imam mahdi a.s in the light of hadiths book husaini islamic library

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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Imam Mahdi a.s in the light of hadiths Book Husaini Islamic Library


Compiled by: Askari Hasan Zaidi











Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa (sallallahoalaihwaaalehiwassalam)

MaulaImam Ali al-murtaza(Alaihissalam)Hazrat Fatima uzzahra(Alaihissalam)

Imam Husain a.s(Alaihissalam) Imam Hasan(Alaihissalam)

Imam ZainulAbedeen(Alaihissalam)

Imam Mohammad Baqir(Alaihissalam)

Imam JafarSadiq(Alaihissalam)

Imam Musa kazim(Alaihissalam)

Imam Ali Reza (Alaihissalam)

Imam Mohammad Taqi(Alaihissalam)

Imam Ali Naqi(Alaihissalam)

Imam HasanAskari(Alaihissalam)

Imam Mohammad Mahdi(Alaihissalam)










1. The Messenger of Allah s.a.w.wsaid : “He who dies without recognizing the

imam of his age, dies the death of ignorance.”

2. The Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.w) said :(I swear)by the One who raised me as a prophet with the truth !even if one day remains for the earth’s destruction. Allah Almighty will prolong that day ,until he brings my son Mahdi(Alaihissalam).(Bihar al anwar )

3. Imam Jafar as-Sadiq said: “I swear by Allah that your Imam will go into occultation for a number of years,the eyes of the true believers shall be filledwith tears.(Biharulanwar,Ghaybah al numani)

4. Imam Mohammad al –Baqir has said: “During the period of his government ,wisdom shall be disbursed among the people such that a woman sitting her house will be able to pass judgement by the book of Allah (Quran),the High ,and the sunnah of the messenger of Allah.”(Bihar ulanwar)

5. Imam Jafar as-Sadiq said: “A person who would like to be among the companions of Al-Qaim should be in a state of (active)waiting(intizaar),and perform all of his deeds with wara (a level higer than taqwa)and with the most beautiful etiquette and then one will be counted as being in a state of (true) waiting (intizaar).Then if such a person was to die and al –Qaim was to make his advent after this,then that peson would receive the reward as the one who witnessed his(Al-Mahdi’s)advent.”(Bihar ulanwar)

6. The Holy Prophet says: “Whenever you get entangled in some difficulty ,then seek refuge in the presence of HazratHujjat and invoke him .He will save you and grant you salvation .He answers the needy .He is the refuge of anybody who seeks refuge in him(Najm al saqib)

7. Imam Mahdi a.ssaid :Pray more for the reappearance for in it lies your salvation.” (Bihar al anwar)

8. The Holy Prophet s.a.w.wsaid : “The reappearance of Mahdi will be like resurrection which will be very heavy for the heavens as well as for the earth .It will be sudden ,unexpected.”(Muntakhab al asar)

9. Imam Muhammad Baqir a.s had said : “Revelation(Nazil hona)( from Allah)will come to him and he will act according to the revelation by the command of Allah”.(Bihar ul anwar )

10. Imam Zainul Abedeen a.s has said: “Indeed the people who live during the time of his occultation ,have firm belief in his 12th imam’s imamate and are awaiting his advent are the best people of every age since Allah ,Great is his

mention,has granted them from the intellect,understanding and cognizance needed which would permit them to live during the period of the occultation ,as if they were living during the time of his advent.”(Bihar al anwar)

11. The Messenger of Allah s.a.w.w has said: “Paradise is for that person who meets him(Al-Mahdi),and paradise is for to that person who loves him and paradise is for that person who has belief in him(and his imamate).(Wasail ush shia)

12. A man once asked Imam Jafar as Sadiq a.s How he should send his salutations upon Imam Al-Qaim and the Imam replied: “Say :Greetings be upon you ,O’ Remnants of Allah (As-salamu Alaykum Ya Baqiyatullah)!”.

13. The Messenger of Allah s.a.w.w has said : “Al-Mahdi is from my progeny;his face is like the brightly illuminated moon.”(Bihar al anwar)

14. Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s said :During that time (the period of occultation gaibah)await the advent(zahoor) of the imam every morning and evening.”(Usul Al kafi)

15. Imam Muhammad Baqir a.s said :Indeed if I were to live to see that (the advent of imam al mahdi),then I would have availed myself to serve the Sahibal-amr(for life).”

16. Imam Muhammad baqir a.s has said : “When al-Qaim makes his advent wealth will be distributed among the people in such an equitable manner that not a single person will be seen in need of zakat.”(Bihal al anwar)

17. Imam Jafar as Sadiq a.s said : “When Al-Qaim makes his advent ,not a single place of land will remain except that call to the testimony of , “There is no creature worthy of worship except for Allah and indeed Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah will be given there.

18. The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w has said : “A group of people will rise up from the East and will prepare the groundwork for the government of Al-Mahdi .”(Kashful ghummah)

19. Imam Muhammad Baqir a.s has said: “When our Qaim makes his advent ,he will place his hand over the heads of the servants and their intellects will join together and their ethical traits will be perfected.”(Bihar al anwar)

20. The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w has said :Al –Mahdi is the peacock(ornament)of the people of Paradise.”(Bihar al anwar)

21. Imam Muhammad baqir a.s said: “When the Qaim of the Ahlulbayt makes his advent ,he will divide with equity and will show justice among the people .So whoever obeys him ,has obeyed Allah;and whoever goes against him ,has gone against Allah.Indeed al-Mahdi was named as such because he will guide to the hidden affairs.”(Bihar al anwar)

22. Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s said : “Indeed if I were to live to see him (al-mahdi)then I would have been his servant for the duration of my life.”(Bihar-al anwar)

23. The Messenger of Allah s.a.w.w has said : “Congratulations to the person who meets the Qaim from my Ahlulbayt and has firm belief in him before his advent .He will have love for his friends ,and will distance himself from his enemies and will have love for the leaders o guidance who came before him.Indeed there are my true friends ,those whom I have love and affection for and they are the noblest of people from my nation.”(bihar al anwar)

24. Imam Jafar sadiq a.s said : “The person from amongst you who dies while awaiting this command(the advent of imam mahdi)is like a person who was

will al Qaim in his tent…no rather,he would be like a person who was fighting along side him with his sword …no rather ,by Allah ,he would like the person who attained martyrdom alongside the Messenger of Allah .(bihar al anwar)

25. Imam Jafar Sadiq a.s said : “A person who would like to be among the companions of Al-Qaim should be in a state of active waiting (Intizar),and perform all of his deeds with wara and with the most beautiful etiquette and then one will be counted as being in a state of true waiting .Then if such a person was to die and al-Qaim was to make his advent after this,then that person would receive the reward as the one who witnessed his (Al-Mahdi) advent.”

26. Imam Zaibul Abedeen Ali a.s has described the characteristics and importance of the one who awaits the reappearance thus, “O Abu Khalid In the period of occultation those who believe in his imamate ,await his reappearance are the best people of all times.Allah the almighty has endowed them with intellect ,understanding and cognition to such an extent that occultation (of imam)for them is good as his presence.They are equal to those who are fighting alongside the prophet of Allah s.a.w.w with their swords .Certainly ,these are the real believers and our true Shias and they call towards the path of Allah,openly and secretly .”(Kamal al deen)

27. Imam Mahdi a.s said : “Then each one of you should act in such a way that your deeds bring you closer to our love,and refrain from all those actions that will bring you nearer to our wrath and anger.”(Bihar-al-anwar)

28. Abdullah ibne Umar r.a says that Isa a.s will descend after Mahdi and will offer prayer behind him.(Al-Fitan)

29. Abu Said Khudri r.a narrates that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w.w. said :There will be a person from this Ummah and Isa ibne Maryam a.s will pray behind him .(al-manar-al-munif)

30. Abu Said Khudri r.a has narrated that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w.w. said: Mahdi will be born during the last days of my ummah .Allah will pour down heavy rain during his caliphate and the earth will grow its produce in abundance ,and he will distribute things equally among the people .During his reign there will be plenty of cattle and the ummah will be held in reat esteem.(After becoming the caliph)he will live for seven or eight years.wallaho alam(Imam Hakim in Mustadrak)

31. Amirul momineen Ali ibne abutalib a.s said :When the announcer will announce that the truth is in the family of Muhammad s.a.w.w ,at that time everyone will be talking about Mahdi ‘s arrival and his love will fed into them that they will talk of nothing else but him.(Imam Suyuti in al hawi lil fatwa)

32. It is narrated by Jabir ibne Samurah r.a :I heard the Messenger of Allah say:Islam will remain established until twelve caliphs have ruled over you .The Ummah will be united on all of them. “Then I heard the Prophet say something which I could not understand .I asked my father :What is he saying ? He told me that he had said :All(12 imams) will be from Quraysh.(Abu-dawood al sunan)

33. "Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good that He will most certainly make them rulers in the earth………………." (Qur'an, 24:55)

Under this verse, Imam Sadiq (a.s.) says:

"This saying of Allah: "Allah has promised……" has been revealed about the 'Qaem' and his followers."1 Similarly, Imam Sajjad (a.s.) after reciting this verse said:

"I swear by Allah, they are our Shias. By means of a man from us (who is the Mahdi of this Ummah), Allah will make them rulers in the earth. In same regard, the prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: 'If not more than one day remains from the life of this world, Allah will extend that day so much that a man from my progeny would gain authority over it. His name is the same as my name. He will fill the earth with equity and justice, just as it would be filled with cruelty and tyranny."

34."This Book, there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who guard (against evil) and those who believe in the Unseen……." (Qur'an, 2:2)

Below this verse, it is stated that Yahya-ibn-Abi'l Qasem says: "I requested Imam Sadiq (a.s.) to explain this verse." He (a.s.) said:

"In this verse, 'those who guard (against evil) are Ali's Shias and 'Ghaib' (Unseen) refers to the hidden Hujjat(imam mahdi).

35. Imam Baqir (a.s.) says: "I swear by Allah that he (Qaem Aale-Muhammad) is the "Muztarr" referred to in Allah's Book that says, Who answers the distressed one when he calls upon Him and removes the evil." 36.Jabir IbneAbdulllah r.a narrates that the messenger of Allah s.a.w.w said:Whoever denies Dajjal ,has surely committed disbelief ,and whoever denies Mahdi has also committed disbelief.(Imam Suyuti in al-Hawa lil –fatawa ) 37.Shahar ibne Hawshab r.a narrates that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w.w said :In the month of Muharram ,an announcer will call out from the heaven :beware ! Surely ,such a person has been chosen by Allah ,so listen to him and obey him during the year of uproar and turmoil .(Ibne Hammad in Al-Fitan) 38.Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri r.a relates from the prophet s.a.w.w that he said :Near to the end of time ,a Caliph will come who will give their due rights to the people without recording it.( Imam Suyuti in al-Hawa lil –fatawa)

39.Abu Dawood has devoted a chapter to Imam Mahdi in his book as-Sunan .In the beginning of the chapter a narration of Jabir ibne Samurah is given .The Messenger of Allah s.a.w.w has said : “Until twelve caliphs have passed ,on whom this Ummah will unite .”According to another tradition , “this din will remain dominant till the twelve caliphs have passed and all of them will be from quraysh.” 40.Narrated by Hudhayfah that the messenger of Allah said:Mahdi will be from my family .His complexion will be of an Arab and the physical structure of children of Israel.There will be a beauty spot on his cheek.His appearance will be similar to luminous star .He will fill the earth wih justice just as it was filled with injustice.Those in the earth and the heavens will be pleased with his caliphate.The birds in the skies will also be pleased. (Suyuti in al-Hawa lil –fatawa )

Reference: The Awaited Imam Mahdi a.s bydr.tahirulqadri

The Golden era of reappearance October 2003(Association of imam mahdia.s)

The awaited savior of Humanity published by the world federation

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