implementation of bus rapid transit system in hubli …

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Directorate of Urban Land Transport







December 2012

Appendix 1.1


AAppppeennddiixx 11..11:: SSoocciioo--EEccoonnoommiicc ssuurrvveeyy ooff CCoommmmuunniittiieess

aalloonngg HHuubbllii –– DDhhaarrwwaadd RRooaadd

Form No. _________________ Date_____________ Name of Investigator_________________________ Name of Supervisor__________________________

ID No.__________________ (to be written on the map) Address: __________________________________________________Village/Town: _____________________ Phone No: _______________ Mobile No. ____________________

Type of use:

1 Residential 2 Commercial 3 Mixed (C+R) 4 Industrial 5 Institutional 6 Agricultural

7 Under construction 8 Open land/Plot 9 Plantation 10 Others (…………………..)

Type of Property:

1 Private

2 Government

3 Trust

4 Religious 5 Community

6 Others (…………………………………………………..…)

Type of structure / use in the front portion of the property:

1 Structure 2 Land 3 Land and structure 4 Others (…………………...……………………………………………)

Ownership of property:

1 Owner 2 Leased 3 Tenant 4 Encroachment 5 Squatter 6 Others (…………………...…………)

Year and month of occupying the land/ property

Survey number(s) of land/ property

Area of property / assets (enumerator to fill the impacted area based on the drawings) Land Details Structure Details Other Assets

Agriculture Land Others Residential Commercial Mixed Others (Specify)

Owned Area Owned Area Owned Area Owned Area Owned Area Owned Area Owned Area

Affected Area Affected Area Affected Area Affected Area Affected Area Affected Area Affected Area

Name of head of Household/Commercial Entity:_______________________________________ S/o_________________________________________ G 1

If Tenant/Lessee: G+1 2

Name and Address of the owner___________________________________________________________________________________________________ G+2 3

Tenant Details: If the property is on rent then rent being

paid (Rs) If Tenant, whether own any agriculture land

or homestead land elsewhere Yes No

Assets in the Property (in the front 10m portion) S. No Utilities Units Owned S. No Utilities Units Owned S. No Utilities Units Owned

1 Dug Well 6 Hand Pump 11 Trees

2 Tube Well 7 Boundary Wall Fruit Bearing Trees

3 Open Well 8 Barbed Wire Fencing 12 Others (Specify)

4 Water Tap 9 Shed 13 Others (Specify)

5 Water Tank 10 Shrine

Specify Construction materials details:

Wall Bamboo Cane Mud Brick Others

Do you have::

1. Ration Card BPL Other

Roof Thatch Tin Asbestos/

Tiles RCC Others 2. Voters ID Card Yes No

3. Electricity Bill Yes No

Floor Mud Mosaic Marble Stone Others 4. Legal property document Yes No

Social Category:

Scheduled Caste (SC)

Scheduled Tribe (ST)

Other Backward Classes (OBC)

General (G) Women Headed

Household (WHH)

Family Type:


1 2 3 4 5 Nuclear

If AP is SC/ST, please mention the name of the community

Type of business in case of commercial use: S. No Category Type Options

1. Refreshments Tea Stall/Dhaba/Sweet Shop/Hotel/Restaurant/Motel

2. Service Industry Tailoring/Hair Cutting/Cobbler/Blacksmith/Repair/Clinic

3. Retail Activity Grocery/chemist/Pan Shop/Furniture/Kerosene/Electric Shop

4. Warehousing Godowns/Cold Storages

5. Tertiary Activity STD/PCO/Photocopy/Private offices

6. Institutional School/Government Offices/PHC/Veterinary Hospital

Appendix 1.1


Number of workers employed:_______________________________________

Family Details: Codes for Relationship 1 Self 2 Wife 3 Husband 4 Son

5 Daughter 6 Son-in-law 7 Daughter-in-law 8 Grandfather

9 Grandmother 10 Grandson 11 Grand daughter 12 Brother

13 Sister 14 Brother-in-law 15 Sister-in-law 16 Father

17 Mother 18 Father-in-law 19 Mother-in-law 20 Uncle

21 Aunt 22 Cousin 23 Nephew 24 Niece

25 Any other (specify):

Member Number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. Name

Households: Write down the names of all people who live and eat together in this household starting with head

Commercial: Write down the details of Head of the organization

2. Relationship

3. Sex

Is the NAME male or female?



4. Age How old was NAME on the last birthday?

Record the age on last birthday

5. Marital Status






6. Education

The class till which the person has been educated.


Primary (Class 5)

Secondary (Class 10)

Higher (Graduate)



7. Work Status

Is the NAME working?



8. Occupation

The main activity at the place of job? This may have multiple entries



Agriculture Labour

Non Agriculture Labour


Govt. Service

Private Service

Maid Servant


9. Reason for not working

Major reason for the NAME not working? Persons who are not working

No work available

Seasonal inactivity

Household family duties




10. Income How much does the NAME earn in a month?

11. Disabilities, if any


Mentally retarded


Appendix 1.1


The following questions to be administered to the affected households that are affected more than 20% Assets Owned (other than affected one):

Agricultural Properties Other Properties Other Assets Irrigated/

Wet Land Un Irrigated/

Dry Land Barren Land House Plot House

Business Establishment

Area Area Area Area Area Area Area

Household Expenditure (Amount in Rs.) Sl. No. (Rs.) Sl. No. (Rs.)

1 Food (Monthly) 6 Health (Monthly/Annual)

2 Education (Monthly/Annual) 7 Cooking fuel (Monthly)

3 Cloth (Monthly/Annual) 8 Social Functions (Annual)

4 Local Travel (Monthly) 9 Vehicle Maintenance (Monthly / Annual)

5 Leisure (Monthly) 10 Out Station travel (Monthly / Annual)

Debts: (Amount in Rs) Sl. No. (Rs.) Sl. No. (Rs.)

1 Crop/Agriculture Loan 4 Loan on vehicles

2 Loan on Assets 5 Loan for education

3 Jewel Loan 6 Personal Loan.

Access to utilities Sl. No. Type Availability

1 Electricity

2 Piped water supply

3 Own water sources, well, tube well

4 Separate bath, toilet

5 Kitchen

Investments: ( Amount in Rs): Sl. No. (Rs.) Sl. No. (Rs.)

1 Deposits 3 Bonds/Shares

2 Jewellery 4 Business

Health Details (details of hospitalization in the past one year) Sl. No. Name of Person Type of Disease Duration of hospitalization Condition/ Remarks

Asset ownership

Sl. No. Yes / No Sl. No. Yes / No

1 TV Yes No. 7 Food processor / Mixer / Grinder Yes No.

2 Refrigerator Yes No. 8 Computer / Laptop Yes No.

3 Two Wheeler Yes No. 9 Air Conditioner Yes No.

4 Four Wheeler Yes No. 10 Air Cooler Yes No.

5 Telephone/Mobile Phone Yes No. 11 Microwave Oven Yes No.

6 Washing Machine Yes No. 12 Agricultural implements Yes No.

If yes, specify __________________________

Information on businesses Sl. No. (Rs.)

Average monthly income from business

Average turnover of business

Years of business at the current location

Seasonal variations, if any




1. The following appendix provides an overview of various policies and Acts which would be relevant in

this project.

The national policy on resettlement and rehabilitation, 2007

2. In 2007 the GOI developed a National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy. "The National Policy

on Resettlement and Rehabilitation for Project Affected Families, 2007" (NRRP) came into effect in

October 2007. The salient feature and the statements of the NRRP policy are as follows:

SIA shall be mandatory for all projects involving displacement of four hundred or more families en masse in

plain areas, or two hundred or more families en masse in tribal or hilly areas etc. Co-ordination with EIA in the

context of the public hearing done in the project affected area for EIA shall also cover issues related to SIA;

Consultations with affected people and disclosure of relevant information to them at various stages of

resettlement planning;

Affected people without legal rights also need to be assisted (affected people categorized landless agricultural

workers, forest dwellers, tenants and artisans who are critically dependent on the acquired assets for their

subsistence/ livelihoods);

Prepare resettlement plans that are disclosed to the affected people in draft form, and reviewed and approved by

competent authorities;

Collection of socio economic baseline for project affected households;

Project displaced persons (whose entire land is taken) will receive land in lieu of his loss. In addition to their loss

cash assistance will be paid for restoring lost livelihood;

Vulnerable project affected people will get extra cash/kind assistance;

The Grievance Redress Cell shall have representatives of women, Schedule Castes, Schedule tribes residing in

the affected zone. The Cell shall have the power to consider and dispose of all complaints relating to resettlement

and rehabilitation against the decision of the Administrator/R&R Committee at Project level;

A monitoring cell should be constituted under the project;

Each PAF comprising rural artisan/small trader and self employed person shall get one-time financial assistance

for construction of working shed/shop for livelihood support.

Land Acquisition Act (LA Act)

3. The Land Acquisition Act 1894 (amended 1984) is applicable to all parts of India except to the State of

Jammu and Kashmir. Major sections of the Act are briefly discussed in the ensuing paragraphs:

Section 3A: Preliminary Survey of land and the power of officers to carry out the survey

4. For the purpose of determining whether any land is needed for public purpose, the officer of the State

Government or any officer specially authorised by the State Government can:

Enter upon and conduct survey,

Take level of the land. Mark such levels. Cut down and clear away any part of any standing crop, fence or jungle.

Ascertain whether the land is suitable for the purpose.

Section 4: Publication of Preliminary Notification

5. Whenever it appears to the appropriate Government Authority that land is needed for Public purpose a

notification to that effect will be issued in the official Gazette u.s. 4(1) of the Land Acquisition Act

1894, (amended1984). The Notification shall also be issued in two locally circulated newspapers, one


of which shall be in the regional language. In addition the collector shall ensure the “public notice of

substance of such notification to be given at a convenient place in the locality”. The date of publication

of the notification shall be considered as the date of the notification.

6. It shall be lawful on the behalf of the officer of the State Government any officer specially authorized

by the State Government: a) to enter upon, conduct survey and take levels, b) dig or bore into the soil,

c) set out the boundaries of the proposed acquisition and d) to take levels, boundaries and lines by

placing marks and cutting trenches.

Section 5: Hearing of Objections

7. Any person interested in the land notified u.s. 4(1) shall within 30 days of the publication of the notice

file an objection u.s 5 (1).

8. Every objection shall be made to the Collector in writing. The objector shall be given an opportunity to

present his case in person or through an authorised representative. After hearing such objections and

making such inquiry as he feels necessary the Collector shall present a report u.s.5(2) to the respective

Government Authority along with the records of proceedings held by him. The decision of the

appropriate government authority shall however be final.

Section 6: Declaration that land is required for Public Purpose

9. The appropriate Government after considering the report submitted by the Collector u.s.5(2) if

satisfied that the land is required for public purpose shall issue a notification in the Official Gazette

u.s.6(1). The Notification shall also be issued in two locally circulated newspapers, one of which shall

be in the regional language. In addition the collector shall ensure the “public notice of substance of

such notification“ be given at a convenient place in the locality. The declaration shall be made under

the signature of a secretary to such government or some officer duly authorised to certify the orders.

Different declarations will be made for different parcels of land covered by the notification u.s. 4(1).

10. No Notification to the effect of declaration of land required for public purpose shall be issued after the

expiry of one year of the publication of the notification u.s. 4(1).

Section 7: Collector to take order for acquisition

11. Whenever land has been declared for Public Purpose u.s. 6(1) the appropriate Government or any

person authorized on behalf of the appropriate Government shall direct the collector to take order for

the acquisition of land.

Section 8: Mark and measure the land to be acquired

12. The Collector shall thereupon cause the land to be measured and marked unless it has already been

done u.s. 4.

Section 9: Notice to Persons Interested

13. The Collector shall issue a public notice u.s. 9(1) to be displayed at a convenient place on or near the

land stating the Governments intention to take possession of the land and that claims for

compensations and all other interests will be made to him.

14. The notice shall state particulars of land needed and require the person to appear personally or

represented by his agent before the Collector at the stipulated time and place and state the nature of

their respective interest in land and particulars of their claims to compensation. The date of such

hearing shall not be earlier than fifteen days from the date of publication of the notice.

15. The collector shall also serve notice u.s. 9(3) to the same effect to all such person believed to be

interested in the property to the person or his authorised agent.


16. In case the person interested resides elsewhere and has no such agent within the revenue district where

such land is situated in such cases the notice shall be sent by registered post (u.s. 28 & 29 of the Indian

Postal Act 1898) to his last known residence, address.

Section 10

17. Power to require and enforce the making of statement as names and interest. The collector may direct

any person to deliver to him names of all person possessing interest in land, co-proprietorship,

mortgagee, tenant and nature of such interest and also the rents and profits receivable from such


Section 11: Enquiry and Award by the Collector

18. The Collector shall enquire into the objections in pursuant to the notice u.s. 9, measurements made u.s.

8 and into the value of land on the date of publication of notification u.s. 4(1) and shall make an award


The true area of land,

Compensation for the land and

The apportionment of the compensation

19. The award for the compensation however shall be made only with the previous approval of the

appropriate government authority or any officer as the appropriate government may authorise.

Section 12: Award by the Collector

20. The Collector shall make an award u.s. 11 within two years of the date of publication of the

declaration. If the award is not made within two years of the date of publication of the notice in such

cases the entire proceeding will lapse. However in the calculation of the period during which the action

of the proceedings of land acquisition was stayed by an order of the court, shall not be included within

the time period.

Section 13: Adjournment of inquiry

21. The collector, if he thinks fit, adjourn the inquiry till such day to be fixed by him. He may make

correction of clerical errors at any time not later than six months of the date of award or where he has

to make correction under the orders of the court.

Section 15: Matters to be considered and neglected in the determination of compensation

22. The collector should be guided by the provisions of Section 23 and 24 in the determination of

compensation. This includes consideration of market value of land at the date of publication of Section

4(1) notification, value of any standing crops or trees located within the land, the expenses inherent in

changing the affected person’s residence or place of business, etc. While determining the

compensation, the matters to be neglected include the degree of urgency which has led to the

acquisition, the likely increase in the future value of land to be acquired, etc.

Section 16: Power to take possession

23. On completing the ‘award’, section 16 empowers LAO to take possession of the land and hand over to

the project proponent.

Section 17: Special powers in cases of urgency

24. In cases of urgency, whenever the appropriate government so directs, the Collector may on the

expiration of fifteen days from publication of notice mentioned in section 9 (1) take possession of any

waste or arable land needed for public purposes or for a company. Such land shall thereupon vest

absolutely in the Government, free from all encumbrances.


karnataka highways act, 1964

25. Under Karnataka Highways Act (KHA), 1964, land acquisition will be entrusted to a designated

“Highway Authority” with delegated powers, so that the entire acquisition proceedings will be carried

out under centralized agency i.e. “Highway Authority” with dedicated officials for the purpose of land

acquisition. Acquisition under consent award as given under Section 27 of KHA, 1964 will be

applicable. This will help in arriving at a mutually agreed rate of compensation thereby eliminating

lengthy proceedings accompanied with the acquisition and could potentially be completed within a

comparatively shorter period.

26. Section 27 read with Section 26 provides payment of compensation to individuals who are losing land.

No other section in the Act deals with payment of compensation determined by way of agreement.

Under the KHA in this project the Negotiation Committee after negotiation with the land losers in

clusters arrive at a price agreeable to the land losers. Once the price is agreed for individual survey

numbers accordingly an agreement will be executed with the land losers. Subsequently the land will be

taken possession of. In this process no award is passed. Generally this process is termed Consent


27. The summary and main features on comparison between LAA and KHA are:

Time taken under ideal situation for land acquisition under KHA, 1964 is 63 weeks as against 94 weeks for LA

Act 1894;

The Project Director is designated as “Highway Authority” and in charge of LA. However, the land acquisition

under LA Act, 1894 needs to pass through a set of departmental procedure and the matters corresponding to this

project are carried out along with the routine functional responsibilities of respective departments which is time


The proposal of land acquisitions under LAA 1894 needs to pass through six offices i.e. the acquiring body, the

Tahlisdar, the Assistant Commissioner, the Deputy Commissioner, the survey department and finally the

Government. The land acquisition under KHA, 1964 would involve two agencies namely the “Highway

Authority” and “Government”.

Process of Land Acquisition

28. The process of Land Acquisition under KHA, 1964 is as follows:

On the recommendations of the Highway Authority, the State Government will issue a notification for

acquisition of the required land, which will be published in the Gazette (Section 15).

After publication of notification Under Section 15 of KHA, 1964, the Highway Authority will cause the land to

be measured (Section 16).

Under Section 17 of KHA, 1964, public notice will be issued to all the interested persons to file their claim for

compensation within 15 days from the date of receipt of notice.

At any time after the publication of notification under section 15 (on receiving report from the Highway

Authority), the State Government may direct that the lands specified in the notification shall be taken possession

of, from such date as may be specified in the direction. From such date, the said land vests absolutely in the State

Government, free from all encumbrances (Section 19). This process would take place only after completion of

awards in every case.

Consequent to notification under section 15 and after obtaining documents from the land losers the Highway

Authority will proceed to pass award on consent basis if there is consensus for a mutually agreed rate for consent

award (section 27).

In default of consensus the “Highway Authority” will proceed to fix the compensation on general award basis

(Section 28).

There is also provision for making reference against the award of the “Highway Authority” before the court of

law (Section35).


Estimated time for LA

29. From the issue of Section 15 the time taken to complete the land acquisition process is 6 months.

Anticipated time to be taken for each stage of acquisition proceedings under KHA 1964 is as follows:

Section 15: After issue of section 15 notification, 45 days is given for filing claims.

Section 17: public notice and notice to individual land losers to file his claims within a specific date mentioned

therein the notice.

Framing of award: Framing of award under section 27, 28 and taking possession of land -12 weeks

Section 19: From section 15 notification to issue of direction under section 19 for taking possession of the land –

24 weeks

Negotiations Committee for Land Price Fixation and determination of Replacement Cost

30. Under the KHA, 1964 the negotiation of compensation is the most important task. The determination

of replacement cost is the foundation for the purpose of compensation by agreement or consent award.

Replacement Cost of land for consent award will be determined through negotiations between the land

losers and the Negotiation Committee. Section 27 of KHA, 1964 states that the compensation shall be

determined by agreement between “Highway Authority” or any Officer authorized by the State

Government and the person(s) claiming interest therein.

31. The Guidance Value as per the Department of Stamps and Registration for the different categories of

land, for the villages along the project road, obtained from concerned District Registrar, will be

referred to for Negotiation.

Failure of KHA and Appellate Committee

32. In the event the land lord does not agree with the rate negotiated as per the KHA, 1964 the award will

be passed in the traditional general LA method and the amount will be deposited with the Court. The

provisions of the Amendment Bill will be followed as necessary.

Valuation of Assets

33. The valuation of structures and other assets will be carried out by Government approved valuators.

Valuation will be done on the basis of current PWD’s current Schedule of Rates. Trees will be valued

by the Horticulture/Forest department.

OP/BP 4.10 - Indigenous People

34. The OP / BP 4.10, is applicable to indigenous peoples. The directive provides policy guidance to: a)

ensure that indigenous people benefit from development projects, and b) avoid or mitigate potentially

adverse effects on indigenous people, tribes, ethnic minorities, or other groups. It provides directives

for preparation of indigenous people development plan (IPDP). The pre requisite for successful IPDP


Prepare a plan based on people's choice;

Avoid or mitigate adverse trends;

Development activities adaptable to the needs and environment of indigenous people; and,

Encourage early hand over of project management to local people.

35. The OP 4.10 elaborates the contents and the component of the IPDP. Appropriate existing institutions,

local organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with expertise in matters relating to

indigenous people should implement the plan. The IPDP for indigenous people should include: (i)

Assessment of legal framework; (ii) Baseline data; (iii) Land tenure; (iv) Strategy for local

participation; (v) Technical identification of development or mitigation activities; (vi) Institutional

capacity; (vii) Implementation Schedule; (viii) Monitoring and evaluation; and,(ix) Cost estimates and

financial plan.


36. “Indigenous Peoples” is used in a generic sense to refer to a distinct, vulnerable, social and cultural

group possessing the following characteristics in varying degrees:

self-identification as members of a distinct indigenous cultural group and recognition of this identity by others;

collective attachment to geographically distinct habitats or ancestral territories in the project area and to the

natural resources in these habitats and territories;

customary cultural, economic, social, or political institutions that are separate from those of the dominant society

and culture; and

an indigenous language, often different from the official language of the country or region.

37. A group that has lost “collective attachment to geographically distinct habitats or ancestral territories

in the project area” because of forced severance remains eligible for coverage under this policy.

38. IPDP is not required for the project.

zoning of land use and regulations, 2003

39. The zoning regulations of Hubli-Dharwad local planning area are prepared under Clause (iii) of sub-

section (2) of section 12 and 21 of the Karnataka Town and Country Planning Act. Annexure IV of the

Regulations is intended to guide the development of new areas in accordance with the land use plan on

sound planning principle with adequate space standards considering the future requirement of the city.

The Sub-Division Regulations (Annexure IV) are confined to standard size of plots, street widths, and

community facilities. Following paragraph-7 of the Sub-Division Regulations, the Hubli-Dharwad

Urban Development Authority (HDUDA) approves the layout plan for either residential or non-

residential use for land abutting a road width of 24 mtrs with a buffer of 3 mtrs and service road of 9

mtrs width provided to the main road. The proposed project corridor falls in this category and for all

the layout applications put up to the HDUDA have considered a total road width of 36 mtrs. A copy of

Annexure IV of the Zoning of Land Use and Regulations is given in Appendix 2.2.

40. In view of the Zoning Regulations, the extent of government land and the actual area of private land to

be acquired and compensated on either side of the proposed road have been finalized in consultation

with the HDUDA. HDUDA has pointed out certain issues in the execution of Zoning Regulations with

respect to the land acquisition for the proposed road development. While transferring the agricultural

land to non-agricultural use, the landlord should obtain approval for the layout-plan from HDUDA.

For all such layout-plans, HDUDA apportions the land for road development following the Zoning and

Land Use Regulations.

Even after the approval of the layout plan apportioning the land for road development, the Title-deed of the

apportioned land has not been formally transferred to the government.

There are number of properties for which the layout plans were not submitted to HDUDA for approval, though

the land-use changed to non-agricultural.

41. During the implementation of RAP, the project NGO will facilitate with SPV and Revenue Department

for transfer of such land to government. The buffer and service road belongs to HDUDA and such land

will be treated as government land and will get transferred for the proposed project. For cases, where

completion certificates are not obtained, land will be acquired as applicable for private land.




[Refer Appendix 3.1(a) for Database] Table 1: Distribution of Affected Population by Major Impacts

Type of Use Titleholder Tenant Licensed Kiosks Squatter Total

Residential 15 4 0 0 19

Commercial 30 17 36 7 90

Industrial 0 1 0 0 1

Institutional 12 0 0 1 13

House and commercial 4 3 0 0 7

Open land / Plot 1 0 0 0 1

Grand Total 62 25 36 8 131

Source: Census Socio-Economic Survey 2011

Table 2: Distribution of Affected Population by Minor Impacts

Type of Use Titleholder Tenant Total

Residential 29 5 34

Commercial 80 142 222

House and Commercial 3 2 5

Industrial 1 0 1

Institutional 23 5 28

Open land/ Plot 18 1 19

Agriculture 1 0 1

Plantation 1 0 1

Grand Total 156 155 311

Source: Census Socio-Economic Survey 2011

Table 3: Distribution of Major Impact Population by Type of Loss

Type of Loss Land Land & Structure Structure Total

Commercial 3 15 72 90

Industrial 0 0 1 1

Institutional 1 7 5 13

Mixed 0 0 7 7

Open land / Plot 1 0 0 1

Residential 0 4 15 19

Grand Total 5 26 100 131

Source: Census Socio-Economic Survey 2011

Table 4: Distribution of Minor Impact Population by Type of Loss

Type of Loss Land Land & Structure Structure Total

Residential 2 14 18 34

Commercial 4 59 159 222

House and Commercial 0 3 2 5

Industrial 0 1 0 1

Institutional 3 13 12 28

Agriculture 1 0 0 1

Open land/ Plot 19 0 0 19

Plantation 0 1 0 1

Grand Total 29 91 191 311



[Refer Appendix 3.1(a) for Database] Table 5: Distribution of Affected Population by Major Impacts

Type of Use Titleholder Tenant


Kiosks Squatter Total

Residential 5 1 - - 6

Commercial 23 54 - 5 82

Industrial 1 0 - - 1

Institutional 2 2 - - 4

House and commercial 3 4 - - 7

Open land / Plot 5 1 - - 6

Grand Total 39 62 - 5 106

Source: Census Socio-Economic Survey 2011

Table 6: Distribution of Affected Population by Minor Impacts

Type of Use Titleholder Tenant Total

Residential 22 2 24

Commercial 77 177 254

House and Commercial 5 5 10

Industrial 3 1 4

Institutional 21 4 25

Open land/ Plot 8 1 9

Agriculture 1 - 1

Plantation 1 - 1

Grand Total 138 190 328

Source: Census Socio-Economic Survey 2011

Table 7: Distribution of Major Impact Population by Type of Loss

Type of Loss Land Land & Structure Structure Total

Commercial 1 12 69 82

Industrial 1 1

Institutional 1 1 2 4

Mixed 2 5 7

Open land / Plot 6 6

Residential 2 4 6

Grand Total 6 2 4 106

Source: Census Socio-Economic Survey 2011

Table 8: Distribution of Minor Impact Population by Type of Loss

Type of Loss Land Land & Structure Structure Total

Residential 1 9 14 24

Commercial 7 67 180 254

House and Commercial - 1 9 10

Industrial - 1 3 4

Institutional - 13 12 25

Agriculture - 1 - 1

Open land/ Plot 9 - - 9

Plantation 1 - - 1

Grand Total 18 92 218 328






Extent of

Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of property Type of Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O

RHS 1 1 F Hubli Institutional Government Structure Squatter

RHS 18 18 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Kavita

RHS 32 32A F Hubli Institutional Private Structure Owner H J Belgaumwala J H Belgaumwala


32B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Navali Car Seat Cover


32C F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner H J Belgaumwala J H Belgaumwala

RHS 33 33A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant


33B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Navale


33C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ds Rao


33D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 36 36 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Madivalappa B Lokur

RHS 41 41 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Sidrama Bellary

RHS 48 48 F Hubli Institutional Religious Structure Owner

RHS 50 50 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ravi

RHS 64 64 F Hubli Commercial Government Land & Structure Owner

RHS 65 65 F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Squatter

RHS 66 66 F Hubli Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

RHS 69 69 F Hubli Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner


Temple trust

RHS 72 72 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 76 76 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant A A Kittur

RHS 78 78A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Vijaykumar


78B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Krupa V Baddi


78C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Neelavva Hombi


78D F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner Luthar S Labwa Sadgunappa


78E F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 83 83B F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 84 84 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 86 86 F Hubli Institutional Community Structure Owner

RHS 87 87 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 88 88A F Hubli Mixed Private Structure Owner


88B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Narayan Bhandag Vishnukanth

RHS 89 89 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shashidhar Ganappa

RHS 90 90 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Dubki

RHS 92 92 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 93 93 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Tenant Ramu Buttennavar

RHS 94 94 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 95 95 F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant

RHS 96 96 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 97 97 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Tenant m M Kusugal

RHS 101 101 F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Tenant



RHS 102 102 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 103 103 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner Shankarappa Ramachndrappa

RHS 105 105 F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 108 108 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 125 125 F Hubli Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

RHS 151 151 F Hubli Mixed Private Structure Owner Muttavva

RHS 168 168 F Hubli Institutional Religious Structure Owner

RHS 169 169A F Hubli Commercial Religious Structure Tenant Ibrahim




Extent of

Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of property Type of Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O


169B F Hubli Commercial Religious Structure Owner


169C F Hubli Commercial Religious Land Owner


169D F Hubli Commercial Religious Land Owner


169E F Hubli Institutional Religious Land Owner

RHS 227 227 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Paravva Matapathi Mallayya

RHS 231 231 F Dharwad Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

RHS 237 237 F Dharwad Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

RHS 241 241A F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Tenant


241B F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Tenant

RHS 253 253 F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Owner

RHS 256 256 F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Squatter Subash D

RHS 268 268 F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner Mahadev Gaikwad

RHS 282 282 F Dharwad Open land / Plot Private Land Owner


282A F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


282B F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 288 288 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 292 292 F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner Bhimrao.S.Soratur

RHS 297 297 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Rasul.Shaikh

RHS 328 328 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shivakantha.Sidnal

RHS 351 351A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


351B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sheshanna


351C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Babusaheb nadaf


351D F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mohan Katare


351E F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Jappar

RHS 357 357C F Dharwad Mixed Private Structure Owner


357G F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Habubikar Mysore

RHS 370 370A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Nasirkhan khan


370B F Dharwad Industrial Private Structure Tenant

Esak mestri

RHS 371 371 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land Tenant Mehboob saudagar

RHS 384 384A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Mohan Bane


384B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Vishwas Jolad

RHS 385 385A F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Tenant Arjun kalal


385B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sadiq sayyed

RHS 386 386 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Basavaraj

RHS 387 387 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 388 388 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Maklam khan Pathan

RHS 389 389 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 392 392 F Dharwad Mixed Private Structure Owner

RHS 393 393 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 400 400 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 410 410 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 121 121 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 123 123B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant R V Rao


123C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner


123D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant


123E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Basayya


123F F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sadu Kulal


123G F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Lokesh


123H F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Srikant


123I F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ravindra B


123A F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 164 164 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shashindra


164A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mruthunjaya Javali

LHS 173 173F F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Squatter

LHS 193 193 F Dharwad Mixed Government Structure Tenant Chandrashekar Nadaf




Extent of

Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of property Type of Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O

LHS 201 201A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


201B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 202 202A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Uday Shetty


202B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


202C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Manjunath Shetty


202D F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Manjunath

LHS 209 209B F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Squatter

Sayyedsab H



209C F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Squatter Maruthi Matrodi


209D F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Squatter


209E F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


209A F Dharwad Institutional Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 227 227 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Laxmi

LHS 261 261A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant M B Dante


261B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Danti

LHS 268 268A F Dharwad Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

LHS 281 281A F Dharwad Commercial Government Land & Structure Squatter Suresh Pujari


281B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant V M Shetty


281C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


294A F Dharwad Mixed Private Structure Tenant Gopal

LHS 296 296 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 297 297A F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner


297B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sivakrishan Mova


297C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant kalmesh g Muhallatti

LHS 298 298 F Dharwad Mixed Private Structure Tenant AH Horabidi

LHS 308 308A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


308B F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner Gokul Pai


308C F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

LHS 317 317-A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner T G Kabadi


317B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant T.G. Kabadi Gyanusa



SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of

property Type of Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O

RHS 4 4A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Basavaraj Kundagolmath


4B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Santhosh Shetty


4C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant SV Gavkar


4D P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant


4E P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant

Raghavendra Store & Cold


RHS 21 21 P Hubli Institutional


t Structure Owner

RHS 22 22 P Hubli Institutional


t Land & Structure Owner

RHS 23 23 P Hubli


Construction Private Land & Structure Owner Amruth Abhishek

RHS 37 37 P Hubli Institutional


t Land & Structure Owner

RHS 40 40A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Prakash S Mirjankar


40B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Canara Bank


40C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Raghu Kode

RHS 43 43 P Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 51 51 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant B N Patil

RHS 52 52A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shivanand


52B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Subash Atari


52C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Anand


52D P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Patil


52E P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner C H Mashikatta


52F P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant S B Deshpande

RHS 53 53A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sudhir Shetty Raju Shetty


53B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Umesh Shetty Vittal Shetty

RHS 54 54 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 55 55 P Hubli Institutional Trust Structure Owner

RHS 56 56 P Hubli Institutional Private Structure Owner

RHS 60 60 P Hubli Institutional Private Structure Owner

RHS 63 63 P Hubli Institutional Private Land Owner

RHS 91 91 P Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 107 107 P Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner Subhas G Dhani

RHS 113 113 P Hubli Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

RHS 114 114 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 115 115 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Sanjay Maladkar

RHS 117 117 P Hubli Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of

property Type of Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O

RHS 119 119 P Hubli Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

RHS 121 121 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Jayatnthilal

RHS 122 122 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Manikabal

RHS 123 123 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant

RHS 124 124 P Hubli Commercial


t Land & Structure Owner

RHS 170 170 P Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 179 179A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Saleem


179B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Basavaraj Hiremath


179C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mehaboobsab Jangali


179D P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Rafiq Bellary


179E P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner


179F P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 188 188 P Hubli Commercial


t Land & Structure Owner

RHS 190 190 P Hubli Commercial


t Structure Owner

RHS 197 197 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Rakesh Chopra

RHS 198 198 P Hubli Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

RHS 200 200 P Hubli Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

RHS 201 201 P Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 218 218 P Hubli Open land/ Plot


t Land Owner

RHS 221 221 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 224 224 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner Private Limited

RHS 229 229 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner N G Sanikoppa

RHS 230 230 P Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Land & Structure Tenant Raikar

RHS 243 243 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 244 244 P Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner Dinesh Pai

RHS 246 246 P Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

RHS 255 255 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 259 259 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 264 264 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sandeep More

RHS 273 273 P Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

RHS 274 274 P Dharwad Plantation


t Land & Structure Owner

RHS 276 276 P Dharwad Residential


t Structure Tenant

RHS 277 277 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner Prakash Shetty


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of

property Type of Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O

RHS 279 279 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 285 285 P Dharwad Open land/ Plot


t Land Owner

RHS 291 291 P Dharwad Institutional Others Structure Owner

RHS 324 324 P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner V.B.Patil

RHS 325 325 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Ashok.melmani Gopalrao

RHS 326 326 P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 332 332 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 335 335 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 337 337 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Mantesh.Basareddi

RHS 338 338 P Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Land & Structure Tenant

RHS 339 339 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 341 341 P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Tenant M.G.Kammar

RHS 344 344 P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Tenant Jaikar.Hegade

RHS 345 345 P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 346 346 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant cdr. V. K. Dhingre

RHS 348 348A P Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 348 348B P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 361 361 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Arun Hungun

RHS 362 362 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Kumarswamy Hiremath

RHS 363 363 P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 364 364 P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 365 365 P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 367 367 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Madukar Tikare

RHS 368 368 P Dharwad Commercial Others Structure Tenant Zaheer Shaikh

RHS 368 368 P Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Tenant R.V.Patil

RHS 369 369 P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 372 372 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Sachin Ladwa

RHS 374 374 P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner Suresh karant

RHS 375 375 P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 376 376 P Dharwad Residential Private Land Owner

RHS 377 377A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mohan Zamagi


377B P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 378 378A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant cellco


378B P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner Shobha Bhaskar

RHS 379 379A P Dharwad Residential Private Land Owner


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of

property Type of Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O


379B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant MS Patil

RHS 380 380A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shafi Ahmad


380B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


380C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Suraj Jain


380D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ashok Dargad


380E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant R M Mulla


380F P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant salim maniyal


380G P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shridhar Tellgar


380H P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


380I P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Subhash Kalal


380J P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant kiran molade

RHS 390 390A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


390B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Naveen Patil


390C P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Vijayendra Bagal


390D P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant


390E P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Vinayak


390G P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Dr. M K Guttal M.D.


390H P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ranganath Kulkarni


390I P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


390J P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Deshpande


390K P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Udayravi I


390L P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Deepak Hiremath


390M P Dharwad Commercial


t Structure Owner


390n P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant

Ramesh at Tambaraguddi,PB


RHS 399 399 P Dharwad Institutional


t Land & Structure Owner

RHS 403 403 P Dharwad Commercial


t Structure Tenant

RHS 404 404A P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Prakash


404B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Vittal Basalingund


404C P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Imtiyaz


404C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant MajnjuTajudina


404D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


404E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


404F P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


404G P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sri K R Kamat


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of

property Type of Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O

RHS 407 407A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Laxman Rao


407B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ashok Channannavar


407C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


407D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


407E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Subash Patil


407F P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


407G P Dharwad


Construction Private Structure Tenant Arihant Credit S S Ltd


407H P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 408 408A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mallikarjun Nalasagi


408B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ishwar N


408C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant G C Vishwanath


408D P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant


408E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Laxman S Uppar

RHS 409 409 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


409A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant N H Kalkeri


409B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ravi Kumar D


409C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Prabhu Kongi


409D P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Tenant Karnataka Bank


409D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 2 2B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner



Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 13 13A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant H H Rajesh Murasa Bakle


13B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 15 15 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 18 18 P

Institutional Private Structure Owner

LHS 19 19 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Arvind habib


19A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Jaysheela Kulal

LHS 25 25 P

Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 26 26 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 28 28 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant S.V.Khatwate

LHS 29 29 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Divte

LHS 30 30A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shataram


30B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant HH Shantaram


30C P Hubli Residential Private Structure Tenant Raju

LHS 33 33 P Hubli Commercial Private Land Owner


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of

property Type of Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O

LHS 37 37A P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant B.C.Shetti


37B P Hubli Commercial


t Structure Owner

LHS 47 47 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 55 55 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 56 56 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

Arvind Chandrakant

Bellad,Gokul Rd,Akshata Park

LHS 58 58 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 59 59 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 60 60 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 62 62 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Shankar Koliwad Shivappa

LHS 63 63 P

Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

LHS 64 64 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 65 65A P Hubli Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

LHS 75 75 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 76 76 P

Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 77 77A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Nagaraj


77B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant


77C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Veerbhadrappa S Gamangatti


77D P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner V S Gamangatti

LHS 78 78-A P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


78B P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner HH Bhaskar Nagangouda


78-C P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner Anil Patil

LHS 96 96A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Panduranaga


96-B P Hubli Commercial Private Land Tenant Manoj Rokade

LHS 99 99 P Hubli Institutional Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 101 101 P

Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 102 102 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 104 104 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Subhash Malleshrao Mirajkas

LHS 106 106 P Hubli Institutional Trust Structure Owner

LHS 107 107 P Hubli Industrial Private Land & Structure Owner Ashok G. Dani

LHS 108 108 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 109 109 P Hubli Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

LHS 133 133A P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner Altaf Mulla


133B P Hubli Commercial Private Land Owner


133C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of

property Type of Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O

LHS 138 138 P Hubli Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

LHS 149 149 P Hubli Open land/ Plot


t Land Owner

LHS 157 157 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Shankar Habib

LHS 158 158 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 161 161 P Hubli Open land/ Plot


t Land Owner

LHS 167 167 P



t Structure Owner

LHS 169 169 P Hubli Commercial


t Structure Tenant

LHS 170 170 P Hubli Institutional


t Structure Owner

LHS 180 180A P Dharwad Institutional


t Land & Structure Owner


180B P Dharwad Institutional


t Land & Structure Owner

LHS 182 182 P Dharwad Institutional Religious Land Owner

LHS 188 188 P Hubli Open land/ Plot


t Land Owner

LHS 203 203A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ganesha Shetty


203B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Raju Pujari


203C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ashok


203D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant S V Kanale


203E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Praveen


203F P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sudhir Kumar Shetty


203G P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Udaya Pujar


203H P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ravi Shindhe


203H P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant F H Jakappanavar


203I P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shabbir Ahmed


203J P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant F H Jakappanavar


203J P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant F H Jakappanavar

LHS 204 204A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Veerangouda Balangouda Barmagouda


204B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant V N Shetty Narayan Shetty

LHS 205 205 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 215 215 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 215 215A P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


215B P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

LHS 216 216A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


216B P Dharwad Agriculture Private Land Owner

LHS 223 223 P Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of

property Type of Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O

LHS 231 231A P Dharwad Commercial


t Structure Tenant


231B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shankar Shety


231C P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Shankar G Shetty

LHS 238 238A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mustaq Inapur


238B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Siraj T

LHS 239 239A P Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner


239B P Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Owner


239C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sandeep M Malligad Murigeppa


239D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Yatri Suresh Babu Yatri Sugyashetty


239E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mukesh Kotari


239F P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Raju D Neelakanta

LHS 240 240 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 241 241A P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner


241B P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

LHS 248 248A P Dharwad Institutional


t Land & Structure Owner


248B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


248C P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 249 249A P Dharwad Commercial


t Structure Tenant Durdundeshwar N Mundwade


249B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant G M Pathan

LHS 251 251A P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner


251B P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 252 252 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land Owner

LHS 253 253A P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant A A Savar


253B P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner


253C P Dharwad Institutional Private Land & Structure Tenant A A Savar


253D P Dharwad Institutional Private Land & Structure Tenant A A Savar


253E P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant A A Savar

LHS 254 254 P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner M K Ulligeri

LHS 255 255 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 268 268B P Dharwad Institutional


t Land Owner

LHS 271 271A P Dharwad Commercial


t Structure Tenant


271B P Dharwad Commercial


t Structure Tenant Sharanappa Belageri


271C P Dharwad Commercial


t Structure Tenant B P Palakshappa


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of

property Type of Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O


271D P Dharwad Commercial


t Structure Tenant


271E P Dharwad Commercial


t Structure Tenant


271F P Dharwad Commercial


t Structure Tenant


271G P Dharwad Commercial


t Structure Tenant G Reddy


271H P Dharwad Commercial


t Structure Tenant Sanjeev Shetty

LHS 283 283A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Subbarai M Naik


283B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Dinakar

LHS 285 285A P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant


285B P Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Owner

LHS 286 286 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 287 287 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 288 288 P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

LHS 288 288A P Dharwad Institutional Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 289 289 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Basavaraj T

LHS 289 289B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shivananda

LHS 293 293A P Dharwad Institutional Private Land & Structure Owner


293B P Dharwad Institutional Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 299 299 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 300 300 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant

LHS 302 302A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Satish Shetty


302B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Anil MANJUNBAR


302C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mahabala S. Hand


302D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Abdul Haqq, Kazi Abdulwahab


302E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 303 303A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant manohar Pawar


303B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sanjaya Ganesh Mishra


303C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ananda Pojara

LHS 305 305A P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


305B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner G.M Prabhu Swami matha


305C P Dharwad Residential Trust Structure Owner

LHS 313 313A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant BB Kolkar

LHS 314 314A P Dharwad Institutional Private Structure Tenant Ravishankar kakde


314B P Dharwad Institutional Private Structure Tenant Manjunath Dastikoppa


314C P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of

property Type of Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O


314D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 315 315 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 316 316A P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


316B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


316C P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


316D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


316E P Dharwad Institutional Private Structure Tenant Prabha Nidavani



SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of


Type of

Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O

RHS 58 58 F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Tenant Umesh Gamangatti

RHS 59 59 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Bangaramma

RHS 75 75 F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Squatter Veerprakash Nadi

RHS 85 85A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Dr. Rita Desai

RHS 85 85B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Raju S


85C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Rajesahab


85D F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Kavitha N Ullagaddi


85E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 98 98A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Raghavedra S


98B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Vinaychandra


98C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Premnathsa


98D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Viranna


98E F Hubli Institutional Private Land & Structure Tenant Y B Doddamani

RHS 126 126 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant FCI

RHS 127 127 F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 130 130 F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant C.S.Kulkarni

RHS 139 139 F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Owner

RHS 140 140 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 187 187 F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Tenant Veerann P Kollawar

RHS 205 205 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner P.K.Chandukar

RHS 211 211A F Hubli Mixed (C+R) Others Structure Tenant Srikanth Kotegar Shankar


211B F Hubli Commercial Others Structure Tenant Manjunath.H Pakirappa


211C F Hubli Residential Others Structure Tenant Lingan G


211D F Hubli Commercial Others Structure Tenant Maruthi S Pujar Sakappa


211E F Hubli Commercial Others Structure Tenant Annappa S Revankar

RHS 215 215 F Hubli Mixed (C+R) Government Structure Tenant Kamalavva Marigoudar

RHS 219 219 F Hubli Open land/ Plot Government Land Owner

RHS 238 238A F Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Owner Dadsab H Nadaf


238B F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner Subansab Nadaf


238C F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner Khadarbi Nadaf

RHS 239 239 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 257 257 F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Squatter

RHS 258 258 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Babu D

RHS 260 260 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 261 261 F Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

RHS 262 262 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 267 267A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


267B F Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Land & Structure Owner


267C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Chandrashekar M Karkeri


267D F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


267E F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant

RHS 270 270 F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 284 284 F Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 286 286 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Jayaram.A.Pujari

RHS 293 293 F Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 303 303A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Faruk.I.Shaikh


303B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Karim.M.Davalmanik

RHS 304 304A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Jafar.shaikh


304B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 305 305A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


305B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mahaboobshah

RHS 307 307 F Dharwad Open land/ Plot Government Land Tenant

RHS 308 308A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Mehaboob


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of


Type of

Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O


308B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


308C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

Shaifuddin.T.kaladagi,egg rice



308D F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Gangadhar

RHS 310 310 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Annappa.Naga Pujari

RHS 311 311 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Suresh.Pujari

RHS 313 313 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 366 366C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shri Datta Medicals


366E F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 115 115B F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Tenant D M Satishbabu D Madaiah


115A F Hubli Institutional Government Structure Tenant D M Satishbabu D Madaiah

LHS 124 124B F Hubli Commercial Religious Land Owner


124A F Hubli Institutional Religious Land Owner

LHS 132 132A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Sadashiva Shettya


132B F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


132C F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant M Rafiq Bijalikhan


132D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner


132E F Hubli Industrial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 139 139C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shambu M Patil

LHS 140 140 A F Hubli Institutional Government Structure Owner

LHS 141 141A F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Squatter


141B F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Squatter

LHS 144 144B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Iliyas


144C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner M Srikant


144D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Manju


144E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner K K Angadi


144A F Hubli Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner jafar

LHS 145 145 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shivanand Salvatagi Chennaveerappa


145B F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Manju


145C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Zaheer Nayakwadi


145E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant S N Goudar


145A F Hubli Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Tenant Suresh Pawar


145D F Hubli Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Tenant Basavaraj Ronad Maruteppa

LHS 146 146A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Zubeda


146B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Zubeda B Arab


146C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant V Subramanya


146D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Kazi Husain


146E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Devaki Yoganand

LHS 148 148 F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant R N Baddi

LHS 185 185A F Dharwad Commercial Trust Structure Tenant Manjunath Chikkannavar


185B F Dharwad Commercial Trust Structure Tenant Siddappa G Dambal


185C F Dharwad Commercial Trust Structure Tenant Siddanagouda Shishuvinahalli


185D F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant S G Hiremath


185E F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Squatter Ravui


185G F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Channappa


185F F Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner Manjunath

LHS 187 187B F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Owner Basavaraj


187A F Dharwad Open land/ Plot Government Land Owner

LHS 190 190A F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Tenant Mustaq

LHS 192 192B F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Owner

LHS 206 206C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 294 294B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Rajashekar


294C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shankar


294D F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Manjula



SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of


Type of

Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O

RHS 2 2A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Suresh Raireddi


2B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant N.R Rajgopal Rao


2C P Hubli Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Owner Narayan T Shetty


2D P Hubli Institutional Government Structure Tenant

RHS 5 5A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant


5B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant K I Pathan


5C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant S J V J


5D P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner


5E P Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner V R Inamdar Raghavendra


5F P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 6 6 P Hubli Mixed (C+R) Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 11 11 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Narendra R

RHS 17 17A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ramachandra


17B P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Nagangouda


17C P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Santhosh B Barad


17E P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant


17F P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Rajeev S Mathod

RHS 35 35 P Hubli Commercial Government Structure Owner

RHS 42 42 P Hubli Institutional Government Structure Owner

RHS 49 49A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant


49B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Nilesh Jain Ramesh Jain


49C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sanju


49D P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Jayaram Raikar


49E P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Nagara Raikar


49F P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant G J Jadaeesh Kumar

RHS 70 70 P Hubli Institutional Government Structure Owner

Direcorate, Women & Child


RHS 73 73 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ravi Malshetti

RHS 74 74A P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Mahindra


74B P Hubli Institutional Government Structure Tenant


74C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shanmukh

RHS 83 83A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shivanand Shiraguppi Malleshappa


83C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 131 131 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Prabhat agro industries

RHS 133 133 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Sudhindra

RHS 135 135 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Veeru.Choudari

RHS 136 136 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Kiran Jain

RHS 137 137 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shekar Babu

RHS 138 138 P Hubli Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

RHS 142 142 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Mahadevappa

RHS 144 144A P Hubli Institutional Religious Structure Owner


144B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Manjunath


144C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shivanna

RHS 146 146 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Udaykrishna Kotari

RHS 147 147A P Hubli Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner Mahantesh Mallesh Hadagal


147B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Basavaraj B Satannavar Bhimappa

RHS 148 148 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Mallesh Hadapad

RHS 152 152 P Hubli Institutional Government Land & Structure Owner O.P.Benagi

RHS 162 162 P

Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

RHS 163 163 P Hubli Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Owner Nagesh Shetty Premnath Shetty


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of


Type of

Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O

RHS 165 165 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Bharat Petrolium

RHS 171 171 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Manikbhag motor

RHS 177 177 P Hubli Industrial Private Structure Owner Siddappa S Chulaki

RHS 178 178 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Baburao G D

RHS 180 180 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 181 181 P Hubli Industrial Private Structure Tenant Kiran V Kattari

RHS 185 185 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 189 189 P Hubli Commercial Government Land & Structure Owner

RHS 204 204A P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant K V Pujar


204B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sangayya Naregalmath


204C P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant

RHS 226 226 P Dharwad Agriculture Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 232 232 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner S Vanjicko

RHS 234 234 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 235 235 P Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

RHS 240 240 P Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Owner

RHS 245 245A P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 248 248 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 249 249 P Dharwad Institutional Trust Structure Owner SDM Hospital,Sattur

RHS 254 254 P

Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

RHS 263 263 P Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

RHS 280 280 P Dharwad Commercial Government Land & Structure Owner

RHS 281 281 P Dharwad Industrial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 283 283 P Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner Mahaboobsab Makadumsab

RHS 287 287 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 289 289 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant

RHS 290 290 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Sanjay.Shettemmannavar

RHS 298 298A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Nuri


298B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant ICICI Bank


298C P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Manjunath.Dhoni


298D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


298E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 299 299A P Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Owner


299B P Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Tenant Siddappa.Yallappa.Dandin


299C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sunil.Mullapudi


299D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


299F P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


299G P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner


299E P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 300 300A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Abdulaziz.Yaragatti


300B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Lingaraj.P.Yammiyavar


300C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sunil.Shetty


300D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Pratapa.Shetty


300E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Umesh.Pujari

RHS 302 302A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ganesh.Shetty Timmappa


302B P Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Tenant Nagaraj.Bakale


302C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Jeevan Shetty


302E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Krishna


302F P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Gururaj.B.Gantakal Bojaraj


302G P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant

Gandhinagar urban co-operative

credit society


302H P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


302I P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Burhan


302J P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Nagaraj.B.Belgur

RHS 314 314 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of


Type of

Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O

RHS 315 315 P Dharwad Institutional Trust Land & Structure Owner

RHS 327 327 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 329 329A P Dharwad Commercial Private Land Tenant Hanumant.Walikar


329B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Bhaskar.Pujar


329C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sudheer.Shetty


329D P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Raju.Menddan


329E P Dharwad Institutional Private Structure Tenant Khan

RHS 354 354A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mohammad Abdullah


354B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant

RHS 355 355A P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner Jagadish Motekar


355B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


355C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


355D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


355E P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Fazal


355F P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Allabaksh Kalaburgi


355G P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Dasharath


355H P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


355I P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


355J P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Ramachandra Naragund


355K P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 356 356 P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 357 357A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


357B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Maruti


357D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Parvez


357E P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner


357F P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sudrashan Shetty

RHS 359 359A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


359B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Gurudeepsingh Chadha


359C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


359D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner R. S. Hiremath


359E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 360 360A P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Tenant Rajesh H.G.


360B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Rajesh H.G.


360C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Dinesh Pujar Sanjeeva


360D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


360E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 366 366A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Garage


366B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


366D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Kashinath Bhadrimath


366F P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Vasant Akkalawadi

RHS 381 381B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sarvottam shetty


381C P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Tenant satish katti


381D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


381E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


381F P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


381G P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Dr. S S Guttar


381H P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


381I P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

Shri Mrityunjaya urban co-op

soc. Ltd.


381J P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ratan Kabadiya

RHS 383 383A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ganapati Muttagi


383B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant harisingh Jamadar

RHS 391 391A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


391B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sushilkumar


391C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant sunil Rai


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of


Type of

Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O


391D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Badal Jawaharlal S


391E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 394 394A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant sanjay


394B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant sanjay


394C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


394D P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Raghvendra Vernikar


394E P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Ramesh Hullali


394F P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Vitthal Bhatt


394G P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 401 401 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 405 405 P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 405 405A P Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Tenant

Reliance PCO Jawahar


LHS 1 1A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Dr. A. R. Hiregoudar


1B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant


1C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shantkumar Shivappa Dattargav


1D P

Commercial Private Structure Tenant


1E P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Pandurangi

LHS 4 4A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Pandurangi


4B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Krshnaji Pandurangi


4C P Hubli Institutional Private Structure Tenant k G Pandurangi


4D P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant

k G Pandurangi sundaram



4F P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant


4G P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Pandurangi


4H P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant K G Pandurangi


4I P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Pandurangi

LHS 6 6A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Pramod danial


6B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant A B Karigowdar Basvaraj


6C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Praveen


6D P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant balaji K.Malikarjun

LHS 7 7A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant V B Gunjatti Basariannapaa


7B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Murugan Shetty


7C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Rajesh Govindappa


7D P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Abhsheka Badigar Nagaraj Badigar

LHS 8 8A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Kiran N Kondoji Nagappa


8B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shashidhar Kubusad


8C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Santhosh





Institutional Government Structure Owner

LHS 17 17 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Mantyaswami Mariayyaswamy

LHS 32 32 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 57 57 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

Mahesh Bellad and Prashant


LHS 80 80-A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Vinayak


80-B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Yallappa

LHS 82 82 P Hubli Open land/ Plot Private Land Tenant

LHS 83 83 P Hubli Residential Trust Land & Structure Owner Sameer

LHS 87 87 P

Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 98 98 P Hubli Commercial Private Land Tenant

LHS 100 100A P Hubli Commercial Private Land Owner Gurushantappa Pakirappa Tattimani


100B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Ramesh


100C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Prabhu Unkal,Hublli


100C P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner Siddappa N hadpad

LHS 110 110 P

Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of


Type of

Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O

LHS 112 112B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Husain Kittur Mohammad Asif


112C P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


112D P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shakil Ahammad Maqboolsab Nadaf


112E P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Dixon Antony


112F P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant JafarKhan Amirkhan

LHS 116 116 P Hubli Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

LHS 117 117 P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 122 122A P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner Basavaraj S Kiresur


122B P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner Shankrappa S Kiresur


122C P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Mahantesh S Kiresur


122D P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Shankar V Pujar


122E P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Ramesh Raghupati Rao


122F P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Isuf Hukeoni


122G P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Shivanand Garage


122H P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant

LHS 126 126 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

Aravind Bellad' Gokul Road,


LHS 127 127 P Hubli Institutional Private Structure Owner

Ramesh Kothari Hosur Road


LHS 128 128A P Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner Ramappa Sunagar


128B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant N H Kamangar


128C P Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner


128D P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Basavva Tukkannavar

LHS 130 130A P Hubli Commercial Private Land Owner


130B P Hubli Commercial Private Land Owner


130C P Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

LHS 131 131A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ramanna Aralikatti


131B P Hubli Commercial Private Land Tenant


131C P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant


131D P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Rafiq Mestri


131E P Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

LHS 139 139A P Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


139B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Hanamasa R M


140 B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Murali Nayadu Venkatesharlu


140C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shashi S Agalekar


140D P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ramesh L Jadu


140E P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant kahja Husain Shaikh Budansab


140F P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant


141C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 143 143A P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Siddappa


143B P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Arun Shetty


143C P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant B L Panas


143D P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Manager' Aslam


143E P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ramanagouda Kakada

LHS 152 152 P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 156 156 P

Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 160 160A P Hubli Institutional Private Land & Structure Owner


160B P Hubli Institutional Private Land & Structure Owner N B Amargol


173H P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner


173I P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner


173J P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner


173K P Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 174 174 P Dharwad Institutional Government Land & Structure Owner

LHS 186 186A P Dharwad Institutional Trust Land & Structure Owner Siddappa S L


186B P Dharwad Institutional Trust Land & Structure Owner Brahmananada Ashram Trust


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of


Type of

Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O


LHS 191 191 P Dharwad Institutional Government Land & Structure Owner

LHS 192 192 P Dharwad Plantation Government Land & Structure Owner

LHS 194 194 P Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

LHS 196 196A P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner Kumar S Hiremath

LHS 199 199 P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 206 206A P Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Owner Basavantappa I,Ashraya Colony


206B P Dharwad Institutional Private Land & Structure Owner Srikanth Takura

LHS 210 210 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner Arun B Hunagund

LHS 212 212 P Dharwad Commercial Government Land & Structure Tenant

LHS 213 213A P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


213B P Dharwad Commercial Government Land & Structure Owner


213C P Dharwad Institutional Government Land & Structure Owner

LHS 214 214 P Dharwad Institutional Religious Structure Owner

LHS 218 218 P Dharwad Industrial Government Structure Owner

LHS 224 224A P Dharwad Institutional Private Structure Owner


224B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 229 229A P Dharwad Open land/ Plot Government Land Owner


229B P Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

LHS 232 232 P Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

LHS 233 233A P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner Captain Shindhe Laxmanrao


233B P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

LHS 234 234 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land Owner

LHS 237 237A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Davalsab K S


237B P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner


237C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Hasan


237D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Md.Gouse


237E P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner


237F P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner Gururaj Akki

LHS 242 242A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shivanand B Gurihosur


242B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Veeresh


242C P Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Tenant Dharwad City Bus Operators


242D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Nagesh S Prabhu


242E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Nagesh S Prabhu


242F P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Rajashekar Shindhe


242G P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Uday Kumar P Kulkarni


242H P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Prashanth


242I P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Amit Hosmani


242J P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Prasan Joshi


242K P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner N S Bhat


242L P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


242M P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


242N P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 243 243A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


243B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 267 267A P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


267B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant


267C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Raganna


267D P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Satyanarayana


268C P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 272 272 P Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

LHS 275 275A P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant


275B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant S M Angadi


275C P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant


275D P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant S M Angadi


SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of


Type of

Structure Type of owner Name_HH S/O


275E P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant S M Angadi

LHS 277 277A P Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner


277B P Dharwad Residential Private Land Owner

LHS 280 280A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Central Bank Of India


280B P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 295 295A P Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


295B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 301 301A P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant


301B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Gururaj


301B P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Sunil Sarur


301D P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Sunil Sarur

LHS 311 311 P Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 312 312 P Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Tenant Dr K Guruswamy


Table -5: Distribution of Affected Population by Major Impacts

Type of Use Titleholder Tenant Licensed

Kiosks Squatter Total

Residential 15 4 0 0 19

Commercial 30 17 36 7 90

Industrial 0 1 0 0 1

Institutional 12 0 0 1 13

House and commercial 4 3 0 0 7

Open land / Plot 1 0 0 0 1

Grand Total 62 25 36 8 131

Table -6: Distribution of Affected Population by Minor Impacts

Type of Use Titleholder Tenant Total

Residential 29 5 34

Commercial 80 142 222

House and

Commercial 3 2 5

Industrial 1 0 1

Institutional 23 5 28

Open land/ Plot 18 1 19

Agriculture 1 0 1

Plantation 1 0 1

Grand Total 156 155 311

Table -7: Distribution of Major Impact Population by Type of Loss

Type of Loss Land Land &

Structure Structure Total

Commercial 3 15 72 90

Industrial 0 0 1 1

Institutional 1 7 5 13

Mixed 0 0 7 7

Open land / Plot 1 0 0 1

Residential 0 4 15 19

Grand Total 5 26 100 131

Table -8: Distribution of Minor Impact Population by Type of Loss

Type of Loss Land Land &

Structure Structure Total

Residential 2 14 18 34

Commercial 4 59 159 222

House and

Commercial 0 3 2 5

Industrial 0 1 0 1

Institutional 3 13 12 28

Agriculture 1 0 0 1

Open land/ Plot 19 0 0 19

Plantation 0 1 0 1

Grand Total 29 91 191 311


Table -9: Distribution of Affected Population by Major Impacts

Type of Use Titleholder Tenant Licensed

Kiosks Squatter Total

Residential 5 1 0 0 6

Commercial 23 54 0 5 82

Industrial 1 0 0 0 1

Institutional 2 2 0 0 4

House and commercial 3 4 0 0 7

Open land / Plot 5 1 0 0 6

Grand Total 39 62 0 5 106

Table -10: Distribution of Affected Population by Minor Impacts

Type of Use Titleholder Tenant Total

Residential 22 2 24

Commercial 77 177 254

House and Commercial 5 5 10

Industrial 3 1 4

Institutional 21 4 25

Open land/ Plot 8 1 9

Agriculture 1 1

Plantation 1 1

Grand Total 138 190 328

Type of Loss Land Land &

Structure Structure Total

Commercial 1 12 69 82

Industrial 1 1

Institutional 1 1 2 4

Mixed 2 5 7

Open land / Plot 6 6

Residential 2 4 6

Grand Total 8 18 80 106

Type of Loss Land Land &

Structure Structure Total

Residential 1 9 14 24

Commercial 7 67 180 254

House and

Commercial 1 9 10

Industrial 1 3 4

Institutional 13 12 25

Agriculture 1 1

Open land/ Plot 9 9

Plantation 1 1

Grand Total 18 92 218 328





ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type_property Type_ Structure Type_owner Name_HH S/O

RHS 1 1 F Hubli Institutional Religious Structure Squatter

RHS 18 18 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant kavita

RHS 32 32A F Hubli Institutional Private Structure Owner H J Belgaumwala J H Belgaumwala


32B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Navali Car Seat Cover


32C F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner H J Belgaumwala J H Belgaumwala

RHS 33 33A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant


33B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Navale


33C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ds Rao


33D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 36 36 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Madivalappa B Lokur

RHS 41 41 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Sidrama Bellary

RHS 48 48 F Hubli Institutional Religious Structure Owner

RHS 50 50 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ravi

RHS 58 58 F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Tenant Umesh Gamangatti

RHS 59 59 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Bangaramma

RHS 64 64 F Hubli Commercial Government Land & Structure Owner

RHS 65 65 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Squatter

RHS 66 66 F Hubli Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

RHS 69 69 F Hubli Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

Ramalingeshwar Temple


RHS 72 72 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 75 75 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Squatter Veerprakash Nadi

RHS 76 76 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant A A Kittur

RHS 78 78A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Vijaykumar


78B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Krupa V Baddi


78C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Neelavva Hombi


78D F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner Luthar S Labwa Sadgunappa


78E F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner


83B F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 84 84 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 85 85A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Dr. Rita Desai


85B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Raju S


85C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Rajesahab


85D F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Kavitha N Ullagaddi



ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type_property Type_ Structure Type_owner Name_HH S/O


85E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 86 86 F Hubli Institutional Community Structure Owner

RHS 87 87 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 88 88A F Hubli Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Owner


88B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Narayan Bhandag Vishnukanth

RHS 89 89 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shashidhar Ganappa

RHS 90 90 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Dubki

RHS 92 92 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 93 93 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Tenant Ramu Buttennavar

RHS 94 94 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 95 95 F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant

RHS 96 96 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 97 97 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Tenant m M Kusugal

RHS 98 98A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Raghavedra S


98B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Vinaychandra


98C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Premnathsa


98D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Viranna


98E F Hubli Institutional Private Land & Structure Tenant Y B Doddamani

RHS 101 101 F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Tenant Neelavva Nadivinamani

RHS 102 102 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 103 103 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner Shankarappa Ramachndrappa

RHS 105 105 F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 108 108 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 125 125 F Hubli Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

RHS 126 126 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant FCI

RHS 127 127 F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 130 130 F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant C.S.Kulkarni

RHS 139 139 F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Owner

RHS 140 140 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 151 151 F Hubli Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Owner Muttavva

RHS 168 168 F Hubli Institutional Religious Structure Owner

RHS 169 169A F Hubli Commercial Religious Structure Tenant Ibrahim


169B F Hubli Commercial Religious Structure Owner


169C F Hubli Commercial Religious Land Owner


169D F Hubli Commercial Religious Land Owner



ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type_property Type_ Structure Type_owner Name_HH S/O


169E F Hubli Institutional Religious Land Owner

RHS 187 187 F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Tenant Veerann P Kollawar

RHS 205 205 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner P.K.Chandukar

RHS 211 211A F Hubli Mixed (C+R) Others Structure Tenant Srikanth Kotegar Shankar


211B F Hubli Commercial Others Structure Tenant Manjunath.H Pakirappa


211C F Hubli Residential Others Structure Tenant Lingan G


211D F Hubli Commercial Others Structure Tenant Maruthi S Pujar Sakappa


211E F Hubli Commercial Others Structure Tenant Annappa S Revankar

RHS 215 215 F Hubli Mixed (C+R) Government Structure Tenant Kamalavva Marigoudar

RHS 219 219 F Hubli Open land/ Plot Government Land Owner

RHS 227 227 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Paravva Matapathi Mallayya

RHS 231 231 F Dharwad Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

RHS 237 237 F Dharwad Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

RHS 238 238A F Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Owner Dadsab H Nadaf


238B F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner Subansab Nadaf


238C F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner Khadarbi Nadaf

RHS 239 239 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 241 241A F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Tenant


241B F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Tenant

RHS 253 253 F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Owner

RHS 256 256 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Squatter Subash D

RHS 257 257 F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Squatter

RHS 258 258 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Babu D

RHS 260 260 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 261 261 F Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

RHS 262 262 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 267 267A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


267B F Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Land & Structure Owner


267C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Chandrashekar M Karkeri


267D F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


267E F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant

RHS 268 268 F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner Mahadev Gaikwad

RHS 270 270 F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 282 282A F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 282 282B F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner



ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type_property Type_ Structure Type_owner Name_HH S/O

RHS 282 282 F Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

RHS 284 284 F Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 286 286 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Jayaram.A.Pujari

RHS 288 288 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 292 292 F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner Bhimrao.S.Soratur

RHS 293 293 F Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 297 297 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Rasul.Shaikh

RHS 303 303A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Faruk.I.Shaikh


303B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Karim.M.Davalmanik

RHS 304 304A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Jafar.shaikh


304B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 305 305A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


305B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mahaboobshah

RHS 307 307 F Dharwad Open land/ Plot Government Land Tenant

RHS 308 308A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Mehaboob


308B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


308D F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Gangadhar


308C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


rice centre,Gandhinagar

RHS 310 310 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Annappa.Naga Pujari

RHS 311 311 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Suresh.Pujari

RHS 313 313 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 328 328 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shivakantha.Sidnal

RHS 351 351A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


351B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sheshanna


351C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Babusaheb nadaf


351D F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mohan Katare


351E F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Jappar


357C F Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Owner


357G F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Habubikar Mysore


366C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shri Datta Medicals


366E F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 370 370A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Nasirkhan khan


370B F Dharwad Industrial Private Structure Tenant

Esak mestri

RHS 371 371 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land Tenant Mehboob saudagar

RHS 384 384A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Mohan Bane



ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type_property Type_ Structure Type_owner Name_HH S/O


384B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Vishwas Jolad

RHS 385 385A F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Tenant Arjun kalal


385B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sadiq sayyed

RHS 386 386 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Basavaraj

RHS 387 387 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 388 388 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Maklam khan Pathan

RHS 389 389 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 392 392 F Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Owner

RHS 393 393 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 400 400 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 410 410 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 115 115A F Hubli Institutional Government Structure Tenant D M Satishbabu D Madaiah


115B F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Tenant D M Satishbabu D Madaiah

LHS 121 121 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 123 123A F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner


123B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant R V Rao


123C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner


123D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant


123E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Basayya


123F F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sadu Kulal


123G F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Lokesh


123H F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Srikant


123I F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ravindra B

LHS 124 124A F Hubli Institutional Religious Land Owner


124B F Hubli Commercial Religious Land Owner

LHS 132 132A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Sadashiva Shettya


132B F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


132C F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant M Rafiq Bijalikhan


132D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner


132E F Hubli Industrial Private Land & Structure Owner


139C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shambu M Patil

LHS 140 140 A F Hubli Institutional Government Structure Owner

LHS 141 141A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Squatter


141B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Squatter

LHS 144 144A F Hubli Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner jafar



ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type_property Type_ Structure Type_owner Name_HH S/O


144B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Iliyas


144C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner M Srikant


144D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Manju


144E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner K K Angadi

LHS 145 145 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shivanand Salvatagi Chennaveerappa


145A F Hubli Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Tenant Suresh Pawar


145B F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Manju


145C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Zaheer Nayakwadi


145D F Hubli Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Tenant Basavaraj Ronad Maruteppa


145E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant S N Goudar

LHS 146 146A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Zubeda


146B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Zubeda B Arab


146C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant V Subramanya


146D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Kazi Husain


146E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Devaki Yoganand

LHS 148 148 F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant R N Baddi

LHS 164 164 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shashindra


164A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mruthunjaya Javali


173F F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Squatter

LHS 185 185A F Dharwad Commercial Trust Structure Tenant Manjunath Chikkannavar


185B F Dharwad Commercial Trust Structure Tenant Siddappa G Dambal


185C F Dharwad Commercial Trust Structure Tenant




185D F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant S G Hiremath


185E F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Squatter Ravui


185F F Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner Manjunath


185G F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Channappa

LHS 187 187A F Dharwad Open land/ Plot Government Land Owner


187B F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Owner Basavaraj

LHS 190 190A F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Tenant Mustaq


192B F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Owner

LHS 193 193 F Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Government Structure Tenant Chandrashekar Nadaf

LHS 201 201A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


201B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 202 202A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Uday Shetty


202B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant



ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type_property Type_ Structure Type_owner Name_HH S/O


202C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Manjunath Shetty


202D F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Manjunath


206C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 209 209A F Dharwad Institutional Private Land & Structure Owner


209B F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Squatter Sayyedsab H Vallenavar


209C F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Squatter Maruthi Matrodi


209D F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Squatter


209E F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 227 227 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Laxmi

LHS 261 261A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant M B Dante


261B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Danti

LHS 268 268A F Dharwad Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

LHS 281 281A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Squatter Suresh Pujari


281B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant V M Shetty


281C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

LHS 294 294A F Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Tenant Gopal


294B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Rajashekar


294C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shankar


294D F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Manjula

LHS 296 296 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 297 297A F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner


297B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Leased Sivakrishan mova


297C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant kalmesh g Muhallatti

LHS 298 298 F Dharwad Mixed (C+R) Private Structure Leased AH Horabidi

LHS 308 308A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


308B F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner Gokul Pai


308C F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

LHS 317 317-A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner T G Kabadi


317B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant T.G. Kabadi Gyanusa


TABLE 2: Major Impact - Residential Category



Extent of

Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of property Type of Structure Type of Owner

Name of House



RHS 32 32C F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner H J Belgaumwala

RHS 72 72 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 78 78D F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner Luthar S Labwa


78E F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 83 83B F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 87 87 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 93 93 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Tenant Ramu Buttennavar

RHS 97 97 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Tenant m M Kusugal

RHS 101 101 F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Tenant



RHS 102 102 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 103 103 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner Shankarappa

RHS 105 105 F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 108 108 F Hubli Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 127 127 F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 211 211C F Hubli Residential Others Structure Tenant Lingan G

RHS 238 238B F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner Subansab Nadaf


238C F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner Khadarbi Nadaf

RHS 268 268 F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner Mahadev Gaikwad

RHS 270 270 F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 284 284 F Dharwad Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 292 292 F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner Bhimrao.S.Soratur

RHS 385 385A F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Tenant Arjun kalal

LHS 123 123A F Hubli Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 297 297A F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner

LHS 308 308C F Dharwad Residential Private Structure Owner


TABLE 3: Major Impact - Commercial Category


ID_No Impact

Village /

Town Type of Use Type of property Type of Structure Type of owner Name of House Hold S/O

RHS 18 18 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant kavita


32B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Navali Car Seat Cover

RHS 33 33A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant


33B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Navale


33C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ds Rao


33D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 36 36 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Madivalappa B Lokur

RHS 41 41 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Sidrama Bellary

RHS 50 50 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ravi

RHS 58 58 F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Tenant Umesh Gamangatti

RHS 59 59 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Bangaramma

RHS 64 64 F Hubli Commercial Government Land & Structure Owner

RHS 65 65 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Squatter

RHS 75 75 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Squatter Veerprakash Nadi

RHS 76 76 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant A A Kittur

RHS 78 78A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Vijaykumar


78B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Krupa V Baddi


78C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Neelavva Hombi

RHS 84 84 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 85 85A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Dr. Rita Desai


85B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Raju S


85C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Rajesahab


85D F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Kavitha N Ullagaddi


85E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner


88B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Narayan Bhandag

RHS 89 89 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shashidhar Ganappa

RHS 90 90 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Dubki

RHS 92 92 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 94 94 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 95 95 F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant

RHS 96 96 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 98 98A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Raghavedra S


98B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Vinaychandra


98C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Premnathsa


98D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Viranna

RHS 126 126 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant FCI

RHS 130 130 F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant C.S.Kulkarni

RHS 139 139 F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Owner

RHS 140 140 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 169 169A F Hubli Commercial Religious Structure Tenant Ibrahim


169B F Hubli Commercial Trust Structure Owner


169C F Hubli Commercial Trust Land Owner


169D F Hubli Commercial Trust Land Owner

RHS 187 187 F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Tenant Veerann P Kollawar

RHS 205 205 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner P.K.Chandukar


211B F Hubli Commercial Others Structure Tenant Manjunath.H Pakirappa


211D F Hubli Commercial Others Structure Tenant Maruthi S Pujar Sakappa


211E F Hubli Commercial Others Structure Tenant Annappa S Revankar

RHS 227 227 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Paravva Matapathi Mallayya

RHS 239 239 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 241 241A F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Tenant


241B F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Tenant

RHS 253 253 F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Owner



ID_No Impact

Village /

Town Type of Use Type of property Type of Structure Type of owner Name of House Hold S/O

RHS 256 256 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Squatter Subash D

RHS 257 257 F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Squatter

RHS 258 258 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Babu D

RHS 260 260 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 262 262 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 267 267A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


267C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Chandrashekar M Karkeri


267D F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


267E F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant

RHS 282 282A F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 282 282B F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 286 286 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Jayaram.A.Pujari

RHS 288 288 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 297 297 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Rasul.Shaikh

RHS 303 303A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Faruk.I.Shaikh


303B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Karim.M.Davalmanik

RHS 304 304A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Jafar.shaikh


304B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 305 305A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


305B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mahaboobshah

RHS 308 308A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Mehaboob


308B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


308D F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Gangadhar


308C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

Shaifuddin.T.kaladagi,egg rice


RHS 310 310 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Annappa.Naga Pujari

RHS 311 311 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Suresh.Pujari

RHS 313 313 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 328 328 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shivakantha.Sidnal

RHS 351 351A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


351B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sheshanna


351C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Babusaheb nadaf


351D F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mohan Katare


351E F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Jappar


357G F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Habubikar Mysore


366C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shri Datta Medicals


366E F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 370 370A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Nasirkhan khan

RHS 371 371 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land Tenant Mehboob saudagar

RHS 384 384A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Mohan Bane


384B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Vishwas Jolad


385B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sadiq sayyed

RHS 386 386 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Basavaraj

RHS 387 387 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 388 388 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Maklam khan Pathan

RHS 389 389 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 393 393 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner

RHS 400 400 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

RHS 410 410 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


115B F Hubli Commercial Government Structure Tenant D M Satishbabu D Madaiah

LHS 121 121 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner


123B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant R V Rao


123C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner


123D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant


123E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Basayya



ID_No Impact

Village /

Town Type of Use Type of property Type of Structure Type of owner Name of House Hold S/O


123F F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sadu Kulal


123G F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Lokesh


123H F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Srikant


123I F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Ravindra B


124B F Hubli Commercial Religious Land Owner

LHS 132 132A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Sadashiva Shettya


132B F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


132C F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant M Rafiq Bijalikhan


132D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner


139C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shambu M Patil

LHS 141 141A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Squatter


141B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Squatter


144B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Iliyas


144C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner M Srikant


144D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Manju


144E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner K K Angadi

LHS 145 145 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shivanand Salvatagi Chennaveerappa


145B F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Manju


145C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Owner Zaheer Nayakwadi


145E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant S N Goudar

LHS 146 146A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Zubeda


146B F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Zubeda B Arab


146C F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant V Subramanya


146D F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Kazi Husain


146E F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Devaki Yoganand

LHS 148 148 F Hubli Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant R N Baddi

LHS 164 164 F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shashindra


164A F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Tenant Mruthunjaya Javali


173F F Hubli Commercial Private Structure Squatter

LHS 185 185A F Dharwad Commercial Trust Structure Tenant Manjunath Chikkannavar


185B F Dharwad Commercial Trust Structure Tenant Siddappa G Dambal


185C F Dharwad Commercial Trust Structure Tenant Siddanagouda Shishuvinahalli


185D F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant S G Hiremath


185E F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Squatter Ravui


185G F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner Channappa


187B F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Owner Basavaraj

LHS 190 190A F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Tenant Mustaq


192B F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Owner

LHS 201 201A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


201B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 202 202A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Uday Shetty


202B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


202C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Manjunath Shetty


202D F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant Manjunath


206C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant


209B F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Squatter Sayyedsab H Vallenavar


209C F Dharwad Commercial Government Structure Squatter Maruthi Matrodi


209D F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Squatter


209E F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant

LHS 227 227 F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Laxmi

LHS 261 261A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Tenant M B Dante


261B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Danti

LHS 281 281A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Squatter Suresh Pujari


281B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant V M Shetty


281C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner



ID_No Impact

Village /

Town Type of Use Type of property Type of Structure Type of owner Name of House Hold S/O


294B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Rajashekar


294C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Shankar


294D F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Manjula

LHS 296 296 F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner


297B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant Sivakrishan mova


297C F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant kalmesh g Muhallatti

LHS 308 308A F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Owner


308B F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner Gokul Pai

LHS 317 317-A F Dharwad Commercial Private Land & Structure Owner T G Kabadi


317B F Dharwad Commercial Private Structure Tenant T.G. Kabadi Gyanusa


TABLE 4: Major Impact - Commercial and Residential Category


ID_No Impact

Village /

Town Type of Use Type_property Type_ Structure Type_owner Name_HH S/O

RHS 88 88A F Hubli


Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 151 151 F Hubli


Residential Private Structure Owner Muttavva

RHS 211 211A F Hubli


Residential Others Structure Tenant Srikanth Kotegar Shankar

RHS 215 215 F Hubli


Residential Government Structure Tenant Kamalavva Marigoudar

RHS 238 238A F Dharwad


Residential Private Structure Owner Dadsab H Nadaf


267B F Dharwad


Residential Private Land & Structure Owner

RHS 293 293 F Dharwad


Residential Private Land & Structure Owner


357C F Dharwad


Residential Private Structure Owner

RHS 392 392 F Dharwad


Residential Private Structure Owner


145A F Hubli


Residential Private Structure Tenant Suresh Pawar


145D F Hubli


Residential Private Structure Tenant Basavaraj Ronad Maruteppa

LHS 193 193 F Dharwad


Residential Government Structure Tenant Chandrashekar Nadaf

LHS 294 294A F Dharwad


Residential Private Structure Tenant Gopal

LHS 298 298 F Dharwad


Residential Private Structure Tenant AH Horabidi


TABLE 5: Major Impact - Industrial Category

SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of

property Type_ Structure Type_ Owner Name of House hold

RHS 370 370B F Dharwad Industrial Private Structure Tenant Riyaz Kittur

LHS 132 132E F Hubli Industrial Private Land and Structure Owner Jabbar Khan Pathan Hubli


TABLE -6: Major Impact - Institutional Category SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type of property Type_ Structure Type_owner Name of House Hold S/O

RHS 1 1 F Hubli Institutional Religious Structure Squatter

RHS 32 32A F Hubli Institutional Private Structure Owner H J Belgaumwala

RHS 48 48 F Hubli Institutional Religious Structure Owner

RHS 66 66 F Hubli Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

RHS 69 69 F Hubli Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

Ramalingeshwar Temple


RHS 86 86 F Hubli Institutional Community Structure Owner


98E F Hubli Institutional Private Land & Structure Tenant Y B Doddamani

RHS 125 125 F Hubli Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

RHS 168 168 F Hubli Institutional Religious Structure Owner


169E F Hubli Institutional Religious Land Owner

RHS 231 231 F Dharwad Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

RHS 237 237 F Dharwad Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner

LHS 115 115A F Hubli Institutional Government Structure Tenant D M Satishbabu

LHS 124 124A F Hubli Institutional Religious Land Owner

LHS 140 140 A F Hubli Institutional Religious Structure Owner

LHS 209 209A F Dharwad Institutional Private Land & Structure Owner

LHS 268 268A F Dharwad Institutional Religious Land & Structure Owner


TABLE 7: Major Impact – Open land/Plot Category SIDE ID Sub ID_No Impact Village / Town Type of Use Type_property Type_ Structure Type_owner Name_HH S/O

RHS 219 219 F Hubli Open land/ Plot Government Land Owner

RHS 261 261 F Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

RHS 282 282 F Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner

RHS 307 307 F Dharwad Open land/ Plot Government Land Tenant

LHS 144 144A F Hubli Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner Jafar


185F F Dharwad Open land/ Plot Private Land Owner Manjunath

LHS 187 187A F Dharwad Open land/ Plot Government Land Owner


Appendix 3.3






Chainage Name of Participants

Chainage 0+080; Near Hosur Circle, Hubli Date: 29.09.2011; Number of Participants: 16 -

Santosh M Shakti, Mohammed Vasim, Basavraj, Ashok,C V Karmadi,Siddhu,Basavaraj Kundagolmath, Santhosh Shetty,SV Gavkar,Suresh Raireddi,N.R Rajgopal Rao, Ramachandra, Nagangouda, Santhosh B Barad,kavita

Chainage 1+400; Near Sushruta Hospital Date: 29.09.2011; Number of Participants: 26

Jairam, Patil,Subhash Avval,Sunder Swamy,Jadgeesh, Umesh,Rajendra Shetty,Navale ,Ds Rao,Arvind habib,Jaysheela Kulal, Jaysheela Kulal,Shreesharda, Chattan,Vishwanath M,Ashok Uppas, Ali, abbaji,Datta Habib,Shataram,Raju,lakshmi,Murugan Shetty,Rajesh,Abhsheka Badigar,Kiran N Kondoji, Shashidhar Kubusad

Chainage 1+200; Opposite HDMC Park Date: 29.09.2011; Number of Participants: 11

Laxmi, Annapurna,Anil,Amruth ,Abdul Razak Alias Babu,Gopal Murgod,H J Belgaumwala,Navali ,H J Belgaumwala,Somshekar Dharwadkar,MaNohar Gopal

Chainage 3+100; Opposite Sidheswar Swamy Temple Date: 29.09.2011; Number of Participants: 16

Sivanand,Mallikarjun,Madivalappa B Lokur,G S Gundur,Prakash S Mirjankar,Raghu Kode,Ashok,Sidrama Bellary,Shivanand,Subash Atari,Subash Atari, Anand,Patil,C H Mashikatta,S B Deshpande,Sudhir Shetty,Umesh Shetty

Chainage 4+700; Bhairidevarakoppa Date: 29.09.2011; Number of Participants: 18

Lokesh, A V Rao, Satpal Singh, Lalsab, Chandrabai Laxman Kanojia Ajjappa Hamagarappa Angadi, dinesh, Shaba, N Vithalrao, Prabhakar Hegde, Ramesh Toram, Annavar G, Salmabanu Sayyed, B.C.Shetti, Anand, Shashikant Malapur

Chainage 5+400; Bhairidevarakoppa Date: 29.09.2011; Number of Participants: 12

Sadasiv Shetty, Basava Raj, Hanumanthappa Illigar, Umesh Gamangatti, Bangaramma, Sathish Merwad, Ravi Malshetti, Mahindra, Shanmukh, Veerprakash Nadi, A A Kittur, Vijaykumar

Chainage 12+400; Near Sattur Cross Date: 30.09.2011; Number of Participants: 38

Santosh, Udai, Shabbram, Ravishinde, Sudhir shetty, Raju, Ashok, Mahesh, Raju Mega fast Food, Balkrishna, Pravin, Pradeep, F H Jackopnavar, Raju S, Rajesahab, Kavitha N Ullagaddi, Narayan Bhandag Shashidhar Ganappa, Dubki, Dadsab H Nadaf, Subansab Nadaf, Khadarbi Nadaf, Dinesh Pai, Jayanth Shanbag, Subash D, Babu D, Mahadev Gaikwad, Narayan Wadekar, Vasant, Vittal Shetty, Ajay.Hadapad Rasul.Shaikh, Abdulaziz.Yaragatti, Lingaraj.P.Yammiyavar, Sunil.Shetty, Pratapa.Shetty, Umesh.Pujari, Sunada

Chainage 17+400; Near Tolnaka Date: 30.09.2011; Number of Participants: 21

Anil, Hee Reddy, Sanjeev Shetty, S S Tumbarguddi, Sharanappa, Manjunath Chikkannavar, Siddappa G Dambal, Siddanagouda, Shishuvinahalli, S G Hiremath, Ravui, Manjunath, Channappa, Siddappa S L, Swagat Jinagoudar, Muhammad Asif, Manjunath Shetty, Manjunath Ganesha Shetty, Raju Pujari, Ashok

Chainage 18+800; Near Jubilee Circle, Dharwad Date: 30.09.2011; Number of Participants: 32

Shrikrishna, Dinesh Babu Owner of Hall, Praveen, Sudhir Kumar Shetty Udaya Pujar, Ravi Shindhe, F H Jakappanavar, Shabbir Ahmed, F H Jakappanavar, F H Jakappanavar, Veerangouda Balangouda, V N Shetty Dr K Guruswamy, BB Kolkar, Ravishankar kakde, Manjunath Dastikoppa Vinayak.D.Akalawadi, Suresh, manohar Pawar, Sanjaya Ganesh Mishra Ananda Pojara, Bharat G Dist associate dharwad, Bharat scots & guides complex, Narshimha kalkeri, Satish Joshi, kiran Laxmeshwar, M.R. Bahaddur desai, V R B Acharya, B A Masur, Sivakrishan, kalmesh g, AH Horabidi



A. Minutes of the Public Consultation Meeting held at Hubli on 28th

November 2012

The list of officers present is enclosed.

The public consultation meeting was jointly held by KRDCL, HDBRTS Company Ltd and

Directorate of Urban Land Transport in Samrat Garden, NWKRTC Convention Hall, Gokul Road,

Hubli on 28th

November 2012 from 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM. The consultation meeting was held for

sharing information regarding the project, land acquisition details, resettlement action plan,

environmental impacts and their mitigation with the project affected persons from Unkal,

Amaragola and Bairidevarakoppa villages. Around 200 persons participated in the deliberations

of the consultation meeting.

At the outset, Mr Abdul Hameed, Land

Acquisition Officer, KRDCL welcomed the

participants. A presentation on Hubli-Dharwad

BRTS project with specific focus on its salient

features, land requirements and acquisition

process, the details of Resettlement Action

Plan, and entitlements as per entitlement

matrix, the environmental impact assessment,

the environmental management plan etc was

made to the participants. A list of frequently

asked questions was prepared in Kannada

regarding Hubli-Dharwad BRTS Project

including Resettlement Action Plan etc and

was circulated to the participants.

BRTS Project brief being presented to



Participants raising their queries

After the presentation made by officers of DULT, the Land Acquisition Officer informed the

participants about the documents that need to be submitted by the project affected persons. The

public and the project affected persons present in the public consultation meeting raised the

following issues which were then clarified.

a. Project related questions:

A participant wanted to know why BRTS was

chosen as a mass transit option rather than a

metro between Hubli and Dharwad twin cities. It

was explained to the participants that before

identifying BRT as a suitable option for Hubli-

Dharwad, a pre-feasibility study in which the

available ridership along the corridor, the

potential revenue that could be generated

through fare box etc were examined. It was

explained that the metro rail would cost as much

as Rs 150 to 200 crores per km and the present

ridership on the existing corridor though high

may not really warrant a metro system and the

BRTs elsewhere (eg., Bogota) were able to

cater to 40,000 PHPDT with proper planning,

scheduling, provision of passing lanes and

articulated buses.

b. Land acquisition and Resettlement:

The participants wanted to know more information about submission of documents and

fixing of compensation. It was explained to them that the land acquisition process

would be finalized through a consent award. A negotiation committee has been set up


under the Chairmanship of the Deputy Commissioner, Dharwad District. The

Committee would discuss with land losers (legal title holders) and determine the

compensation to be paid for land/structure proposed to be acquired through mutual


There was a request especially by the Muslim community that the Darga located at

Bairidevarakoppa along Hubli-Dharwad road may not be acquired and if possible, land

may be acquired on other side of the road as it has some sentimental value to the public.

It was informed to them that with reference to religious structures located on private

lands, compensation would be paid through consent award and for those located on

government lands i.e., public roads etc, the Deputy Commissioner would be asked to

initiate consultation with the community and take action for relocation of structure etc

through a consultative process.

The participants wanted to know about the mechanism for fixing compensation for

acquired lands/structures. The process was explained to them. It was also explained to

them that the compensation for structures will be paid as per PWD rates without any

depreciation and 25% additional compensation is proposed to be given to reconstruct

partially affected structures.

c. Environmental impact & safety:

There was a request that safe crossings for pedestrians should be provided as a number

of schools, colleges have been located along the road. It was explained to the

participants that pedestrian cycle will be part of signal cycle along all junctions and

adequate signage, table top crossings etc would also be incorporated in the design to

ensure pedestrian safety.

The meeting concluded with vote of thanks.



Hubli-Dharwad BRTS Company Ltd



Minutes of the Public Consultation Meeting held at Dharwad on 29th

November 2012

The list of officers present is enclosed.

The public consultation meeting was jointly held by KRDCL, HDBRTS Company Ltd and

Directorate of Urban Land Transport in PWD Hall, Near DC office, Dharwad on 29th


2012 from 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM. The consultation meeting was held for sharing information

regarding the project, land acquisition details, resettlement action plan, environmental impacts

and their mitigation with the project affected persons from villages of Navanagar, Sattur, Navlur,

and Lakkamanahalli. Around 175 persons participated in the deliberations of the consultation


At the outset, Mr Abdul Hameed, Land Acquisition Officer, KRDCL welcomed the

participants. A presentation on Hubli-Dharwad BRTS project with specific focus on its salient

features, land acquisition requirement, the process followed for land acquisition, the details of

Resettlement Action Plan, and entitlements as per entitlement matrix, the environmental impact

assessment, the environmental management plan etc was made to the participants. A list of

frequently asked questions was prepared in Kannada regarding Hubli-Dharwad BRTS Project

including Resettlement Action Plan etc and was circulated to the participants.

After the presentation made by officers of DULT, the Land Acquisition Officer informed the

participants about the documents that need to be submitted by the project affected persons. The

public and the project affected persons present in the public consultation meeting raised the

following issues which were then clarified.

BRTS Project brief being presented to



a. Project Related questions:

Some of the participants wanted clarification on the width to which acquisition

would be done between Hubli and Dharwad. Details were furnished in the meeting.

To a question on why a uniform width

of 44 mts was not proposed, it was

explained that displacement and

hardship to people in the densely

built-up areas would be significantly

on a higher scale and hence, it was

proposed to widen the road in these

stretches only up to 35 metres. It was

also clarified that though width of 35

mts was proposed in some stretches, a

provision for passing lane has been

made to facilitate express services.

The second issue was whether

stopping of vehicle at every junction

would not increase travel time for

commuters travelling on modes other

than public transport. It was clarified that BRT project also has a component of

Intelligent Transport System. Signal synchronizing along the corridor is proposed

to facilitate smooth movement of vehicles and reduce waiting times at the


A participant wanted to know whether the financing for the project was tied up and

the likely date of completion of project. The funding arrangements were explained

to them and implementation time lines were also shared. It was also informed that

BRTS website is under construction. Achievements of milestones would be

disclosed through the website in addition to periodic press releases.

A participant wanted to know why an elevated BRT corridor could not have been

constructed instead of land acquisition. The financial implications apart from time

taken for construction, the possible traffic management issues during construction

Participants raising their queries


and the problem of access to bus stations etc was explained in detail. It was also

informed that various options were evaluated before finalizing the alignment of the

BRT corridor.

Some of the participants wanted to know the sites where vehicular under passes

were proposed and the information was shared.

b. Land acquisition and Resettlement

Participants requested that marking may be done immediately to know the extent

to which land/structure would be affected. It was informed that same would be

done in 15 days.

A participant pointed out that names and other details of land owners are not up to

date in the notification issued under the Karnataka Highways Act. It was informed

that these details were as per survey records and in case there are any

discrepancies, the land owners may bring the matter to the notice of the competent

authorities in writing and may also submit related documents.

In reply to a question, it was clarified that consultation meetings would be

followed up by negotiation with the land losers (legal title holders) by negotiation

committee, so as to determine a mutually agreeable price for land/structure.

c. Environmental impact & safety:

The participants wanted to know whether Unkal lake would be affected and

brought to the notice of the authorities that a park has already been developed

adjoining the lake. It was clarified there is no impact on Unkal lake, and that

measures would be taken to minimize the acquisition impact, if any, of land

adjoining Unkal lake through design interventions.

Participants raising their queries


Regarding the relocation of religious structures, it was informed to the participants

that relocation would be done in consultation with the community.



Hubli-Dharwad BRTS Company Ltd



List of officers present in the Public Consultation meeting held at Hubli

and Dharwad

1. List of officers present in the Public Consultation meeting held at

Hubli on 28th

November 2012

1. Sri Padmanayana, IPS, Commissioner of Police, Dharwad

2. Sri Suresh Itnal, Assistant Commissioner, Dharwad

3. Sri Ganigar, Executive Engineer, KRDCL, Hubli

4. Sri Kalasrai, Executive Engineer, KRDCL, Hubli

5. Sri Shashi kumar, Town Planning Member, H-D Urban Development


6. Smt. Veena C Nirwani, Assistant Director, Directorate of Urban Land


7. Sri Abdul Hameed, Land Acquisition Officer, KRDCL, Bangalore

8. Sri R Revanna, Transport Planner, Directorate of Urban Land Transport

2. List of officers present in the public consultation meeting held at

Dharwad on 29th November 2012

1. V. Manjula, IAS, Commissioner, Directorate of Urban Land Transport

2. Sri Ganigar, Executive Engineer, KRDCL, Hubli

3. Sri Abdul Hameed, Land Acquisition Officer, KRDCL

4. Smt Veena C Nirwani, Assistant Director, Directorate of Urban Land


5. Sri R Revanna, Transport Planner, Directorate of Urban Land Transport





1) What is the Hubli – Dharwad BRTS project?

The Hubli – Dharwad BRTS project is implemented with the assistance of World

Bank – GEF assisted Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP). In this project,

a dedicated Bus Rapid Transit corridor of four lanes is developed between the twin

cities of Hubli– Dharwad for facilitating fast, safe, comfortable, convenient and

affordable public transport. The project also includes other components like

intelligent transport system, development of pedestrian infrastructure in the twin

cities of Hubli & Dharwad, development of bus terminals, depots etc.

2) Which agency is implementing this project?

The Hubli – Dharwad BRTS ( H-D BRTS) project is being implemented by the

Hubli – Dharwad BRTS Company Ltd. The stakeholders in the Company include

Government of Karnataka, Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation, NWKRTC and

Hubli-Dharwad Urban development authority. The Company is supported by the

Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT), Urban development department,

Government of Karnataka in planning and implementing the BRT project.

3) What are the main objectives of the project?

The Hubli-Dharwad Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project focuses on

comprehensive improvements to public transport infrastructure in the twin

cities of Hubli-Dharwad. The project emphasizes on promotion of

sustainable means of transport i.e. public transport through segregated bus

lanes and walking and cycling. The project envisages a monitoring frame

work whereby the Public transport service level parameters like frequency of

services, quality of services, adherence to schedules etc., are monitored and

evaluated on a regular basis thereby leading to improved quality and service



4) What are the main components of the project?

A four lane, median BRT corridor would be developed for 22.25 Kms from Hosur

circle in Hubli to Jubliee circle in Dharwad. Two types of services would ply in the

corridor: regular services and express services. NWKRTC would be operating the

bus services. No other vehicle except BRT buses would be allowed in the corridor.

The bus stations would be located between the BRT lanes. Each bus station would

cater to commuters in both the directions. There would be bus stations along the


The BRT buses would be standard, 900 mm, 12 meter height buses. There would be

normal buses and articulated buses. The salient features of BRT are level boarding

which is disabled-friendly, off-board ticketing, passenger information system in the

buses and bus stations, trained drivers, controlled access to the stations, uniquely

branded BRT stations and buses etc.

The transit infrastructure i.e. bus depots, terminals etc of both H-D BRTS and

NWKRTC would be upgraded to modern standards. Interchange facilities would be

developed to ensure minimum transfer times and hassle to commuters transferring

from other intra-city services to BRT and from BRT to other services including

inter-city services.

4) What is the project cost? How is it going to be met?

The approximate cost of the project including land acquisition and rehabilitation

and resettlement costs is Rs 692 crores. About US $ 47 million of loan

(Rs.259crores at present exchange rate) and US $ 1.9 million grant is available from


5) What is the extent of land to be acquired for the Hubli – Dharwad BRTS


As the project envisages construction of four lane BRT corridor along with the two

mixed traffic lanes on either sides of BRT corridor, acquisition of 68 acres of land is

required. The land is proposed to be acquired under the State Highway Act. The

Chief Engineer, KRDCL is notified as the land acquiring authority under the

Karnataka State High ways Act. Notice u/s 15 of the Karnataka State Highways act


has been issued on 10.9.2012. A public notice under section 17 of Karnataka

Highway Act, 1964 has been issued on 19th November 2012.

6) What is the re-settlement action Plan?

As a part of the Hubli – Dharwad BRTS project, a re-settlement action plan has

been prepared and this action plan gives the details of the entitlements to be given

to different categories of project affected persons. The object of re-settlement

action plan is to ensure that the interests and welfare of the project affected people

is kept in mind during the implementation of the project.

7) What if my land and structure are affected?

In all cases where the land and/or structure of title holders are affected, the

resettlement action plan proposes that the compensation for the land/structure is

determined through the consent award. It is also proposes that the compensation

for the structure would be as determined by the Public Works Department without

any depreciation whatsoever. Other structures like trees, wells etc. will be

compensated as per the valuation done by the concerned departments. In addition

to the title holders, compensation by way of shifting allowance is proposed for the

tenants. The entitlements proposed for different categories of persons as per the re-

settlement action plan are as follows:-

Title holders losing land/structure either wholly or partly

Compensation through consent award. Negotiation committee under DC

being constituted.

Structure compensation as estimated by PWD, without depreciation.

Additional 25% compensation for partially affected structures towards


Crop/tree damage compensation as assessed by concerned Departments.

Exemption of Stamp duty and registration charges on property purchased

with compensation amount.


Shifting assistance of Rs. 5,000 for major impact structures.

For Commercial Structure and Residential cum Commercial Structure-

Livelihood Restoration allowance Rs.15,000


Rental allowance for 6 months- Rs 1200 per month for residential and Rs

1800 for commercial categories per month.

Shifting assistance of Rs. 5,000 for major impact structures.

For Commercial Structure and Residential cum Commercial Structure-

Livelihood Restoration allowance Rs.15,000 for major impacts.

Non- title holders

Shifting assistance of Rs. 5,000 for major impact structures.

For Commercial Structure and Residential cum Commercial Structure-

Livelihood Restoration allowance Rs.15,000 for major impacts.


• Ex-gratia for affected structure based on current PWD schedule of rates

without depreciation.

Licensed kiosks

Shifting assistance of Rs. 5,000 for major impact structures.

For Commercial Structure and Residential cum Commercial Structure-

Livelihood Restoration allowance Rs.15,000 for major impacts.

Kiosks which are licensed for fixed locations, preferential allocations of

alternate commercial space by HDMC.

Vulnerable People

(Widows, Physically challenged and those aged above 60 yrs)

• Assistance to include in government pension schemes if not included, if

eligible as per Government criteria


For Commercial Structure and Residential cum Commercial Structure-

Livelihood Restoration allowance Rs.15,000 for major impacts.

Community Assets

• Conservation, protection, compensatory replacement

• The common property resources and the community infrastructure will be

relocated in consultation with the community.

8) How are the project affected persons identified?

In case of title holders of land or structure proposed to be affected for the project, a

survey of all the affected properties has been done and affected survey

numbers/property numbers along with the affected extent has been identified. In

addition, a detailed socio-economic survey has been done as a part of the BRT

project to identify the different categories of persons who would be affected by the

project. Videography of the entire length of the road has also been done. The

compensation to the legal title holders will be paid through the consent award

wherein the negotiation of the fair price to be paid to the land losers will be

conducted by a committee headed by the Deputy Commissioner.

9) Is there any grievances redresses mechanism?

The affected persons can lodge a complaint with the Managing Director, Hubli –

Dharwad BRTS Company Ltd. about their complaints or grievances. In case they

are not satisfied with the decision, they can take the matter to the Grievances

Redress Committee (GRC) which would be constituted shortly.




Statement showing the details of land acquired for the proposed four way laning project of Hubli-Dharwad





Village name Private land


nt land Total land Total Cost for

Private Land

(in Rs.)


e Value


q.ft) A-G-An A-G-An A-G-An

1 Dharwad Lakamanahalli 03-26-02 00-24-0 09-18-11 119347594 750

2 Navalur 3-5-0 01-13-00 07-24-00 68062500 500

3 Sattur 05-20-00 05-38-00 11-18-00 98227800 410

4 Rayapur 0-5.6-10.8 06-00-00 10-37-14 2733390 400

5 Hubli Amargol 09-14-08 3-10-0 10-04-08 195758640 480

6 bairidevarkoppa 06-02-6.4 04-00-00 13-31-00 158384160 600

7 Unakal 04-35-00 00-00-00 04-35-00 212355000 1000

Grand total 33-16.6-11.2 21-05-00 48-16-13.05

40-39.6-11.2 13-22-00 54-21.6-11.2


No Taluka Village Name Private Land


nt Land Total Land

Total Cost for

Private Land

1 Hubli M T Sagar 4-32-6 ---- 4-362-6 366618656 1750

2 Unakal (Village) 7-39-2 ---- 7-39-2 208516275 600

3 Dharwad Dharwad 5-8-12 --- 5-8-12 161920688 650

Total 18-20-04


Grand Total 51-36.6-15.2 21-05-00 73-1.6-15.2 1,591,924,703

59-19.6-15.2 13-22-00 73-1.6-15.2 1,683,624,703

Note: A-Acre; G-Gunta; An-Ane [1Acre=40 Gunta; 1 Gunta=16 Ane]

Source: DULT




Residential Commercial

2008-09 2010-11 2011-12 2008-09 2010-11 2011-12

Amargol 175 220 350 280 380 480

Unakal (Village) 185 350 420 300 520 600

Unakal 300 450 600 450 700 1000

M T Sagar 350 600 1000 600 1000 1750

B'Koppa 180 218 300 230 413 600

Dharwad 210 240 360 375 430 650

L'halli 200 230 405 380 440 750

Raipura 125 140 245 210 230 400

Sattur 145 170 290 210 290 410

Navlur 145 160 280 260 285 500



Terms of Reference for Hiring Consultancy Services for the Implementation Of

Resettlement Action Plan

A. Project Background

1. The Government of Karnataka has taken up the implementation of Bus Rapid Transit System

(BRTS) project between the twin cities of Hubli and Dharwad under World Bank-GEF assisted

SUTP project. As the implementation of the project requires acquisition of land, the

Government of Karnataka has notified the Chief Engineer, KRDCL as Highway Authority

under the Karnataka State Highway Act for land acquisition. A Special Purpose Vehicle

(SPV), Hubli-Dharwad BRTS Company limited has been formed for implementing the BRT


2. The impact on land and structures due to acquisition by the project and the consequential

impact on people and their livelihoods have been documented in the Resettlement Action Plan

(RAP). RAP has been prepared with a view to mitigate the hardship to the Project Affected

Persons (PAPs). An Environment and Social Development Cell (ESDC) is being created in

Hubli-Dharwad BRTS Company Limited for the purpose of implementation of RAP and for

carrying out other related tasks.

3. Hubli-Dharwad BRTS Company desires to engage the services of a consultant with required

expertise and qualification for helping the SPV in the implementation of RAP.


The tasks of the consultant shall be as follows:

1. Verification

a. The consultant shall undertake general verification of the PAPs under the guidance of

the ESDC of the SPV, and on the basis of such verification, an updated database of

PAPs eligible for different kinds of assistance proposed in RAP shall be prepared.

During the verification, the consultant is expected to contact each and every PAP to

verify the information already contained in RAP and land acquisition notifications

with reference to the details of the PAPs, their extent of loss, eligibility for different

kinds of assistance etc. He must take special care to contact the women members of

the families and the women-headed households. During the process, he is expected to


educate the PAPs about their entitlements as per RAP and also distribute entitlement

matrix brochures to all the PAPs.

b. The consultant would also be required to make a list of community structures affected,

if any, for appropriate action as per RAP.

c. He is also expected to facilitate stakeholder consultations in association with the SPV.

2. Disbursement of Identity Cards

Once the final list of PAPs is approved by the SPV, the consultant shall assist the SPV in

preparation and distribution of identity cards for PAPs. The ID cards should include

photograph of the PAP, family member details, the type of loss and the details of

entitlements. ID cards have to be signed by the designated officer of the SPV.

3. Preparation of Micro Plans

a. The consultant shall prepare micro plans for each of the affected families indicating

category of entitlements, alternate livelihood options, skill up-gradation requirements

and institutions responsible for training. The micro plans should be prepared in

consultation with PAPs.

b. A separate plan shall also be prepared for shifting the community assets.

c. The consultant shall prepare individual income restoration plan as part of the Micro

Plan for all PAPs, whose livelihoods are getting affected. The consultant shall explore

the potential of employment opportunities with local contractors. This will include

providing the list of people willing to work under contractors.

4. Disbursement of assistance and other entitlements

a. The consultant shall assist the project authorities in shifting of PAPs within the given

notice period. He shall in consultation with PAPs finalize dates for shifting and

coordinate with SPV for facilitating the same.

b. The consultant shall also assist PAPs in opening and operating bank accounts.

c. The consultant shall coordinate with SPV to ensure that the land acquisition

compensation and the rehabilitation assistance is paid to the PAPs promptly.

d. He shall also assist the PAPs to establish linkage with Government departments so as

to ensure that benefits under developmental schemes like pension schemes for senior

citizens, assistance for physically handicapped etc could be availed.

5. Grievance Redress

The consultant shall educate the PAPs about the grievance mechanism for RAP and assist

them in filing their grievances, if any. He shall bring the list of grievances including any


delays or grievances with reference to disbursement of compensation amount or

entitlements as per RAP to the notice of the designated officer of the SPV, and shall

follow up regarding the remedial action taken on the grievances.

6. Meetings and Reporting

a. The consultant would be required to attend quarterly meetings between ESDC

personnel and PAPs for review of proper implementation of RAP. It shall be his duty

to document the discussions and decisions taken.

b. The consultant shall submit a status report of PAPs to the ESDC once the PAPs are

shifted from the corridor of impact.

c. The consultant shall be required to prepare monthly progress reports in the format

approved by SPV. The monthly progress reports shall capture the progress with

reference to the implementation of RAP, the progress with reference to the

disbursement of compensation under the Karnataka Highways Authority Act, conduct

of training programmes, assistance given under various developmental schemes etc.

d. The consultant is required to keep the minutes of the meetings held with PAPs, ESDC,

GRC, consultations with PAPs and any other meetings. The proceedings of all

meetings and consultations shall be submitted to ESDC.

e. He is also required to submit micro plans that are prepared for each of the affected

families; in the event of any changes, the modified micro plans may be resubmitted to



The consultant shall depute a team of professionals to the site. The constitution of the Core Team

and their required qualification and experience shall be as follows.


No. Position

Number of



1 Project


1 Project Manager should be a post-graduate, preferably

in social sciences. He should have about 10 years

experience in implementation of R & R and rural

development works. She should have held responsible

position in the previous assignments and should

possess participatory management skills. Knowledge

of local language is necessary. The Project Manager

must have been associated with the consultancy firm


for atleast 2 years.

2 Community


5 Should be graduate in social sciences or equivalent

with at least two years of field experience. Knowledge

of local language and experience of working in the

region desired. Two of the five people must be



1. Duration of Services

The time line for initiating the RAP implementation will be provided by the SPV. From

initiation, the duration of the services will be initially for 12 months which may further be

extended as per the requirement of the SPV. The consultant shall carry out all assigned

tasks based on the milestones as set out by the ESDC.

2. Location of Consultant

The consultant is expected to function either from Hubli or Dharwad. The consultant shall

be required to arrange for office space, office support infrastructure and transportation.

3. Data, Services and Facilities to be provided by the Client

The ESDC will provide to the consultant copies of the RAP, PAP database, land

acquisition details, and any other relevant reports/data prepared by the design


All documents created, generated or collected during the period of contract, in carrying

out the services under this assignment will be the property of the SPV. No information

gathered or generated during and in carrying out this assignment shall be disclosed by

the consultant without explicit permission of the SPV.

4. Payment

All payments will be linked to the completion of tasks as per milestones. As the

implementation will be done in a staggered manner, payment will be linked to the

completion of tasks assigned by the ESDC. The payment schedule will be made against

outputs as given below.





Time Duration

(in weeks) ,

where ‘A’ is

the date of


Payment Schedule

1 Submission of the Inception

report(detailing plan of action, manpower

deployment, time schedule, and detailed


A+1 10% of total Contract

value. At the end of first

week from the date of

award of contract.

2 Verification of eligible PAPs and affected

assets within RoW.

A+7 15% of the total contract


3 Opening of bank accounts, preparation

and distribution of ID cards, submission

of Micro Plans for 50% of the total PAPs

and approval of the same by ESDC.

A+12 10% of the total contract


4 Opening of bank accounts, preparation

and distribution of ID cards, submission

of Micro Plans for 50% of the total PAPs

and approval of the same by ESDC.

A+16 10% of the total contract


5 Shifting of PAPs and disbursements of

entitlement to all PAPs.

A+20 20% of the total contract


6 Completion of skill upgradation training

programmes and submission of status

report of PAPs after shifting.

A+34 20% of the total contract


7 On approval of final report summarizing

the action taken and RAP implementation

works to be fulfilled by consultant.

A+48 15% of the total contract








1. World bank-GEF assisted SUTP - Project Background

To foster a long-term partnership between GoI and state/local governments in the implementation

of a greener environment under the ambit of the National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP), the

Government of India (GoI) has initiated the Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) with the

support of the Global Environment Facility ( GEF) and the World Bank. Primary Stakeholders in

this program are Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Ministry of Environment and Forest

(MoEF), UNDP and World Bank. MoUD is the nodal agency for this program implementation.

The development objectives of SUTP are to promote environmentally sustainable urban transport

nationally and to improve the usage of environment-friendly transport modes through

demonstration projects in selected cities. The project aims to achieve this objective by supporting

the implementation of India National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP), particularly those aspects

of the policy that emphasize: (a) Priority to the use of public transport;(b) Priority to non-

motorized transport; and, (c) Capacity building for developing and implementing sustainable

transport systems (at both national and local levels). SUTP includes the following components:

Component 1: Providing technical assistance to the MoUD to improve the national, state

and local capacity to implement the capacity building elements and the public- and non-

motorized transport-related aspects of National Urban Transport Policy.

Component 2: Supporting design and implementation of demonstration projects in

participating cities, which will create models of sustainable transport solutions for other

Indian cities to replicate.

Further details of the SUTP and interventions in the various participating cities etc are available at

the project website

The agglomeration of Hubli and Dharwad urban areas in Karnataka is one of the participating

cities in the SUTP. To provide better transportation facilities between the two urban areas of


Hubli and Dharwad, and with an objective to improve travel speed, reliability and quality of

public transport services, a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) facility is proposed along the corridor, and is

proposed to be taken up under SUTP.

2. Project Corridor

Hubli – Dharwad state highway is one of the most congested road stretches in North West

Karnataka region. To ease the growing traffic between Hubli and Dharwad, the Government of

Karnataka, through the Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited has taken up

widening of the existing two lane state highway to a divided four-lane carriageway. To provide

better transportation facilities between the two urban areas of Hubli and Dharwad, and with an

objective to improve travel speed, reliability and quality of public transport services, a Bus Rapid

Transit (BRT) facility is proposed along the corridor. A Special Purpose Vehicle, (SPV) Hubli-

Dharwad BRTS Company limited (hereinafter referred to as the SPV) has been formed to

implement and operate the proposed BRT systems.

The project road starts from Hubli CBT to Dharwad CBT for a length of about 22.25km. The

proposed project includes the following components:

Widening of road between Hubli and Dharwad to the desired width.

BRTS project, including all BRTS physical infrastructure such as stations, depot, terminals

etc., BRTS operational infrastructure such as ITS, ATC, buses etc.

3. Safeguard Requirements of the Project

In line with the provisions and requirements of the Environment and Social Management

Framework (ESMF) of the GEF-SUTP project, the following safeguard documents have been

prepared for the proposed project:

Environmental Impact Assessment for the project(EIA);

Environmental Management Plan for roads component(EMP-roads);

Environmental Management Plan for BRT Components(EMP-BRT);and

Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).

In line with the disclosure requirements of the GEF-SUTP, the ESMF and the other safeguard

documents for Hubli-Dharwad BRTS are posted on the project website ( and

the MOUD website at


The SPV is responsible for implementing the provisions outlined in the EMP and RAP documents.

While services of a qualified RAP implementing consultant will be procured by the SPV for

assisting it in implementing the RAP provisions, the SPV has now proposed to engage the

services of a consultancy firm with the requisite qualifications and expertise for monitoring the

implementation of RAP.

4. Objectives of M&E Assignment

The prime role of the M&E consultant is that of an external monitoring agency. The specific

objective of the M&E Consultancy is to monitor the effectiveness of the implementation of the

resettlement and rehabilitation measures as outlined in the RAP.

5. Roles and Responsibilities of the M&E Consultant

(i) Undertake site visits and preliminary consultations with SPV officials, RAP

implementation consultant and Supervision consultants towards familiarization with

the project and the associated safeguard issues.

(ii) Compile baseline data from available information with inputs from SPV.

(iii) Prepare necessary survey/ data collection forms for the evaluation of performance

indicators as suggested in the RAP (Socio Economic Indicators).

(iv) Develop formats for quarterly monitoring reports to be submitted by it, in

consultation with the SPV.

(v) Monitor the delivery of entitlements to project affected persons (PAPs) in accordance

with the provisions and procedures of RAP.

(vi) Assist the SPV to oversee the implementation of RAP and advice and guide the

consultant supporting the SPV on the RAP implementation in accordance with his

Terms of Reference.

(vii) Review the reports submitted periodically by the RAP implementing consultant and

advise the SPV on appropriate course of action.

(viii) Participate in periodical meetings held by the SPV with district administration and

KRDCL in the matters of land acquisition and resettlement and related aspects.

(ix) Undertake reviews on behalf of SPV of all documents and reports related to land

acquisition and resettlement and advise the SPV for taking appropriate decisions on

such reports.

(x) Assist the SPV to respond to the World Bank on any matters related to the

implementation of RAP and related matters.


(xi) Prepare quarterly reports on the implementation of RAP including land acquisition and

payment of compensation. The quarterly reports will also include findings of a limited

impact assessment done through surveys and consultations with PAPs focusing on:

a. Measuring the changes in the living standards of the affected people.

b. Assess how the compensation amounts have been utilized.

c. Assess the perceived benefits and losses of land acquisition and resettlement


d. Assess the outcome of income restoration measures.

e. Assess the level of satisfaction of the various support provided to the PAPs

during implementation.

f. Based on the assessment results, remedial measures may be proposed for any


(xii) Verify on random basis the process followed in consent award process and attend some

of the consent award discussions as observers to document the process;

(xiii) Organization of periodical training in the implementation of RAP and delivering of

entitlements, consultations etc. to SPV staff as necessary.

(xiv) Document the lessons learnt and good practices in implementation.

6. Reporting

The consultant is required to submit quarterly reports encompassing the issues listed in

the above paragraphs. The monitoring report of the assessment carried out at the end

of the assignment (24th month) shall carry:

(i) An evaluation of the overall achievement in terms of effective implementation of

social safeguards.

(ii) Summary of lessons learnt and good practices of the project.

7. Qualification and Experience

The M&E team shall comprise of the following staff:

1. Resettlement expert (5 person months). Masters degree in social sciences/

development with at least 10 years experience in preparation and of which not less

than 5 years experience in implementation of Resettlement Plans. Experience in RAP


implementation of externally aided projects (World Bank or ADB) is preferred and

shall have demonstrated analytical skills to analyze and interpret data.

2. Surveyors/ enumerators (2 nos. 10 person months each). Graduates in social science

with computer literacy in MS Office and Excel, with experience in organizing and

conducting survey and managing enumerators. Adequate verbal communication skill

in local language and English would also be needed.

8. Duration of the project: 24 months from the date of award.

9. Deliverables & Payment Schedule

The Consultant shall deliver the following outputs. 6 hard copies and 2 soft copies of the reports

shall be submitted to the SPV.

Deliverables Time Payment

Inception report with work plan and

formats for quarterly monitoring reports

End of first month from

the date of award of


10% of total contract value.

Quarterly Monitoring Reports Every Quarter as per the

schedule agreed to with

the SPV.

15% of total contract value

every second quarter and

after the approval of

quarterly reports and other

review reports by SPV( four

payments in all)

Overall project monitoring and

evaluation report

End of month 24 30% of the total contract


In addition, the consultant would be required to submit reports of the periodic reviews undertaken

by him as per the scope of work mentioned in para 5 of this document.

10. Supervision

The study will be supervised by the SPV, with support from the National PMU for GEF-SUTP

and guidance from the World Bank.

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