imagery (1)

Post on 27-May-2015






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Imagery Lesson for English


  • 1. ImageryIn your books match up the types of imagery with the sense that it appeals to!1) Visual2) Tactile3) Auditory4) Olfactorya) Smellb) Touchc) Sightd) HearingStarter:

2. Learning Objectives To know how to use creative writingtechniques to engage your reader. 3. ImageryImagery is a technique usingimaginative and descriptivewords to paint a picture in thereaders head. 4. Types of ImageryIn your books match up the types of imagery with the1) Visual2) Tactilesense that it appeals to!3) Auditory4) Olfactorya) Smellb) Touchc) Sightd) Hearing 5. Think, pair, shareIt was in the clove of seasons, summer wasdead but autumn had not yet been born, thatthe ibis sat in the bleeding tree.Type of bird!What type of imagery is created here?What is the effect of it?What do you think the story will be about?Image of pain anddeathA connation of thecolour red is danger 6. Annotate the textWhat type of imagery is used? Underline it.1) Visual2) Auditory3) OlfactoryExtension can you find...A similePersonificationWhat is the effect of theimagery? What kind ofatmosphere is created? 7. SHHHHHHHHHHHHH!In pairs write a description of your picturewithout saying what it is 8. Plenary: Self-Assessment 1 point for every instance of imagery 1 point for every type of imagery you used 2 points for every time you used a simile,alliteration, metaphor and personification.What did you score? 9. What techniques has the author usedto make this description effective? 10. What techniques has the author usedto make this description effective?Short introductorysentence sets the sceneColonintroducing alistSemi colonsplitting upthedescriptions(writing a lotabout a little!)Two simplesentencesfor impact 11. Describing a sceneWatch this clip carefully as this is the scene you will bedescribing in detail!1st sentence Shortintroduction about thegirl1. Describe themen at the bar what do theylook like (use aninterestingverb)2. Describe thepainted faces inthe crowds (usea simile!)3. Describe thetown (Usepersonificationto describe thebuildings orthe streets)EndingTwo shortsentences to buildtension whatmight happen tothe girl? 12. Peer assessmentHas your partner included... Tick/crossGood use of simple punctuation (full stops/commas)A range of punctuation (colons and semi-colons)Complex sentencesShort sentences for impactLong descriptive sentencesSimileMetaphorPersonificationAmbitious vocabulary (words you have not heard of before!)TOTAL /99 = A7-8 = B5-6 = C4 or below = D 13. Success CriteriaC Detailed descriptions Some use of differenttechniques and vocabulary Some complex sentencesand good use of simplepunctuationAAmbitious and imaginativevocabularyWriting techniques used toengage the readerRange of accuratepunctuation usedB Writing techniques andvocabulary used carefullyto engage the reader Varied sentences andaccurate punctuation

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