imperative research - market research support services company

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Imperative Research is a market research company that provides the entire plethora of market research, technology and analytics services to companies and other market research agencies in compliance with the industry best practices, as outlined in ISO 20252:2006 and CMMi. The current list of customers includes several Fortune 500 companies like the biggest networking equipment company of the world, the biggest computer and printing equipment company of the world etc. We also provide consulting and other services to several large market research agencies in specific areas. We are headquartered in New Delhi, India with local sales representations in USA and United Kingdom. We are opening our office in London (United Kingdom) and Florida (Unites States). We have designed our corporate governance to include quality, agility and customer-orientation as our core business vales. The company is a Microsoft Partner for its technology practice and also a member of several market research forums.


Imperative Research February 2013

We Are

A Market Research Support Company

Fieldwork | Data Collection

Survey Programming

Tabulations and Charting

Online Interactive Dashboards | Reporting Solutions

Imperative Research February 2013

• We provide full range of services for Market Research and Analytics to clients around the


• Headquartered in New Delhi, India and starting office in Florida (USA), London (UK), Dubai

(UAE) soon.

• We partner with research firms to provide innovative, efficient global research solutions.

• Our team of market research professionals has excellent experience in managing multiple

projects and working with clients across the globe.

• We follow CMMi for Services model in our services for our clients ensuring high quality,

reliability and low costs.

• Our service delivery model is designed to be responsive, responsible and pro-active.

• Low cost, high quality solutions.

• We provide – Survey Programming, Fieldwork ( Data Collection ), Tabulations, Charting,

Report Writing, Interactive Reporting and Dashboard Solutions

About Us

Imperative Research February 2013

Take advantage of our multi-mode data

collection with 60+ million active and

responsive panelists including consumers,

physicians, pharmacists, patients and business

individuals in 70 countries.

We have programmed and hosted simple to complex studies using almost every survey

programming platform. Use our experienced

team for high quality, low costs and quick-turn-

around survey scripting needs.

We specialize in tabulation and charting services using various

tools. We maintain high level of accuracy, your desired aesthetics in

simple to complex tabulation, charting &

open end coding.

We blend our research experience and knowledge with

technology to convert static PowerPoint deck reports into real-time online and Microsoft

Excel based interactive reporting dashboards.

What We Can Do For You!

Imperative Research February 2013

Survey Programming Services

We have programmed and hosted simple to complex studies using different survey scripting


Imperative Research February 2013

Survey Programming Services

Programming Capabilities in

• Confirmit • SPSS-Dimensions • Vovici • Kinesis • Nebu • iPad • iPhone • Android • MR-Interview • Net-MR • QuestionPro • SurveyMonkey

With extensive technical programming skills in Java Script,, Adobe Flash and Adobe Flex, we can shape the look and feel of surveys as you require. The entire survey programming team is certified by ConfirmIt, SPSS. We can program multi-lingual studies and questionnaires with complex logic. We have programmed -

• Employee Research • Satisfaction Surveys • Medical Outcomes • Readership Surveys • Brand and Ad Awareness • Product Positioning • Brand and Image Management Assessments • Awareness and Behavior Study • New Product Development Research • Market or Customer Profiling Analysis • Market Segmentation Studies • Market Share Assessment • Panel Recruitment • Tracking Studies • Customer Intercepts

We have established processes for both project execution and quality checks, to ensure quick turn-around-time and high quality.

Imperative Research February 2013

Multi-mode data collection with access to over 64 million panelists in 70+ countries including

consumers, physicians, patients across the globe.

Fieldwork | Data Collection Services

Imperative Research February 2013

Fieldwork | Data Collection

• Multi-mode data collection with access to over 60 million individuals including consumers, ITDM,

business, patients, physicians.

• We cover 70+ countries using our own panel and partners.

• Empanelled 250+ panel vendors across the globe.

• CATI facility with modern infrastructure.

• We provide best sample from right source in each market at economical costs.

• Successfully blend samples and methodology for low incidence targets.

• Expertise in working on B2C, B2B, Healthcare projects.

• Multi Country, Multi Mode ( Online, Phone, In-Person etc. ) -

• Full Project management

• Local market vendor partners

Imperative Research February 2013

Consumer Panel

• Highest quality panelists from our local partners.

• Millions of consumer panelists from over 70 countries.

• Highly active and responsive consumer panelists.

• We ensure double opt-ins.

• Properly segregated under key demographics.

Healthcare Panel

• Millions of active and highly desirable Physicians, Patients, Pharmacists, Caregivers and Allied Health Professionals from 70 countries.

• Reach to even low-incidence target.

• Reach to key therapeutic categories.

• With excellent segregation under key areas, we can provide even the most precise segments.

Business Panel

• IT Professionals, blue-collar executives, marketing professionals, opinion leaders, purchase influencers, C-Level executives, business owners and business decision makers

• We ensure that our local partners have collected Job Title, Job function, Industry, Company Size, Business Revenue, Years in Business, Direct Reports, Type of Decision Maker, IT Areas of Responsibility, General Areas of responsibility and number of computers from our panelists

• We ensure double opt-ins.

Fieldwork | Data Collection More About Panels

Imperative Research February 2013

Online Data Collection

Web based surveys where a link is

given to the respondents and they can

fill up the forms simply by visiting that link.

Personal Interviews

Our teams ( including vendor’s teams )

are well versed with the procedure and

handle the tasks tactfully to ensure high quality of data.

Group Discussions

To know the general mood of the target

audience, to gauge their pulse, and to

explore discrepancies in their behavior

pattern (if any), we conduct Group


Central Location Tests

We conduct tests that are held at a

centrally located place. The

respondents are provided computer

systems to fill survey forms and a team

is present to assist them to do the same.

Depth Interviews

We host in-depth one-on-one

interviews to get exhaustive information

from respondents for an in-debt study

and analysis.

Telephone Interviews

Calling up the respondents and

knowing their responses- all this is

done by our executives in the telecom

department with professional expertise

and tactful approach.

We deploy excellent team and methodologies in data collection methods

Fieldwork | Data Collection Data Collection Methods

Mobile Based Data Collection

Web surveys are launched on mobile or

iPad for data collection. The data

collection happens even while internet connection is not available.

Imperative Research February 2013

A Bit More About CATI Our Facility & Resources

• Hi Speed automated dialer

• 15 CATI stations with 100% recording facility.

• Real-time access to recordings and take feedback.

• Experienced multi-lingual interviewers for excellent engagement.

• Excellent Quality Check measures to monitor the quality and make adjustments on hourly basis.

• Formation of key metrics as per project and delivery of QA reports.

• Experienced interviewers in Industry Verticals such as Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, Consumer Products, Hospitality Sector, Information Technology, FMCG and many more.

• Supervision by experienced Project Managers for higher productivity and excellent quality.

• Languages we can support –

English French German Italian Spanish

Japanese Chinese Thai Dutch Korean

Portuguese Arabic Bahasa ( Indonesian) Turkish Cantonese

Danish Swedish Czech Polish Russian

Imperative Research February 2013

With a strong and strategic tie-ups, we continuously monitor our 250+ local partners to ensure high quality in different panels. Every partner is empaneled through a carefully designed process with following checks:

• We check the methodologies available with our partners.

• We ensure that all Esomar’s 26 questions are answered and adhered.

• We check the type of incentive system and its legal verification.

• Methodologies that are adopted for recruitment of panel, by our partners.

• We check on double-opt in panel.

• We check the processes that are in place to maintain the health of panel in terms of duplication and fraudulence.

• We check the process to contact panelists for surveys.

• We check the extent of profiling of panelists.

Fieldwork | Data Collection We Ensure Best Partners

Imperative Research February 2013

Alaska, US




Costa Rica

Puerto Rico



Peru Brazil






Norway Sweden


UK & Ireland Germany



Spain Portugal

India Thailand




Vietnam Philippines



New Zealand





South Africa

Botswana Namibia


Mozambique Mauritius





UAE Saudi Arabia Egypt

Libya Algeria

Tunisia Morocco

Italy Greece Turkey Bulgaria


Poland Ukraine


Latvia & Estonia

Austria & Hungary





Fieldwork | Data Collection Our Global Coverage

Imperative Research February 2013

Tabulations, Charting, Report Writing,

Coding & Translation

We specialize in tabulation and charting services using various tools. We maintain high level of accuracy, your desired

aesthetics in simple to complex tabulation, charting & open end coding.

Imperative Research February 2013

Tabulations, Charting, Report Writing,

Coding & Translation

We have experience and capability of handling projects from simple to large-scale, multi-geography, multi-wave data

collected in different formats. We have a team of skilled people in handling hierarchical data and complex weighting

schematics. We can provide tabulations using SPSS, Quantum, Wincross, and Excel at the data and tab level.

Data Tabulations

Our charting team is comprised of data visualization experts who can produce variety of output options from tabulations.

From simple to complex charts, our charting team not only produces graphical reports but can also provide brief analysis of

data as an executive summary. We provide charting services in Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Excel.



Coding using existing codebooks

Multi-lingual coding

Building new codebooks

Coding by your specific company’s standards or industry guidelines

Coding done through Ascribe

Manual coding process done on question basis to ensure high quality

Translation Services

We provide translation services focusing on precise expression of questions and verbatim across cultures and languages.

With our localized manual translation services, we deliver outstanding quality at competitive prices. We undertake

translation of European and Asian languages.

Report Writing Services

Report writing including interpretation and narrative writing basis the data. We can convert the collected data into insights

to provide in-depth visibility in business operations. Our quality checks, proof reading of transcripts and content analysis

procedures are build to ensure high quality information from the reports.

Imperative Research February 2013

Online Reporting & Dashboard Applications

We blend our research experience and knowledge with technology to convert static PowerPoint deck reports into real-

time online and Microsoft Excel based interactive reporting dashboards.

Imperative Research February 2013

• Online interactive dashboards and reporting applications using respondent level & aggregated data.

• Solutions based on data cubes or normalized databases for faster report generation.

• Tools to automate reports or scorecards created in Microsoft Excel or PowerPoint.

• Applications which can connect directly with ConfirmIT or Dimensions to pull the data.

• Interactive user interfaces using Adobe Flash, Flex, and Silverlight.

• Business Intelligence tools for the Market Research industry.

• Normative databases.

• Flexible Cross Tab creation features to view in both tabular and chart formats.

Flash tools for Surveys

• Improved aesthetics and design quality.

• Stimulating and engaging survey environments with creative designs.

• Seamless integration in any survey scripting platform.

• Increased completion rates and rich responses.

• Easy data collection within survey pages.

Interactive Dashboards & Reporting Solutions

Imperative Research February 2013

Flash Tools for Surveys

• Improved aesthetics and design quality.

• Stimulating and engaging survey environments with creative designs.

• Seamless integration in any survey scripting platform.

• Increased completion rates and rich responses.

• Easy data collection within survey pages.

• We develop tools which can be integrated in Confirmit, Kinesis, Nebu, SPSS

Shopping Cart / Shelf The shopping shelf is displayed to the respondents with products placed on shelves. Respondents can view the shelf, pick a product to view, purchase choice of products etc.

Image Highlighters with Heatmaps We have developed variety of image highlighters where you can load as many concepts or images to show to respondents.

Discreet Choice Tools We have developed variety of discreet choice flash tools to make it easier for respondents to make choice on brands, products or services.

Video Rating Tools You can load any number of videos in our video rating tools. The video rating tools play the video for respondents with features to rank certain parts of the videos

Imperative Research February 2013

Projects Executed So Far

Online Data Collection

• We executed 60+ projects in 2012 for online data collection for our clients in USA, Canada, UK and France.

Offline Data Collection

• We executed 20 CATI studies in 2012 for our clients in USA and Canada.

Survey Scripting

• We executed 180+ survey scripting projects in Kinesis and Confirmit for our clients in USA, Canada and UK.

Online Dashboards and Flash Tools

• We delivered 16 online interactive dashboard and reporting solutions to our clients in USA.

• We delivered 10 interactive Flash tools to our clients in Sweden and USA.

Imperative Research February 2013

Contact us

Imperative Research

Rajesh Dua

Mob: +91-9811335673

Megha Saraswat

Mob: +91-9873301413

I-5, Part I, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi – 110 024 (India)

US Number: +1 (315) 675-5141

Thank you!

Let us know your convenient date and time

to discuss next steps.

We look forward to work with you.

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