implementation of soft-core processor on fpga (final presentation)

Post on 22-May-2015






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Implementation of Soft-core processor(PicoBlaze) on FPGA using Xilinx. Establishing communication between two PicoBlaze processors. Creating an application using the multi-core processor.


Implementation of Multiple Soft-core

processor on FPGASARTHAK GANDHI 100090111004

NIKHIL SHAH 100090111008

DEEPAK KUMAR100090111016

NIRMIT PATEL 100090111018



Group 19


Flow of Presentation

Definition and Motivation Literature Review Tools Work Plan Work done

Work done in Phase I Work done in Phase II (up till now)

Future Work References

Definition and Motivation

Definition Implementation of Multiple Soft-core processor(PicoBlaze) on FPGA using Xilinx.

Establishing communication between two PicoBlaze processors.

Creating an application using the multi-core processor.

MotivationThis is a Faculty Defined Project and was inspired by our guide Prof. Rahul Mehta. The

idea of doing something unique and different from others attracted us towards this topic. Backing from the department and college made this project possible for us.


Literature Review


Types of processors Discrete, Soft-core and Hard-core Processor

Why Soft-core Processor ? PicoBlaze

PicoBlaze Architecture

PicoBlaze Interface

PicoBlaze Instruction set

Multi-core Processors


A Hardware Description Language that can be used to model a digital system.[1]

Three basic different description styles: Structural


behavioural and

Combination of all is possible.

The language has constructs that enable you to express the concurrent or sequential behaviour of a digital system with or without timing.

Easy & Simple

VHDL view of a digital device

Digital System

External View

Internal Views


a) Device versus device model


Entity 1

Entity 2

Entity N

Device Model 1

Device Model 1

Device Model 1

Actual Hardware


b) VHDL view of a device

Device Device Model

Types of Processors

Discrete Processor A discrete microprocessor is implemented as an ASIC with a specific peripheral set along

with the processor core.

Hard-core Processor Hard core processor is a dedicated part of the integrated circuit in FPGA.

Soft-core Processor Soft core processor is implemented entirely in the logic primitives of an FPGA.

Why Soft-core Processor ?


• Saves Area

• Customized Easily

• Can be Reconfigured at run time

• Flexibility


• Fixed Area

• Unable to adjust the core

• Cannot be configured.

• Core cannot be added later

PicoBlaze Microcontroller

Xilinx has developed two main Soft-cores:

MicroBlaze And PicoBlaze

The PicoBlaze is a compact, capable, and cost-effective fully embedded 8-bit RISC microcontroller core optimized for the Xilinx FPGA families.[2]

The MicroBlaze is entirely implemented in general-purpose memory & logic fabrics of FPGA.

Features of PicoBlaze: 16 byte-wide general-purpose data registers

1K instructions of programmable on-chip program store

Byte-wide Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) with CARRY and ZERO indicator flags

256 input and 256 output ports & up to 240MHz performance

PicoBlaze Architecture

PicoBlaze Interface

The PicoBlaze design was originally named KCPSM which stands for "Constant(K) Coded Programmable State Machine“.

PicoBlaze consists of two parts: 1) The processor core (KCPSM3) and

2) The program memory from which instructions are fetched and executed by the processor core.

There are two VHDL files that are used to construct the complete PicoBlaze with program.














Instruction ROM


Interface to logic


PicoBlaze Instruction set

Multi-core Processors

More than one PicoBlaze core can be implemented on FPGA and communication between them can be made using any effective handshake technique.

The major Handshake Techniques are as follows: Direct handshake

Handshake Based on Reconfigurable Mesh[8]

Master-Slave technique[7]

Wrap technique

Direct Handshaking Method

Processor 1

Data Transfer

Processor 2Input fromSwitches

Output to LEDs



Direct Handshake

First Processor interrupts second Processor to send data.

If the second processor gives acknowledgment of interrupt indicating it is free to accept the data from first processor.

Then Processor 1 sends data to Processor 2.

Similarly, the process occurs from Processor 2 to Processor 1.


Configurable switch is required to design.

Configurable switch are communicating with more than one PicoBlaze and will reply to the condition given.

Here the structure of switching matrix is designed such a way at a time two PicoBlazes can communicate with each other.

Reconfigurable Mesh Model

a) A 3x3 Reconfigurable mesh b) Schematic of Rmesh Switch

Master Slave Technique

One device or process(Master) has unidirectional control over one or more other devices or process(Slave).

The direction of control is always from the master to the slave.

Master PicoBlaze receives all commands and Slave PicoBlazes follows the commands.

Requires good amount of work distribution.

Master Slave Technique

Master PicoBlaze


Slave Pico-Blaze

Slave Pico-Blaze

Slave Pico-Blaze

Slave Pico-Blaze

Wrap Technique

Traditional reconfigurable mesh implementations use large-scale meshes of simple 1-bit processing elements.

Switch elements are scalable in their bit-width, different processors can be easily employed.

Provide appropriate wrappers that encapsulate the processors and provide the interface to the network.

Wrap Technique

a) A network node consisting of a processing element (PE), a switch element (SE), and corresponding wrappers.


Tools Used

Xilinx Project Navigator Xilinx ISE Simulator (ISim) KCPSM3 Assembler FPGA (Spartan-3E)

KCPSM3 Assembler


Xilinx Project Navigator

Project Navigator organizes your design files and runs processes.

It allows us to do the following: Add and create design source files, which appear in the Sources window.

 Modify your source files in the Workspace.

 Run processes on your source files in the Processes window.

 View output from the processes in the Transcript window.


Xilinx ISE Simulator (ISim)

ISim provides a complete, full-featured HDL simulator integrated within ISE.

Features: Xilinx simulation libraries “built-in”

Supports VHDL-93 and Verilog 2001

Standalone Waveform viewing capabilities

Debug capabilities

Easy to use - One-click compilation and simulation

Single click re-compile and re-launch of simulation



Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) An integrated circuit designed to be configured by a designer after manufacturing -

hence "field-programmable".

The FPGA configuration is generally specified using a hardware description language (HDL).

Overview of the Xilinx Spartan-3E devices: The most basic element is a logic cell (LC), which contains a four-input LUT and a D Flip-


Two logic cells group to form a slice

Four slices group to form a configurable logic block (CLB).


Logic Cell

Logic Cell

Logic Cell

Logic Cell


s s



a) Conceptual structure of an FPGA device.





d q




A B C y

0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1

0 1 0 1

0 1 1 0

1 0 0 1

1 0 1 0

1 1 0 0

1 1 1 1

b) Three-input LUT-based logic cell


Work Plan

Phase 1 Basic Study of VHDL.[1]

Literature Study of Soft-core processor.

Implementation of basic program in Xilinx & to observe their Waveform.

Basic study of KCPSM3 assembler.

Implementation of Soft-core in Xilinx.

To study different handshaking techniques between two processor.

Load basic program of PicoBlaze on Spartan-3e Board.

Work Plan

Phase 2 Selecting the most efficient technique of handshaking.

Implementation of handshaking method.

Load the entire program on FPGA.

Debugging the program and generating synthesis report

Creating an application using the multi-core processor.


Work done in Phase I

Thorough study of digital device modelling using VHDL.

Thorough study of PicoBlaze (KCPSM3) architecture, features, instructions and requirements.

Learnt to use KCPSM3 assembler.

Learnt to use Xilinx Project Navigator and ISE Simulator(ISim).

Successfully interfaced 1K ROM with KCPSM3.

Successfully designed a simple program to glow LEDs using ONE PicoBlaze.

Learnt how to download a program onto FPGA.

Successfully loaded the program on FPGA for testing.

Designed another program to glow LEDs using TWO PicoBlazes.

Learnt the design summary to get information about the utilization of FPGA slices.

Finding an appropriate method of handshaking between multiple processors to be implemented.

Study of KCPSM3 Assembler

Very simple 8-bit microcontroller.

Totally embedded into the device and requires no external support.

Features of KCPSM3: 16 general purpose registers of 8 bits

Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU) provides many simple operations expected in an 8-bit processing unit

256 input ports and 256 output ports

64-byte scratchpad memory

Study of PicoBlaze

Referred to as soft core processor. Synthesized from an HDL.

Uses the programmable logic and routing resources of an FPGA for their implementation.

It consists of two parts: The processor core (KCPSM3)

The program memory from which instructions are fetched and executed by the processor core

LED program using ONE PicoBlaze

Design Summary of LED program using ONE PicoBlaze

Steps to setup PicoBlaze on FPGA

Download the PicoBlaze IDE . Extract PicoBlaze and the PicoBlaze IDE which will provide KCPSM3 assembler .

Write assembly program. Save it with extension <filename>.psm.

Assemble the program, this will generate a VHDL file in which block RAM and its initial contents are define using KCPSM3.exe assembler.

The assembler will generate vhdl, verilog, hex files etc.. Add the new VHDL file to the project in Xilinx.

PicoBlaze should be used as a component. The KCPSM3.vhd also had to be added in Xilinx project.

Same way the ROM file named<filename>.vhd which is generated by KCPSM3 assembler is to be added in Xilinx Project.

Link or map the new VHDL module created by the assembler to your source file as a ROM and KCPSM3.

As done in assembler write corresponding VHDL code in source file that should map all inputs and outputs.

Write an implementation constraint file to map input and outputs of FPGA IO with Program IO.

Once mapping is done then Simulate, Synthesis and generate bit file to load file on Spartan 3E.Build and download the VHDL to the FPGA.


Work done in Phase II

Selected Direct Handshaking method to communicate between processors.

Developed the method which includes exchange of Interrupt and Interrupt Acknowledge signals.

Implemented one-way handshaking method.

Implemented two-way handshaking between 2 PicoBlazes.

Loaded the full program on FPGA with the switch-LED example to demonstrate the working of multiple PicoBlazes.

Created an application using this processor. Stepper motor controller

Direct Handshaking Method

Processor 1

Data Transfer

Processor 2Input fromSwitches

Output to LEDs




1• Processor1 generates and sends an Interrupt signal to



• Processor2 waits till all its processes end and becomes free.• Once Free, Processor2 acknowledges Processor1 by sending

Intr_ack signal.

3• On reception of Intr_ack signal, Processor1 sends the data to


-- Your Program Here--ADDRESS 3FF

JUMP isr

Example of Interrupt Flow in PicoBlaze

main: -- Your Program Here--ENABLE INTERRUPT

INPUT s0, 00INPUT s1, 01

-- Your Program Here--OUTPUT s0, 00

-- Your Program Here--CALL critical timing

-- Your Program Here--JUMP main

critical timing: DISABLE INTERRUPT-- Your Program Here--ENABLE INTERRUPT


isr: TEST s7, 02-- Your Program Here--









• The interrupt input is not recognized until the INTERRUPT_ENABLE flag is set.

• INTERRUPT Input asserted at (2).

• In timing-critical functions or areas where absolute predictability is required, temporarily disable the interrupt.

• Re-enable the interrupt input when the time-critical function is complete.

• The interrupt vector is always located at the most-significant memory location, where all the address bits are ones.

• Jump to the interrupt service routine.

• The interrupt input is automatically disabled.

• Use the RETURNI instruction to return from an interrupt.

RTL Schematic of LED Program using TWO PicoBlazes

Design Summary of LED program using TWO PicoBlazes


Output Waveform

Fig (i)

Delay Calculation

acknowledge received

Fig (ii)


Synthesis report generated shows that only 10% of Spartan-3E slices are used while implementing TWO PicoBlazes, this shows that we can load simultaneous10 PicoBlazes on a single FPGA.

Fig (i) i.e. the Output Waveform shows how data is transfer from one PicoBlaze to another with use of interrupt.

Fig (ii) shows the time-delay between the interrupt send by 1st PicoBlaze and the interrupt acknowledge received by it is 2500ns.

A single PicoBlaze can interrupt 64 PicoBlazes(ONE at a time).

Dual-Core PicoBlaze

Switch 0




Data Transfer

Input from Switches

Output to LEDs

Output to LEDs


Input from Switches


Block Diagram

Waveforms (Processor1 to Processor2)

Switch(0) = 0Þ Switches on Processor1

Þ LEDs on Processor2

Waveforms (Processor2 to Processor1)

Switch(0) = 1Þ Switches on Processor2

Þ LEDs on Processor1

RTL SchematicProcessor1






Design Summary

Stepper Motor Control

Clockwise Rotation Anti-Clockwise Rotation

LED1 - 0 0 0 1LED2 - 0 0 1 0LED3 - 0 1 0 0LED4 - 1 0 0 0

LED1 - 0 0 0 1LED2 - 0 0 1 0LED3 - 0 1 0 0LED4 - 1 0 0 0

Waveform for Clockwise rotation

Waveform for Anti-Clockwise rotation


1. J. Bhasker “ A VHDL-Primer ”, Third Edition.2. PicoBlaze 8-bit Embedded Microcontroller User Guide

3. Mehta Rahul V. “Implementation of PicoBlaze on Xilinx's Spartan 3E FPGA”, International Journal of Computer and Electronics engineering Volume 4 Number 2(July-Dec 2012).

4. Volnei A. Pedroni “Circuit Design with VHDL”, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.5. Download PicoBlaze reference designs and additional files.

6. KCPSM3_Manual.pdf

7. Rahul V. Mehta, Pinal J. Engineer, Milind S. Shah, “Multiple PicoBlazes – Review And Implementation”.

8. Heiner Giefers and Marco Platzner “A Many-core Implementation Based On The Reconfigurable Mesh Model ”, University of Paderborn.

Queries or Suggestions


Built Applications

OpenRISC was first fabricated into a commercial standalone ASIC by Flextronics in 2003.

More recently it has been used by Samsung in their set top box processors, starting with the SDP -83 ‘B’ series through to the SDP-1003 and SDP-1006 ‘E’ series.

A fault-tolerant version of OpenRISC was developed by the Swedish space and defense company ÅAC Microtec, and flew in NASA’s TechEdSat last year.

One of its BA family of processors, derivative from the original OpenRISC, was used by NXP in its JN5148 ultra-low power Zigbee transceiver chip.

LEON has been used for many space based projects by both the European Space Agency and NASA.

Complete Verilog implementation of a 2D/ 3D graphics processor capable of OpenGL and D3D with full test suite.

PicoBlaze Merits/Demerits

Merits Demerits

• Easy to program, excellent for control and state machine applications

• Resource requirements remain constant with increasing complexity

• Re-uses logic resources, excellent for lower-performance functions

• Executes sequentially

• Performance degrades with increasing complexity

• Program memory requirements increase with increasing complexity

• Slower response to simultaneous inputs


Frequency Generator/ counter

Amplifier, ADC,DAC

Real Time Clock

System Generator For DSP

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