ilrlca constitution 2014 2015

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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As amended in Sandwich, Illinois

June 22, 2014

Preamble Article I Name Article II Purpose Article III Members

Section 1 Member In Good Standing Section 2 ClassificationsSection 3 RestrictionsSection 4 AffiliationsSection 5 ApplicationSection 6 DuesSection 7 Membership Year Section 8 Standards Of Conduct

Article IV Subordinate Units

Section 1 Subordinate Units Section 2 Trusteeship

Article V Officers And Appointees

Section 1 Officers Section 2 Duties Section 3 Election Section 4 Salaries Section 5 Expenses Section 6 Vacancy In Office Section 7 Full-Time Employees Section 8 Eligibility Requirement Section 9 Association Property

Article VI Meetings

Section 1 Annual Meeting

Section 2 Quorum Section 3 Order Of BusinessSection 4 Booster Meetings

Article VII National Convention Delegates

Section 1 DelegatesSection 2 Compensation Of State-Paid National Delegates

Article VIII State Board

Section 1 MembersSection 2 DutiesSection 3 Meetings

Article IX Committees

Section 1 Convention CommitteesSection 2 Eligibility

Article X Steward System

Section 1. The Illinois Rural Letter Carriers’ Association shall mirror the National Constitution Article IX, Section 1 - 8

Article XI Appeals Parliamentary AuthorityArticle XII Amendment Of ConstitutionArticle XIII InsuranceArticle XIV Tentative Agreements


This Association is predicated upon the long-recognized need of those who work in our service industry for the establishment of a united force, free from divisive conflict, to accomplish the organization of all workers within its authority; to advance the economic and other interests of all members; to safeguard, enhance, and insure their job security; to enlarge upon their opportunities, and to provide in every respect their continuing full share of reward in the growth and expansion of the United States Postal Service to which they contribute so substantially in the commitment of their working lives.

This Association shall seek, in unity and with all of the resources at its command, to realize the highest aspirations of its members as workers and as citizens. It deems such realization to be their right, and it shall protect against all threats of impairment from any source.

This Association is dedicated to the discharge of its responsibilities and the achievement of its objectives in accordance with democratic principles, processes, and traditions, which are embodied in this Constitution. As its basic charter, this Constitution establishes the Illinois Rural Letter Carriers’ Association and the organic law governing its operation.


The name of this Association shall be “The Illinois Rural Letter Carriers' Association.” The Illinois Rural Letter Carriers’ Association (ILRLCA), by its Secretary-Treasurer, maintains custody and control of the State Association name as well as any State Association logo or symbol. Unauthorized use of the State Association name, logo, or symbol shall be addressed by the filing of an internal union charge or legal action or both.   

Illinois Rural Letter Carriers’ Association TRADEMARK

Method of Control of Mark

Consistent with its administrative duties and responsibilities, the Illinois Rural Letter Carriers’ Association, by its Secretary-Treasurer, exercises custody and control of the applied-for mark. Unauthorized use of the applied-for mark is addressed through the internal union charge/appeals process or legal action or both.


The purpose of this Association shall be fraternal and for the study and adoption of the best methods of performing the duties of the Rural Delivery Service; to seek improvement in the condition of all its members and cooperate at all times with the United States Postal Service for the advancement of the rural carrier craft. This Association shall maintain its own craft identity in accordance with the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Constitution.


Section 1. Member in Good Standing.  A “member in good standing” is a member who has made timely payment of dues and has not voluntarily withdrawn or been expelled or suspended by the Association..

Section 2. Classifications.  Types of Membership

A. Bargaining Unit Member.  Membership is open to the following rural carriers:

1. Regular Carriers (Designation Code 71),including regular carriers performing limited duty assignments and assigned to (960-979) rural routes,

and including regular carriers who are in Injured- on-Duty/Leave Without Pay (IOD/LWOP) status and assigned to (980-989) rural routes;

2. Part-Time Flexible Rural Carriers (PTFs, Designation Code 76);

3. Substitute Rural Carriers (Designation Codes 72 and 73);

4. Rural Carrier Associates (RCAs, Designation Codes 78, 74, 79);

5. Rural Carrier Reliefs (RCRs, Designation Code 75);

6. Auxiliary Rural Carriers (Designation Code 77); and

7. Rural Carriers in the Armed Forces of our country, provided they were members when their duty began

Bargaining Unit Members in good standing are entitled to all voting rights and to hold both elective and appointive office at all levels of the Association.

A. Retired Member.  Retired membership is open to Rural Carriers who were members in good standing at retirement on an annuity.  Eligibility for Retired membership expires on June 30 of the year following retirement. Failure to pay dues for one full membership year terminates Retired membership.  However, a Retired carrier whose membership has lapsed, due to extenuating circumstances, may apply for reinstatement to the National Secretary-Treasurer by providing proof of prior membership and the current year’s dues.  The National Secretary-Treasurer shall present the request for membership to the National Board for a decision.  Retired Members in good standing are entitled to all voting rights with the exception of ratification of National Agreements.  Retired Members may not be elected to National office.

B. Associate Member.  Associate membership is open to Rural Carriers who were members in good standing and are now either working in other non-managerial Postal Service jobs or have left the service and are not receiving an annuity.  Failure to pay dues for one full membership year terminates Associate membership.  Associate Members shall not be entitled to vote or to hold elective or appointive office in the Association.

C. Retired Associate Member.  Retired Associate membership is open to Associate Members who have retired on an annuity. Eligibility for Retired Associate membership expires on June 30 of the year following retirement. Failure to pay dues for one full membership year terminates Retired Associate membership.  Retired Associates may not apply for reinstatement. Retired Associate Members shall not be entitled to vote or to hold elective or appointive office in the Association.

D. Honorary Member.  Honorary membership may be bestowed by the Association at the National Convention upon recommendation of the National Board.  Honorary Members shall not be entitled to vote or to hold elective or appointive office in the Association.

Section 3. Restrictions.

A. In as much as it is an unfair labor practice under the Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA) For any employer (including persons acting in that capacity) to dominate or interfere with the administration of any labor

organization, it follows that employers, while they may be members, may not be candidates for office or serve as officers.

Members are prohibited from participation in the Association while serving in managerial or supervisory positions, such as Officer-in-Charge (OIC), Acting Supervisor (204-B) or Postmaster Relief (PMR) or acting in any capacity normally performed by a manager.  Members who accept managerial positions shall be deemed to have resigned from all elected and appointed positions within the Association and shall be prohibited from holding any elected or appointed union positions for a period of one year from the last day served in that capacity..

B. Members are not prohibited from participation in this Association when utilized by the Postal Service to perform work that benefits both craft and management, such as assisting with route adjustments or mail counts, serving on automation or safety teams, or serving as an academy trainer.  In order to avoid any appearance of conflicts of interest, a steward utilized to perform such work shall notify the affected carriers whom to contact for representation in any dispute where the steward is involved.

Section 4. Affiliations

A. Organized Counties. The state association shall determine affiliation with local, district and/or county units. Illinois determines the affiliation to be the county of employment or the county of residence of a member. (unless grandfathered in).

B. Retirees. A retired member shall affiliate either in the county of residence or in the county where previously employed as a regular rural carrier.

Section 5. Applications

All persons eligible for and who choose active membership in this Association shall pay all per capita dues to the State Secretary in one of the following ways:

A. Cash dues

B. Standard Form 1187 for the active members

C. Standard Form 1187R for the retired member

Section 6. Dues.

A. The State Association shall be maintained by per capita dues.

1. Regular, Associate, or PTF: $157.10 per year

2. Relief Carriers: $94.50. per year

3. Retirees: $69.48 per year

In addition, a 6/10 of 1% of 40K-step one pay cola escalator scale automatically, when received.

B. Plus National Dues of:

1. Regular, PTF and Associates – 1.2% of the annual salary of a 40 hour step 1 from table two of the current rural carrier evaluated schedule in effect.

2. Leave Replacements (Substitutes, RCR, RCA, and Auxiliary) - .425 (thousandths)% of the annual salary of a 40 hour step 1 from table two of the current rural carrier evaluated schedule in effect.

3. Retired and Retired Associate - $54.00

C. Included in the above State per capita dues is:

1. County dues of $4.00 remitted back to each county once a year

D. The per capita dues of the membership shall be determined by the Delegates at the annual meeting with a 2/3 (two-thirds) vote.

Section 7. Membership Year.  The Association year shall be July 1 through June 30.

Section 8. Standards of Conduct for the Association and its Members.  

The following Standards of Conduct are prescribed for this Association.

A. To maintain democratic procedures and practices, including provisions for periodic elections to be conducted subject to recognized safeguards and provisions defining and securing the right of individual members to participate in the affairs of the organization, to fair and equal treatment under the governing rules of the organization, the regulations of the Department of Labor, and to fair process in any disciplinary proceedings;

B. To prevent discrimination on the basis of race, color, age, gender, religion, creed, national origin, disability, or marital, economic, social, or political status;

C. To prohibit business or financial interests on the part of organization officers and agents which conflict with their duty to the organization and its members;

D. To maintain fiscal integrity in the conduct of the affairs of the organization.

ARTICLE IVSubordinate Units

Section 1. Subordinate Units.

A. The State of Illinois shall be divided into three leagues, namely:

1. THE NORTHERN LEAGUE, composed of Boone-Winnebago, Bureau- Putnam-Stark, Big Four (Carroll-Jo-Daviess-Ogle-Stephenson), DeKalb, Fulton, Mercer-Henderson-Warren, Iroquois, Kane-DuPage-North Cook, Kankakee, Kendall, Knox, Lake, LaSalle-Grundy, Livingston-Ford, McHenry, Rock Island-Henry, Whiteside-Lee, and Will-South Cook;

2. THE CENTRAL LEAGUE, composed of Adams-Brown-Pike, Calhoun-Jersey-Macoupin, Champaign, Christian, Douglas-Edgar, Hancock-McDonough, Mason-Logan-Menard, McLean, Macon-DeWitt, Montgomery, Peoria-4 (Peoria-Tazewell-Marshall-Woodford), Piatt, Sangamon-Morgan-Scott-Cass-Greene-Schuylerm Shelby-Moultrie and Vermilion;

3. THE SOUTHERN LEAGUE, composed of Bond, Clark-Crawford, Coles-Cumberland, Edwards-Wabash, Effingham-Fayette, Franklin-Williamson-Jefferson, Gallatin, Jasper-Richland-Clay-Lawrenc, Madison, Marion, Perry-Jackson-Randolph, St. Clair-Monroe, Saline, Southern 7 (Johnson-Massac-Alexander-Pulaski-Union-Pope-Hardin), Washington-Clinton, Wayne-White-Hamilton.

4. These leagues shall function for the purpose of distribution of educational information and also for social purposes.

B. County Association: The following provisions shall govern the County Associations within the State:

1. The County Association shall be maintained by $4.00 per capita dues from the State Association.

2. Each County Association must hold a county meeting during either the months of March, April, or May, for the purpose of the election of county officers and the election of county Delegates to the State Convention. Each county secretary shall notify all county members by mail at least 15 days prior to the meeting for the purpose of the election of county officers and Delegates to the State Convention.

3. Each County Association shall elect two (2) Delegates to the State Convention and in addition may elect one (1) Delegate for every ten (10) members or major part thereof.

4. All elections must be held by secret ballot unless a nominee for county officer is unopposed.

5. If nominations for Delegates are equal to or less than the number allowed, no secret ballot is required.

6. All county officers and Delegates to the State Convention must be dues paying members, and have paid their dues for the current fiscal year through withholding or cash prior to April 15 of each year.

7. April 15 will be the cut-off date for calculations by the State Secretary-Treasurer for all membership records for the fiscal year when considering percentages and Delegates for the annual meeting. A paid member may not transfer membership from one county to another after April 15 of the fiscal year until after the annual meeting has been completed.

8. If there are not enough carriers in a county to form an effective Association, they may unite with an Association of an adjoining County, if they so desire, subject to approval by Delegates at the Annual Meeting.

9. Failure to hold a meeting annually will result in the County Association forfeiting reimbursement from the State Secretary, no Delegates to State Convention, and their Charter will be forfeited at the next Annual Meeting of the State Association. The State is obligated by the U.S. Department of Labor to combine this County membership with an active county membership. The State Secretary-Treasurer will notify the membership of this provision and make all necessary arrangements needed for forfeiture at the next Annual Meeting of the ILRLCA.

10. No county unit’s constitution shall conflict with the ILRLCA State or National Constitution of the NRLCA.

Section 2. Trusteeship.

A. Purpose. The State Board, may place in trusteeship any County Association (unit) or subordinate body for any of the following reasons:

1. To uphold the principles and integrity of this Constitution.

2. To correct corruption or financial malpractice;

3. To assure performance of collective bargaining agreements or other duties of a bargaining representatives;

4. To restore democratic procedures; and

5. To otherwise carry out the legitimate objectives of the State Association

B. Authority. The trustee shall assume immediate control and authority of the County Association, with full authority over the officers and property. The trustee shall act in such a capacity for the duration of the trusteeship.

C. Hearing. A trusteeship hearing shall be held before a committee of three members within 30 days of imposing trusteeship. The members shall be selected as follows: one member selected by the State Board, one selected by the Board in trusteeship and a chairman selected by the other two members. The committee shall have sole discretion regarding the conduct and procedures of the trusteeship hearing. Only Bargaining Unit Members may serve on this committee. No member of this committee shall be chosen from the County or Unit in trusteeship, or from the State Board. The committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the President as soon as practical following the hearing. The State Board shall determine whether to continue or to terminate the trusteeship.

D. Termination. The affected subordinate unit may petition the State Board to terminate the trusteeship at six month intervals following the decision of the State Board. The board of the county unit in trusteeship may appeal the decision of the State Board as provided in this Constitution. The State Board may terminate a trusteeship at any time.

ARTICLE VOfficers/Appointees

Section 1. Officers.   The officers of this Association shall be a president, a vice-president, and a full-time secretary-treasurer, who shall be elected for a term of one year, or until their successors are elected. An executive committee of four (4) elected members; Three (3) of the members shall be elected one (1) each year, from each of the three leagues for a three (3) year term or until their successors are elected. The fourth member shall be considered as the committee memember-at-large, and shall be elected for a two (2) year term or until a vacancy occurs and or a successor is elected.

Section 2. Duties.

A. President: It shall be the duty of the president to preside over all meetings of the Association. The president shall direct the Association work throughout the state. The President is responsible for appointing the following:

1. PAC Chairman

2. Editor

3. National General Insurance Representative

4. Provident Guild representative

B. Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the vice-president to assist the president in the performance of his duties and to preside over all meetings in his absence.

C. The Secretary-Treasurer shall:

1. Keep a correct record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association,

2. Read, or cause to be read, all communications, reports, etc.,

3. Draw and attest all orders drawn on the Treasury

4. Conduct all correspondence of the Association

5. Receive all moneys paid into the Association and keep an accurate account of same, and shall deposit it in convenient depositories – such deposits to be made in the name of “The Illinois Rural Letter Carriers’ Association”, and any interest thereon shall be credited to the funds of the Association

6. Issue checks in payment of all ordinary and properly itemized invoices and statements, for authorized payroll payments and for other obligations of the Association

7. Make a complete financial and/or membership report to the State Board at their demand

8. Keep on file all documents, including permanent Necrology reports belonging to the Association, and at the expiration of the Secretary-Treasurer’s term of office shall turn same over to the successor upon written authority of the State Board

9. Prepare and present a partial financial report as of June 15 to the membership at the annual meeting. Following the official closure of the membership year, June 30, a standard audit will be conducted every three years or when a new secretary/treasurer takes office, by an outside accounting firm of the fiscal year’s books and a full and final report from the accounting firm to be published in the first available state newspaper.

10. Have printed new copies of the Constitution each year when there are any approved changes

11. Have printed a supply of the Constitutions so each county will have at least four (4) books and mail them to the County Secretaries.

12. Verify that the NRLCA has sent the Bond certificate to the State Secretary-Treasurer.

13. Make available the financial reports to any member in good standing who requests, including the auditors report.  This to be done in a timely manner.

14. The Secretary-Treasurer will be responsible for preparing a periodic financial report providing both the statement of activities and statement of financial position for the State of Illinois.  These reports shall be published in the Illinois Rural Carrier each issue.

15. The Secretary-Treasurer will be responsible for adding all Board policies to the state website,  In addition, when any policies are changed, added or deleted, the changes will be reflected on the website within 10 days.

16. The State Secretary-Treasurer must be bonded. The National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association bonds all State Secretary-Treasurers. Bonding is set according to the amount of the yearly State LM report.

17. In the event the Secretary-Treasurer is unable to perform the duties of the office as required, the Vice-President shall be authorized by notification of the President to perform same. The State Secretary-Treasurer’s name and the State Vice-President’s name shall be on the bank signature authorization card with two signatures required on checks.

D. The Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall discharge the duties of their respective offices and each shall be entitled to a voice and vote on all questions in the Annual Meeting including the election of officers and Board members provided they are duly elected Delegates.

1. With the aid of other Association members, act as a credential committee to see that all Delegates have proper credentials before they are seated in the convention

2. Audit all expense accounts of the State Board

3. Perform such duties as authorized by the State Board

E. The officers shall discharge the duties of their respective offices and each shall be entitled to a voice and vote on all questions in the Annual Meeting including the election of officers and Board members provided they are duly elected Delegates.

Section 3. Election.

A. Voting for the elected positions shall be by secret ballot, and in no case by acclamation except by unanimous consent. A majority of all votes cast is needed to elect.

B. Nominations for all elected positions shall be opened on the first day of convention and remain open until the final day of the convention when the elections shall be held.

C. If there is but one (1) nominee for a position, the election may be by voice, provided there are no objections.

Section 4. Salaries.

A. The President shall receive additional monies monthly in the amounts of $250.00

B. The Editor shall receive additional monies six times per year, on the months the newspaper is published, in the amount of $ 300.

C. The full-time secretary-treasurer shall receive as his/her compensation an amount equal to the current annual salary for an evaluated route of 46 hours at Step 12, and shall receive an additional salary of $500.00 monthly plus expenses noted below, and all benefits as established per USPS regulations. This additional salary is compensation for home office expenses and compensation for any and all hours necessary over 46 hours per week.  No other monetary compensation or benefit will be awarded.

D. All part-time Officers and Appointees shall receive sub-hire at a daily rate equivalent to an evaluated route of 46K step 12 or the evaluation or whichever is greater and shall receive all necessary expenses as approved in advance by the President or designee.

Section 5. Expenses.  All officers shall receive their necessary traveling, office, and convention expenses during their term of office.

Section 6. Vacancy in Office.

A. Vacancies during the term of office occurring by deaths, resignations, removal from the rural carrier craft or dismissal from the State Board because of neglect of duty shall be filled by the appointment of a successor by the State Board for the unexpired term, the replacement shall serve until the next Annual Convention, when all candidates shall be eligible for election.

B. When any vacancy occurs more than 90 days prior to the opening of the next Annual Convention, in the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer or Committeeman-at-Large, the State Board will notify all members in the state that a vacancy has occurred.

1. The notification will have the time, date, and location of the state meeting to be held for the purpose of naming a replacement to the State Board, notification shall be mailed within 15 days of the vacancy.

2. During the state meeting all members in good standing will be eligible to have their names placed in nomination.  If more than one (1) member is nominated the decision will be made by secret ballot of the members in attendance. The successful candidate will be submitted to the State Board as the replacement.

3. The vacancy will be filled within seven (7) days of the state meeting, and announced in the next issue of the Illinois Rural Carrier.

C. When any vacancy occurs more than 90 days prior to the opening of the next Annual Convention, in the positions of the Northern, Central, or Southern Committeeman, the State Board will notify all members in the League from which the vacancy occurred.

1. The notification will have the time, date, and location of the League meeting, to be held for the purpose of naming a replacement to the State Board, notification shall be mailed within 15 days of the vacancy.

2. During the League meeting, all members in good standing will be eligible to have their names placed in nomination.  If more than one (1) member is nominated, the decision will be made by secret ballot of the members in attendance.  The successful candidate shall be accepted by the State Board as the replacement.

3. The vacancy will be filled within seven (7) days of the League Meeting and announced in the next issue of the Illinois Rural Carrier

Section 7.  Full-time Employees.  Any full-time state official will be the sole employee of the ILRLCA, and will be prohibited from working on permanent committees established solely by the USPS.  However, it shall be the responsibility of the State Board and/or State Steward, as appropriate, to recommend and/or appoint members to committees established with the mutual consent of both the USPS and the NRLCA. It will also be the responsibility of the State Board and or the State Steward to recommend and or appoint members to serve on committees' established by the ILRLCA or NRLCA.

Section 8.  Eligibility Requirement.  Only regular, PTF, and relief carriers in good standing shall be considered for State Board and Steward positions, whether elected or appointed.

Section 9. Association Property. Officers shall account for and deliver to their successors or to the State Board all monies, books, papers, securities or other property of the Association at the end of their term of office or when requested by the State Board.


Section 1. Annual Meeting.

A. This meeting shall be composed of its officers and duly elected Delegates of the various County Associations within the State.

B. The business meeting of the association shall be held between June 15 (6/15) and July 15 (7/15), not to include the 4th of July, on consecutive days to be decided by the State Board, to be announced not less than sixty (60) days in advance of the first official session of the annual meeting.

C. The annual meeting is to conduct the business of the association, including the election of members to the State Board.

D. The membership of this State Association shall be notified by the State Secretary at least fifteen (15) days prior to the opening of the State Convention of the time and place, the nominating and election procedures, and the offices to be filled.

Section 2. Quorum. The quorum for the annual meeting shall be a majority of Delegates registered by the Credentials Committee.

Section 3. Order of Business. At the annual meeting when the presiding officer takes the chair, the officers and members shall take their respective seats and at the sound of the gavel, there shall be a general silence.

Section 4. Booster Meetings.  Booster Meetings: There may be two (2) booster meetings held annually – one (1) in the spring and one in the fall for the purpose of information and education.  At the Booster Meeting immediately prior to the State Convention, each League will host a caucus or an all League joint caucus. The caucus or an all League joint caucus will be held for the purpose of allowing candidates for office to announce their intention to run and for informational purposes specific to each league.

ARTICLE VIINational Convention Delegates

Section 1. Delegates.

A. Eligibility

1. The State Association shall be entitled to representation in the National Association by one Delegate-at-Large, and one Delegate for each hundred (100) or major fraction thereof members. Membership shall be based on the number of dues withholding and cash pay Bargaining Unit and Retired Members. In order for a state to receive credit for cash pay members, dues must be received no later than the close of business on the first day of the Convention.

2. Only Bargaining Unit Members and Retired Members in good standing may be nominated, elected, or seated as delegates. Such “good standing” status shall be the sole prerequisite for determining eligibility or entitlement to serve as a delegate or to any payment or benefit, except that a state may establish reasonable rules to ensure attendance at the Convention.

3. Nomination. A member who from the time of nomination through the end of the convention holds any position in USPS management or a job which competes with the USPS or this Association shall be ineligible to serve as delegate.

B. Nominations

1. Within the State Association, nominations for National Delegate shall be submitted by U.S. Mail to the Secretary-Treasurer on a nominating ballot or copy. The nominating ballot shall be signed and show the name and address of the member making the nomination, and may include self-nomination. The nominating ballot shall be published in the February, March, April and May issues of The National Rural Letter Carrier.

2. Nominations must be received in the office of the State Secretary at least 40 days prior to the opening of the state convention. Upon receipt, the State Secretary shall send a notice of nomination to the candidate by U.S. Mail.

C. Election

1. A member must be on the rolls at least forty (40) days prior to the opening of the state convention in order to be eligible to vote for National Delegates.

2. The State Secretary shall prepare a ballot listing the candidates for National Delegate. To determine placement on the ballot listing the nominees for the position of Delegate to the National Convention, the President shall appoint an Election Committee to meet one day and draw names by lottery system to determine the placement order on the ballot. Instructions on each ballot shall include the number of delegates to be elected, the deadline for return of the ballot and the mailing address of the designated post office box. and the mailing address of the designated post office box. The number of votes cast on each ballot shall not exceed the number of delegates to which the state association was entitled at the previous convention.

3. The State Secretary shall cause the ballot to be mailed to eligible members at least twenty (20) days prior to the opening of the state convention. In addition, the State Secretary/Designee shall arrange for the rental of a post office box for the receipt of the ballots and another for the return of undeliverable ballots.

4. An envelope marked “Ballot” shall be provided in which to seal the ballot. To permit verification of membership and to maintain the integrity of the voting procedure, and outer envelope, also marked “Ballot” which clearly identifies the name and address of the member, shall also be provided. The sealed envelope containing the ballot shall be placed in the outer enveloped by the member and mailed to the designated post office box.

5. An Election Committee shall be appointed by the State President. No candidate for National Delegate may serve on the Election Committee. After the deadline for receipt of ballots, the Election Committee shall collect and tabulate the ballots at the state convention. The post office box designated for the return of ballots shall be accessible only to the Election Committee.

6. Any candidate or designee may observe the ballot tabulation. In reporting the results of the election, the candidates shall be placed on a roster in the order of votes received. The number of delegates to which the state is entitled shall be declared regular delegates; the remaining candidates shall be declared alternates.

7. Each state association shall be entitled to one Delegate-at-Large from the roster of regular delegates. That position shall be by a state officer in ranking order, beginning with the State President. A state officer may not be automatically declared a delegate by virtue of office unless elected by direct vote of the membership. National Paid Delegates shall be named in accordance with the plurality of votes received.

8. The State Secretary shall prepare credential in duplicate for the Delegate-at-Large, regular delegates and an appropriate number of alternates immediately following the state convention and send originals to the National Secretary-Treasurer. The duplicate shall be provided to the delegate for identification. The state’s seal shall be embossed on the face of credentials.

9. Delegates holding proper credentials shall be seated at the National Convention if their state has paid National Per Capita Tax for members in good standing. The National Secretary-Treasurer shall notify each state association of the status of its National Per Capita Tax at least two (2) weeks prior to National Convention.

10. In addition, the State shall send four (4) declared Alternate Delegates to the National Convention and they shall be paid full mileage and full per diem of a regular paid delegate. The paid Alternate Delegates shall comply with the regulations and rules that apply to Paid Delegates.

Section 2. Compensation of State-Paid National Delegates

A. The National Association shall pay the Delegate-at-Large from each state for mileage at twice the IRS reimbursement rate for one-way travel as determined by the Mileage and Per Diem Committee and $75.00 per diem during sessions of the Convention. Additionally, the National Association shall pay mileage and per diem on the same basis to one regular delegate for each 800 members, provided this shall not increase the total number of delegates to which each state is entitled. No Delegate-at-Large shall receive a per diem until the Committee on Credentials receives the state delegation roster under the seal of the State Secretary. This roster shall be furnished no later than the first session of the Convention.

B. State Paid National Delegates to the National Convention shall be paid the same as the Delegates-at-Large to the National Convention. Mileage at the rate of twice the current rate reimbursed by the Postal Service for one-way travel by the most direct route over federal state highways, as determined by the Mileage and Per Diem Committee from the official current mileage guide, and $100.00 per diem during sessions of the convention. These payments are based upon the attendance of all Delegates at each official session and the Illinois State Caucus unless otherwise engaged in union business of the National Convention, and as approved by the Chairman of the Delegates. In addition, whenever a national paid delegate's pay is less than a state paid national delegate, the difference will be compensated by the state. Example: State Paid Delegates now receive $100 per diem per day and national paid delegates receive $75 from the national office. All national paid delegates are given job responsibilities, and/or committee assignments at national and must work, therefore, should be compensated at least the same as the state paid delegates. The State Board will be responsible in determining any additional copmensation based upon the national pay rate.

C. Any regular elected Delegate/Paid Alternate attending a National Convention must be present at the first official roll call on Tuesday morning of National Convention and must remain present for each and every roll call and session. This includes being present through the end of the Convention when the gavel sounds the “official” Adjournment. Failure to be present at any roll call or session, unless serving on a National Committee, or for a duly excused reason approved by the Chairman of the Delegation, shall deprive the Delegate/Paid Alternate of per diem for that session. Therefore, any Delegate/Paid Alternate missing major portions of the sessions may have per diem for the day pro-rated or totally eliminated as determined by the Chairman.

D. In addition, all Delegates/Paid Alternate shall remain in session except for officially called breaks by the Convention Chairman. Should a Delegate/Paid Alternate need to be excused from the session for personal reasons, the Delegate/Paid Alternate must check out and back in with the Chairman of the Delegation. The Chairman will determine if these breaks are excessive and could cause the Delegate/Paid Alternate to also have per diem payments pro-rated for attendance during a session(s).

E. The Chairman of the Delegation will furnish a roll call sheet daily for verification of attendance of all Delegates/Paid Alternates to the State Secretary-Treasurer. All payments to Delegates/Paid Alternates will be authorized with the written agreement of the Chairman of the delegation, the State President and the State Secretary-Treasurer. Upon their sign off on the final attendance sheet, the State Secretary-Treasurer will issue Delegate checks after the closing of the National Convention.


Section 1. Members.

A. The three (3) elected officers President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, and the four (4) elected executive committee members shall compose the State Board also known as the Executive Board. It shall be the duty of the State Board to have the general supervision over the affairs of the Association.

Section 2. Duties. The Executive Board shall:

A. Have the general supervision over the affairs of the Association,

B. Be empowered to make such interim amendments to the Constitution of the Association as may be necessary to conform to the requirements of federal law and the National Constitution, such amendments to be effective only until the following Convention of the Association,

C. Fill vacancies in elective positions,

D. Set dates for Association meetings,

E. Meet in between the annual meeting as needed.

Section 3. Meetings.  A quorum for state Board meetings shall be a majority of voting members.

ARTICLE IXCommittees

Section 1. Convention Committees. The President shall make any necessary appointments and the following committees: committee on auditing, committee on the Constitution, committee on mileage and per diem, committee on resolutions, advisory committee consisting of Presidents and Past National Officers, and National Delegate Election committee or any committee deemed necessary. These committees shall discharge the duties implied by their names.

Section 2. Eligibility.

A. Any regular, substitute, auxiliary, rural carrier relief, rural carrier associate, PTF, or retired rural carrier who is eligible to serve on a


B. Any former regular, substitute, auxiliary, rural carrier relief, rural carrier associate, PTF, or retired rural carrier who has been appointed permanently or temporarily to the position of Postmaster, Officer-in-Charge, or other supervisory position, may not be appointed to any committee at state level as long as they remain in a management position in the United States Postal Service.

ARTICLE XSteward System

Section 1. The Illinois Rural Letter Carriers’ Association shall mirror the National Constitution Article IX.

ARTICLE XIParliamentary Authority

Rules of procedure and other adopted Association rules not covered by the Constitution shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order (“Newly Revised” current edition).

ARTICLE XIIAmendment of Constitution

Amendments to the Constitution may be made at the annual meeting and upon two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present, and become effective at the close of the annual meeting. A written report of the Constitution Committee shall be available at least one (1) session before the report is given.

The State Board may make interim amendments to the Constitution of the Association to conform to requirements of Federal Law, and the National Constitution, and report it to the membership at the next annual meeting or the next state newspaper, whichever is first.

NOTE: The Constitutional amendments that were passed at the 2012 State Convention to delete all references to the Steward Program and Stewards duties and responsibilities shall stay in effect as defined in the 2011-2012 State Constitution, until such time that the National Steward Program is implemented. (Note from State Board: Implementation is effective November 17, 2012 - therefore, all references to the program have been deleted and/or brought up-to-date. Members should refer to the National Constitution for information on the National Steward Program.


The Illinois Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Executive Board may negotiate and put into affect a contract to Group Health and Hospital, Group Auto and Group Life Insurance with the companies selected by the Board. An administrator shall be appointed by the Board when necessary to administer that plan. The Board shall set the fee for the administrator. The administrator shall be bonded to cover the largest amount to be collected in any one (1) quarter.

ARTICLE XIVTentative Agreements

All tentative agreements affecting wages, hours and conditions or employment between the NRLCA and the United States Postal Service shall be submitted to the active membership of this state for ratification.

The National Secretary-Treasurer shall cause a ballot to be mailed via First Class mail to all regular, part time flexible (PTF), substitute, rural carrier associate, rural carrier relief, and auxiliary carrier members in good standing. The ballot shall clearly define a “yes” vote as in favor of ratification and a “no” vote as opposed to ratification. The ballot shall also clearly indicate a deadline for receipt in the National Office as determined by the National Board to allow for tabulation and reporting of results to the U.S. Postal Service in a timely manner.

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