imaging studies of nervous system dr. abubakr 26.5.2008

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Imaging studies of nervous system

Dr. Abubakr26.5.2008

• Skull X-ray.• MRI of Brain: sagital, transverse & coronal

sections.• Brain CT scan “transverse section”.• Cerebral angiography.• Myelography.

Skull X-ray.

True lateral radiograph:

Head views:

Posterior-anterior radiograph:

Head views:

Head views:Occipitomental radiograph:

Head views:Occipitomental radiograph:

• optic chiasma (1). • pituitary gland (2).• cerebral aqueduct (often

called the aqueduct of Sylvius) (3)

• fourth ventricle (4) • tentorium cerebelli (5) divides

the cranial cavity within the skull into a supratentorial compartment and an infratentorial compartment.

• The paired mamillary bodies(6) lie in the floor of the third ventricle. These structures form part of the limbic system of the brain.

MRI of Brain: sagital section

• The corpus callosum is itself subdivided in several regions. Note the genu (1), body (2) and splenium (3).

• The anterior column of the fornix(4).

• The thalamus is the largest nuclear mass within the entire human nervous system (5).

• The hypothalamus (6) • The pineal gland (7)

synthesizes melatonin, a hormone implicated in the waking/sleeping cycle.

MRI of Brain: sagital section

transverse section of the brain

Cortex of the cerebrum

Grey matter

Basal nuclei & thalamus


Internal Internal capsulecapsule

External External capsulecapsule

Extreme Extreme capsulecapsule

1. Lateral Ventricle. 2. Third ventricle. 3. Caudate Nucleus. 4. a: Anterior Limb of Internal

Capsule.b: Genu of Internal Capsule.c: Posterior limb of Internal Capsule.

5. Lentiform Nucleus. 6. Insula. 7. Insular artery. 8. Thalamus. 9. a. Gray Matter.

b. White Matter.

MRI of Brain: transverse section

1. Longitudinal fissure.2. cingulate sulcus.3. cingulated gyrus.4. corpus callosum.5. lateral ventricle.6. third ventricle.7. cerebral aqueduct.8. midbrain.9. cerebellar hemisphere.10. fourth ventricle cavity.11. temporal lobe.12. lateral sulcus.

MRI of Brain: coranal section

1. Frontal Lobe. 2. Parietal Lobe. 3. Occipital Lobe. 4. Septum Pellucidum. 5. a. Rostrum of Corpus

Callosum.b. Body of Corpus Callosum.c. Splenium of Corpus Callosum.

6. Pituitry. 7. Sphenoid air sinus. 8. Nasopharynx. 9. Frontal Air sinus. 10. Pons. 11. Medulla Oblongata. 12. Cerebellum. 13. Spinal Cord. 14. Fourth ventricle. 15. Sinus Confluence.

Brain CT scan “transverse section”.

• The dark spaces within the bones represent the air sinuses. The frontal air sinus (A).

• The nasal cavity (B).• In the lateral walls of the

nasal cavity are numerous small dark areas representing the ethmoid air cells (C).

• In the mid-line and at the posterior to the nasal cavity is the sphenoid air sinus (D).

Use this image to study the bony features of the skull.

• frontal bone(A). • the zygoma(B). The

temporal bone has a thin squamous component (C) and a much thicker petrous part (D).

• Mastoid air cells (E).• The pinna (F).• The occipital bone (G).

Brain CT scan “transverse section”.

1. Frontal lobe.2. Longitudinal fissure.3. Septum pellucidum.4. Anterior horn of lateral

ventricle.5. Caudate nucleus.6. Third ventricle.7. Posterior horn of tateral

ventricle & choroid plexus.

8. falx cerebri.9. Internal occipital

protuberance.10. Occipital lobe.11. thalamus12. White matter.

Brain CT scan “transverse section”.

Cerebral angiography



ACI - internal carotid artery ACA - anterior cerebral artery ACM - middle cerebral artery

BA - basilar artery VA - vertebral artery PCA - posterior cerebral artery PICA - posterior inferior cerebellar artery

 Carotid angiogramAnterior view

 Carotid angiogramLateral View

 Vertebral angiogramAnterior view

 Vertebral angiogramLateral View


Some Abnormalities:• Space occupying lesions: e.g. tumor, AV malformation,


Some Abnormalities:

• prolapsed Intervertebral disc

Some Abnormalities

• Epidural hemorrhage:

Some Abnormalities

• Subdural hematoma:

Some Abnormalities



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