importance of spirituality

Post on 29-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 Importance of Spirituality


    Importance of Spirituality in Life

    Compiled from books written byPt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

    Founder All World Gayatri Pariwar

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    O utline

    Understanding SpiritualityScience versus SpiritualityIs spirituality a curse?

    Some misconceptionsWhat is true spirituality?

    Its importanceBasic principles

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    Successes of Science

    An endless list:Wealth of knowledge, unraveling mysteries

    Disaster managementMeans of CommunicationMeans of ConveyanceMeans of ComfortMedicine and surgery.

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    Limitations of Science

    All aspects of science deal with matter andphysical forms of energyCannot answer many questions:

    Why do we take birth and why do we die?What is happiness and what is sorrow?What are feelings and emotions?What is the tendency to sacrifice for others?How to solve social problems?How to transform an ordinary being to a greatman?

    Science is important but not everything

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    About Science and Spirituality

    Two aspects of creation:matter consciousness ( chetana /soul)

    Two methods of studyScience study of matter, physicalforces/energies that influence matter Spirituality study of consciousness and

    its evolution/progress

    Is it really so?

    Consciousness is superior to matter so spirituality must be superior to science!

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    Comparison of Science and Spirituality


    Deals with what can

    be perceived by senseorgans/physicalinstrumentsScientific method:hypothesis, followed

    by experiments for verificationWhat is proven byhard evidence is true


    Deals with sublimeunperceivable conceptslike consciousnessHypotheses cannot beverified in physical terms

    in any laboratoryTruth known onlythrough self realization!

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    Comparison of Science and Spirituality

    Highly universal:scientificstatements have

    no ambiguity

    Science acceptedand used by all

    Spiritual conceptsand methods havehuge variations

    across differentsects/religions,even contradictoryIntellectuals have

    ignored,expressed doubtsand ridiculedspirituality

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    Comparison of Scientists with Spiritualists

    ScientistsEarned success:understood physicalmatter and energy and

    used them to reap richbenefits

    Earn respect, highpositions and wealthContribute tobetterment of societythrough technologydevelopment

    SpiritualistsMost are failures:flights of fantasy,magical powers thatthey cannotdemonstrate, talk of concepts that cannotbe provenMost are poor,uneducateduntalentedMost are dependenton society for evendaily needs

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    Is Spirituality Really Superior?

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    O r is Spirituality a Curse?

    Wastage of time atreligious gatheringsand pilgrimages

    Wastage of resources ongrand occasions

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    Is Spirituality a Curse?

    Vices everywhere!


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    Is Spirituality a Curse?

    Religious songs anddiscourses : a newvery popular mode of entertainment!

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    Is Spirituality a Curse? No!!!

    Achievements of truly spiritual persons of past era

    Innumerable qualities and great talents.Supernatural powersLove and sensitivity for all beingsBlessings could fulfill all wishesSolutions to all problems of mankind, couldcreate a perfectly harmonious societyDeciphered the hidden forces of NatureUnderstood vital spiritual energy (life force- pr ana)

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    Endless Contributions of IndianSpiritualists:

    Ved Vyass LiteratureNagarjunas Chemistry, Charaks Botany,Sushruts Surgery

    Yagyavalkyas research on YagyaVishwamitras Science of MantrasParashurams fight for uprooting injustice and vicesDadhichis donation of his bones for theconstruction of vajraBhagiraths devout ascetic endeavor Paninis Sanskrit Grammar Patanjalis YogaVaiseshiks Atomic Science

    Arjuns mastery in battlesChanakyas establishment of NalandaGuiding kings like Ram, Chandragupta Maurya,Rana Pratap, Shivaji.Shankaracharya, Vivekanand and Dayanands

    efforts to restore glory

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    What is Spirituality ?

    It is a pathway from smallness togreatnessMethod to attain happiness andfulfillment self, society, worldIts capability and dignity is muchgreater than science.

    Spirituality: establish best qualitiesinto every aspect of ones lifeProblems are due to misconceptions

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    Some Misconceptions That Must beRemoved

    God is a fish that can be enticed!Prayers, offerings, rituals

    Lofty desires

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    Some misconceptions

    Spirituality means run away !Life in solitude

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    Some misconceptions

    Holy fire ( d huni )

    Ash, beards, attire

    Strange weapons

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    Some misconceptions

    Pilgrimage and holy gatherings

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    A im of Spirituality

    Understand consciousness (research)Put the understanding to good use!

    Creating happy and contented livesDiscovering hidden talentsRemoving pain and sorrowSolve social problemsSupernatural powers for benefit of all

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    Importance of Spirituality

    Personal level:HealthStress

    Create harmony with self, family, societyKnow purpose of life

    Global level

    Materialism and selfishness creation of all problemsSpirituality love, kindness, equality solution to all the problems

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    V ery Basic Concepts of


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    Basic Principle :

    Right achievement at the rightprice spiritual achievements arereserved only for those who have

    proven their worthPromotion


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    More examples

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    More examples

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  • 8/9/2019 Importance of Spirituality


    Basic Principle:

    Spiritual achievements possible onlywhen we increase our own worth

    Understanding our hidden worthRefining our personality

    Purity in beliefsPurity in thinkingPurity in actions

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    Understand who we are:

    Amazing human body

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    Understand who we are:Five subtle dimensions of consciousness

    Kos h Scientific Name Spiritual Sa d hana

    Annamaya ormones &n mes

    As an, Ban d h

    P r anmaya Bio-electricit P r anayam, Mu d r a

    Man o maya Bio-ma netism Dhyan, jap s a d hana

    Vigyanmaya Neuro-humoralsecretions So

    ham, Swa r Y o

    g, Atma chintan Anan d maya eticular activatin

    s stemNa d y o g, Bin d u &Tatva Sa d hana

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    Understand who we are:

    Science understands only 7% of capabilities of brainWhat does the remaining 93 % do?

    Contains hidden supernatural powers

    superconscious mind

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    Refining Personality

    Why are these powers hidden?Evolution of soul

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    Two steps to a refined personality

    T a p (cleansing) Y

    og (instilling good qualities)

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    T a p (cleansing)

    Establishing complete control over self T a p in modern times

    I nd r i a s an a (control over senses)r th San a (control over finances)

    Sa a San a (Preventing wastage of

    time)Vicha r San a (learning how to restrainthe thinking process)

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    Y o g Attach oneself to O ne who represents allthe best human qualitiesSincere effort to awaken within ourselves

    qualities like:SelflessnessLove towards allCourage


    Create a symbolBecome one with that - U pa s ana

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    To conclude -

    Science and spirituality two methods tosearch for truthReligious communities have neglectedspiritualitySpiritual progress means:

    Realize we are much more than physical bodySearch for ill-tendencies and bad qualities

    Remove them with deliberate effort ( T a p)Fill in good qualities ( Y o g )

    Spiritual achievements reserved for thosewho become worthy and put sincere efforts

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    Understanding Spirituality:What is SpiritualityMeaning, Purpose and Benefits of Worship

    Prepare Yourself to ExcelJivan Sadhana

    Human BodyWonders of Human Bioelectricity

    Astonishing Power of Biophysical and SubtleEnergiesMana i K a a K itni Vilak s han

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  • 8/9/2019 Importance of Spirituality


    Guru Vandana

  • 8/9/2019 Importance of Spirituality


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