade, toxins, intoxication or cerebrovascular catastro-phes. The incidence of these causes is potentially higher forin-hospital cardiac arrest.5 These potential causes of cardiac



rrest that persist after ROSC should be diagnosed promptlynd treated.

herapeutic hypothermia

herapeutic hypothermia should be part of a standard-sed treatment strategy for comatose survivors of cardiacrrest.13,177,178 Two randomized clinical trials and a meta-nalysis showed improved outcome in adults who remainedomatose after initial resuscitation from out-of-hospitalentricular fibrillation (VF) cardiac arrest and who wereooled within minutes to hours after ROSC.8,9,179 Patientsn these studies were cooled to 33 ◦C or the range of2—34 ◦C for 12—24 h. The Hypothermia After Cardiac ArrestHACA) study included a small subset of patients with in-ospital cardiac arrest.8 Four studies with historical controlroups reported benefit after therapeutic hypothermia inomatose survivors of out-of-hospital non-VF arrest180andll rhythm arrests.12,13,132 Other observational studies pro-ide evidence possible benefit after cardiac arrest fromther initial rhythms and in other settings.181,182 Mildypothermia is the only therapy applied in the post-ardiac arrest setting that has been shown to increaseurvival rates. The patients who may benefit from thisreatment have not been fully elucidated, and the idealnduction technique (alone or in combination), target tem-erature, duration, and rewarming rate have yet to bestablished.

Animal studies demonstrate a benefit of very early cool-ng either during CPR or within 15 min of ROSC whenooling is maintained for only a short duration (1—2 h).183,184

hen prolonged cooling is used (>24 h), however, less isnown about the therapeutic window. Equivalent neuro-rotection was produced in a rat model of cardiac arresthen a 24-h period of cooling was initiated either at the

ime of ROSC or delayed by 1 h.185 In a gerbil forebrainschaemia model, sustained neuroprotection was achievedhen hypothermia was initiated at 1, 6, or 12 h after

eperfusion and maintained for 48 h186; however, neuro-rotection did decrease when the start of therapy waselayed. The median time to achieve target temperaturen the HACA trial was 8 h (IQR 6—26),8 whereas in theernard study, average core temperature was reported toe 33.5 ◦C within 2 h of ROSC.9 Clearly, additional clinicaltudies are needed to optimize this therapeutic strat-gy.

The practical approach of therapeutic hypothermia cane divided into 3 phases: induction, maintenance, andewarming. Induction can be instituted easily and inexpen-ively with intravenous ice-cold fluids (30 mL/kg of saline.9% or Ringer’s lactate)187—191 or traditional ice packs placedn the groin and armpits and around the neck and head. Inost cases it is easy to cool patients initially after ROSCecause their temperature normally decreases within therst hour.10,64 Initial cooling is facilitated by concomitanteuromuscular blockade with sedation to prevent shivering.

atients can be transferred to the angiography laboratoryith ongoing cooling using these easily applied methods.13,14

urface or internal cooling devices (as described below) canlso be used either alone or in combination with the aboveeasures to facilitate induction.182,192












In the maintenance phase, effective temperatureonitoring is needed to avoid significant temperatureuctuations. This is best achieved with external or

nternal cooling devices that include continuous tem-erature feedback to achieve a target temperature.xternal devices include cooling blankets or pads withater-filled circulating systems or more advanced sys-

ems in which cold air is circulated through a tent.ntravascular cooling catheters are internal cooling deviceshich are usually inserted into a femoral or subcla-ian vein. Less sophisticated methods, such as cold wetlankets placed on the torso and around the extrem-ties, or ice packs combined with ice-cold fluids, canlso be effective; but these methods may be moreime consuming for nursing staff, result in greater tem-erature fluctuations, and do not enable controlledewarming.193 Ice-cold fluids alone cannot be used to main-ain hypothermia.194

The rewarming phase can be regulated using the exter-al or internal devices used for cooling or by other heatingystems. The optimal rate of rewarming is not known, buturrent consensus is to rewarm at about 0.25—0.5 ◦C/h.181

articular care should be taken during the cooling andewarming phases because metabolic rate, plasma elec-rolyte concentrations, and haemodynamic conditions mayhange rapidly.

Therapeutic hypothermia is associated with severalomplications.195 Shivering is common, particularly duringhe induction phase.196 Mild hypothermia increases systemicascular resistance, which reduces cardiac output. A vari-ty of arrhythmias may be induced by hypothermia, butradycardia is the most common.182 Hypothermia induces

diuresis and coexisting hypovolaemia will compoundaemodynamic instability. Diuresis may produce electrolytebnormalities including hypophosphatemia, hypokalaemia,ypomagnesemia and hypocalcemia and these, in turn,ay cause dysrhythmias.195,197 The plasma concentrations

f these electrolytes should be measured frequently andlectrolytes should be replaced to maintain normal val-es. Hypothermia decreases insulin sensitivity and insulinecretion, which results in hyperglycaemia.9 This should bereated with insulin (see Section ‘Glucose control’). Effectsn platelet and clotting function account for impaired coag-lation and increased bleeding. Hypothermia can impair themmune system and increase infection rates.198 In the HACAtudy, pneumonia was more common in the cooled group buthis did not reach statistical significance.8 The serum amy-ase may increase during hypothermia but its significance isnclear. The clearance of sedative drugs and neuromuscu-ar blockers is reduced by up to 30% at a temperature of4 ◦C.199

Magnesium sulphate, a naturally occurring NMDA recep-or antagonist, reduces shivering thresholds and can be giveno reduce shivering during cooling.200 Magnesium is also aasodilator, and therefore increases cooling rates.201 It hasnti-arrhythmic properties, and there are some animal datandicating that magnesium provides added neuroprotection

n combination with hypothermia.202 Magnesium sulphate 5 gan be infused over 5 h, which covers the period of hypother-ia induction. The shivering threshold can also be reducedy warming the skin — the shivering threshold is reduced by◦C for every 4 ◦C increase in skin temperature.203 Applica-



J.P. Nolan et al.

ion of a forced air warming blanket reduces shivering duringntravascular cooling.204

If therapeutic hypothermia is not feasible or con-raindicated, then, at a minimum, pyrexia must berevented. Pyrexia is common in the first 48 h after car-iac arrest.63,205,206 The risk of a poor neurological outcomencreases for each degree of body temperature >37 ◦C.64

In summary, both preclinical and clinical evidencetrongly support mild therapeutic hypothermia as anffective therapy for the post-cardiac arrest syndrome.nconscious adult patients with spontaneous circulationfter out-of-hospital VF cardiac arrest should be cooledo 32—34 ◦C for at least 12—24 h.177 Most experts currentlyecommend cooling for at least 24 h. Although data sup-ort cooling to 32—34 ◦C, the optimal temperature has noteen determined. Induced hypothermia might also bene-t unconscious adult patients with spontaneous circulationfter out-of-hospital cardiac arrest from a nonshockablehythm or in-hospital cardiac arrest.177 Although the opti-al timing of initiation has not been clinically defined,

urrent concensus is to initiate cooling as soon as possi-le. The therapeutic window, or time after ROSC at whichherapeutic hypothermia is no longer beneficial, is alsoot defined. Rapid intravenous infusion of ice-cold 0.9%aline or Ringer’s lactate (30 mL kg−1) is a simple, effectiveethod for initiating cooling. Shivering should be treatedy ensuring adequate sedation or neuromuscular blockadeith sedation. Bolus doses of neuromuscular blocking drugsre usually adequate, but infusions are occasionally nec-ssary. Slow rewarming is recommended (0.25—0.5 ◦C/h),lthough the optimum rate for rewarming has not beenlinically defined. If therapeutic hypothermia is not under-aken, pyrexia during the first 72 h after cardiac arresthould be treated aggressively with antipyretics or activeooling.

edation and neuromuscular blockade

f patients do not show adequate signs of awakening withinhe first 5—10 min after ROSC, tracheal intubation (if notlready achieved), mechanical ventilation, and sedationill be required. Adequate sedation will reduce oxygenonsumption, which is further reduced with therapeuticypothermia. Use of published sedation scales for monitor-ng these patients (e.g., the Richmond or Ramsay Scales)ay be helpful.207,208 Both opioids (analgesia) and hyp-

otics (e.g., propofol or benzodiazepines) should be used.uring therapeutic hypothermia, optimal sedation can pre-ent shivering, and achieve target temperature earlier.f shivering occurs despite deep sedation, neuromuscularlocking drugs (as an intravenous bolus or infusion) shoulde used with close monitoring of sedation and neurologi-al signs such as seizures. Because of the relatively highncidence of seizures after cardiac arrest, continuous elec-roencephalographic (EEG) monitoring for patients duringustained neuromuscular blockade is advised.209 The dura-

ion of action of neuromuscular blockers is prolonged duringypothermia.199

Although it has been common practice to sedate and ven-ilate patients for at least 24 h after ROSC, there are noecure data to support routines of ventilation, sedation, or







Post-cardiac arrest syndrome

neuromuscular blockade after cardiac arrest. The durationof sedation and ventilation may be influenced by the use oftherapeutic hypothermia.

In summary, critically ill post-cardiac arrest patientswill require sedation for mechanical ventilation and ther-apeutic hypothermia. Use of sedation scales for monitoringmay be helpful. Adequate sedation is particularly importantfor prevention of shivering during induction of therapeutichypothermia, maintenance, and rewarming. Neuromuscularblockade may facilitate induction of therapeutic hypother-mia, but if continuous infusions of neuromuscular blockingdrugs become necessary, continuous EEG monitoring shouldbe considered.

Seizure control and prevention

Seizures or myoclonus or both occur in 5—15% of adultpatients who achieve ROSC and 10—40% of those who remaincomatose.75,76,210,211 Seizures increase cerebral metabolismby up to 3-fold.212 No studies directly address the use ofprophylactic anticonvulsant drugs after cardiac arrest inadults. Anticonvulsants such as thiopental, and especiallyphenytoin, are neuroprotective in animal models,213—215 buta clinical trial of thiopental after cardiac arrest showed nobenefit.216 Myoclonus can be particularly difficult to treat;phenytoin is often ineffective. Clonazepam is the mosteffective antimyoclonic drug, but sodium valproate and lev-etiracetam may also be effective.83 Effective treatment ofmyoclonus with propofol has been described.217 With thera-peutic hypothermia, good neurological outcomes have beenreported in patients initially displaying severe post-arreststatus epilepticus.218,219

In summary, prolonged seizures may cause cerebral injuryand should be treated promptly and effectively with ben-zodiazepines, phenytoin, sodium valproate, propofol, or abarbiturate. Each of these drugs can cause hypotension, andthis must be treated appropriately. Clonazepam is the drugof choice for the treatment of myoclonus. Maintenance ther-apy should be started after the first event once potentialprecipitating causes (e.g., intracranial haemorrhage, elec-trolyte imbalance) are excluded. Prospective studies areneeded to determine the benefit of continuous EEG moni-toring.

Glucose control

Tight control of blood glucose (4.4—6.1 mmol L−1 or80—110 mg dL−1) with insulin reduced hospital mortalityrates in critically ill adults in a surgical ICU220 and appearedto protect the central and peripheral nervous system.221

When the same group repeated this study in a medical ICU,the overall mortality rate was similar in the intensive insulinand control groups.222 Among the patients with an ICU stayof ≥3 days, intensive insulin therapy reduced the mortal-ity rate from 52.5% (control group) to 43% (P = 0.009). Ofthe 1200 patients in the medical ICU study, 61 had neu-

rological disease; the mortality rate among these patientswas the same in the control and treatment groups (29% ver-sus 30%).222 Two studies indicate that the median length ofICU stay for ICU survivors after admission following cardiacarrest is approximately 3.4 days.6,13




Hyperglycaemia is common after cardiac arrest. Bloodlucose concentrations must be monitored frequently inhese patients and hyperglycaemia treated with an insulinnfusion. Recent studies indicate that post-cardiac arrestatients may be treated optimally with a target rangeor blood glucose concentration of up to 8 mmol L−1

144 mg dL−1).13,223,224 In a recent study, 90 unconscious sur-ivors of out-of-hospital VF cardiac arrest were cooled andandomized into 2 treatment groups: a strict glucose controlSGC) group, with a blood glucose target of 4—6 mmol L−1

72—108 mg dL−1), and a moderate glucose control (MGC)roup, with a blood glucose target of 6—8 mmol L−1

108—144 mg dL−1).223 Episodes of moderate hypoglycaemia<3.0 mmol L−1 or 54 mg dL−1) occurred in 18% of the SGCroup and 2% of the MGC group (P = 0.008); however, thereere no episodes of severe hypoglycaemia (<2.2 mmol L−1

r 40 mg dL−1). There was no difference in mortality. Aarget glucose range with an upper value of 8.0 mmol L−1

144 mg dL−1) has been suggested by others.13,224,225 Theower value of 6.1 mmol L−1 may not reduce mortality anyurther but instead may expose patients to the poten-ially harmful effects of hypoglycaemia.223 The incidence ofypoglycaemia in another recent study of intensive insulinherapy exceeded 18%,226 and some have cautioned againstts routine use in the critically ill.227,228 Regardless of thehosen glucose target range, blood glucose must be mea-ured frequently,13,223 especially when insulin is started anduring cooling and rewarming periods.

europrotective pharmacology

ver the past 3 decades investigators have used animalodels of global cerebral ischaemia to study numerous

europrotective modalities, including anesthetics, anticon-ulsants, calcium and sodium channel antagonists, N-methyl-aspartate (NMDA)-receptor antagonists, immunosuppres-ants, growth factors, protease inhibitors, magnesium, and-aminobutyric acid (GABA) agonists. Many of these targetedharmacological neuroprotective strategies that focus onpecific injury mechanisms have shown benefit in preclin-cal studies. Yet, none of the interventions tested thus farn prospective clinical trials have improved outcomes afterut-of-hospital cardiac arrest.216,229—231

There are many negative or neutral studies of tar-eted neuroprotective trials in humans with acute ischaemictroke. Over the past 10 years the Stroke Therapy Academicndustry Roundtable (STAIR) has made recommendations forreclinical evidence of drug efficacy and enhancing acutetroke trial design and performance in studies of neuropro-ective therapies in acute stroke.232 Despite improved trialesign and relatively large human clinical trials, results fromeuroprotective studies remain disappointing.233—235

In summary, there is inadequate evidence to recommendny pharmacological neuroprotective strategies to reducerain injury in post-cardiac arrest patients.

drenal dysfunction

elative adrenal insufficiency occurs frequently after suc-essful resuscitation of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest ands associated with increased mortality (see Section ‘Epi-


















emiology of the post-cardiac arrest syndrome’).119,236

ne small study has demonstrated increased ROSC whenatients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest were treatedith hydrocortisone,237 but the use of steroids has not been

tudied in the post-cardiac arrest phase. The use of low-doseteroids, even in septic shock, for which they are commonlyiven, remains controversial.238 Although relative adrenalnsufficiency may exist after ROSC, there is no evidencehat treatment with steroids improves long-term outcomes.herefore, routine use of steroids after cardiac arrest is notecommended.

enal failure

enal failure is common in any cohort of critically illatients. In a recent study of comatose survivors of out-of-ospital cardiac arrest, 5 of 72 (7%) received haemodialysis,nd the incidence was the same with or without the usef therapeutic hypothermia.14 In another study, renal func-ion was impaired transiently in out-of-hospital post-cardiacrrest patients treated with therapeutic hypothermia,equired no interventions, and returned to normal by 28ays.239 The indications for starting renal replacement ther-py in comatose cardiac arrest survivors are the same ashose used for critically ill patients in general.240


omplications inevitably occur during the treatment ofost-cardiac arrest patients as they do during the treat-ent of any critically ill patients. Although several studies

ave shown no statistical difference in complication ratesetween patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest whore treated with hypothermia and those who remain nor-othermic, these studies are generally underpowered to

how this conclusively.12,132 Pneumonia caused by aspirationr mechanical ventilation is probably the most impor-ant complication in comatose post-cardiac arrest patients,ccurring in up to 50% of patients after out-of-hospital car-iac arrest.8,13 In comparison with other intubated criticallyll patients, post-cardiac arrest patients are at particularlyigh risk of developing pneumonia within the first 48 h ofntubation.241

lacement of implantableardioverter-defibrillators

n survivors with good neurological recovery, insertion ofn ICD is indicated if subsequent cardiac arrests cannot beeliably prevented by other treatments (such as a pace-aker for atrioventricular block, transcatheter ablation ofsingle ectopic pathway, or valve replacement for critical

ortic stenosis).242—250 For patients with underlying coro-ary disease, an ICD is strongly recommended if myocardialschaemia was not identified as the single trigger of sud-

en cardiac death or if it cannot be treated by coronaryevascularization. Systematic implementation of ICD ther-py should be considered for survivors of sudden cardiaceath with persistent low (<30%) left ventricular ejectionraction. Detection of asynchrony is important because stim-


J.P. Nolan et al.

lation at multiple sites may further improve prognosis whenombined with medical treatment (diuretics, �-blockers,ngiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors) in patientsith low left ventricular ejection fraction.250

ong-term management

ssues related to long-term management are beyond thecope of this scientific statement but include cardiac andeurological rehabilitation and psychiatric disorders.

ost-cardiac arrest prognostication

ith the brain’s heightened susceptibility to globalschaemia, the majority of cardiac arrest patients whore successfully resuscitated have impaired consciousness,nd some remain in a vegetative state. The need for pro-racted high-intensity care of neurologically devastatedurvivors presents an immense burden to healthcare sys-ems, patients’ families, and society in general.251,252 Toimit this burden, clinical factors and diagnostic tests aresed to prognosticate functional outcome. With the limita-ion of care or withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies as aikely outcome of prognostication, studies have focused onoor long-term prognosis (vegetative state or death) basedn clinical or test findings that indicate irreversible brainnjury. A recent study showed that prognostication basedn neurological examination and diagnostic modalities influ-nced the decision of physicians and families on the timingf withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies.253

Recently several systematic reviews evaluated predictorsf poor outcome, including clinical circumstances of cardiacrrest and resuscitation, patient characteristics, neurolog-cal examination, electrophysiological studies, biochemicalarkers, and neuroimaging.254—256 Despite a large body of

esearch in this area, the timing and optimal approach torognostication of futility is controversial. Most importantly,he impact of therapeutic hypothermia on the overall accu-acy of clinical prognostication has undergone only limitedrospective evaluation.

This section approaches important prognostic factors as aanifestation of specific neurological injury in the context

f the overall neurological presentation. Having been theost studied factor with widest applicability even in insti-

utions with limited technologies and expertise, the primaryocus is on neurological examination, with the use of adjunc-ive prognostic factors to enhance the accuracy of predictingoor outcome. We will present classical factors in patientsot treated with hypothermia followed by recent studies onhe impact of therapeutic hypothermia on prognostic factorsnd clinical outcome.

rognostication in patients not treated withypothermia

re-cardiac arrest factorsany studies have identified factors associated with poor

unctional outcome after resuscitation, but no studies havehown a reliable predictor of outcome. Advanced age is asso-iated with decreased survival after resuscitation,257—259 but




Post-cardiac arrest syndrome

at least one study suggested that advanced age did not pre-dict poor neurological outcome in survivors.260 Race261—263

and poor pre-cardiac arrest health, including conditionssuch as diabetes,259,264 sepsis,265 metastatic cancer,266 renalfailure,267 homebound lifestyle,266 and stroke267 were associ-ated with outcome but not enough to be reliable predictorsof function. The prearrest Acute Physiology and ChronicHealth Evaluation (APACHE) II and III scores also were notreliable predictors.266,268

Intra-cardiac arrest factorsMany factors during the resuscitation process have beenassociated with functional outcome, but no single factorhas been identified as a reliable predictor. Some associa-tion with poor functional outcome has been made betweena long interval between collapse and the start of CPR andincreased duration of CPR to ROSC,260,269 but high false-positive rates make these unreliable for predicting pooroutcome.254 Furthermore, the quality of CPR is likely toinfluence outcome. Lack of adherence to established CPRguidelines,270—272 including failure to deliver a shock orachieve ROSC before transport,273 and long preshock pauseswith extended interruption to assess rhythms and provideventilation have been associated with poor outcome.270,272

A maximum end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) of <10 mmHg(as a marker of cardiac output during CPR) is associated withworse outcomes.274—279 Other arrest-related factors associ-ated with poor outcome that are unreliable as predictors areasystole as the initial cardiac rhythm280,281 and noncardiaccauses of arrest.260,282

Post-cardiac arrest factorsThe bedside neurological examination remains one of themost reliable and widely validated predictors of functionaloutcome after cardiac arrest.76,254—256 With sudden interrup-tion of blood flow to the brain, higher cortical functions,such as consciousness, are lost first, whereas lower brain-stem functions, such as spontaneous breathing activity, arelost last.283 Not surprisingly, retention of any neurologicalfunction during or immediately after CPR portends a goodneurological outcome. The absence of neurological functionimmediately after ROSC, however, is not a reliable predic-tor of poor neurological outcome. The reliability and validityof neurological examination as a predictor of poor outcomedepends on the presence of neurological deficits at specifictime points after ROSC.255,256 Findings of prognostic valueinclude the absence of pupillary light reflex, corneal reflex,facial movements, eye movements, gag, cough, and motorresponse to painful stimuli. Of these, the absence of pupil-lary light response, corneal reflex, or motor response topainful stimuli at day 3 provide the most reliable predic-tor of poor outcome (vegetative state or death).211,254,256

On the basis of a systematic review of the literature, itwas reported that absent brainstem reflexes or a Glas-gow Coma Scale (GCS) motor score of ≤2 at 72 h had afalse-positive rate (FPR) of 0% (95% CI 0—3%) for predict-

ing poor outcome.254 In a recent prospective trial it wasreported that absent pupillary or corneal reflexes at 72 hhad a 0% FPR (95% CI 0—9%), whereas absent motor responseat 72 h had a 5% FPR (95% CI 2—9%) for poor outcome.211

Poor neurological outcome is expected with these findings



ecause of the extensive brain injury involving the upperrainstem (midbrain), which is the location of the ascend-ng reticular formation (responsible for arousal) and wherehe pupillary light response and motor response to pain isacilitated.284 When the neurological examination is useds the basis for prognostication, it is important to considerhat physiological and pathological factors (hypotension,hock, and severe metabolic abnormalities) and interven-ions (paralytics, sedatives, and hypothermia) may influencehe findings and lead to errors in interpretation.254 There-ore, adequate efforts must be undertaken to stabilize theatient medically before prognosis is determined. Use of theedside neurological examination can also be compromisedy complications such as seizures and myoclonus, which,f prolonged and repetitive, may carry their own graverognosis.285 Although status myoclonus has been regardeds a reliable predictor of poor outcome (FPR 0% [95% CI—8.8%]),254 it may be misdiagnosed by non-neurologists.

Combinations of neurological findings have been studiedn an attempt to find a simple summary scale such as theCS,286 which is based on the patient’s best verbal, eye, andotor responses. The GCS score — especially a low motor

omponent score — is associated with poor outcome.287—289

he importance of brainstem reflexes in the assessment ofrain injury has been incorporated into a GCS-style scalealled the Full Outline of UnResponsiveness (FOUR) scale;he FOUR score includes the 4 components of eye, motor,nd cranial nerve reflexes (i.e., pupillary light response) andespiration.290 Some of the best predictors of neurologicalutcome are cranial nerve findings and motor response toain. A measure that combines these findings, such as theOUR score, may have better utility. Unfortunately, no stud-es have been undertaken to assess the utility of the FOURcore in cardiac arrest survivors.

europhysiological testshe recording of somatosensory-evoked potentials (SSEP) isneurophysiological test of the integrity of the neuronal

athways from a peripheral nerve, spinal cord, or brainstemo the cerebral cortex.291,292 The SSEP is probably the bestnd most reliable prognostic test because it is influencedess by common drugs and metabolic derangements. The N20omponent (representing the primary cortical response) ofhe SSEP with median nerve stimulation is the best studiedvoked-potential waveform in prognostication.211,256,293—295

n an unresponsive cardiac arrest survivor, the absence ofhe bilateral N20 component of the SSEP with median nervetimulation from 24 h to one week after ROSC very reli-bly predicts poor outcome (FPR for poor outcome = 0.7%,5% CI 0.1—3.7).254—256 The presence of the N20 waveformn comatose survivors, however, did not reliably predict

good outcome.296 It also has been suggested that thebsence of the N20 waveform is better than the bedsideeurological examination as a predictor of poor outcome.211

idespread implementation of the SSEP in postresuscitationare requires advanced neurological training; this investiga-

ion can be completed and interpreted only in specializedentres. Other evoked potentials such as brainstem audi-ory and visual and long-latency evoked-potential tests haveot been thoroughly tested or widely replicated for theirrognostic value in brain injury after cardiac arrest.296—299












Electroencephalography has been extensively studied astool for evaluating the depth of coma and extent of

amage after cardiac arrest. Many malignant EEG patternsave been associated with poor functional outcome, theost reliable of which appear to be generalized suppres-

ion to <20 �V, burst-suppression pattern with generalizedpileptiform activity, and generalized periodic complexesn a flat background.254 However, the predictive valuef individual patterns is poorly understood because mosttudies categorize a panel of patterns as malignant. Aeta-analysis of studies reporting malignant EEG patternsithin the first 3 days after ROSC calculated an FPR of 3%

95% CI 0.9—11%).254 The authors concluded that the EEGlone was insufficient to prognosticate futility. Electroen-ephalography is non-invasive and easy to record even innstable patients, but its widespread application is ham-ered by the lack of a unified classification system, lackf consistent study design, the need for EEG expertise,nd its susceptibility to numerous drugs and metabolicisorders.291,293,294,300—303 Recent advances in the analysis oflectroencephalography and continuous bedside recordingave addressed many of these limitations. Quantitative EEGQEEG) analysis will enable non-neurologists to use this tech-ology at the bedside.301,302,304 Given the capability of theEG to monitor brain activity continuously, future researchan focus on developing better methods to prognosticatearly, track the brain’s real-time response to therapies,elp understand the impact of neurological injury causedy seizures, and develop novel treatment strategies.209

euroimaging and monitoring modalitieseuroimaging is performed to define structural brain injuryelated to cardiac arrest. The absence of a well-designedtudy has limited the use of neuroimaging in the predic-ion of outcome after cardiac arrest. The most commonype of neuroimaging studied has been cranial CT. Cra-ial CT studies can show widespread injury to the brainith changes in oedema characteristics.61,305 Acquiring MRI

tudies is challenging in critically ill patients because ofestrictions on the type of equipment that can be placed inhe room; however, this is becoming less problematic, andRI studies in the critically ill are increasingly being under-

aken. Some limited studies have shown that diffuse corticalbnormalities in diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) or fluid-ttenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) are associated withoor outcome.306 Functional neuroimaging with magneticesonance spectroscopy307 and positron emission tomogra-hy (PET) showing metabolic abnormality (i.e., increasingactate) in the brain are associated with poor outcome.308

ther neurological factors that define neurological injuryut were not reliable predictors of outcome are ICP/CPP,309

rain energy metabolism,310 CBF by xenon CT,311 and jugularulb venous oxygen concentrations.312

At this time the practical utility of neuroimaging,specially CT scans, is limited to excluding intracranialathologies such as haemorrhage or stroke. The limited

tudies available hinder the effective use of neuroimagingor prognostication. Nonetheless, neuroimaging continueso be useful for understanding the brain’s response to car-iac arrest. Well-designed prospective studies are neededo fully understand the utility of neuroimaging techniques


J.P. Nolan et al.

t key times after resuscitation. Functional neuroimagingas been used successfully to characterise injury in otherreas of the brain. The development of portable imagingevices and improved functional neuroimaging studies mayrovide a way to study the utility of neuroimaging during thecute period, not only as a prognostic tool but also to guidereatment.

iochemical markersiochemical markers derived initially from cerebrospinaluid (CSF) (creatine phosphokinase [CPK]-BB)313,314 oreripheral blood (neuron-specific enolase [NSE] and S100�)ave been used to prognosticate functional outcome afterardiac arrest. The ease of obtaining samples has favoredlood-based biochemical markers over those in CSF. NSE is aytoplasmic glycolytic enzyme found in neurons, cells, andumors of neuroendocrine origin; concentrations increasen serum a few hours after injury. One study showed thatn NSE cutoff of >71.0 �g L−1 drawn between 24 and 48 hfter ROSC was required to achieve an FPR of 0% (95% CI—43%) for predicting poor outcome with a sensitivity of4%.315 Another study showed that serum NSE concentrations33 �g L−1 drawn between 24 and 72 h after ROSC predictedoor outcome after one month with an FPR of 0% (95% CI—3%).211 Numerous other studies show varying thresholdsrom 30 to 65 �g L−1 for poor outcome and mortality.316—322

The biochemical marker S100� is a calcium-binding pro-ein from astroglial and Schwann cells. In cardiac arresturvivors, one study showed that an S100� cutoff of1.2 �g L−1 drawn between 24 and 48 h after ROSC wasequired to achieve an FPR of 0% (95% CI 0—14%), with aensitivity of 45%.315 Other less robust studies show similarigh specificity with low sensitivity.319,320,323—326

Although a recommendation has been made on the usef biochemical markers, specifically NSE > 33 �g L−1 as a pre-ictor of poor outcome,254 care must taken. This caution isased on problems such as lack of standardisation in studyesign and patient treatment, wide variability of thresholdalues to predict poor outcome, and differing measurementechniques. These limitations make it difficult to analyzehese studies in aggregate. A well-designed study to stan-ardise these tests at strategic times after cardiac arrest isecessary to determine their benefit.

ultimodality prediction of neurological outcomeore accurate prognostication can potentially be achievedy using several methods to investigate neurological injury.ome studies have suggested that combining neurologi-al examination with other adjunctive tests enhances theverall accuracy and efficiency of prognosticating poorutcome.255,293,299,327 No clinical decision rule or multimodalrognostication protocol has been prospectively validated,owever.

rognostication in hypothermia-treated patients

herapeutic hypothermia improved survival and functionalutcome for one in every 6 comatose cardiac arrest survivorsreated.179 As a neuroprotective intervention, hypothermialters the progression of neurological injury; hypothermialters the evolution of recovery when patients who received







Post-cardiac arrest syndrome

therapeutic hypothermia are compared with those who didnot. Therefore, prognostication strategies established inpatients who were not treated with hypothermia mightnot accurately predict the outcome of those treated withhypothermia. Hypothermia may mask neurological examina-tion or delay the clearance of medication, such as sedativeor neuromuscular blocking drugs that may mask neurologi-cal function.199,254,328 Although the incidence of seizures inthe HACA study was similar in the hypothermia and placebogroups,8 there is some concern that seizures may be maskedwhen a neuromuscular blocking drug is used.219

There are no studies detailing the prognostic accu-racy of the neurological examination in cooled post-cardiacarrest patients. SSEPs and biochemical markers have under-gone limited investigation in this patient population. Onestudy found bilateral absence of cortical N20 responses at24—28 h after cardiac arrest in 3 of 4 hypothermia-treatedpatients with permanent coma [FPR 0% (95% CI 0—100%);sensitivity 75% (95% CI 30—95%)].329 An earlier study fromthe same group found that the 48-h NSE and S100 valueswhich achieved a 0% FPR for poor outcome were 2—3 timeshigher in patients treated with hypothermia compared withthe normothermic control group [NSE > 25 versus 8.8 �g L−1;S100� 0.23 versus 0.12 �g L−1].317

In summary, there are both theoretical and evidence-based concerns suggesting that the approach to earlyprognostication might need to be modified when post-cardiac arrest patients are treated with therapeutichypothermia. The relative impact of hypothermia on prog-nostic accuracy appears to vary among individual strategies,and is inadequately studied. The recovery period afterhypothermia therapy has not been clearly defined, and earlywithdrawal of life-sustaining therapies may not be in thebest interest of patients and their families. Until more isknown about the impact of therapeutic hypothermia, prog-nostication should probably be delayed, but the optimaltime has yet to be determined. Ideally bedside monitoringsystems need to be developed to enable tracking of evolv-ing brain injury and the brain’s response to therapy (e.g.,hypothermia).

Paediatrics: special considerations

In children, cardiac arrests are caused typically by res-piratory failure, circulatory shock or both. In contrastto adults, children rarely develop sudden arrhythmogenicVF arrests from coronary artery disease. ArrhythmogenicVF/ventricular tachycardia (VT) arrests occur in 5—20% ofout-of-hospital paediatric cardiac arrests and approximately10% of in-hospital paediatric arrests.5,20,330—332

Although clinical data are limited, differences in bothcardiac arrest aetiology and developmental status are likelyto contribute to differences between adult and paediatricpost-cardiac arrest syndrome.97,330,333—335 For example, theseverity and duration post-cardiac arrest myocardial stun-ning in paediatric animal models is substantially less than in

adult animals.102,336—338

In terms of treatment, there is a critical knowledge gapfor postarrest interventions in children.339 Therefore, man-agement strategies are based primarily on general principlesof intensive care or extrapolation of evidence obtained from




dults, newborns, and animal studies.8,9,12,13,195,333,334,340—346

ased upon this extrapolation, close attention to tem-erature management (avoidance of hyperthermia andonsideration of induction of hypothermia), glucose man-gement (control of hyperglycaemia and avoidance ofypoglycaemia347—349), blood pressure (avoidance of age-djusted hypotension), ventilation (avoidance of hyper- orypocarbia and avoidance of over ventilation), and haemo-ynamic support (maintenance of adequate cardiac outputo meet metabolic demand) are recommended by consen-us for children post-cardiac arrest, but are not supportedy specific interventional studies in the post-arrest setting.

emperature management

ild hypothermia is a promising neuroprotective and cardio-rotective treatment in the postarrest phase177,179,350 and iswell-established treatment in adult survivors of cardiac

rrest.12,13 Studies of hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathyn newborns indicate that mild hypothermia is safend feasible and may be neuroprotective,340—342,344,351—355

lthough the pathophysiology of newborn hypoxic-ischaemicncephalopathy differs from cardiac arrest and the post-ardiac arrest syndrome. Furthermore, pyrexia is commonfter cardiac arrest in children and is associated withoor neurological outcome.356 Therefore post-cardiac arrestyrexia should be actively prevented and treated. Althoughost-cardiac arrest-induced hypothermia is a rational ther-peutic approach, it has not been adequately evaluatedn children. Despite this, several centres treat childrenfter cardiac arrest with therapeutic hypothermia based onxtrapolation of the adult data.357 There are several physicalnd pharmacological methods for temperature control, alleasible in the paediatric intensive care environment, withpecific advantages and disadvantages.187,189,358—360

xtracorporeal membrane oxygenation

erhaps the ultimate technology to control postresuscita-ion temperature and haemodynamic parameters is ECMO.everal studies have shown that placing children on ECMOuring prolonged CPR (E-CPR) can result in good outcomes.n one report, 66 children were placed on ECMO during CPRver 7 years.361 The median duration of CPR before estab-ishment of ECMO was 50 min, and 35% (23 of 66) of thesehildren survived to hospital discharge. These children hadnly brief periods of no flow and excellent CPR during theow-flow period, as well as excellent haemodynamic supportnd temperature control during the postresuscitation phase.ccording to the Extracorporeal Life Support registry, E-CPRas become one of the most common indications for ECMOherapy over the past few years.

aediatric cardiac arrest centres

igh-quality multimodal postarrest care improves survivalnd neurological outcome in adults.13

Paediatric post-cardiac arrest care requires specificallydapted equipment and training to deliver critical inter-entions rapidly and safely to avoid latent errors and

368 J.P. Nolan et al.

Table 3 Barriers to implementation.

Structural barriersResources — human and financial — often perceived as a

major problem but, in reality, it is more frequently alogistical issue

OrganizationalLeadershipScientific — a low level of evidence may make

implementation more difficult

Personal barriersIntellectual — lack of awareness that a guidelines existsPoor attitude — inherent resistance to changeMotivation — change requires effort

Environmental barriersPolitical — a recommendation by one organization may

not be adopted by anotherEconomical






Table 4 Implementation strategies.

Select a local champion — an influential and enthusiasticperson should lead local implementation of guidelines

Develop a simple, pragmatic protocol — a simple localtreatment protocol should be developed withcontributions from all relevant disciplines

Identify weak links in the local system









Cultural — these may impact the extent of treatmentdeeded appropriate in the postresuscitation phase


reventable morbidity and mortality. Survival of childrenfter in-hospital arrest is greater when they are treated inospitals that employ specialized paediatric staff.362 Theseata suggest that development of regionalized paediatricardiac arrest centres may improve outcomes after paedi-tric cardiac arrests, similar to improvements with traumaentres and regionalized neonatal intensive care. For now,tabilization and transfer of paediatric postarrest patientso optimally equipped and staffed specialized paediatricacilities should be encouraged.363,364

hallenges to implementation

ublication of clinical guidelines alone is frequently inade-uate to change practice. There are often several barriers tohanging clinical practice, and these will need to be iden-ified and overcome before changes can be implemented.he purpose of the following section is to provide insight

nto the challenges and barriers to implementing optimizedost-cardiac arrest care.

xisting studies showing poor implementation

n 2003 the advanced life support task force of thenternational Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR)ublished an advisory statement on the use of thera-eutic hypothermia.177 This statement recommended thatomatose survivors of out-of-hospital VF cardiac arresthould be cooled to 32—34 ◦C for 12—24 h. Despite thisecommendation, which was based on the results of 2 ran-omized controlled trials, implementation of therapeuticypothermia has been slow. A survey of all ICUs in the United

ingdom showed that by 2006 only 27% of units had ever usedild hypothermia to treat post-cardiac arrest patients.365

imilar findings were reported in surveys in the Unitedtates366,367 and Germany.368 Successful implementation haseen described by several centres, however.12—14,132,160,369



Prioritize interventionsDevelop educational materialsPilot phase

arriers to implementation

he numerous barriers to implementation of guidelines haveeen recently described and may be classified as structural,ersonal, or environmental (Table 3).370

mplementation strategies

linical guidelines that are evidence-based and stronglyupported by well recognised and respected professionalrganizations are more likely to be adopted by practicinglinicians. Many strategies to improve implementation haveeen described (Table 4).370,371

onitoring of implementation

ll clinical practices should be audited, especially whenhange is implemented. By measuring current performancegainst defined standards (e.g., time to achieve targetemperature when using therapeutic hypothermia), it isossible to identify which local protocols and practiceseed modification. Process as well as clinical factors shoulde monitored as part of the quality program. The itera-ive process of reaudit and further change as necessaryhould enable optimal performance. Ideally the standardsgainst which local practice is audited are established at theational or international level. This type of benchmarkingxercise is now common practice throughout many health-are systems.

esource issues

any of the interventions applied in the postresuscita-ion period do not require expensive equipment. The morexpensive cooling systems have some advantages but arey no means essential. Maintenance of an adequate meanrterial blood pressure and control of blood glucose arelso relatively inexpensive interventions. In some healthcareystems the lack of 24-h interventional cardiology systemsakes it difficult to implement timely PCI, but in most cases

t should still be possible to achieve reperfusion with throm-olytic therapy.

ractical problems

ostresuscitation care is delivered by many differentroups of healthcare providers in multiple locations. Pre-

Post-cardiac arrest syndrome 369

Table 5 Critical knowledge gaps related to post-cardiac arrest syndrome.

EpidemiologyWhat epidemiological mechanism can be developed to monitor trends in post-cardiac arrest outcomes?

PathophysiologyWhat is the mechanism(s) and time course of post-cardiac arrest coma?What is the mechanism(s) and time course of post-cardiac arrest delayed neurodegeneration?What is the mechanism(s) and time course of post-cardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction?What is the mechanism(s) and time course of impaired oxygen delivery and utilisation after cardiac arrest?What is the role of intravascular coagulation in post-cardiac arrest organ dysfunction and failure?What is the mechanism(s), time course, and significance of post-cardiac arrest adrenal insufficiency?


1. What is the optimal application of therapeutic hypothermia in the post-cardiac arrest patient?a. Which patients benefit?b. What is the optimal target temperature, onset, duration, and rewarming rate?c. What is the most effective cooling technique — external versus internal?d. What are the indications for neuromuscular blockade?

2. Which patients should have early PCI?

3. What is the optimal therapy for post-cardiac arrest myocardial dysfunction?a. Pharmacologicalb. Mechanical

4. What is the clinical benefit of controlled reoxygenation?5. What is the clinical benefit of early haemodynamic optimization according to protocol?

6. What are the optimal goals (parameters and target ranges) for early haemodynamic optimization?a. MAP?b. CVP?c. Central or mixed venous oxygen saturation?d. Haemoglobin concentration and transfusion threshold?e. Lactate level or lactate clearance rate?f. Urine outputg. Oxygen delivery?h. Other?

7. What is the clinical benefit of glucose control and what is the optimal target glucose range?8. What is the clinical benefit of high-volume haemofiltration?9. What is the clinical benefit of early glucocorticoid therapy?

10. What is the clinical benefit of prophylactic anticonvulsants?11. What is the clinical benefit of a defined period of sedation and ventilation?12. What is the clinical benefit of neuroprotective agents?

PrognosisWhat is the optimal decision rule for prognostication of futility?What is the impact of therapeutic hypothermia on the reliability of prognostication of futility?

PaediatricsWhat is the evidence specific to children for the knowledge gaps listed above?What is the role of ECMO in paediatric cardiac arrest and postarrest support?

BarriersWhat is the most effective approach to implement therapeutic hypothermia and optimized post-cardiac arrest care?

are t

ial p

What is the value of regionalization of post-cardiac arrest c

PCI indicates percutaneous coronary intevention; MAP, mean artermembrane oxygenation.

hospital treatment by EMS may involve both paramedicsand physicians, and continuation of treatment in-hospitalwill involve emergency physicians and nurses, cardiolo-gists, neurologists, critical care physicians and nurses,


o specialized centres?

ressure; CVP, central venous pressure; and EMCO, extracorporeal

nd cardiac catheter laboratory staff. Treatment guide-ines will have to be disseminated across all thesepecialty groups. Implementation in all these environ-ents may also be challenging; e.g., maintenance of










ypothermia during cardiac catheterization may be prob-ematic.

Therapies such as primary PCI and therapeutic hypother-ia may not be available 24 h in many hospitals admitting

omatose post-cardiac arrest patients. For this reason, theoncept of ‘regional cardiac arrest centres’ (similar in con-ept to level one trauma centres) has been proposed.372

he concentration of post-cardiac arrest patients in regionalentres may improve outcome (this is not yet proven) andhould help to facilitate research.

ritical knowledge gaps

n addition to summarizing what is known about theathophysiology and management of post-cardiac arrestyndrome, a goal of this statement is to highlight what is notnown. Table 5 outlines the critical knowledge gaps iden-ified by the writing group. The purpose of this list is totimulate preclinical and clinical research that will lead tovidence-based optimization of post-cardiac arrest care.

ppendix A. Disclosures

riting group and reviewer disclosures can be found atoi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2008.09.017.


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