in god we trust

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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In God We Trust. HCC Fiscal Health. Spending less than taking in – operating in the black Several months of emergency funds Debt - $7.3M > $4.1M (HCC Soncy) Pay off debt by December 2012 – through two avenues. In God We Trust. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


In God We Trust

HCC Fiscal Health

• Spending less than taking in – operating in the black

• Several months of emergency funds

• Debt - $7.3M > $4.1M (HCC Soncy)

• Pay off debt by December 2012 – through two avenues

In God We Trust

“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword,

it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid

bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”

Hebrews 4:12-13

In God We Trust

““Where your treasure is, Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”there your heart will be also.”

Matthew 6:21, 24

““You cannot serve You cannot serve both God and Money.”both God and Money.”

In God We Trust

• When we trust Christ, we manage His money

• When we distrust Christ, we own our money

In God We Trust

• We own nothing, He owns everything

• We become % givers

• We avoid excess debt

• Spending decisions become spiritual decisions

• We can’t ever give enough

In God We DisTrust

• We own our stuff

• We’re tippers (giving God what’s left)

• We use debt excessively

• Spending decisions are my decisions

• We can’t ever get enough

Christian Giving Statistics

23% of all evangelical Christians tithed

Barna ResearchMay 2011

Christian Giving Statistics

23% of all evangelical Christians tithed

Of ALL American Christians – only 4% tithed

Barna ResearchMay 2011

Christian Giving Statistics

23% of all evangelical Christians tithed

Of ALL American Christians – only 4% tithed

ALL American Christians – gave an average of 2.38% to church

Barna ResearchMay 2011

Hillside Christian Church

FY2010 budget = $7,255,143

FY2010 income = $7,389,647

FY 2011 budget = $7.16M

FY 2012 budget ~ $8M

HCC Missions

FY2010 – Actual Income = $7,389,647

Actual Missions giving = $553,844


Fy2011 – Budget = $7,164,214

Missions budget = 561,205


HCC Giving

If HCC members are giving the average of 2.38% & our FY2012 budget ~ $8M

Then – if ALL members tithed – our income would be about…

HCC Giving

If HCC members are giving the average of 2.38% & our FY2012 budget ~ $8M

Then – if ALL members tithed – our income would be about…


HCC Giving


Debt at HCC (Soncy) - $4.1M

Missions - $3.2M (or much more!!)

In God We DisTrust

“As goes culture, so goes the church.”

“I Never Thought I’d See the DayDavid Jeremiah10/19/11

In God We DisTrust

“Churches on the whole are continuing to spend more on current members and less on the larger mission of the church and cutting back on missionaries,” Sylvia Ronsvalle, Empty Tomb’s executive vice president, told the [Christian] Post.

The State of Church Giving Through 2009 Empty Tomb Inc.

In God We DisTrustBy increasing tithing to 10 percent, parishioners could help

provide much needed relief efforts around the world and contribute to the end of many of the world’s greatest problems, while still maintaining their own church activities.

But the “lukewarmness” of the church in the United States and not a lack of resources or methods posed serious consequences to both global evangelization and the end of physical suffering.

If a church is turning inward and valuing the happiness of its members over service to others, it is moving on a spectrum toward pagan values, the vice president also stated.

The State of Church Giving Through 2009 Empty Tomb Inc.

In God We Trust

• We own nothing, He owns everything

• We become % givers

• We avoid excess debt

• Spending decisions become spiritual decisions

• We can’t ever give enough

In God We DisTrust

• We own our stuff

• We’re tippers (giving God what’s left)

• We use debt excessively

• Spending decisions are my decisions

• We can’t ever get enough

In God We Trust

You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.”

In God We Trust

You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.”

But remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth…

Deuteronomy 8: 17-18

In God We Trust

Who has a claim against Methat I must pay?Everything under heavenbelongs to Me.

Job 41: 11

In God We Trust

The earth is the LORD’S

and everything in it,the world,and all who live in it…

Psalm 24: 1

The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth;You founded the world and all that is in it.

Psalm 89: 11

In God We Trust

Everything in heaven and earth is yours

I Chronicles 29: 10-13

Wealth and honor come from you

In God We Trust

But who am I, and who are my people,that we should be able to giveas generously as this? Everything comes from you,and we have given you onlywhat has come from your hand.

I Chronicles 29: 14-20

In God We Trust

King David – with all my resources &my personal gifts over & above

The leaders gave willingly

The people gave generously

I Chronicles 29: 1-9

Naked I came from my mother’s wombAnd naked will I depart.The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;May the name of the LORD be praised. Job 1: 21

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