implementation of integrated quality management 1

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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Nowadays the development of school management thinking leads

management system called TQM (Total Quality Management) or the Integrated

Quality Management. In principle, this management system is the overall

supervision of all members of the organization (community school) on school

activities. The application of TQM means all citizens are responsible for the

quality of school education.

Before it is reached, then all parties involved in the academic process,

starting from the school committee, head master , head of the administration,

teachers, students until the employee should be really understand the nature

and purpose of this education. In other words, each individual involved mustunderstand what the purpose of education. Without a thorough understanding of 

the individuals involved, it may not be implemented TQM.

In the teachings of TQM, educational institutions (schools) need to place

the students as "clients" or in terms of the company as "stakeholders" the

greatest, then the students' voices must be included in every step of strategic

decision-making school organization. Without a democratic atmosphere that

management was not able to apply TQM, it is the quality of education is

dominated by certain parties who often have interests that intersect with the

essence of education (Adnan Sandy Setiawan: 2000),

Implementation of TQM also means the freedom to argue. Freedom of 

expression will create a climate of dialogue between students and teachers,

between students with the principal, the teachers and headmaster, in other

words is the freedom of expression and openness among all people in the school.

  Transfer of knowledge is no longer one-way communication, but a two way

communication. It deals with the academic culture.

In addition to freedom of opinion must also have freedom of information?

 There should be clear information about the direction of the school organization,

both internally as well as national organizations. Internally, management mustprovide information as possible to the citizens of the school. Included in this

direction the organization is a programs, and financial condition.

In summary, TQM is a management system that upholds efficiency. This

management system is to minimize the bureaucratic process. Bureaucratic

school systems which will hamper the development potential of the school itself.

In the era of independence schools and era of School-Based Management

(SBM), duties and responsibilities are first and foremost of the school leaders is

creating schools that they lead to more effective, in the sense of becoming

increasingly beneficial for the school itself and for the wider community of users.

(Thomas B. Santoso: 2001). In order for the duties and responsibilities of school

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leaders has become apparent, the principal would need to understand, explore

and apply some concepts of management science which today has developed

Unpack it by thinkers - thinkers in the business world. One of today's knowledge

management is widely adopted TQM (Total Quality Management) or the

Integrated Quality Management.

A. Integrated Quality Management (TQM)

Integrated Quality Management is very popular in profit environmental

organization, particularly in environments shared business entity / company and

the industry, which has proven its success in maintaining and developing their

existence - each in a competitive business conditions. Conditions like these have

encouraged various parties to practice in a non-profit environmental organization

including educational institutions in the environment.

According Nawari Hadari (2005:46) Integrated Quality Management isfunctional management approach that continually focused on improving the

quality, so that their products conform to the quality of the people who served in

the execution of tasks (public service) and community development. Contradicts

the concept of management as a process or series of activities to integrate

available resources, which should be integrated also with phasing the

implementation of functions - functions of management, in order to materialize

the work as produces appropriate quality activities. Every job in an integrated

quality management must be done through the stages of planning, preparation

(including materials and equipment), technical implementation with the working

methods / ways of working effectively and efficiently, to produce goods orservices that benefit the community.

According to Cassio, as quoted by Hadari Nawawi (2005: 127), he gives

the sense that "TQM, a philosophy and set of guiding principles That Represent

the foundation of a continuosly Improving organization, include seven broad


1. A focus on the customer or user of a product or service, ensuring

the customer's need's expectations are satisfied consistenly.

2. Active leadership from executives to Establish quality as afundamental value to be incorporated into a company's

management philosophy.

3. Quality concept (eg statistical process control or computer

assisted design, engineering, and manufacturing) That are

thoroughly integrated throughout all activities of or a company.

4. A corporate culture, established and reinforced by top

executives, that involves all employees in contributing to quality


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5. A focus on employee involvement, teamwork, and training at all

levels in order to strengthen employee commitment to continuous

quality improvement.

6. An approach to problem solving That Is based on continuously

Gathering, Evaluating, and acting on facts and data is asystematic manner.

7. Recognition of suppliers as full partners in quality management


Another notion put forward by Fandy Santoso cited by Tjiptono and

Anastasia Diana (1998) which says that "TQM is a management system that

elevates the quality-oriented business strategy and customer satisfaction by

involving all members of the organization". In addition Fandy Tjiptono and

Anastasia Diana (1998) also states that "Total Quality Management is an

approach to running a business that tries to maximize the organization'scompetitiveness through continuous improvement of products, services, people,

processes and environment.

Based on some of the definition above, Hadari Nawawi (2005: 127) argued

about the characteristics of TQM as follows:

1. Focus on customers, both internal and external customers

2. Having high obsession on quality

3. Using a scientific approach in decision making and problem-solving.

4. Having a long term commitment.

5. Requires teamwork

6. Improving the sustainability of the process

7. Provide education and training

8. Provide a controlled freedom

9. Having a controlled entity

10. Involvement and employee empowerment.


B. Integrated Quality Management in Education

In the non-profit environmental organizations, especially education,

determination of product quality and quality processes to make it happen, is a

part that is not easy in the implementation of Integrated Quality Management

(TQM). This difficulty is caused by the measure of productivity is not merely

quantitative, for example, only the number of local and school buildings or

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laboratories that successfully built, but also with regard to quality aspects

concerning the benefits and the ability to use it.

Similarly, the number of graduates that can be measured quantitatively,

its quality is difficult to set qualifications. In connection with it in the field of 

environmental education organizations that are nonprofit, according to NawariHadari (2005: 47) measures the productivity of educational organizations can be

distinguished as follows:

1. Internal productivity, a result that can be measured

quantitatively, such as number or percentage of graduate school,

or the number of local buildings and constructed in accordance

with the requirements specified.

2. External productivity, a result that cannot be measured

quantitatively, because the qualitative nature that can only be

known after a certain period of time long enough.

Still according to Hadari Nawawi (2005: 47), for the organization of 

education, integrated quality management adaptation can be said to be a

success, if it shows symptoms - symptoms as follows:

1. Level of product consistency in delivering public services and

implementation of development for the benefit of improving

the quality of human resources continues to increase.

2. Errors in work that affects people's complaints lead to

dissatisfaction and served on the wane.

3. Discipline of time and work discipline is increasing

4. Inventory assets more perfect organization, controlled and not

reduced / lost without known cause - the cause.

5. Control is effective mainly through the supervision of the

immediate supervisor is attached, so as to save on financing,

prevent irregularities in the delivery of public services and

development in accordance with community needs.

6. Waste of money and time in the work can be prevented.

7. Increasing the skills and expertise to work continue to be

implemented so that the method or way of working is always

capable of adapting to changes and developments in science

and technology, as a way of working is most effective, efficient

and productive, so the quality of products and public services

continue to increase.

With regard to quality in the implementation of TQM, Wayne F. Cassio in

his book Hadari Nawawi said: " Quality is the extent to which product and serviceconform to customer requirement  ". In addition, Cassio also quoted definition of 

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quality of the Federal Quality Institute which stated " quality as meeting the

customer’s requirement the first time and every time, where customers can be

internal as well as external to the organization". Similarly Goetsh and Davis, as

quoted by Fandy Tjiptono and Anastasia Diana (1996) which says: "quality is a

dynamic condition-related product, services, people, processes and

environments that meet or exceed expectations. Integrated Quality Management

in the environmental of a non-profit organizations including education cannot be

achieved unless it is supported by the availability of resources to realize the

quality of the process and results to be achieved. In organizational environment

that healthy condition, there are many sources of quality that can support the

implementation of TQM to the fullest. According Hadari Nawawi (2005: 138 -

141), some of the source qualities are as follows:

1. The top leadership commitment (headmaster) to quality.

 This commitment is very important because it has direct influence on

every decision and policy-making, selection and implementation of 

programs and projects, empowerment of human resources, and

implementation of control. Without this commitment cannot be created

and developed the implementation of the function oriented management

and product quality public services.

2. Management Information System

  This source is very important because efforts to implement all the

functions of management quality, highly dependent on the availability of 

accurate information and data, sufficient / complete and guaranteedaccordance with the needs in performing basic tasks organization.

3. Potential human resource

Human resource in the school environment as an asset in terms of 

quantitative numbers can be calculated. Besides, human resources is also

the potential that the organization is obliged to carry out basic tasks

(school) to realize its existence. The quality of implementation of main

tasks is determined by the potential possessed by HR, both of which have

been embodied in the work performance or which are potential in nature

and can be developed.

4. The involvement of all functions

All functions in organization as a source of quality, equally important one

with the other, which as a whole that cannot be separated. For that all

functions must be involved to the maximum, so that mutually support one


5. A Continuous Quality Improvement philosophy

Source of the existing quality is very fundamental, because it depends onthe condition of the top leaders (headmaster), who always faced the

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possibility to move, or may request to be moved. Accordingly, realization

of TQM should not be hung on the individual as the principal source of 

quality, because the attitude and behavior of individuals to quality can be

different. In other words the source of this quality should be transformed

to the philosophy of continuous quality in the realization of TQM.

All sources of environmental quality in educational organizations can be

seen manifested through dimension of quality that must be realized by the top

leaders in collaboration with existing school citizen in that environment.

According Hadari Nawawi (2005: 141), the dimensions of quality are:

1. Dimensions of Work Organization

Performance in terms of performance behavior in a positive working is a

concrete illustration of the ability to utilize the source of quality, which

affects the success of the manifest, retain and develop the existing

organization (school).

2. Work Climate

 The use of sources of the quality of intensive work will produce a conducive

climate within the organization. At the work climate that will come true

togetherness characterized through effective cooperation within the team

work, mutual respect and respect for opinion, creativity, initiative and

innovation to constantly improve quality.

3. Value Added

Utilization of quality sources effectively and efficiently will provide added

value or additional privileges as a complement in performing basic tasks and

the results achieved by the organization. The added value is concretely seen

in the sense of satisfaction and reduced or loss-party complaint which is

served (students).

4. Compliance with Specifications

Utilization of resources effectively and efficiently quality manifests in the

ability of personnel to adjust the execution of the work and results with the

operational characteristics and the results are based on measures of qualitystandards agreed upon.

5. Service Quality and Durability Development Results

Other impacts can be observed from the utilization of the source - the source

of effective and efficient quality look at quality improvement in implementing

the tasks of service to students.

6. Public Perception

Utilization of resources - a successful source of quality education inneighborhood organizations can be seen from the perception (brand image)

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in the form of a positive image and reputation of good quality graduates are

absorbed by institutions of higher education or the world of work.

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