in search of a better way

Post on 21-Feb-2017






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This little book may take just half an hour or so to go through and may add some value to your life. So please read it carefully and patiently until end.

“FORWARD” after reading this book, please do your part in passing it on to the next person – your friend, relative, colleague or neighbour.

You may impact and change many lives by doing so.

Therefore, it is a humble request that “Keep this book moving”


This book is a product of inspiration from a well known author Robin Sharma’s quotation “If you have The Opportunity to lead an Extraordinary Life, you have No Right to keep it to yourself”.

This little book contains the information about an Upcoming New Profession worldwide which you can adopt without hampering your current profession/job/small business. It will guide you towards a better way in perspective of earning Money, living a Lifestyle, Time and Financial Freedom etc. But before I provide you the complete information step by step of this new profession, let me ask you few questions:

• Do you want, need or desire to have additional source of Income? • Are you ready for a change if your current Financial Vehicle doesn’t meet

all your Needs or Dreams? • Are you ambitious and ready to breakthrough to achieve your Dreams, live

life you want, and don’t want to follow the crowd anymore? • Are you dissatisfied with your current income, work hours and looking for

better way? • Do you keep your options open in terms of making legal money outside of

what you are currently doing?

I assume and hope your answer will be positive. There is a better way; you just need to know it.

Let me start with a saying “Money is not everything but we need money for everything”.

Are you shouldering your responsibilities in terms of making money and giving your family a “Life” they deserve? For example, if you are a parent, you know that you have a family and children who are counting on you to be a provider. It is not acceptable to be financial dud when others are relying on you.

Not only does your financial wellbeing impact their current lives, but your example will set up your next generations for prosperity or failure. Right now you are sowing seeds into your children’s psyche. Do not underestimate your importance.


If you appreciate and teach capitalism and abundance to your family, they will grow up to continue your philosophy into the future.

What are you going to leave behind as your legacy?

Will you pass on a mindset of servicing debt, or one of building wealth?

As a parent, do you want to spend your time being present with your children, or instead being a slave to the rupee, working long hours to make ends meet? So with this in mind, accept that it is imperative for you to align your actions with the goal of creating wealth and gaining time freedom. If your goal is just to earn money each month to pay bills or pay off debt, your wealth will never grow. People with this game plan often pay their bills, then blow the surplus on wasteful things. But those whose goals are to earn more than their bills so that they can keep stockpiling their surplus, they are the ones who eventually live a wealthy lifestyle. Remember, you get more of whatever you focus on. Thoughts are things… so steer your thoughts. Focus on debt; you will get more of it. Focus on wealth, and you will get more of that. Just how will you generate more income? In order to double your income at your job, you would likely have to double your hours. Is that possible to do? Would you even want to work that much more? Although one can get higher qualification to achieve more pay as well, but will you get opportunity? The Better Way There is a better way. We need to create a source to generate another type of income - LEVERAGED income. This is kind of money that you earn from the other people’s efforts, skill and time – the way, the big businessmen are doing. So you must look for the way that not only create income but generate assets which will continually give you money month after month. When money comes in passively, this avails time freedom to you. But when 100% of your income comes from 100% of your efforts alone, that is the recipe for a disaster. Just imagine, what will happen if you get sick, and can’t work, lose your job, or want to retire? Your income is gone. It means you are getting income from your profession/job/small business (where your 100% supervision is required) till you


are working for it. Or even if you continue to work — if you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting, except little pay hike or income benefit. There are rare chances for riches.

In my search of better way I have come to conclusion that becoming an entrepreneur is a better way, actually safer than becoming an employee. What if you can be given proven system, proven product, proven training except an employer? And you need not to be a super leader for this business. And for most of the people it may be surprising that it is a non-traditional one. The model for people to start their own business, become entrepreneur, become own boss is Network Marketing business. This is an upcoming profession worldwide which if done correctly can provide initially an extra income along with income from your job/profession/small business. It can also lead you to time and financial freedom in a couple of years if followed with consistency & persistency. So far no organized training exists in the field.

Business school syllabus just has a small chapter on it. We are trying now to provide systematic training to the people to do this business. In the subsequent paragraphs you will learn – actual meaning of Network Marketing, why this is a better way, why people do it, who are the people doing this, how it actually works, what are the benefits of doing this business, how it helps in living extraordinary life, why this profession is so misunderstood and why people fail, how to select a Network Marketing company and what is the best opportunity available in the market? So let’s understand what is “Network Marketing”? Network Marketing is best described as “Moving a product or service directly from manufacturer to customer using a network of large group of distributors or group of entrepreneurs.” Some people call it Direct Selling because product is directly sold from manufacturer to customer eliminating the middleman. Others call it Multi Level Marketing (MLM) because commissions are paid at multi levels by the company. But most trending name today is Network Marketing. In traditional business companies spend up to 50% of their total revenue on marketing but Network Marketing companies use different approach. Instead of having that entire expensive marketing route they utilize a network of independent


distributors to do the marketing for them and distribute the saved amount among them. Now why they do this? First, because it’s word of mouth – 85% of our buying decisions are made from word of mouth. Because we recommend everything instinctively viz. who is your doctor, who is your lawyer, what product are you using – we talk these things anyway. Secondly, some products need to be explained or demonstrated and an independent distributor can do this more effectively than an ad campaign. Thirdly, it’s completely efficient. The company only pays for marketing of their product if a sale happens and not before. There are fair chances that you might have heard or been involved in Network Marketing business at least once or more. There are also possibilities that you couldn’t get success in this business and the reasons may be numerous. In succeeding paragraphs we will discuss on each and every cause of its success and failure. Although this business of the common man is not new to the market. This business has created many successful entrepreneurs worldwide from all walks of life over a period of time who built it with passion and commitment just like other professionals do. Now it has been evolved as one of the largest industry and people are adopting this business as their professional career. There is a majority of young people taking it as full time professional career. Therefore, I encourage you to join some Network Marketing company and start your business. You might have lots of misconceptions about this beautiful profession and we will discuss all in succeeding paragraphs, but before that let me take you through a little but very inspiring story of a multimillionaire and successful Networker.

Network Marketing – A Better Financial Vehicle It was not easy for me to choose Network Marketing as my vehicle to achieve wealth and time freedom. Because I was programmed my entire life that Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing was illegal and people called them “pyramid schemes” or “chain system.” So when someone introduced me first time to the Network Marketing, I actually didn’t like the idea and criticized the system and asked them not to bother me with such nonsense in future. I told the fellow who


presented the idea to me that I don’t like to be part of any pyramid scheme or chain system. Now let me explain why I took Network Marketing as a “Pyramid Scheme”? I grew up in real estate my entire life. My father built one of the largest real estate brokerage companies. When my brother and I graduated from college, we both joined him in building a new real estate company. I went into sales and into opening a few offices, while my older brother went into management of the company. In sales, I was able to create a six figure income. I worked 60+ hours a week in such pursuit. My brother worked hard as well, but not in the same fashion. He focused on opening offices and recruiting others as agents to sell houses for him. My brother never listed and sold a single house in his career, yet he out-earned me 10-to-1. He made crores of rupees because he earned a cut of every commission from all the houses his 1000+ agents sold. He worked smarter, while I worked harder. I guess he was at the top of the pyramid. Is this legal? Should he be allowed to earn more than any of the agents who worked so hard selling homes? I imagine everyone will agree that being a real estate broker is totally legal. Those who are smart, willing to take the financial risk of overhead and up for the challenge of recruiting good agents are the very ones who get to live a life benefitting from Leveraged Income. So how is Network Marketing any different? I submit to you that I found it to be a step better. One another day a friend shared with me how he was earning the same income I was, but that he was doing so from home without the overhead, employees, insurance, stress, or being subject to market conditions. He was doing so in a Network Marketing business. At first I rejected his idea by telling him that he was in a chain system or pyramid scheme. He asked me to explain Why? I said that he was earning money on the efforts of others he recruited into his down line, not from his own efforts. He replied, “Do you mean like your family earns money off the backs of the real estate agents in your company?” I was stunned on his reply. Then he said, “Who is working smarter, you or your dad and brother?” Now I was mad, not at him, but at myself. That was my light bulb moment. I had been closed minded and it was costing me. This was the birth of my enlightenment, and I began to enter and study this Network Marketing profession.


Now, let me explain why I found it to be a step better. My research led me to learn why the business model made so much sense for a company that wanted a cost-effective way to bring a product to market. Instead of spending millions in traditional advertisements through celebrities, television channels, national stockiest, state and local distributors which has a declining effectiveness, companies were opting to employ the Network Marketing model for the growth of their business. In doing so, the company only incurs marketing cost if and when a sale is made. They get an army of word-of-mouth distributors using the most effective way of influencing buying decisions and they only get paid for performance. No salaries, only commissions. But what is also employed is a high sense of motivation, wherein these distributors can build a business of their own and not just be distributor. If they choose to recruit others and teach them how to sell the product or service, then they can earn override income just like the broker in a real estate Company does. So now they see life through a different lens, as business owners waking up each day excited about the future they are building for themselves. They are not salespeople, they are business owners. Let’s relate this back to my real estate background. Our family built and owned a very large national real estate franchise. They did not work for the franchisor. On the contrary, they built their own company within the umbrella of a great national, household name and support structure. In a Network Marketing business, you are doing the same thing — building your own business within the umbrella of the company you partner with. The marketing team you build is yours. The customer base you build with your team is yours. You have rights to the cash flow generated from your business in perpetuity. So to circle back to my story… I decided to start a Networking Marketing business on the side of my 60 hours a week real estate career. I only had a few hours a week I could devote, but I did just that.

At first, I didn’t earn great sums of money. But I did learn a great deal. The entrepreneurial education I gained from the experience was far bigger than the initial earnings I generated. But in time, my earnings grew as I grew within the profession.


Now my monthly income from network marketing is more than I used to make annually in real estate. Top that off with the fact that my income is now 97% passive overrides and residual income from the customer base that has been built! Passive, residual income grants me the freedom to be a stay-at-home dad, to travel on foreign tours, and to feel in control. Now that I have lived in both worlds — traditional business and Network Marketing — I will never go back. Network Marketing is the only way I can see for average people like me to get ahead and get control of our lives. So this was the story of a Multimillionaire and Successful Networker. Now let’s discuss more on leverage. Leveraging Your Income First of all let me clarify that I am not at all against any kind of job, because job is necessary and a very good option to earn money for survival until you don’t have other source of income. But we need to understand that “A good job gives you Good Life but a good business gives you Great Life”. Now here is the question - why should someone decide to build a business? The reason is, “Profits are better than wages. Wages can give you a living while profits can make your fortune.” In today’s times, people are beginning to realize that jobs are not going to give them the lifestyle they desire. Because jobs are not designed to provide nice lifestyle, for at a job, you trade your time for money. Typically, a company will pay just enough to get the maximum value out of the employee for the salary, and often the employee will work just hard enough not to lose the job and guaranteed income. In fact, some still believe in job security or income guarantee. But ‘secure’ is new ‘Risky’. As soon as your company finds someone who can do your job faster or cheaper, loyalty is out the window and you are replaced. This is hardly a way to live your life, in a constant state of worry. People are finally coming to grips with the fact that they must take control of their own financial future. No government is going to fix your personal economy, only you can. The mental turning point will happen for many people once they recognize that their situation will not improve itself and that there is a better way.


Network Marketing businesses allow a busy person who already has a career to start a part-time business to supplement their finances, while learning to grow the business to a larger significance. It gives you the spirit to be an entrepreneur. As the late business philosopher Jim Rohn taught around the world — people should work during the day earning a living, while working part time at night building their fortune. Earning a living is good, but building your own fortune is even better. Your own fortune is what will provide you with time freedom. Having control of your time allows you to live life by your own design. The reason Network Marketing works is quite simple. The company wins by getting its product to the market. The consumers win because they get access to great products or services. The network marketer wins because the company pays significant income to him from the share which the company saved from advertisement and marketing etc. But the key is the networker who has pride of business ownership. The hiring, training, motivating, and selling are driven in the field by the many Network Marketing business builders who are building their own fortunes. Instead of the earning power being coddled by the select few CEOs, company owners and celebrities it is distributed out to those who are truly bringing value to the marketplace. The more value you deliver, the more money you earn. Bring no value, earn no money. What’s great here is - you can find a business to start based on finding a Network Marketing company offering a product that you use, like, and believe in. Selling something just to sell it and earn a commission will not work well. People don’t like salespeople for this reason. Network Marketing is a “Use and Share” model. Because when you believe in what you are sharing with others, it will not seem like selling to you or them. It is also not door to door selling business. And then you can leverage yourself into freedom by inviting others to build their own fortunes part time with you. It is a business of duplication. Whatever you have learned from your sponsor, teach the same to your team. The more people you bring aboard and teach to supplement their incomes, the higher your earnings will grow. You can now reap the rewards of the real estate broker without all of the risk and downside! Will everyone choose to start their own business from home in Network Marketing? Of course not. Everything is not made for everyone.


There are many skeptical people who are stuck, closed-minded, and would rather continue living stressed out, salary-to-salary lives, than venturing into something new. The very idea of making the mindset shift to becoming an entrepreneur is scary to them. They fear failing, so they will not even try. Or they may fear what others will think about them for engaging in a business that they deem as a “scheme.” You can waste your time trying to argue that the real pyramid scheme or chain system is the corporate pyramid they are currently in, where they will never earn as much as their boss or CEO. But in Network Marketing business there are fair chances that you can earn more than your sponsor and even senior to him.

There is a Chinese proverb which says “Those who say cannot be done, should no longer interrupt those doing it” is suitably applies here. So you can let people continue on as they wish, and stay focused on making the shift yourself and attracting wealth into your life. In time, as more and more people will decide to adopt this new business model, they may eventually come around. But it is not your job to worry about their family’s finances. If they are not worried about it, then you shouldn’t concern yourself with trying to help them. Everyone has freedom of choice. Don’t listen to those who don’t have what you want. When you buy someone’s opinion, you buy their lifestyle. People who say it doesn’t work, they say because they don’t know how to get it work for themselves and they are giving an opinion, and don’t confuse opinion with expertise because opinions are offered for free. And don’t confuse sincerity with the truth because people may be sincere but wrong. Rather, determine what you want, then find a mentor who has it and is willing to help you achieve what they have. You will find this mentor in Network Marketing like I did, because the business model compensates them for helping you win! Brilliant concept! Just remember all of the good things you will do for people with this newfound money. Leveraged Income = Lifestyle Freedom “Leverage is power, Leverage is The Ultimate Power.” The Benefits Network Marketing gives individuals the power to have more control over their lives. People from any back ground, young or old, even with little or no formal


education can succeed. It is truly the business of the people and an honorable profession. Many people have a wrong idea of what network marketing is; the truth is that the business has evolved significantly in the last 20 years. There are those who will shy away from Network Marketing because of its past, and then there are those smart ones who will make their fortunes because they can forget the past and see the future. The products, system and ability to generate great income and lifestyle make a powerful combination for those who want to build their dreams. Network Marketing has the proven essential capacity to allow ‘Ordinary’ person to become ‘Extra-ordinary’ performer. The profession is a school of intense personal growth. It is the most innovative system for twenty-first century of connectivity, networks and relationship. Obviously the market place is ready for it. If done correctly, its win-win for all concerned. The unusual and wonderful thing about Network Marketing is that everyone around you is working to help you grow, instead of trying to keep you down! In what other business do you have people making 10-15 lakhs of rupees and even more a month and they are willing to tell you exactly how they did it? Network Marketing is turning off the spot light of working for a corporation, and turning on the flood light of the greatness that we all have within us. It may be possible that you are surrounded by negative people – when you tell them that you have joined the Network Marketing company in search of better lifestyle, people around you are likely to assault you with all the reasons you shouldn’t, they wouldn’t , you couldn’t, because of their failure stories. You must understand that failure will tell failure stories and successful will tell success stories. But you will only like the Network Marketing business if you have need for money, time freedom and income security. There is no guarantee that you will be successful in this profession because success depends purely on your efforts and learning. If you are teachable you may get success. Unless you are ready to listen and learn, nobody can teach you. You really have two choices – Either build your dreams or get hired to build others. People who don’t have self esteem find it easy and comfortable to work for someone else. But please don’t fall in the category of working poor.


Active Income vs Passive Income Now let’s compare the Job/other profession/small business (Linear Income) with Network Marketing (Residual Income): Linear or Active Income Residual or Passive Income Work once, paid once Work once paid many times Trading time for money Creating leverage for money Stuck in the rat race Create financial freedom Can never earn more than Always chances to beat your your Boss sponsor in income Limited potential Unlimited potential 1:1 1: many ₹ ₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹ Why is Network Marketing so Misunderstood and Why People Fail? 1. One of the big reasons is that people are introduced to Network Marketing by their neighbour, cousin or friend who himself doesn’t know much about it. Also doesn’t have very much success with it. People don’t invest time in developing skills and they don’t have patience to see it growing. People in very short span of time think they know lot about it. They don’t put few sincere work hours in their business. They never learn that hard work is mother of good luck. People don’t take this business seriously because they didn’t invest huge money in it. They dream big but do not learn. They do not know but start teaching. They shoot like rocket but fall back fast. It may be fault of their up lines, who do not ensure their training. So it is not the fault of the system. 2. Probably, people have been cheated one or more time in such activities and those may or may not be the actual Network Marketing but the similar concept. But if at all they were involved in Network Marketing Company, chances are they couldn’t get value for their money. Because they lately realised the product or service they paid for, was of little or no use. But we must understand that we never stop driving a car if it meets an accident while learning. We need to understand that we fall many times while learning cycling, but ultimately we learn to ride it. 3. People think it is a chain system. They never try to understand that it is no way different than the other business in terms of building your customer base, building


your organisational team, providing support, training and caring to your team. And by doing so you are getting a great income. Chain system is officially banned and no longer exists. It’s pure business model with a different approach. Gone are the days when you sponsor someone and for some reason he/she doesn’t work, you don’t get paid from the team below him or you need to rebuild the chain. Now system has been renewed. People are so sceptical about the word ‘Chain’ and ‘Member’. They don’t understand they are already in that system. We all are part of chain system everywhere viz. - in family it starts from grandfather-father-mother-yourself-your children and than their children. In an organisation it starts from MD to CEO-VP-AVP-Senior GM-GM-Managers-Team leaders to executives and staff and so on. People are members of clubs, members of institutions, members of parliament, and members of community and so on. So why to hate these words? Here you are a member of business community working together. 4. People say it doesn’t work. The fact is that they talk to hardly 8-10 friends, relatives, neighbour or colleague and if they get ‘No’ for any reason, they feel negative about business. He/she might have got ‘No’ because of his/her image, skill, knowledge of business or product, income from the business or their casual attitude and less seriousness towards business etc. They might not be really interested in that product or service or in business model at that time. So there can be thousand reasons. But if you really want to build your business, you can find the way by consulting your successful seniors. 5. Another misconception is that the person on the top only makes money. This is not true. Who so ever follows the system, does hard work, learn and develop himself, shares his business or product with more & more people can reach to the top. Because of the system in Network Marketing everyone help each other, provide support and holding hands, building each other up, many people reach to top level. But in corporate structure if you are at executive level there are very rare chances for you to reach the top.

6. Those who don’t invest in themselves in term of reading self development books, listening audios, attending trainings and seminars, doubt it will work or not, don’t have focus, don’t learn how to present the business, don’t have any vision or goal are sure to fail. Why Network Marketing is Best Business? Although there are plenty of reasons but I could find only few as mentioned below:


1. Low investment or in fact no investment and low overheads – which haspotential to earn crores of rupees.

2. No legal liabilities for Independent Business Owner – because companyhandles all the liabilities. No licence or special qualification required.

3. No employees required. No Boss – you are your own boss.4. No risk – because whatever little money you spent you get product for that

value for money.5. Work from home (home based but not home bound). Fewer & flexible hours.6. Time compounding through concept of duplication.7. Unlimited income potential.8. No discrimination of age, qualification, cast, religion or sex.9. Tax benefit – whatever expense you incur to build the business, you get tax

benefit because you are a business owner.10. Inelastic demand of products – no situation & economy effect.11. No need to maintain account-because company provides back office facility.12. In-expensive training – expense of few books, attending seminar & meetings,

trainings etc. Training time flexibility.13. Inflation & recession proof.14. Early income potential.15. No regulatory problem for you – because company monitors & follow all

regulations.16. Insulated against disaster (natural or man-made).17. Willable income – if something happens to business owner, your income from

your team will keep on coming to your next of kin.18. Security of income–because of duplication concept. Good retirement income.19. Lots of company sponsored foreign tours.20. No territorial requirement for doing business.

How to select a Network Marketing Company?

You must look for following four elements in the Network Marketing company you are going to be associated:-

1. Product/service – Is there a need of the product? Does the product meet thatneed? Is it priced to sell? Is it priced to profit? Is the product well researched? Is the product consumable and will create monthly repurchase demand from your customer/team members which will earn more and more income.


2. The Company – Is it well run? Do you believe in the management team? Doesthe company website display all information? Is company’s financial health sound? What is company’s reputation in market?

3. The compensation plan – Can people generate income quickly? Can peopledevelop moderate part-time income in reasonable time? Is there possibility for serious full time income? Is the compensation plan unique and unbeatable?

4. The support – Does company have website? Do they have reporting tool? Doesthe company have local office for immediate support? Does the company provide comprehensive training system for personal and business growth?

Today’s Best Opportunity – Health & Wellness Sector

Let’s understand the health scenario in India and how healthy we actually are? How this sector can turn to be a big market?

Health is our best possession which cannot be bought or sold. But we often find that achieving good health with the right kind of Nutrition is a daily challenge. We all know but ignore the fact that whatever fruits, vegetables or grains we eat every day, especially in urban areas, are grown (in fact manufactured) with the help of lots of chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and preservatives.

We also know that these dangerous chemicals & pesticides are destroying the nutritive value in our food. On the top of that, water & air pollution, radiation from mobile phones and laptop computers, lack of exercise and the high tension of modern life full of rat race, aggravate the ill effects. It is therefore not surprising that almost every house hold in this country is suffering from one or other disease/disorder. Naturally the occurrence of Cardio-Vascular Diseases, type 2 Diabetes and Cancer has become so common today!

Admittedly, at this juncture, it is impossible to undo all the above problems of food and nutrition. We have no way but to live in this environment with all the challenges. But we need to find some way out to overcome the existing situation. We all know that our body is made up of trillions of cells and for healthy cells we require proper Nutrition. But there is big Nutritional gap between what we eat and what we need. Since we are not getting proper Nutrition from our food because of various reasons, we need to fill this Nutritional gap through Dietary Supplement.


Many People spend their health in gaining wealth & then they spend their wealth to regain their health. It is rightly said that if you don't invest on your health today, you may need to spend on illness tomorrow. I strongly believe that prevention is better, cheaper and less painful than cure. This is achievable by introducing a few changes in the life style. So keeping good health should be our first and foremost priority. But what are we doing for that?

We all need to have the best and International Standard Nutritional Supplements to protect our health or possibly to regain if we have already lost it. Today there is a need for everyone to have Nutritional Supplement to live a healthy lifestyle and therefore it is a huge market.

So With Whom To Be Associated?

You must associate with a company which provides products based on scientific research. The phyto-nutrients derived with standardized herbal extracts with the help of science & technology.

Just ensure it meets following points:-

1. The product is approved by national and international authorities (example - forIndian market approved by Food Safety Standard Authority of India, {FSSAI}and for International Market - Food and Drug Administration, {FDA} ofUSA).

2. The product should be 100% Natural and Organic, free from any chemical orsynthetic and free from side effects.

3. The product is cost effective and provides value for money. Find out throughInternet / Youtube, if there are some testimonials of the product effectiveness.

4. The product provides holistic health.5. The product should be need based, well researched and result oriented.6. The product should be within the financial reach of the common man. Is the

product priced to sell and gives maximum benefit to the user as well as to thedistributor.

7. The company should provide free registration and no requirement for annualrenewal.

8. There should not be need for stock piling and compulsory repurchase.9. It should have one of the best and unique compensation plans in the network

marketing Industry.10. The company should provide online joining and purchase of the products.


Network Marketing Will Continue To Grow

The Network Marketing Business will continue to grow globally because of the following reasons:-

1. Around the world economy is falling apart.2. There is a need to be active and engaged – have your mind working. It is social

belonging.3. It’s more efficient than any kind of business model.4. Today the whole world is Network. World has come to our business model its

getting stronger and stronger that’s why future of Network Marketing Business Owner is bright.

5. This business rewards equal contribution. There is no such thing like over paid& no such thing like underpaid. You will be paid exactly what you produce interms of people network & product volume. Exactly what you worth - no less,no more.

6. Unparallel growth rates.7. Technology is massively own our side.8. More and more people are becoming part of this profession – from a rickshaw

wala to CEO of the company, retired defense officers and bureaucrats, workingpeople and house wives, doctors and corporate people, engineers andexecutives. Why? – Because everyone understands the power of leverage andpower of passive income. They also understand that one income is not enoughin the growing inflation. You will not find any other business/profession whereyou can have fun, lots of recognitions, foreign tours, help others and get richwhile doing so.

All business skills are learnable and so is Network Marketing. In Network Marketing Hope and Scope both are there. Since it is not a popular profession, people hesitate to go for it initially, but the government is actively working to give Network Marketing a status of an Industry. So it is right time to enter in this profession. If you don’t take your decision today, your next 10-20 years will pass just like that. Don’t give yourself a chance to say that I wish I had done something like this earlier in my working career!

“I will do today what others will not do, so tomorrow I can do what others cannot.”


Why this book?

My intention is to help people grow financially, making them aware about Network Marketing, eliminate all doubts related to it, provide correct and updated information about this profession. People are looking for the opportunities but for lack of proper information these are unable to reach to them. The greatness of Network Marketing is that it provides common man a platform to become an entrepreneur. Even if we accept that everyone may not reach to riches but at least he or she can create some additional source of income which may fulfil their small needs.

Take Action

Information without action does nothing. I hope I covered every aspect of this profession and given you the most of the basic knowledge. Now it’s up to you to decide whether to call for a meeting to understand more about it or to keep the information with you and do nothing. After all it’s your life and your choice to live the way you want.

I am an Entrepreneur and Health & Wellness Consultant who can help and guide you to become a successful business owner along with keeping a good health and living a healthy and beautiful lifestyle.

Finally, if you are open minded to see a product and business presentation and you have found any of the above information valuable, then it require seeing & understanding in person. We can schedule our meeting for a brief overview through mail or cell phone 8527077661.

There is no obligation, so why not take a moment and get the further information.

“Please help me in spreading the awareness about Network Marketing by keeping this book moving. I request you to forward it over to your friend, neighbour, relative or colleague. You may or may not have need but it may help in changing someone’s life.”

Thank you for going through it so patiently!17

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