in the beginning our lady of lourdes high school mrs. saffordreligion 10 fall 2015chapter 1

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In the BeginningOur Lady of Lourdes High SchoolMrs. Safford Religion 10Fall 2015 Chapter 1

Nicene Creed Background• The Nicene Creed is the only creed accepted by

all three major branches of Christianity: Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant.• It was adopted by a general Council of the entire

Church (Ecumenical) in 325 A.D., and revised by a general council of the entire Church in 381 A.D. • Video: What is a Creed?• Video: History of the Nicene Creed

Nicene CreedI believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; Through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation, he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.

Nicene Creed (cont.)For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen!


Questions to Think About…

• Who is the origin of all things?• What is man’s original vocation?• What are the Sacred Scriptures?• Can we detect the Blessed Trinity in Genesis?• What is Salvation History?

Who is the origin of all things?

• God is the creator and sustainer of all that exists and his work is good.• Video: What’s the Story on Creation?

What is man’s original vocation?• Formed in the image of God, man is the pinnacle

of creation and was made to be in friendship with God.• God fills the earth with people and to rule over

creation through wise stewardship.

What are the Sacred Scriptures?• The Bible is the inspired and inerrant history of

salvation of which God is the principal author and men were the secondary authors.• It is ancient, religious literature and must be

read as such.Video: The Bible: Fact or Fiction?

Can we detect the Blessed Trinity in Genesis?• Creation is the work of the Blessed Trinity, which

can be seen in Genesis, in the light of the New Testament. (Genesis means “beginning.”• Although we generally refer to God the Father as

the Creator, each person of the Blessed Trinity acts in concert with the other divine persons. Thus we can say that creation was an act of each person of the Blessed Trinity.

What is Salvation History?

• Salvation History is the story of how God’s plan of salvation unfolded throughout history.• It is different than other kinds of history, since it

teaches us the meaning of part events, but also how those events affect our lives today.• Video: A Short Synopsis of Salvation History

(about 15 min)

Homework (part 1)

Define the following vocabulary words on loose-leaf or typed to hand in:•Bible•Creation•Eden•Evolution•Image•Inerrant•Infallible•Inspired

Vocabulary (part 2)

• Original holiness• Original justice• Original sin• Preternatural Gifts• Salvation History• SoulThis will count as a homework grade


Questions to Think About…

• What does Genesis mean when it says that Adam and Eve were created in the image of God?• What are angels?• What does the Church mean when she says that

Adam and Eve were created in an original state of holiness and justice?

What does it mean when it says that Adam and Eve were created in the image of God?• God created Adam and Eve in his image with

souls possessing intellect and free will.• Consequently, man has the special dignity of

being able to understand God’s infinite goodness and to reflect his glory.• Video: The Desire for God

What are angels?

• The angels are purely spiritual beings who love and serve God?• Video: The Names and Ranks of Angels

What does the Bible say that Adam and Eve were created in an original state of holiness and justice?• In their original state of holiness and justice,

Adam and Eve shared in God’s life and were in harmony with God, each other and all of creation.• Adam and Eve also enjoyed an inner harmony in

which the passions were at the service of their reason and will.• At this time, Adam and Eve were immune from

suffering and death.


Questions to Think About…

• What is original sin?• Who are Satan and the demons?• What are the effects of original sin?

What is original sin?

• Original sin was Adam and Eve’s disobedience of God’s command under the temptation of the serpent.• The serpent was Satan, the leader of the fallen

angels.• Jesus describes Satan as “A murderer from the

beginning, and father of lies.”

Who are Satan and the Demons?• Devils were originally good, but fallen angels

who are enemies of God, and bent on our destruction.• The devil and the other demons became evil by

their own doing.• Their mission is to sabotage God’s loving plan for

his people, through temptations, lies, and deceits that lead us away from God and toward destruction.

What are the effects of Original Sin?• The Original Sin deprived Adam and Eve of their

original state of holiness and justice and wounded their souls.• On their descendants , Adam and Eve lost

original sanctity and justice for us and made us subject to suffering and death.• The effect of Original sin are on our minds, we

became clouded and limited in discerning God’s laws. Bodily desires would now enslave our will.

Effects of Original Sin

• Man still desires the good, but his nature bears the wound of Original Sin and is inclined to evil and subject to error. Because of this, the life of an individual and all of society is a dramatic struggle between good and evil.• Original sin did NOT destroy our ability to know

the truth or act freely, it damaged or wounded it, but did not destroy it.• Video: Why does evil exist?


Questions to Think About…

• What were the consequences of original sin on Adam and Eve?• What are the consequences of original sin for

the human race?• How do we overcome the effects of Original Sin?

What were the consequences of original sin for Adam and Eve?As an effect of Original Sin, Adam and Eve:•Experienced illness, suffering, and death•Eve suffered in child bearing and became subject to Adam•Adam’s work became toilsome, difficult, and frustrating.

What were the consequences of Original Sin on us?• For Adam and Eve’s descendants, Original Sin is a

wound in their nature, transmitted from parents to children, which has resulted in every kind of actual sin, beginning with the fratricide of Cain and Abel. (Cain killed his brother Abel out of envy and hatred).

How do we overcome the effects of Original Sin?• The wound of Original Sin can be overcome

through sacramental graces, and personal struggles as the saints have shown us.

• Video: “Why is Baptism Important?”

• Video: “What’s Up with Catholics and Saints”


• You are to create a facebook page on any Catholic Saint of your choosing.• You must include any relevant data, and the

feast day of your particular saint.• You may use Fakebook, however I need a copy

printed out of your completed page.• This will count as a Test grade for this chapter.

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