immunization exercises 2

Post on 01-Nov-2014



Health & Medicine



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Q1: In a Sub-center area the total population is 4000 for the year 2013. Given that the birth rate is 20 and the IMR is 37, calculate the number of beneficiaries for immunization for the given year.

Beneficiaries for immunization

1. Pregnant women2. Infants

Step 1: Calculate number of pregnant women

Number of pregnant women=Number of live births + (10% of number of live births)

Pregnancy wastage (Abortion, Still birth)Calculate number of live births?????

Birth rate=20 per 1000 population

Number of live births= 20 in a population of 1000For a population of 4000, number of live births= (20/1000)*4000=80

Number of pregnant women= 80 +(10% of 80)=80+8=88

Step 2: Calculate number of infants

Number of infants=Number of live births – Number of infants dying in one year

80 We calculate this from IMRIMR=37 per 1000 live birthsOut of every 1000 live births 37 die as infants

When number of live births =80Number of infant deaths = (37/1000)*80 = 2.96=3

= 80 – 3

= 77

Number of infants=Number of live births – Number of infants dying in one year

Q1 contd …. Part b:In a Sub-center area the total population is 4000 for the year 2013. Given that the birth rate is 20 and the IMR is 37, calculatea) Requirement of ORS packets for one yearb) Requirement of CTZ tablets for one yearc) Requirement of IFA tablets (large and small) for

one year


ORS packets are needed for children under five years of age, which comprise % of population.12

Step 1: How many under five children are there in the population in question???


Each year a child on an average has 3 episodes of diarrhea for which they need one packet of ORS. Additionally, 10% of all episodes will have dehydration and will need one extra packet of ORS.

Step 2: How many ORS packets are needed???

= (Number of under-fives*3)+ (10% of number of episodes*1)

= (480*3)+ (10% of (480*3) *1)=1440+(10% of 1440*1)=1440+144=1584

CTZ Tablets

CTZ tablets are needed for under-five children (12% of population). Each child suffers 3 episodes of ARI per year, but only 10% of such episodes will need CTZ tablets.On an average, each such episode will need 20 tablets of CTZ (20/100)

We have already calculated that there are 480 under-fives in the population in question

Step 2: Number of ARI episodes


Step 3: Number of ARI episodes needing CTZ tablets

= 10% of 1440=(10/100)*1440= 144

Step 3: Number of CTZ tablets required

= Number of episodes needing CTZ*20=144*20=2880

IFA Tablets (small)

IFA tablets (small) are given to children 6 months – 5 years of age, which will comprise 11% of the population. 50% of the children will have anemia and each anemic child will need 100 tablets of IFA (small).

Step 1: Population between 6m-5years

=11% of 4000=(11/100)*4000=440

Step 2: Number of children who are anemic

=50% of 440=220

Step 3: Number of IFA (small) tablets needed

= 220*100=22000

IFA Tablets (large)

IFA tablets (large) are given to pregnant women. 50% of the pregnant females will not be anemic and will need to be given prophylaxis (100 IFA tablets each). Another 50% will have anemia and will need to be given treatment for anemia (200 IFA tablets each).

Step 1: Number of pregnant women= 88

Step 2: Number of pregnant women who do not have anemia and need prophylaxis

=50% of 88=44

Step 3: Number of IFA (large) tablets needed for prophylaxis

= 44*100=4400

Step 4: Number of pregnant women who will be anemic and will need treatment

=50% of 88=44

Step 5: Number of IFA (large) tablets needed for treatment

= 44*200=8800

Step 6: Number of IFA (large) tablets needed for treatment


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