importance of why? - devopsdays - amsterdam, 30-6-2016

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The importance of ‘Why?’ by Pavel Chunyayev, 30-6-2016

DevOpsDays Amsterdam, Pakhuis de Zwijger

* This is a special web version of the ignite talk


‘Why?’ is the most important question• But not the blaming ‘Why?’

• Not something like:

• Why on Earth would you do that?

• Why didn’t you try to restore from the backup?

• Why don’t you ever read the notifications?


The higher purpose ‘Why?’• The belief that drives you.

• The goal of your company, department, tribe, squad, team.

• Your strategy.

• Who are you doing it for and why are you doing it?


not ‘What?’• You start with ‘What?’ and you are thinking on the level of ideas. But how to

compare different ideas?


not ‘How?’• You start with ‘How?’ and get immediately into tools and implementations.


Why?• How are my every day actions going to help my users?

• If we are going to implement idea or start using particular tools, does it get us closer to the goal of the company or promise of our product?


Don’t tell what to do and how to do

• As a manager or a more senior team member it’s easy to tell you team members what to do and how to do to.

• Nobody can do it better than me, so I’ll tell you how to do things!

• But it’s a trap.


It’s a trap!

• No one likes to receive orders. They will leave

• Or people will stop making their own decisions.

• And you actually can never control how your fellow engineers can implement things. You need to trust.


Situation can change• Situation can change. And what was the best choice today, might

not be the best choice tomorrow.

• If you only communicate ‘What?’ and ‘How?’ you will do wrong things.

• But you need to share the vision so people could adapt to the situation.


Vision• What are we doing here? Why are we doing this?

• What will it look like to succeed?

• What motivates you to wake up each morning?

• Not exact steps and not the technology to use. The vision.


Communication• You need to communicate the vision often.

• Everything is about communication

• Servers


• Microservices

• People


We fail to communicate ‘Why?’• We fail to communicate on ‘Why?’

• Either to ask

• Or to tell ‘Why?’

• We fail to establish such alignment.



• It’s hard to make right decisions if you don’t know why are you doing this.

• You need to improvise in a lot of cases during your work as an engineer. But how to select the right action?

• This is why alignment is needed


Alignment is needed• Alignment with you company’s value. Or the purpose.

• Department

• Tribe

• Squad

• Team

• You need to be able to validate your actions against something.


Don’t just copy others• Without understanding ‘why?’ and alignment you are doomed to

copy others and be just a copycat.

• You might have different situation or different needs. What worked for others may not work you. You never know why they were doing something.


Find your own way• But you can know why you are doing something. And if you do, you

can find out things that suit you perfectly.

• Find what suits your particular situation.

• Find your own way.


Why? What? How?


Why?• Disrupt the world of …

• Make someone’s life simpler and easier.

• Inspire and enable creativity in people.

• Provide best-class service.

• Be a replacement for brick-and-mortar …


Why? What?• Implement

• DevOps

• Continuous Delivery

• Lean IT

• Build the right culture

• Automate everything

• Measure and monitor everything

• Share the knowledge


How?Why? What?• Up to you :) Looking forward to Open Spaces to have all sorts of


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