in the hands of the father

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  • 8/8/2019 In the Hands of the Father



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  • 8/8/2019 In the Hands of the Father


    In The Hands ofThe Father

    My Life With God

    By Brian David Knapp

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    Copyright 2010 by Brian David Knapp

    In The Hands of The FatherMy Life With Godby Brian David Knapp

    Printed in the United States of America

    ISBN 9781609577971

    All rights reserved solely by the author. The authorguarantees all contents are original and do not infringeupon the legal rights of any other person or work. Nopart of this book may be reproduced in any form with-

    out the permission of the author. The views expressedin this book are not necessarily those of the publisher.

    Unless otherwise indicated, Bible quotations are takenfrom The New American Standard. Copyright 1960,1962, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973 by the Lockman Foundation;The New International Version of the Bible. Copyright

    1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society; andThe NIV Study Bible (Fully Revised). Copyright 1985,1995, 2002 by Zondervan.

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    Dedicated to:

    My Heavenly Father

    My Savior and my best friend

    Then to the three most amazing ladies

    I have ever met.

    They are an amazing gift from God.



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    We all have a story of our life, probably manystories of things that affect us. These manystories tend to confuse us and hurt us over and over.

    My goal is to focus on one story, my story with God. All

    the other stuff is just side plots that I have encountered

    along the way. Some have given me pain and others

    joy. Some build character others have humbled me,

    while still others have lifted me up. From time to time

    I have been led off track. But it is always the one story

    of my relationship with God the Father that keeps me

    on the road of my life.

    It is always about the story of ones relationship

    with God. It is a relationship leading to His love and

    accepting His sacrice or it is an adversarial relation-

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    In The Hands of The Father


    ship rejecting Him which leads ultimately to death and

    destruction, an eternity separated from Him.This is my story, a story of a very blessed life; bless-

    ings beyond my wildest dreams; blessings I have

    not earned. These blessings are available for all, just

    receive. It is not a chronological recounting of my life;

    I have chosen to write about certain points and situa-

    tions in my life to depict my relationship with Him.

    I have included some poems that depict my feel-

    ings about my relationship with the Lord.

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    My Story Begins

    My story begins not on November 12, 1953 whenI entered this world from my mothers womb.It began nine months before.

    You see my parents had the two children they had

    planned for, one son and one daughter. Five years in

    my mother was suddenly pregnant again. This was

    okay until along the way she developed kidney stones

    and the doctors recommended an abortion to save herlife. My father and mother agreed and the abortion

    was performed, end of story. Well not in this case, the

    doctors found my mother was still pregnant. They said

    we must do it again; this child will be severely handi-

    capped. After sleeping on it my mother would not

    accept their recommendation, she knew God wanted

    her to have this child.

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    In The Hands of The Father


    I know it was all God. He put His hands in my

    mothers womb and held me keeping the tools of abor-

    tion away from me. The scriptures say He knitted us

    together in our mothers womb but, at least in my case,

    He held me long after that for extra protection.

    You may think I would have been traumatized

    after such an experience. I wasnt, you see I was in my

    Fathers hands held safe and secure. That safety and

    security has stayed with me my entire life. I can think

    of many times in my life when I should have feared for

    my safety, yet I have always felt safe. Fear is the tool of

    the enemy, but when you have rested in the hands of

    the Most High there is nothing to fear.

    There have been times when I should have felt inse-

    cure; insecure in a job situation or because of a relation-

    ship gone wrong. You cannot feel insecure in the hands

    of the Father. When a person is scared and feels inse-

    cure there is nothing more comforting then to be held

    by someone who loves you. It is when you are lost and

    all alone you have the most fear. I have had moments

    like that but they never last long because as soon as I

    start to feel that way He makes His presence known.

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    In The Hands of The Father

    Except for those brief moments I have always felt

    His presence, guiding me ever so gently with His big,

    strong hands. He will allow me to veer off track because

    He has given free will. But as I do I feel His gentle touch

    telling me Brian this is not the path to take, stay with

    Me and I will always protect you, I love you more than

    you can ever understand. When someone loves you

    that much you want to please them, you want to be

    with them always. That is what I want to do, please my

    Father and be with Him always. My relationship with

    God is my most treasured. Sometimes I am in awe over

    the fact that the creator of the universe wants to spend

    so much time with me. He has so much to do and so

    many children to care for, yet He has the time to be by

    my side. Dont get me wrong this is not something He

    does just for me, but for all His children. I am no more

    special than anyone else. As a matter of fact I am not

    at all deserving. God would be completely justied to

    let me go when I stray, but His amazing love will not

    let Him.

    Not only is my relationship with God the Father

    my most treasured, it is the only one that is from the

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    In The Hands of The Father


    point of my rst moments nine months before entering

    this world. And it will last through all eternity.

    As I go through life I can always see Him working

    in all that I do. There are times I accomplish things

    I cannot believe. When I look back I see He was

    involved. He had to be. The answers are something I

    would not have come up with. There are times, how-

    ever, when I get arrogant and think its about me, that

    I deserve more. I will criticize others and say I can do

    better. When I get like this my kindly Father checks

    me. Things go wrong, I get frustrated. That is until I

    get back on track and acknowledge any skill I have,

    any thing I accomplish is all because of my Father in

    heaven. The scripture says Everything is possible for

    him who believes. Mark 9:23. With God I can do any-

    thing, on my own I will ultimately fail.

    As I look back on my life I see many crossroads.

    At times I wonder what if I had taken the other path.

    It doesnt seem to be a bad choice as the world sees

    it. Maybe things would have been okay. That is just it,

    they may have been okay. I see the hand of God pre-

    venting me from going down that path, especially

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    In The Hands of The Father

    when I would have missed the greater rewards He had

    for me.There are points in my life where I see a path I did

    take. I sometimes wish I would have taken another or

    wonder why God would have allowed me to take that

    route. When I evaluate those times in my life through

    mans eyes I see failure. But when I evaluate through

    Gods eyes I see not only lessons learned, but that it is

    the only route to where I am today.

    I would have not have met Julie, the love of my

    life, if not for past failed relationships. I can see where

    relationships had to happen to get me to the Crystal

    Cathedral Singles. Out of great pain came great joy.

    I hope I can be a better person because of it. If I had

    not met Julie there never would have been Ashley and

    Jaime. After the gift of salvation through my Lord JesusChrist, my family is my greatest reward.

    My nephew Scott once said I was born again in the

    womb. I cannot say, but I was surely given a second

    chance at life when I was saved from the abortionists

    knife. I cannot remember a time when I did not know

    He was real and with me. Maybe I was born again

    when He held me in His hands. For you created my

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    In The Hands of The Father


    innermost being, you knit me together in my mothers

    womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonder-

    fully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full

    well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was

    made in the secret place. When I was woven together

    in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed

    body. All the days ordained for me were written in your

    book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16

    He not only formed me and you, but He pictured

    us before He put us together. He had His plans; He saw

    all the details of our life before we were even thought

    of on this earth.

    The Lord came to Jeremiah and said, Before I

    formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were

    born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to

    the nations. Ah, sovereign Lord Jeremiah said, I do

    not know how to speak, I am only a child. But the

    Lord said to Him, Do not say I am only a child. You

    must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I

    command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with

    you and will rescue you, declares the Lord. Jeremiah


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    In The Hands of The Father

    While I dont consider myself a prophet, I know He

    saved my life for a reason. He had something for me to

    stand for, something to say. That is stand for Him, use

    His words. It is not me, but Him. I am not special, only

    privileged to be part of His plan. I am nothing without

    Him. I am not even born without Him.

    I often think, why me? I may never know com-

    pletely. I do know one answer is that He can do what

    ever He wants. The doctors wanted to take my life, but

    He would not allow it. He has total control. I believe

    if they would have attempted the abortion again He

    would have stopped it again. Another thing I need to

    say is that a child in the womb is a life, a human being,

    a creation of God and no one has the right to take that

    life, no one except the author of life Himself. We see it

    written a persons life can be taken for certain crimes,

    but no where does it say we can end a life before it

    even has a chance to start its journey. I often wonder

    what cure has been missed because of the abortion

    of that very one who was to nd it. There are conse-

    quences or rewards for all our actions. The reward for

    choosing life could be a cure for a deadly disease or the

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    consequences, premature death of millions because of

    the choice of death for one innocent child.

    Throughout my life I see God putting me in the

    presence of someone for a preordained reason. I may

    end up next to someone on the train so God can use me

    to touch or even change a life. I am only there to be His

    conduit. One day He placed me next to a mother with

    her small daughter, she spoke only Spanish. My friend

    with me spoke Spanish and asked about the little girl.

    Through this we found this girl and her sister both had

    hemophilia, they could bleed to death with a bruise. My

    heart ached for this mother and her girls. We encour-

    aged her as we saw tears pour down her face. I added

    these girls to my prayer list. I believe God wants to per-

    form a miracle. It also reminds me of another mother

    who watched her son bleeding on a cross. God knows

    our pain as He watched His son die for us.

    I see circumstances throughout my life where only

    God could have caused things to happen as they did.

    We all have opportunities to make a difference; I hope

    and pray I wont miss them when they happen. We

    have to stay connected to God through His word and

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    In The Hands of The Father

    through prayer. I see the difference when I am con-

    nected and when I am not.

    God has a plan for me and for you. Jeremiah 29:11-

    14 says, For I know the plans I have for you declares

    the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans

    to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon

    me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will

    seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you

    declares the Lord and I will bring you back from cap-

    tivity. While this scripture was for Israel when captive

    in Babylon, it relates to me because I sometimes see

    myself captive in situations. There is no easy way out.

    But He always rescues me. All I have to do is call on


    He is there waiting to say child I am here to help you,

    just reach out and take my hand. His hand is always

    waiting to be grabbed. There are times I see Him grab-

    bing me to keep me from danger, even when I do not

    call on Him. But I am not really victorious unless I give

    it all to Him. I can live a life just getting by or I can

    live a victorious life. That doesnt mean there are no

    challenges along the way, I cannot grow without chal-

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    In The Hands of The Father


    lenges. It does mean He is there working through the

    challenges with me on to victory.There are times I want more, more responsibility

    and more authority, but when I look back I see I am

    right where He wants me and it is always for the best.

    God has future amazing plans that need me to be

    right where I am today. What tomorrow will bring I

    do not know, I just know it will be greater. Not neces-

    sarily greater in the worlds view, but greater for me

    and I will be able to do greater things for my Lord and

    Savior. Praise God.

    There are times I am in a lull, I dont seem to be

    serving in a ministry at church, and I dont appear to

    be serving at all. At those times He has a reason for

    me being where I am. I need to serve in ways unseen

    by men. Maybe I am supposed to be ministering tosomeone on the train or at work. Sometimes when

    I get involved it is for the wrong reasons and I need

    to realize I am just His humble servant. If I am in the

    mode that I have to do it, it becomes for me. When this

    happens the Lord will take it away if I dont get back

    to Him. I have to stay with His vision and His dreams.

    I can add the determination to be a part of the plan,

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    In The Hands of The Father

    His plan. When I am in His will He will show me favor

    with those around me, but I need to make sure I giveHim the glory and not let it go to my head. I need to

    remain humble.

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    A Spirit Filled Life

    Romans 15: 17-19 says Therefore I glory in ChristJesus in service to God I will not venture to speakof anything except what Christ has accomplished

    through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by

    what I have said and done by the power of signs

    and miracles, through the power of the Spirit. So from

    Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum, I have fully

    proclaimed the gospel of Christ.The Lord is a God to be experienced. When I am

    lled with His Spirit I experience His presence and I

    want to speak of nothing but Him and all He has done.

    To live a Spirit lled life always, what a joy that would

    be. But there are times I allow the tank to run low and

    sputter to a complete stop. Sometimes I am able to roll

    into the lling station and ll up. Other times I have to

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    In The Hands of The Father

    walk a distance to get a small amount to get me back

    to the lling station. I may even have to call someone

    to get me there. There are times I see the tank is almost

    empty, but I try to push it a little further and live in

    a stressed state rather than in a joyful state. As my

    relationship grows He is constantly on my mind. I am

    more and more aware of when I am slipping and need

    a fresh lling. You cannot run a car without lling the

    tank; I cannot run my life without the fresh lling of

    the Holy Spirit daily. The best plan is to ll up long

    before that needle gets to the E. With God it is okay to

    top off the tank rather than to run dry.

    All that I say must be guided by the Holy Spirit of

    God within me. It is by His power lives can be changed.

    It is by His power that miracles abound. I see miracles

    every day. Life itself is a miracle. His Spirit is always

    with me, even when I allow myself to run empty there

    are always traces of His Spirit. You cannot be lled

    with the Holy Spirit and not be forever changed. When

    you are lled with the Spirit of God you cannot help

    but see the world differently. It is not the way the lost

    see it. The lost can make no sense of what you see. I

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    In The Hands of The Father


    cannot see clearly without looking through the eyes of

    God, through Christ Jesus and His Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit is my counselor, my guide through

    life. I have the choice to follow or to go astray. I can

    live a joyful life lled with the Spirit or I can sputter

    through life on an empty tank. How can I choose the

    empty life when I have been held in the hands of God?

    I can feel the pain of separation when I stray and it is a

    pain I do not want to endure. Why do I stray? It is the

    natural man that also resides within me, it is the false

    picture of pleasure the world presents. These pleasures

    are short lived and always leave you unfullled, so you

    must have more and more to get that high. While I do

    want more and more when I connect with God, want

    more and more of His Spirit within me, I am fullled.

    I am at peace rather than stressed that I need more aswith the worldly pleasures.

    My words are so inadequate in explaining this. I can

    never tell what it is like to make you understand. That

    is why I say God is to be experienced, not just talked

    about. You must have that personal relationship with

    God, the creator of the universe to fully understand.

    With God in your corner not even the gates of hell can

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    Conversing With God

    Ever wish you could nd a good listener, someoneyou could poor out your most intimate thoughtsand feelings to. Someone you can trust to keep it

    between you and them. Someone to hear you out when

    need be and give you honest advice when needed.

    Someone who will instantly forgive you when you

    wrong them, actually before you wrong them.

    That someone is God and it is that relationship thatwas restored through the blood of Christ. Yes there

    were those who had relationships prior to Christs

    death and resurrection, it was because of the promise

    of His coming sacrice. But since the rst Good Friday

    and glorious Easter that relationship is so much more

    open anyone can come to that personal relationship

    with the One and Only True God.

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    In The Hands of The Father

    I will at times have a question I am struggling with

    or I will do or say something I should not have. I will

    at times, way too many times, dwell on thoughts that

    would lead me down a dangerous or destructive path.

    God always brings me back. It may be through a devo-

    tional I was reading. A devotional He knew I would

    be reading that very day, He set it up. The word could

    come from a friend or maybe someone I do not even

    know. It could be a pastor at church or on the radio.

    Wherever it comes from, the Lord will always send me

    an encouraging word, a rm word, a stern warning or

    an instructive word to help me know Him better. It is

    always what I need at that moment to get me on track

    or to encourage me along the way.

    Whenever I need to talk to God, I can poor it all out.

    I can say what I feel. I can share my pain and it is always

    soothed. I can share my joys and they are always mul-

    tiplied. I can share the good times and the bad. I never

    have to explain, He understands before I speak it. No

    problem is too large or too small. He wants hear it all.

    Not that He has to hear it from you, He knows. He just

    wants to be there for you and share with you.

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    In The Hands of The Father


    Yes the Lord our God, our Savior, our King is a

    great listener. Oh but take the time to listen to Him andyou will be amazed. Listen through the beauty of His

    creation. Listen through His Holy Word, read the scrip-

    tures. Listen by being still and feeling His presence. If

    we keep Him in our heart and continually be lled by

    His Spirit we can hear Him through our thoughts. His

    Sprit will search our hearts and make all our needs

    known to Him.

    Communicate with the Lord daily. Keep it on

    going all day long. Include Him in all that you do.

    Communication is not one way. Do your share of

    listening along with your talking. Doing this wont

    completely keep things running smoothly, it will just

    seem that way because He will be there battling with

    you. Invite Him along. In this world evil exists andit is always battling against good. It is all in how we

    respond to the challenges in life that dictates who we

    are. The Lord teaches us how to respond, the world

    teaches us how to react.

    We can respond in the Lords way and have joy and

    comfort in our life. Or we can react in the worlds way

    and be stressed worrying about justice being served. If

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    In The Hands of The Father

    we demand justice for others we must demand justice for

    ourselves. I am not sure I want face the justice I deserve.I want to face the justice Christ bought for me. I realize

    there are laws created by our government and people

    are subject to them and must pay the consequences in

    this world for breaking those laws. God, though, is the

    nal judge who will judge our life as a whole. He will

    offer us a choice. We can choose His judgment and let

    the chips fall where they may. I myself make the other

    choice. I choose His grace through the blood of Jesus. It

    is only through repenting and accepting Jesus sacrice

    can we choose grace. Through His grace we can con-

    verse with Him. For without the blood covering our

    inequity He cannot even look at us, for all have sinned

    and fall short of the Glory of God.

    The old hymn says take it to the Lord in prayer. Bein constant contact with Him bring every thing good

    and bad to Him. Lay it at the alter. Listen for His voice

    of encouragement. Keep the lines of communication

    open so He can speak with you at any moment and

    you can hear His voice. Stop listening to yourself go

    on and on and keep your ears and your heart ready to

    hear the Lords word and heed what He has to say.

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    What Are My Motives inMy Life Story


    often wonder what my motives are. There is that

    constant desire from my natural side that wants to

    be accepted, wants to avoid conict, and wants to be

    the good guy. This causes a struggle with Gods Spirit

    within me that demands I do what is right no matter

    the consequences. I am to speak the truth and not to

    placate. The struggle is also why I am doing the thingsI do. Is it to get something in return? Is it to feel loved?

    Is it to be liked? Do I give in or avoid acting to prevent

    conict? (Which by the way often fails, conict hap-

    pens anyway.) Is it to protect what I want or think God

    wants? Or do I do what I do out of appreciation of the

    love God has shown me? Is it an unconditional love

    expecting nothing in return? Do I speak what is Gods

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    In The Hands of The Father

    desire in situations or do I speak to protect what I am

    trying to accomplish aside from God? Do I speak His

    truth and trust that He will take care of the rest?

    Is it the love of God I am striving for or the love of

    the world? Understanding this requires two principles:

    First the love of God cannot be earned it is a free gift.

    Second love from the world will never be achieved

    because those of the world do not know true love. The

    worlds love is selsh love given only when there is

    something in it for the one dispensing the love. It is

    an unfullling love because there are strings attached.

    Only the love of God is fullling. Only love given

    unselshly is fullling.

    There are times you are going to follow God and

    people are going to get hurt because you are not doing

    what they desire. It is difcult when you see this. You

    feel the guilt because they are hurt. You feel anger and

    hurt because they put a guilt trip on you, especially

    when you have done much for them in the past.

    So what is my answer to these questions? Is my

    motive to serve God and love others as He has loved

    me? Or is my motive selsh?

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    In The Hands of The Father


    Unfortunately, although I believe my answer is typ-

    ically yes to the rst question, it is too many times yes

    to the second question. My hope is that I can get to the

    point that my answer is always yes to the rst.

    My prayer, Lord, is that you search my heart and

    purge it of the selsh love. Fill me with your Spirit

    that I may know your will and do your will. I under-

    stand people will not always understand my motives

    and think I am only out to get something in return. My

    desire is to do good in return for the love you have

    shown me Father, not to get anything in return. Help

    me Lord to do what I do with more understanding and

    more compassion. Help others to see it is your love in

    me that drives me. I want my story to be about you

    Lord and about your amazing love, because I know it is

    true. Replace that desire to be part of the in crowd withthe desire to be in with You. I want Your motives to be

    my motives. Give me Your words to speak not mine.

    Help me to speak of Your loving kindness and show

    others Your way is the only way. I want Your ways to

    be my ways. My love, Lord, is for you above all.

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    Moments of Uneasinessin My Life

    There are times I have moments of uneasiness. As I

    write I am in one of those. There are times where

    I am confused about what God wants from me. What

    are His plans? Some of these times I feel I am strug-

    gling with God like Jacob did. Am I struggling because

    I dont want to let Him have His way or is this a time

    to make me stronger or is it a time I need to touch

    someones life and the struggle is actually theirs? Life

    can be a real battle. In life there are the things that are

    right in the eyes of man and there are the things that

    are right in the eyes of God. As I go through life I have

    two struggles with this. One is a struggle with myself

    and one with others.

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    In The Hands of The Father


    With myself the struggle comes from two places.

    One comes from my desires from the natural man inme. The second struggle comes from fear. Fear to let

    God control, fear of what I might lose. In reality my

    fear should be if I dont follow God. Following God

    is always gain; there are always blessings in following

    Him. I know this yet I nd myself time and time again


    Often I am in struggles with others over what is

    truly right. They will present all the arguments that

    from the worlds point of view make sense. We can

    often take a narrow view of circumstances, rather than

    looking through Gods wide angle lens. We can make

    decisions that appear to be good for us without con-

    cern for how it may affect others. Unfortunately it is

    not always clear, especially when we mix in too muchof the worlds view with Gods. We end up limiting

    what He wants us to do. He allows us to limit our


    There are times when I am doing the right thing but

    others feel I am wronging them. I can get hung up and

    feel guilty because of how others react to my choices.

    Nothing we do affects us alone. If I am acting on the

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    will of God I am not responsible for choices others

    make based on my choices. It does grieve me even so.

    I always hope people will choose Gods way and it is

    painful to me when they do not.

    When I am pained or concerned people do not

    understand. From the worlds perspective it is their

    problem and I should not be concerned. Fortunately

    God does not have that view. When we choose sin

    He could have let us go and said to bad, you made

    your choice. But He did not. Instead He set His plan to

    restore us to a right relationship with Him through the

    blood of His Son.

    I thank God He does not let me go. I thank God He

    allows the struggles in my life that make me stronger.

    I thank God that I can come back when I stray. I thank

    God He has great plans for my life. I pray I see His plan

    clearly and I pray for the strength that comes only from

    Him to see it through.

    I feel the uneasiness lift as I write these words about

    my life with Him. My story is His story because He

    created me; He set my story in action. My life belongs

    to Him. I exist for His purpose, not mine.

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    Center Stage in my Life Story

    Oclap your hands, all peoples; shout to Godwith the voice of joy. Psalm 47:1Who is it in a play that gets the most applause?

    The star of the show receives the nal ovation, often a

    standing ovation. The star will take center stage. The

    leading character is usually the focus of the story per-

    formed on the stage.

    Who is it at center stage in my life story? God is

    at the center, although I often try to make the focus

    on me, I try to take center stage and receive the great

    applause. I push Him into a supporting role.

    When I allow God center stage, to take the leading

    role my story plays out just as He has scripted it. All the

    parts fall into place. There is a part of me who wants

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    rst place in the opening credits. But it is not about me

    it is about God.I have at times tried to protect the status quo, saying

    I am doing this to protect the programs God wants in

    place. I think that I have to make it happen or I have to

    make sure nothing infringes on what God wants to do. I

    am so wrong when I think this way. God does not need

    my protection of programs He wants to keep going.

    I remember a time when I was trying to make sure a

    singles bible study was not affected by changes others

    wanted to make in the singles program. Rather than

    stand against the changes as I knew God wanted me

    to, I set up a plan I felt would keep the bible study safe.

    I did this in fear that the others would not listen and

    take away from my bible study time.

    There were several problems in this situation.

    1. I let down a friend who expected me to support


    2. I thought of it as my bible study.

    3. I did not trust God to take care of His bible


    4. Most of all I was not obedient to God.

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    I convinced myself I was doing what was right. I

    felt this even after my plan failed. It was several yearslater that I nally realized how wrong I was.

    We can blind ourselves when we take center stage.

    The lights shine in our eyes and we cannot see all that

    is going on.

    God often will put us in a position of responsibility.

    When He does we need to act responsibly and obey

    Him. We must stay the course no matter what the con-

    sequences are or appear to be. If not, the consequences

    of disobedience are far worse.

    I can have situations where I will panic and feel

    something is not going to get done. That is when I can

    mess it up. When I wait on God it always works out.

    I dont mean to say just sit around and let God do it.

    I mean wait on His prompting, then act. I need to bathmyself in Gods word and be in communication with

    Him always to be in touch with His will. There are

    times God may want us to step up and take a leading

    role in His story. It is vital that we remember we must

    be ever vigilant and follow His story line. It is too easy

    to get hung up on our self importance that is when we

    fail. God put us there and God can remove us.

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    I have found when I stick with it against insur-

    mountable odds and keep in Gods will there is nothingthat cannot be accomplished. To succeed I need to do

    my part and allow God to do His. He must be in con-

    trol, I must follow my assignment.

    Some of the most satisfying accomplishments have

    been when I have own under the radar and things hap-

    pened so smoothly no one noticed; no one that is except

    God. I get in trouble when I desire too much credit. On the

    other hand I seem to get more credit when I give it away.

    It works so well, the more you give away the more you

    get. It is not always like kind, but it is always blessings.

    To God be the glory, great things He has done. All

    that I have accomplished for good is of Him.

    When He is at center stage life is good. When I am

    at center stage I am blinded by the light and stumblearound.

    The credits in the story of my life as follows:


    God as Himself

    Everyone else as friends and family

    Me as a servant of the Everlasting Father

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    How I Get Through

    Ihave written some of these chapters as I go throughthe tough chapters in my life. This writing has alwaysgotten m through. I have been able to get my thoughts

    down in front of me and have been able to confront. But

    there are other times I have re-read what I had written

    before and it was exactly what I needed right at that

    moment in my life. How does that happen?

    As I write today I have been going through a toughtime. It has been a struggle every day. I have gotten

    through only because I have been discussing my strug-

    gles and challenges with God, constantly asking for His

    direction. And no, He does not get tired of us going to

    Him for help.

    It just so happens that the last three chapters had

    been hand written but not yet typed out. As a matter

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    of fact I had not written for several months. I was sud-

    denly moved to add these previous three writings into

    my story. They were exactly what I needed.

    First were my motives pure? Was I right to be both-

    ered about my current circumstances. After evaluation

    I felt my motives were not out of line. Second I felt

    some uneasiness, I began to wonder if I was not doing

    my part as was inferred. I evaluated and found I was

    doing my job and this one person did not understand

    my methods correctly. Third was I looking for center

    stage or was I just trying to make the production suc-

    cessful in my supporting role. I found once again my

    motives were right. You see I had made a commitment

    to stand by my prayer partner, who is now head of the

    department and do all I could do to help make him


    This writing made me see I was on track with God.

    I asked a number of men to pray that I would choose

    my words wisely when I speak. After all this, a situa-

    tion that could have turned into an ugly confrontation

    melted away. God gave me words that were clear and

    to the point all day. We had a very successful meeting.

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    and stress about it. I will continue to do what I believe

    needs to happen, as guided by God and address mybosses concerns as well. So while the issues are real

    and there will still be frustrations, I need not let myself

    get out of control.

    My prayer is to say thank you Lord for hearing me

    out. You let me pour it all out and then you act. You

    took center stage.

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    Just What Is It I Want To Do

    Paul says in Romans 7:15-20 I do not understandwhat I do. For what I want to do I do not do, butwhat I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do,

    I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I

    myself who does it, but it is sin living in me. I know that

    nothing good lives in me, that is in my sinful nature.

    For I have desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry

    it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no,

    the evil I do not want to do this I keep on doing.

    In Romans 7:24-25 he goes on to say, What a

    wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body

    of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our

    Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to Gods

    law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.

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    The whole question of what I want to do in my

    life, day to day for that matter, can be very confusing.There are two opposing natures pulling at me. That is

    why this writing by Paul to the Romans takes careful

    reading, but it says what I feel. It can be a daily struggle

    at times to see clearly.

    Things run around in my mind intermixing with

    what I know is right and what my natural man wants

    to do. The battle can be very intense and many times I

    give in and do what I dont want to do from my spiri-

    tual natures point of view.

    The mind is an amazing thing; it can convince you

    that anything is okay. I can look at a sinful desire from

    so many different angles I can completely justify it

    in my mind. I am not saying that the initial desire is

    sinful, but the dwelling on it, and if I go that far, actingon it is. These are what make it sinful. We can train our

    mind to focus on listening to our Counselor, the Holy

    Sprit of God.

    It is so easy to fall into the trap. It starts out with

    something popping into your mind or something you

    see. That is why it is so important we are careful of

    what we expose ourselves to. I know some of it is just

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    out there where we cannot avoid it, but we need to look

    away and not burn in the image. I speak from experi-ence, the images come back.

    When something pops in my mind my natural side

    says that looks fun or that would feel good. Then the

    imprint of Gods Spirit tells me hold on. Then the battle

    begins. I end up with a choice. Sometimes the natural

    desire and my mind put up a great argument. How do

    I overcome?

    Well I dont always overcome, but I clearly know

    how. I need to go to God, call on His Holy Spirit to take

    control and give me strength. It is only then I am set


    We have been given that choice of which path to

    follow. We can take the wrong path of constantly giving

    in to our natural desires or the path of righteousnesswhich can only be followed by following Christ. Sadly

    there are detours and I have taken some. But the good

    news is that if you dont go too far you can get back on

    track. God has blessed me with the vision to get back

    on track.

    This does not mean it is okay to take those occa-

    sional detours on purpose. You never know when you

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    have gone too far. That detour may lead to eternal

    destruction. It is clear there is only one way to stayon the right path and that is through the perfect love

    of God through His Son and our Savior Jesus Christ.

    Their only two paths: the one to perfect love and the

    other to perfect judgment. I for one know I could not

    withstand the perfect judgment, so I have chosen the

    path to perfect love and eternity with God.

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    The In Crowd

    There is a song from back in the 1950s or 60sabout being in with the in crowd. People, myselfincluded, want to be in with the in crowd. We want to

    be considered cool. It hurts when we are excluded.

    For me there are times I am in and times I am out.

    The important thing is how I act when I am in. Do I

    remember what it was like to be out? Do I remember

    the hurt and pain? Sadly to say this is not always.

    I remember a time when I was in the seventh or

    eighth grade. I had a paper route and one of the rewards

    for getting new subscriptions to the newspaper was

    a weekend trip to the mountains. I experienced both

    being out than in on that same weekend. I was there

    with two others guys from my garage. The term garage

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    comes from a group of paper boys meeting at some-

    ones garage to pick up their papers for delivery.Well when we arrived and were choosing cabins to

    stay in one of the guys I was there with decided I was

    too un-cool to stay with them and wouldnt let me in

    the cabin. I was now an outcast and had to nd another

    cabin with some guys I didnt know.

    In this other cabin for some reason the in crowd

    of self proclaimed cool guys thought I was alright

    and included me in their group. Sad to say I did not

    remember my previous experience that same weekend.

    I got a little arrogant and was not nice to some of the

    outsiders, they just werent that cool.

    Over time I have learned that it is much better to

    befriend the underdog, the one people look down on.

    Jesus did this. He could have come and hung with thepious religious leaders. He could have been in with the

    in crowd and done what the in crowd did. The self pro-

    claimed in crowd that is.

    Jesus came to be with the outcast, the ones searching

    for a savior. Because of this Jesus was treated as an out-

    cast. Here He was the creator of the universe, Through

    Him all tings were made, John 1:3, being treated as an

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    outcast. The tables will turn. Those who thought they

    were so great will be cast out. Those who were thoughtto be low life will become part of the in crowd if they

    repent and believe in Christ Jesus as their personal

    Savior and friend.

    I have been in and out of the so called in crowd in

    this world. But I have always been part of Gods crowd.

    No matter what others may think of me I know God

    believes in me because I believe in Him. He is always

    by my side and there is no one better to have there.

    No matter the mistakes we have made in the past

    we need always to search for the better way, the only

    way. That way is Christ. We need to love as He loved.

    No where does He tell us to judge as He will for He is

    the only one worthy to be that nal judge.

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    On Track

    As I am writing this I am sitting on the train onthe way to work. The train needs to stay on thetrack to get the passengers where they are going. As a

    matter of fact it could be a disaster if the train derailed.

    There have been disastrous accidents when trains have


    I try so hard to stay on track, but there are times I

    slip off the track of life. Once again it is about not doingwhat I want to do. Sometimes it is saying to others we

    need to do this or that and not doing it myself.

    My biggest fear is causing my family to get off track.

    They have the choice to decide the track they will take,

    but I do not want to be the one that causes them to miss

    the right course to take in life. I just talked to Ashley

    and Jaime about making excuse like well other people

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    do it or even you do it so its not so bad or even okay. I

    dont want to be the one who is used as an excuse.One of the ways for a train to derail is if something

    gets in its path and a collision happens. In my life

    something often gets in the way. Something always has

    to be taken care of. We can get in a rut just dealing with

    problems. It can be overwhelming. We can get focused

    on the problems and miss the blessings.

    God has never brought me problems only bless-

    ings. Sometimes those blessings are a solution to prob-

    lems life brings. God has always pulled me through; I

    have no need to worry. That is not to say, as I have said

    before, just sit and wait. To nd solutions you do have

    to look for them, but look for them with God. Lewis

    did not go off into the wilderness without Clarke. We

    should not go it alone. What better partner to travelthrough life with than God. He knows the layout of the

    track; with Him we can stay on that track and reach our

    nal destination. He will help us through the obstacles

    that arise as we take the train through life. Remember

    that ultimate destination at the end of the line is eter-

    nity with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is the

    Son of God, who is God. Now I can in no way keep

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    anyone else on track, but if I stay there myself, they

    may see the way to Christ Jesus our Savior.My Moms favorite scripture was Psalm 23. Some

    of those verses as follows: The Lord is my shepherd

    I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green

    pastures, he leads me beside quite waters, he restores

    my soul. Even though I walk through the valley of

    the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for your rod

    and your staff they comfort me. Surely goodness

    and love will follow me all the days of my life and I

    will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

    This Psalm brings life into perspective and helps me

    to see I can stay on track if I stay with the good shep-

    herd. No matter what I come up against He is always

    there. He restores my soul. He quiets the storm just

    as He did when the disciples feared the storm tossingtheir boat around. The entire world and all of nature is

    subject to Christ, with Him I can get through anything

    that comes up against me. That condence is available

    for everyone.

    As I travel on this train I depend on the conductor

    and engineer for a safe trip, to keep the train on track

    and they usually do it. In life I depend on the conductor

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    of life, the engineer who engineered all that there is. In

    this case it is Christ and He will not fail. Christs trainis on course to that nal destination, get on board and

    you will not derail not matter how bumpy the ride gets.

    Not even when we are traveling through the valley of

    the shadow of death. His train is heading to the moun-

    tain of life. Dont miss that train; get on board before it

    leaves the station. The time is set, but not published.

    Dont be late because the train that follows leads to an

    eternity of pain. Dont wait until you here the conductor

    say Stand clear the doors are closing. Once they close

    the train moves on and you will be left behind. Get on

    board the Life Train it is Gods Love Train.

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    Poured Out

    For I am already being poured out like a drinkoffering, and the time has come for my depar-ture. I have fought the good ght, I have nished the

    race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:6-7

    Paul is facing the end of his life here. He will be put

    to death for the cause of Christ. Oh that I will be able to

    say at the end of my life I have fought the good ght,

    have nished the race and kept the faith. Paul sacri-ced his life for the gospel. Have I?

    There are many times in our lives were we are

    poured out, we may even feel empty, completely

    drained. Sometimes I have felt I was sacriced unjustly.

    That may be true, but I still need to run a good race and

    nish. Christ did just that as He said from the cross It

    is nished.

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    Who am I to have it any different? I may at times

    be falsely accused, so was Christ. The difference is Hiswhole life is blameless. I have been misjudged in my

    life, but I have also gone unpunished when I should

    have been. Ultimately I am free from eternal judgment

    because Christ poured out His life. In the same way,

    after the supper He took the cup, saying This cup is

    the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for

    you. Luke 22:20

    His blood was poured out for anyone who would

    believe and accept His gift.

    Right now, as I write, I have been poured out, falsely

    accused and the truth I have spoken has been ignored.

    This is not the end of my life, but it is the end of my

    tenure in a position at work. As long as I am there I

    must continue to run the good race and ght the goodght. I must accept this as Christ accepted the cross.

    But the hand of him who is going to betray me is

    with mine on this table. Luke 22:21 I feel I have been

    betrayed by someone I trusted. It is not my place to

    judge him as Christ will judge Judas, but it hurts more

    none the less. As a matter of fact the one I feel betrayed

    by feels he is right and has given me spiritual advice

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    as a friend. His advice has not been conrmed to me

    by God, as He always does. I must and have forgivenhim.

    God has allowed this in my life and I do not yet fully

    understand why, but I do know He has great things

    in store. While I can ask for insight, it is not my place

    to question God. Job was poured out by Satan. God

    allowed it. When Job questioned God, God replied:

    Who is this that darkens my counsel with words

    without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man and

    you shall answer Me. Where were you when I laid the

    earths foundation? Job 38:2-4

    Who am I to question God? He can pour me out

    whenever He chooses, for what ever purpose. As Job

    replied: I know You can do all things, no plan of

    Yours can be thwarted. You asked who is this whothat obscures my counsel without knowledge? Surely I

    spoke of things I did not understand, things too won-

    derful for me to know. You said; Listen now and I will

    speak: I will question you and you shall answer Me.

    my ears had heard You but now my eyes have seen

    You. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and

    ashes. Job 42:2-6

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    While I felt led to speak the truth and answer the

    accusations against me I am now to let go and waitfor God to do His will in my life. God allowed me to

    speak my piece and get my frustrations out. Now it is

    His turn to guide my actions. He will restore me to a

    greater place, as He did Job.

    Pour me out oh Lord that I may see the great things

    you have planned. I will ght the good ght and it is

    Your will that will prevail in the end.

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    He Will Make MeVictorious In My Life


    vil comes against us in full force. There are times

    when someone for some reason I cannot gure

    comes after me with a vengeance, trying to destroy me.

    Right now, as I have been writing, is one of those times.

    It has been going on for a year and just when I think I

    see relief coming it intensies. I report to this person at

    work and no matter what I do he is never satised. Itseems he never understands what needs to be accom-

    plished and goes against me no matter what direction

    I choose. I support him in meetings only to have him

    put me down. It seems he is trying to get me red.

    These times can really tear at you, especially since I

    am 53 and fear nding another job. It also can make me

    question am I wrong in how I do my job and I can begin

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    to question my competence, even though I have be suc-

    cessful in the past. When people constantly pound on

    me I can question myself. Thank God He has given me

    a couple of co-workers who support and encourage. I

    see opportunities but God keeps saying not now.

    I dont know what He has planned, but I know He

    will protect me. This is my prayer, as it was Davids:

    Rescue me, O Lord, from evil men; protect me from

    men of violence, who devise evil plans in their hearts

    and stir up war everyday. They make their tongues

    as sharp as a serpents; the poison of vipers is on their

    lips. Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked,

    protect me from men of violence, who plan to trip my

    feet. Proud men have hidden a snare for me; they have

    spread out the cords of their net, and have set traps for

    me along my path.

    O Sovereign Lord, my strong deliverer, who shields

    my head in the day of the battle do not grant the

    wicked their desires, O Lord; O Lord, do not let their

    plans succeed or they will become proud. Let the heads

    of those who surround me be covered with the trouble

    their lips have caused. Psalm 140 selected verses.

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    Through these troubling times I also pray: Set a

    guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over thedoor of my lips. Let not my heart be drawn to what is

    evil, to take part in wicked deeds with men who are

    evildoers. Psalm 141:3-4

    Yet my prayer is ever against the deeds of evil-

    doers; their rulers will be thrown down from the cliffs,

    and the wicked will learn that my words were well

    spoken. Psalm 141:6

    Even though others may attack me I must not fall

    into their trap and return evil to them. I must pray that

    I speak well, speak how God would have me speak. I

    must give it to Him to ght the battle and He will be

    victorious. He will vindicate me. Save me, O God, by

    Your name, vindicate me by Your might. For He has

    delivered me from all my troubles Psalm 54: 1,7Through attacks He delivers me; He vindicates

    me and He will again. There are times I need to avoid

    defending myself. In some cases it His desire to pull

    me out of the mess so He will be gloried, so I will

    depend on Him. In times like these He is my only

    hope, nothing I do can save me; no one else is going to

    save me. It is God alone who is my hope; God alone is

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    my salvation. I must trust in Him and He will see me

    through. Only He fully understands my ways and Hewill justify them, if I am in His will. Not even I fully

    understand what I do. I just know that if I am in con-

    trol things dont go as well, if He is, things are much

    better. With Him I can endure much more than I can


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    After This

    After this, the Word of the Lord came to Abramin a vision Do not be afraid, Abram, I amyour shield, your very good reward. Genesis 15:1

    After this, that is a phrase that can t into many

    circumstances in my life. At times of disobedience, at

    times of trial and at times of pure joy. Whatever this is,

    God is with me. He is shielding me with His protec-

    tion. He is constantly rewarding me, as He has prom-ised through Jesus Christ my savior, my shield, my

    great reward.

    God sent His Word to Abram and He sent His word

    to me and to everyone. His Word is Christ, In the begin-

    ning was the Word and The Word was with God, and

    the Word was God. John 1:1 Christ, the Word, came

    to make a covenant with us, as He did with Abram

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    in Genesis 15. If you read all of chapter 15 in Genesis

    you see the covenant was sealed with the shedding ofblood. In the gospel we see our covenant with Christ is

    sealed with the shedding of blood, the blood of Christ,

    just as He promised.

    Through that covenant He has promised to be

    with us always. Christ tells us not to be afraid. Jesus

    immediately said to them take courage, it is I. Dont be

    afraid. Matthew 14:27 The after this in this case is the

    disciples were off on a boat without Jesus. It was stormy

    and they saw Jesus walking on the water toward them,

    they were scared. In my life I know it is the Lord who is

    with me and I am able to take courage because of that.

    There is a song I learned at camp when I was in high

    school. It goes like this Here comes Jesus, see Him

    walking on the water. Hell lift you up and help you tostand. He will lift you in all situations and help you to

    stand. He has always done it for me. Because of Christ

    I can get up whenever I am knocked down.

    God is always with me and always will be. And

    surely I am with you always, to the end of the age.

    Matthew 28:20b. This part of the gospel of Matthew is

    about the great commission. We are to go out and teach

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    Gods truth to others knowing He is with us always

    and in all things.As a life long believer I have condence in Him

    always being there with me. I choose to stay with Him

    and accept His great reward. My son, the father

    said, you are always with me, and everything I have

    is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because

    this brother of yours was dead and is alive again, he

    was lost and is found. Luke 15:31-32

    As I stay in Him the reward is great, but I also cel-

    ebrate when one dead in sin, as I would be without the

    savior, returns and is born again. After this, after Gods

    great reward, I need to share this promise with others.

    Then as God draws them to Himself they can also say

    after this I can take courage and not be afraid.

    I am not afraid because the one I see walking on thewater to save me is Christ the Lord. The Word of God

    who came in esh to take away the sins of the world.

    He saves us in all situations. As I have been writing in

    pervious pages, these have been very trying times for

    me, but now I see the reward on the horizon. I see my

    vindication because of my faithfulness to staying the

    course and doing what is right no matter what I come

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    up against. I also see it is God and God alone who has

    brought me through after this all I can do is praise Godfor His faithfulness.

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    Now What

    Ineed to see and be obedient to Gods new planfor this phase of my life. There is someone at mycurrent job assignment or other contacts through this

    consulting He wants to touch through me. I also see

    this new position is to free me up to invest more in my

    number one priority, continuing to give my children

    every opportunity to see God. While they have to make

    the choice, they need to see Him in me. I know my jobcan be consuming so my prayer is that the Lord shows

    me how to manage my time and still garner honor with

    any client I am working with. We have so few years left

    with them at home. Julie and I need to do whatever it

    takes to teach them truth; for God is Truth; teach them

    love; for God is Love; teach them life; for God is Life;

    teach them the way; for Jesus is the Way to God. I am

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    the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the

    Father except through me. John 14:6We need them to walk in the light, for God is Light.

    This is the message we have heard from Him and

    declare to you. God is light; in Him there is no dark-

    ness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with Him yet

    walk in darkness we lie and do not live by truth. But if

    we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fel-

    lowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His

    Son, puries us from all sin. I John 1:5-7

    It is tough as I dont really have more time. Also

    now that I have to drive everyday, rather than take the

    train, I have been less diligent in my study of Gods

    word and my journaling. The plus is that my job is not

    consuming my mind with negative situations. I am

    able to think more clearly. I also am getting more sleepbecause I dont have to get up as early. This all allows

    me to focus on what is important when I am away from


    A lesson I am learning currently is how important it

    is to insure my kids feel loved. We all took a test (Julie

    the girls and I) and found that way we feel loved is

    through afrmation. It is important to create that envi-

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    ronment in our home. I see it very clearly by the afr-

    mation I receive in my new work environment makesmy mind clearer to focus on the important issues in my


    I also see how presenting issues and concerns to my

    kids from a position of love works better. It reminds me

    that I am so thankful to our Lord that He comes from

    a position of love rst. It is only if we fail to respond to

    His love that we face His judgment. But it is good He

    is so patient. How better to honor Him than to treat my

    kids, everyone for that matter, with the same love and

    compassion He has shown me for my entire life.

    So now I am reminded again that no matter what I

    go through He will be there and I can stay strong and

    persevere knowing there are greater rewards ahead. I

    dont know if it can get any better, but it will. UltimatelyI will be with Jesus in glory, not for anything I have

    done but for what He has done for me.

    So now what? Continue to praise His name for all

    He has done and for who He is.

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    Upside Down Sheep

    Ever had your live turned upside down with noclue what to do? It seems everything is goingwrong no matter what you do. For me when that hap-

    pens it seems I cant even breathe, panic can set in and

    nothing helps to turn it around.

    It is like an upside down sheep. When a sheep falls

    over they cannot get up, they end up on their back

    struggling. Their stomach lls up with gases, then

    they become bloated and would die. That is unless the

    shepherd turns them over and gets them on their feet.

    The shepherd must be ever vigilant to see the troubled

    sheep turned upside down.

    The Good Shepherd is ever vigilant. The Good

    Shepherd is Jesus Christ. He is always there for us to

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    turn to. The Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I

    need. Psalm 23:1 Jesus said, I am the good sheep

    know me they listen to my voice, and they follow

    me. John 10:14, 27

    As the sheep knows the shepherds and allow him

    to assist and guide, we can be at peace by listening for

    the Good Shepherds voice, He will guide us through

    and get us upright again.

    In my life I have always been able to depend on

    that peace He gives me Even though I walk through

    the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for

    Thou are with me. Psalm 23:4

    When those struggles come I can get in a state of

    panic, but then I stop, go to my Lord and hear His

    voice and the panic subsides. He hears my prayerand answers. Sometimes He answers before I pray

    or even before I know its panic time. He circumvents

    what could have been a very difcult situation. There

    are times where I am going through a very frustrating

    period and cant get where I want to be, then I nd if

    I had not been there some other situation would not

    have worked it self out.

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    My Good Shepherd is always vigilant. Is He your

    Good Shepherd, heed His call and you will have peacein all things. Worship and Him and you will have joy.

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    Through My Fathers Eyes

    See it through their eyes or walk a mile in their shoes.Youve probably heard these saying related tolooking at things from looking at things from someone

    elses perspective. You can also look at people from

    two perspectives: one as the world sees them and two

    as our Holy Father sees them.

    In my life I can clearly see a huge difference in how

    I see people at a given moment. When I am looking

    through the worlds eyes or even my own I see weak-

    ness when they dont measure up to what the world or

    I expect. I might be envious of their success from this


    When I look at them through the Fathers eyes I

    have a more tender vision of them. I may see their inse-

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    curities or I may see a great strength in them, that the

    world sees as weakness.

    You see the Fathers eyes look past outward appear-

    ances and actions. I have noticed people are even

    better looking when I view them as the Father does.

    Our Holy Father looks right into the heart and sees all

    the joys and all the pains. He knows why they act the

    way they do. We have this understanding of others if

    we listen to their stories and observe how they react or

    respond in various settings. Get to know them as the

    Father does. While our vision will not ever be as clear

    as the Fathers, we can see more clearly those of the

    world. We need to ask for His wisdom, discernment

    and vision and we will see.

    Sometimes my heart aches when I watch from

    the Fathers perspective. I see such pain in so many.

    I wish I could take that pain away, but only our heav-

    enly Father can. We all search for approval, when I nd

    my self searching and am full of dismay I can always

    nd all I need through the blood of Christ my Savior.

    Through His sacrice I have been approved. We need

    to offer that approval to others, show them the same

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    approval the Father has. How can I disapprove when

    the Father has approved me in all my shortcomings.While we wont approve of all the things someone

    does, we still can approve them. We can do this when

    we see them through the Fathers eyes.

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    Mercy on Me

    Sometimes life can be overwhelming, not so muchwith big stuff, but with a multitude of little stuff.It seems like there is one struggle after another, or a

    thousand small tasks to accomplish and all need to be

    done right now. I dont seem to be able to get my head

    above water.

    Sometimes it is other people acting crazy and you

    cant get them to communicate, to work through the

    problem. Everything around you is out of control and

    you cannot get a handle on it.

    Im there right now. It seems either Im crazy or

    everyone else is. Of course that is an exaggeration, but

    it seems that way none the less, with a few moments of

    sanity thrown in.

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    We are living in a world gone crazy. People take no

    personal responsibility, they want it all given to them

    on a silver platter. We are living beyond our means in

    the United States. Things start going down and there is

    that knee jerk reaction. This over reaction makes things


    I can only say Lord have mercy on me, help me

    through these struggles. It is only in the Lord I have

    hope, only He will show me mercy. Even when it seems

    there is no hope and no relief in sight, I know there is

    hope, it always comes.

    If it does not come in this life time it will come

    through His promise of salvation. Christ promised

    tough times for His followers. But only for His fol-

    lowers there is peace, a peace He gives us that sur-

    passes all understanding.

    In the end it will all work out and it may be in the

    end, not sooner. Never the less I will cling to the hope

    I have in Christ Jesus. All I want is to give that hope to

    those I care for. Sometimes I dont want to show the

    mercy I desire to others. At times it is a struggle. But

    how can I have mercy if I dont show it.

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    How do I overcome this? I dont alone, the Lord

    helps me. In the midst of my frustrations He will giveme insight into anothers pain, they may not even show

    it to me, but the Lord opens my eyes. When I am then

    able to show mercy I will receive it.

    When I say Lord have mercy on me, He says show

    mercy to others and I will.

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    Expanding The Horizonin My Life


    lessed be the God and Father of our Lord

    Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every

    spiritual blessing in the heavenly place in Christ.

    Ephesians 1:3

    Oswald Chambers writes on scriptures in his works

    The Message of Invincible Consolation (MIC) and The

    Moral Foundation of Life (MFL).Oswald says The sanctied saint has to alter the

    horizon of other peoples lives, and does it my showing

    that they can be lifted into a higher place by the grace

    of God, that is, into heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

    (MIC) He further says The Spirit of God is always the

    spirit of liberty; the spirit that is not of God is the spirit

    of bondage, the spirit of oppression and depression.

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    The Spirit of God convicts vividly and tensely, but He

    is always the spirit of liberty. (MIL)This hit me hard this morning because there are

    people in my life that need their horizon altered. I see

    so many in bondage, whose views are so limited to the

    right here and the right now. They cannot see past he

    challenges in their life and therefore cannot see solu-

    tions that will set them free.

    When the spirit of this world invades your life you

    cannot see clearly; it is like you are in a fog, trapped

    with no way out. Believe me I have been there. Even

    though I have lived in the freedom of the Spirit of God

    and seen over the horizon and have clear visions of the

    heart of God, I have been there.

    The other morning I woke up very overwhelmed

    with all that is going on in my life, the right here andthe right now syndrome. The feeling was I wanted out

    of my body, I felt trapped. Fortunately for me these

    moments are brief, because I know the Spirit of God; I

    now He will give me the answer or at least tell me He

    is in control and I can resolve it.

    The older I get and the closer to God I get, all the

    more I want to see liberty the Spirit of God gives me in

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    others. Unfortunately it is not a gift I can give, it is from

    God alone and everyone must accept and experience itthemselves.

    What I can do is rise above the chaos that surrounds

    me and hope others see a glimpse of what lies over the

    horizon and will desire a longer look.

    Oswald Chambers also said, God who made the

    birds never made bird cages; it was human beings who

    made bird cages.

    When you try to escape and you hit your head on

    the top or run into the side enough, you stop trying

    for freedom. So many I see cannot get out of their self

    made cage. Maybe they built the cage to protect them-

    selves from the world, but they have actually allowed

    the world to imprison them.

    What caused them to walk right in? SometimesGod reveals this to me, which allows me to have

    understanding and empathy. It breaks my heart and

    many times I cannot even tell them because they are

    not willing to hear it, or at least not from me. But

    understanding helps me be more patient and not be

    angry when they lash out in pain. It helps me listen

    and maybe help them have a moment of peace. It helps

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    me love them and it is love, Gods love in me, which

    can ultimately set them free.

    The fact that God has allowed me the vision to see

    this in some people is a wonderful, but painful gift.

    My heart can be so heavy sometimes because of the

    pain and sorrow I see that they cannot see because

    it is so buried. I have seen it come to the surface in

    cases and that can wreck havoc in lives and destroy


    Sometimes I dont want that heavy heart this gift

    can bring, especially when I cannot ease the persons

    pain. But Christ had that heavy, broken heart for me so

    I must endure, even when all I can do is be there and

    hopefully speak an occasional word of wisdom from


    I look forward to the day I am with my Father in

    heaven, but until then I must bear the burden He has

    given me and bear it with joy and have peace that He

    is in control. I am here to do His will; it is His task to

    bring the lost to salvation and freedom; it is their task

    to accept and escape the bird cage and y away like a

    dove. As for me I have left that cage behind and will

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    continue to expand my horizon and pray to God that

    those I love will come along on a glorious journey.

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    But As For Me

    Many may attack you, maybe even those whoare close to you. That is the worst when theattack comes from close by.

    Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain

    you; He will never let the righteous fall. But You O God

    will bring down the wicked into the pit of corruption;

    blood thirsty and deceitful men will not live out half

    their days. But as for me, I will trust in You. Psalm55:22-23

    When the attack comes I cast my cares on Him. No

    not all who attack me are those wicked who will be

    cast into the pit of corruption and lose half their days.

    It could be attacks on them they are trying to deal with,

    maybe without the Lord. They need to cast their cares

    as well.

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    I can tend to give advice and even quote scripture.

    I can talk and talk to no avail. When I do that I am not

    casting my cares on Him. What works best is to go to

    prayer, constant prayer. Maybe the Lord will give me

    some words of wisdom form my troubled loved one. I

    need to give it, then go back to prayer. They may not

    heed what I pass on from the Lord right then, but I

    have often seen it show up in their life later on, it may

    be years. If my words of wisdom are form the God and

    my prayer is consistent it will take hold. I have had

    people repeat advice I have given back to me years

    later. Sometimes it is advice I need and other times it

    is conrmation from the Lord He is working on my

    prayer requests for my loved one. It always gives me


    So I will continue to trust in Him, I will wait for His

    call to action, okay I will try to wait. I can be impatient,

    but when I am patient I see the fruit. Some times it is

    small steps, but progress just the same. Sometimes we

    need to move ahead slowly because there is so much

    pain associated with the past. So trust in the Lord and

    take it at His pace, that always works best.

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    In The Hands of The Father

    I forget sometimes not everyone is where I am spir-

    itually; some are just babes and learning. I must notfrustrate them along the path lest they stray. Others are

    light years ahead of me in their walk and I must look

    to them for guidance along my path.

    We are all on our path some on the right path and I

    need to encourage them, not overwhelm them. Others

    are on the wrong path and I need to show them the

    right way as the Lord leads me. Some will straighten

    their path others will not, it is up to the Lord.

    But as for me, I will trust in You my Lord and


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    The Value Of A Child

    What is the value you put on a child. Do we asa society put value in the life of a child or arethey insignicant. Some see no value in life and will

    take it for no reason. We recently saw a tragic situation

    that really shook me as a Pro Life advocate. I see value

    in all life and I was very disturbed by this situation.

    A person who proclaimed to be Pro Life tragically

    took the life of another human being. The man who losthis life was a doctor, someone who should be a saver of

    lives. This doctor, however, was not. He was one of the

    few providers of late term abortions. Some would say

    stage of the pregnancy for any reason. I do not know

    all the facts, but he did provide late term abortions.

    In the mind of his killer the murder was justied.

    As for me I see no justication being Pro Life means

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    all life. While the state has the right to take a life for

    certain crimes, it is not our individual right to be judgeand executioner.

    This doctor was tried and found not guilty of

    breaking laws related to abortion. Agree with the ver-

    dict or not, he had his day in court.

    We have the tragedy of all the innocent lives this

    doctor was allowed to take followed by his own tragic

    death. This does nothing for the Pro Life cause.

    How did we get here, why are we so divided? Lets

    take a look at two leaders speaking on the topic of


    One said Let the children alone and do not hinder

    them coming to Me. The other said If one of my

    daughters makes a mistake I dont want her punished

    with a baby.The rst leader was Jesus Christ. He loved the chil-

    dren and they were drawn to Him. The second leader

    is, as I write, the current President of the United States,

    Barrack Obama. The leader of the nation that founded

    on the following statement We hold these truths to be

    self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they

    are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable

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    Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pur-

    suit of Happiness. Note that it says all mankind hasthe unalienable right to life. I dont believe that babies

    are excluded from that statement.

    Christ goes on to say for the kingdom of heaven

    belongs to such as these Matthew 19:14

    He went on to lay hands on them. They were in the

    hands of the Savior. Blessed by the one who created it

    all, the author of life.

    Think about what the second leader is saying. A

    baby is a punishment. Dare I say he proclaimed his

    future grandchild could be a punishment? How might

    his daughters feel if they heard this? Might they feel

    they could have been considered a punishment? How

    is that showing love to a child, how is that teaching

    them to value and care for others? I was devastatedwhen I heard those words spoken. I have no under-

    standing of how someone could think that way.

    This is less an indictment of one man than it is an

    indictment of where we have come as a society. To pin

    this on him alone is not my point. Many I have spoken

    to about this statement are not even bothered, that dev-

    astates me even more.

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    Roe v Wade was one ruling by the Supreme Court

    that has caused the taking of more lives than all thewars our country has been in combined. I believe the

    numbers are over 49 million children and ve doctors.

    These are lives that did not need to be taken.

    The only knowledge that gives my any peace is

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