“in everything, give thanks.” -1 thessalonians 5:18 · 4 thanksgiving the word...

Post on 01-May-2018






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arm Welcome


“In everything, give thanks.” -1 Thessalonians 5:18


Church Website www.dawlishmethodistchurch.org.uk

Susan Moore

01626 862474



Editor’s Foreword

Hope you all spotted the deliberate mistake in last quarter’s issue - I

put the same item in twice! At least it proved that some of you read

these magazines!

You will notice that there is a theme of ‘Thanks’ in this issue and

hopefully you will find the personal messages very inspiring.

Please send any items that you would like put in the next issue by

the end of November/first week in December. Thank you.

Jesus Heals Ten Men With Leprosy

Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus travelled along the border between

Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy

met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus,

Master, have pity on us!” When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to

the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw

he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at

Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Were not

all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise

to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has

made you well.”


At our last ‘event’ service – where we celebrated all that takes place on our premises

throughout the week, several people were asked to speak, one of whom was Eddie Twigg,

who has worshipped at our church for many years!

Afterwards Eddie wrote a letter for ‘Warm Welcome’, reflecting on some of the changes that

have taken place in the past – and that may need to take place as we move on into our future –

this is some of what he says :-

‘There seem to be more changes than usual in the Church and churches in this country

than usual.

As form September, some of the churches that made up the old South Devon circuit will

be joining our Teignbridge Circuit, including Totnes, South Brent, Buckfast, Buckfastleigh

and Scoriton.

There are now more retired Methodist ministers than there are stationed in circuit, and

when I visited the church at Wellington a fortnight ago, I met a lady who had been

appointed to be Lay Minister with oversight of the three remaining churches from the

South Devon Circuit; she will have dispensation to conduct Holy Communion services


A month or so ago our local newspaper told of the Methodist Church at Ashburton be-

ing sold. The congregation of around 20 or so now meet in the Parish Hall for worship.

In our own sector of the circuit, the church hall at Bishopsteignton is now a clinic and a

doctor’s surgery. In the church, the pews have been taken up – and some of them have

been cut in half and fitted with castors to be rolled into place for Sunday worship.

In Dawlish, the Christian Fellowship Church has sold its property on Park Street and has

a site for a new church and community centre in the vicinity of the new Sainsbury store,

where new housing has been opened.

Change has already started in our church. Some members of our choir are sat on

comfortable chairs which replace the pews which were there. The old organ has been

removed and a window hidden by the organ made visible. It has been suggested that

the available space could be used as a quiet area for prayer.

I think that there will be changes in our church during the next few years regarding

finance, the use of buildings and the use of people which will require/compel us to

meet together, to discuss together and to pray together and listen to what God is saying

to us through each other.’

Of course Eddie is right – change is all around us! Methodist Conference has asked us this

year to focus on our planning – and ask are we planning for ‘end of life’ or for growth?

Well – I am positive that it is the latter! Dawlish Methodist Church will continue to move

forward. No doubt there will be more changes ahead as Eddie demonstrates for us – but we

put our hand in God’s who will guide us into the future and help us to make any brave

decisions to change that may be needed. God will never abandon us – and I am quite

convinced that he hasn’t finished with us in Dawlish Methodist Church yet!

Catherine Wagstaff



The word “thanksgiving” can be defined as the expression of gratitude, especially to almighty God. One of the great commandments is to give thanks to God, for all he has done for us. It is also giving thanks to God for many blessings which should not be limited to only good times but also bad times thereby giving us the opportunity to demonstrate our faith in God.

Thanksgiving will draw our hearts out to God and keep us engaged with him, it will take our attention from ourselves and give the Holy spirit room in our hearts. Amongst many benefits of thanksgiving are-

(1) Giving thanks to God unlocks many doors

(2) Whenever thanksgiving goes up, showers of blessings automatically comes down.

(3) It strengthens faith-strengthens our dependence on God for every provision and upholds the biblical truths on the faithfulness of God.

(4) It keeps our lives clear of darkness, anxiety, sin and deception. (5) It draws us closer to God.

We can show thanksgiving to God –

(1) By remembering him in our thoughts, words and deeds. It is impossible to give gratitude to God if we never think or speak of him.

(2) By identifying his lordship over our lives-Counting our blessings and realize that we are who and what we are because of God.

(3) By giving thanks in prayer-We should thank God as often as we pray that we should have his spirit in us to teach us to pray.

(4) By praise: We should praise and thank God through songs with the use of musical instruments, clapping of hands etc.

(5)By repentance- Always being conscious of our wrongdoings and confessing our sins is a way of showing gratitude to God .

(6)By expressing gratitude to others: showing gratitude to people and helping others is a way of showing gratitude to God.

Thanksgiving to God is fundamental to a believer because it is the only means of communicating with God which is inclusive of worship, prayer, faith, holiness, giving and sacrifice.

Part of this is taken from -



End of an Era

As you will have noticed in the church, the organ has disappeared!

The original organ was installed in 1890 and was then situated in a

gallery which was later removed. It was then moved down to floor level.

Unfortunately in recent years, as it was getting ancient and more and

more expensive to repair, and even not able to be repaired. - it was now

longer usable. It also didn’t help when the motor caught fire -that was

certainly an exciting morning service!

So we have now purchased an modern electric organ, which John is

having great fun with! Some of the choir pews were also removed at the

same time, and hopefully, when plastering and redecorating is done, we

will be able to perhaps make a prayer corner and meeting area in the

space revealed, which also has an extra window now.

Organ on



down to

floor level.


Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we

learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and

if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful. -Buddha


A Quiz about - Timothy

1.) Who was Timothy's mother? –

Rhoda, Lois, Eunice, Lydia 2.) Timothy's father was: -

A Greek, a Jew, a Roman, A Syrian

3.) What did Paul do to Timothy because of the Jews? -

Sent him to Macedonia, shaved his hair, circumcised him, hid him in a synagogue

4.) Because of health reasons, Paul encouraged Timothy to drink what beverage instead of only water? –

Milk, wine, grape juice, orange juice

5.) When Paul was sent away from Berea, who did Timothy stay there with? –

Jason, Erastus, Barnabas, Silas

6.) Who did Paul sent Timothy into Macedonia with? –

Erastus, Tychicus, Silas, Barnabas

7.) What did Paul call Timothy? -

My fellow servant of warfare, my own son in the faith, my dearly beloved friend, my fellow sufferer 8.) How many books of the Bible did Timothy write? –

Zero, One, Two, Three

Answers on the back page.


If the only prayer you said in your whole life was,‘Thank you,’ that would

suffice. -Meister Eckhart

True Friendship

Some only think that angels live in heaven above,

But we have angels here on Earth,

that help with Christian love.

They give us courage to go on when we are feeling low,

They help us to get back on our feet,

when progress is so slow.

There is one particular angel, a perfect friend to me,

No matter how inconvenient my request to her may be.

She is there to help in anyway,

at any time of night or day.

I can never ever thank her, as she does not want my praise

But JANE will know it is to her,

a THANKYOU hymn I raise.

With much love from a very grateful friend PAT.

Submitted by Pat Neale


The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest.-William Blake

Another Thank You

Below is another piece written for our “5th” Sunday service which was about all the

activities that happen in our church and the hall behind it. We would like to thank

Joyce for allowing us to print her heartfelt words, its gives us great encouragement to

know that in some small way we made those last three years more bearable for both

of them and for the privilege to know Tom for even that short time.

My name is Joyce McLelland, my husband Tom was diagnosed with

vascular dementia 10 years ago. Unfortunately I lost Tom in January.

For the last three years life for both of us became very difficult. To get

help and to get into the social service “system” we started to go to the

Methodist Church Open DAWs. Tom and myself were made very

welcome, got lots of information regarding his needs and activities we

could attend, some in the church hall which were singing for the brain

and volunteering in health memory café which Tom enjoyed very much.

Then we started to go your Sunday lunches, I could not take Tom into a

restaurant because of his behaviour problems. We were made very

welcome, everybody understood. It was a break for me as other

activities ceased at weekends. We made many friends they understood

Tom, and he always enjoyed going. I still go to both Open DAWs and

Sunday Lunches. Life is lonely without him we were married for 64

happy years. You all made such a difference to our lives and I thank

you all very much.


A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all

other virtues. -Cicero

Autumn Evening Written by Nola Gendle

You can almost hear the stillness of the day,

As the birds cry from their roost

And the children laugh and play;

The sound of music floating in the air.

You can almost feel the stillness of the day,

As the sand pours through the glass

In a measured sort of way,

And the shadows lengthen slowly.

You can almost touch the stillness of the day,

As the air hangs sweet with fragrance

From the harvesting of the hay;

The day slowly drawing to a close.


The Thankful Eagle

One day in the forest, a woodcutter heard a

strange sound. A bird catcher had spread some

grains and a net under a tree.

Unluckily an eagle had got caught in that net and

was calling for help. The woodcutter ran and freed the eagle.

The eagle thanked the woodcutter and flew away. After some days, once

the woodcutter was sitting on a small mound and having his lunch. Some

bushes and trees were giving shade to him. Suddenly the same eagle

came and swooped at his food. The woodcutter leapt to save his lunch.

But he lost his balance and rolled down the mound.

The woodcutter recognized immediately that it was the same eagle he

had helped. He felt very angry, but the eagle said, "Sir, a poisonous

snake was just behind you to bite you when you were having the food. So

I saved your life from the poisonous snake as you had saved me from the

net. I have thanked you this way."

Then the woodcutter saw the snake where he had been sitting and

thanked the eagle.

God gave you a gift of 84,600 seconds today. Have you used

one of them to say thank you? -William Arthur Ward



Thank You

In our recent 5th Sunday Service we celebrated the many activities that

take place in our church buildings throughout the week. One person who spoke was Rita Wostrak, who explained why she attends Sunday morn-ing worship in our church so regularly. Here is what she said -

I was asked if I would tell you why I come to church. No one has asked me that question before and I’ve never asked anyone else, not even my-

self. My first instinct was to say, ‘No thank you’, but I said ‘I’ll think about it’. That was my undoing. So many varying thoughts and memo-ries came into my mind over the past few weeks, I thought I could share

some with you. I can tell you in less than 30 seconds why I come to church. The reason being – if I didn’t, I would be bereft – uncomfortable, left out, isolated. This is how it all started.

Our family had a tradition of going to church. My grandparents took their large family, my parents took me – the only one – to the same Methodist

church in Exeter.

Before I was old enough to sit through the service, I was taken to the

church hall for the inevitable Methodist tea parties with a sale of work afterwards. My Dad carried me on his shoulders, people talked to him and spoke to me as well. Then – going to Sunday school, learning about

Jesus as a friend, someone to trust, someone who told good stories, someone who liked children. I liked to talk to Jesus quite a lot. Mind you, I don’t think ‘talk’ is the right word, it should be ‘chatter’. I didn’t

have enough sense to stop and listen to Him for a change. I doubt if He could get a word in edgeways anyway.

I wasn’t sure about God. Why do we need God I thought? My Mum and Dad love me, protect me, keep me safe and they are HERE. Little did I realise that life was completely different for some other people. Heaven

was worse. I couldn’t understand why people wanted to go up there. In our house were some of my uncles’ Bibles. The black and white pictures scared me, especially those connected with the Book of Revelation. The

pictures of Heaven mad me sad and confused, reminding me of a very poor area near where we lived. Little cherubs were flying about with only thin cloth around them and their feet were bare. There were marble pil-

lars and marble floors. My Mum had Grandma’s old wash stand in her kitchen. She said the marble was cold and helped her make good pastry. Having suffered from really bad chilblains through childhood winters It

was no go to Heaven.



Luckily as I was growing up I was rescued be a most wonderful Sunday School teacher, school teacher and local preacher whom I shall never forget. God seemed to shine through her. She was loving, kind and very

practical. She knew what was needed – and when. A truly amazing woman. This is the church we visited when I came back home to see my parents. Our children joined in with the Sunday school. They remember

Linda. Mum and Dad sat in front of Clifford Leach, whose name is in our Communion Books. There was a plaque in the wall to John Lamacraft. We had a Ruth Lamacraft in my class during the war. She and all the

other Dawlish children left school 10 minutes early so that they could get the train safely back home.

This church is like home from home to me. I have never met an ordinary person sitting in a pew. All the people I’ve met are extraordinary in one way or another. There is a wonderful aura of love, concern and

encouragement here, which I can feel as soon as I come in the door.And for that I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

We'd like to thank Rita for her honest and moving account and if anyone else would like to share what motivates them to keep worshipping with

us, do get in touch!

Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.” Hansa Proverb

Copyright © 2015 HarperCollins Christian Publishing.


Thank You Lord

Even though I clutch my blanket and growl when the

alarm rings each morning, thank you, Lord, that I can

hear. There are many who are deaf.

Even though I keep my eyes tightly closed against the

morning light as long as possible, thank you, Lord, that I can see. There are

many who are blind.

Even though I huddle in my bed and put off the effort of

rising, thank you, Lord, that I have the strength to rise.

There are many who are bedridden.

Even though the first hour of my day is hectic, when socks

are lost, toast is burned and tempers are short, thank you, Lord, for my family.

There are many who are lonely.

Even though our breakfast table never looks like

the pictures in the magazines and the menu is at

times unbalanced, thank you, Lord, for the food

we have. There are many who are hungry.

Even though the routine of my job

is often monotonous, thank you,

Lord, for the opportunity to work.

There are many who have no job.

Even though I grumble and bemoan my fate from day to day and wish my

circumstances were not so modest, thank you, Lord, for the gift of life.

There's one thing for which you should be abundantly thankful – only you and God

have all the facts about yourself.


I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks…

-William Shakespeare

Good News From John and Valerie Carne

We are pleased to be able to share the good news that we have

recently become grandparents again, number eight! A daughter

for our son Dan and his wife Emma, to be known as Grace

Valerie (very chuffed about that). She is a fine baby weighing in

at 9 lb 1 oz, good to still use imperial measurement, we know

how many bags of sugar that is!

This new life started us thinking about new beginnings, a new

term for many children, for some the first day at ‘big school’ for

some, a new Church Year in the Methodist system. This year we

were invited to begin the Connexional year with prayer and fast-

ing, (a Christian tradition that John Wesley Wesley followed),

praying for the Methodist Church and particularly for our local


We believe that God hears and works through our prayers so as

we watch our little granddaughter grow and develop we actively

hope for growth and spiritual development within our fellowship

in Dawlish.


More Ways to be Thankful

For the husband who is on the sofa who is being a couch potato because he is

home with me and not out at the bars.

For the teenager who is complaining about doing dishes, because that he or she

is at home, not on the streets.

For the taxes that I pay, because it means that I am employed.

For the mess to clean after a party, because it means that I have been

surrounded by friends.

For the clothes that fit a little too snug, because it means I have enough to eat.

For my shadow that watches me work, because it means I am in the sunshine.

For a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, and gutters that

need fixing, because it means I have a home.

For all the complaining I hear about the government, because it means that we

have freedom of speech.

For the parking spot I find at the far end of the parking lot, because it means I

am able to walk and that I have been blessed with transportation.

For my huge heating bill, because it means I am warm.

For the lady behind me in church that sings off key, because it means that I can


For the pile of laundry and ironing, because it means I have clothes to wear.

For weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day, because it means I

have been capable of working hard.

For the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours, because it means that I

am alive.

Finally, for too much email, because it means I have friends who are thinking of


The attitude of gratitude


“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought,

and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” –GK Chesteron

The waitress was refilling cups of coffee when she stopped at

the table next to ours. “Regular?” she asked her customer.

“Yes, thank you,” said the man. “Due to a steady diet of fruit.”

Lighthearted ‘Thank You’s


This is a page to bring Birthday Greetings to everyone in

the Church. Each edition I’ll be putting in the names of

members of the church who have a birthday in that

quarter. I’d be grateful if people could let me know

their names and the month they are celebrating their

birthdays in.

For instance - The Spring edition greetings will be March, April and May. and the

Summer edition the months of June, July and August. In the Autumn edition it

will be the months of September, October and November and the Winter edition

will be the months of December, January and February. Hopefully I will be able

to include more names as we go along. Please tell me if it is a very special


SEPTEMBER – Sharon Canning, June Carveth, Rachel Pyne, Rosa Taylor

OCTOBER – Christian Canning, Jane Casey, Ken Fey, Samuel Sasi,

Margaret Reynolds

NOVEMBER – Benni Parris, Penny Williams

Many congratulations to all who are having a birthday

or special event in these months.


It’s Time to get your Diaries out for Future Events.


Saturday 16th Church Council 10 am

Saturday 23rd HARVEST TEA 4 pm

Sunday 24th Harvest Festival service – 10:30 am

The proceeds and collection at Harvest are being split between "Shallowford

Farm" and All We Can's Harvest Appeal - Chirp for Joy


Sunday 1st Come and Praise, Dawlish Methodist Church 6.30 pm

Sunday 29th “5th Sunday” Special service – 10:30 am


Saturday 11th CHRISTMAS FAIR 10 am - 1 pm

Sunday 19th Shoebox Sunday 10,30 am

Wednesday 22nd Church Council 7 pm

Sunday 12th Remembrance Sunday service – 10:30 am


Sunday 3rd CTDD & Circuit Advent service at Dawlish Methodist

Church 6.30 pm

Sunday 10th Community Carol service 4 pm

Saturday 16th Carol Concert by the Brunswick Singers in aid of the

Children’s Hospice South West

Sunday 17th Nine Lessons & Carols 6.30 pm

Sunday 24th Christmas Eve Communion service – 11:30pm

Monday 25th Christmas Day service - 10am at Dawlish Methodist

Church. Joint service with The Strand Church, Dawlish (URC)

Sunday 31st Joint Service at The Strand Church, Dawlish (URC) –



Sunday 7th Covenant Sunday Service – 10:30am


And finally -

Our Weekly Church Programme

Sunday …………….…10.30 am Divine Worship and Junior Church

12.00 pm Sunday Lunches in the Hall

5.30 pm 5.30 Fellowship in the Hall

6.30 pm Divine Worship once a month

Monday…………..……10.00 am Handbells

2.30 pm Friends Together (Monthly)

5.00 pm Short Mat Bowls

Tuesday……………...10.30 am Warrener’s House Group (Monthly)

Wed………..12.00 – 2.00 am Wednesday Lunches in the Hall

Thursday…………..…7.30 pm Table Tennis

Friday …… 11.00 am Pause for Thought/Prayer Meeting

12.00 - 2.00 pm Friday Lunches

2.00 pm Choir Practice

Watch out for special Coffee Mornings – see notices on Sundays.

The man in the restaurant was furious

when his steak arrived too rare.

"Waiter," he shouted, "Didn't you

hear me say 'well done'?"

"I can't thank you enough, sir,"

replied the waiter. "We hardly ever

get compliments here.”

Answers Page 61. Eunice 2. A Greek 3. Circumcised him. 4. Wine

5. Silas 6. Erastus 7. My own son in the faith 8. Zero

God gave us our relatives; thank God we can choose our friends. Ethel Watts Mumford

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